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Digital tools and data in the Detailed Planning process in Stockholm municipality


Academic year: 2021

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Digital tools and data in the Detailed Planning process in Stockholm municipality

- A conclusive needs assessment and SWOT analysis.





TRITA LWR Degree Project ISSN 1651-064X




Det är ett stort byggtryck i Stockholm idag och staden förväntas fortsätta växa framöver. Denna trend kan ses i urbana miljöer världen över och har gett upphov till nya tankar kring hur man ska utveckla städer på ett hållbart sätt. Hållbar stadsutveckling handlar både om hur städer ska utformas men även om att säkerställa att processerna sker på ett sådant sätt att hållbar utveckling kan uppnås. I Sverige är dessa processer reglerade enligt lag, med lagstadgade krav på upprättande av detaljplaner vid samhällsbyggnadsprojekt. Detaljplaneprocessen involverar privata såväl som offentliga aktörer som ska kommunicera och samspela med varandra under processens gång. Denna masteruppsats fokuserade på att finna styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot kopplade till

informationsutbytessystemet inom detaljplaneprocessen i Stockholms stad. Dessutom undersöktes genomförbarheten av att kunna digitalisera processen samt aktörernas data- och analysbehov och dess koppling till hållbar utveckling. För att kunna undersöka forskningsfrågorna i detta arbete, kombinerades en litteraturstudie, en intervjustudie och en SWOT-analys. Litteraturstudien fokuserade på att identifiera spjutspetsprojekt inom ämnesområdet, studera användningen av Geografiska InformationsSystem (GIS) inom stadsutveckling och beskriva innebörden av hållbar stadsutveckling. För att kunna beskriva detaljplaneprocessen i Stockholms stad, kombinerades litteraturstudien med information som framkom under intervjustudien. Intervjustudien var upplagd med semi-strukturerade intervjuer, där intervjupersonerna kom från byggaktörer, kommunala förvaltningar, akademin och konsultbolag som är involverade i detaljplaneprocessen i Stockholms kommun. Resultaten från intervjustudien analyserades i en behovsanalys. Utifrån litteraturstudien och behovsanalysen kunde sedan en SWOT-analys, över informationsutbytessystemet och dess digitalisering, utföras. SWOT-analysen låg sedan till grund för två alternativa visioner för hur systemet skulle kunna konstrueras i framtiden. Resultaten visade att data och information idag främst delas mellan de olika aktörerna i form av rapporter. De olika aktörerna använder dessutom olika programvaror för att hantera, visualisera och använda data. Behovsanalysen identifierade tre generella teman kopplat till ”Data & Analyser”, ”Format, System & Hantering” samt ”Programvara &

funktioner”. Bland de involverade aktörerna fanns ett behov av georefererad statistisk data och analyser kopplade till människors uppfattning av och beteende i byggd miljö. Alla aktörer önskar ett bättre informationsutbyte mellan involverade parter. En majoritet av de involverade aktörerna var positiva till idén att ett GIS-kit med tillgänglig och relevant data delas ut i början av ett

detaljplaneprojekt. SWOT-analysen uppvisade både positiva och negativa faktorer som påverkar informationsutbytessystemet och dess digitalisering. Två alternativa visioner av hur

informationsutbytessystemet skulle kunna vara uppbyggt skapades. Den ena visionen baserades på distributionen av ett GIS-kit medan den andra baserades på en delad projektdatabas för alla involverade aktörer. I båda visionerna delar byggande kommunförvaltningar på en databas. Baserat på rapportens resultat blev slutsatsen av denna masteruppsats att koordinering av data och tydliga kravspecifikationer på dataformat är två huvudaspekter som påverkar utvecklingen av

informationsutbytessystemet och dess digitalisering i Stockholms Stad.



There is a high building pressure in the Municipality of Stockholm today and the city is expected to continue to grow in the future. This trend can be seen in urban environments around the world and has resulted in new ideas concerning how to develop cities in a sustainable way. Sustainable urban development concerns both how cities should be designed, as well as how to ensure that the

development processes occur in such a way, that they can help achieve sustainable development. In Sweden, development processes are regulated by law, with statutory requirements on producing a Detailed Plan in all development projects. The Detailed Plan process involves actors from both public and private sectors that need to communicate and collaborate throughout the process. This master thesis focused on finding strengths, weaknesses, possibilities and threats of the information- sharing system within the Detailed Planning process at the Municipality of Stockholm.

