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Clear-cutting history in relation to today’s forestry

My results demonstrate the importance of analysing historical records from both contemporaneous and modern perspectives. Paper I analysed the discussions, reports, essays and protocols published in a major forestry journal over an extended period, providing important insights into the debates, theories, and ideas that shaped modern forestry. In paper II, I was able to find and analyse a long time series of forest management plans and forest maps that provided a unique opportunity to follow the planning and implementation of stand-level forest management at over time. Finally, in paper III I examined aerial images from the 1940s, which revealed the extent to which clear-cutting had been used during the early 1900s; if I had analysed only more recent aerial images, the widespread early use of clear-cutting would not have been apparent. My analysis of early aerial images thus greatly improved the understanding of the landscape in Västernorrland County (and possibly other parts of northern Sweden) as well as the spread of clear-cutting in the early 20thcentury. Without such knowledge, one may be led to incorrect conclusions about how and why today’s forests look the way they do.

This thesis presents evidence that clear-cutting has been conducted for a longer time than is generally believed, which has implications for our understanding of the processes that shaped modern forests and the services they provide. We need to take this into account when creating nature reserves or engaging in other types of nature conservation: today’s forests were not shaped solely by natural processes, and some of the present non-financial value of forests may be at least partly due to anthropogenic influence. A longer time of

systematic forest management may also have affected the forests’ economic value in both positive and negative direction.

We can also learn from the differences in forest management practices adopted in different countries. Forestry in Sweden and many other European countries draws heavily on German ideas and the clear-cutting system. Today, clear-cutting is the dominant method in some countries, while in others it is barely applied at all. Knowledge of historical forest management can explain why this divergence occurred despite the similar origins of forestry practices in many European countries.

Information on forestry practices during times of open debate about the merits of different logging methods is particularly interesting because the participants in these debates also often implemented and tested the methods they were discussing. Foresters thus switched between different forest management methods, choices of tree species, and management actions. This is exemplified by the early decades of the 1900s, when both clear-cutting and selective cutting were regarded as reasonable forest management methods and were thus both used and further developed. Conversely, from the 1950s, opinion in forestry became more homogenous and clear-cutting was practiced almost uniformly. I therefore think that it is important to create an environment that supports open discussion and the application of different forest management methods in order to promote the development of innovative ideas in forestry.

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Sweden’s forests have been used as a source of timber and wood products for a long time and in different ways during different periods. For a long time, high-grading was the country’s dominant logging method. This meant that only the largest and best trees were logged and especially Scots pine trees. However, the removal of all large trees created “residual forests” containing only small trees of low quality that grew poorly. Indeed, some areas of central Sweden became completely clear of forest because new trees failed to grow after logging. This created a fear of widespread forest loss in the 1800s. Swedish foresters therefore turned their eyes to Germany and German ideas about sustainable forestry. The German approach relied on clear-cutting, whereby the forest was divided into areas of equal size. Each year, one such area would be clear-cut and then planted or sown to promote regeneration, resulting in the establishment of a new forest.

This method was considered to enable logging in a manner that could be continued indefinitely.

While the clear-cutting system was introduced in central Sweden in the early 1800s, it did not reach northern Sweden until the end of the 1800s, when industrialization and the associated demand for timber necessitated an increase in forest production. In the early 1900s, many industries were quickly established in northern Sweden. In particular, many pulp mills were set up and helped to spur the adoption of clear-cutting by creating demand for smaller trees unsuitable for the production of saw timber. However, other logging methods were also used, notably various forms of selective cutting, which involves logging only trees of (for example) a certain diameter or quality. The period from the early 1900s to the 1950s is interesting in that several logging methods were developed and applied to varying degrees, depending on factors such as the national and international economic conditions. Selective cutting eventually was phased out in around 1950, and clear-cutting became essentially the only used system in northern Sweden.

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