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#23 U. lateral and other laterals


Academic year: 2021

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Another lateral, designated as the Goodland Lateral, begins at a point on said Nast Lateral near the center of Section


in Township 37 N. R. 15 d. and runs thence following the crest of the divide as nearly as may be through Sections 29 and 32 of the township last

namea, aid through Sections

5, 4,

9, and 8 in Township 36


R. 15 W. whence water is dropped into a ravine, through which it flows through Sections 17, 20, and 19 in the last named temship to a junction with the Rocky Pord Lateral before Tentioned.

Another lateral, designated as the Hartman Gulch Lateral, begins at the diverting dam in said gulch above mentioned, and runs thence by the channel of said gulch in a generally southerly direction through



and 36 H. R. 16 W. to a junction with the McElmo Lateral hereinafter described.

Another lateral, designated as the Moamo Lateral, begins at a eoint in Section 28 in iownship 36 No R. 15 W. where the Mesa Verde Lateral, above mentioned, crosses haElmo Creek, and runs thence by

the channel of said MbElmo Creek in a generally westerly and south-westerly direction through Sections 28, 29 and 30 in said last named

tonship, and through Sections 36 and


in Township 36 N. R. 16 W. crossing the north line of the Township


N. R. 16 J. and thence In a generally westerly direction to the western boundary of said rente-zama County.

Another lateral, designated as the East Supply lateral, begins at a point on the East Lateral near the center of Section 29 in Town-ship


N. R. 15 W. and the line thereof rum thence, as Projected, in a generally southerly direction through Sections 29 and 32 In said last named township, and through Sections


8, 17, 20 and 19 in Town-ship 36 N. R. 15 W. to a junction with the Rooky ?ord Lateral.

Prow the place above designated as the locatioa of the headGate of said Main Number 2wo, Main Number Two runs in a generally north-weeterly direction on the southwesterly elide of the Dolores River

through Sections 17, 8, 7, and


in Township


N. R. 15 W. and through Section. 31 in Township 38 N. R. 15 4., crossing the divide between the drainage of the Dolores River and the Montezuma Valley by an open cut, to a point near the head of a waterway known as Hain Na.rraguinnep Creek; Said Main Number Two also running through Sections 36 and35 in Township 58 N. R. 16 w.

From the point last named, a lateral designated as the worth

Lateral, runs as located in a generally westerly direction through See-tions 34, 27,


ae, 29 and 30 in Township

38 N.

R. 16 W. and. through Sections 25 and 26 in Township N. R. 17 W. crossing Yellow Jacket creek at a eoint near the center of said last named Section; thence in a

generally northwesterly direction along th7 xast slope of the ridge west of Yelloo Jacket Creek by the most practicable route as far as may be feasible to .extend. the same. A branch of said Forth Lateral, as projected, leaves the same at a point in the Southeast quarter of Section 25 last named above and runs thence in a generally eouthwester-ly direction to a point near the oenter of Section


in. said last

named Township and runs thence, following ns nearly as may be the crest of the ridge between said Hovenweep and Yellow Jacket Creeks, in a gen-erally westerly direction as far as practicable.

Another lateral, designated as the Yellow Jacket Lateral, begins at a point near the center of the Northwest quarter of Sectien 26 in Township last above named, where the said North Lateral crosses the

Yellow Jacket Creek, and runs thence in a generally southwesterly direc-tion, lollawing the course of the natural channel of said creek to a junction with the Hovenweek Lateral hereinafter mentioned.

Another lateral, designated as the Arroyo Lateral, begins at the end of Main Number Two aforesaid, and runs thence in a generally


south-Another lateral, designated as the Gooaland Lateral, begins at a point on said .;ast Lateral near the oenter of Seel= 29 in Township


N. R. 15 J. and rune thence following the orest of the divide as nearly as may lisd throaf5h eeotions 29 and. 32 of the township last

named, and through Seetions

5, 4, 9,

and 6 in Toenship 36 E. R. 15 14 whence water is dropped Into a ravine, through whioh it flows through Seotions 17, 20, and 19 in the last named townehip to a junction with the Rooky Ford Lateral before nentioned.