Furthermore, it investigated the feasibility of digitalisation of the process and the expressed data and analysis needs of the involved actors, as well as its connection to sustainable development. In order to investigate these research questions, a combined use of a literature review, an interview study and a SWOT-analysis was used. The literature review focused on identifying the state of the art within the research topic, the use of Geographic Information Systems in urban development and understanding the concept of sustainable urban development. In order to understand the Detailed Planning process in the Stockholm Municipality, the literature review was combined with

information obtained in the interview study. The interview study was conducted as semi-structured interviews with interview subjects from developers, municipal administrations, academia and consultant agencies involved in the Detailed Planning process in Stockholm. The results from the interview study was analysed through a needs assessment. Based on the literature study and the needs assessment, the information sharing system and digitalisation of the Detailed Planning process was compiled in a SWOT-analysis used to create alternative visions for the system construction. The results of this thesis showed that in the information sharing system of the Detailed Planning process, data is mainly shared as reports between the involved actors and the involved actors use different softwares for data handling, visualisation and use. The needs

assessment revealed several themes in the needs of the actors concerning Data & Analyses, Format, System & Handling and Softwares & Functions. Among the involved actors, there is a need for more georeferenced statistical data and analyses concerning human perception and behaviour connected to the built environment. All actors wanted an improved data exchange within the process and a majority of the actors are open to the idea of a GIS-kit containing available and relevant data to be shared between the actors in the beginning of Detailed Planning projects. The SWOT analysis showed both positive and negative factors affecting the information sharing system and its digitalisation. It resulted in the creation of two alternative visions for the information sharing system, based on the distribution of a GIS-kit or the creation of a shared project database. In both visions, a shared database for the municipal administrations is constructed. Based on the results, the master thesis concluded that data coordination and data format definitions are two key aspects that will affect the information sharing system progress and its digitalisation in the Municipality of Stockholm.



We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people that have helped us in the work with this thesis and given us support throughout our studies. First and foremost we would like to thank our supervisor Ulla Mörtberg at KTH, who has supported us during this thesis and offered us guidance along the way. Furthermore, we would like to thank our supervisors Anna Johansson and Thomas Stenberg as well as Maria Ljungblom at the Municipality of Stockholm who has, with their kindness and knowledge, supported and helped us on this journey. We would also like to thank Andreas Huss at Sweco Architects who was there for us when we needed, offering his experience and thoughtfulness.

During these five years, and specially the past three years, the professors and teachers at KTH and especially at the master programme of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure have taught us valuable knowledge that we will treasure throughout our lives. Thank you all for everything you taught us.

Last, but not least, we would like to extend our greatest gratitude to our families who have

supported us throughout our lives and our studies. Thank you for all the help, support and love that you have given us. We wouldn’t have made it without you. You are the best.



. English-Swedish based on (Föreningen för Samhällsplanerare, 2013)

English Swedish Shorthand


Municipality of Stockholm Stockholms Stad

County administrative board Länsstyrelsen CAB Municipal Council Kommunfullmäktige MC City Planning Committee Stadsbyggnadsnämnden CPC City Planning Administration Stadsbyggnadskontoret CPA Development Administration Exploateringskontoret DA

Traffic Administration Trafikkontoret TA Environment Administration Miljöförvaltningen EA Land & Environmental Court Mark- & Miljödomstolen

The Swedish Association of local

authorities and regions Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting

County Councils Landsting The national board of Housing, Building

and Planning Boverket Swedish Urban Environment Council Stadsmiljörådet

Swedish Land Survey Authority Lantmäteriet Planning

The Swedish Planning and Building Act

(2010:900) Plan- och Bygglagen PBA The environmental code Miljöbalken

Municipal Comprehensive Plan Översiktsplan MCP

Detailed Development Plan Detaljplan DP

Implementation Period Genomförandetid Preliminary response Planbesked

Building permits Bygglov

Area regulations Områdesbestämmelser Consultation Samråd

Consultation report Samrådsredogörelse Lands use regulation Användningsbestämmelse

Quality regulations Egenskapsbestämmelse Program Planprogram

Developer Byggaktör National interests Riksintressen Environmental quality standards Miljökvalitetsmål

Environmental Impact Assessment Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning EIA Biotope area factor Grönytefaktor

