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Re-dating the Pilgrimstad Interstadial with OSL: a warmer climate and a smaller ice sheet during the Swedish Middle Weichselian (MIS 3)?


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smaller ice sheet during the Swedish Middle Weichselian (MIS 3)?



Alexanderson, H., Johnsen, T. & Murray, A. S. 2010 (April): Re-dating the Pilgrimstad Interstadial with OSL: a warmer climate and a smaller ice sheet during the Swedish Middle Weichselian (MIS 3)? Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 367–376. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2009.00130.x. ISSN 0300-9483.

Pilgrimstad in central Sweden is an important locality for reconstructing environmental changes during the last glacial period (the Weichselian). Its central location has implications for the Scandinavian Ice Sheet as a whole. The site has been assigned an Early Weichselian age (marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 a/c;474 ka), based on pollen stratigraphic correlations with type sections in continental Europe, but the few absolute dating attempts so far have given uncertain results. We re-excavated the site and collected 10 samples for optically stimulated lumines-cence (OSL) dating from mineral- and organic-rich sediments within the new Pilgrimstad section. Single aliquots of quartz were analysed using a post-IR blue single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. Dose recovery tests were satisfactory and OSL ages are internally consistent. All, except one from an underlying unit that is older, lie in the range 52–36 ka, which places the interstadial sediments in the Middle Weichselian (MIS 3); this is compatible with existing radiocarbon ages, including two measured with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). The mean of the OSL ages is 446 ka (n = 9). The OSL ages cannot be assigned to the Early Weichselian for all reasonable adjustments to water content estimates and other parameters. The new ages suggest that climate was relatively mild and that the Scandinavian Ice Sheet was absent or restricted to the mountains for at least parts of MIS 3. These results are supported by other recent studies completed in Fennoscandia.

Helena Alexanderson (e-mail: helena.alexanderson@umb.no), Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, P.O. Box 5003, NO-1432 A˚s, Norway, and Department of Physical Geo-graphy and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden; Timothy Johnsen (e-mail: timothy.johnsen@geo.su.se), Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden; Andrew S. Murray (e-mail: anmu@risoe.dtu.dk), Nordic Laboratory for Lumine-scence Dating, Department of Earth Sciences, Aarhus University, Risø DTU, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark; received 10th February 2009, accepted 6th October 2009.

Pilgrimstad in central Sweden (Fig. 1) is an important

site for reconstructing environmental changes during

the Weichselian in Scandinavia, since it is situated close

to the former ice divide of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet

and contains subtill organic and minerogenic sediments

(Fig. 2). The site has been investigated and described by

a number of authors over the past

70 years (mainly

Kulling 1945; Fr ¨odin 1954; Lundqvist 1967; Robertsson

1988a, b; Garcı´a Ambrosiani 1990), but the absolute

chronology of the site is still poorly known. In this

study, we present and evaluate results of optically

sti-mulated luminescence (OSL) dating that place the

Pil-grimstad Interstadial in marine isotope stage (MIS) 3.

OSL has been used successfully to date Weichselian

deposits in, for example, Russia (Svendsen et al. 2004;

Thomas et al. 2006), Greenland (Hansen et al. 1999;

Adrielsson & Alexanderson 2005), the Himalayas

(Spen-cer & Owen 2004) and New Zealand (Preusser et al.

2005), but in Scandinavia results have been of varying

quality (Kjær et al. 2006; Alexanderson & Murray 2007;

Lagerb ¨ack 2007; Houmark-Nielsen 2008). Because of

this, and because our results are controversial with respect

to previous age determinations of the site, in this article

we focus on the methodology and reliability of the OSL

ages, while the palaeoglaciological and palaeoecological

implications of the dates will be discussed elsewhere.

The Pilgrimstad site

Kulling (1945) recognized three separate series of sand

and gravel within the subtill sediments at Pilgrimstad.

The lowermost series was interpreted as deposited in a

proglacial sub-aquatic environment, while the upper

two series represent a transition from glacifluvial to

flu-vial to lacustrine deposition and contain fine-grained

minerogenic and organic material (Lundqvist 1967). A

well-sorted sandy bed within the lacustrine sediments

has been interpreted as an aeolian deposit (Robertsson

1988a, b). The sediments were exposed at the surface for

some time before the most recent ice advance. Detailed

descriptions of the stratigraphic units and a review of

interpretations are available in Lundqvist (1967).

