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A r i s e Wi n d p o we r A B | A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 0 9


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A r i s e Wi n d p o we r A B | A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 0 9



Introduction by the CEO ... 5

Arise Windpower in brief ...6

Financial information in summary ...6

Description of operations...8

Business concept, goals and strategy ...8

Investment cost estimate ...9

Project portfolio ... 10

Directors’ report ... 14

Risks and uncertainty factors ... 16

Code of Conduct ...17

Consolidated accounts ... 18

Parent company accounts ...36

Proposed distribution of earnings ...42

Audit report ...43

Corporate governance report ...45

Ownership ...48

Board of Directors ...49

Group management ...50


Decisive events during 2009

■   Twelve Vestas V 90 turbines put into operation in the Oxhult wind farm at Laholm    (24 MW/62 GWh/year)

■   General agreement signed with GE for the supply of 52 turbines

■   New issue brings in MSEK 328 for the Company, as well as an enhanced owner profile    by means of the Third Swedish National Pension Fund

■   Five Vestas V 90 turbines put into operation in Råbelöv, Kristianstad    (10 MW/28 GWh/year)

■   General agreement signed with Vestas for the supply of 60 turbines

■   Five GE turbines installed in Brunsmo, Karlskrona (12.5 MW/34 GWh/year)

■   Decision taken on construction of six GE turbines in Hylte, which are scheduled    to be put into operation in November 2010 (15 MW/39 GWh/year)

■   The board of directors decides to apply for listing on Nasdaq OMX in spring 2010


June September



Arise Windpower is a leading company in the rapidly expanding Swedish wind power market. In addition to wind farms that have already been put into operation, the Company also has a healthy project portfolio of more than 900 MW in southern Sweden, where the conditions for building wind farms are particularly favourable.

The Company's business concept and strength is to deal

with the entire chain from project development to the sale

of environmentally friendly electricity, as well as exploit-

ing the large-scale benefits this creates in the form of low

investment- and operating costs, in addition to cost-effective

project development.


Introduction by the CEO


he previous year, 2009, was a commer- cially significant and eventful time for  Arise Windpower, since we were able to pass  a number of important milestones: 28 wind  turbines with a total output of 61.5 MW were  put up or work was started on their instal- lation,  and  the  Company's  financial  posi- tion  and  owner  profile  has  been  enhanced  as a result of a successful new issue in which  The third Swedish National Pension Fund,  among others, took part. 

  The year also saw a significant reduction  in  the  Company's  investment  costs  for  in- stalling  wind  turbines  as  a  consequence  of  the  long-term  and  comprehensive  general  agreements  that  were  signed,  and  also  the  design  improvements  that  had  been  made  in  the  wind  farms.  Costs  for  servicing  the  turbines were also reduced during the year. 

Overall, 2009 as proved that the industrial  approach  that  characterises  every  aspect  of  Arise Windpower's operations produces ex- cellent results.

Completed in record speed

Starting  operation  of  the  Company's  first  wind farm in Oxhult in March was an im- portant milestone, and the first confirmation  of the ability of the industrial organisation  we have built up to deliver. 

  The wind farm was completed in record  speed – just two years from permit applica- tion  to  start  of  operation.  The  twelve  tur- bines were installed in a forest environment,  generate 24 MW of power and supply renew- able  electricity  to  approx.  3,000  individual  family homes. In addition to the hardtested  ability  of  Arise  Windpower's  organisation  to  deliver,  the  construction  and  operation  of the Oxhult wind farm has also provided  valuable experiences that we have now im- plemented into continued expansion of the  Company's  project  portfolio.  We  have  for  example thinned out the portfolio by slightly  increasing the spaces between the turbines in  the wind farm – an adjustment that we be- lieve improves the efficiency and profitability  of the entire portfolio. 

  An investment decision in an individual  project is approved only when estimated re- turn will be in excess of 10 per cent on to- tal  invested  capital  before  tax.  The  savings  and efficiency improvements that have been  made allow us to achieve this level of profit- ability even with low winds.

Important agreements

In order to guarantee the rate of expansion  and a competitive cost level during the con- tinued  expansion  of  the  project  portfolio,  a  number  of  important  agreements  were  entered into during the year. Among other  things,  the  Company  has  signed  general  agreements  with  GE  Energy  to  supply  52  wind turbines, and with Vestas for another  60 turbines. 

  These agreements will secure most of the  Company's planned expansion over the next  three  years.  In  addition,  five-year  general  agreements  have  been  signed  for  the  sup- ply of gravel and concrete, directly from the  main supplier and without any intermediar- ies.  Systematically utilising economies of scale  is one of the main features of Arise Wind- power's business model. Signing these agree- ments has allowed us to reduce the Compa- ny's costs in terms of both investments and  operation and maintenance.

Positive cash flow

In addition to the Oxhult wind farm, anoth- er two wind farms with a total output of 22.5  MW have been or are currently being put into  operation in Råbelöv in Kristianstad and in  Brunsmo  in  Karlskrona.  Construction  has  also started on another 15 MW wind farm in  Hylte, which are planned to be put into op- eration in November 2010. 

  Once these wind farms are in operation,  Arise Windpower will be able to reach an- other milestone, as the Company will then  have a positive cash flow and full cost cov- erage for current operation and project de- velopment. This means that new equity and  borrowed capital will from this point on be  used only for financing continued expansion  of the project portfolio.

