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Resultaten visar att spridningen av de publicerade nationella dokumenten om palliativ vård, Nationellt kunskapsstöd för palliativ vård i livets slutskede och Nationellt vårdprogram för palliativ vård inte är tillfredsställande inom akutsjukvården. Begreppet palliativ vård beskrevs som ett förhållningssätt. framför allt för patienter som vårdas i livets slutskede.

Resultaten visar också på svårigheter att ge palliativ vård inom akutsjukvården beroende på faktorer i vårdkontexten: hög arbetsbelastning, otillräcklig kommunikation och otillräckligt teamarbete.

Resultaten visar att den framtagna strategin inte vara tillräckligt stödjande för att implementera symtomskattningsformuläret IPOS inom akutsjukvården, men att

användningen av IPOS bidrog till kvalitetsförbättringar av palliativ vård. Ytterligare studier bör genomföras för att stödja implementering av palliativ vård inom akutsjukvården.


It has been an exciting and challenging journey to write this thesis and a lot of people have supported me. First of all, I sincerely thanks the study participants for generously

participating in the project, and for sharing your time and experiences. You made this thesis possible!

To Karolinska Institut, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Nursing, for providing a good learning environment in your PhD program.

To the Erling-Persson Family Foundation for funding my employment as a PhD student at Palliative Research Centre at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College.

Grants from Ulrica Cronés Foundation and Karolinska Institute were gratefully received, giving me the possibility to join conferences and PhD courses.

Thanks also to the Swedish Society of Nursing for the honour of receiving your PhD Scholarship in 2015. The scholarship made it possible for me to participate in rewarding nursing conferences.

To the Palliative Research Centre at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College for providing a creative and learning environment.

To my main supervisor in recent years, Professor Lars Wallin. There would be no thesis on implementation of palliative care without you. Thank you for your never-ending efforts to share your knowledge of implementation science and for always being calm, patient and encouraging.

To my main supervisor during the first two years and thereafter as my co-supervisor,

Associated Professor Jonas Sandberg. Thank you for introducing me into the research world and support during the work with this thesis.

To my co-supervisor, Professor Carl Johan Fürst. Thank you for never-ending support and letting me accompany you in a large amount of projects for many years. Without the knowledge and experiences I have received through the work with the National knowledge-based guidance for good palliative care in end-of-life care and National clinical practice guideline for palliative care, this thesis has not been written.

To my co-supervisor, Professor Tomas Brytting. Thank you for introducing me in the area of research on organisations and for giving support and comments on the manuscripts.

To my mentor, Associated Professor Carina Lundh Hagelin. Thank you for encouraging me in ups and downs during these years. You have given me strength and energy whenever I needed it.

To my former manager and co-author, Associated Professor Jan Adolfsson. Thank you encouraging me to apply as a PhD student at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College.

To my co-authors, Professor Bertil Axelsson and Med. Dr Ingela Beck, thank you for sharing your knowledge, time and support on the manuscripts.

To my current and former colleagues, thanks for inspiring and encouraging seminars and meetings and for sharing your knowledge and experience. A special thanks to my first PhD colleagues: Maja Holm, Tina Lundberg, Lotta Saarnio and Viktoria Wallin. Thank you for interesting discussions and support over the years.

To my friends Anders and Maria and your family. Thanks for all good dinners and all dö-snack.

To my parents, Margaretha och Bernt Lind. Thank you for always believing in me and for your great sense of pride of my thesis.

To my sister Anette Lind. Thank you for never-ending support, many and long conversations and always being there for me. I will always be there for you when you start your journey.

To my beloved daughters, Sandra, Malin och Moa and your families. Thank you for always believing in me and your happy applause. You make life worth living.

And finally, to the most important man in my life, Micke. No words needed. I love you.


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