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Collection: Glover (Robert E.) Papers Author: Glover, Robert E. (Robert Ellsworth) Title: 1948

Date: 1948

File Name: WREG02708.pdf Date Transcribed: January 2021 Editors: T. Barker

Transcription Platform: Microsoft Word


RE. U.S. PAT. OFF. The Silent Secretary 1948

Calendar for 1948

Addresses and Telephone Numbers Upper limit of leave for 1948 562 hours January 5, Monday

Notice of advancement for Francis Swain $4902.00 to $5152.80 Engr General P4, effective Dec 28, 1947. Received today. REG (1947).

Mr Abraham Braitman in today. REG (1947 Notes) January 6, Tuesday

Meeting of Publications Committee in Mr Schmitt’s office. REG (1947 Diary notes) January 7, Wednesday

Mr Larson brings to my attention that the printing of spillways and outlet works form Bradford Robinson was delivered to supply and accepted by them and is incomplete. REG (1947 Diary notes)

January 9, Friday

Meeting with Asst Commissioner Markwell in Bldg 1B at 10:00 AM (1947 Diary notes) REG January 13, Tuesday


JW Ridley of New Zealand in today to talk about earthquakes. Tommy Carter’s transfer to this section came in today. (1947 Diary notes) REG Effective Dec 18 1947

January 16, Friday

Mr Cone and Mr Bloor of the Leads and Northrup Co were in today to talk about system frequency and bad control. REG

January 21, Wednesday

At Boulder Colorado this afternoon to see polaris cake. January 22, Thursday

At Eleven Mile Canyon dam with Monfore and Hansen January 26, Monday

Snow today. J Richardson and Kahn came in at noon because of snow trouble. Miss Tandy could not get out. Ira Allen and John Bruggeman were also unable to come out because of the snow. REG.

Mr Damours called to say that all employees to say that all employees were to be dismissed at 3:30 PM. They therefore left at 3:30 PM REG

January 27, Tuesday

25 minutes late today - starts driving - 12 degrees F below zero this morning - one hour leave turned in. REG

January 29, Thursday

Discussed the Tracey surge tank situation with Mr McClellen. He had previously requested as to check the pressure changes incurred key operation without a surge tank. The manufacturer had given us a minimum figure at 3500000 lb ft2 but would not promise a true value for about three months. Mr McClellen suggested that I get from Mr McBirney a value of pressure rise they would allow under emergency condition and to get estimates of earth excavation costs to lower the pipe at critical points. He asked Denton to get a quotation from the manufacturer for providing specified amounts of

flyworked effect and comments in starting requirements. John Parmakian will study pressure changes for operation with 35800000, 4000000 and 4500000 lb ft2 flywields. REG 1/30/48

Talked with Mr Semelas of Spain about surge tank stability. REG 1/30/48 January 30, Friday

Professors SW Hsu and Dr KC Cheng of the Central University of Nanking and Alfredo Semelas of Spain in today to see the photoelastic laboratory. They also saw the integrator. REG

February 2, Monday


February 3, Tuesday

Request for $3000 supplemental funds for the photoelastic lab ($2000) and for other equipment (1000) sent in today. REG

February 5, Thursday

Alfredo Semalas of Spain and Mr Goodman of Poe’s section in today to see the integrator operate. February 6, Friday

Discussed the division of load between penstock plate and reinforcing steel with Nalder. February 8, Sunday

Start to San Francisco at 5:20 PM to attend meeting of the advisory committee for Engineering Seismology. REG Feb 6 1948

February 12, Thursday

On leave while in San Francisco REG 2/17/48 February 14, Saturday

Returned from San Francisco at 7:45 AM. Trip was for attendance at a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Engineering Seismology. REG 2/17/48

February 17, Tuesday Mr Crane in today February 19, Thursday

Sam Judd in a telephone conversation with Frank Allen stated that McClellan does not wish to extract heat from the Hungry Horse generators by blowing air through them. REG

February 23, Monday

Holiday - Washington’s birthday. (celebrated today because it fell on Sunday) REG 2-24-48 February 24, Tuesday

Request for $500 of funds for tracing for report on earthquakes sent in today. REG. Approval of [illegible] grade advancement for services signed today. REG.

