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Transmission lines in frequency domain

Transmission lines in frequency domain 35

v v( , 3ℓ 2v)

1 5V0



2 ℓ z


t= v2`

p: v2 is reflected at z = 0. The load impedance at z = 0 is the inner resistance 4R and the reflection coefficient is

Γ0= 4R− R 4R + R = 3


The reflected wave is a step with amplitude v3 = Γ0v2 = 3V0/25. The total voltage at z = 0 is

v(0, 2`/vp+) = v1+ v2+ v3= V0/5 + V0/5 + 3V0/25 = 13V0/25 t > 2`v

p: The reflections continue. After infinite time the voltage at z = 0 is a geometrical series

v(0,∞) = v1+ v2+ v3· · · = 2V0 5

X k=0

3 5


= 2V0 5


1− 3/5 = V0

This does not surprise us since after long time the circuit is a dc circuit. The time evolution of the voltage is very rapid since the travel time `/vp is very short.





+- Z(0)


Figure 3.13: The input impedance Z(0).

where β = ω√

LC = ω/vp is the phase coefficient. The equation has the two independent solutions

V(z) = V+(z) + V(z) = Vpe−jβz+ Vnejβz (3.16) In general Vp =|Vp|ep and Vn=|Vn|en. The time dependent voltage is given by

v(z, t) = Re


= v+(z, t) + v(z, t)

=|Vp| cos(ωt − βz + φp) +|Vn| cos(ωt + βz + φn)

Since ωt− βz = ω(t − z/vp) we see that v+(z, t) is a wave propagating in the positive z−direction with speed v. In the same manner v(z, t) is a wave propagating in the negative z−direction with speed vp. The wavelength for the time harmonic waves is the shortest length λ > 0 for which v+(z, t) = v+(z + λ, t) for all t. That gives βλ = 2π or

λ= 2π/β = 2πvp/ω= vp/f

The complex current satisfies the same equation as V (z) and hence

I(z) = I+(z) + I(z) = Ipe−jβz+ Inejβz (3.17) We insert (3.16) and (3.17) in (3.15) and get


I+(z) =−V(z) I(z) = Z0

where Z0 =p

L/C is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line, c.f., (3.12).

3.4.1 Input impedance

We assume a lossless line with length ` and characteristic impedance Z0 with a load impedance ZL at z = `. The line and load are equivalent to an input impedance Z(0) at

`= 0 where

Z(0) = V(0) I(0) = Z0

Vp+ Vn Vp− Vn

= Z0

1 + Vn/Vp

1− Vn/Vp (3.18)

To get the quotient Vn/Vp we use the boundary condition at z = ` ZL= V(`)

I(`) = Z0Vpe−jβ`+ Vnejβ`

Vpe−jβ`− Vnejβ`

We get

Vn Vp

= ZL− Z0

ZL+ Z0


Transmission lines in frequency domain 37

and insert this into (3.18)

Z(0) = Z0(ZL+ Z0)ejβ`+ (ZL− Z0)e−jβ`

(ZL+ Z0)ejβ`− (ZL− Z0)e−jβ`

= Z0ZLcos(β`) + jZ0sin(β`) Z0cos(β`) + jZLsin(β`)


This is the complex input impedance in the frequency domain. Circuit theory would give Z(0) = ZL which in many cases is completely wrong, as will be seen from the examples below.

We see that at the load, z = `, the reflection coefficient in the frequency domain is in accordance with the corresponding coefficient in time domain, c.f., (3.14)

Γ =V(`)

V+(`) = ZL− Z0

ZL+ Z0

At a position z < ` the reflection coefficient gets a phase shift of 2β(`− z), i.e., V(z)

V+(z) = Γe−2jβ(`−z) = ZL− Z0

ZL+ Z0


Example 3.3

Matched line: If ZL = Z0 then Γ = 0 and Z(0) = Z0 regardless of the length of the line and there are no waves propagating in the negative z−direction. We say that the impedance is matched to the line.

Example 3.4

Shortened and open lines: An open line at z = ` has ZL=∞ and a shortened line at z= ` has ZL= 0. The corresponding input impedances are

ZL=∞ ⇒ Z(0) = −jZ0cot β` (3.20)

ZL= 0 ⇒ Z(0) = jZ0tan β` (3.21)

The input impedance is purely reactive in both cases. This is expected since there is no dissipation of power in the line or in the load.

Example 3.5

Quarter wave transformer: When the length of the line is a quarter of a wavelength long, ` = λ/4, then β` = π/2 and

Z(0) = Z02

ZL (3.22)

When ZL = ∞ then Z(0) = 0 and when ZL = 0 then Z(0) = ∞, which is opposite of what circuit theory predicts.

Example 3.6

Matching a load by λ/4 transformer: Assume that we like to match a resistive load RL to a lossless line with characteristic impedance Z1. This is done by using a quarter wave transformer with characteristic impedance Z0=√


3.4.2 Standing wave ratio

At high frequencies it is difficult to determine the load impedance and the characteristic impedance by direct measurements. A convenient method to obtain these quantities is to measure the standing wave ratio (SWR). We then measure the amplitude, |V (z)|, along the line with an instrument that can register the rms voltages.

