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In document Resfria Möten (Page 64-71)

Arnfalk, P. 2012. Möjliga effekter av resfria möten – förslag på indikatorer. Working paper: http://

lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile&recordOId=3051109&fileOId=3051124 Lindeblad, P. A. 2012. Organizational effects of virtual meetings: How can we gain from fewer

handshakes? Master thesis:http://lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile&recordO Id=3125868&fileOId=3125878

Voytenko, Y., 2012. Effects from Virtual Meetings on Individual Level. Work report

Voytenko, Y., Arnfalk, P., Mont, O., and Klintman, M. 2013. Effects of Virtual Meetings on Em-ployees in Swedish Public Authorities (inlämnat till IEEE Transactions on Professional Com-munication, under revidering efter peer review)

Arnfalk, P. 2013. Arbete, studier och möten på distans – hur påverkas resandet? Delrapport 2: Res-fria Möten

Voytenko, Y., Lindeblad, P. 2013. Effects of Virtual Meetings on Individuals and Organisations in Swedish Public Authorities. Survey results from Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Traffic Ad-ministration and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Work report

Pågående artiklar:

Lindeblad, P. Organisational effects of virtual meetings (ska lämnas in snarast)

Voytenko, Y., Arnfalk, P., Mont, O. and Lindeblad, P. Indicators to Measure Impacts from Virtual Meetings on Individuals (ska lämnas in till IEEE Transactions on Professional Communica-tion)

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Arnfalk, Peter, Pontus Grönvall, Ulf Pilerot, and Per Schillander. 2010. Resfria möten - en handled-ning [Virtual meetings - a guidebook]. Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration).

Arnfalk, Peter, and Beatrice Kogg. 2003. “Service Transformation - Managing a Shift from Business Travel to Virtual Meetings.” Journal of Cleaner Production 11: 859–872.

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Björnberg, Ulla. 2002. “Ideology and Choice Between Work and Care: Swedish Family Policy for Working Parents.” Critical Social Policy 22 (1): 33–52.

Borggren, Clara, Åsa Moberg, Minna Räsänen, and Göran Finnveden. 2013. “Business Meetings at a Distance – Decreasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Cumulative Energy Demand?” Jour-nal of Cleaner Production 41 (February): 126–139. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.09.003.

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Cisco. 2008a. “Cisco IT Case Study: How Virtual Meetings Provide Substantial Business Value and User Benefits”. Cisco Systems. http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ciscoitatwork/downloads/


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Kogg, Beatrice. 2000. “Optimal Meetings: Realising the Environmental and Economic Promise of Virtual Business Meetings. A Case Study of Telia Research AB”. Lund: Lund University.

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Lindeblad, Peter Abrahamsson. 2012. “Organisational Effects of Virtual Meetings How Can We Gain from Fewer Handshakes?” Lund, Sweden: Lund University, the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics. http://lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile


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In document Resfria Möten (Page 64-71)

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