Approval for Jarvis and Phillips to do work for Seattle received today. REG February 25, Wednesday

Mr Damours states that Mr Se approves the attendance of the following at the ACI Meeting this afternoon:


Name Time of Leaving DFC John Parmakian 1:30 Fred Cornwell 1:30 CN Zangar 2:00 RE Glover 2:00 John Bruggeman 2:00 BR McGrath 2:00 REG

Within grade salary increase for EH Larson approved today. REG February 26, Thursday

Messrs JP Stratford and WA Hansucker of the Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles were in this morning to discuss ice pressures against dams and the effect of earthquakes on pressures in closed penstocks (Owens’ river development) REG 2/27/48

February 27, Friday

Notice of within grade increase from 4902.00 to 5152-80 P4 for Loyd R Scrivener effective Feb 22 1948 received today.

Notice of within grade increase for EH Larson from 4902.00 to 5152.80 effective Feb 22 1948 received today. REG

March 1, Monday

Attended Chiefs Meeting and reported on trip to San Francisco to attend meeting of the Advisory Committee on Engineering Seismology. REG

Richardson and Jarvis named as fire officer and alternate. REG March 2, Tuesday

PAR for Evans at P4 signed today. REG March 3, Wednesday

Both Joe Richardson and Frank Taylor were seen in the snack bar this morning. Joe was advised of the prescription. Frank had been warned before. REG

Mr Holmquist says it is agreeable to him for Mr Blanks to fabricate the materials described on production order No D-111-8 REG

March 4, Thursday

Holf and Collins in today to talk about losses around Mallen damsite. March 5, Friday


Mr Ehrenhard from Coulee in today. Endorsement for John Parmakian’s letter to Dr Rao in behalf of Mr Ranjarajan signed today. REG

March 8, Monday

Compilation of Earthquake data transmitted to Ulrich of Coast and Geodetic Survey. 9/9/48 March 9, Tuesday

Recommendation for a within grade advancement for DH Jarvis to be effective Feb 8 1948, signed today. REG.

Recommendation for a within grade advancement for Tommie Carter effective Mar 7 1948 signed today. REG

Tech club meeting on analogies at room 409 NCH 7:30 PM Kapila and Glover spoke. REG. 3-10-48 March 10, Wednesday

Messrs NM Newmark at the Univ of Illinois and Wilbur and Norris of MIT in today. REG McGrath went back to Dams today. REG 3/11/48

March 17, Wednesday

Certification of Ramspeck within grade advances for FC Allen, MD Capen, CC Crawford, FD Kirn and Parmakian, F Taylor, approved today. REG

Notification of increase for DH Jarvis 4149.60 to 4275.00 effective Feb 8 1948 and for Tommie O Carter 2243.52 to 2318.76 CAF3 effective Mar 7, 1948 received today. REG

March 22, Monday

A request of John Parmakian to teach a course for the University of Colorado on Stress Analysis of Large Diameter Steel Pipe Lines to be taught to 5:40 to 10:00 PM Wednesday Mar 31 to May 26 1948 incl. Signed today. REG

John Parmakian and I gave Mr Reeves a square of 50ft diameter for a surge tank with a 50 ft purge as a rough preliminary figure to use for the Folsom power plant. REG

March 23, Tuesday

Conference with Plumb about our relations with Judd. I made the point that we should retain that part of the air conditioning work which in of at developmental nature and Judd should take care of the routine part of the work. Mr Plumb routine part of the work. Mr Plumb agreed and so instructed Judd by phone. This decision implies that Sam is in complete charge of such work but must see to it that out part of the work is sent here. I stated that any arrangement of which this would be one, which would prevent anyone from working advice from us would have a very detrimental effect upon the future of this group. I also pointed out that the present form of our organization leaves the initiative completely in the design


divisions and places us in the same relation with respect to town that the office of D and C would be with respect to the Region of the commission did not stabilize their relations. REG

Mr William came over today from McConnel’s group to keep in the treatise on dams. REG 3/24/48 March 24, Wednesday

Stopped all work on the investigation of use of a heat pump for power plant heating on Hungry Horse plant heating on Hungry Horse power plant. In conversation with Sam Judd, Sam promised to clear both this [illegible] and Davis Power Plant with McClellan.