Gap-analysis Bristanalys


Table of Contents

1 Introduction ... 1

1.1 Scope... 1

1.2 Objective ... 2

1.2.1 Aims ... 2

2 Methods ... 2

2.1.1 Qualitative Methods ... 2

2.1.2 Quantitative Methods... 3

2.1.3 Choice of Methods ... 3

2.1.4 Interview Study ... 4

2.1.5 Focus Group Discussion ... 4

2.1.6 Loss Analysis... 5

2.1.7 Literature Study ... 5

2.1.8 SWOT-Analysis ... 5

2.2 Limitations ... 5

2.2.1 Scenarios Affecting the DP Process ... 5

2.3 Disposition of the results ... 6

3 State of the Art ... 7

3.1.1 ISSUE – Integrating Sustainable Strategies in Urban Environments ... 7

3.1.2 Smart Built Environment (SBE) ... 7

3.1.3 Digital First ... 7

3.1.4 INSPIRE & Swedish Adaptions ... 7

4 GIS for Planning Support ... 8

4.1.1 GIS- and Other Formats ... 9

4.2 Application and Suitability for This Study ...10

4.2.1 GIS in Urban Development ...10

5 Sustainable Development... 12

5.1 Urban Sustainability and Sustainable Urban Development ... 13

5.2 Sustainable Development Goals and Habitat III ... 14

6 The DP Process in Sweden ... 14

6.1 The Planning Process & Information Flows in Stockholm Municipality ... 15

6.1.1 Initiation ... 15

6.1.2 Start Memorandum ... 17

6.1.3 Planning Start ... 17

6.1.4 Planning Phase ... 17

6.1.5 DP Approval ... 19

7 Needs Assessment from the Interview Study... 20

7.1.1 Data & Analyses ... 24

7.1.2 Data format, System and Handling ... 31


7.1.3 Softwares and Functions ... 37

8 SWOT-Analysis ... 38

8.1 Strengths ... 39

8.2 Weaknesses ... 39

8.3 Opportunities ... 40

8.4 Threats ... 41

9 Updated Data Sharing During the DP Planning Process ... 41

9.1 GIS-Kit ... 42

9.2 Shared Project-Specific Database ... 43

10 Concluding Discussion ... 44

11 Conclusion ... 45

References ... 46

Appendix A. Table containing the Interviewees ... 50

Appendix B. GIS-Kit Data Proposal ... 51

Appendix C. Interview Questions Given to Municipal Planners (Swedish) ... 54

Appendix D. Interview Questions to Other Interviewees. ... 54



1 Introduction

There is a high building pressure in the Municipality of Stockholm today and the city is expected to continue to grow in the future (Regional Utvecklingsplan för Stockholmsregionen, 2016). This trend can be seen in urban environments around the world and has resulted in new ideas concerning how to develop cities in a sustainable way, with example such as the United Nation’s Sustainable

Development Goals and the connected New Urban Agenda (United Nations, 2015; United Nations, 2016). Sustainable urban development concerns both how cities should be designed, as well as how to ensure that the development processes occur in such a way, that they can help achieve sustainable development. In Sweden, development processes are regulated by law, with statutory requirements on producing a Detailed Plan (DP) in all development project. The DP process involves actors from both public and private sectors that need to communicate and collaborate throughout the process (Karlbro, 2013). The DP process in Sweden is becoming increasingly complex as a result of the high building pressures and development rates.

This has resulted in several political incentives, both on a national level but also on regional and local levels. In 2016 several projects were launched aiming at digitalising the Swedish planning process, such as “Digitalt Först” (“Digital First”), originating from a governmental decision (Regeringskansliet, 2016), as well as other interdisciplinary research projects (Balfors, 2016;

Schelin, et al., 2017; Smart Built Environment, 2016). Simultaneously, in the Stockholm Municipality, planning proposals are being produced by municipal planners, consultants and developers (Karlbro, 2013) and the complexity has given rise to a time-consuming process where different actors and instances base their work on different data without an efficient coordination between them (Lantmäteriet, 2016). According to the Swedish Land Survey Authority’s (2016) report “Digital First – for a smarter urban development process”, 35 % of all asked developers believed that a digitalisation of the Swedish planning process would have the greatest effect on the process’ time consumption. Furthermore, the report revealed difficulties regarding the transitions between different process phases within the DP process, where the flow of data and information isn’t always coordinated.

In April 2017, the municipal council of the Municipality of Stockholm adopted a new strategy for the Municipality to coordinate the digitalisation work in order to develop Stockholm as a smart city. The strategy is a part of the Municipality’s “Vision 2040” which also concerns aspects of sustainable development. The strategy is a part of the Municipality’s goal of becoming the world’s smartest city by 2040. In this work, the Municipality defines a smart city as a city that uses digitalisation and new technology as a means for improving and simplifying everyday life (Stockholms Stad, 2017). This strategy will affect how the DP process in Stockholm Municipality integrates digital tools and data gathering. By implementing digital tools and improving data collection and handling, time and resources could be saved.

In the last decades, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have been gaining increasing applications in urban planning purposes processes internationally. Due to its spatial analysis capabilities and ability to represent the real world in a virtual context, it is already used to some extent within the Municipality of Stockholm. However, how the interest of the tool is among the employees of the actors in the DP process in the Stockholm Municipality, needs to be investigated.