Active part in consolidation

The Swedish wind power market is fragment- ed and consists of a number of smaller and  medium-sized wind power companies, often  with major investment plans. The Company  believes that there will be a consolidation of  the market, and it is the ambition of Arise  Windpower  to  play  an  active  part  in  this. 

The  Company's  existing  portfolio  should  be  supplemented  by  potential  acquisitions. 

In addition, a small number of fairly large  wind farms outside our primary geographi-

cal areas, i.e. southern Sweden, may also be  appropriate given that they have very good  wind resources.

Cope with tough demands

What  we  have  achieved  over  the  last  year  clearly  shows  that  the  organisation  is  able  to cope with the tough demands we make: 

supplying  quickly,  at  the  right  quality  and  on time and also with a high level of cost- effectiveness. With a skilled and experienced  project  organisation  and  a  large-scale  in- dustrial approach, Arise Windpower is well  equipped to continue building, at a sustained  high rate, the roughly 300 wind turbines we  are determined to have in operation by the  end of 2014. This would make us one of Swe- den's leading companies in the onshore wind  power industry.

  We  look  forward  to  sharing  the  future  with active and interested shareholders.

Halmstad, February 2010

Peter Nygren CEO, Arise Windpower AB Peter Nygren, CEO, Arise Windpower.


Arise Windpower in brief


ith  2009  behind  us,  it  can  be  con- firmed that over the year Arise Wind- power has erected twentytwo wind turbines  in three projects, completed a new issue in an  extremely difficult economic situation which  has brought MSEK 328 into the Company be- fore emissions costs, taken on a number of  employees, shaken off its label as a prospec- tive company, and also created an operation  that generates a positive cash flow at EBITDA  level. This final point is particularly as im- portant since investors in the Company can  be secure that funds are used to build new  and profitable wind farms.

  Arise Windpower is a leading company in  the rapidly expanding Swedish wind power  market. In addition to wind farms that have  already been put into operation, the Compa- ny also has a healthy project portfolio of more  than 900 MW in southern Sweden, where the  conditions for building wind farms are par- ticularly  favourable.  The  Company's  busi- ness concept and strength is to deal with the  entire chain from project development to the  sale of environmentally friendly electricity, as  well as exploiting the large-scale benefits this  creates in the form of low investment- and  operating costs, in addition to cost-effective  project development.

  The requirement of profitability is strict: 

no new wind farms are built unless the in- vestment is expected to produce a return of at  least 10 per cent of total invested capital. The  expected return on the Company's portfolio  exceeds this requirement.

2009 2008 2007

Summary of income statements

Net sales 29.7 — —

Operating result before depreciation (EBITDA) 1.7 – 15.4 – 7.1

Operating result (EBIT) – 10.8 – 16.0 – 7.2

Financial items, net – 0.6 9.5 1.2

Net result – 7.6 – 3.3 – 6.0

Summary of balance sheets

Total non-current assets 918.3 354.8 3.8

Cash and cash equivalents 341.3 408.9 44.8

Shareholders’ equity 680.3 373.6 48.2

Balance sheet total 1 348.1 824.3 49.8

Interest-bearing net liabilities – 258.7 118.9 44.8

Summary of cash flow

Cash flow from operating activities – 119.9 71.1 -5.4

Cash flow from investing activities – 567.6 – 334.3 – 3.9

Cash flow from financing activities 619.9 627.3 53.8

Key ratios

Installed capacity at the end of the period, MW 34 — —

Electricity production during the period, GWh 36.0 — —

Earnings per share, before dilution, SEK – 0.44 – 0.21 – 0.97 Earnings per share, after dilution, SEK – 0.44 – 0.21 – 0.97

EBITDA margin, % 5.8% neg. neg.

Return on employed capital, % 0.5% neg. neg.

Return on equity, % neg. neg. neg.

Equity/assets ratio, % 50.5% 45.3% 96.8%

No. of employees at the end of the period 21 15 3

For definitions of key performance indicators, see page 48


Extensive project portfolio allows for large-scale expansion

Arise  Windpower's  goal  is,  by  the  end  of  2014,  to  have  erected  about  300  onshore  wind turbines in the capacity range of 1.8–3.0  MW in good wind positions, corresponding  to an investment of approx. BSEK 10 – 11. 

  In order to achieve this goal, the Company  has signed about 250 land leases in southern  Sweden  since  the  start  of  2006  and  estab- lished an extensive project portfolio consist- ing of over 45 projects. 

 Large-scale and industrial expansion creates cost-efficiency

In order to ensure the future supply of the  necessary  input  goods,  Arise  Windpower  has  signed  general  agreements  with  GE  Energy  and Vestas.  The  agreements  are  for  112  turbines  for  delivery  during  the  period  2010 – 2012. 

  In so doing, Arise Windpower has secured  a large part of its future requirement for in- put goods.

Having our own grid company and crane improves efficiency and reduces bottle necks

In addition to wind turbines, the Group also  works on establishing the electricity grids re- quired for connecting the Company's wind  farms to the national grid. 

  Having the necessary resources and skills  in-house shortens lead-times and reduces the  costs for grid connection. 

  In  order  to  avoid  delays  in  connection  with erecting wind turbines, in 2008 Arise  Windpower ordered its own specially adapt- ed mobile crane for building wind turbines. 