At John’s request I asked Jim Richardson for two men to assist with computations on the Soap Lake [illegible]. Mr Richardson will send down West and Beck tomorrow. REG

(Bechtold) REG

Eligibility certificate for within grade salary advancement for Joe T Richardson signed today. REG March 25, Thursday

Attended meeting of the publication committee. REG

Messrs Wendt and Bechtold came down from the mechanical section to assist with the computation Soap Lake Siphon. REG

Permission for John Parmakian to instruct a class in Stoell Analysis of Large Diameter Steel Pipe Lines for CU received today approved by Gould. REG

March 26, Friday

Notices of within grade advances for:

FC Allen P5 from 5905.20 to 6144.60 Eff. 3-21-48 MD Copen P4 4902.00 to 5152.80 Eff. Mar 21 1948 CC Crawford P3 4275.00 to 4400.40 Eff. Mar 21 1948 FD Kirn P6 7102.20 to 7341.60 Eff. Mar 21 1948

John Parmakian P6 7102.20 to 7341.60 Eff. Mar 21 1948 Distributed today: also

FW Taylor P4 4902.00 to 5152.80 Eff. Mar 1948 REG April 3, Saturday

Came out to plant today. On leave from Tuesday to Friday inclusive. REG (Leave Mar 30 to Apr incl REG) April 5, Monday

On leave last week after Monday. Changed bond allotment from 3750 to 18.75 today April 6, Tuesday


Notice of within grade advancement for Joe T Richardson Engr P4 from 4902.00 to 5152.80 effective April 14, 1948 received today. REG

April 7, Wednesday

Messrs Wendt and Bechtold finished their assignment with us today. REG 4-8-48 April 8, Thursday

Attended meeting of the publication committee. REG 4/9/48 April 9, Thursday

Mr Kapila came around to say goodbye today. (will leave for India about May 5 to go by way of england) REG

April 10, Saturday [scratched out] April 12, Monday

Four copies of Bulletin 3 Part IV of the Boulder reports on “Studies of Crests for Overfall Dams” requested for official Bureau use and issued to Engle, Larson and Williams. One copy retained. REG Suggested to Gilliland the possibility of using an electric current to drive out the alkali constituents from concrete which shows the alkali activity. REG

April 13, Tuesday

Letter on instrumentation for earthquake investigation sent to Dr Hausner today. REG April 15, Thursday

Mr McCartney came over to help out with the manual on Davis. REG

Attended meeting of the publication committee. Technical memos to be continued - report by chairman on final feature reports to be transmitted to chief engr. REG

April 19, Monday

Attended Chief Engrs meeting. REG April 20, Tuesday

Mr Seeger in today with Mr See about Narrows (Platte River) site. REG Notice of promotion for:

Chad C Crawford P3 to P4 $4902.00 Effective 4-19-48 David H Jarvis P3 to P4 $4902.00 Effective 4-19-48 Howard J Kahn P3 to P4 $4902.00 Effective 4-19-48 H Boyd Phillips P3 to P4 $4902.00 Effective 4-19-48



April 21, Wednesday

On leave all day (annual) REG 4/23/48 April 22, Thursday

On annual leave all day. REG 4/23/48 April 23, Friday

Mr Poppins of Australia in today to talk about tunnel stresses. REG April 26, Monday

Cloth bound capers of “Crests for Overfall Dams” of the Boulder Bulletins available today. REG Wm Evans returned to the technical section today. REG

April 27, Tuesday

Attended Tech club meeting at YWCA in the evening Subject Dam sites in Missouri Basin. REG 4/28/48 April 28, Wednesday

