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Online and Offline Algorithms for the Time-Dependent TSP with Time Zones


Academic year: 2021

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with Time Zones

BjornBroden 1

,Mikael Hammar 2

, andBengtJ.Nilsson 3


DepartmentofComputerS ien e,LundUniversity,



DipartimentodiInformati aedAppli azioni,UniversitadiSalerno



S hoolofTe hnologyandSo iety,MalmoUniversityCollege,


Abstra t. Thetimedependenttravelingsalesmanproblemisavariant ofTSPwithtime

dependentedge osts.Westudysomerestri tionsofTDTSPwherethenumberofedge ost

hangesare limited.We nd ompetitiveratiosforonline versionsofTDTSP.Fromthese

we derive polynomial timeapproximation algorithmsfor graphs withedge osts one and


edge ostsoneandtwo.

1 Introdu tion

Transportationands hedulingproblemsmodeledbythetravelingsalesmanproblemareinherently

stati .Tomodeladynami environmentageneralizationisneededthatin orporates hangesinthe

environment.Su hageneralizationisprovidedbythetimedependenttravelingsalesmanproblem

(TDTSP). This problem is a generalizationof TSP in whi h the ost of ea h edge depends on

time, i.e., the ost of an edge depends on the time intervalduring whi h theedge is traversed.

Severalaspe tsofTDTSPhavebeenstudiedanditseemstobediÆ ultto olle tthemallunder

asinglede nition.Themanyvariationsallstemfrom thewaythattimeisbeingmodelled.

In some de nitions time is proportional to the ost of the edges traversed [12℄. This gives

a naturalgeneralization of TSP and is suitable if for example variations in the traÆ load are

important in omputing a TSP tour for a delivery ompany. It also has onne tions to other

generalizationsofTSP, su h asthekineti TSP where movingpointsin theplane [9,10℄orona

line [10℄ are onsidered. We all this formulationthe ost dependent traveling salesman problem


Ourfo usisonanotherformulationofTDTSPwherethe ostofanedgedependsonitsposition

inthepath.We allthisproblemthestepdependenttravelingsalesmanproblem,denotedSDTSP.

Thisinterpretationhasbeenstudiedonnumerouso asionsbytheoperationsresear h ommunity,

dueto itsappli ationin s heduling[3,5,6,14℄.WelimitourstudyofTDTSP toinstan eswhere

theedge ostsare restri tedinsize and an hange onlyalimitednumberoftimes.

Dueto ompli ations ausedbytimedependen ies,approximationalgorithmsforTDTSP are

hardtoanalyze.By onsideringonlinealgorithms partofthetime dependen yisremovedanda


new itiesarebeingadded totheset.WearestudyingTSP inadynami environment;although

the itiesareknownfrom thebeginning,thedistan ebetweenapairof ities hangeovertime.

The online algorithms we present here still require a solution to the NP-hard Orienteering

problem [1℄.As weshall see in Se tion 5thisproblem allowsa3=4-approximationalgorithm for

graphswith edge osts oneand two. We onstru ta polynomialtime approximationalgorithm

for SDTSP by hoosing the best answer given by a set of online algorithms. This results in a

2 2=3k-approximationalgorithmfortheSDTSPwheretheedge ostsarerestri tedtothevalues

one and two and the osts an hange at most k 1 times. The restri tions on the edge osts

an be removed given an Orienteering algorithm that handles arbitrary edge osts. Sin e the

inapproximabilityratioofTSPgrowswiththerelativeedge ostswe annotexpe talgorithmsfor

SDTSPwithapproximationratioindependentofthe osts.

InSe tion2westatetheformalde nitionofSDTSP.InSe tion3weanalyzetheonlineversion

oftheproblemand inSe tion 4we onsider polynomialtimeapproximationalgorithms. Wealso

give an approximation algorithm for the Orienteering problem for edge osts one and two. In

Se tion5we onsiderthe ostdependenttravelingsalesmanproblem.Wegiveaninapproximability

resultfortheEu lideanCDTSPandpresentanonlinealgorithmforCDTSPwithtwotimezones

andedge ostsoneandtwo.Thisonlinealgorithmismodi edtogiveanapproximationalgorithm

asin thepreviousse tion.

2 De nition of SDTSP

De nition1. Consider a set of edge ost fun tions f

1 ;:::;


g assigned to a omplete graph

G=(V;E)with jVj=n,jEj= n 2  ,and where t

(e)is the ostfun tion for edge e2E.Let e


denotethe edgebetweenv

i andv


inV:Thestepdependenttravelingsalesmanproblem(SDTSP )

seeksapermutation ofV thatminimizes

n (e  n  1 )+ n 1 X i=1 i (e  i  i+1 ):

Inorderto omprehendDe nition1ithelpsto onsideraninstan eofSDTSPasann-layered

graph,ea h layer ontaining nverti es.Layeri and layeri+1form a omplete bipartitegraph

wheretheedgesaredire ted,goingfromlayeritolayeri+1,andaregivenweightsa ordingto

weightfun tion


. Theobje tiveis to nd apathgoingfrom layeroneto layern thatvisits all

olumns,startingfromand endingatthesame olumn.

We anview


asadis retetimedependentedge ostfun tion de nedon t=f1;:::;ng.To

simplify the problemwerestri tourstudy to the asewhere this ost fun tion hanges at most

k 1timesasafun tionoft.Aregionwherethe ostfun tionis onstantis alledatimezone.Let

0=z 0 ;z 1 ;:::;z k 1 ;z k

=n2N denotethetimezonedivisors,i.e.,timezonei=fz

i 1 +1;:::;z i g, and j = j 0 forz i 1 <j;j 0 z i

. We simplify therepresentationby assigningone ostfun tion

to ea h timezone, givingus aninstan e I =f(

1 ;z 1 );:::;( k ;z k )g. An instan eof SDTSP with

ktimezonesisdenotedSD k

TSP. LetM andmdenotethe ostsofthemostandleastexpensive

edgesusinganyofthe ostfun tions

1 ;:::;

k .