The palaeoecological interpretation as a cool,

sub-arctic–arctic environment is based on several proxies,

mainly from the organic beds. According to pollen and

coleoptera, open herb–shrub vegetation was followed

by a forest border setting during a climatic optimum


1988a, b).





succeeded by a colder climatic phase with periglacial

conditions and a subsequent phase of herb–shrub

vegetation (Robertsson 1988b). Both diatoms and

insects record deposition in a nutrient-rich lake

(Lund-qvist 1967; Robertsson 1986). The insect fauna also


indicates a cool, arctic–subarctic climate, consistent

with the finds of mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius),

reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and elk (Alces alces)

(Lundqvist 1967).

The site has been assigned an Early Weichselian

(MIS 5 a/c) age based on a correlation of the

palaeo-environmental reconstruction with type sections in

continental Europe and represents the type section for

the local Pilgrimstad Interstadial (Kulling 1967; cf. also

J ¨amtland Interstadial; Lundqvist 1967; Lundqvist &

Miller 1992). Robertsson (1988a, b), for example,

cor-related the organic-rich beds with one or possibly two

Early Weichselian interstadials (Brørup and/or

Odder-ade) depending on how the climatic cooling in the

mid-dle of the section is interpreted – as a phase within one

interstadial or as separating two different interstadials.

So far, there have been few absolute dating attempts

and these have given uncertain results. According to a

recent evaluation of all radiocarbon dates from

Pil-grimstad, 10 samples that are acceptable from a quality

perspective range between 59 and 46 cal. ka BP in age

(Wohlfarth 2009) (Fig. 3). Moreover, a single

thermo-luminescence measurement resulted in 60 ka for the

sandy unit within the organic beds (Garcı´a Ambrosiani

1990) and one U/Th measurement provided an age of

384 ka (Heijnis in Robertsson & Garcı´a Ambrosiani

1992). Recently, Ukkonen et al. (2007) also re-dated a

0 100 200 400Kilometers 40°E 30°E 20°E 20°E 10°E 10°E 0° 70°N 65°N 55°N 65°N 60°N 55°N SWEDEN FINLAND NOR WAY DENMARK EST ONIA LITHU ANIA LATVIA RUSSIA Pilgrimstad Sokli Ruunaa Hitura

0-600 m a.sl. >600 m a.s.l. mammoth 38-32 ka LGM margin


Fig. 1. Location map of Pilgrimstad. Mam-moth locations from Ukkonen et al. (2007), Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) margin from Svend-sen et al. (2004). Other sites that also indicate ice-free conditions during MIS 3 are shown: Sokli (50 ka; Helmens et al. 2007a, b), Ruunna (50–25 ka; Lunkka et al. 2008), Hitura (deglacia-tion 62–55 ka; Salonen et al. 2008) and several sites in Sk ˚ane (39–24 ka; Kjær et al. 2006).

Fig. 2. Photograph of the upper part of the new section at Pilgrim-stad (see Fig. 3 for comparisons). D–H represent the lithological units.


mammoth molar from Pilgrimstad to 34–29 cal. ka BP.

The exact stratigraphic position of the mammoth

re-mains is not clear, but based on Kulling’s (1945) and

Robertsson’s (1988a) stratigraphic descriptions, it

seems to derive from the lower part of the organic beds

analysed by Robertsson (1988a).

These ages are all younger than the age estimate based

on pollen stratigraphy; a possible correlation of

Pilgrim-stad with the Moershoofd InterPilgrim-stadial (46–44 ka BP)

(Behre & van der Plicht 1992) has therefore been

pro-posed but considered less likely (Robertsson 1988a).


The study site is located near Pilgrimstad in J ¨amtland,

central Sweden (Fig. 1) and is situated in an abandoned

gravel pit located at the edge of a valley floor. Most of the

previously described sections have been mined or

cov-ered by colluvium or fill. A small hill in the southern part

of the pit was the focus of our excavation (Fig. 2). The

top (including the till cover) had been removed

pre-viously, and for a short time the section had been covered

by blast stone (J. Lundqvist, pers. comm. 2007). Thus, we

adjusted the sample depths by adding 1 m, corresponding

to the general till thickness in the area. The position of

the investigated section is 62



N, 15



E and its

elevation 300 m a.s.l., as measured by a Garmin GPS

Vista C and checked against topographic maps.

The beds in the excavated section were correlated to

the stratigraphies presented by Kulling (1945) and

Ro-bertsson (1988b). RoRo-bertsson’s original section was

si-tuated adjacent to and at right angles to our new

section; her stratigraphy is therefore best comparable to

the new stratigraphy.