Promotion for Swain to P5 5905.20 PA effective Apr 19 1948 received today. REG

Conference with Warnock and Engle on the Treatise on Dams work. Warnock later talked with Mr Schmitt. Warnock called in the afternoon to state that Mr Schmitt was agreeable to terminating the work at the end of the fiscal year and to let the reproduction take care of itself. This was the course discussed when Warnock was here in the morning so we are all in agreement. I am to write a report stating the results of experience in this undertaking. REG

Mrs Trout advises by phone that we can arrange a temporary appointment for a man to take Gen. Ball’s place at P2 since there is no “General” register for this grade. Authorization is for 30 days from April 21 1948. REG

April 30, Friday

Mr Wishelm says to go ahead with revisions on the Grand Coulee machine shop requested verbally by Anderson, detail will be straightened out later. REG

Ellen Geddes took notes on research reports today. May 3, Monday

Attended chief engrs meeting in the morning. REG Funeral for Reeves today. REG


Miss Carter reported to Class Elliot this morning on detail. REG May 5, Wednesday

Mrs Grover came to work with Larson today at noon. REG May 7, Friday

Difficulties of removing the expanding concrete from the Parker power plant discussed with Mr McClellan this morning. He is agreeable to solving the problem of the “20” line wall now and deferring the question of further replacers until more power is available as when Davis dam is completed. REG May 10, Monday

Mr Isham Pemberton in today. REG May 11, Tuesday

Mr Pemberton’s employment requested today. REG

The chapter on “Arch dams” of the “treatise on dams” given to Poe today. REG May 12, Wednesday

Talked with See Warnock and Schmitt on the Treatise on dams work. Warnock is in favor of putting the master up to the Commissioner to get a decision as to whether we should try to complete Mr Schmitt discussed the pros and cons and will talk to Mr Mermel about it this afternoon. REG

May 18, Tuesday

Mr Pemberton came to work today. REG 5/20/48

(P1 $2644.80 effective 5-18-48 REG 5/27/48) On leave all day. REG 5-20-48 May 19, Wednesday

On leave all day. REG 5/20/48 May 21, Friday

Signed a PAR for six SP5 employees today. REG

Mrs Grover’s last day (is to transfer to Lowry field) REG May 25, Tuesday

On leave.

Miss Eileen O Smith CAF3 $2394.00 came to work effective this date. REG 5/27/48 May 26, Wednesday


May 27, Thursday

Meeting of Publications Board May 28, Friday

VA Rangarajan No. 13 Bazullah Road Thyagaraya Nagar Madras


May 31, Monday

Military leave for John Parmakian from June 7 to June 21 signed today. (FT Riley Kaus) Mr Johnson of FBI in to inquire about H Botschen.

June 8, Tuesday

Copy of Bureau’s Consideration of Manual on Dams given to Poe today. REG June 10, Thursday

On leave all day June 11, Friday

Mr McCandless came over to help out with the Treatise on dams. REG 6/14/48 June 14, Monday

Attended Chief Engrs meeting. McClellan presided. REG Mr Norman S Johnson SP5 $2394.00 came to work today. REG June 15, Tuesday

Chapter 9 of the Treatise on dams on Gravity dams given to Poe for reproduction today. REG June 21, Monday

Mr Stanley Harowitz reported for work today. REG Mr Richard S Jacobsen reported for work today. REG Mr George H Whitehead reported for work today. REG

Joe Richardson’s memo on uplift pressures handed to Poe today. REG June 25, Friday


Conference with Mr Mclellan on special fund for the Technical section. I stated this find is very

important to us as we do not have primary control of the work and our work is therefore characterized by rush and slack periods. He assured me he would see that we get it if funds permitted. If not he stated that he would give us design work to do. He was told of personnel problems in regard to Engle, Larson, Williams and Miss Smith when he asked if we would be able to finish the Boulder reports by the end of the calendar year. I promised to try to work something out with Poe in regard to Larson. He said he would get us anyone in the organization we needed to get these completed. 6/29/48

June 28, Monday

Mr Wm J Brown Jr came to work this morning.

