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Digital Technology Adoption In The Context Of Asset Management: Organizational change and the impact of managers


Academic year: 2021

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Digital Technology Adoption

In The Context Of Asset


Organizational change and the impact of




Digital Technology Adoption in the

context of Asset Management-

Organizational change and the impact of Managers


Lina Al Mandlawi

Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2020:267 KTH Industrial Engineering and Management

Industrial Management SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM


Adoption av Digital Teknologi med

avseende på Tillgångsförvaltning-

Organisatorisk förändring och ledarens påverkan


Lina Al Mandlawi

Examensarbete TRITA-ITM-EX 2020:267 KTH Industriell teknik och management

Industriell ekonomi och organisation SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM


Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2020:267

Digital Technology Adoption in the context of Asset Management- Organizational change and

the impact of Managers

Lina Al Mandlawi Approved 2020-06-01 Examiner Anna Jerbrant Supervisor Claudia Manca

Commissioner Contact person


Digitalization and adaptation of technology are the current and future areas for organizations to gain efficiency within. Nevertheless, in a context where digitalization is an uprising trend, this research is needed now more than ever due to the COVID 19 Pandemic in the world. Many companies are having a hard time with the complexity of the digital age, facing challenges, and searching for support. This research will aim to solve these obstacles by collaborating with company X, who currently are in a similar situation. In order to understand the reasons of managerial resistance to adapt to new digital technology, the investigation also looked at the impact of managers and how it affects the digital technology adoption in the organization. This is done by considering the specific context of asset management (AM) since AM systems substitute to part of the control that is used by managers to support operations and maintenance processes.

The research was explorative in the research approach in order to delimit the study after analysing the findings. The research is conducted through a literature review and empirical data that was conducted through a pre-study and interviews with company X. Many theories from the literature and findings from the analysis of the interviews shed some light on the contingency factors influencing the adoption of digitalization in the context of AM. The empirical and theoretical findings also supported the impact that managers have towards an organization's ability to go towards a more digitalized organization.

The conclusion from this research found that the factors that affect the adoption of technologies are organizational capabilities and the underlying factors of task complexity and internal capability. The second factor is the organizational culture with the underlying factors of decision-making and management by fear. And lastly, the organization's business model with the underlying factor of customer orientation. All these factors are overlapping each other, and are essential to focus on in a changing environment in order to manage a digital transformation.


The conclusion that was drawn for managers' implications that are Managerial behavior and Managerial communication, and therefore stated that they have an impact.

This research recommends steps for a company to leverage the identified factors that affect the ability to adapt to digitalization. These were first to go toward a digital transformation, by revising work methods. Then to construct a global IT strategy in order to strategize the internal strategies. Then in order to align the strategy and bridge the gap between business and IT, it is through a balanced scorecard. Another critical step is to involve middle managers in decision making by implementing a change management plan. Benefit management will help to engage the entire organization towards change. Lastly, all steps need to be supported with digital solutions by taking into consideration the established actions as analysing risks, creating a digital roadmap, identifying a clear process owner, following up on digital interventions, and working with customers and politicians towards an integrated AM solution.

The keywords for this research are: Managerial impact, Technology Adoption, Digitalization and Asset Management.


Examensarbete TRITA-ITM-EX 2020:267

Adoption av Digital Teknologi med avseende på Tillgångsförvaltning- Organisatorisk förändring och ledarens påverkan

Lina Al Mandlawi Godkänt 2020-06-01 Examinator Anna Jerbrant Handledare Claudia Manca Uppdragsgivare Kontaktperson


Digitalisering och anpassning av teknik är de nuvarande och framtida områdena för organisationer att effektivisera sig med. Men i ett sammanhang där digitalisering är en uppåtgående trend behövs denna forskning nu mer än någonsin på grund av COVID 19-pandemin i världen. Många företag har det svårt med den digitala tidens komplexitet, står inför utmaningar och söker support. Denna forskning representerar det exemplet genom att samarbeta med företaget X som befinner sig i den aktuella situationen. För att förstå orsakerna till ledarens motstånd att anpassa sig till ny digital teknik såg utredningen också på effekterna av chefer och hur det påverkar antagandet av digital teknik i organisationen. Detta görs genom att beakta det specifika sammanhanget för kapitalförvaltning (AM), eftersom AM-system ersätter en del av kontrollen som används av chefer för att stödja drift och underhållsprocesser. Forskningen var förklarande i forskningsmetoden för att avgränsa studien efter att ha rat resultaten. Forskningen utförs genom en litteraturöversikt och en empirisk data som genomfördes genom en förstudie och intervjuer med företaget X. Många teorier från litteraturen och fynd från n av intressena, kastar lite ljus på beredskapsfaktorer som påverkar antagandet av digitalisering i samband med AM. De empiriska och teoretiska fynden stödde också effekterna som chefer har för en organisations förmåga att gå mot en mer digitaliserad organisation.

Slutsatsen från denna forskning av de faktorer som påverkar han antagande av teknik är organisatoriska förmågor, med de underliggande faktorerna av uppgift komplexitet och intern kapacitet. Den andra faktorn är organisationskulturen med de underliggande faktorerna för beslut och förvaltning av rädsla. Och slutligen organisationens affärsmodell med den underliggande faktorn för kundorientering. Alla dessa faktorer överlappar varandra och är viktiga att fokusera på i en föränderlig miljö för att hantera en digital transformation. Slutsatsen som drogs för chefsimplikationer som är ledningsbeteende och ledningskommunikation, och bekräftade därför att de påverkar organisationen.


Denna forskning rekommenderar åtgärder för ett företag för att utnyttja de identifierade faktorerna som påverkar förmågan att anpassa sig till digitaliseringen. Dessa var först för att gå mot en digital transformation genom att revidera arbetsmetoder. För att sedan konstruera en global IT-strategi för att strategisera de interna strategierna. För att anpassa strategin och överbrygga klyftan mellan affär och IT är det sedan genom ett balanserat resultatkort. Ett annat kritiskt steg är att involvera mellanledare i beslutsfattandet genom att implementera en plan för förändringshantering. Förmånshantering hjälper till att engagera hela organisationen mot förändring. Slutligen måste alla steg stöds med digitala lösningar genom att ta hänsyn till de etablerade åtgärderna som att ra risker, skapa en digital färdplan, identifiera en tydlig processägare, följa upp digitala interventioner och arbeta med kunder och politiker mot en integrerad AM-lösning.