As a result of these external and internal incentives and initiatives, a better understanding of how the information flows between involved actors are working, as well as how digital tools such as GIS and data are used within the DP process, is needed.

1.1 Scope

The goal with this master thesis project is to, through the use of literature and interviews with planners, consultants and developers, identify needs and possibilities for a better data support and flow during the planning process in Stockholm Municipality. Through the results of this thesis the practical use of GIS-tools in the Swedish planning process may be strengthened. The master thesis is also expected to identify present weaknesses in the DP process in the Municipality of Stockholm



and give a proposal of future focus areas needed for better incorporation and visualisation of sustainability parameters in the different stages of the DP process in Stockholm.

The results of this thesis is expected to present support and information valuable for planners, consultants and developers within the Municipality of Stockholm as well as the rest of Sweden. The results of this thesis will be a SWOT-analysis based on the assessment of the needs and suggestions expressed by involved DP actors in the Municipality of Stockholm. It will also present a description of how the information sharing system within the process is constructed in the general use today as well as two visions of how it may be constructed in the future. Furthermore, a GIS-based

information package proposal for general data analyses and data support during the early stages of the DP process will be developed.

1.2 Objective

The objective of the thesis is to identify problems and possibilities with the information exchange system between actors as well as the use of digital tools, data and analyses in the DP process. The thesis will furthermore try to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to a digitalisation of the DP process in Stockholm Municipality.

1.2.1 Aims

In order to reach the objectives of this thesis, the following aims were set.


 Compile and present how data is shared in the DP process today, in the Municipality of Stockholm.

 Analyse and present how data sharing of the DP process could be improved in the

Municipality of Stockholm based on information gathered in an interview study as well as from scientific literature.

 Formulate the underlying principles for the sustainability aspects used in this thesis.

 Study the need for a GIS information package, a “GIS-kit”,

 Identify the underlying factors and conditions that can affect the outcome and success of a GIS-kit.

 Produce an initial list of data and analyses for a GIS information package and describe how it can be used by planners, consultants and developers based on the results of an interview study.

 Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the digitalisation of the DP process in the Stockholm Municipality based on a SWOT-analysis of gathered data.

2 Methods

To answer the research aims of this master thesis a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. Data was collected using a literature study, semi-structured interviews and a focus group discussion. In the following paragraphs, a brief introduction to the methods are given in section 1.4.1 and 1.4.2, followed by a motivation to our choice of method. Sections 1.4.4 through 1.4.8 describe how the methods were applied to the study. Any ethical aspects and sources of error are discussed in sections 1.4.9 and 1.4.10. Lastly, the limitations of the scope of the thesis are given, with a short description as to why these limitations were made. Section 1.6 shows the disposition of this master thesis.

2.1.1 Qualitative Methods

Qualitative methods concerns the ways of collecting, analysing and presenting non-numerical data regarding a specific topic. It revolves around collecting and analysing non-numerical data

originating from spoken or written words and other forms of expressions. Spoken words can for example be collected using interviews and focus group discussions, written words can be gathered from written reports or surveys and other forms of expression used as data can take the shape of photographs or art. These data forms are a corner stone in the qualitative research method and form the basis for understanding the individual’s values, perspectives and reality (Frattaroli, 2012, p.



222). Two forms of qualitative data gathering methods that could be used in this thesis are

interviews or written surveys. Compared to a survey study, interviews can produce richer and more complete answers to research questions, and uncertainties and miscommunications can be cleared out immediately. Interviews also provide the possibility to elaborate on subjects that come up during the interview and pose questions that arise as a result of the topics addressed. Surveys, on the other hand, produce results that are more easily managed and compared. In survey studies, all interviewees are posed the exact same questions and the surveys can be sent to a larger number of individuals. Additionally, the respondents of a survey have more time to think through the answer to each question (Ejvegård, 2009, p. 63).

An interview study can be performed in several forms, ranging from open conversations revolving the research phenomena to structured interviews with set response-alternatives which are the same for each interview subject. The open interviews allow for identification of an interviewees

perceptions, and its perceived qualities and definitions of a phenomena. In the structured interview study, the researcher can identify and describe how much of a phenomena exists and contribute to quantitative information on the subject (Lantz, 2013).

Within the spectrum of interview methods, there is also directed open interviews as well as semi- structured interviews. The directed open interview provides a wide question for the interviewee to respond to, and follows up with complementary questions (Lantz, 2013). Semi-structured

interviews try to identify themes from the interviewees own perspective on the research at hand.

