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Future Research

This thesis has explored methodologies for uncovering, analyzing and explaining the multitude of ways participants can set straight divergent views.

But there is room for further studies into this phenomenon. It is also possible to study meetings where politicians are present. This project set out to find such a setting, but this aspect fell short because the invited politicians declined participation in this kind of research at the time. Hopefully, this thesis will create the opportunity for researchers to be present at political meetings in the future, especially knowing that anonymity of the study participants is firmly upheld.

Another possible direction research could take, is the uncovering of everyday knowledge of how features of society are organized, as discussed by Healey (2007). Healey comments that knowledge of the social is the knowing by doing and by experiencing. This relates to Schön’s work (1983) on how knowledge is the knowing through the doing, the performing and understanding that is inherent in the practical accomplishment. It can be evolved into practical accomplishments as practical ‘moves’ leading to practical consequences (Forester, 2013).

Examples of these practical experiences that we have knowledge about are

context of planning conversations. However, further research is needed to continue to develop these themes in planning conversations as well as in the city landscape.


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