Nyckelorden för denna forskning är: Ledningseffekt, Teknikadoption, Digitalisering och Kapitalförvaltning.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Purpose 2 1.3 Problematization 2 1.4 Research Questions 2 1.5 Expected Outcomes 3 2. Literature Review 4 2.1 Technology Adoption 4

2.2 Managing Digital Transformations 5

2.2.1 Challenges Within Digitalization 6

2.3 Change Management 9

2.3.1 The Impact of Managers 9

2.3.2 Challenges for Management within Digital Transformation 10

2.3.3 Organizational Culture 11

2.3.4 Kotter’s 8 step Change Model 11

2.4 Sustainability 13

2.4.1 Social Sustainability 13

2.4.2 Economics & Environmental Sustainability 13

2.5 Asset Management 14 2.5.1 Strategic Infrastructure 15 3.Methodology 18 3.1 Research Approach 18 3.1.1 Research Design 19 3.2 Literature review 19

3.3 Case Study Methodology 20

3.3.1 Case Company 22 3.3.2 Data Collection 23 Interviews 23 Interview Questions 24 Ethical Aspects 24 3.3.3 Data analysis 24

3.4 Limitations of the Research Design 26

4.Empirical Findings 27


4.2 Main Study 29

4.2.1 The Swedish Case 29 Digital Leadership 30 Digital Processes 32 Digital Governance 34 Digital Change Management 36

4.2.2 The Dutch Case 38 Digital Leadership 38 Digital Processes 40 Digital Governance 41 Digital Change Management 44

4.2.3 Comparative Cross-case Analysis 46 Digital Leadership 46 Digital Processes 47 Digital Governance 48 Digital Change Management 48

5. Discussion 50

5.1 RQ1: What are the internal contingency factors that hinder or facilitate the adoption of new

digital technologies in the context of AM? 50

5.1.1 Organizational Capabilities 50

5.1.2 Organizational Culture 52

5.1.3 Organizations Business Model 53

5.2 RQ2: What are the implications for Managers? 54

5.2.1 Managerial Behavior 55

5.2.2 Managerial Communication 56

5.3 RQ3: How could a company leverage the identified factors to prompt digitalization of the AM

process? 57 5.3.1 Digital Transformation 59 5.3.2 Global IT Strategy 59 5.3.3 Balanced Scorecard 60 5.3.4 Benefit Management 61 5.3.5 Digital Solutions 62 6. Conclusion 65 6.1 Theoretical Contribution 65 6.2 Empirical Contribution 66 6.3 Sustainability Aspects 67


6.4 Ethical Implications 67

6.5 Limitations of Data Collection and Possible Remedies 67

6.6 Future Research 68

References 69

Appendix 73



I want to show my appreciation and my deepest acknowledgments to those who helped me with this thesis, it wouldn't be possible to finish this without them. First, I need to express my gratitude to my supervisor in KTH, Claudia Manca. You have been the guidance that I need, and had trust in me by supporting me the whole way. I am incredibly thankful to have had you as a supervisor and the support for my academic growth. I would also like to sincerely thank my examiner, Anna Jerbrant, for all the great tips and feedback that was received during the seminars. Thank you for all the feedback I received from other students that have acted as my opponents through the seminars and helped me develop my academic report. Every comment has been helpful to develop my thesis further and helped me with my work. I would lastly want to express a special thanks to my family and friends that supported me through my last studying period at KTH. From the long days and nights to the faith they had on me, thank you.

Next, I would like to thank my supervisor in collaboration with company X. As the company wants to stay anonymous, I will stay true to the ethical aspect of not naming names. However, you know who you are, and without your feedback, support, and collaboration through this thesis, I would not have managed it. Also, all the interviewees from the collaborated company X, both from the meetings of the pre-study and the interviews from the main-study took their time for a student like me, helping me develop in my research and grow in my study. I can not forget the people outside the company X, that took their time to help me with this thesis, to you I show my deepest acknowledgments.

Lina Al Mandlawi, 2020-06-01


1. Introduction

As companies realize that digitalization is imperative, it’s an exoteric topic nowadays. Digitalization and adaptation of technology are the current and future areas for organizations to gain efficiency with. Many companies are having a hard time with the digital age complex, facing challenges, and searching for support (Andersson et al., 2018). Changes need to be made, and the continuous search for new organizational forms is driven by these changes to be more competitive and increase their economic benefits (Robert & David, 2015). However, it is not that easy to make a change and adapt it as Robert & David (2015) explains, it takes time for employees to adjust to new structures. Research also states that companies do not need to find the perfect arrangement for their strategy (Robert & David, 2015). Companies can have the structure of a combination of vision, strategy, and goal. They still lack the ability to define and implement strategic initiatives and activities to achieve insight and strategy.

1.1 Background

There has been a limited attention given to “how” companies in the construction industry need to adopt to digital technologies, how they can capitalize their expected benefits and simultaneously generate value (Matthews & Love, 2019). As Tidd and Bessant (2013) refer to, technology often plays a crucial role in enabling new opportunities for the company. The research also states that an organization needs to think about changing the ways they create and deliver the offer in order to survive and grow in the changing market (Tidd and Bessant, 2013). A factor affecting this is the managerial processes and organizational dynamics of how firms respond to digital technology changes in order to achieve a competitive advantage (Christensen & Rosenbloom, 1995). It is essential to distinguish between the two terms, digitized and digitalization, that, according to Brennen & Kreiss (2016), are often closely associated with each other. This study focuses on digitalization, as it refers to how to streamline processes by using digital tools, it will require digitization of information but the focus is on digitalization.

To understand the reasons for managerial resistance to adapt to new digital technology and identify strategies to implement digitalization, the investigation is needed to look at the impact of managers and how it affects the digital technology adoption in the organization. This accomplishes by considering the specific context of asset management (AM) since AM systems substitute to part of the control that is used by managers to support operations and maintenance processes (Matthews & Love, 2019), putting their supervisory role at danger. This study will collaborate with a company that is in the position of having limited ability to adapt to digital technology. The company is in the construction industry that has introduced new IT systems for digitalizing the AM operations within the company. It is struggling to achieve the expected results of implementing it due to managerial resistance. As the prior studies only looked at digitalization, AM is an exciting context as it has some more prerogatives, like the heavy reliance on paper-based activities. The company wants to stay anonymous throughout the study and, therefore, refers to company X.


1.2 Purpose

There has been a weak empirical investigation that identifies the specific managerial behaviors associated with adoption success (Lai et al., 2011). Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyse the factors prompting and hampering digitalization in the context of AM. Therefore, the goal of this research is to shed some light on the contingency factors influencing the adoption of digitalization in the context of AM. For the other goal of this research, the purpose is to state the impact that managers have on the ability to adopt digital technologies and define strategies for a company to leverage the identified factors and go towards a more digitalized organization.

