Försök till jämförande analys: mätbara och omätbara värden i kvalitet
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(2) Academic procedure The research process (paper or presentation) 1. Formulation of research problem 2 Assembling 2. A bli researchh material t i l 3. Analyzing research material in a qualitative or quantitative approach. approach The writing process is a way of structuring reflections on the subject. 4. Writingg a ppaper/ p ppreliminaryy draft 5. Presenting the paper in a seminar and collecting exterior input on the matter. 6 Revising 6. R i i the th paper according di to t reactions ti d i during presentation and comments from supervisor. 7 Finalizing the paper 7. 8. Publication of paper in journal or webpage Jonas E Andersson, Ph D arkitekt SAR/ MSA. Email: [email protected]. Skype name: carljonasake.
(3) Academic procedure Paper presentations (about 5 minutes in total): Short presentation of research problem problem, method, method conclusions Q ti Questions. Presentations (about 10 minutes in total): p Elaborate on research problem Elaborate on method used Elaborate on conclusions Questions. Jonas E Andersson, Ph D arkitekt SAR/ MSA. Email: [email protected]. Skype name: carljonasake.
(4) FINAL SEMINAR, PRESENTATION OF PAPERS AND POWERPOINTS number b SSeminar course 4 Autumn term 2014 i 4A t t 2014 1RUNKVIST OLSSON Adils 2SOLÍS. Alba . 3Jonsson Nordmark 3J N d k 4RACINE 5HEINEMANN 6STUDERUS 7FLIMEL 8STJERNQVIST. Gabriel G bi l Anaïs Aron Christian Daniel F id Frida. 9LOIDL Johannes 10DINDONE Inese 11RYDERSTEDT Jenny 12KOTVAN 12KOTVAN Mi h l Michal 13GEBRING Hillevi 14KANKAANPÄÄ Sara Tuulikki 15ROBIN Mirja 16CHRYSOVERGIS Stavros 17ESTEBAN GÓMEZ 17ESTEBAN GÓMEZ M i Maria 18GRADIN Therése 19MITSCHKE Yvonne presumptive presentations 20FLODSTRÖM 21OOSTERWAAL 22Lee 23KUCHMA 24PEPELS 25STENBERG 26SUNDELL 27SIMONE HORTELANO. Annie A i Lonneke Robin Olga Nadia T bi Tobias Karolina Lorena. approximate title and topic i t titl dt i POWERPOINT full scale studio project and accessibility 1 space recognition, perhaps joint project with Gabriel 1 space recognition, perhaps joint project with Alb Alba Opéra Garnier and accessibility adjustments Reflections on architecture for social purposes 1 Reflections on accessibility and home 1 A retrospective study on accessibility A Accessibility and usability in library space ibilit d bilit i lib Exemplary model of rough, re‐used space, case study 1 Reflections on stairs Reflections on accessibility in fringe areas R fl ti Reflections on accessibility and home ibilit dh 1 Hospital environments in steep topography Accessibility and materiality 1 Accessibility and theatre space Accessibility and desire paths 1 Di ifi d Dignified accessibility for architecture and user ibilit f hit t d Study on waiting room design in an eye clinic Accessibility and theatre space Literature review on place‐making in architecture hit t Wayfinding in hospital environments Reflections on accessibility in urban planning Reflections on accessibility and climate Accessibility, artworks and museum space A Accessibility from a child perspective ibili f hild i Literature review on salutogenic architecture unknown. ABSTRACT/ PAPER. minute s 10 10. 1. 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8. 10. 10 5 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 5 5. 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 10 3,3.
(5) Let’s assess and evaluate! Jonas E Andersson, Architect SAR/ MSA MSA, Ph Ph. D D. E-post: [email protected]. Jonas E Andersson, Ph D arkitekt SAR/ MSA. Email: [email protected]. Skype name: carljonasake.
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