Professor Dobbins from Boulder came to work as a visitor in the Photoelastic Lab. REG 6/30/48 July 1, Thursday

Last of the seven volumes of the Treatise on Dams delivered to Mr Poe today. REG 7/2/48 July 6, Tuesday

Approval of within grade salary advancement for Leo Krisl signed today. REG July 7, Wednesday

[scratched out] July 8, Thursday

Notice of appointment of Wm J Venuti SP% $2394.00 Eff 6-25-48 and for Wm J Brown Jr SP% $2394.00 effective 6-28-48 Given to Kirn. REG

July 13, Tuesday

Notice of increase for Leo Krisl from 5232.00 (adj) to 5482.80 Effective July 11 1948. Given to Kirn today. REG

July 22, Thursday

Mr Kress of PBA took pieces of beam compares beam broken by janitors to get replacement made. REG July 26, Monday

Conference with RE Davis, MacMillan, Blanks, Hammond, McHenry, Wood, Meillner, Price, Keaner, Raphael, Kirn, Moran, Tuthill, Gilliland, Rhodes on Hungry Horse concrete. REG

July 30, Friday

Within grade advancement paper for Zangar and Conner effective Aug 8 1948 signed today. REG Miss Surridge of Friden in today to demonstrate the new machine. REG


Notes of increase for FE Cornwell P5 6235.20 to 6474.60 Eff Aug 8 CN Zangar P5 6235.20 to 6474.60 Eff Aug 8

Received today. REG August 10, Tuesday

Conference with Bates, Neva, McHenry, Rhoades, Heaton, and men from Region 7 reinforcing of tunnels on Rothenale route Colo Big Thompson project. Chief Engineers meeting. McClellan present.

Arrangements and changes nearing to conversation within the limitation it by congress discussed. REG 8/11/48

August 16, Monday

Conference with Mr McClellan on operation of Technical group as a possible part of the Davis Division. I objected to this arrangement because it would be embarrassing for heads of other divisions to ask help of a subordinate group of another division. Such an arrangement may destroy the section. REG 8/17/48 Conference with Holmquist concerning Mr Engle. He says arrangements have been approved for Mr Engle to take over the review of the Reclamation Manual but that it will be available for him to complete the bulletin on Geology before leaving us. Arrangements to move the Treatise on Dams material to the library are to be made and an estimate of the time required to complete the bulletin on geology is to be obtained. REG 8/17/48

August 19, Tuesday

Johnson and Whitehead memos forwarded to Chief Engr in duplicate today as per Barett’s memo to all student engineers. REG. Copies of above sent to Barrett.

Engineer Trainee Evaluation Blanks for Brown WJ (G), Horowitz SH (Outstanding), Jackson RS (O), Johnson NS (O), Whitehead GH (G), Venuti Wm J (G). Initialed today. REG

August 20, Friday

Swager’s memo on granting agreed to by Swain and myself and passed on today. REG (note - Kirn was called away by his father’s illness) REG

Questions on the Falcon outlet works passed on to the Chief Designing Engineer today. REG August 25, Wednesday

Conference with Keene and Hunt on reorganization. REG 8/26/48 August 26, Thursday

Conference with Neve, Bates, Cook, Soderberg, Douglas, McHenry, Heaton, Rhoades, Olsen, Glover, Reeves on tunnels on F route. REG


IE Allen and RH Williams certifications for within grade advancements signed today. REG August 30, Monday

Mr George B Clark Asst Prof of Mining Engineering 307 Ceramics Bldg. Univ of Illinois Urban Div. in today to talk about stresses around tunnels. REG

Mr Cutler of Seattle in today to talk about strain gaging of rock in tunnels. REG August 31, Tuesday

Conference in Mr Nalder’s office at 10:30 AM on Falcon Power Plant conduits. Present Nalder, Keener, Rice, Morgan, Winter, Harold, Heidinger, Whinnerah. REG