WeprimarilystudytheonlineversionofSD k

TSPforwhi hanalgorithmre eivesinformation

regarding the time zones and the ostfun tions online. Let I

j =(

j ;z


) representthe instan e

restri tedtotimezonej,i.e.,I=fI

1 ;:::;I


g.Thealgorithmre eivestheinputinstan eonetime


unvisitedverti esandwithedgeweightsgivenby




hasbeen omputed,thealgorithm

re eivesthenextpartoftheinputinstan e,i.e.,I


.Afterktimezonesthealgorithmhasre eived

theentireinputinstan eandaHamilton y lein Ghasbeenbuilt.

De nition2. Given an arbitrary algorithm A for SD k

TSP wewrite A[I℄ for the verti esof the

y le that the algorithm hooses on the instan e I and A(I) for the ost of the resulting y le

produ edon I. Thiswill alsobeusedfor spe i timezones,for instan eA(I


) isthe ostof the

pathin timezoneone.

LetA j [I℄=[ j i=1 A[I i

℄,i.e.,the verti esthat A hooses fromtimezoneone totimezonej.

De nition3. Let R (A) denote the ompetitive ratio for algorithm A and R the smallest

om-petitive ratio for any online algorithm, i.e., R = min


fR (A)g. We use ALG to denote an

arbi-traryonlinealgorithm,OFFanarbitraryoinealgorithmandOPTthe optimaloinealgorithm

for SD k TSP. 3 Online SD k TSP

Herewepresentalowerbound onthe ompetitiveratioforSD k

TSP. Wealsopresentastrategy

with a ompetitive ratio mat hing the lower bound. To ompute the lower bound we use an

adversaryargument.Theadversarybuildsahardinstan eforthestrategy.Thisisdoneonlinein

responsetothede isionsmadebythestrategy.LetI z

denotetheinstan e reatedbytheadversary.

Inadditiontothisinstan ewede neanadversaryoinealgorithmZIG.Thisalgorithmisadapted

bothto I z

and to the de isionsthat were made by theonline strategy beinganalyzed. We an

think of the adversary algorithm as being run in hindsight after the ompletion of the online

strategy.NotethatZIGis designedto beoptimalforI z



algorithmspriortotimezonej. neitherALGnorZIG.


ZIGpriortotimezonej. Nodesvisitedonlyby ALGpriortotimezonej. Nodesvisitedonlyby Allotheredgeshave ostM. Edges with ostm.

Fig.1.Timezonejofatypi alinstan e reatedbytheadversary.

The adversary onstru ts theinstan e I z

asfollows:alledge osts in I z 1 areset tom. In I z j ,

for2jk,all ostsofedgesadja enttoverti esinALG j 1

[I z



isdesigned tomaximize thenumberof ostm edgesused. Itis des ribedbelowandits strategy

fortimezonej isillustratedinFigure2.

Algorithm ZIG

Input: Thetimezoneinformationz

0 ;:::;z




produ edbyALG.

Output: AHamiltonpathPZ.

PZ=;;bottom:=1;top:=n for i:=1 to z 1 do P Z [i℄:=P A

[top℄;top:=top 1


for j:=2 to k do

/*forea htimezonej>1*/

for i:=z j 1 +1 to z j do if bottom<z j 1

andodd(i) then




Z [i℄:=P


[top℄;top:=top 1

endif endfor endfor End ZIG 3 2 1 ZIG ALG n n z 1 2 n z1 1 n z 1

Fig.2.Des riptionofthestrategyusedbyZIG.

Todeterminethe ompetitiveratioweneedto measurethe numberof ostmedges that are

usedbyZIG.Espe ially,wewouldliketo ountthenumberof ostmedgesthatareusedbyZIG

butnotbyALG.Theusagefun tionisageneral on eptthat ountsthenumberof ostmedges

usedbyanarbitraryoinealgorithmOFFuptoaspe i edtimezonej.A ountededgeeshould

omply withthe following onditions: (1)If theonline algorithm usese in timezone l<j then


(e)=M.(2)Theonlinealgorithm annotuseeinatimezonelj.

Tomakesurethat the se ond onditionholds weonly ountedges that ontainat least one


De nition4. The bla kverti esinzone j are de nedas V b j (OFF )=ALG j 1 [I℄nOFF j 1 [I℄:

WeassumethatanonlinestrategyALGhasbeenrunonaninstan eI resultingina y leP

A .

We label the verti es with uniquenumbers from oneup to n a ordingto theirposition in the

y leP

A .

De nition5. Theusagefun tionU


(P)forapathPinaSD k

TSPinstan e,isde nedasfollows:

U 1 (P)=0 U j (P)=U j 1 (P)+jfe2P j j j

(e)=m and ehas an endpointin V b





denotesthesubpathof P restri tedtotimezonej.Wewillviolatethenotationanduse



(A)todenotetheusagefun tionfora y leprodu edbythealgorithmA.WeletU

j =U j (P Z ), P Z

beingthe y leprodu edbyZIGrunonI z

,andweuseV b


todenotethe oloringoftheverti es

in time zonej, using ZIG astheoine algorithm onI z

. Wewantto nd thevalueof U

j .Note

thattheusagefun tiondoesnot ountedges hosenin timezoneone.

Lemma1. If ALG visitsa vertexin timezonej >1 thathas beenvisitedbyZIG in aprevious

timezonethen jALG j

[I℄[ZIG j

[I℄j=n,where I isanarbitrary inputinstan e.