Sampling, preparation and measurement

Fieldwork was conducted in September 2006 and in July

2007. Five OSL samples were collected during each

campaign at the levels marked in Fig. 3 (see also Table 1).

The samples were taken in opaque plastic tubes and

stored in black bags until opened under darkroom

Unit A. Sandy gravel with lenses of sand and silt. Unit H. Yellow sand, well-sorted, homogeneous. Wedge-like structure. Contains rip-ups of gyttja.

Unit C. Organic-rich sand. Compact, brecciated.

Unit B. Varved clay and silt. Unit E. Sandy gyttja, smaller brecciated pieces than in D. Unit G. Laminated and massive sand, deformed in lower part. Yellowish to rusty colour. Unit F. Brown sandy gyttja with occasional pebbles <15 cm. B Sediment description 39.2±2 43±5 45±4 48±8 39±3 38±3 >40 OSL (ka) 52±4 46±3 74±5 49±4 36±3 C (ka BP)

All radiocarbon ages in right column from Wohlfarth (2009) except for 34-29 cal. ka (Ukkonen et al. 2007), TL age from García Ambrosiani (1990). These ages are from other sections at the Pilgrimstad site.

Uncertain stratigraphic position.

60 ka TL A Pilgrimstad section x x x x x x x x x x G F H D E B A H C 344 345 346 347 348 318 319 320 321 322 m 1 SGy SGy SiGyb CSil CoGmm GySb Sm Sm/Sl SiSl Sm SiSm SiSm Sm(ng) NW SE NE SSil ~46 ~48 ~47 ~50 ~52 ~59 ~52 ~55 ~52 ~47

Unit D. Grey sandy silty gyttja. Compact, brecciated.

C Chronology

34-29 Correlated ages

(cal. ka BP)

Fig. 3. A. Sketch of the new section at Pilgrimstad, lithology and position of OSL and14C samples. B. Brief sediment description. C. Results of


conditions at Stockholm University (2006) and the

Nor-wegian University of Life Sciences (2007), where the

in-itial preparation was completed. Final preparation,

including heavy liquid separation (2.62 g/cm


) to remove

feldspars (081318–22 only), treatment with 10% HCl for

5–30 min, 10% H




for 15–30 min, 38% HF for

60–120 min and 10% HCl again for 40 min, was done at

the Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, where

the OSL measurements were also undertaken.

The samples were analysed using large aliquots of

quartz (180–250

mm) on Risø TL/OSL readers

equip-ped with calibrated




Y beta radiation sources

(dose rate 0.14–0.35 Gy/s), blue (47030 nm;  50 mW/



) and infrared (880 nm,

100 mW/cm


) light

sour-ces, and detection was through 7 mm of U340 glass

filter (Bøtter-Jensen et al. 2000). Analyses employed

post-IR blue SAR protocols (Murray & Wintle 2000,

2003; Banerjee et al. 2001) adapted to suit the samples

based on dose recovery and preheat experiments (first

batch: preheat 260

1C for 10 s, cut-heat 2201C; second

batch 240

1/2001C). A relatively high test-dose (50 Gy)

was necessary to obtain a statistically precise test signal,

and 100 s of illumination at 280

1C between cycles

im-proved recuperation (response to zero dose).

We calculated the dose rates from gamma

spectro-metry data (Murray et al. 1987) (Table 2) and included

the cosmic ray contribution (Prescott & Hutton 1994).

Natural and saturated water content was measured

with pF rings (cylinder volumeters) (Table 1). To

ac-count for water content changes through time due

mainly to compaction, especially for the organic-rich

sediments, we applied a simple three-stage model to all

our samples (Table 3). The mean water content

ð wÞ

since time of deposition was then calculated as:

w ¼ w




þ w




þ w





Two samples were collected for radiocarbon dating.

Small twigs (unknown species) were picked out and

dated by AMS


C at the Lund University

Radio-carbon Dating Laboratory.

Data analysis

Simple component analysis of the continuous wave

OSL data from some aliquots was undertaken using

SigmaPlot 10.0 based on the parameters and formulas

of Choi et al. (2006). The results of the component

analysis are discussed further below (Fig. 4), but based

on such information from dose recovery measurements

(Fig. 5) we chose channels 1–2 (first 0.16 s) and channels

4–6 (0.32–0.56 s) as peak and background integration

limits for all aliquots. The equivalent doses were then

calculated in Risø Luminescence Analyst 3.24

(ex-ponential curve fitting) and in Microsoft Excel. To be

accepted, aliquots had to pass the following rejection

criteria: recycling ratio within 20% of unity,


o5%, equivalent dose error o50% and signal

more than 3

s above the background. Decay and

growth curves also had to be regular. Ages were

calcu-lated using the mean and median of the equivalent dose

population of accepted aliquots for each sample, as well

as using the natural and saturated water contents.