Access to suitable cranes is currently restrict- ed on the market. It is expected that the mo- bile crane will be delivered in summer 2010. 

  Continuous  work  on  reducing  bottle- necks shortens the lead-time to the cash flow  from our wind turbines.

Financing new wind farms by

means of owner contributions and loan agreements

Arise  Windpower  has  a  goal  of  financing  projects  using  25–30  per  cent  equity  and  70–75 per cent borrowed capital. 

  Future contributions of equity and loaned  capital will be used for direct investments in  wind farms.

Price hedging of electricity sales 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total hedged electricity production (GWh) 96 149 149 131 61 44 Weighted average price of electricity price hedges (SEK/MWh) 514 463 469 452 430 435

Price hedging of certificate sales 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Total hedged certificate production (GWh) 70 129 111 92 129

Weighted average price of certificate price hedges (SEK/MWh) 330 327 329 345 349 Increased income stability as a result of

hedging future production

Arise Windpower's income is from the sale of  electricity and electricity certificates. In or- der to manage the risk inherent in variations  in prices, Arise Windpower has a policy of 

hedging up to 60 per cent of future expected  production in a falling hedging channel for  up  to  five  years.  The  Company's  hedgings  as of the end of December are shown in the  table below.

Hedging 31 December 2009

Arise Windpower´s project portfolio

West coast (102)

Skåne/Blekinge (110)

East coast (83) Southern inland (133)

Benefits of location of project portfolio in southern Sweden

■ Good wind locations

■ A strong electricity grid that accom- modate the planned expansion of wind power without extensive investments

■ Low transmission costs

■ Minimal problems with icing compared with northern Sweden

■ Climate-wise, construction is possible year round and at a lower investment cost than in northern Sweden

■ Better transport infrastructure and stronger economy

■ An expected higher electricity price compared with the national average due to expected (July 2011) division of country into price areas

■ Synergies in:

– project development, e.g. permit management and wind measurement – construction through crane and transmission network

– operations and maintenance


Description of operations


rise  Windpower  is  one  of  the  leading  companies  in  the  rapidly  expanding  Swedish wind power market. We deal with  the entire value chain in the establishment  of new wind power assets, from project de- velopment  to  the  sale  of  green  electricity  from  our  own  friendly  onshore  wind  tur- bines.  The  Company  operates  on  a  large,  industrial  scale  and  is  results-orientated. 

As a consequence, the build-up occurs me- thodically, efficiently and simultaneously in  many parallel projects. The organisation has  all the key resources needed for fast, effec- tive project development. With the current  trend  with  an  evergreater  focus  on  green  measures in all parts of our society, we have  considerable  faith  in  our  entire  business  concept.

Historical development

Arise Windpower has been actively involved  in  building  wind  farms  since  2006.  Since  2006 we have developed into a leading in- dependent  operator  in  the  Swedish  wind  power industry. In June 2006 the Company  initiated project development operations af- ter the signing of a number of leases. 


Arise  Windpower's  vision  is  to  be  one  of  Sweden's  leading  companies  in  onshore  wind power in terms of both size and skills,  and in this way to play a part in the global  evolution  into  a  sustainable  society.  The 

Company intends to play an active role in  the development and consolidation of a new,  growing, wind-powered Sweden.


By  leasing  land  in  wind  positions  that  are  considered to be economically advantageous,  Arise Windpower's objective is to erect ap- proximately 300 wind turbines in the 1.8 to  3.0 MW capacity range up to and including  2014, equivalent to an investment of about  BSEK 10–11, with about 25–30 per cent of  this expected to be equity. With about three  hundred  wind  turbines  in  operation,  the  Company  would  produce  about  2  TWh  of  green electricity each year - equivalent to the  entire Swedish wind power development by  the end of 2008.

Business concept

Arise  Windpower's  business  concept  is  to  be an integrated wind power company with  control of the entire value chain: from pros- pecting  and  permit  acquisition  through  to  financing,  erecting  and  operating  the  tur- bines, and also selling green electricity and  long-term ownership.

  The  Company  operates  on  a  large,  in- dustrial scale and is results-orientated, as a  result of which expansion is occurring me- thodically, efficiently and simultaneously in  many parallel projects. The organisation has  all the key resources needed for fast, effective  project development. 

The Company priorities the construction of  fairly large wind farms, mainly in excess of  10  MW,  located  in  southern  Sweden.  Here  there are advantageous wind conditions, and  a robust electricity grid with low electricity  feed-in costs, which is better than it is in the  north of the country. In addition, the road  network  and  infrastructure  are  both  well  developed,  resulting  in  lower  investments  in other infrastructure components required  when erecting wind turbines. The environ- mental  impact  during  construction  is  also  minimised,  since  equipment  and  materials  do not need to be transported as far. There  is also the fact that the planned division of  Sweden  into  different  pricing  areas  in  July  2011 can be expected to result in higher elec- tricity prices in southern Sweden compared  with the country as a whole. 

Strategies for value-creation

Arise  Windpower  has  the  following  strate- gies for maximising values for shareholders  by  means  of  the  following  value-creating  measures:

■ A high-quality and focused project  portfolio 

■ An industrial approach and large-scale  expansion

■ Organisational and financial strength

■ Focus on profitability


What is a wind power investment?

In  order  to  achieve  its  financial  goals,  the  Company  wishes  to  use  the  following  cost  estimate to explain what Arise does and what  day-to-day operations involve. 

