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Active sensing in an urban environment: closing the loop


Academic year: 2021

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Above: Illustration of multipath reflections of radar returns. The two trucks are the intended targets, and measurements from clutter

should not be validated by the system.

Complexities of the Urban Terrain

Core technical issues:

multipath ambiguities

multipath modelling

continuous target visibility

measurement-track association

Satellite images and city maps provide layouts for:

streets map



Overall System

Common approaches to tracking are based on suboptimal decoupling of radar system and tracker. Our innovative solution includes:

use of statistics from current scan to design waveform to be transmitted on next radar scan

use of pre-processed measurements instead of raw radar returns

radar system

imaging detection &

estimation track maintenance track initiation measurements tracks scheduling diversity modes

Distinct levels of diversity are considered:

spatial diversity through the use of coordinated multistatic radars

waveform diversity by adaptively scheduling the transmitted radar waveform according to the scene conditions

motion model diversity by using a bank of parallel filters, each one matched to a different maneuvering model


Demonstrate through Monte Carlo simulations an active sensing platform with waveform design and scheduling for multitarget

tracking, that simultaneously:

reduces missed-detection probability

reduces the uncertainty ellipse for a tracked target

increases the time devoted to surveillance

When compared to tracking airborne targets, tracking ground targets on urban terrain brings a new set of challenges:


target mobility is constrained by road networks

dense clutter


limited line-of-sight

multiple other interferers

In order to improve the accuracy of track estimates under such complex scenarios, it is important to use prior knowledge of the environment, and exploit the integration of detection, signal

processing, tracking, and scheduling.

          0.8 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.8 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.8 uniform motion unifo rm m otion acceleration acce lera tion deceleration dece lera tion unifo rm m otio n right turn left turn          0.94 0 0.06 0 0.94 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.94 uniform motion right turn left tu rn measurements interaction/mixing of estimates track initiation UKF prediction UKF measurement update combination of estimates track termination LMIPDA data association gating model update IMM mode-matched track maintenance

Multitarget Tracker Implementation

Measurement-track association

integrated track initiation and termination using the probability of track existence (PTE)

track is initiated (terminated) if PTE gets above (below) threshold UKF mean f(x) y= ) x f( y= A P A P x T y= ) f(X Y=

weighted sample mean and covariance covariance mean true mean true covariance sigma points UKF covariance EKF mean EKF covariance

Motion model adaptation:

variable-structure interacting multiple model

model transition probability matrix changes according to current target state

Unscented Kalman vs. extended Kalman filters

EKF: filter divergence due to model linearization

UKF: deterministic sampling, propagates sigma points through nonlinear model

Active Sensing in an Urban Environment:

Closing the Loop

Patricia R. Barbosa, Yun Li, and Edwin K. P. Chong

MVDR imaging

minimizes power of interferers

waveform scheduling


myopic strategy

non-myopic strategy

tracking people

motion models

indoor vs. outdoor environments

Future Work

Above: Snapshot of a moving target at (x,y) = (50,70) using 3 distinct imaging schemes. Matched-filter is the baseline. Coherent combining is

sensitive to fading and phase errors. Non-coherent combining is robust under fading, but shows blurring and estimation errors.

Sorting Through Clutter

Target state and waveform-dependent covariance matrix are estimated from radar images polluted by clutter and multipath. Goals:

high-resolution image that discriminates targets and suppresses clutter

compromise between missed-detection and false alarm rates

Preliminary Results

Left: Tracking 2 targets in urban terrain. Tracks are initiated and terminated according to threshold levels.

Right: Target motion-model estimation. The correct model at each scan has the highest probability. Some delay in

model-switching is expected. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Radar Scans Model Probability Model Estimation Uniform Motion Acceleration/Deceleration Right Turn Left Turn 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 wall wall tx rx True Trajectory Estimated Trajectory Measurement True Trajectory Estimated Trajectory Measurement Estimated Trajectory Clutter Initiated Track Longitudinal Axis Transversal Axis Multitarget Tracking Approved for Public Release


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