We also did a sensitivity analysis to determine

quantitatively which uncertainties have the largest

effect on age. Ages were recalculated after adjustments

were made to each of the parameters in turn, using

reasonable estimates of uncertainty for each parameter.

The estimated uncertainties (1 SD) used in these

cal-culations were: depth below surface

1 m, elevation

50 m, grain size 10%, water content (gamma

and beta)

10%, dose rate gamma 5%, dose rate


5%, internal dose rate 30%, density 10%,

cosmic ray contribution

5% and beta source




Sedimentology and stratigraphy

We distinguished eight units in the new section at

Pil-grimstad (shown and briefly described in Figs 2 and 3).

Table 1. Pilgrimstad OSL sample properties and settings. Listed in order of sample number. For lithofacies codes and stratigraphic unit numbers, see Fig. 3.

Sample Sampling depth (m) Stratigraphic unit Lithofacies code Water content (weight %) Organic content (%) w1 w2 w3 w 061344 1.2 G Sm 30 29.5 9.1 28 2.2 061345 1.8 H SiSm 30 29.4 5.2 27 3.9 061346 2.4 F SGy 150 41.9 16.9 72 9.1 061347 2.9 H Sm/Sl 40 35.7 8.5 34 2.0 061348 3.1 H Sm/Sl 35 32.8 8.0 31 1.9 081318 0.5 H SiSm 35 32.8 5.5 31 1.4 081319 0.5 G SiSl 40 38.0 4.9 35 1.4 081320 2.1 H Sm 35 34.6 3.8 32 1.2 081321 4.1 C GySb 35 34.2 9.0 32 1.1 081322 6.3 A Sm(ng) 35 32.7 6.2 31 2.7


The sediments have been tectonized, as indicated by

brecciation and deformation structures. Within the

limited exposure available to us, the sediments

never-theless seem to have a pancake stratigraphy, with the

exception of unit H, which cuts units E, F and G.

Unit A in the new section correlates with the

‘lime-stone-rich pebbly gravel series’ of Kulling (1945), while

units B–H correspond to his ‘silt-stratified sand series’.

We interpret these sediments as showing an

environ-mental succession from glacifluvial (unit A) to

glacila-custrine (unit B) to laglacila-custrine (units C, D, E, F) and

back to fluvial or glacifluvial (unit G), in line with

pre-vious interpretations. The sandy unit H might represent

the aeolian sand of Robertsson (1988a, b). However,

the cross-cutting relationship with the other units

in-dicates formation after the deposition of units F and G,

and suggests a possible glacitectonic rather than aeolian

genesis. We therefore interpret unit H as a clastic dyke

formed subglacially during the Late Weichselian ice

advance (cf. Larsen & Mangerud 1992; Linde´n et al.

2008). The sand is thus likely reworked sand from unit

G, and the gyttja clasts are rip-ups from the

surround-ing beds. This has implications for the interpretation of

the organic beds as belonging to one or two events, and

for the ages of unit H, as discussed below.

OSL characteristics and ages

The major sample properties, settings and results are

lis-ted in Tables 1–3 and are shown in Figs 3 and 7. The

quartz from Pilgrimstad is insensitive, which necessitated

careful selection of peak and background channels to

best isolate the fast component (Fig. 4). For the 21

ac-cepted dose recovery experiments (out of 27), the average

proportions of the net component signal to the total net

signal used for dose calculation were 928% (fast),


7% (medium) and 0.20.3% (slow). When these

channels were selected for peak and background

integra-tion, the resulting signal was dominated by the fast

component. Doses calculated with this channel selection

gave good dose recovery (1.05

0.04, n = 21) (Fig. 5)

and demonstrated that the SAR protocols used were able

accurately to recover a known dose administered before

any heating. The signals were not close to saturation

(Fig. 6).

