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Colletidae Melittidae Insectorum Hymenoptera, Apoidea.


Academic year: 2021

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Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae. Hymenoptera, Apoidea.

1. Colletidae and Melittidae

srE-r-r-AN ERLANDSSoN.Ians-ArE JANZoN & Bo c. SvENSSoN

Ertandsson, S., Janzon, L.-A. & Svensson. B G.;Catalogus lnsectorum Sueciae' Hymenop- tera. Apoidea. l. Colletidae and Mclittidae. ICatalogus I nlectorum

-Sueciae l-lyme noptera ' Apoide'a. 1. Colletidae och Melittidac.l- Ent. Tidskr. 109: 161-163. Umei, Sweden 1988' ISSN 0013-886x.

This catalogue lists the bee species so far found in Swcden. The known provincial records are siven for each soecies. The cataloque will be published in three parts. The first, here prcsenred, ieal. with the families Colletidae-and Melitiidae, with 25 and 8 species respectively. Hylaeas curtlioscapw Cockercll and Melittq wa[ko]riczi (Radoszkowski) are here recorded from swe- dcn for the first time


S. Erlandsson & L.-A. Janzon, S*'edih Museum ol Nutural History' P'O Box50N7,S'10405 Stockholm, Sweden.

B. G. St'ensson, Ltppsala IJniversirv, Dept. of Zoobgy, Sect. of Entomology, P O Box 561'

S-751 22 Uppsolo, Sweden.

No complcte cataloguc with distribution of Swe- dish bccs has been published since that of Aurivil- lius (l9t)3). now in many respects out ofdate. New spccies have since that time been recognized and added to the Swedish fauna. The knowledge of species distributions is now also more detailed.

Hence, an up to date check list together with data on the distribution of the species is badly needed.

Aurivillius (1903) listed 211 species and our cata- Iogue comprises about 270 species. Our catalogue will be published in three parts: (1) Colletidae and Melittidae, (2) Andrcnidae and Halictidae, and

(3) Megachilidae, Anthophoridac, Xylocopidae and Apidae.

This catalogue must be regarded as preliminary, but it is with present knowledge a complete check lisl of the species so far recorded from Sweden.

We have examined hecs in most Swedish muse- ums and we also have good communications with the bee collectors. so we think that the list is rele- vant today.

The classification and nomenclature used in this

list is a synthesis of Richards (1978), Westrich

( 1984) and Vikberg ( l9fl6). Many other works also have heen consulted. Valuable information con-

cerning these matters, given by different spccial- ists as well as own studies, arc included. The spe- cies are arranged in alphabetical order within the genera and subgcnera (Tab. l). Notes and com- ments are givcn for some species. Onl.v the syno- nvms found in the Swedish or foreign literature conccrning Swcdish hec spccies are given.

Abbrevialions: The Swedish provinces follow the order:

Sk = Skine (Scania), BI = Blekinge, Ha: Halland. Sm

= Smdland. Ot = Otand. Go = Gotland. Gs : Gotska Sandrtn, Og = Ostcrgotland, Vg = Viistergotland. Bo :

Bohusliin. -Ds

= l)alsland. Nii = Niirke, Sd = Sdder-

manland, Up = Uppland. Vs = Vrstmanland, Vr =

Virmland, Ge = Gisirikland, Dr = Dalarna, Hs = Hdl- srnsland. Hr = llirriedalcn. Mc = Medelparl. An = An-eermanland. Jii - Janrlland, Vh = Vaslerbotten. Nb -- Norrbotten. As - Aselc lappmark. Ly = Lyckscle

lappmark, Pi = Pite lappmark, Lu = Lule lappmark aod

To : Torne lappmark. ZML = Z-oological Muscum, Department of Zoology, Lund.

We are indebted to the following specialists who have determine d or checked bccs and also been of invaluable hclp in solving nomenclatural ques- tions: Dr H. Dathe, Dr A. W. Ebmer, Dr A Lo-

kcn, Dr D. S. Peters, Dr M. Schwarz, Dr B. Tkal-

c3, Mr E. Valkeila (i) and Dr K. Warncke.


