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Helping Students Debug Concurrent Programs

In document Koli Calling 2008 (Page 80-84)

stu-dents initially approach a concurrent programming assign-ment from a user’s perspective, in which program behaviour is seen only through the user interface, and not all of them are able to switch to a programmer’s perspective [2]. Sim-ilarly, Ben-Ari and Ben-David Kolikant describe how high-school students make assumptions based on informal con-cepts rather than use formal rules and avoid using concur-rency [1]. We found students who saw the programming assignment as an ideal problem, in which many limitations of real-life programming, such as finite memory or network delays, do not apply [11]. We also found that students in-troduce many defects in their programs that appear to be caused by misunderstanding or reasoning incorrectly about concurrent program execution [9].

It seems that part of the problem is that the program’s runtime behaviour, a necessary part of the programmer’s perspective, is hard to examine or interpret, preventing stu-dents from effectively understanding what their program does and reasoning in terms of the relevant concurrency model. This suggests to us that students need to be shown the consequences of their understandings of what their pro-gram is supposed to do, the circumstances it is supposed to work in and what correctness entails. Showing students the exact behaviour of a concurrent program is a complex issue that we discuss further in Subsection 4.1.

Providing students with tools to study memory allocation would help them understand how their programs use (or misuse) memory. In its most basic form, this would involve using a profiler to get information on the maximum memory use of their program. More detailed visualisations, such as charts that show memory use over time categorised by where the memory is allocated, can be used to help students un-derstand memory use in more detail. Other resource usage issues, such as use of CPU time or network or disk capacity, can be handled similarly.

2.2 Understanding Goals

Students may also have a different understanding of what they are trying to achieve than their teachers. Ben-David Kolikant explains that students define a “correct program”

as a program that exhibits “reasonable I/O for many legal in-puts” [3]. We found that, apart from the expected problems with writing reliable concurrent programs, a lot of students wrote programs that were missing required functionality or implemented this functionality in ways that conflicted with requirements or required additional limitations on the run-time environment [9]. One reason we found for this was that students had different aims in their assignment, seeing it primarily as something they have to do to get a grade or as an ideal problem in an ideal context in which simplifying assumptions apply [11]. Others considered their submission a working solution to a real problem or even something that raises possibilities for future development [11]. The students also considered different potential sources of problems: the hypothetical user of the program (even when the assignment was specified in terms of the input and output of methods, not user requirements), underlying systems that could fail, especially network connections in a distributed system, and the programmer (the student) as a error-prone human [11].

The purposes of the programming task and sources of failure we found suggest that many of the errors made by students are misunderstandings of what their program is supposed to do and what situations it’s expected to cope

with rather than actual misunderstandings of concurrent programming itself. This is in line with our quantitative analysis of students’ defects [9]. Assuming that it is de-sirable to have clearly-defined and specific goals (which is useful in guiding students’ learning and simplifies assess-ment), this suggests that teachers should make goals more explicit and concrete. The goals should specify what the stu-dent should achieve rather than how, allowing stustu-dents to find their own solutions to problems. Students should also be provided with ways to explore problems related to these goals. The student should see his or her program clearly fail to work correctly rather than be told afterwards that he or she did something the wrong way.


Developing a concurrent program is a complicated busi-ness, and students are likely to go about it the wrong way.

3.1 Structuring the Solution

If we, as teachers or tool developers, are to communicate with students effectively, we need to speak their language.

We found that students see the process of developing a pro-gram in a concurrent propro-gramming assignment in three dif-ferent ways: writing the code that implements the solution, designing an algorithm that solves a computational problem and producing an application that solves a real-life problem.

Similarly, they understood the tuple space data structure in four distinct ways, as a specification that describes the ex-ternally visible properties of the operations on the space, as an implementation of the tuple space described in terms of how it works, in terms of how it is used in a program and as one way out of many to achieve a goal in a program.

In both cases, this shows that even in a very simple assign-ment, students can make use of different levels of abstraction to structure their solution. [10]

In Subsection 4.1, we discuss how this affects showing a student how his or her program works.

3.2 Finding Ways a Program Can Fail

Verification is the process of making sure a program is correct by finding any defects that may exist. The usual way to do this is to test the program. Finding sufficient test cases for a sequential program can be difficult. Exposing concurrency-related defects through testing is even harder.

Students are often quite sure of the correctness of their program and neglect to test it. In Ben-David Kolikant’s study of high-school and college students who had finished their CS studies [3], more than a third of the students were sometimes satisfied with only compiling their program to ensure it is correct and half of them did not check that their program’s output is correct.

We found our students have a wide range of approaches to testing. Some students used completely unplanned, cur-sory, testing. Some tried to ‘break’ the system (e.g. through stress testing), while others covered a variety of different cases. Moreover, some students found they cannot test their program adequately by themselves and need help from an-other person or tool, that testing in itself is not sufficient or that you have to prove your program correct yourself. [11]

The students’ verification approaches could be improved by providing testing tools to generate scenarios that are hard to discover using normal testing procedures and more ex-plicit and detailed guidance on how to apply different

veri-fication techniques in practice. The assignment itself could be changed to encourage students to learn and apply dif-ferent verification techniques by explicitly requiring models, as done by Brabrand [4], or by requiring students to create suitable tests, e.g. using test-driven development.

Model checkers, such as Java PathFinder [16] are often used to find concurrency-related defects by specifying re-quirements that are checked against all the possible states of the program. If the requirement does not hold, a coun-terexample is generated that consists of an execution of the program that violates the requirement. Model checking can in many cases be used to prove correctness properties. How-ever, as model checkers require that the program has quite a small state space and does not interact with entities outside the program model, adapting programs to a model that can be verified is often hard and error-prone work.

