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I have met so many people; I have made so many friends…

My supervisor and friend, Nico. You have guided me through this work and you have taught me how to enjoy science, which I really do now. Your hard work, brilliance and enthusiasm have been a source of inspiration for me.

Together with Kristina, you introduced me to the scientific world and we had quite an adventure with the mice. I am proud of our accomplishments. Maria;

thank you for accepting me as a PhD student when I first arrived to Karolinska.

I feel privileged to have had two such prominent scientists as my supervisors.

Lisette. Thanks for being such a good listener and advisor, always sweet and caring for me. What would I do without you? My hair is not red, but

“we should stick together anyway”. I cannot imagine a post-doc period without you being around. Anna C. I hope I will do my post-doc with you being around.

You are the best of friends and a reunion would be as sweet as it was sad when you left. Perhaps I should bring the monkeys… Florian, my dear friend. I am so lucky to have met you. You have helped me with experiments, with my project, with my thesis, with my figures…and we have had so much fun together: football, cinema, parties, excursions, swimming, running…Thank you!

Kristina and Leon, you have really moved me; life is beautiful. Stijn, your work and your thesis have set an example for me, almost too good of an example. I wish all the happiness to you and Sandra and your beautiful children. Christa.

Thank you for inspiring me to do sports. Hopefully one day I will be able to run marathon like you. Christian, “let’s flip out together and be Ninjas forever!”

Thanks for the company working late nights listening to good music. Deborah.

Thank you for being like a big sister, taking care of all of us in the lab. Cookies, coffee, good conversations and….Santa Klaas! Marianne, the pearl of Groningen. Thank you for being so full of life and happiness. Together with Betty, it was a wonderful summer. Sai. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. You gave me an ingenious and most welcome birthday present! The best of luck with your PhD. Sasha, my room mate, I will miss your beautiful smile and your delicious cakes. Aude, I hope you enjoy your stay in Stockholm and please, keep your helmet on!

All the members of the Cell Biology program, thanks for the Friday morning seminars. Per-Henrik, now that you also like the moon, I like pepparkakor. Lina, I think you never liked the moon, but I like you! Ales, Eva and Raju, you guys showed me how and where to make barbeques in the beautiful Stockholm archipelago. Arne, thank you for the music. Andreas, Dima, Giorgio, cheers!

Good friends at CMB. Jorge and Helder, thanks for wonderful parties and fun times at the gym, especially vacuum-cleaning. Tony and Lia, a jollier couple than any, “Holland is the best!” Zé, muito obrigada. Rosa-Amanda, Verónica, Janet y Elisabeth, las más simpáticas y cariñosas.

To my friends at MTC. Ulrika, your courageous personality is for the world to admire, as I do. By the way, I have made a copy of the key. André, I have enjoyed chilling out with you, your surrealistic humour and cultural indulgence. You left an empty space after leaving for Singapore, together with Victor, and Elena, a very cool and brave move. Micke, I hope you enjoy being with Julia during these days of pappaledighet. Best of luck defending your thesis. Elio, “Andiamo!”. You are the sweetest and funniest boy I have ever met; you will be the best doctor. Ying, thanks for the birthday parties and your generosity. Vanessa, the dancing queen, a party without you is just boring.

Teresa, gracias por no casarte con el Embajador…eres la más divertida! The crew of the MTC pub: Danika, Elio, Rutger and Alberto, you made those Fridays the best days of the month. A very special thank to Xu-Hong, my ubiquitin mate, a rescuing angel for Saturday injections. Thanks to Marianne J., for being the god-mother of the lab. Thanks for your kind help! Yvonne, thank for your taking care of my papers so well. To all the friends that have left Maria’s group: Cheng-Hong, Daorong, LiQi, Ainars and Piri. I am glad to have met you!

A Juan-Carlos, que siempre sabe hacerme reir. A Martin, por ponerle voz a Cortázar. A mis amigos catalanes: Alex, Anna, Rebeca y Gerard. Alex, eres un rayito de sol. No cambies nunca. Anna, la joyita de Barcelona: sigue brillando! Rebeca y Gerard, la pareja mas cariñosa, ahora tres.

Many thanks to my collaborators in Amsterdam: Fred, Elly, David, Femke and Paula for showing me their beautiful city, football, dinners and for sharing your expertise in brain science. Martijn, Bogdan and Hermen, thank

you for a fruitful collaboration. Many thanks to Sarah, Derek and John for most interesting scientific communications.

Ett stort tack till personalen på djurhusen vid MTC (Maggan, Mabbe, Torunn, Annelie, Linda och Kent) och CMB (Marie-Louise, Anna, Ulrika).

Min ”svenska familj” vill jag tacka för att ha stöttat mig under dessa år i Sverige, och för alla midsommrar, jular, födelsedagar, helger, fester och semestrar. Ni har tagit mig till era hjärtan, liksom jag har tagit er till mitt:

Mirja, Sven, Frederick, Lena, Hasse, Åse, Johnny, Tessan och Elias.

A mi familia: mamá, papá y Paula. Gracias por enseñarme a ser feliz. Vuestro amor es lo más importante para mi.

Jonas. “Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.”

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