  The profitability of a wind farm is depend- ent on many factors. Arise Windpower is ac- tively and continuously working to find an  optimal design for each wind form in order  to maximise the output, and the Company  strives constantly to reduce investment and  operating costs. The cost estimate therefore  varies from one project to another and over  time, based on the prevailing economic con- ditions and environmental factors. 

  To the right is an illustration of the main  elements of Arise Windpower's returns goal  and also a simplified cost estimate based on 1  MW. The Company believes that this repre- sents an average MW in the project portfolio  and that the conditions for this are in line  with the current actual level.

  Central to the investment decision regard- ing building a new wind farm is the estab- lished returns requirement of an anticipated  return of at least 10 per cent before tax of the  total  invested  capital.  The  most  important  parameters  affecting  the  anticipated  return  are  wind  strength,  anticipated  production,  investment  costs,  operating  costs  and  in- come  level.  Production-related  operating  costs consist of lease costs, costs for transmit- ting  electricity  and  load  balancing.  Other  operating  costs  consist  primarily  of  service  and  maintenance,  insurance,  property  tax  and administration. All these operating costs  are included in the above illustrative example  analysis.

  In the analyses it is assumed that the use- ful life for a turbine is 20 years. Foundations,  electrical  installations  and  roads  however 

Illustrative calculation for an average MW in the portfolio – 1 MW MSEK Key performance ind.

Investment 15.0 15 MSEK/MW

5 SEK/kWh

Revenues 2.3 750 SEK/MWh

3,000 MWh/MW

Operating expenses – 0.4 – 130 SEK/MWh

EBITDA 1.9 620 SEK/MWh

Interest expense – 0.6 6%

have  a  longer  useful  life,  and  if  possible,  a  new  wind  turbine  could  therefore  be  in- stalled after 20 years at a lower total invest- ment  cost.  This  is  not  taken  into  account  in the above analysis. Electricity certificates  are obtained for the first fifteen years, after  which  the  income  level  is  expected  to  fall  over the last five years. In the above example 

analysis, the wind turbines are expected to be  financed by 30 per cent equity and 70 per  cent borrowed capital.

  Arise Windpower believes that the project  portfolio as a whole is in a good position for  wind, and with good finances that allow a  good  return  given  current  levels  of  invest- ment costs, operating costs and earnings. 

Key factors determining the return of the project

Wind speed/Output 6.5 – 7.5 m/s 2,400 – 3,600 MWh/MW

Operating cost 115 – 155 SEK/MWh Investment

13 –17 MSEK/MWh

Revenues 750 SEK/MWh

> 10% return on to- tal invested capital

before tax


Project portfolio


he projects are categorised according to  the following criteria.

In operation

Wind power projects where the wind farm  has  been  handed  over  after  trial  operation  and is now producing electricity.

Under construction

These  are  projects  where  the  requisite  per- mits have been obtained, an investment deci- sion has been made by the Company's board  of directors, financing for equity and loaned  capital is available and most of the project's  total investment cost has been obtained.

Permits received

Projects  that  have  been  given  the  permits  required in order to begin construction, but  where this has not yet been started. In certain  cases Arise Windpower is waiting for suffi- cient wind data to become available.

Permits pending

A permit application is initiated by the Com- pany applying to the relevant county admin- istrative  boards  and  municipalities  for  per- mission to build the wind farm. Since Arise  Elnät is planning to establish an electricity  grid  for  most  of  the  Group's  projects,  the  Company  also  applies  to  the  Energy  Mar- kets Inspectorate for a concession to operate  a grid. This stage ends once all the permits  have  been  obtained  or  the  application  has  been rejected.

Project planning completed

Once  Arise  Windpower  has  signed  a  land  lease, design work is started on the site's de- tailed conditions for building a wind farm. 

The  area  is  analysed  in  detail  and  precise  coordinates are established for the planned  wind turbines. Wind studies are based ini- tially on theoretical charts, with actual wind  measurements carried out later on using the  Company's windmeasuring equipment.

Wind turbines

Total output (MW)

Anticipated production (GWh)

Commissio- ning/anticipa- ted comm.

Number Type 3 Output In operation

Oxhult 12 Vestas V90 2.0 24.0 62 Mar 09

Råbelöv 5 Vestas V90 2.0 10.0 28 Dec 09

Under construction

Brunsmo 5 GE 2.5 2.5 12.5 34 Mar 10

Fröslida 6 GE 2.5 2.5 15.0 39 Nov 10

Total 28 61.5 163

Number of projects

Number of wind turbines

Total output (MW)

Average out- put per turbine (MW)

In operation 2 17 34.0 2.0

Under construction 2 11 27.5 2.5

Project portfolio

Permits received 3 19 38.0 2.0

Permits pending 24 243 525.6 2.2

Project planning completed 15 106 211.1 2.0

Leases signed 3 32 95.0 3.0

Total portfolio 49 428 931 2.2

Status of the project portfolio as at 31 December 2009

Leases signed

Land leases have been signed following ne- gotiations  between  landowners  and  Arise  Windpower.  Long-term  land  leases  have  been signed for the entire project portfolio,  giving the Company a right, though not an  obligation,  to  erect  wind  turbines  on  the  various properties. 

