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Ad-hoc committee on CCML structure February 27, 1976


Academic year: 2021

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The _ad_--ho_� Committee on CC!·1L .structure met J.<'ebruary 27, 1976 at 3 pm at Denison

Library. f•;:embers present w2re: 'L'ony Aguirre, Chairman; Gretchen Claman i s�nanne Clart t<ary de llund; Rosal:i.nd Dadden and Beth Willi.s.

f' 'The purpose of the meeting wus to examir,2 area.s of concern to the CC1'iL membership which had been presented to Co:nmi ttcc men�ber·s t either by mail or in person. It was felt by a11 present that any changes in st1·ucturc or formalizing of existing proce­ dure:, should be gradual and onJ.y as the need for them arose,.

Three areas identifj.ed were: a) Officers, thetr duties and method of election. b) Planning of CCi lL meetings anc1. c) Membership.

Suggestions of this Committee, to be discuused and acted upo11 by the CCML membership ar 8.) OfficG::'.'S

President Serves for one year, runs m2etings, tandles external corr0sponds�ce i.s an ex-officio member of any stand.in::; or ad-hoc commi t2e.s ( exe,�pt nomir,a tinfi; President-elect ilec tcd by the membership fro:n a slate of c2.ndida tes presentei b;v

the Noniina tinf'i Comriii ttee. Servt�:s one year nnd then beco;nes P::.·esident. Primary responsj_bili ty is c:ha.i.rr:ian:::hip of tbe F.;.:s:_Gr.:irr: Corn:ni ttee ._

Secretary-Treasurer S�rves one year, elected by vote 0f membership, does not automSttically succeed to Pres�.clent-Elec t but may stani fo:c electiori.. Responsibilities are: Inter11al correspondence, minutes, dues, notices, anm�,il update of directory.

Nominating, __ Comm·i. tte�� _ Lt members, select,�d 'b,v '.:;he Presi.dent from vo11mt·2e::'c:.

Serve 2 years with two members ranewctl each year. Responsible for no�in�tjng at lee.st 2 candicb.tes for each cffice �Le-a,.'0::""":F ... q"ir,,i ,-., i:fiY'' .i �:··:;.1,',·.,i;,;;.,a"- of

i-�. Can accept add::: tj •)nal cand:i.da.t2s ;:copos2d by membership at la:c·ge. b) tlieetings

Plannj.r,g for r:1,�eting;3 to b-i: carried ot.n: oy n I:£££��:c',tn com�\ ti_�� in coordination wi_ th tlle rt:x:;t litror:rian. The comrr:�_tte<2 is cha:L:··c:d ·t:·y the President-E:i.ect and is ::ompo.se of the three officers and 2 addition�l �embers chosen fr�rn voluntee1·s by t�A P-Z. c) Henbership

On�� ;;f the volu!1 teer rnember.s of the:: P.coerarc corc:mi ttee is to be s.ssigned the rer..::�•o:r:si(ri�Lity .fo:L-- ide.nt,ify.Ltq� J)OL:..�;i.Lir:1:i. n12m�:;ex'c-;

! in;;itir1t< the-rJ t(.., �:i'.:2t::.li.F;S, and �aking them welco�e at these �2etings.

Tl:e cor:-imi ttee suggests in a_::.ldj_ ti.011:

1. The questic,n ot' dues for CCML ,-3hcilld oe ac te'3. upon a'� soon as }KH:':Sl ble. 2. T.he ml?.mber.shi!) should b2 define:d.


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