1.3 Problematization

The problem is that although companies often portray digital solutions as prompting new ways of working in the organization, reality often collides against the rhetoric as many managers still struggle to get the most out of these digital solutions and change how the work is done. These struggles could relate to a lack of leadership, lack of digital capabilities, resistance to change. The complexity of the digital age has led to hard times for many companies, facing challenges and searching for support (Andersson et al., 2018). Yet, in a context where digitalization is an uprising trend, this research is needed now more than ever due to the COVID 19 Pandemic in the world. Therefore, the research is relevant as many companies had to adjust to the changes caused by a pandemic by using digitalization and trying to accomplish their work from a screen from home. Therefore, it is essential to understand which factors drive users and interpretations of digital technologies that deviate from dominant organizational discourses and understand how managers can act to get the most out of new technologies.

1.4 Research Questions

In line with the stated purpose and the outlined problematization, this thesis aims at addressing the following RQs:

1. What are the internal contingency factors that hinder or facilitate the adoption of new digital technologies in the context of AM?

2. What implications do these factors convey to managers?

3. How could a company leverage the identified factors to prompt the digitalization of the AM process?

Delimitation for this study is that these questions address the context of AM. The limitation of the study’s focus is on investigating the digital part of technology adoption and also how the management has an impact on the development of an organization. Another delimitation is that it focuses on the collaborating company X in two countries in order to do a comparative cross-analysis between the organizations that locate in Sweden and the Netherlands.


1.5 Expected Outcomes

The study is explorative and changed direction during this study. However, the leading case with this study is finding results that support the statement that the managers impact and affect how the organization is adopting and implementing new technology. The research focuses on managing digitalization and supporting the AM systems. The theoretical goal is to clarify the impact of managers and to identify the factors that state the importance of digital technology adoption and how it affects the organization in the aspect of AM. This is to provide new literature and get a new aspect from the already existing ones. The goal of the research is to provide recommendations and strategies for companies to digitize the organization to achieve higher efficiency and implement routines by expanding their ability to adapt. Also, the managers should realize how much impact they have on the organization's ability to adapt to their future digital technological changes.


2. Literature Review

In this section, the conducted literature review relevant to the field of the study will be gathered. Different concepts and theories will be presented from the already existing literature in order to strengthen the empirical findings. This will be a case-study design to conduct a higher level of comparative data by selecting cases useful to the theory. The factors influencing digitalization in companies have been discussed across different research streams, including literature on innovation, technology management, leadership, and organizational change. The following chapter will discuss the insights coming from such literature by organizing them in five recurrent themes around digitalization, which are 1) Technology adoption, 2) Managing digital transformation, 3) Change Management, 4) Sustainability and 5) Asset Management specificities.

2.1 Technology Adoption

The new ages of technology demand organizations to change and adapt to technology now more than ever to improve their performance. According to Stan & Puranam (2016), an essential factor in the performance of an organization lies in its ability to adapt to changes. The organizational structure is a critical factor in the strategy to adapt to new changes. According to Stan & Puranam (2016), it’s a challenge to adopt to new patterns, as they are called interdependence patterns. These patterns occur when changing shifts, as these shifts also are known as interdependence shift. During the interdependence shift, the integrators have the role of being the channels of information flow (Stan & Puranam, 2016). They are often the managers in an organization, and they can help provide adaptation during the shifters of new patterns as they work as a linking mechanism by interacting and keeping them informed of each other’s actions. In this way, integrators can improve the structure of the organization by enhancing coordinated learning. They can enable performance to overcome the challenges by helping the organization adapt to the new changed pattern (Stan & Puranam, 2016).

According to Matthews & Love (2019), a high degree of complexity is encountered by companies when adapting to new technologies. Such complexity relates to the need for planning and monitoring investments to ensure the value is obtained (Matthews & Love, 2019). Ensuring the strategic alignment is according to Matthews & Love (2019), the measurement that can be obtained through the organization's strategy and goals, through governance structure and processes to manage what output of benefits will come with the digital investment. The risk that many companies face when adapting to new technological changes is that if the difference doesn’t gain enough attention as it requires, the organization will become unproductive instead (Matthews & Love, 2019). According to Greeven & Williams (2017) a challenging area with technology when adapting to new enterprise collaboration systems, is the lack of awareness, and the poor quality of how the employees use them. Another challenge organizations face when adopting technology is that their demands are often driven by the companies clients, which can be challenging as they desire the latest technology and expects unrealistic benefits (Matthews & Love, 2019).

Not only the challenges of complexity and demand but also the type of work could affect technology adoption. For example, Bosch-Sijtsema et al., (2011) have identified several factors


influencing work in distributed, technology-mediated teams. These factors include task content, team structure, teamwork process, team workplace, and organizational context. The relevant factors to this study are when tasks are complex, ambiguous, and interdependent. Workers can face additional struggles to collaborate through digital technologies. The same applies when team members exhibit different experiences, skills, and knowledge or when teamwork processes require more collaboration that is harder to achieve through techniques rather than face-to-face (Bosch-Sijtsema et al., 2011). Some interesting findings from the case study stated that their tasks had high complexity, and that also influenced the knowledge work (Bosch-Sijtsema et al., 2011). Due to changing contexts such as information and communication technology (ICT), teams and organizations continuously need to adapt, readjust, and realign according to the five factors (Bosch-Sijtsema et al., 2011). The internal culture of an organization also represents the organizational context. The biggest challenge the organization faces is continually adapting to changes (Bosch-Sijtsema et al., 2011).

2.2 Managing Digital Transformations

New challenges often occur in today's transformation of businesses as they want to adapt to new demands and managing digitalization. It is no longer an option for companies to go towards a digital transformation; it is a must to avoid going out of business (Andersson et al., 2018). Digitalization is an essential factor for organizations nowadays in order to provide business opportunities, using digital technologies from information and communication to artificial intelligence. The utilization of digitalization can decrease the workload in an organization as it can replace routine tasks by automation (Frey and Osbourne, 2013). According to Matthews & Love (2019), digital technologies can improve the productivity and performance of facilities by enabling new ways of creating and capturing the value and benefits of technological change. One of the significant is business development, which leads to difficulties with it is business development that leads to challenges in establishing new business models. This brings strategic problems and issues when engaging in digital transformations (Andersson et al., 2018).