  For most of the projects, design work has  started  but  is  not  yet  complete.  The  pre- liminary study carried out by the Company  before the land lease was signed generates a  preliminary  layout  for  the  number  of  new  wind turbines.

 Wind turbines in operation and under construction

Arise  Windpower  currently  has  two  wind  farms in operation. The first wind farm built  in Oxhult outside Laholm, which has twelve  Vestas V90 wind turbines, each generating 2  MW of power. The total output therefore is 24  MW and anticipated electricity production is  62 GWh before completion of current align- ment work. 

  The Oxhult wind farm is situated on land  leased  primarily  from  Sveaskog,  and  the  wind turbines are owned by Arise Windpow- er's fully-owned subsidiary, Arise Wind Farm  1 AB. The wind farm was put into operation  in spring 2009.

  During  summer  2009  construction  was  started  on  roads,  foundations  and  other  infrastructure  components  for  two  parks,  in  Råbelöv  outside  Kristianstad  and  in  Brunsmo  outside  Karlskrona.  Råbelöv  was  put into operation at the end of December  2009 and it consists of five Vestas V90 tur- bines with a total output of 10 MW and an  anticipated annual electricity production of  28 GWh. 

  The wind farm in Brunsmo, which con- sists of five GE 2.5 MW turbines, was erected  in 2009 and it will be put into operation in  March 2010. This wind farm has a total out- put of 12.5 MW and is expected to produce 34  GWh per year.

  Arise  Windpower  currently  has  one  project  under  construction.  The  Fröslida  project in Hylte municipality comprises six  GE 2.5 MW turbines with a total output of  15 MW and an anticipated electricity produc- tion of 39 GWh. Construction of the park was  started in December 2009 and it is expected  that it will be put into operation in Novem-


Directors’ report

The Board of Directors and the CEO of Arise Windpower AB (publ),  corporate identity number 556274-6726, hereby submit the annual  report and consolidated accounts for the financial year 1 January to  31 December 2009.


Commercial operations

Arise Windpower AB is the parent company of the Arise Windpower  Group, which consists of the wholly-owned subsidiaries Arise Wind  Farm 1...8 which own and operate the turbines, Arise Elnät AB, Arise  Service & Projectering AB and also Arise Kran AB. The parent com- pany prospects for suitable wind locations and deals with obtaining  permits, assists with purchasing and procuring financing, facilities  and contracts, and administrates and handles electricity sales for the  group companies. 

  The subsidiary Arise Wind Farm 1 AB manages the twelve-turbine  electricity-generating wind farm in Oxhult outside Laholm. In ad- dition, a five-turbine wind farm has been built in Råbelöv outside  Kristianstad which was put into operation at the end of the year,  and further five wind turbines in Brunsmo outside Karlskrona, which  were erected in 2009 and is scheduled to be put into operation in  March 2010.

  The subsidiary Arise Wind Farm 3 AB was capitalised at the end of  the year in order to build six wind turbines in Fröslida outside Hylte.

  Arise Elnät AB has a concession to build the electricity grid that  will transmit the electricity from the wind farms to the national grid. 

In Knäred, Arise Elnät AB has constructed a facility with the capac-

ity to transform and transmit 130 MW of wind power production. 

The facility is connected to EON’s 130 kV grid and, by adding to the  transformer capacity, it can transmit another 70 MW.

  Arise Service & Projektering AB owns the group's measuring in- struments and carries out wind measurements.

  All the group’s operations are carried out in Sweden.

Net sales and earnings

Net sales were MSEK 29.7 (—). In addition, MSEK 13.3 (9.3) was capi- talised as work for the Company's own account.

  Net sales are primarily attributable to the Oxhult wind farm, for  which installation work was started in March 2009. Production from  the Oxhult wind farm has been characterised by a worse than normal  year for wind, in addition to extra optimisation measures and analy- sis, with a resultant reduction in availability. Optimisation measures  aimed at improving production are in progress.

  The operating result before depreciation (EBITDA) was MSEK 1.7  (– 15.4). Staff costs and other external expenses came to a total of MSEK  – 41.7 (– 24.8). This increase is attributable primarily to the expansion  of operations involving a greater number of projects and an increase  in the number of employees.

  The operating result (EBIT) was MSEK – 10.8 (– 16.0) which includes  depreciation according to plan of MSEK – 12.5 (– 0.6). Net financial  items was MSEK – 0.6 (9.5) and the loss before tax was MSEK – 11.4  (– 6.5). The loss after tax was MSEK – 7.6 (– 3.3), equivalent to a loss  per share of SEK – 0.44 (– 0.21).

  The total comprehensive income was MSEK – 6.9 (– 14.1) after the  cash flow hedges of electricity, interest rates and foreign currencies  increased the total comprehensive income by MSEK 0.8 net, compared 


with a net reduction in total comprehensive income of MSEK – 10.8  during 2008.

Investments and depreciation

Net investments for the year were MSEK 568 (340) less grants received  from the Swedish Energy Agency of MSEK 31 (of a grant of MSEK 50),  of which MSEK 15.4 was paid out during 2009. The entire invested  amount is related to the expansion of electricity production, apart  from MSEK 4 (4) which was mainly for investments in measuring and  office equipment.