The semi-structured interview is performed according to an interview guide which focuses on research themes in a set order and contains suggestions on questions that may be asked during the interview (Kvale & Brinkmann, 2014). The open or directed open interview provides data that can be qualitatively analysed, but where quantitative comparison between different interview responses is difficult. On the other hand, in structured or semi-structured interviews, the interviews can be compared to each other which is a prerequisite for quantitative analysis (Lantz, 2013).

Historically, academic interviews have commonly been performed in a one-to-one setting. However, focus group interviews are more and more being used in different research areas. The focus group discussion is usually conducted with a non-directive interview style, where the main focus is to acquire a rich blend of perspective and views from the focus group interviewees. The focus group usually comprises of around six to ten people (Kvale & Brinkmann, 2014).

In the qualitative methods, the study subjects are not only viewed as sources but are considered experts, whereas the researcher is an active learner in the study subject. This results in that the qualitative methods creates an iterative data collecting process where the researchers knowledge and understanding of the subject is deepened throughout the process, leading to that sampling plans, collection tools as well as analysis approach is adjusted throughout the process. The iterative nature of the qualitative methods makes it a flexible, dynamic and exploratory process. Qualitative methods are suitable when the study topic lacks developed literature or when a study aims to understand and present a detailed description of a certain topic (Frattaroli, 2012, p. 222).

2.1.2 Quantitative Methods

As opposed to the non-numerical nature of a qualitative study, the quantitative methodology uses data in the form of numbers and statistics of different forms. The overarching aim of quantitative research is to classify and count one or more features and statistically evaluate them in order to try to explain a phenomena. In quantitative research, the data collection and study is carefully designed before the sampling (University of Southern California, 2017).

2.1.3 Choice of Methods

As the scope and aim of this master thesis requires a detailed understanding of the processes concerning data handling and sharing in the DP process, which cannot be formed from the basis of literature, the qualitative method is considered most appropriate. The exploratory nature of the qualitative method is also important for the scope of this thesis as the extent of the research problem formulation could not be fully known beforehand. The data will be gathered using the semi-structured interview which allows for a quantitative analysis of the acquired data and allows



for follow up questions to be posed during the interviews at hand. Data will also be gathered using a focus group discussion conducted during a meeting in the research project “Integrating Sustainable Strategies in Urban Environments” (ISSUE). The results will then be compiled an analysed using radar charts.

2.1.4 Interview Study

In order to understand how digital data is used, handled and shared within the DP process in the Municipality of Stockholm, actors involved in the process have been interviewed. The interview subjects were chosen for this study due to their knowledge and expertise regarding data handling and information sharing in the DP process, from different perspectives. The interviewees work at the Development Administration, the City Planning Administration, the Environment

Administration, some of the top five development companies in Sweden, research institutions and consultant companies. The identities of the interviewees have been kept anonymous in this report, and each interviewee has been given an arbitrary number for representation. Appendix A shows the interviewees’ numbers, titles and experience at current work place.

The interviews were performed in a semi-structured manner. The interview guide was structured around a few set themes, where follow up questions within these themes were posed during the interviews as the knowledge and understandings regarding the research subject deepened. Due to differences in responsibilities and work procedures, two interview guides were produced; one for the municipal planners and one for the developers and experts. The two interview guides can be seen in Appendix C and D. The interview guide was not distributed beforehand, except if specifically asked by the interviewee. During the interviews, the questions in the interview guide were posed in the same order as much as possible. When the interviewee answered a question before it was posed, the order was arranged as to assure that all questions were answered. During the interviews, the interviewees were informants and respondents as they gave valuable information and insight on the information flows within the DP process as well as information on how they themselves viewed these flows. The interviews were recorded, with approval given by the interviewee.

When the interviews were completed the recordings were used to transcribe them. All conversations that occurred during the interviews were transcribed as detailed as possible. For the analysis the interviewees were grouped in the same manner as in Appendix A. Each group was then given an empty document containing headlines for the themes that were represented in the interview guide and each transcription was read through and relevant statements were copied over to the different headlines in the document. This was done for every interview. Once all the interviews had been processed, the group documents were analysed more in detail. Tables for each theme, containing sub-themes, were created and relevant statements and concepts were transferred to the different subgroups. If a statement was deemed relevant but not adherent to the created subgroups, a new sub group was added. If a statement was deemed relevant, but considered to be hearsay and not directly connected to the interviewee’s personal experiences, the statement was discarded. For all statements possible, the information given was fact-checked in available literature. Once the tables were complete, it was transferred to text. The text was then processed and transferred to tables, and cross-checked with the transcribed interviews to ensure that the information was correctly

presented and interpreted.