According to Greeven & Williams (2017), it’s common for companies to lack the understanding of digitalization benefit and impact, this is something they struggle with even though that the importance of it is well known. There are many obstacles to managing digital transformation that could change the way of working and different habits. The challenging part with digitalization is the way it gives an immediate impact on the organization structure. Therefore, it’s crucial to share knowledge in the shifts and changes occurring in an organization (Andersson et al., 2018). The research of Andersson et al., (2018) argues that it requires new cross-functional groups to create an organization that has the benefits of supporting big data. The study of Greeven & Williams (2017) found interesting findings from respondents related to this study. A conclusion of the numbers of these findings is illustrated in Table 1 below.


Table 1: Conclusion of the respondents’ answers to the study (Greeven & Williams, 2017) Digital technology is important to the organization 76%

Digital technology would be necessary within three years 92% Digital technologies have the potential to transform the way

people in the organization work fundamentally


Digital technologies would disrupt their industry greatly/moderately shortly


Early-stage of maturity in digitalization 26%

Developing of the maturity in digitalization 45%

Fully mature in terms of digitalization 29%

The urgency for an organization to make a change towards digitalization is showed in the results of that table. According to Matthews & Love (2019), the way digital technologies bring change to the organization is explained through three categories. The first category is automation, where digitalization helps to automate existing activities or processes. The second category is the extension, where digitalization supports the organization with new ways of working and conducting businesses instead of replacing them. The last category is transformation, where digitalization replaces the traditional ways of enabling conducting businesses.

2.2.1 Challenges Within Digitalization

When companies taking the next step towards digitalization, the research Andersson et al., (2018) state that it is the strategic challenges they face. A complexity emerges as it becomes difficult for companies to overcome them when going towards digitalized processes. According to the research, the ten different strategic challenges that appear when a company engages in a digital transformation are:

1. The critical role of managers for new technological platforms. 2. Managing big data in order to analyse and create value. 3. Meeting the consumers’ values by using user-centric systems. 4. Managing shaping a new market from digital plots.

5. Managing the transition from product to service. 6. Business model change by shaping new cooperation.

7. Managing the new digital entrepreneurs and their rapid processes of intermediating. 8. Creating new business and managing the new actors entering the network.

9. Managing to reorganize after digitizing customers.

10. Managing the new policymaking when it comes to digitalization.

Even though the challenges differ from each other, some of them are intimately connected. Some are all under the theme technology, in this case, the first three and are therefore more connected. 5, 6, 8, and 9 are connected they involve challenges with the business model. The rest of the obstacles are less related to each other. To summarize the challenges that come with a digital transformation,


organizations need to realize that this is a strategic issue for the management to take on as their highest priority (Andersson et al., 2018).

Another major challenge when moving towards a digital transformation is the question of whether to separate or integrate the digitalized processes with the current traditional ones. The big issue of demands that arise during a digital transformation is the organizational structures, processes, and resources. These challenges are related to leadership, internal capabilities, customer-oriented, and user orientation, organizational structures, and resources, to lastly internal cultural and change management challenges (Andersson et al., 2018). One of the obstacles to overcome and achieve a digital transformation is workforce-related issues and internal capabilities. Human skills are an essential factor, and the need for diversity that skilled people should have different experiences argues to be necessary. The employment skills can improve technological expertise and develop the digitalization in an organization. The employment skills have an vital role in digitalizing organizations as the resources, capabilities, and skills need to increase (Soule et al. 2016).

Another of the challenges mentioned is the customer and user orientation, as it is a new internal requirement for digitalizing organizations. An organization that has undergone digital transformation becomes more user-centric as the organizational structure supports new user empowerment (Andersson et al., 2018). According to Edelman & Singer (2015), the challenge becomes to analyse and influence customers towards digital transformation to make them go the same path. A critical factor for organizations during digital transformation is to organize the new operations by taking into consideration the existing ones (O’Reilly & Tushman 2004; Birkinshaw et al. 2016). This is a challenge to manage, and the organizational structure is the key to overcome this. To create a structure for the organization that enables new forms of cooperation beyond a traditional organization’s boundaries. The organizational change needs to be organized and based on user orientation. Everything needs to be adapted, including the conventional roles in an organization (Andersson et al., 2018).

In order to manage digital transformation, an essential factor and challenge for an organization are succeed in reorganizing. According to Breunig (2016), communication in an organization and shared knowledge can improve with technological development. According to Manca (2020), a new way of working is to have an agile workplace. The opportunities for new ways of working from a technological aspect bring more flexible work options. Improvements in the collaboration, knowledge sharing, and learning opportunities of an organization can establish by new ways of working. Followed the benefit of organizational flexibility would increase if the organization finds new ways of working. This also leads to an improvement in efficiency in communication and better control. This can break an organization’s traditional boundaries (Manca, 2020). This is also recommended according, to Greeven & Williams (2017), who states that agile approaches need in operation management in order to implement improvements for the organization. The benefit of reshaping the organization is derived less from tangible and financial assets, and instead more derived from how well the companies align their intangible assets such as R&D, knowledge workers and IT to achieve their customers’ demand (Robert & David, 2015). Also, the search for new structures is a demand to overcome the challenge of managing and controlling the companies’ assets. According to Robert & David (2015), the problem of reorganizing after requests is that it


takes time for employees to adapt to changes. The difficulty for an organization is to find the right organizational structure that creates value. Instead, the approach recommends having a structure that is aligned with the strategy to improve effectiveness.

The system needed, according to Robert & David (2015), to best align the structure of an organization with the strategy is to engage in a management system like for instance a balanced scorecard. Since these systems provide both a common language and a template for communicating and assembling information regarding value creation. Managers in the organization can, therefore, use this tool to implement the strategy in every department in the organization by informing about improvements needed based on the perspectives of a balanced scorecard. Also, the tool of strategy maps, where simple graphics shows the cause-and-effect connection between strategic objectives, improves the value creation of an organization, and help the manager to approach the problem by improving the communication between the different departments. This is by creating strategic themes that elaborate through dialogue between the departments and prioritizing the links between the different perspectives of the organization’s balanced scorecard. The local managers will then use these themes to link their strategic initiatives in the internal organization to value proposition. This will motivate employees to communicate more by sharing complex problems by feeling that it will improve the organization. This improves the communication, by both employees and managers feeling that they can share their opinions and that these opinions is taken seriously by the organization. In this way, the local strategic initiatives will link to the organization’s overall strategy (Robert & David, 2015).