An alternative approach to finding concurrency bugs is to increase the chance of interleavings that lead to failure.

Stress testing is a well-known approach, and its usefulness can be further improved by making sure interleavings occur often and in many places. One straightforward and realistic approach is to distribute the program’s threads over multi-ple processors. Another way to do this is to automatically and randomly change the thread scheduling to make con-currency failures more likely to occur (e.g. [15]). This is the approach used by the automated testing system of our con-current programming course to increase test effectiveness.


Once a failure has been found, the underlying defect must be tracked down. Programmers can be helped to understand what their programs are doing by providing ways for them to explore their programs and by explaining their defects.

4.1 Software Visualisation

The goal of Software visualisation is to explain, through graphical representations, what a program does. Visualisa-tion has been applied to debuggers to create visual debuggers such as DDD [18]; debuggers with graphical representations of data. Most debuggers concentrate on individual threads and can only show the current state of the program while the cause of a program malfunction usually lies in the past (which is especially problematic in concurrent programs, as duplicating a failure may be difficult); RetroVue [5], with its tree view of all executed operations, ability to examine all previous states of the program and thread display showing lock operations and execution times of threads, is a clear exception to this. However, it does not aid the programmer much in finding interrelated operations.

Answering queries about the reasons for events and states in a program is a promising new idea of this type that has not yet been developed to a level at which it can be used in concurrent software development. This approach has an obvious application in explaining to students how their pro-grams failed. The Whyline [7], which uses dynamic depen-dence graphs to explain to novices the reason why a program did something (wrong), addresses the problem of explaining relationships. This approach has been found useful in some types of debugging situations in educational visual program-ming environments [7]. DDGs are of particular interest for concurrent programs, as interactions between threads (e.g.

use of locking or shared variables) are clearly shown as edges.

A few debuggers and software visualisation systems have

been designed with concurrency in mind. Most of them use sequence diagrams to display method calls; JaVis [12]

adds collaboration diagrams to show interactions between objects. These diagrams can become cumbersome for com-plex executions. Kraemer [8] describes many visualisations for specific aspects of concurrent programs such as call graphs and time-process diagrams for message traffic. Visualisation techniques for programs can also be applied to study model checkers’ counterexamples, as in e.g. Bogor [14].

Showing the user the executed instructions helps the user understand what the program is doing. In particular, show-ing the user the sequence of instructions that led to an unex-pected event can be very useful; studies show that program-mers often require information on the causes of an event and how different events are interconnected when looking for hard-to-find bugs [17, 6]. Concurrency can also make it very hard to trace the cause of an unexpected event.

Based on the empirical results above, we suggest that what is needed is a tool to generate execution history vi-sualisations automatically from a running program that are easy to understand and navigate and provide the informa-tion needed by the student in an easily understandable form.

Traditional visualisations such as sequence or collaboration diagrams are obvious approaches to doing this, and dynamic dependence graphs are a promising new addition.

There are several indications that students understand their program in terms of higher-level constructs than those in the code. One is that students see developing a pro-gram as solving algorithmic problems rather than straight-forward implementation. Another is that they understand tuple spaces at higher levels of abstraction than their actual implementation [10]. This suggests that program visualisa-tion tools should allow users to choose a level of abstrac-tion by grouping together parts of the code or execuabstrac-tion to correspond to their understandings, similarly to the ability to change between program- and algorithm-level behaviour suggested by Price et al. [13]. The tool could then visu-alise the behaviour of the program in a fashion closer to the student’s view. For example, if students understand their programs as sets of communicating entities, the tool should be able to show them the communication between these en-tities and the relevant aspects of their state even though this state may be spread out over several objects, and part of the communication is implicit in locking mechanisms.

4.2 Feedback

Based on the reasoning above, we summarise our sugges-tions and propose a systematic way of providing feedback about programming assignments to students based on an understanding of the underlying misunderstandings (a sim-ilar format could be used in a more general programming context for bug reports):

1. An execution of the program which fails. This can be automatically generated by testing or model checking and shown using the visualisations we have described.

The requirements of the assignment should be such that not adhering to them causes the program to fail in some situation the student can reconstruct. If the failure is incorrect behaviour (e.g. output), show it and the sequence of events leading up to it, focusing on the information relevant to the student understanding the failure. If the failure is resource overuse (e.g. memory), show how the resource is used (when and where).

2. A description of the defect that causes the failure. This can be expressed as a change to the code that elimi-nates the defect. Apart from failing executions, possi-ble defects can in many cases be automatically listed based on empirical information on defects and the fail-ures they result in. However, determining the exact de-fect will in most cases involve manual debugging work.

3. The underlying error. Using empirical information on the reasoning behind similar defects, and available in-formation on the student’s reasoning (e.g. documen-tation, comments, structure of code), a teacher can describe what he or she thinks the error is.

4. A teacher can try to determine what the student has not understood well enough and explain it.

5. Suggestions for how to detect similar problems: veri-fication strategies effective against this type of defect and design strategies that avoid introducing them.


While these questions have been raised in a concurrent programming context, they are also interesting in a purely sequential context. However, the answers depend on whether concurrency is involved, particularly in the third question.

1. How explicit should teachers make assignment goals?

2. How should students be shown programs’ resource use?

3. How should teachers encourage students to apply more useful ways of structuring and verifying programs?

4. How much help should students get in finding their programming errors?


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In document Koli Calling 2008 (Page 80-84)