Ethical questions that have been addressed during this master thesis concerns the perceptions of the interview situations by the interviewee and the protection of their identities. During the interview, it was important for the authors to establish a relaxed and stress-free environment for the interviewee in order to avoid any displeasure. For the sake of the interviewees, their identities have also been kept anonymous in the thesis.

2.1.5 Focus Group Discussion

During an ISSUE-meeting in February 2017, a focus group discussion was conducted. The group consisted of six actors from several different sectors involved in the DP process, as can be seen in Appendix A. The focus group discussion was conducted as a free discussion, with no guidance of an interviewer but with an overarching theme of social sustainability and digital tools.


5 2.1.6 Loss Analysis

During the study, several actors and potential interview subjects have been contacted via email and telephone. Some of the actors, that were deemed to be highly suitable for the study scope, where contacted several times, but without any reply. In total, this loss accounts for nine actors and stakeholders that did not respond to the interview request. The nine actors accounted for municipal stakeholders, developers and consultants. One actor, involved in consultancy services, declined the interview request as it deemed itself to not be relevant for the scope of the study.

2.1.7 Literature Study

The theoretical basis of the thesis will constitute scientific articles concerning GIS-tools for planning processes and urban development and sustainable development. These articles and other scientific publications have been obtained through the university’s administered databases. As a support to the data gathered in the interview study, policy documents and other relevant data concerning the scope of this study was used.

2.1.8 SWOT-Analysis

In order to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) to the data- sharing process and use of digital tools in the DP process in Stockholm, a SWOT-analysis has been conducted. In the SWOT-analysis the authors of thesis evaluated the results gathered, using

discussions, with regards to their effect on the data-sharing system. A SWOT-analysis helps identify the internal strengths and weaknesses of an organisation, as well as external opportunities and threats. A SWOT-analysis can give a clearer overview of how different aspects affects a system or organisation which can facilitate strategic planning and decision making (University of Kansas, 2016). The strengths and weaknesses of the process are the internal aspects at the Municipality that have positive and negative effects on the system. Likewise, the opportunities and threats are

external factors that have positive and negative effects on the system. The analysis was based on the results gathered from the literature study as well as the interview study. The analysis was conducted in order to get a better overview of the system as well as actions that could be taken.

2.2 Limitations

Due to the limited time frame and resources for the master thesis, some limitations to the scope have been introduced. As a result, the thesis has been chosen to only focus on the DP process that occurs when the Municipality owns the land and where both the Municipality and the developers have an active role in the DP process. The following section gives a brief description to the different possible scenarios that can occur in the preparation of a DP.

2.2.1 Scenarios Affecting the DP Process

The production of a DP in Sweden can be performed by a municipal planner or by a consultant hired by either the municipal or by the developer. How the process procedure for the development of a DP is designed is dependent on several factors. The process is for example affected by who the

landowner is (the municipal or a private land owner) and by which actors that actively contribute and take part in the planning process (Municipality or private actors) as well as where in Sweden the DP is produced (Karlbro, 2013). Karlbro (2013) describes four general scenarios that can occur during the DP process as a result of these factors.

Table 1. Karlbro’s (2013) four most common arrangements during the DP process in Sweden.

Developer is not active in the

planning process Municipality and developer are both active in the process

Developer owns the land 1 2

Municipality owns the land 3 4



In scenario one, the land is privately owned but the Municipality has the full responsibility for the preparation of the DP. This scenario is most common during densification projects where the land is divided between several private landowners who are not professionally engaged in development projects. Scenario two is more common than scenario one. In this scenario, the land is owned by the developer who actively engages in the planning process together with the Municipality. In scenario three, the Municipality owns the land and develops the DP on their own with little or no cooperation with a developer. The developer is then allocated the land in a late stage of the planning process or once the DP is approved (Karlbro, 2013).

The last scenario, scenario four, is the most common. In this scenario the land is owned by the Municipality, who allocates the land to a developer at an early stage. The DP process is then performed with both the Municipality and the developer working actively in coordination between one another (Karlbro, 2013). Scenario four is especially common in Stockholm city as the

Municipality owns around 70 % of the land.

Hence, this report will only focus on DP processes:

- In the Municipality of Stockholm

- Where the Municipality of Stockholm owns the land

- Following the normal procedure as explained in the Swedish law for building and planning (Plan- och Bygglagen, PBL)

- Where the developer hands in a project idea application to the Municipality for land allocation.

- Where the Municipality and the developers both have an active role in the preparation of a DP.

No other forms of DP preparation were handled in this report. Furthermore, as described in chapter 4, there are several digital tools and formats available and used within the DP process. However, due to the time frame and the educational background of the authors, the focus of this report will be on tools and formats connected to GIS.