September 1, Wednesday

Joined with Dams division today. REG 9/3/48 September 2, Thursday

Ted Hammett in today. REG 9/7/48 September 3, Friday

Last day for Horowitz and Johnson. REG Last day for Eileen Smith. REG

September 5, Sunday

Increase for Raymond F Williams $3852.60 to 3978.00 effective today. REG 9/8/48 September 7, Tuesday

CS Gysland in today. REG 9/8/48

Meeting of awards committee. REG 9/8/48 September 8, Wednesday

Transfer of Hilmar E William effective 8/26/48 received today. REG September 13, Monday

Request by Cornwell to teach a course on Calculus signed today. REG 9/14/48 September 14, Tuesday

Recommendation for Ramspeck raise for Braggeman signed today. Effective Sept 19, 1948 REG Request by Bill Evans to engage in outside work at Golden signed today.

Request by John Parmakian for permission to teach a class in Advanced Water Hammer Analysis signed today. REG


Kirn, Saiwner, Nygren, Casper and Pemberton transferred to John Hammonds group today. REG September 17, Friday

Prof Dobbins completed his work in the photoelastic lab today. REG 9/20/48 September 18, Saturday

In San Francisco for meeting at the Advisory Committee on Engineering Seismology. REG 9/20/48 September 19, Sunday

Returned from San Francisco by air today. REG 9/20/48 September 20, Monday

Approval for teaching work by Cornwell and Parmakian and for landslide work for Evans received today. REG

Pay increase for John Braggeman 4605.00 to 4730.40 Engr P5 effective Sept 19,1948 received today. REG

September 23, Thursday

Mr Raymond Hill in today to talk about expansion of concrete in Stewart Mtn Dam and of cooling at gravity dams in general. REG 9/27/48

September 27, Monday

Mr Semelas of Spain in today to talk about surge tanks. REG September 28, Tuesday

Mr Hunt and the writer held a conference with Mr Nalder in his office regarding the work of the

Embedded instruments group and the collection and maintenance of data work of the Technical Section. Allotments for these items from the [illegible] design budget were cut down from 10000 to 2000 for the first and 15000 to 5500 for the second item. Mr Nalder suggested that it would be proper to charge the work to those [illegible] [illegible] had the data. In particular the embedded instrument analyses could be charged to Davis center design. REG

Note: these comments discussed with Keener September 29, Wednesday

Notification of promotion for EH Larson form P4 5482.80 PA to P5 6235.20 PA effective Oct 4 1948 received today. REG

PAR for Nancy Tandy signed today. REG October 1, Friday


Alfredo Semelas in today. Mr Howard Larson of Braht’s crew in today. REG October 5, Tuesday

McDonald and Kramer in to talk about bank storage at Mullen damsite. REG 10/6/48 October 7, Thursday

Mr Cliff of Washington office in with Mr Schmitt today. REG October 8, Friday

Mr Barnes suggests that I continue to sign certain correspondence as in the past. He promised to take the matter up with Mr Nalder. REG 10/11/48

October 11, Monday

Conference with Mr Nalder, NB Hunt on data from embedded instruments. I proposed to complete the work now underway on Shasta strain-meters and then to make a reappraisal of the whole field of measurements relating to concrete dams with a view to getting the data needed. Mr Nalder suggested Glover, Rawhauser and Fred Houck as a committee to review the program. REG

October 13, Wednesday

Mr JEB Jennings of South Africa in today to discuss silt pressures against dams. REG 10/14/48

Mrs Kingston in today to discuss the effect of the recent limit on leave without pay for P3 employees and above in her case. She is considering resigning. REG 10/14/48

October 15, Friday

Mr Engle completed the text on Geology for the Boulder reports today. REG 10/19/48 October 18, Monday

Messrs Kramer and McDonald in today to talk about Mallen bank storage. REG Oct 19, 1948 October 19, Tuesday