Equivalent doses range between 89 and 145 Gy and

dose rates between 2.5 and 3.1 Gy/ka (Table 4). The

nine upper samples are 52–36 ka, while the lowermost is

older (74 ka) (Table 4 and Fig. 7). OSL ages from unit

H average 447 ka (n = 5), from unit G 413 ka

(n = 2) and single ages from unit F and C are 488 ka

and 46

3 ka, respectively. The sensitivity analysis

Table 2. Summary of radionuclide concentrations measured with high-resolution gamma spectrometry on the Pilgrimstad OSL samples. Beta and gamma dose rates refer to dry material; for water contents and final dose rates, see Tables 1 and 3.

Sample 238U (Bq/kg) 226Ra (Bq/kg) 232Th (Bq/kg) 40K (Bq/kg) Beta (Gy/ka) Gamma (Gy/ka)

061344 396 42.10.7 35.40.7 64212 2.180.04 1.250.04 061345 345 42.80.6 34.70.5 6689 2.140.04 1.150.04 061346 17810 100.81.2 450.9 67513 3.190.07 1.840.09 061347 335 49.10.7 370.5 71510 2.380.04 1.370.04 061348 283 48.50.5 370.4 7167 2.360.03 1.360.04 081318 408 40.20.8 34.30.8 66315 2.220.05 1.240.04 081319 276 38.50.7 33.20.7 67012 2.170.04 1.210.03 081320 295 31.90.5 30.70.5 68012 2.150.04 1.140.03 081321 4110 100.31.3 35.10.9 64915 2.500.07 1.650.09 081322 427 74.40.9 30.70.7 61411 2.260.05 1.390.06

Table 3. Water-content modelling to calculate average water content since the time of deposition, accounting for compaction and environ-mental changes. For values, see Table 1.

Assumptions Three-stage hydrological evolution

The sediments have never been drier than at the time of sampling, and the natural water content is a minimum water content. (The samples were taken within a large gravel pit in which the groundwater table has been lowered.)

The saturated water content is the maximum water content for the sediments in their present state. (It is limited by porosity.) The porosity of minerogenic sediments did not change significantly with compaction. Most of the compaction took place early in the sediments’ history due to continued sedimentation and, later, pressure from the ice cover.

1. Lake/fluvial stage before the ice advance (sediments loose and saturated).

(a) Water content w1is the

saturated value rounded up to the nearest 5 or 0 for minerogenic samples and an assumed value of 150% for the organic sample (061346), derived from young samples with similar organic content.

(b) Duration is30% of the time since deposition (t1= 0.3).

2. Ice cover (sediments compacted and saturated).

(a) Water content w2is the

saturated value.

(b) Duration is60% of the time since deposition (t2= 0.6).

3. After deglaciation (sediments compacted and drier). (a) Water content w3is the

natural value.

(b) Duration is10% of the time since deposition (t3= 0.1).


demonstrates that the calculated age is most sensitive

to changes in the equivalent dose, beta source

calibra-tion and dose rate, followed by water content (Fig. 8).

New radiocarbon ages from twigs are 39.22 and



C ka BP (Table 5).


OSL and sediments

From a sedimentological perspective, we can identify

two potential problems for OSL-dating at this site: (1)

the glacifluvial deposit (unit A) may be incompletely

bleached and (2) we cannot properly estimate the

ori-ginal mean water content of the relatively organic-rich

unit F.

Incomplete bleaching results in an apparent age

overestimation, and is fairly common in glacial settings

(e.g. Fuchs & Owen 2008). As we have used only large

aliquots for measurements, it is difficult to infer

any-thing about incomplete bleaching from the dose

dis-tribution of sample 081322, which is from unit A. In

combination with the stratigraphic position of unit A

(lowest), we thus consider the OSL age from unit A as

providing a maximum age for the overlying organic

beds. The good correspondence of ages (n = 9) from all

the other beds (derived from various depositional

set-tings) suggests that there are no problems with

in-complete bleaching for those.

Organic-rich deposits tend to be fairly loose at the

time of deposition and may have very high water

con-tent, i.e. up to several hundred percent. With time they

will become compacted due to sediment loading and the

overriding ice sheet; the water content will change

sig-nificantly, so that what is measured today is not

Growth curve using standard data

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose (s) Lx /T x

Growth curve using derived fast component data

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose (s) Lx /T x 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% A B C 0 1 2 3 4 5

Stimulation time (sec)

% of bulk signal 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Bulk signal natural signal modeled signal fast medium slow background Sample 061347 given dose given dose Sample 061347 Sample 061347 Recycling = 1.13 Dose recovery = 0.90 Recycling = 1.11 Dose recovery = 0.92