In order to solve complex problems that an organization faces during a digital transformation, the approach is to differentiate the systems. According to Andersson et al., (2018), the theory that good representations need to make the solution transparent. The key to approaching complex systems is how the interfaces of different subsystems are defined in integral and modularized systems. Andersson et al., (2018) state that approaching the integral systems will always have a side effect instead, modularizing the systems to independent modules will help the engineers improve the subsystems with fewer side effects. To have modularity in an organization is a benefit as it increases innovation and enhance customer flexibility (Baldwin and Clark, 2000). Balwin and Clark, (2000) also states that the focus need to be put on the right dimensions, which according to them is the technological platform where the collection of all the assets of a set of related products is shared. If the organization has a stable platform, the Andersson et al., (2018) state that the degree of modularity helps to solve complex systems. A digital platform becomes relevant to strategy a company. The leverage from a platform in the aspect of strategic management is related to their long-term competitive advantage. It’s important for a company to have a good strategy to allow its company to become a platform. A critical key to success is the creation of network effects. In other words, these are the important factor of having feedback loops in order to succeed in adapting the digital platform (Andersson et al., 2018).


2.3 Change Management

A need for initiating a change management process is needed in order to succeed in implementing new technological systems. According to Matthews & Love (2019), there are five principles that the organization needs to be aware of in order to realize the benefit of implementation. The first principle is that new technology will not create any value, as the use of it creates the benefits. The second one is that the benefits will not show until the organization does things differently due based on new technology. The third principle changes that appear in the practical way that establishes from business managers, users, and customers. This will show the results of the benefits of the implementation. The fourth is that the wrong use of new technology can result in low-quality outcomes, which are negative for the organization. The last principle is the critical factor of actively managing benefits and plan against known pitfalls in order to obtain them.

The change management process is one crucial stage in managing this plan by implementing the change management program and having an effective change management plan. This indicates the responsibility that change management has to make the organization realize the benefits of a new technological implementation (Matthews & Love, 2019). According to Matthews & Love (2019), in order to achieve the desired outcomes, the mapping of improvements that align from business drivers to investments is another important factor. The mapping will provide the changes required for an organization, as it is for structures, processes, and how employees will need to work differently in order to sustain those changes. Strategy performance measurement tools that are needed are, for example, a balanced scorecard. This tool can be used in order to show benefits, engage in more learning, and manage change (Matthews & Love, 2019).

2.3.1 The Impact of Managers

While previous studies insinuate that managerialism and leadership have the most significant influences on IT acceptance and use, empirical investigations that identify particular managerial behavior associated with adoption success has not yet been fully explored (Kuo, Lai & Lee, 2011). The leadership style of managers is critical when creating a supportive environment and providing suitable resources for the adoption of new technologies (Al-Busaidi & Olfman, 2005). Research shows that empowering leadership has an indirect impact on knowledge management system (KMS) adoption. Empowering managerial leadership has a positive effect on both task-technology fit and compatibility, which in turn has a positive uplift on the usage of KMS (Kuo, Lai & Lee, 2011).

The study of Kuo, Lai & Lee (2011) suggests that managers should not solely concentrate on technological difficulties (for example, providing appropriate knowledge to meet user needs) and also bear in mind the impact of their leadership style. Focus on effectively empowering their subordinates, and by doing so, ease the progression of a working environment, where employees manage to participate in activities more spontaneously. The absence of such a leadership style leads to not reach the full potential of the employees even with an adequate KMS. This leadership style is compatible with the tendency to provide increased freedom and autonomy to employees. Researcher Chong (2006) argues that employee empowerment is indeed a crucial factor for


successful knowledge management. When employees are empowered and given more autonomy in their job, it enables them to provide more useful agility to the organization’s knowledge culture, Which in turn motivates employees to accept management objectives (Oliver and Kandadi, 2006).

2.3.2 Challenges for Management within Digital Transformation

A substantial challenge for management when going through a digital transformation is the change process. The way the management approaches the change is crucial, where the essential factor of the approach is to coordinate different initiatives and finds a way for the entire organization to get engaged. Another approach is to focus on building new digital models by creating an autonomous digital unit. Another solution for approaching the change is to build a parallel digital business that aims to give more insights to the traditional organization. This is by working as an incubator and respond to the already existing enterprise by gearing towards digitalization. The responsibility for change management for all different approaches is by succeeding with digitally transforming the entire organization to the new change (Andersson et al., 2018).

From another perspective, a successful key to digitalization is the priority management sets to assign digital tasks. Here the time managers are involved in the implementation of digital solutions is a factor. How much of the time in meetings that goes to it and how much time in R&D that is focused on digital solutions. In order to tackle the complex challenges an organization is facing, teams need to be enabled to solve the problem through more innovative and creative solutions (Love and Roper 2009). Here the findings in the research state that managers allocate resources to the use of cross-functional teams, but it also argues that Swedish firms spend 20 % less time discussing issues related to digital solutions (Andersson et al., 2018). The findings result in that digitalization is not a top priority for Swedish firms, as the managers don’t spend the time needed for it. In order for these firms to not be left behind through this digital transformation, management’s responsibility is to “walk the talk”. In order to successfully achieve digital transformation, it must see its value as a strategy for the companies’ business development (Andersson et al., 2018).

The change management issue often occurs to be to develop new digital mindsets, practices, and resources, instead of the traditional ones that are a significant barrier to adapt to new changes. An essential factor for digitalization to be successful in an organization is the support from top management. A central prerequisite to achieving this is to have a dedicated team to the new digital transformation. An essential factor to explore during digital transformation is how willing the management is to engage in these changes. From the study Andersson et al., (2018), they investigate this, and the findings result that a quarter of the managers responded that they’re unwilling to devote part of their time to opportunities of digitalization.

Nevertheless, half of the managers responded that they have a willingness to provide leadership for the digitalization challenges. Top-down influence is an essential factor, and therefore the findings state if managers aren’t willing “walk the talk”, and the result stated that the adoption of digitalization could be limited if they don’t. Also, a solution to this in order to get that cultural change required is to replace the top management team (Andersson et al., 2018).


2.3.3 Organizational Culture

According to Christensen & Rosenbloom (1995), an organization’s ability to respond to new technologies is laying in the decision-making. If it’s decisions are made from the culture, it gets harder and more difficult for the people in the organization to adjust to the new changes. This is also mentioned as a challenge for adapting to enterprise collaborated systems, according to Greeven & Williams (2017), culture is an organizational challenge that is shaped by the cultural values and norms within the company as well as the management’s behavior. Past research suggests that organizational culture and structure might limit the development of new technological capabilities, by preventing an organizational member from perceiving, pursuing, and developing them (Christensen & Rosenbloom, 1995). According to Schein (2010), structure stability to the organization implies culture. Culture is hard to change and can survive through a group even if some members from the organization depart. An essential aspect of culture is for the group in the organization to have shared assumptions and experience. This is important to emerge understanding between the employees in an organization and define how they interact with one another (Schein, 2010).