Cash flow

Arise Windpower's cash flow from operating activities was MSEK – 120  (71) and cash flow after investments was MSEK – 688 (– 263). Interest- bearing liabilities during the period increased by MSEK 310 (290) due  to utilisation of existing facility. The new issue brought the Company  a net total of MSEK 310 (331), as a result of which cash flow for the year  came to MSEK – 68 (364).

Financing and liquidity

By the end of the year, there were net liabilities of MSEK – 259 com- pared with net assets of MSEK 119 at the end of 2008. Cash and cash  equivalents were worth MSEK 341 (409), in addition to which there  was unused credit of MSEK 57 (367). 

  The equity/assets ratio on the balance sheet date was 50.5 per cent  (45.3).


Since Arise Windpower has only Swedish subsidiaries, tax has been  calculated using a Swedish tax rate of 26.3 per cent.

Research and development

During the year, Arise Windpower has carried out research by work- ing with and actively supporting a professorship at Halmstad Univer- sity focused on onshore wind analyses. The group has also continued  to work with Uppsala University on refining methods for assessing  wind potential in forest areas. 

  The group also carries out internal development work in order to 

improve knowledge about wind behaviour in different environments. 

In addition, methods have been drawn up for accurate sound analyses  and improved foundation design.


The average number of employees within the group during the year  was 18 (7). The total number of employees at the end of the year was  21 (15). Additional information relating to the number of employees  and salaries, remuneration and terms of employment can be found in  Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements.


During the year, the parent company has continued operationally and  formally to build up the group, been responsible for the main work  involved in prospecting for suitable wind locations, reached agree- ments on leasing, produced impact assessments, worked on plans and  construction permits, carried out procurements and provided group- wide services. Considerable work has gone into evaluating the Oxhult  wind farm project, primarily in terms of design, siting, foundation  design, noise, shadows and production.

  PLU Energy Intressenter AB, which was previously acquired by  means of a directed non-cash issue, merged with the parent company  during the year.

  Net investment for the year stood at MSEK 28.6 (9.6). The average  number of employees during the year was 13 (4), and the company had  15 (6) employees at the end of the year. For details of the number of  employees, salaries, remuneration and terms of employment, please  see Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements on pages 26 – 27.


The group’s core operations consist of producing and transmitting  green electricity without creating emissions of carbon dioxide, dust  or other substances to the air, water or ground. Operations consist  of building and civil engineering works in connection with erecting  wind turbines and related electrical installations, following the regu-


lations which apply for work of this type. The group only uses oils,  chemicals and fuel in a few contexts: oil for lubricating the moving  parts of wind turbines, products used in the land and civil engineer- ing work carried out by external contractors, and fuel for suppliers’ 

company vehicles and those belonging to the group. Operating wind  farms has a direct environmental impact in terms of sound, shade and  visual impressions.

Legal requirements

By owning and operating wind turbines and electrical installations,  the group’s operations require permits and must be reported on in  accordance with the Swedish Environmental Code. The group has all  the permits required for its current operations.


Arise  Windpower  classifies  risks  as  external  risks  (politics,  market  conditions,  climate  conditions  and  competitors),  financial  risks  (energy  prices,  certificate  prices,  currencies,  interest  rates,  financ- ing, capital and credit) and operational risks (operation, operating  expenses,  agreements,  disputes,  insurance  and  other  forms  of  risk  management).

External risks

Arise Windpower believes that demand for wind power as a means  of producing electricity will remain high for the foreseeable future. 

The Swedish Energy Agency has set a target of 30 TWh of Sweden’s  electricity consumption coming from renewable energy (compared  with the current level of approximately 2 TWh) by 2020, requiring a  significant expansion in the number of wind turbines. 

  Sensitivity to market conditions relates primarily to opportunities  for access to equity and borrowed capital, with worsened conditions  on  the  financial  markets  potentially  making  the  raising  of  capital  more difficult.

  Arise Windpower’s revenues are dependent on actual output from  its installed wind farms, which in turn depends on wind speeds in  the locations concerned during the period. The amount of wind var- ies from season to season over the course of the year but also from  one year to another. By building a portfolio of projects in different  geographic  locations  and  by  performing  extensive  wind  measure- ments prior to investment decisions, the risk of variations in output  is reduced. However, unfavourable weather conditions and climate  change can have a negative impact on electricity production, which  in turn would affect the Company’s earnings.

  In terms of competition, Arise Windpower is one of the few play- ers in the market which can provide landowners with an overall wind- power development solution including grid connection, large-scale  turbine procurement and access to a mobile crane with the capacity  to lift any wind turbine on the market within the size class of up to  3 MW. An industrial approach and the ability to control the con- struction of turbines are among the key requirements for the group’s  continued competitiveness.

Financial risks

Energy price risk relates to a fluctuating electricity price market, pri- marily on the Nord Pool power exchange. The group addresses this  risk by hedging a certain portion of planned production. Electricity  certificate price risks are dealt with in a similar manner. 

  Foreign exchange risk within the group arises mainly when procur- ing turbines and when selling electricity on the Nord Pool power ex- change, both of which are normally priced in euros. In terms of flows,  this risk will eventually even itself out to a certain degree, but in the  meantime the group partly counters this risk by hedging foreign cur-

rency transactions. Interest rate risk has been addressed by largely  hedging loans taken out to fixed interest rates via swap agreements. 

  For further information, see Note 11 to the consolidated financial  statements on pages 30 – 33.