Fig. 4. Data derived from the 27 dose recovery experiments allowed selecting peak and background channels that provided the overall best recycling and dose recovery and a dominance of the fast component after background subtraction. A. Signal component analysis of sample 061347 showing the natural signal which was de-convoluted into fast, medium and slow components (left axis), and the natural and modelled (sum) signal (right axis). Also shown are the peak and background portions of the signal used (0–0.16 s and 0.32–0.56 s). Note that only the first 5 s of the total length of the stimulation (40 s) are shown. B. The upper growth curve uses the standard data (bulk signal) with the selected channels for the same aliquot. C. The lower growth curve is produced by using the derived (de-convoluted) fast component signal data only. The insignificant difference between the growth curves indicates that the channel selection effectively isolated the fast component and that the selection of peak and background channels provided the optimum recycling and dose recovery.

0 2 Frequency 4 0-0.1 0.2-0.3 0.4-0.5 0.6-0.7 0.8-0.9 1-1.1 1.2-1.3 1.4-1.5 1.6-1.7 1.8-1.9

Ratio of measured to given dose Mean = 1.05 Std err = 0.04 n = 21

Fig. 5. Histogram of dose recovery tests, excluding aliquots that did not pass rejection criteria. A mean close to unity indicates that the samples can be used for OSL-dating with our analytical protocols.


representative of the mean water content since time of

deposition (cf. Alexanderson et al. 2008). An

under-estimation of the mean water content results in OSL ages

that appear too young, and vice versa. In our case, the

OSL ages from the surrounding minerogenic beds can

provide some constraints, since these sediments do not

suffer to the same degree from water-content variations.

The sandy unit H is the youngest, since it cross-cuts

units E, F and G. The OSL ages from unit H should

thus be minimum ages for the organic deposits.

How-ever, as mentioned above, re-interpretation of the unit

as a clastic dyke with remobilized material implies that

the sand in unit H could be contemporaneous with unit

G and that the OSL ages do not represent the timing of

the formation of the dyke. It also implies that the

se-paration into units E and F is secondary.

Based on the stratigraphic information and on the

OSL ages, we consider the OSL ages from units B to H

as representing one event, while unit A is older. The

OSL ages from units B–H are internally consistent, i.e.

all lie in the range 52–36 ka, with a mean of 446 ka;

this places the interstadial sediments in the Middle

Weichselian (MIS 3; 58–24 ka). Taken at face value, the

74 ka age from unit A gives the timing of the preceding

deglaciation, but we cannot rule out the possibility that

the sediment suffers from some incomplete bleaching,

and that the true deposition age is younger.

What is required to make these OSL ages older

(MIS 5)?

To capture uncertainties in the ages conservatively, Fig.

7 and Table 4 show the OSL ages calculated under a

variety of assumptions. Even when considering the

broadest age range for each sample, all upper nine ages

fall within the Middle Weichselian (MIS 3) and no

rea-sonable adjustments in assumptions can collectively

bring their ages to the Early Weichselian (MIS 5 a/c,

474 ka). As the sensitivity analysis showed the

calcu-lated age to depend most on changes in the equivalent

dose and various factors influencing the dose rate (Fig.

8), we tested what those factors would have to be to


90 ka ages from these samples. To get early

Weichselian ages from the current data we would need

to double the equivalent doses or half the dose rates; the

latter for example by using water contents

4100% by

weight, or a combination of these. We consider it

un-likely that any of these parameters is in error to this


Comparison with other chronologies and records

A mean age of 44

6 ka (n = 9) for the Pilgrimstad

se-diments agrees with the bulk of previous age

determi-nations from the site, which fall between 60 and 45 ka

0 1 2 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 20 0 10 30 40 Stimulation time (s) Photon counts / 0.16s Sample 061345

Regenerative dose (Gy)

Sensitivity corrected O


Fig. 6. Single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) OSL growth curve for a single aliquot of sample 061345. The equivalent dose (ED) (open diamond) is obtained by interpolating the corrected natural signal (open triangle) on the growth curve. Repeated dose points (open squares) and a zero dose point (open circle) are also shown. (Inset) The natural decay curve.

Table 4. Pilgrimstad OSL sample results and ages. Listed in order of sample number.