Proof. AssumethatALGvisitsthevertexlabellediduringtimezonej,andthatZIGvisitsvertex

i during time zone j 0

, where j 0

<j. Consider algorithm ZIG at the pointwhen it visits vertex

number i. By onstru tion, bottom  z


0. Hen e, P


[bottom℄ hasalready been visited by ALG

whi h impliesthat i 6=bottom.Thus, i =top. This means that allverti esP


[l℄,for li have

alreadybeen visitedby ZIG. After time zonej all verti es P


[l℄, for li havebeenvisited by

ALG,bytheassumptionabove.Wetherefore on ludethat jALG j

[I℄[ZIG j

[I℄j=n. ut

Thenumberof ostmedgesthat ZIGusein timezonej is limitedbythetime zone'slength

and2jV b



Lemma2. Thenumber of ostm edges ountedby U


(OFF )intimezone j>1is atmost

min f2jV b j (OFF)j;z j z j 1 g:

Proof. LetP bethe y legenerated byOFF andP


thesubpath ofP in time zonej. All edges




j byde nition,andjP j j=z j z j 1 .Se ondly,all edges ountedby U j

(OFF) in time zonej haveat least oneendpointin V b


(OFF). This implies

that ea h vertexin V b


(OFF)is adja entto atmost2 ountededges.It followsthat thenumber

of ostmedges ountedisatmost2jV b


(OFF)j. ut

Lemma3. Thenumber of ostm edges ountedby U


in timezonej>1isexa tly

minf2jV b j j;z j z j 1 g:

Proof. FromLemma2itfollowsthatZIGusesatmostminf2jV b j j;z j z j 1

g ostmedgesintime

zonej.Toseethat ZIGusesatleastminf2jV b j j;z j z j 1 g ostmedgesofI z weneedtoexamine


IfjALG j 1 [I z ℄[ZIG j [I z

℄j=n thenalledgestakenbyZIG in timezone j haveendpointsin

ALG j 1

[I z

℄ and by de nition, these edges have ost m in I z . Hen e, exa tlyz j z j 1 ost m

edgesare ountedbyU

j in timezonej. IfjALG j 1 [I z ℄[ZIG j [I z

℄j<nthen thereare verti esneithervisitedbyALG inatime zone

priortoj norbyZIGinatimezonepriortoj+1.Lett





ofbottomatthebeginningoftimezonej andlett 0

j andb



denotethe orrespondingvaluesatthe


j 1

istheindexofthelastvertexvistedbyALG intimezonej 1,

andsin ethere areunvisitedverti esleft, t 0

j >z

j 1

.Thebla kverti esthereforehavethelabels

b j ;:::;z j 1 .Thus, z j 1 b j +1=jV b j

j. Furthermore,anyvertextakenfrom the topof P

A has

notbeenvisitedyet byALG.

Consideralgorithm ZIG at the beginning of time zone j. Everytime bottom is in reased, a

bla k vertexis in orporated into ZIG's path. Everytime top is de reasedavertex unvisited by

ALG is inserted into the path. Thus, everyse ond vertex pi ked is bla k saveperhaps astring

of un oloredverti esat theend. Ifexa tlyeveryse ondvertexin thepath onstru tedfor time

zonej isbla kthenallz

j z

j 1

edgesare ountedbyU


.Iflessthaneveryse ondvertexisbla k


j z j 1 )=2timesandwe inferthatb 0 j =z j 1

.Thus,bottomhasbeenin reasedjV b


jtimesandallbla kverti eslieonthe

subpath of P


in time zonej. Foreverybla k vertex twoedgesare ounted byU


. Inthis ase

2jV b


jedgesare ounted. ut

Lemma2givesthefollowingupperbound onU

j (OFF).

Lemma4. U


(OFF)isgiven by the following re urren erelation:

U 1 (OFF)0 U j (OFF)U j 1 (OFF)+min  2jV b j (OFF )j;z j z j 1 ,if 2jk;

Lemma3givesus are urren erelationforU


similartotheupperbound onU

j (OFF).

Lemma5. U


isgiven bythe following re urren erelation:

U 1 =0 U j =U j 1 +min  2jV b j j;z j z j 1 ,if2jk;

Toevaluatethe re urren ewewould liketo express jV b j j in termsof U j 1 and z j 1 . Tothis


Lemma6. If2jV b j j<z j z j 1 then ALG j 1 [I z ℄[ZIG j 1 [I z ℄ <n:

Proof. Atthebeginningoftimezonej,thenumberofverti esvisitedbyALGbutnotbyZIGis

jV b


j.Thenumberofverti esvisitedbyZIG inprevioustimezonesisz

j 1 .Therefore, ALG j 1 [I z ℄[ZIG j 1 [I z ℄ = ALG j 1 [I z ℄nZIG j 1 [I z ℄ + ZIG j 1 [I z ℄ =jV b j j+z j 1 2jV b j j+z j 1 <z j z j 1 +z j 1 =z j n:


Lemma7. If2jV b j j<z j z j 1 thenU j 1 =2 ALG j 1 [I z ℄\ZIG j 1 [I z ℄ . Proof. If 2jV b j j <z j z j 1 then ALG j 1 [I z ℄[ZIG j 1 [I z ℄

< n, a ording to Lemma 6. From


Weinfertwo onsequen esfromthisfa t,the rstbeingthatallverti esinALG j 1 [I z ℄ \ ZIG j 1 [I z ℄

were bla k when ZIG visited them. The se ond onsequen e is that top > z

j 1

at the end of

time zone j 1. This implies that no edge in the path produ ed by ZIG has two endpoints in

ALG j 1 [I z ℄\ZIG j 1 [I z

℄. Thenumber ofedges in identto verti esin ALG j 1 [I z ℄\ZIG j 1 [I z ℄ is therefore 2 ALG j 1 [I z ℄\ZIG j 1 [I z ℄

and all of them are ounted by U

j 1

, sin e U

j 1 only

ountsedgesthatALG hasalreadyvisited.Hen e,theresultfollows. ut

Now we an nd a simpler expression for U using the following transformation. If 2jV b j j < z j z j 1 thenjV b j j= ALG j 1 [I z ℄ ALG j 1 [I z ℄\ZIG j 1 [I z ℄ =z j 1 U j 1 =2, byLemma 7.