Operational risks

The risk of significant consequences due to downtime is deemed to  be low, and will be reduced as production capacity is expanded in  various locations. Arise Windpower is of the opinion that no dis- putes exist which could have a significant impact on the group’s  financial position. The insurance held by the group includes con- sequential  loss  insurance,  third  party  liability  insurance,  product  liability, insurance against property damage and limited protection  against environmental damage. 

  Arise Windpower believes that the size of the group and the com- position of the group management, with its in-depth operational  knowledge and close, ongoing operational contact, reduces opera- tional risks.


Information about the Company’s management and the work of the  Board of Directors during the year can be found in the corporate  governance report on pages 45 – 47.

INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY’S SHARES Total number of shares, votes, dividends and new shares The  total  number  of  shares  issued  on  31  December  2009  was  21,426,070, of which 937,500 shares were held in the Company’s  custody. Shareholders are entitled to vote using all shares held. All  shares bring equal rights to dividends. 

  Share warrant programmes exist and as at 31 December 2009 these  programmes gave a right to subscribe to an equivalent of 1,450,000  shares which, on full utilisation, gives a dilution effect of 6.3 per  cent. However, one of the options agreements includes conditions  to the effect that it is deemed that a maximum of 1,102,500 shares  can be subscribed to (note 14), which would mean a dilution effect  of 4.9 per cent.


Neither the Company’s articles of association nor applicable legisla- tion include any restrictions on the transferability of the Company’s  shares. However, the founders (Leif Jansson, Peter Nygren and Ulf  Corné) have committed via a separate shareholders’ agreement be- tween larger shareholders to, among other things, a tag-along right  which means that other shareholders who are party to the share- holders' agreement have the right to sell their holdings on the same  terms as the founders. The agreement ceases in the event of a stock  exchange listing.

  Otherwise, the Company is not aware of any agreements between  shareholders which limit the transferability of its shares.


Information about the Company’s shareholders can be found on  page 48.

AGREEMENTS WITH CLAUSES ON CHANGES IN OWNERSHIP The group does not have any significant agreements which can be  terminated in the event of a change in ownership. No agreements 


exist between the Company and the members of the Board of Direc- tors or employees which stipulate remuneration in the event that the  aforementioned tender their resignation, or are given notice without  reasonable cause, or if their employment or appointment comes to an  end as a result of a public takeover bid.


Arise Windpower places great emphasis on carrying out its operations  in a sound manner, both legally and in terms of business ethics. The  Company’s Code of Conduct emphasises the principles which gov- ern the Company’s relationships with employees, business partners  and other interested parties. The Code of Conduct applies to both  employees and members of the Board of Directors. The group’s sup- pliers, distributors, consultants and other business partners are also  expected to observe and apply the Code of Conduct. 

  The Code of Conduct stipulates that bribes may not be paid, that  the Company should take a restrictive approach towards gifts, and  that all business dealings should be clearly shown in the Company’s  accounts, which should be produced in a truthful, relevant and com- prehensible manner in accordance with generally accepted account- ing principles. 

  Arise Windpower takes a neutral position on political issues. Nei- ther the Company’s name nor its assets may be used to promote po- litical parties or the interests of political candidates. 

  The Code of Conduct also applies to the Company’s work for a  sustainable  society,  which  specifies  that  the  group’s  products  and  processes should be designed so that they use energy and raw materi- als efficiently, and that products should minimise waste and residues  over their useful life. 

  Arise Windpower recruits and deals with its employees in a man- ner which is not discriminatory in terms of gender, race, religion,  age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political views, ethnic  origin, etc. The group encourages diversity at all levels. Child labour  will not be tolerated, nor will work which is carried out under duress  or threat. The freedom of association and the right to collective nego- tiations and agreements shall be respected.

Guidelines for remuneration for senior executives

Senior executives shall be offered a fixed salary that is in line with the  market and based on the individual's responsibilities and role. Bo- nuses shall be based on goals attributable to and of relevance for the  Company's operations. Other senior executives were paid bonuses in  2009 that may be no more than six months' salary calculated as an av- erage for the group. The founders will decline their bonuses for 2010. 

  Further details of the guidelines can be found on the Company's  website under Corporate governance.


The group is well equipped for the continued expansion of onshore  wind farms and the associated construction of electrical installations. 

The challenge is to sustain the planned expansion at a sufficiently  high rate. The group has the funds required for planned construction  activities during 2010 and is able, without any further contributions,  to erect turbines with an output of a little over 53 MW, in addition  to the projects that are currently in operation or are being put into  operation. 

  The group's continued expansion with the goal of erecting about  300 wind turbines by the end of 2014 requires new capital from a new  issue and external financing. A stock exchange listing is also planned  for 2010.


Due to climate conditions, the amount of available energy in the  wind during the beginning of 2010 has been 25-35 per cent lower  than in the corresponding period for a normal wind year, which has  resulted in lower production levels than anticipated. At the same time  the hedging level was temporary higher than normal. As a result, the  Company  has  been  required  to  purchase  additional  electricity  on  Nord Pool to comply with existing supply agreements, at a market  price which occasionally has been very high. Aggregately, this is ex- pected to have a negative effect on the Company’s result of approxi- mately MSEK 2. The hedging level has been adjusted as from 1 March  2010.

  The Company raised MSEK 4.3 in equity after the chairman of the  Company's Board of Directors utilised some of his warrants at the  beginning of the New Year.