Sample Age (ka) Equivalent dose (Gy) n Dose rate (Gy/ka) Recycling ratio Mean Median Dry1 Saturated2

061344 435 37 364 435 11612 18 2.720.10 1.140.24 061345 454 44 374 464 11810 19 2.620.10 1.060.26 061346 488 49 325 397 13423 18 2.820.09 1.060.31 061347 524 50 424 534 14510 16 2.770.10 1.080.25 061348 494 49 403 504 13910 22 2.830.10 1.030.20 081318 383 36 303 383 1017 28 2.690.10 1.170.09 081319 393 34 293 403 977 31 2.510.09 1.070.12 081320 363 35 272 363 897 32 2.520.09 1.050.17 081321 463 44 373 473 1436 30 3.100.13 1.100.12 081322 745 72 584 755 2029 30 2.740.11 1.070.12 1

Age calculated with water content at time of sampling.


(Fig. 3) (Wohlfarth 2009). These radiocarbon dates are

considered to be of acceptable quality, although close

to the methodological limit (Wohlfarth 2009). The

mean OSL age also agrees with the finite of our two



C ages (39.2



C ka BP; Table 5) and is not

contradicted by the non-finite one.

Oxygen isotope curves from the Greenland Ice Sheet

provide estimates of temperature variations during

the Weichselian in the North Atlantic region (e.g.

Johnsen et al. 2001). If the sediments at Pilgrimstad are

of MIS 3 age, as the OSL and other ages suggest,

we would expect a correlation with one of the warmest

and/or longest interstadials during this time – with

duration long enough to allow for the subarctic–arctic

flora and fauna to become established. Taking the

OSL ages at face value leads to a correlation with

Greenland interstadials 12–10 (47–41 ka), but

con-sidering the uncertainties and the actual spread in ages,

interstadials 17–10 are also possible options (cf. Walker

et al. 1999).

This is in agreement with Wohlfarth (2009), who

tentatively places the Pilgrimstad site within Greenland

interstadials 17–12. H ¨attestrand (2008) proposes a

si-milar age shift of the T ¨arend ¨o II Interstadial in

north-ern Sweden, i.e. from the Early Weichselian (MIS 5 a)

to the Middle Weichselian (MIS 3). Our OSL data,

from a critical location in the former central area of the

ice sheet, thus support the documented ice-free

condi-tions reported elsewhere in Fennoscandia during MIS 3

(e.g. Olsen et al. 2001; Arnold et al. 2002; Kjær et al.

2006; Helmens et al. 2007a, b; Ukkonen et al. 2007;

Lunkka et al. 2008; Salonen et al. 2008) (see also Fig. 1).

Change in parameter (%) 30 35 40 45 50 55 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100

Change in age (ka)

Fig. 8. Sensitivity analysis showing by how much the age will change (percentage change) in a given parameter for sample (061)344 (age = 43 ka). Steeper slopes indicate that the age is more sensitive to changes in the given parameter. The age is most sensitive to changes in the equivalent dose, beta source calibration and dose rate, followed by water content; very large changes in these parameters are needed to make the age consistent with MIS 5. The range of x-axis parameter values corresponds to our estimate of 2 SD in that parameter. Similar re-sults were obtained for the other samples. 0 A B 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 318,H 345,H 320,H 347,H 348,H 344,G 319,G 346,F 321,C 322,A Sample and stratigraphic unit

Agr (ka) 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Recycling ratio

Fig. 7. A. Graphical summary of ages for all samples. B. Corresponding recycling ratios. OSL ages are shown in stratigraphic order with youngest ages to the left and oldest to the right. H–A refers to the stratigraphic units in Fig. 3. Age calculated from the population of accepted aliquots using the mean and median, and for natural water content at sampling (dry) and sa-turated water content (range shown by grey square). Error bars represent 1 SD. The SD of mean of ages excludes the older, strati-graphically lower sample (081)322. Note that the water content for organic-rich sample (061)346 has been adjusted to compensate for compression. Marine isotope stages (MIS) in-dicated on the right.


Implications for Weichselian history

Moving the age of the Pilgrimstad Interstadial from

Early to Middle Weichselian (MIS 5 a/c to MIS 3) has

implications for the understanding of glacial history

and environmental change in Scandinavia during the

Weichselian. An ice-free Pilgrimstad at

50–40 ka

re-quires that the Scandinavian Ice Sheet at that time was

restricted, possibly limited to the highest mountains (cf.

Arnold et al. 2002), i.e. much smaller than previously

believed (Lundqvist 2002; Mangerud 2004;

Houmark-Nielsen 2007) (Fig. 1). It also implies that the ice sheet

must have expanded rapidly thereafter to reach

south-eastern Denmark just prior to 30 ka (the Klintholm

ad-vance; Houmark-Nielsen & Kjær 2003; Ukkonen et al.