Theorem1. Theusage fun tion of ZIGisequal to

U 1 =0; U j =U j 1 +minf2z j 1 U j 1 ;z j z j 1 g,if2j k.

GivenTheorem1we omputeamaximumvalueofU

k .

Theorem2. Themaximum valueof the fun tionU

k isU k =n z 1 ando urs whenz i =(2 i 1)n=(2 k 1). Proof. AssumingU 0 =0wehavethat U j =U j 1 +minf2z j 1 U j 1 ;z j z j 1 g: U j is maximizedif2z j 1 U j 1 =z j z j 1 . Thatis, U j =2z j 1 ; (3.0.1) U j =U j 1 +z j z j 1 : (3.0.2) Substituting U j with2z j 1 in (3.0.2)yields z j 3z j 1 +2z j 2 =0:

Wesolvetheequationgiventhat z

0 =0andz k =n: z j = 2 j 1 2 k 1 n: Aftersubstitutingz j

a ordinglyin(3.0.1) wehavethat

U k =n z 1 ; sin ez 1 =n=(2 k 1). ut

Westatea nal lemma on erningtheusagefun tion foranyoinealgorithm OFF. Weuse


Lemma8. Let 0=z 0 ;z 1 ;:::;z j

n2 N. Forany instan e I =f(

1 ;z 1 );:::;( j ;z j )g of SD k TSP

andany oinealgorithm OFF,





Proof. Byde nition U


(OFF )=U

1 =0.

For j > 1, assume that U

j 1

(OFF)  U

j 1

. By de nition, U

j 1

ounts the number of low

ostedgesvisited byOFFin time zonej 0

<j havingat least oneend pointin ALG j



[I℄. The

numberofsu hverti esisat least Uj 1 2 ,andhen e, U j 1 2  ALG j 0 1 [I℄\OFF j 0 [I℄  ALG j 1 [I℄\OFF j 1 [I℄ =j ALG j 1 [I℄ ALG j 1 [I℄nOFF j 1 [I℄ =z j 1 V b j (OFF) :

FromLemma4and ourindu tionhypothesiswehavethat

U j (OFF)U j 1 (OFF)+min  2jV b j (OFF)j;z j z j 1 U j 1 (OFF)+minf2z j 1 U j 1 (OFF);z j z j 1 g =minf2z j 1 ;z j z j 1 +U j 1 (OFF)g minf2z j 1 ;z j z j 1 +U j 1 g =U j 1 +minf2z j 1 U j 1 ;z j z j 1 g =U j u t

3.1 Lower Boundon the CompetitiveRatio

Thisse tionusestheresultswehavearrivedatsofartostatethe rstofourmainresults.

Theorem3. The ompetitiveratio, R ,of anyonlinealgorithm for SD k TSP is R1+ (M m)U k ZIG(I z )

Proof. Consideran arbitraryonline strategyALG. Toanalyze the ompetitive ratioweuse our

adversary argument, in ludingthe instan e I z

together with the adversaryalgorithm ZIG. The

onlinealgorithm hastopayM onalledgesex eptthoseused intimezone one,sin eedges with

ost set to m in other zones anonly be used by ZIG. The ost for ZIG on the instan e I z is ZIG(I z )=mU k +M(n (U k +z 1 ))=Mn (M m)(U k +z 1

);givingusthe ompetitiveratio

R= min ALG max I ALG(I) OPT(I)  min ALG ALG (I z ) ZIG(I z )  M(n z 1 )+mz 1 ZIG(I z ) :

Doingthe al ulationsba kwardswegetthat

R M(n z 1 )+mz 1 Mn+(M m)(U k +z 1 )+ZIG(I z ) ZIG(I z ) =1+ (M m)U k ZIG(I z )


ApplyingTheorem2to Theorem3produ esthefollowing orollary.

Corollary 1. The worst ase ompetitive ratio R of any strategy ALG on any instan e I =

f( 1 ;z 1 );:::;( k ;z k )g isatleast R M m  2 k 2 2 k 1 + 1 2 k 1 :

3.2 Upper Boundon the CompetitiveRatio

Thereisasimplestrategythata hievestheupperboundfoundinthelastse tion.Thisalgorithm,

presentedbelow,usesagreedyapproa h.

Algorithm GREEDYforSD k


Input: Asequen eofk instan esI

1 ;:::;I

k .

Output: AHamilton y leP.

1 Givenaninstan eIj,produ ethe heapestpathofsize zj zj


ontheunvisitedverti esinV.

End GREEDY forSD k


Theorem4. The ompetitiveratioof GREEDYasafun tion of U

k isatmost 1+max I (M m)U k OPT(I)

Proof. LetI beanarbitrarySD k

TSPinstan e, andP


theoptimalTSP touronI.Intime zone





).Assume thatthefollowingholdsforj>1:

GREEDY(I j )OPT(I j )+(M m)(U j (P I ) U j 1 (P I )):

Summinguptheinequalities(in ludingtimezoneone)yieldsthat

k X i=1 GREEDY(I i )OPT(I)+(M m)(U k (P I )) OPT(I)+(M m)U k ;

a ordingto Lemma8.Thisgivesa ompetitiveratioof

R (GREEDY)max I OPT(I)+(M m)U k OPT(I) =1+max I (M m)U k OPT(I) :

It remains to prove our assumed inequality. This is equivalent to showing that there is a path

usable byGREEDY in time zone j >1 that ostsat mostOPT(I

j )+(M m)(U(OPT j [I℄) U(OPT j 1

[I℄)). First observethat the number of edges ounted by the usage fun tion in time

zonej isU j (P I ) U j 1 (P I


j (P I ) U j 1 (P I

))forthese edges.This ost

is in luded in OPT j

[I℄. Edgesnot ounted by the usage fun tion an be used by ALG for the

same ost asOPT. These edges are onne ted with possibly expensive edges for atotal ostof

OPT(I j )+(M m)(U j (P I ) U j 1 (P I


m m ALG OPT M M M m M m m m m

Fig.3.Pat hingtogetherthepie esoftheoptimalalgorithm'spath.