Another lateral, designated as the Hartman Gulch Lateral, begins at the diverting dam In said gulch above mentioned, and runs thence by the ohannel of said guloh in a generally southerly direction through



and 36 N. R. 16 W. to a junction with the licelmo Lateral hereinafter described.

Another lateral, designated as the 11441mo Lateral, begins at a point In Section 28 in Township 36 IL R. 15 W. where the Mesa Verde Lateral, above mentioned, orosses floUnto Urea, and rang thence by

the ohannel of said Moan* Creek in a generally westerly ead south-westerly direction through Sections 28. 29 and 30 in saia last aaaed

tonaship, %ad through Seotions 36 and


in Tawaship 36 B. R. 16 4, crossing the north line of the Township


N. a. 16 e. sad theme in

a generally westerly direction to the western boundary of Bala Aente-rune County.

another lateral, designated as the last Supply lateral begins at a point on the 1;ast Lateral near the center of Seotion 29 in ZWWW. ship


N. R. 15 We and the line thereof runs thence, as projected,

In a generally southerly direction threugh Sections 29 and 32 In eaid last named township, and through Seotions


8, 17, 20 and 19 In Town-ship 36 1. R. 15 W. to a junction with the Rocky ?ord. Lateral.

From the piano above deeignated as the location of the headgate of said Main Number Two, Main amber Two runs In a generally north. westerly direction an the southgesterly side of the Dolores River

through Sections 17, 8,


and 6 in Township


N. R. 15 W, and through Seotion 31 In Township


N. R. 15 W., crossing the divide between the drainage of the Dolores River and the Montezuma Valley by an open out, tO a point near the head of a waterway known as Main Barraguinnep Creek; Said Main Number Two also running through Seotions 36 and35 La Township

N. R. 16 V?.

From the point last named, a lateral designated ar the Borth

lolterftl, rune as lqoated in a generally westerly direotior through bee-tions

34. 27, 33,

28, 29 and 30 In Township 38 N. R. 16 and through Sections 25 and 26 in 3own13hip I. R. 17 orossing Yellow Jacket creek at a point ncer the center of said last name& Seotion; thane() In a

mnerally nort:ylestorly direction along the mast elope of the ridge west of Yellow Jacket Creek by the most prasticable route as far as may be feaeible to extend the same. A branch of sal& north Lateral, as proje(eed, leaves the same at a point in the southeast quarter of Section 25 last nanod above and rune thence in a generally southweeter-ly direetlon to a point near the center of section


in said lust

named Township and runs theme, folloring as nearly as may be the crest of the ridge between said Hovenweep and /ellow Jecket C:reeka, in a gen-erally westerly direction as far as practicable.

nether lateral, designated es the Yellow Jacket Lateral, begins at a point near the center of the Northwest quarter of 6ectien 26 in Township last above named, where the said North Lateral orossesthe

Yellow Jacket Creek, and runs thence in a generally seuthweeterlj direc-tions following the course of the naturel channel of said creek to a :auction with the Hovenweek Lateral hereinafter mentioned.

Another lateral, designated as the Arroyo Lateral, begins at the end of Vain NSIAber Two aforesaid, and rune theme in a general.,


swath-Another lateral, designated as the Gtoodltiad Lateral, begins at a

point on said diast 'totem'

near the °enter of leetion 29 in iownahip


L. E. 15 W. sad runs thenee following the crest of the divide as

nearly as nay be through aeetioas 29 as.

32 øf the township last

Whish it flws through




nosed, and through

tate a ravine, through

5. 4. 9. mi.

Township 36 X. R. 15 u.


water is

sestions 17, 20, an 19 in the last named township to a Janet!** with

the Rocky Port Lateral before mentioned.

Another lateral, &solvated es the Urines Gulch Lateral, begins

at the diverting der in salt galoh above seationed„ ad runs thenso

by the shame'

of 'aid pleb La a generally southerly direetion through


37 smi.36


16 W. to a la:notion with the UoAno• Lsterel

hereinafter desoribed.

Another lateral, designated 00 the *elm

lateral, begins at a


in tieetlas 26 ta township 36 14 R.