162 Stallan Erlanclsson m fl

Tab. L Catalogue of Swedish specics of Colletidae and Mclittidae. The known provincial records are given for each specres.

Dc i Svcrige f<irekommande arterna av bin i famil.ierna Colletidae och Melittidae med synonymer och kiinda land- skapsfynd.


C(///e/er- Latreille.


802 C.


Co lletes ) Latr eillc,

l. marginatus F. Smith,

Og-Bo, Nii-Up

Sk-Bo, Na-Dr

Sk Co. Og-Me. Ja-Nb

i) ...,.... sk-ol, og . Sk. Sm-Go, Og-Bo, Nii-Dr

signutus (P anzet, 1798) ... -... -... Up

: praleasrs (Fourcrov. 1785) preocc.


Dentigero ) Popov, 1939 Dreviconris Nylander, 1852

... . Sk Go. Og-Bo, Nii Hs. Jii (Paraprosopis) Pop<tv , 1939

picrTer Nylander. lt(51 ... Sk-Go. Og-Vg. Ds-Dr sinaarrs (Schenck, 1853) ... -... Sk


P atogiata) Bliithgen. 1949

drflornru (Eversmann, I 852)

... ... Sk. Sm Og. Ds-Vs. Dr

: morginotus Thomson, 1870


Lambdoptis) Popov. 1939 an nu

I a

r is (Kirbv. 1802) 17.















1872 22.

1978 Sk-Go.



Melittidae Meliua Kirby. 1802

26. hae mo rrh t idalis (Fabricius.


775) 27.



Og-Ds. Vs-Dr, Hs-Me

Og Vg, Ds-Dr. Hs, Jii

Sk-Go, Og-Me. An tso. Sd-Up. Cai 23.


Up C.





Dr-Gu. Mc-L1', Lu-To




= val/ei (Niemelii. 1947) comrzan is Nylander, 1852

... ... Sk-Me . Ja-Nb. Pi-To azgustatas (Schcnck, 1859) ... Sk-Ds, Sri-Mc

: suhmarginatus Thomson, 1872 13. gracilicornis (F. Morawitz, 1867) ..



l'rosopis) Fabricius. 1804

14. corr/usus Nylander. 1852 ... ...

15. giDbas Saunders. ttl50

Sk-Go. Og Vg, Ds.

= gezc,lis Thomson, 1872

16. pectoralis Fdtste r, l87l ... Sk-Bl, Ol, Vg. Sij

= kriechbaumeri Fiirster. 1871

D ost p o da Latr eille. I 802

30. drgentato (Panzer, 1809) ... ... Sk -11. lzirlpei (Fabricius. 1793)

.... Sk-Co, Vg, Na-Up, Vr-Dr

: plumipes (Panzer, 1791)

: altercator (Harris. 1780) nomen dubium 32. sariper (Christ, l79l) ...,...-... Sk

= ,horrr.rofli Schl.-tterer. 1890

Macropis jl. eurupuea\,/arncke. I973 Panzcr , 1809 ... Sk-Co. Og. tso-Cir

: labiata sensu auct.. nec (Fabricius, 1805).

Sk-Me. Jii-Vb Sri-Vs. Dr-Me

Noles lnd comments

7. C. itltpunctatus: Found in northern and south- crn parts but seemingly absent from central Swe- den.

10. H. cardiostaprs: One female caughl in a water-trap at Up. Figelsundet, l-5 July 1982 (in coll. Bo G. Svensson). Not previously recorded from Sweden.

'13. H . gracilicornis, 16. H. pectoralis, 17 . H. sig- nat*s, 20. H. sinuatus, 23- H. pfankuchi: see Er- landsson ( 1984).

29. M. wankowiczi: One male caught by Dr. L.

Anders Nilsson (Go, Mulde, 26 June l98l), for- aging on Cumpanula persicifolia flowers (in coll.

L. A. Nilsson). Not previously recorded from




Aurivillius. C. 190.3. Stcklar. Hymenoptera. 1. Gadd- steklar. Aculeata. - Svcnsk Inscktfauna l3: [-90.

Erlandsson, S. 1984. Fem fdr Sverige nya srinkbin av slekret Hylaeus. - Ent. Tidskr. 105: 103.