ThistheoremtogetherwithTheorem3givesasharpworst ase ompetitiveratio.

Corollary2. The ompetitiveratioof GREEDY is

R= M m  2 k 2 2 k 1 + 1 2 k 1 :

Note that we have no implementation of GREEDY that runs in polynomial time, sin e it

ontainsanNP- ompletesubproblem.

4 Polynomial Time Approximation Algorithms for SD k


Next wedes ribe apolynomialtime algorithm for SD k

TSP with edge osts from the set f1;2g.

Weusetheexponentialtimegreedyalgorithmdesignedfortheonline ase.Thisgreedyalgorithm

isexponentialsin eit ndsanoptimalk-TSPpath.Wegiveanapproximationalgorithmforthe

longestpath problem in agraphwith edge ostsin the set f1;2g. This problemis also referred


k-TSP,whi h anbeusedtomakethegreedyalgorithmpolynomial.

4.1 Orienteeringwith Edge Costs One and Two

De nition6. GivenavalueTandagraphGwithedgeweightsoneandtwo,theOrienteering(1;2)

problemisto omputethelongestpathinGwith ostatmostT.Thelengthofapathisthenumber

of edges it onsistsof.

Let us start with a straightforwardalgorithm that a hieves anapproximationfa tor of 2=3.

Thenwedes ribeasimpleenhan ement,improvingtheapproximationfa torto3=4.

The algorithm is based on mat hing. We simply perform amaximummat hing on the ost

oneedgesintheinputgraphG.Observethatthemat hing onsistsofatleasthalfthenumberof

ostoneedgesintheoptimalpath.Hen e,we onstru tapathwith ostT inwhi heveryse ond

edge omesfromthemat hingaslongasthereareedgesin themat hing leftto hoose.Thereby

weguaranteethatthelengthofourpathisatleasttwothirds oftheoptimallength.


bothmat hingsindu eapossiblydis onne tedsubgraphofG ontainingpathsoflengthsbetween

oneand nand y lesof lengthsbetweenfour and n.If we breakupall the y lesintopaths by

removing oneedgewetransformthe indu edgraphinto aforest of paths.A y le oflength iis

thereby transformed into a path of length i 1. Denote the resulting forest G 0

. Our algorithm

buildsalongpathwith ostT by on atenatingthepathsofG 0

in de reasinglengthorder,using


Algorithm Enhan edOrienteering(1;2)

Input: AvalueT anda ompletegraphG=(V;E)withedge ostseitheroneortwo.

Output: Apathwith ostT.

1 E1 Amaximummat hingonthe ostoneedgesinG.

2 E


Amaximummat hingontheremaining ostoneedgesinG.

3 G 0 (V;E 1 [E 2 )

4 Break upthe y lesinG 0

asdes ribedabove.

5 Constru taHamiltonpathHofGby on atenatingthepathsinG 0

inde reasinglengthorder,

appendingtheremaining osttwoedgestotheend.

6 return thelongest(initial)partofH with ostlessorequaltoT.

End Enhan edOrienteering(1;2)

The time omplexity of this algorithm is dominated by the maximum mat hing pro edure,

whi hispolynomial[7℄.

To on rm the approximation ratio we ompare the path built by the enhan ed algorithm

(APX) withthe path onstru tedbyan optimalalgorithm(OPT).Let p


denotethe numberof

pathswithlengthiinG 0

.LetthelengthoftheshortestpathfromG 0



denotethenumberoflengthj pathsusedinAPX.Also,letp


denote thenumberof onse utive

ost two edges in APX. The optimal path ontains a orresponding set of paths built up by

onse utive ost oneedges. We divide these paths into aset K


ontainingpairs of onse utive

edgesand aset K


ontainingtheremaininglooseedgesasdes ribedin Figure 4.Letk

2 denote

the numberof edge pairsin K

2 , k


thenumber of edgesin K

1 , and k


thenumber of osttwo


K2 K1 K1 K1 K2 K 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Fig.4. Dividethe paths of ostone edges withinOPT into the setsK



OPT=2k 2 +k 1 +k 0 ; (4.1.1) APX= X i>j (i+1)p i +(j+1)x j +p 0 ; (4.1.2)

andthevalueT an beexpressedas

T =OPT+k 0 ; (4.1.3) T  X i>j (i+2)p i +(j+2)x j +2p 0 : (4.1.4)

Let A denote the number of ost one edges in G 0

that originate from the rst maximum

mat hing.LetBdenotethenumberof ostoneedgesfromthese ondmat hinginG 0


Lemma des ribes ru ial relationsregardingthe numberof edgesmat hed bythealgorithm, the

numberofpathsin G 0

and thenumberof ostoneedgesinOPT.

Lemma9. Thefollowing four onditionshold.

