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14. Filtering Design Criteria 130

14.3 Design Criteria

Chapter 14. Filtering Design Criteria

information is rarely available for PI or PID control and therefore simple measures must be used.

The base for the criteria proposed are the transfer functions from mea-surement noise to the control signal, Gun, and the transfer function from measurement noise to the filtered output, Gyfn. These transfer functions are given by

Gun= C(s)S(s), Gyfn= Gf(s)S(s), (14.13) where S is the sensitivity function

S(s) = 1

1 + P(s)C(s). (14.14)

Control Bandwidth

The effect of sensor noise can be characterized by the control bandwidth ωcb[Romero Segovia et al., 2013], which is the smallest frequency where the gain of the transfer function Gun is less than a certain value β. In traditional definitions of bandwidth, β = −3dB = 1/

2. In this thesis a slightly smaller value has been used, β = 0.1. Approximate expres-sions for the control bandwidth for PI and PID control can be obtained by observing that the gain of sensitivity function S(s) in Equation (14.14) approaches 1 for frequencies higher than the gain crossover frequency ωˆc. Hence, (14.13) implies β = pGun(iωcb)p ( pC(iωcb)p forωcb≫ωˆc. It then follows from equation (14.1) that

ωPIcb ( 1 Tf

s 2kp

β ωcbPI D ( 2kd

βT2f . (14.15) Standard Deviation of the Control Signal (SDU)

The variance of the filtered process output yf and the controller output u generated by the measurement noise are given by

σu2= Z

−∞pGun(iω)p2Φ(ω)dω σ2yf =




where Φ(ω) is the spectral density of the measurement noise.

The expressions (14.16) are complex because of the shapes of the trans-fer functions Gyfn and Gun and the spectral density Φ(ω). It is rare that detailed information about the spectral density is known. Hence, in anal-ogy with the criterion IAE for load disturbance attenuation we will

char-14.3 Design Criteria

acterize measurement noise injection by

SDU =σuw= s



= s

2π Z

0 h2un(t)dt = ppGunpp2. (14.17) which is the standard deviation of the control signal for white measure-ment noise [Romero Segovia et al., 2014b] at the process output with spectral density Φ0. The second equality follows from Parseval’s theorem [Bochner and Chandrasekharan, 1949]. SDU is the L2norm of the trans-fer function Gun.

It is useful to have approximations of the criteria, like the one used for load disturbance attenuation where IAE ( IE = 1/ki. Similar approx-imations of ppGunpp2 given by (14.13), will now be derived.

The transfer function Gun(s) is complicated and its shape is different for PI and PID control and for process with different dynamics, see Fig-ure 14.6. Consider the shapes of the gain curves for PI control shown in the top row of the figure, they have a peak for lag dominated processes but not for balanced and delay dominated processes. For PID control there are high peaks for processes with lag dominated and balanced dynamics but not for the process with delay dominated dynamics. There are also significant differences in the noise bandwidths between PI and PID con-trol.

For low frequencies (small s) the numerator of Gun(s) is dominated by the integral gain ki. If the static process gain P(0) = K is finite the following approximations are valid

CPI D ( ki

s, Gf(s) ( 1, S(s) ( 1

1 + K ki/s = s s+ K ki

. The low frequency approximation of Gun(s) is thus

Gun(s) ( GI(s) = ki

s+ K ki


The variance of the output of GI(s) for white noise input, with spectral density Φ0, can be computed analytically from Theorem 3.3 in [Åström, 1970, p. 133], which gives

σ2I (π ki

K Φ0. (14.18)

To compute the contributions of the variance for the proportional and derivative part, the high frequency approximation of Gun(s) is needed. For

Chapter 14. Filtering Design Criteria

100 102 10-1


100 102 10-2

100 102

10-1 101 10-1


10-1 101 10-2

100 102

100 101 10-1


100 101 10-2

100 102

Lag dominated dynamics


Balanced dynamics Delay dominated dynamics

Figure 14.6 Gain curves of the transfer function Gun(s) in typical cases.

The top plots show results for PI control and the bottom plots for PID control. The different columns show examples of different dynamics, lag dominated, balanced and delay dominated from left to right. The true gain curves are shown in solid lines, the approximation of the I and PD parts by blue and red dashed lines, respectively.

high frequencies S(s) ( 1 and the contributions from the proportional and derivative parts are given by the transfer function

Gun(s) ( GPD = kp+ kds 1 + sTf + (sTf)2/2.

The variance of the output of this transfer function when the input is white noise with spectral density Φ0is then

σ2PD=π k


Tf + 2k2d T3f


Φ0. (14.19)

The contributions from the integral part I, and the proportional and derivative part PD, are not independent, but they are weakly correlated because of the frequency separation. Therefore ppGunpp2 can be approxi-mated by adding σ2I and σ2PD. Summarizing the following approximate

14.3 Design Criteria

expression for SDU is found


σ2I +σ2PD= v u u tπ ki

K + k2p Tf + 2k2d



Φ0 (14.20)

where ˆσuw is the approximation of SDU or σuw. The expression given in (14.20) can be used for processes where the static gain K is finite. For process with integration, which have K = ∞, the first term given by ki/K disappears.

The approximations are illustrated in Figure 14.6. The figure shows that the approximations of Gun(s) at low frequencies given by GI(s) (dashed blue lines), and at high frequencies given by GPD(s) (dashed red lines) are good approximations.

Noise Gain

Measurement noise can also be characterized by the noise gain kn[Romero Segovia et al., 2014b], which tells how fluctuations in the filtered process output are reflected in variations of the control signal. The noise gain is defined as

kn = σu σyf

. (14.21)

If white measurement noise with spectral density Φ0is considered at the process output, the noise gain for white measurement noise is given by

knw= σuw


. (14.22)

Following the same ideas used to calculate SDU, the high frequency approximation of Gyfn(s) can be used to find an approximate expression for the noise gain, thus

Gyfn(s) ( 1

1 + sTf + (sTf)2/2

The approximation is based on S(s) being close to one for high frequency.

Using this expression the variance of the filtered measured signal can be computed analytically, thus

σ2yfn= π Tf

Φ0 (14.23)

Approximative expressions for the noise gain can be obtained using Equations (14.20) and (14.23), hence

knw= σuw

σyfw = v u u t


K + k2p+ 2k2d T2f



Chapter 14. Filtering Design Criteria

It follows from Equation (14.22) that σuw= knwσyfw.

Thus, considering white measurement noise at the process output, the standard deviation of the control signal is the product of two terms, the noise gain and the standard deviation of the filtered process output. Both terms are influenced by the noise filter. The noise gain is a convenient characterization of the effect of sensor noise because it has a clear physical interpretation and it can be measured. A drawback is however that it depends on the noise spectrum as will be discussed further in Chapter 18.

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