Richards. O. w. 1978. A check list of British Insects.

Part 4: Hymenoptera. - Handbk. tdent. British In- sects XI(.l) : t34-1.10.

Vikbcrg. V. 1986. A checklist of aculeate Hymenoptera

of Finland (Hymenoptera. Apocrita Aculeata). -

Notulac Enk)mol. 66: 6l-85,

Westrich. P. 1984. Kritisches Verzeichnis der Bienen

der tsundesrepublik Dcutschland (Hymenoptera.

Apoidea). - Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 66: l-


Catalogtts Insectorum Suecia?. Cotletidae and Melittidae 163 Sammenfrttning

De i Sverige fcirekommande gaddsteklarna pre- senteras i denna katalog med namn och eventuella synonymer samt mcd den svenska utbredningen Iandskapsvis. Katalogen kommer att Publiceras i tre delar och den foreliggande f6rsta delen be- handlar familjerna Coltetidae och Melittidae med 25 respektive ta afier. Hylaeus cardioscapus Cock- crcll och Melitta wankowiczi (Radoszkowski) har tidigare inte rapporterats fran Sverige.

Lokalfdreningarnas adresser och kontaktpersoner I hiftc I 1988 itcrfinns en mer omfattande sam-

manstallning. som bl a redogor for styrelsernas sammansattning och f6reningarnas verksamhct.

Entomologiska ftireningen i Dalarna, c/o Bjorn Cederberg, Kristinebergsg. 5 E. 792 ffi Mora.

Tel. 0250-169 18. Postgiro 2 44 29-3. Mcdlemsav- gift 30 kr, skolungd. l0 kr. iamiljcmcdl. l0 kr/Ar.

Entomologiska fiireningen i Stockholm, Naturhi- storiska riksmuseet, Sektionen frir entomologi, Box 5(XX)7. 104 05 Stockholm. Tel. 08-666 40 (X) (Lars-Ake Janzon, Bert Gustafsson). Postgiro 5 42 l3-4. Medlemsavgift l0 kr/6r.

Eniomologiska fdreningen i Uppland' Entomolo- giska avdelningen, Box 561.751 22 Uppsala. Tel.

018-18 25 00 (Sten Jonsson, Lars HedstrOm).

Postgiro 84 0.5 l4-rl. Medlemsavgifi 20 kr. skol-

ungd. l0 kr/ir.

Enlomologiska siillskapet i Lund, Zoologiska In- stitutioncn, Helgonav. 3,223 62 Lund. Tcl. 046- l0 93 33 (Olle Hammarstedt). l0 9-5 82 (Pcr Dou- wes). Postgiro 9 93 39-4. Mcdlcmsavgift 20 kr/ar.

Fiireningen Siirmlandsentomologerna, c/o lnge- mar Struwe, Minsbov. I B, 633 47 Eskilstuna.

Tel. 016-11 ,17 89. Postgiro 495 34 21-7.

Medlemsavgift 50 kr/ir.

Nerikes Enlomologiska Sillskap, c/o Kenncth Blom, Triidg6rdse. 19,702 I2 Orebro. Tcl. 019- l0 64 9l . Postgiro 26 97 06-8. Medlcmsavgift 25

kr, skolungd. 15 kr/ir.

Norrlands Enlomologiska Fiirening, Box 2083.

900 02 Umca. Tel. (I90-l t't 77 119 (Ola Atlegrim).

Postgiro 46 52 ttU-9. Medlemsavgift '10 kr. skol- ungd. 20 kr/ir.

Vflstsvenska entomologklubben, Naturhistoriska museet. Box 728f, 407 35 Coteborg. Tel. 031-

14 56 09 (Torkel Hagstrom. C0ran Andcrsson).

Postgiro 72 47 713-6. Medlemsavgift 30kr' familje- medl. 5 kr/Ar.

Oslergiitlands Entomologiska Fiirening, c/o Ulf Karlstrom, Carl Bergstens gata 76. 603 7tl Norr- koping. Tel. 011-17 06 44. Postgiro 496 34 59-5.

Medlemsavgift l5 kr/Ar.


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