According to the research of Greeven & Williams (2017) that states in order to manage digital transformation and call themselves a mature company within digitalization. “Mature companies typically had a clear digital strategy combined with a collaborative culture and leadership that was driving the transformation and encouraged risk-taking” according to Greeven & Williams (2017)—stating how important the aspect of organizational culture is to manage digital transformation. According to Schein (2010), its leadership is responsible for managing a cultural change in an organization. A key factor for the top management is to engage the organization in a new culture. If this is achieved, the organization will drive towards a digital transformation. Therefore, to set the right strategy for the organization aiming for a digitalized vision is a central issue for the management. The traditional mindset is a core issue, but it lies in the internal culture of the organization. A tricky part is creating an effective digital strategy. In order to manage it, the culture needs to be open and supportive of new changes and strategies. The cultural challenges become clear when engaging in a digital transformation and are crucial for success (Andersson et al., 2018).

2.3.4 Kotter’s 8 step Change Model

When adapting to new technologies the implementation is an important stage in order to have long-term success. John Kotter (1995) presented the model of Kotter’s 8 step change model that is according to him the key steps of a change process. It’s important for a company to obey each and every step or the whole implementation can fail. The 8 steps of the change model are presented in figure 1 below (Daniellock, 2019).


Figure 1 - Author's elaboration of (Daniellock, 2019)

The 8 steps in the change model are overlapping steps that create three phases. The first three steps are about “Creating the climate for change”. This phase incorporates, steps 1) create urgency, 2) form a powerful coalition, and 3) create a vision for change. The first step is very usual to ignore, but an important step as the organization needs to drive people out of their comfort zone. Here, the leaders have the responsibility of motivating people in order to best engage in the business. The second stage is crucial in order to lead change. In this stage, the right compositions, a high level of trust and shared objectives are needed. The third stage is to clearly change and clarify the vision for the people and how it can differ in the future. The detailed instructions can motivate people to take action in the right direction and helps to coordinate the action of people in a more efficient way (Daniellock, 2019; CioIndex, 2019).

The next phase that is “Engaging and enabling the organization” includes the following steps in Kotter’s change model, 4) communicate the vision, 5) empower action, and 6) create quick wins. The fourth step is important to make the people follow the vision by gaining understanding. Communication plays a key role in changing direction, and this needs to be done in hour-by-hour activities. The fifth step is critical and involves removing obstacles in order to change. This step can require to change the organizational structure or management information systems. Here dialog and actions are the key to success. The sixth step in generating short-term wins is about creating small steps of success. This is critical to do as soon as possible in order to ensure that the overall change will initiative success (Daniellock, 2019; CioIndex, 2019).

For the last phase that is “Implementing and sustaining for change” the last 2 steps are involved that is following 7) Build on the change and 8) Make it stick. For the seventh step is critical for the organization to never let up. This is important in the last stages as it can have circumstances of it being lost. Instead, build on the change by letting the transformational leaders drive deeper into the change. The last and final step is in order to make the change stick, it needs to be incorporated into the culture. This is the most critical step in order to make a success of the change in the long


term. This requires the organization to embrace a new culture so the social forces are strong and implementing the new practices as deep roots in the culture (Daniellock, 2019; CioIndex, 2019). John Kotter (1995) also recommends when these eight steps have been followed, the new vision should be a core point when hiring staff and training the current staff.

2.4 Sustainability

Sustainability is an important aspect to take into consideration in present-day and age. For this study, social sustainability will analyse concerning technology adoption. Study shows that organizations which raise awareness from a sustainable point of view and implement social responsibility activities achieve benefits such as employee satisfaction and employee commitment (Kim et al., 2010). Therefore, focusing on social sustainability could facilitate the journey of achieving a successful technology adoption. Digital solutions might also have an impact on economics and environmental terms, for example, by paper reduction and commuting reduction due to digitalization. As business sustainability is a combination of environmental, economic, and social performance (Doane & MacGillivray, 2001), all these aspects of sustainability are important to consider in this study.

2.4.1 Social Sustainability

Social sustainability could be seen as how an organization identifies and manages its employees’ impacts, both positively and negatively. Additionally, it can be seen as the ability of the organization to fulfill what is promised to satisfy and enhance employee performance (Backhaus, 2016). However, internal and external corporate social responsibility (CSR) has not been adequately focused on despite its importance and remained neglected (Larson et al., 2008). Internal CSR activities cover the employees’ well being, welfare, and ethics. Previous empirical data and research explain the link between CSR initiatives and employee attitude, where CSR initiatives boost employee identification and, in turn, impact the employees’ commitment in the organization (Kim et al., 2010). Kim argues that CSR performance can be an effective measure to maintain a healthy relationship with the employees.

Employees that recognize themselves and find their values alike with the organization can feel pride in their affiliation with the organization (Kim et al., 2010), consequently feel more personally attached and responsible over their work (Hackman and Oldham, 1976). Furthermore, since employees feel a certain higher level of responsibility, they will find better ways to perform their tasks and facilitate the journey of adequate technology adoption (Kim et al., 2010). Therefore, social sustainability is an essential aspect for organizations to consider to achieve long-term success with technological change.

2.4.2 Economics & Environmental Sustainability

According to Doane & MacGillivray (2001), the social outcomes an organization achieves are linked with the environmental outcome and economic sustainability. Therefore, it’s crucial to include these aspects as they also can have an impact on long-term success. A balanced scorecard is also defined through the research to help balance the financial perspective of an organization and


improve economic sustainability. According to a workshop participant in the research, the definition of economic sustainability defines it as “optimum utilization of tangible and intangible assets.” This aspect is essential for success in an AM context. Economic sustainability is, according to this research, the internal and external implications of sustainability management. Here one of the relevant factors to consider is how the company manages its intangible assets and how it influences and manages social & environmental impacts (Doane & MacGillivray, 2001).

For environmental sustainability, the digitalized transformation has a significant impact on it. Not only to state the undeniable fact that digitalization would prevent paper-reduction that is a benefit from an environmental sustainability point of view. The existing management, for example, has a global compact and impacts environmental sustainability as it can have principles of environmental standards. Also, using the natural step is recommended as a management tool to reach the first environmental sustainability and economic sustainability. It’s essential for companies that have environmental impacts by providing goods or services that have it, to not only focus on economic sustainability. Here, consumer demand can be environmental products that favour sustainability (Doane & MacGillivray, 2001).

