[AcadFac] Welcome to spring break...
AcadFac <[email protected]>
on behalf of
Miranda,Rick <[email protected]>
Sat 3/14/2020 2:03 PMTo: [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected]
<[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>
Cc: Bernier,Brandon <[email protected]>; Lynn,Lori <[email protected]>; Duquoin,Kathy <[email protected]>; LaBelle,Chris <[email protected]>; McConnell,Joyce
<[email protected]>; Johnson,Lynn <[email protected]>; Barker,Marc <[email protected]>; Pidcoke,Heather <[email protected]>; Claycomb,Ann <[email protected]>
Dear Colleagues,
It’s the first day of our spring break, and I’m sure all of you are combining some needed R&R with planning for the return of our new online world the week a er this.
As you move your face-to-face courses online, please reach out to your students as soon as possible to let them know that their face-to-face course will soon be available online. Many of our students are expressing anxiety about their academic futures. By communica ng with them now, you can offer guidance and increased stability. Let them know that you're thinking of them, are planning to move your course online, and will be in touch in the next week or so with more details. Express your concern for their welfare, and encourage them to take care of themselves and each other.
If you need support moving your course online, I encourage you to first seek help from your local College Canvas Coordinator or colleagues in your department who are more experienced with Canvas, Teams, and online teaching. If you need addi onal support, ACNS, TILT, and CSU Online have set up the Keep Teaching website, where you can find self-help resources and support contact informa on. We’ll be staffing that site this weekend for ques ons 7am to 8pm.
This morning I eschewed the health club (too many people!) to go for a run along the Spring Creek Trail near our house. Toward the end of the route I passed a sign posted on a wooden fence for trail users to see, saying “Truth Goodness and Beauty S ll Exist”. I smiled and ran a bit faster (well, for a block or two).
We’re all going to be running a bit faster in the coming weeks. Remembering our core values, and paying a en on to suppor ng each other in big and small ways, will be important. Let’s use this moment to make CSU be er in the long run; to learn (again) how resilient our community is; and to remember that we’re here for our students, first.
Stay healthy, and stay tuned, - Rick
Rick Miranda
Provost and Execu ve Vice President Colorado State University