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127 - Who owns our history and place names? Folklorist amidst the ad-

ad-7. Ethnographic knowledge in political decision-making – what’s the point?

Eda Kalmre1

1 Folklore Department of Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu, Estonia

In many aspects the administrative reform implemented in Estonia in 2016–2017 disregarded common sense, consideration of historical continuity, indi-genes’ sense of place, as well as hierarchical system of place names, to which people had grown accustomed in their cultural space still cherishing native culture. Therefore, feeling responsibility towards my profession and my community, and in an attempt to preserve the old parish name, I deliberately assumed the role of the spokesperson of a great part of local inhabitants.

What I did, writing letters and opinion stories to be published in the media, commu-nicating with local people, gathering signatures from local people for the petition in

rather than planned observation. However, my involvement and participant observation enabled me to realise in what way the authorities and their politics worked locally, as well as to take a glance at the ambitions and prejudices of the people engaged in politi-cal power games. In the course of this action I developed an idea about the choices and attitudes of the inhabitants of three rural municipalities towards the name topic. This name saga is just one of the vivid examples of the implementation of the reform that

-ever, against this backdrop we could form our opinions about attitudes towards local native culture at governmental-political as well as grassroots level.

7. Ethnographic knowledge in political decision-making – what’s the point?

Sara Kohne1

1 Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitenskap, Universitetet i Bergen, Norge

The replacement of small grocery stores by chain stores or the morphing of processes that upscale entire inner city districts. While this socalled «commercial

gen-unequally felt. Urban authorities encouraging retail regeneration too often disregard the diverse needs of local residents, and focus mainly on facilitating certain middle-class modes of consumption, like for example the attraction of fancy restaurants or expensive boutiques.

Appreciating that the social, economic or physical upgrading of an area’s retail infra-structure can have severe impact on the local resident’s sense of place and on their attachment to an area, this paper examines how people living and working in gentrify-ing districts experience and make sense of these changes. In that context, it makes an attempt to create awareness about the consequences that implementations of uncritical urban planning approaches tend to overlook.

-fying areas Kreuzberg SO36 in Berlin and Grønland and Tøyen in Oslo, I suggest that be regarded as a development that (often in a subtle way) can work in an excluding manner.

7. Ethnographic knowledge in political decision-making – what’s the point?

Tiina-Riitta Lappi1 Pia Olsson1

Our paper is based on a research project Shared City in which we have studied cultural encounters in public spaces in the Finnish metropolitan area. The three main targets for the project were to identify the ways space is connected with intereth-nic encounters, to increase understanding of meanings and emotional bonds connected in the context of urban planning. By applying ethnographic methods we have aimed at attaining deeper understanding of how people from culturally varying backgrounds use urban spaces and what kind of experiences they have relating to spatial co-existence, power relations as well as social norms and practices in everyday life situations.

and cultural practices to be studied. How should the results of the study be presented in order for them to be convertible to more focused topics and practical contexts, for example urban planning. In our paper we will discuss – based on our experiences in the project – the possibilities for making use of ethnographic knowledge in the political decision making and practical planning processes and the roles ethnographers could have in these processes

Integrativ etnologi, forskning och samverkan

1, Lena Martinsson2, Birgitta Meurling3, Britta Lundgren4

1 Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Lunds universitet, Lund, Sverige

2 Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg, Sverige

3 Institutionen för kulturantropologi och etnoologi, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, Sverige

4 Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper, Umeå univeersitet, Umeå, Sverige

Panelen vill ta upp frågan om hur vetenskaplig forskning kan föras ut till praktiker i samhället samt hur vi utvecklar vetenskaplig kunskap i samarbete med pro-fessionella grupper och organisationer.

En av forskningens uppgifter är att bidra till lösningar av centrala samhällsutmaning-ar. Sådana lösningar kan vara tvärvetenskapliga inom akademin, men också utgå från samverkan med samhällsinstitutioner, myndigheter och organisationer utanför akade-min. Forskning och forskningsansökningar saknar ofta ett tydligt samverkansinitiativ.

Det saknas även ett ansvarstagande från akademins sida att vägleda professionellas omsättning av vetenskapliga resultat i en förändrad praxis. Professionella förutsätts ofta att agera utan stöd i forskning vilket leder till att stereotypa föreställningar om exempelvis kön, etnicitet, generation inte utmanas, liksom dikotomier som rör stad/land, människa/

natur m m upprepas. Samtidigt är det betydelsefullt att forskare tar till sig kunskap och problembilder från de praktiska fälten i den egna vetenskapliga kunskapsproduktionen.

Vi som inbjuder till denna panel är involverade i tematiskt vitt skilda forskningsprojekt, -son) i ett projekt om Ungdomar och sexuellt våld samverkar med kommuner i Skåne;

Britta Lundgrens projekt rör området One Health, alltså smittsamma sjukdomar som människor delar med djur. Lena Martinsson forskar om och samarbetar med olika soci-ala och feministiska rörelser nationellt och internationellt och Birgitta Meurling samar-betar regelbundet med Svenska kyrkan samt med museisektorn. Sammantaget kan de olika projekten vara exempel på integrativ etnologi.

Vi vill diskutera frågor såsom prevention och beredskap, praktikorientering kontra teori eller vetenskapliga och samhälleliga hierarkier i relation till de olika forskningsfrågorna.

130 - Framing religious criticism in a Swedish secular cultural and legal