2.5 Asset Management

One reason for companies to go towards a digital working way is to provide managers with more efficient and high-quality information. This is in order to improve their performance, decision-making, and reduce cost. The adoption of digital technology will require an organization embracing change and re-engineering processes to maximize efficiency. Research shows that if an organization does not perform benefit management when implementing digital technologies, the expected efficiency will not show. In order to make the organization realize the benefits, they need to understand the meaning and value. Therefore, an essential factor for investments in digital technologies is that they need to be planned and managed (Matthews & Love, 2019).

According to the case study from Matthews & Love (2019), Asset owners think a digital solution will help them have a better structure and simplify the way they are managing the information. The case showed that most of the information was handled through paper documentation; many times, the information could be handled through several unproductive documents. In order to require information or respond to an issue, a lot of their time was spent on locating and verifying system information. The case study, therefore, respondent on the crucial factor of engaging in digital technology for the AM system is a solution. Even though the case study showed that a system was there, it was a system that often needed to have an input manually, and this is both costly and time-consuming, so it is the manner of having the right system (Matthews & Love, 2019).

For another company in the case study of Matthews & Love (2019), an asset owner explored how the SIM approach (System information modeling) would help the organization and quickly realized it is value. It helped decision-making by ensuring the asset’s integrity when changes to SIM occurred, linked with a BIM (Building information modeling) made their AM system automatically updated to the changes. An effective digital workflow following the SIM approach follows three stages, the design review, the construction, and the maintenance. SIM is, according to Matthews &


Love (2019), a full work process, but to implement it requires the right education and training for the staff. To shift their mindset from the traditional paradigm, they need to engage in the digital platform in the right way. The case study showed that thou the resistance from the employees to adapt to an unfamiliar working way for the AM system, once they realized the benefits of the change that was contributing to reducing costs and improving the productivity in the maintenance, also improving the quality of the information collected by having a common data environment where all information is digitally stored, they got convinced. This confirmed how the real value of SIM was shown when used for AM. In the aspect of AM, digital technologies, such as SIM is a solution that provides improvements in their operations and how they interact with one another (Matthews & Love, 2019).

2.5.1 Strategic Infrastructure

The strategic infrastructure is important for AM, as the organization wants to achieve and sustain a long-term shareholder value. An essential factor for this, according to Too (2008), is the financial return as management is looking for a return on the investment. The core of infrastructure within AM is to look at the customers and the investors. Other categories of stakeholders can also be considered as it can appear many conflicts between the different stakeholders. To overcome this, the goal for the infrastructure AM needs to be the same wide range as the common interest from the different stakeholders. These goals are the responsibility for the management of pursuit in an organization. An important aspect is to align these goals with the organization’s business goals (Too, 2008). This illusion is demonstrated in figure 2 below.

Figure 2 - The relationship between infrastructure AM goals and business goals (Too, 2008) The literature of Too (2008) state the important fact that the resource of infrastructure assets needs to be managed, and this is not in the traditional approach. Every organization needs to think about improving its AM part in order to increase the performance, and this is through stable strategies. So the critical factor for organizations to consider in order to create value is to keep the AM goals


aligned with the strategy chosen and relate to the already set business goals. If the balance of these requirements is achieved, this would be the core process for the infrastructure AM, and therefore, the process needs to support AM goals (Too, 2008).

According to the book of Kaplan & David (2004), they created the tool, strategy maps to provide the missing link between strategy and implementation and aligning intangible assets. Their research state that they are two strategies to approach in order to sustain shareholder value. This is by either approaching the productivity strategy that is, in other words, to have business goals that enable the assets to retract a cost increase. Alternatively, the other approach is the growth strategy. Instead, the business goals need to aim to retain growth in customer value (Kaplan and David, 2004). According to the study Too (2008), the processes of infrastructure AM that are needed to achieve the goals of an organization are asset planning, asset creation, and asset maintenance & operation, as demonstrated in figure 3 below.

Figure 3: Strategic infrastructure AM process (Too, 2008)

The phase of asset planning includes the processes of capacity management and asset evaluation. As the capacity is defined as a critical issue, it’s essential to manage it. In this process, the focus and aim is the utilization of infrastructure assets. Therefore, in order to achieve this, the process will require to identify the infrastructure assets, and this is where the process of asset evaluation plays a vital role. Here the aim is to optimize the asset life and minimize the life cost. The process involves prioritizing the assets by value and forecast the risk (Too, 2008).

For the next phase, the asset creation phase, there is the process of procurement to achieve this part of the system. The development of project management plans is required to take into aspects in this phase. The process is the construction of the infrastructure assets and to maximize the effectiveness of the resources of an organization. This process is important to the strategy in order to achieve optimal solutions, and it can require some part of an alliance in order to achieve this (Too, 2008). The last phase of the AM system is the Asset operation & Maintenance phase, as maintenance management is a primary function of AM. Here two processes are included to achieve this phase, as one is the crucial part of maintenance planning, and the other is the condition monitoring &


Inspection. Planning maintenance is a crucial driver for the business as infrastructure organizations are required to deliver maintenance. Also, to be able to define the current condition is part of an important process as the management needs that information to inspect and predict failures and know if the change is needed (Too, 2008). Quite fragmented literature streams have addressed the digitalization through different yet overlapping concepts. The contribution of this study is that it puts some order in the existing knowledge, by systematically investigating such factors in an empirical study that the research carried out in the context of AM.



In this section, the overall research approach is presented in order to explain how the direction of this study was chosen to shape my understanding of the research better. The approach is an important part of the shape of this study as it’s an explorative study and the approach defines which new aspects to investigate in. Thereafter, the subsections explain more in detail how the literature review was conducted, the methodological choices of the empirical data and analysis, and lastly the ethical aspects taken into consideration for this study.

3.1 Research Approach

This research has been based on a qualitative research approach based on inductive reasoning. This was chosen because the study is very explorative, as it starts with collecting data and use the literature, in the end, to help interpret field observations (Gioia, Corley & Hamilton, 2013). Therefore, the research starts inductively by approaching the phenomenon with little preconceptions and therefore, “matches” the observations with the review of the existing literature to deepen the empirical understanding. An inductive approach was also used towards the empirical data to have as few preconceptions as possible. This is to understand better what was interesting in the field from a fresh perspective (Gioia, Corley & Hamilton, 2013). This research approach helped to give the study a broad meaning of the phenomenon.

