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US Interior Accelerated Reclamation 1958


Academic year: 2021

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Peterson - Int. 4662











Details of the accelerated Reclamation construction program included by the

President in his statement on c;easures to ic;prcve the national ec<'nct:dc sitWltion, vere announced today by Secretary of the Ir.terior Fred Seatcn.

An increase of $701823,000 in the budget request for fiscal year 1959, is contemplated, including ~518231000 for expediting construction new underway. This

would increase the construction budget for the Bureau of Reclamation for the year starting next July 1 to $232,685,000. This includes planning money for bo~h the Missouri River and Colorado aiver Storage projects and also for loans for ~1 projects to be constructed by local irrigation districts or similar organizations.

Tbe added funds, if appropriated by the Congress, vill permit expedited con

-struction on going work on the Trinity River division of the Central Valley Project in California, the Glen canyon Dem on the Colorado River Svorage Froject in Arizona, and the Collll!lbia Basin Project in Washingtcn State as well as on the several other

projects listed. An additional ~20 million has already been requested for work this -yearoh Glen-cmtyon~he Trtnity River llilit-o'f"'tlle'\:entral Valley Project.

The funds are contained in a supplemental appropriation bill which is nov in


The revised program also contemplates that prime construction contracts may be let for Flaming Gorge Dam in Utah and Navajo


in New Mexico, other key storage structures of the Colorado River Storage Project.



Appropriation of fUnds for a emall loan program vil1 pennit the initiation of vork on these projects as rapidly as applications can be completed and sub-mitted to the Congress. Existing legislation requires that the applications aust be submitted to the Senate and !louse Interior and Insular Affairs cocdtteos llhere they must remain for 60 days before funds can be appropriated for the loans.

Construction of projects under the Small Projects Act is undertaken ~ the sponsoring irrigation district or other sponsoring agency with the Bure&u of Reclamation merely acting in a supervisory capacity for the Government.

The only Small Project loan application thus far submitted to the Congress is that of the Cameron County Water Control and Improv€11lent district in Texas.

It has been approved by resolutions in both committees and the loan can be made as soon as funds are provided.

Tho increased budget requests b,r principal categories follows.


Construction and Rehabilitation

Central Valley Project, California ••.•••••.•••••••••••• •

Collbran Project, Colorado ... ,, ... , ............ • ..

Columbia Basin Project, Washington ••••••••••••••••••••••

Fort Peck Project, Montana-North Dakota •••••••••••••••••

Little Wood River Project, Idaho .•..•...••••••....•...••

Rogue River Basin Project, Talent Division, Oregon ••••••

Weber Ba,sin Project, Utah •• , •.•• , •••••••••••••••••••••••

Missouri River Basin Project:

Bostvick Divi~ion, Nebraska-Kansas •...•...•••.•.••.••• Frencbman-Cam~~~ge Division, Nebraska •••••••••••••••• Ol_etlldo Unit, lli7o:::1ing . •••.••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • Helena Valley Unit, Montana •.•...•.•.••••••••••••.••••

- --.-'l'otai F. Y. ~<1ttttiolllil Estimate,

$7,000,000 1,33?,000 2,605,000 380,000 69?,000 1,000,000 1,225,000 654,000 900,000 437,000 538.000

Construction and Rehabilitation ••••••••••••••••••• 16,773,000 Upper Colorado River Basin Fund

Ad.van.ee Pl.a.n.ni.ng .••• , ••.••••••.•••••• , • , , •••• , •••• , ••.• , $50,000

FJen1ng Gorge Onlt, Utah., ... , ....... .•........•.•. 8,000,000 Glen Caqyon Unit, Arizona-Utah ••.••.••••••• •••••• .•••.•• 141000,000

Navajo Unit, New Mexico. , ....•• , ••... , •• , • , .•• , ... , 7 I 000, (X)()

Total F. Y. 1959 Additional Estimate,

Upper Colorado River Basin Fund .•••••••••••••••••• 29.05Q,OOO Snail Prolect Loan Program

Roosevelt Conservation District, Arizona ••••••••••••••••

Golete County Water District, California •••••••••••.••••

Walker River Irrigation District, Nevada ••••••••••••••••

Cameron Co\\!1ty \o.'a·..er Control and Improvement

Dis~rict (~ar~!~en Division), Texas ...... .

Bountiful ~:,t..,r $.!~Conservancy District, Utah, •• , •.•• ,.

Centervtlle·-Ueuel Creek Irrtgation C~ .• South Davis County Water Improvement District, Utah •••••

Additional small projects and loans under

Pl.lblic I.aw 130 .. 1 • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• •• • • • • •• • • • •

Total F. Y. 1959 Additional Estimate,

Ina.n Program. .•••••••.•.•.••.•.••••••••.••.•••.•••. X X X P.N. 32734 3 $2,500,000 2,080,000 650,000 4,600,000 3, 510,000 4(;i), Q00-700,000 10,500.000 25,000,000


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