B  X i>1 (i 1)p i ; (4.1.5) A> 3k 1 +6k 2 8 ; (4.1.6) B k 2 ; (4.1.7) A+B = X i1 ip i : (4.1.8) Proof. (4.1.5)B = P i>1 bi=2 p i

,sin eeveryse ondedgeinapathfromG 0

omesfromthese ond

mat hing.Furthermore,sin ebi=2 i 1ifi1,

X i>1 bi=2 p i  X i>1 (i 1)p i :

(4.1.6)The rstmat hingwillin ludeatleasthalfthenumberof ostoneedgesintheoptimal


2 +k


)=2.Butaswestatedinthealgorithm,someoftheedgesfromthe rstmat hing

anbelost as webreak upthe y les.Butea h y lehasat least four edges,whi h meansthat

we anlooseat mostaquarteroftheedgesfrom themat hing. Thus,

A 3 4  2k 2 +k 1 2 = 6k 2 +3k 1 8

(4.1.7)The rstmat hingwillin ludeatmostoneoftheedgesinea hpairinK

2 .Therestof thek 2 edgesinK 2

areleftforthese ondmat hing,andallofthem anbeusedforthemat hing.

Thus,thenumberofedgesusedin these ondmat hingisatleastk

2 .

The orre tnessof(4.1.8)followsdire tly fromthede nitionofp


,AandB. ut

Toprovetheapproximationratioweneedto onsidertwo ases:p

0 =0andp 0 6=0. Case1:p 0 =0.

From(4.1.3) and(4.1.4)itfollowsthat

x j  OPT+k 0 P i>j (i+2)p i :


Thus, APX X i>j (i+1)p i +(j+1) OPT+k 0 P i>j (i+2)p i j+2 = P i>j p i ((j+2)(i+1) (j+1)(i+2))+(j+1)(k 0 +OPT) j+2 : Ifj=1then X i>j p i ((j+2)(i+1) (j+1)(i+2))= X i>1 (i 1)p i B k 2 :


APX OPT  k 2 +2(k 0 +OPT) 3OPT : Sin ek 0 k 1 ,andOPT=2k 2 +k 1 +k 0 itfollowsthat APX OPT  4k 2 +4k 1 +4k 0 +8OPT 12OPT  10OPT 12OPT =5=6:

Ifontheotherhandj2then(j+2)(i+1) (j+1)(i+2)0,sin eji>0.Therefore



j+2 :


APX OPT  j+1 j+2 3=4;

sin e,on eagain,j2.


0 6=0.



6=0impliesthatalledgesinthemat hingareusedinAPX,i.ej=1andx

1 =p

1 .

Againweuse(4.1.3) and(4.1.4)togetthat

p 0  OPT+k 0 P i1 (i+2)p i 2 :


0 into(4.1.2)yields APX X i1 (i+1)p i + OPT+k 0 P i1 (i+2)p i 2 (4.1.9) = P i1 ip i +OPT+k 0 2 (4.1.10) = A+B+OPT+k 0 2 (4.1.11)  6k2+3k1 8 +k 2 +OPT+k 0 2 (4.1.12) = 14k 2 +3k 1 +8k 0 +8OPT 16 (4.1.13)  14k 2 +5k 1 +6k 0 +8OPT 1 6 (4.1.14) = 4k 2 +k 0 +13OPT 1 6 (4.1.15)


In(4.1.11)and(4.1.12)weuseLemma9,andin(4.1.14)weuseon eagainthefa tthatk

0 k

1 .

With this,Case2hasbeenprovedtohold,andTheorem 5follows.

Theorem5. Theenhan edalgorithm hasthe approximation ratio3=4.

From the analysis we inferthat the worst ase appears when p


=0 and j = 2. Thefollowing

example shows that the analysis is tight. The example ontainsa ost oneskeleton of a graph,

i.e., all ostoneedges in thegraphareshownin the gure. Itis leftfor thereaderto apply the

enhan edalgorithmonthis example.

Fig.5.Costoneskeletonofaworst ase instan efortheenhan ed


4.2 Polynomial Time GreedyAlgorithmsfor SD k


Letusnowde nethepolynomialtimegreedyalgorithm(PGforshort).

Algorithm PGforSD k


Input: Asequen eofkinstan esI

1 ;:::;I

k .

Output: AHamilton y leP.

1 GivenanelementIj,useapolynomialtimealgorithmfor(zj zj

1 )-TSP(1,2)ontheunvisited verti esinV. End PGfor SD k TSP(1,2)

Tosimplifytheanalysis wede nethe on eptof ostoneratio.

De nition7. Let#


(ALG [I℄)bethenumberof ostoneedgesusedbyalgorithmALGoninstan e

I and#


(OPT[I℄)thenumberof ostoneedgesusedbytheoptimalalgorithmonthesameinstan e.

The ostoneratio ofALG is

q 1 (ALG )=min I # 1 (ALG [I℄) # 1 (OPT[I℄) : With q 1

wedenotethelargestknown ostoneratioforanypolynomialtimeSD k


Theorem6. PGhas a ompetitive ratioatmost

q 1 U k +(2 q 1 )n


Proof. Let P


denote the y le produ ed by the newgreedy algorithm. In everytime zone, the

numberof ostoneedgesused byPG isat least q


timesthe numberof ost oneedgesused by

OPTthatwerenot ountedbytheusagefun tion.

Thisaddsupto 2U k (P I )+q 1 (n U k (P I ))+2(1 q 1 )(n U k (P I )) n = q 1 U k (P I )+(2 q 1 )n n  q 1 U k +(2 q 1 )n n : u t

We an adopt theenhan ed orienteering algorithm in thepreviousse tion to get ak-TSP path


1 =



byreturningapathoflengthT insteadofapathwith ostT.(Toseethat

thealgorithm attainsthis ost oneratio itissuÆ ient to onsider itsworst ase,in whi h every

thirdedgein thepathhas osttwowhenalledgesintheoptimalpathhave ostone.) UsingPG

withthisnewalgorithmasasubroutinewegetthe ompetitiveratio

2 3 U k + 4 3 n n :

Usingtheresultsin Theorem2wegetthefollowinglargest ompetitiveratio:

2(2 k 2) 3(2 k 1) + 4 3 :

Wepresentthe ompetitiveratiosforsomevaluesofkin Table1.