Although the vegetation reconstruction for

Pilgrim-stad (Robertsson 1988b) still largely holds true,

recent studies indicate that forest may not have been as

close as suggested (Helmens et al. 2007a). Nevertheless,

a reconciliation of the Pilgrimstad record with

temporaneous records of tundra in northern

con-tinental Europe (Behre 1989) requires alternative

migration routes for vegetation, and/or possible tree

refugia, during previous stadials and different climate

gradients and conditions compared to today (e.g.

Nils-son 1972: p. 225; Ukkonen et al. 2007).


 A new exposure at the Pilgrimstad site in central

Sweden shows

44 m thick subtill minerogenic and

organic sediments; these have been OSL-dated.

 The OSL ages from the lacustrine and fluvial

sedi-ments range from 52 to 36 ka, while the underlying

glacifluvial deposit is probably younger than

74 ka.

 The OSL samples passed appropriate

methodologi-cal checks and the ages are internally consistent. We

therefore consider the results reliable.

 From sedimentological and chronological points of

view, we favour deposition during a single but

vari-able event, rather than two separate interstadials.

 The OSL ages assign the Pilgrimstad Interstadial

site to MIS 3; the organic deposits could possibly

correspond to one or more of Greenland

inter-stadials 17–10.

 The central location of the site, together with results

from other studies in Fennoscandia, indicates that

for at least parts of MIS 3 the ice sheet was absent,

or at least restricted to the highest Scandinavian


Acknowledgements. –We thank Jan Lundqvist, Ann-Marie Rober-tsson and Barbara Wohlfarth at Stockholm University for valuable discussions and for sharing experiences and data; Jan-Pieter Buylaert and the technical staff at the Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating for helping with OSL measurements; Damian Steffen at the University of Bern for introducing Alexanderson and Johnsen to the world of de-convolution; and Dick Olsson and Claes in Pilgrimstad for giving us access to the gravel pit and assisting with excavation. The study was financed by a grant (no. 60-1356/2005) from the Geological Survey of Sweden to Alexanderson, with additional fieldwork funding from the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB). Alexanderson was in charge of and carried out most of the OSL sampling, preparation and measurements, sedimentological and stratigraphical work as well as writing, with significant input at all stages by Johnsen. Johnsen analysed all the data, with some input from Murray and Alexanderson. Murray contributed to discussions regarding OSL preparation and measurement setup and interpreta-tion of results as well as provided laboratory access. The constructive comments on the manuscript from reviewers Per M ¨oller and Ole Bennike are appreciated.


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Late Quaternary ice sheet history

and dynamics in central and

southern Scandinavia

Timothy F. Johnsen

Doctoral Thesis in Quaternary Geology at Stockholm University, Sweden 2010


linked to our understanding of how ice sheets have operated in the

past. Recent work suggests an emerging new paradigm for the

Scan-dinavian ice sheet (SIS); one of a dynamically fluctuating ice sheet.

This doctoral research project explicitly examines the history and

dynamics of the SIS at four sites within Sweden and Norway, and

provides results covering different time periods of glacial history.

Two relatively new dating techniques are used to constrain the ice

sheet history.

Dating of sub-till sediments in central Sweden and central Norway

indicate ice-free conditions during times when it was previously

inferred the sites were occupied by the SIS. Consistent exposure

ages of boulders from the Vimmerby moraine in southern Sweden

indicate that the southern margin of the SIS was at the Vimmerby

moraine ~14 kyr ago. In central Sweden, consistent exposure ages

for boulders at high elevation agree with previous estimates for the

timing of deglaciation around 10 ka ago, and indicate rapid thinning

of the SIS during deglaciation.

Altogether this research conducted in different areas, covering

dif-ferent time periods, and using comparative geochronological

met-hods demonstrates that the SIS was highly dynamic and sensitive to

environmental change.

Department of Physical Geography

and Quaternary Geology

ISBN 978-91-7447-068-0 ISSN 1653-7211

I was born and raised on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada surrounded by beautiful mountains and coastline, where I developed a deep curiosity and passion for understanding the workings of nature. I completed a Bachelor of Science degree with distinction in Geography 1998 at the University of Victoria, Canada. Then I completed a Masters of Science degree in Geography 2004 at Simon Fraser University, Canada, for which I was awarded the Canadian Association of Geographers Starkey-Robinson Award 2005. I began a PhD in 2004 in Stockholm, Sweden investigating the dynamics of the Scandinavian ice sheet, and eating brown cheese with waffles under the midnight sun.


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