2.3 Disposition of the Results

Chapter 3 State of the Art; Description of ongoing projects and publications that concern digitalisation and data handling.

Chapter 4 Description of the GIS tool and other digital formats used in the planning process.

The GIS application in urban planning is also described.

Chapter 5 Overview of the sustainable development concept and its incorporation in urban development, combined with relevant goals and agendas concerning sustainable urban development.

Chapter 6 A literature- and interview-based process description of the of the DP process Chapter 7 Results gathered from the interview study as well as a needs assessment Chapter 8 SWOT- Analysis of the DP process in Stockholm Municipality

Chapter 9 Updated data sharing systems during the DP planning process with two separate visions

Chapter 10 Discussion Chapter 11 Conclusion



3 State of the Art

There are several ongoing projects concerning the scope of this thesis and the digitalisation of the Swedish planning process. In order to understand the urban development climate today, some of the most relevant projects and publications are described.

3.1.1 ISSUE – Integrating Sustainable Strategies in Urban Environments

This master thesis is executed within the frames of the ongoing ISSUE project. The core focus of ISSUE is the integration of sustainability aspects in urban environments and the project is divided up into five focus areas, where one of the focus areas is digital tools for analysis and planning. By using physical test beds, or study areas, the ISSUE-projects aims at finding innovative sustainability ideas within its five focus areas and testing them in real-life development projects. ISSUE involves actors from universities, municipalities in the Stockholm region, developers and consultancy agencies. The project is financed by “A Swedish research council for sustainable development”

(FORMAS) (Balfors, 2016).

3.1.2 Smart Built Environment (SBE)

The Smart Built Environment project was launched in 2016 and is an ongoing project with a

maximum project time of up to twelve years. Its aim is to streamline urban development in Sweden, with the main focus of digitalising the development process. In January 2017, the project published a final report concerning obstacles and actions for digitalisation within the urban development process. SBE is financed by “Sweden’s department of Innovation” (VINNOVA) and FORMAS and includes several separate projects concerning different aspects of digitalisation. One of their ongoing projects, which started in 2013, is the development of a tool that is aimed at making it possible for planners to analyse and visualise the possibilities for, and the integration of, ecosystem services during the planning process (Smart Built Environment, 2016).

3.1.3 Digital First

As part of a governmental decision to sign a decision of intent together with the board of Sweden’s municipalities and counties, the project Digital First has been launched. The project’s main goal is to digitalise the public sector with a partial goal being to digitalise and streamline the planning and building process in Sweden. The project is planned to take place between the years 2015 - 2018.

Within the framework of the project, departments such as the Land Survey authority and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, SEPA, have been asked to produce work plans for how Digital First can be integrated. The SEPA’s perspective is to find possible ways of digitalising environmental aspects. For the Land Survey authority, the Digital First work concerns investigating how the national management of georeferenced data is best performed, shared and used in order to streamline the planning and building process (Regeringskansliet, 2016).

3.1.4 INSPIRE & Swedish Adaptions

The European Union has prepared a Directive called INSPIRE for tackling barriers connected to spatial data within the union. INSPIRE stands for “INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in the European community” and aims at creating a common Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the EU (Deruyter, 2012). An SDI is the collaborative space for exchanging, storing and managing spatial data. It can be seen as the supporting or underlying data infrastructure that enables data exchange between different stakeholders internally and externally within an organisation. The SDI is

constructed around technological as well as legislative components comprised of the network access, policy documents and data standards (Shakeri, et al., 2013).



The INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC came into force in 2007 and is based on five principles;

- “Data should be collected only once and kept where it can be maintained most effectively.

- It should be possible to combine seamless spatial information from different sources across Europe and share it with many users and applications.

- It should be possible for information collected at one level/scale to be shared with all levels/scales; detailed for thorough investigations, general for strategic purposes.

- Geographic information needed for good governance at all levels should be readily and transparently available.

- Easy to find what geographic information is available, how it can be used to meet a particular need, and under which conditions it can be acquired and used.”

(European Commission, 2016)

Connected to the INSPIRE Directive are a number of Implementing Rules that ensure that national SDIs are compatible over community and national boundaries. The implementing rules address data aspects such as; metadata, data specifications, network services, data and service sharing, spatial data services and monitoring and reporting. The implementing rules are binding (European Commission, 2016).