Amount in SEK thousands Note 2009 2008

Net sales 29,652 —

Work performed by the company for its own use and capitalised 13,262 9,345

Other operating result 554 —

Total income 2 43,468 9,345

Staff costs 4 – 23,353 – 12,930

Other external expenses 5 – 18,388 – 11,824

Operating result before depreciation (EBITDA) 1,727 – 15,409

Depreciation of Property, plants and equipment 9 – 12,525 – 565

Operating result (EBIT) – 10,798 – 15,974

Financial income 6 7,402 10,805

Financial expenses 6 – 8,001 – 1,345

Profit/loss before tax – 11,397 – 6,514

Income tax 7 3,783 3,225

Net result – 7,614 – 3,289

Earnings per share (SEK)

Before dilution – 0.44 – 0.21

After dilution – 0.44 – 0.21

Number of shares at the beginning of the year 15,453,885 7,365,385

Number of shares at the end of the year 21,426,070 15,453,885

Earnings per share before dilution have been calculated using the profit for the year as a numerator. The average number of outstanding shares used to calculate earnings per share before dilution was 17,502,478 shares (2008: 12,859,635 shares). The Company has warrants which may bring about a dilution effect, though no such effect is reported since the Company has a negative net result.

The number of shares held by the Company has not been included in the calculation.


Amount in SEK thousands 2009 2008

Net result – 7,614 – 3,289

Other comprehensive income

Cash flow hedges, unrealised changes in value 1,012 – 14,641

Income tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income – 266 3,850

Other comprehensive income for the year net after tax 746 – 10,791

Total of comprehensive income for the year – 6,868 – 14,080

The comprehensive income is 100 per cent attributable to the parent company's shareholders.



Amount in SEK thousands Note 2009 2008


Non-current assets

Property, plants and equipment 9 898,061 342,946

Deferred tax assets 7 20,214 11,876

Total non-current assets 918,275 354,822

Current assets

Stock 10 973 —

Accounts receivable 7,038 —

Current tax assets 375 178

Other current receivables 11, 12 46,741 52,295

Prepaid expenses and accrued income 13 33,417 8,038

Cash and cash equivalents 341,308 408,922

Total current assets 429,852 469,433

TOTAL ASSETS 1,348,127 824,255


Share capital 14 1,714 1,236

Other capital contributed 705,531 392,455

Hedging reserve – 10,045 – 10,791

Accumulated loss – 16,927 – 9,313

Total shareholders’ equity 680,273 373,587


Non-current liabilities

Long-term interest-bearing liabilities 15 586,860 290,000

Provisions 16 3,400 —

Total non-current liabilities 590,260 290,000

Current liabilities

Current interest-bearing liabilities 15 13,140 —

Accounts payable 18,536 139,278

Other liabilities 11 38,799 16,353

Accrued expenses and deferred income 17 7,119 5,037

Total current liabilities 77,594 160,668


Collateral pledged 18 905,265 481,358

Contingent liabilities 18 — None



Amount in SEK thousands Note 2009 2008

Operating activities

Operating result (EBIT) – 10,798 – 15,974

Adjustment for items not included in cash flow 8 12,525 472

Income tax paid – 197 – 48

Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital 1,530 – 15,550 Cash flow from changes in working capital

Increase in stock – 973 —

Increase in current receivables – 4,372 – 55,301

Increase (+)/Reduction (–) in current liabilities – 116,073 141,992

Cash flow from operating activities – 119,888 71,141

Investing activities

Acquisition of Property, plants and equipment – 583,040 – 334,395

Government grants 15,400 —

Sale of Property, plant and equipment — 80

Cash flow from investing activities – 567,640 – 334,315

Financing activities

Increase in interest-bearing liabilities 310,000 290,000

Interest paid – 8,895 – 2,228

Interest received 8,666 8,759

New issue 310,143 330,769

Cash flow from financing activities 619,914 627,300

Cash flow for the year – 67,614 364,126

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 408,922 44,796

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 341,308 408,922

Interest-bearing liabilities at the end of the year – 600,000 – 290,000

Net liabilities / Net interest-bearing assets – 258,692 118,922



Amount in SEK thousands Share capi-


Other capi- tal contrib- uted


reserve Accumulated loss

Total share- holders’ eq- uity

Opening balance on 01 January 2008 147 54,045 – 6,024 48,168

Net result – 3,289 – 3,289

Cash flow hedges

– Changes in hedging reserve during the year – 14,641 – 14,641

– Income tax on change in hedging reserve during the year 3,850 3,850

Bonus issue 868 – 868

New issue 221 348,386 348,607

Cost of new issue – 18,255 – 18,255

Income tax in relation to cost of new issue 4,801 4,801

Option issue – cash-free 3,929 3,929

Option issue 417 417

Shareholders’ equity on 31 December 2008 1,236 392,455 – 10,791 – 9,313 373,587

Net result – 7,614 – 7,614

Cash flow hedges

– Changes in hedging reserve during the year 1,012 1,012

– Income tax on change in hedging reserve during the year – 266 – 266

New issue 478 327,992 328,470

Cost of new issue – 18,327 – 18,327

Income tax in relation to cost of new issue 4,820 4,820

Value adjustment of issued options – 1,409 – 1,409

Shareholders’ equity on 31 December 2009 1,714 705,531 – 10,045 – 16,927 680,273


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