Notsurprisinglythesevaluesarerather loseto2.Notethattheonly ostoneedgeswe anhope

forintheworst aselieintimezoneone.Thissituationdoesnot hangewithabetterorienteering


algorithm.We allthenewalgorithmIPG(improvedgreedy).Tomeasuretheperforman eofthis

Algorithm IPGforSD k

TSP (1,2)

Input: Asequen eofk instan esI1;:::;Ik.

Output: AHamilton y leP.

1 UsePGoneverypermutationofthesetfI

1 ;:::;I


g,andreturnthe heapestsolution.

End IPGforSD k


algorithmwenotethatnooinealgorithm ansimultaneouslyfor eavalueonthe orresponding

usagefun tionU 0 k higherthan U 0 k =min  fU(A  )g;

where  is a permutation of f1;:::;kg, and A

is the polynomial time greedy algorithm using

the inputsequen e I

1 ;I

2 ;:::;I


. A trivialupperbound on U 0 k is if z j = jn k , for whi h U 0 k  max z i = k 1 k


higherthan q 1 U 0 k +(2 q 1 )n q 1 k 1 +2 q 1 =2 q 1 :


With ourbest k-TSP(1,2) algorithmthis simpli esto 2 2


. Weprintthese resultsfor smallk


In ontrasttothevaluesoftheGREEDYalgorithm,thataresharp,thevaluesfortheIPGare

onlyupperbounds. It ispossibletomakeasmallimprovementonthese resultsif wein thelast

time zoneuse adedi ated TSP(1,2) algorithm[13℄ instead ofthe themoregeneralOrienteering

algorithm. kGREEDY(PGwithq 1 =1)PGwithq 1 =2=3IPGwithq 1 =1IPGwithq 1 =2=3 1 1.00 1.33 1.00 1.33 2 1.67 1.78 1.50 1.67 3 1.86 1.91 1.67 1.78 4 1.93 1.96 1.75 1.83 5 1.97 1.98 1.80 1.87 6 1.98 1.99 1.83 1.89


5 The Cost Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem

Letusendourexpositionwiththese ondvariantofTDTSP:the ostdependenttravelingsalesman

problem (CDTSP).InCDTSP theobje tiveis tominimizethetravelingtime,whi h isidenti al

tothetotal ostoftheedgestraversed.

De nition8. Consider a set of edge ost fun tions f

1 ;:::;


g assigned to a omplete graph

G=(V;E)with jVj=n,jEj= n 2  ,and where t

(e)is the ostfun tion for edge e2E.Let e



i andv


inV.The ostdependenttravelingsalesmanproblem(CDTSP )

seeksapermutation ofV thatminimizes

t 1 (e  1 ; 2 )+ t n (e  n ; 1 )+ n 1 X i=2 t i (e  i ; i+1 ); wheret i = i 1 X j=1 t j (e  j ; j+1 ):

The di eren e between SDTSP and CDTSP is that the ost fun tion now depends on the

weightsumoftheedgesalreadytraversedbythesalesman.Alsointhis aseone anvisualizethe

instan easadire tedlayeredgraph.However,anedgeof ost goingfromavertexinlayeriwill

onne twithavertexinlayeri+ .Note,though,that thenumberoflayersmightbeverylarge,


As for SDTSP we restri t the number of di erenttime zones to k and denote the resulting

problemCD k

TSP.Webeginwithadis ouragingresultfortheEu lidean ase.

LetS =fs 0 ;s 1 ;:::;s n

gbeaset of pointsin theplane, withs


beingthe startingpointand

z 0 ;z 1 ;:::;z k 1


1 ;:::;C


bekpositivevaluessu h





.Wede nethefun tion

C(t)=C i ; if i 1 t< i ; for1ik.

ConsiderasalesmanthatvisitsthepointsinS.Wede nethedeparturetimet



i asthe


TheRestri tedEu lidean CDTSP istheproblemof ndingatourthatvisitsallthepointsin

S, minimizing thetotal travelingtime. The time needed to go between two points s

i and s j is givenbyd(s i ;s j )C(t i ),whered(s i ;s j

)isthedistan ebetweenthetwopoints.Weassumethatthe


0 =z

0 =0.

Garey,Graham and Johnson[8℄ provethat theEu lidean travelingsalesmanproblem is

NP-hardby aredu tionfrom theNP- ompletede isionproblem exa t overby 3-sets,X3C. Weuse

their redu tionto prove that theRestri ted Eu lidean CDTSP is inapproximable. If F is a yes

instan eofX3C,thenwesaythatF 2X3C,otherwisewesaythat F62X3C.

LetS be an instan e of TSP produ ed by Garey et al.'s redu tion, su h that jSj = n. The

pointsofSlieonaunitgridGofsizelessthatnnandanaivetourvisitingallpointsofS has

a ostl<2n.These resultsfollowdire tlyfromGareyetal.'s onstru tion.

Gareyet al.provethat the ost ofan optimaltouris lessorequalto somespe i valueL 

ifan exa t overexists forthe X3C-instan e.If there is noexa t over,then it hasat least the



Theorem7. TheEu lidean CD 2

TSP annotbeapproximatedbyany onstant fa tor.

Proof. We onstru taRestri tedEu lideanCDTSP-instan ebasedupontheinstan eusedinthe

redu tionofGareyetal.Letrbeanarbitrary onstant.WetakeS fromtheredu tionofGarey

et al. asthe set of pointsin theRestri ted Eu lidean CDTSP-instan e,with the lowerleftmost

pointasdepot. Weletz

0 =0,z 1 =L  ,C 1 =1,andC 2 =(r 1)L  .