Going for an inductive approach can have some limitations as a less disruptive theoretical contribution conducts it, but this approach was chosen as it fits this study as it has an explorative design and would find the reasoning during the approach of the study (Gioia, Corley & Hamilton, 2013). Therefore, going after the Gioia method is suitable for this research as it is an inductive method for analysing data. A problem with this approach can be the level of advanced knowledge, as going inductively and ignorant to the theory can prevent that what we already know, can delimit what we can know (Gioia, Corley & Hamilton, 2013). Therefore, data was also collected from company X, where the case of this study is built on. According to Gioia, Corley & Hamilton (2013), for organizational study as this, it is necessary for both informed theory building and theory testing for it to fulfil its potential of being original.

This study was conducted with primary and secondary sources. The primary sources of the empirical data were interviews made at company X. Also, a conducted employee survey and other material from company X that will be used as written sources were conducted as secondary sources of empirical data supporting this study. The answers from the conducted employee survey could help support some facts and link the information received from the interviews. The material sent from company X can also help build a better background of the case. Another secondary source will be the literature, with scientific articles collected that are relevant to the study. This is to provide a deep and rich theoretical description of contexts by using a grounded-theory inspired approach to get the themes (Gioia, Corley & Hamilton, 2013).


3.1.1 Research Design

The design of this case study is that first, a pre-study was done as data collection in order to get a better background and a foundation for the field of study. This was done with the informants' meetings in company X, which was the central part of the pre-study. Towards this, a holistic approach was chosen to meet the high standards on the methodology used. That is to give voice to the informants in the early stages of data gathering and use it during the research to create opportunities for discovering new concepts (Gioia, Corley & Hamilton, 2013). In this way, issues related to this case were not missed when designing the interview questions, and it was not based on the existing literature theory.

During the whole inductive approach towards the empirical study, the theory of the literature review was conducted in order to understand the field that was recognized by the informants. The understanding also developed after analysis of the new information from the pre-study and helped define the problem and the phenomenon better. Lastly, interviews were recommended by the supervisor in company X, in order to get in contact with the right middle managers that can provide in-depth insights into the empirical fieldwork, as the questions were shaped and built upon the pre-study and literature.

In conclusion, the steps of this study were a reasonably inductive research design where a pre-study is made, creating well-defined research questions and consulting this with existing literature. After that, the empirical investigation has proceeded, following to interview the middle managers and adjust interview questions if needed during the parallel analysis of the codes. The next step was a data analysis with data coding the interviews and organizing 1st-order codes into 2nd-order themes with theoretical dimensions to build a data structure (Gioia, Corley & Hamilton, 2013).

Throughout the whole study, the research approach was very explorative. According to Gioia, Corley & Hamilton (2013), it allows the study to shape and change for every new result founded during the investigation. The challenge is to delimit the study through the research due to the limited timeline in order to get a study not too long to result in. Therefore, if other aspects were found that one could analyse but limited to not, it can be regarded as suggestions for future research.

3.2 Literature review

As the research questions were the ground and priority for the research to construct measures, it was essential to formulate the right research questions (Kathleen, 1989). In order to contribute to the theoretical aspect of this study, gap-spotting was used, as it is a common way of investigating what is missing in the already existing literature. After that, based on the gaps founded, research questions have been formulated in order to contribute to the literature by "gap-filling" (Alvesson & Sandberg, 2011). The literature was based on a phenomenon at the beginning of the work because the study has been explorative and doesn't know what's interesting or the foundation of the problem in the early stages. Therefore, the research questions could be changed and differently shaped during the research as it could change direction.


After the research questions have been formulated, the literature review was based on a more inductive approach. This was to specify the unit of analysis, that helped define the boundaries and limitations of the theory, in the exploratory research (Mark, Thomas, Choi, 2011). After that, it was to investigate the existing literature related to the study's research questions on a fair scale to allow discoveries during the research. According to Kathleen (1989), it's crucial that the theory-building at the beginning of the research has no idea of a theory under consideration, and no hypothesis applied to test.

This research design chose to go for a case study design because it was not easy to separate from the context where it develops when taking the approach of going inductively and studying a phenomenon. This was done by selecting cases useful to the theory and gave external validity by filling conceptual categories (Kathleen, 1989). Gibbert & Wicki (2008) states that Yin's work has essential criteria of "Reliability", that refers to a study to be transparent in order to minimize the absence of random errors. This was done by referring to the study every step of how this case study was conducted, and that's to facilitate replication of the study. If this criterion was met, it was more likely to meet the other three criteria of the validity of the research study that Yin's works referred to (Gibbert & Wicki, 2008).

In order to conduct a higher level of related data and to analyse several cases. The first thing was collecting all papers that were relevant to the study's focus, which can be many papers. This was done by searching for relevant keywords for the study on sites as the web of science and google scholar. The keywords established to be "managerial impact", "technology adoption", "digitalization" and "asset management". Thereafter, it was narrowed down to the ones that have abstracts supporting that the papers are in the same field. The following step was only to use the papers conducted on a research methodology. It resulted in selecting the few that used qualitative and quantitative data to support it (Mark, Thomas, Choi, 2011).

This research method sought phenomena in the context of the case studies to increase the validity and reliability of this case study research. According to Gibbert and Wicki (2008), there are many criteria in Yin's work to follow to reach high-quality research. One of them is the "Internal Validity" that referred to the data analysis phase. Therefore, the literature review was ignorant of a semi-ignorance, which means that it was collected and investigated after the findings and ignored until then (Gibbert & Wicki, 2008). Here a systematic approach was applied by multiple data collection methods.

3.3 Case Study Methodology

The investigation was on the collaborated company X. There first, a pre-study was made through 6 internal meetings with employees relevant to the subject. This gave background information on the problem definition for the company, and what needed to be investigated further. The pre-study was an essential section for the study in order to get a better overview and picture of how company X worked. The findings in the pre-study had the study going from one direction towards a different problem. Table 2 shows the representatives that were involved in the meetings for the pre-study.


Table 1: Conclusion of the respondents’ answers to the study (Greeven & Williams, 2017)   Digital technology is important to the organization  76%
Figure 1 - Author's elaboration of (Daniellock, 2019)
Figure 2 - The relationship between infrastructure AM goals and business goals (Too, 2008)    The literature of Too (2008) state the important fact that the resource of infrastructure assets needs  to be managed, and this is not in the traditional approach
Figure 3: Strategic infrastructure AM  process (Too, 2008)


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