15 Wip where the Mess Verde

lateral, above gentlemed4 mosses Mena,

Greek, and rang themes by

the obanael of said Wire Creek in a generally westerly ant south*

westerly direetion through seotione 286 29 sad 30 in politest gamed

township, and through Bootie's 36 and,


in Township lb 1.


lb W.

erasing the north line of the IrMalhip


X. 1. 16

and themes in

'a generally westerly direetion to the western boundary of sail Monte.

suma Oeunty*

Another lateral, designated as the Asst Oupgy lateral, Imolas

at a point an the Nest Lateral near the *enter o

otion 29 in fess*


37 14

R. 15 wl* and the line thereof rune theme, as projected,

in a generally southerly direetion thrqadh Sostions 29 and 32 in said

last wed

township, and through Lieetions

56 S.

17, 20 eaa 19 La Zowa.

Ship 361.


15 w.

to a polities with the Away

?cid Lateral*

Free the plus

sime 4041101st:A as the losation of the hesitate

of said lista Nualmor !we, Main Suaber Two runs

in 4

paerelly north.

westerly direction on the southgesterly side of the Delores River

through Beetles* 17,



mad 6

in Township


N. R.

15 W. and through

zsetien 31 La Townshir 38 11. R.

15 g., crossing the divide between the


of the Dolores after eat the Xoatestoma Valley by an open taut,

to a petal near the head of a waterway knouvi as Math Earragainnep Creek;

Said Main Imaber Two also running through Seetions 36 and35 in Township

3811. R.

16 w.

From the point last named, a lateral desigaatei as the Morth

Lateral, rums as located in a generally westerly direction through 3.0.

tione 34. 27, 33.,261.

29 ma

30 is Tomilhlr, 30

B. 16

sad through



aad 26 in tionehip X. R. 17

°regains Yellow Jacket *reek

at a point gear the center of said last named. 4eletion; theme in


generally northwesterly dinettes along thx moot elope of the ridge

west of Ullow ;West Creek by the moat practicable route as tar as

maybe feasible to extend the same.


branch of iil

North Laurel,

as projeoted, leaves the sane at a point in the southeaet

quarter of

Beetion 25 last named above and runs then

re in a gengift117 soathleaterw

ly direction to a poiat near the seater of aeotion

35 in

sail last

named Tornalp and runs thanes, following as nearly as may be the crest

of the ridge between said Hovenweep and 7ollow Jaeket Creeks, in a

gen-erally westerly direction as far as praoticable*

Mother lateral, Afbeigastei as the Yellow Jacket Lateral, begins

At *

point neer the *enter of the gavial's's* quarter of aeetion 25 la

Township last shove assed, where the sail North Lateral Grooms the

Yellow Jacket Creek, sad rune thence in a gonerAlly southweeterly Wes.

tient following the emus

of the natural channel of said creek to a

junction with the HOvenweOk Lateral hereinafter mentioned*


lateral, designated as the i,rroye Lateral, begins at the


Memorandum Area Under rocky vord and Liesa Verde laterals. 3. Rocky Ford Extension.


S Roc l:y Ford below drops

320 720 200 4 ft. 9 T3T71---15 at .,11en Plume 30 45 Jec ivt.

Rocky A'ord xlure 7 to drops tx 3,000 37, 85 II TT Usp.


Upper rocky mord 2400 30 120 IT II

Liesa Verde 1Jateral Below maume 23 1600

Flume 15 to 23 1120

Elume 8 to 15 240

above }?lue 81680

Tot 1 Rocky mord 8640 acres Total raeS@ Verde 7040

1.5860-20 20 (now 17 in. ) 14 35 ( now 6 ft) 33 70 21 95 t

,apacity at head 120 sec ft 95

lipi)roximate flume sizes based on fall 1/1,000.

3 Rocky vrd extension r48 30 dia semicircular N " " IT 60

3.18 ft dia iillen 4'1ume 84 4.46 -raiid.',.t:o.L;1215M South R -Iii 108 5.76 II

Flume 7 to drop 132 7.0 IT

Up-oer aochy -cord 144 7.64 "

High line to pie line Llt 21 0.32

21 to 23 108

Below rlume 23 84

ripe lines must be considered individually to conform to locl conditions.


.8IeTet31 eb7nV 0891., F;r1L Ho 5.


Es11„. De'6 IiVt



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