Louis Workman and Frank Campbell in today. REG October 20, Wednesday

John Parmakian commented on the future of the technical section. Mr Swain questioned whether there is any future on an electrical engineer in the Dams Division. Says he intends to talk on outside [illegible] if offered. Frank Allen signed request of Krisl for transfer with comment that he feels there is no future for Krisl here in our conditioning heating and ventilating work. Mr Evans is to go with International in use possibility


Conference with John Mayne of Grand Island, Messrs Kramer and Honnald of Region 7, McDonald of Project planning and Abren of the lab and Huston Sponar in regard to the allowance to be made in operation studies for the bank storage and seepage loads at Mullen reservoir. It was agreed to allow 300 here foot for the tank storage for each foot of drawdown in increase. Mr Glover is to get up a memo giving the basis of the figure. It was agreed that this will not be exactly correct and that a later check may be needed. Also the data on depth of sand below the dam is not yet known with certainty. REG November 2, Tuesday

Conference with Mr Nalder and Mr Barnes about effect of Evans going with International on Salinas studies. This study is being done in the technical section since the trial load groups are loaded down now. Mr Evans is now the lay man on this study. Mr Nalder says we should carry through on our commitments with international. REG 11/3/48

November 3, Wednesday

Mr Larson in this morning to see about Evans. I told him of Mr Nalder’s decision. He will complete arrangements for Mr Evans to go with International. REG

November 8, Monday

Messrs Reingaus and Heus of Allis Chalmers in today to talk about Hungry Horse for [illegible] Ranges. REG 11/9/48

November 9, Tuesday

Messrs Reingaus and Hess of Allis Chalmers in to talk about Range design. REG November 16, Tuesday

Mr Raschid came to work on earthquake data today. REG November 18, Thursday

Presentation of data on Bank Storage given to [illegible] group of Tech club at 409 New Customs House. REG 11/19/48

Sam Judd came down to talk to Parmakian about the award to Bates for elimination of surge tanks at Granby. REG 11/19/48

November 19, Friday

Henry Neve and Huntington in to talk to Parmakian about the award to Bates for elimination of surge tanks at Granby REG

November 24, Wednesday

Mrs Farrell came to work with Mr Larson on the Boulder Bulletins today. REG November 26, Friday


Conference with Barrett, Richardson, Judd, Winter on suggestion for elimination of surge tanks at Granby and Tracy. Decision was to let McClellan’s letter stand. Committee suggested a citation of an award of Merit to Parmakian. REG

November 29, Monday

Mr R Kennedy in today. REG 11/30/48 November 30, Tuesday

Mr John T Maletic of region 7 in today to look at the electric analogy apparatus. REG December 2, Thursday

Recommendation for a meritorious award for J Parmakian sent in today. REG December 6, Monday On leave December 7, Tuesday On leave December 8, Wednesday On leave December 9, Thursday On leave December 10, Friday On leave December 13, Monday On leave December 14, Tuesday On leave December 15, Wednesday On leave December 16, Thursday On leave December 17, Friday On leave


December 20, Monday On leave

December 21, Tuesday

Returned to work this morning. Was informed by Mr Keener that I was to be made his special technical assistant and a new head was to be assigned for the technical section. This arrangement was discussed with Nalder in the afternoon. REG 12/27/48

December 24, Friday

On sick leave in the morning. No work was done in the afternoon. REG 12/27/48 December 28, Tuesday

Miss Jennings came to assist with the Boulder reports on detail from Mrs Thomas group. REG

Mr UN Mahida 1 SE Superintending Engineer Public Works Department. Bombay in today to talk about spillway tunnels. REG 12/30/48

December 30, Thursday

Conference with Mr Keener this morning about choice of working with Blanks on becoming his assistant. REG

Conference with Nalder in the afternoon on Salinas dam. Keener, Dexter, Glover, Cornwell present. Later wire was sent indicating acceptable stress on [illegible] of present incomplete work but indicating completed studies might alter findings. A fifteen day deadline set by WAA was the cause of the request from the region. REG 12/31/48

December 31, Friday

Last of Boulder Bulletins forwarded today. This completes the series. REG 1-3-49 Conference with Blanks about work in laboratory. REG 1-3-49


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