The standing wave ratio is the quotient between the largest and smallest value of|V (z)|

along the line

SWR = |V (z)|max

|V (z)|min

When the waves Vpe−jβz and Vnejβz are in phase we get the maximum voltage and when they are out of phase we get the minimum voltage. Thus

SWR = |Vp| + |Vn|

|Vp| − |Vn| = 1 +|Γ|

1− |Γ|

|Γ| = SWR− 1 SWR + 1

|Γ| = |Vn|

|Vp| =

ZL− Z0

ZL+ Z0

The distance ∆z between two maxima is determined by e2jβ∆z = ej2π, β∆z = π and hence ∆z = λ/2.

3.4.3 Waves on lossy transmission lines in the frequency domain

When R > 0 and G > 0 the transmission line is lossy and some of the power we transport along the line is transformed to heat in the wires and in the material between the wires.

Due to these power losses the waves are attenuated and decay exponentially along the direction of propagation. The losses are assumed to be quite small such that R ωL and G 1/(ωC).

From the general transmission line equations (3.15) we derive the equation for the voltage


dz2 − γ2V(z) = 0 (3.23)


γ =p

(R + jωL)(G + jωC) = propagation constant. (3.24) The general solution to (3.23) is

V(z) = Vpe−γz+ Vneγz The corresponding current is

I(z) = Ipe−γz+ Ineγz = 1

Z0(Vpe−γz− Vneγz)

Transmission lines in frequency domain 39


Z0= s

R+ jωL

G+ jωC (3.25)

is the characteristic impedance. We can decompose the propagation constant in its real and imaginary parts

γ = α + jβ

where α =attenuation constant and β =phase constant. With cos ωt as phase reference the time domain expressions for a time harmonic wave are

v(z, t) = Re


=|Vp|e−αzcos(ωt− βz + φp) +|Vn|eαzcos(ωt + βz + φn) where Vp =|Vp|ep and Vn =|Vn|en. Also in this case we can define a wave speed. In order to have a constant argument in cos(ωt− βz + φp) we must have z = ωt/β+constant and this leads us to the definition of the phase speed

vp = ω β

If we have a line with length ` and characteristic impedance Z0, that is terminated by a load impedance ZL, the input impedance is

Z(0) = Z0ZLcosh γ` + Z0sinh γ`

ZLsinh γ` + Z0cosh γ`

The derivation is almost identical to the one for the lossless line.

3.4.4 Distortion free lines

When we have losses the phase speed, attenuation constant and the characteristic impedance are all frequency dependent. If we send a pulse along such a transmission line the shape of the pulse changes. We say that the pulse gets distorted when it propagates. The distor-tion of pulses is a serious problem in all communicadistor-tion systems based on guided waves.

Luckily enough we can get rid of the distortion if we can adjust L or C such that R

L = G C Then

γ =√ LCp

(R/L + jω)(G/C + jω) =√

RG+ jω√ LC and we get a line that is distortion free since the attenuation α = √

RG and the phase speed vp = ω/β = 1/√

LC are frequency independent. The characteristic impedance of a distortion free line is the same as for a lossless line, i.e., Z0 = p

L/C. If we send a pulse along a distortion free line the amplitude of the pulse decreases exponentially with distance but its shape is unaffected.

Historical notes on distortion free lines

In the early times of telephone communication, distortion was a big problem. One could only transmit speech over short distances otherwise it would be too distorted. Also in telegraphy, where the Morse code was usually used, the transmission speed was limited by

the distorsion. It was Oliver Heaviside that realised that if one increases the inductance of the telephone lines the distortion is reduced. He wrote a paper on this in 1887 but the telegraphic companies ignored his results. It took some years before the american company AT&T rediscovered Heaviside’s work and added inductances to their telephone lines. The inductance were coils that were placed with some distance apart along the lines.

These coils are called Pupin coils due to their inventor M. I. Pupin. Today we often use optical fibers rather than copper wires for communication. In optical fibers distortion is also a major problem. It causes pulses to be broader when they propagate and this limits the bit rate of the cable.

The first atlantic cable for telegraphy was laid in 1858. After a month of operation the operator tried to increase the transmission speed by increasing the voltage. The cable was overheated and destroyed. In 1865 and 1866 two, more successful, cables were laid.

The transmission rate was very limited for these early cables. The main reason was the resistance of the cables. The cable had only one wire since they used the sea water as the other conductor. The wire was made of copper and had a radius of approximately 1.6 mm.

It was surrounded by an insulating cover. The total radius of the cable was 15 mm. Based on the parameters that is known for the cable we can estimate the line parameters to be R = 2.2· 10−3 Ω/m, L = 0.4 µH/m, C = 80 pF/m and G = 10−13 (Ωm−1. With these parameters it is seen that the attenuation of a received signal increases exponentially with frequency. Already at 5 Hz the signal is attenuated 60 dB. Only the very low frequencies of the signal are transmitted and at such low frequencies G  ωC and R  ωL. The voltage then satisfies the equation

2v(z, t)

∂z2 = RC∂v(z, t)


This is the diffusion equation. Assume that we apply a voltage at z = 0 that is a step function in time v(0, t) = V0H(t), where H(t) is the Heaviside step function and let v(z, 0) = 0 for z > 0. The solution to this problem is well-known

v(z, t) = V0 Z t


z s


4π(t− s)3exp

− z2RC 4(t− s)


The voltage at the receiving station in America is seen in Figure 3.14 for a unit step voltage at England. The problem for the receiver is that the current becomes very low, only 0.1 mA for V0 = 1 V when the receiver is a shortage. Hence the signal is hard to detect unless the voltage at the transmitter is high. The communication speed was eight words per minute using Morse code which corresponds to approximately less than one sign per second.