If F 2 X3C, then the time needed by an optimal salesman to visit all points and go ba k

to thedepot is L 

asin theTSP-instan eof Gareyet al. Onthe other hand,ifF 62X3C then

the ostof the optimal tourin theTSP-instan e is at least L 

+1. The shortest Hamilton path

startingfrom thelowerleftmostpointisthereforeat leastL 

long.FortheRestri tedEu lidean

CDTSP-instan e this implies that the departure time of the last point s


to be visited by the

salesmanisat least L 

. The ostof thelast edge istherefore (r 1)L  d(s i ;s 0 )(r 1)L  , sin e d(s i ;s 0

)1. Thetotaltravelingtime isthus at leastrL 

andthe approximationratiobe omes

atleast rL


=r.Sin ewe an hooserarbitrarilylarge,thetheoremfollows. ut

Let us again restri tthe edge osts to either oneor two and onsider the online versionof

CD 2

TSP.On eagainthegreedyalgorithmisoptimal.

Theorem8. The ompetitive ratio of online CD 2

TSP(1;2) is 5=3 and the greedy algorithm is


Wegivetwolemmasthat togethergiveustheproofofTheorem8.

Lemma10. The ompetitiveratioofanyonlinealgorithmforCD 2



Proof. Letz


=n=3andassumethatea hedgeintimezoneonehas ostone.Takeanarbitrary

on-linealgorithmALGforthisproblemand onsideritsperforman e.Thealgorithmmustprodu e

aninitialpathof ostandlengthn=3beforea quiringthe ostoftheedgesintimezonetwo.The

adversary makessure that ZIG[1℄ and ALG [1℄ are disjointand that alledges in ident to bla k

verti esget ostoneintimezonetwo.Allotheredgesget osttwo.Sin etheonlyedgeswith ost

onein timezonetwoarethosein identto verti esalreadyvisitedbyALG, the ostoftime zone


Below,wepresentanoptimalexponential-timeonlinealgorithmforCD 2


zones.Theinputtothealgorithmisthe ostmatrixfortimezoneoneandattimez



isgiventhe ostfun tionoftimezonetwo.

Algorithm A


1 Computethelongestpathof ostz


2 Getnewinput(new ostfun tion)

3 Computethemin ostpathfromthe urrentpositiontothestartingpoint.

End Aexp

Lemma11. A


has ompetitiveratio5=3.

Proof. Letm


bethenumberofedgesinthetourprodu edbyA


,restri tedtotimezoneone,


exp (I


)the ostofthetourrestri tedtotimezonetwo.Furthermore,letm



2 )be

the orrespondingvariablesfortheoptimaltour.The ompetitiveratioofA

exp anbeexpressed as R (A exp )= z 1 +A exp (I 2 ) z 1 +OPT(I 2 ) :

The ostoneedgesthat anbe usedbyan oinealgorithm but notby theonlinealgorithm

arethe edgesin time zonetwothat arein ident tobla kverti es. Themaximalnumberof su h

edgesin ludedin atourisminf2m

1 ;n m



inthese ond timezonemayalsobeusedbyA


.Theseedges onne tanumberofverti esthat

bothtoursvisitinthistimezone.IfweletoptdenotetheshortestTSP-pathamongtheseverti es,


2 )minf2m 1 ;n m 2 g+opt.

Letusapplythesameargumentforthe osttwoedgesin timezonetwo.The osttwoedges

that A


's tourmaybefor edtovisitbut that theoptimaltourmayes apearetheedgesthat

areadja enttoverti esalreadyvisitedbytheoptimaltour.Themaximalnumberofsu hedgesin

A exp 'stourisminf2m 2 ;n m 1 g,andsin eA exp


itfollowsthatA exp (I 2 )2minf2m 2 ;n m 1 g+opt.Sin em 2 m 1

itfollowsthatthe ompetitive

ratiois R (A exp ) z 1 +2minf2m 1 ;n m 1 g+opt z 1 +minf2m 1 ;n m 1 g+opt =1+ min f2m 1 ;n m 1 g z 1 +min f2m 1 ;n m 1 g+opt :



=n=3for whi hopt=0,andsin ez

1 m 1 ,wegetthat R (A exp )1+ 2n=3 n=3+2n=3 = 5 3 : u t

Using the improved greedy algorithm for CD 2

TSP we an a hieve the same approximation


Corollary3. Thereisapolynomialtimeoine5=3-approximationalgorithm for CD 2


Note that wea hievethesameresult asfor thetwotime zoneSDTSP. However,be auseof


6 Con lusions

We study online strategies for two versions of the time dependent traveling salesman problem

(SD k

TSPandCD k


FortheonlineversionofSD k

TSPwea hieveanoptimalexponentialtimestrategywith

om-petitiveratio( M m 1) 2 k 2 2 k 1

+1;whereM isthelargestandmthesmallestedge ost,andkisthe


Inorder tomaketheonline strategy timeeÆ ientwestudy theorienteering problem, whi h

appears as a subproblem in the online strategy. We nd an approximation algorithm for the

orienteeringproblemwithapproximationratio3=4iftheedge ostsarerestri tedtooneandtwo.

Using the online result for SD k

TSP together with the approximationalgorithm for the

ori-enteeringproblem weareabletoprodu eagreedyapproximationalgorithm withapproximation

fa tor2 2


forgraphswithedge ostsoneortwo.WealsogivesimilarresultsforCD 2


mat hingthosefoundforSD 2


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Fig. 1. Time zone j of a typi
al instan
reated by the adversary .
Fig. 2. Des
ription of the strategy used by ZIG.
Fig. 3. Pat
hing together the pie
es of the optimal algorithm's path.
Fig. 4. Divide the paths of 
ost one edges within OPT into the sets K


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