The national geo-data strategy in Sweden was developed by the Swedish land survey authority and the geo-data ministry in cooperation with relevant authorities and covers the period from year 2016- 2020. The goal of the geo-data strategy is to give guidance in how Sweden should follow the

European frameworks concerning geo-data. The Swedish response to the INSPIRE Directive is called “Geodataportalen”. The portal is a metadata catalogue which describes quality, terms of use and available geo-data. “Geodataportalen” doesn’t contain any data or services; however, the portal links the user to each geo-data producer where the data can be found (Sveriges geologiska

undersökning, 2017). The producers responsible for the information available on the web portal are organisations and several Swedish authorities, the latter being obliged to share their metadata according to the regulation concerning geographic environmental information (Geodata, u.d.).

Geodataportalen is open for all to browse and search in, however, in order to download the geo-data from the producers a user agreement has to be signed (Sveriges geologiska undersökning, 2017).

4 GIS for Planning Support

Geographical Information System (GIS) is defined as digital systems to gather, sort, manipulate, analyse and display georeferenced data (Lukasheh, et al., 2001). Spatial data in GIS can be in the form of points, lines, polygons or areas and represented as raster or vector data. Raster format means that the data is represented by a grid of cells where each cell contains individual geo-data.

The resolution for a raster file is decided by the cell size. The raster format demands more storage space compared to vector data and the size of the files are compressed with the help of algorithms or through decreasing the resolution of the file (Grünfeld & Henkel, 2004).

The vector format carries the data in the form of nodes, arches and labels. Each point is a specific spatial coordinate and has one or more attributes with data connected to it with the use of an ID. As an example, wells can be represented in the vector format as points, where each point has an associated table of attributes with information regarding ground water depth, depth, chemical composition, age and so on. The vector format is small and has no significant demands on storage space (Grünfeld & Henkel, 2004).



Which format that should be used depends on what it will be used for. The vector format allows for high precision by being assigned specific coordinates but at the same time the format can be difficult to analyse and manipulate. Raster data is convenient when it comes to spatial analysis but can result in a lower precision as each data point cannot be more precise than the cell size (Grünfeld & Henkel, 2004).

4.1.1 GIS- and Other Formats

There are several data formats used in GIS. Some of these formats are standardised and some are proprietary for use in a specific software. In general, most of the used GIS data formats visualise the world in two dimensions or two and a half-dimensions, where a third dimension is listed as an attribute in a two dimensional space. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) have derived data format standards for exchanging and encoding geospatial data for GIS such as; Web Map Service (WMS) for sharing maps, Web Feature Service (WFS) for exchanging advanced vector features with transactional capacities and the Web Coverage Service (WCS) for handling satellite imagery, digital elevation models and triangulated irregular networks for topological features (Lapierre & Cote, 2008). The OGC have also announced a standard for encoding and exchanging of three dimensional geospatial models which is called CityGML. CityGML is based on the GML format (Geography Markup Language) which in turn is based on the Extensive Markup Language (XML) (Mignard & Nicolle, 2014). Another format that is used for 3D geospatial data is KML (Keyhole Markup Language) which is also considered to be a standard format according to the OGC. The format originates from Google Earth but can be used in many visualisation softwares (Larsson, 2015).

Within the DP process other non-GIS tools are used which are dependent on other formats than the once previously described. These formats are for example formats connected to CAD (Computer Aided Design) or to BIM (Building Information Model) (Lapierre & Cote, 2008). BIM is used by several developers in Sweden.

A common tool in urban development and planning is CAD. For decades CAD has been used to create two-dimensional blueprints, were attribute data and data description could be added but not connected to the geometry. CAD-softwares are often compatible with several different data-formats, where one of the most commonly used formats is the DWG-format. The DWG-format is a two- and three-dimensional vector-based format that contains geometries and metadata. It was originally developed by AutoCAD (Larsson, 2015).

BIM can to some extent be considered as a complex, three dimensional, object orientated CAD- model of a building that additionally contains non-spatial information regarding the management and use of the building. BIM is designed to involve all actors related to design, project development, building and management in a common information model (Amirebrahimi, et al., 2016). In order for BIM-formats to be compatible with the softwares over time, Industry Information Classes (IFC) has been produced. The IFC-format has four data layers with increasing detail regarding the building or structure. The IFC-format is a two and three dimensional data format, where the geometry can be linked with attributes, object orientation and relations (Mignard & Nicolle, 2014).

GIS can to some extent be considered an evolution of the physical map, displaying and analysing the existing reality whereas BIM is an evolution of the blueprint, visualising the aspects that are to be constructed (Isikdag & Zlatanova, 2009). As a result, the two systems don’t share the same basic constructions for geospatial data, where GIS is based on simpler geometries in order to be able to perform more advanced spatial analyses.Connected to the inherent differences of the systems, several integration issues between the systems arise (Mignard & Nicolle, 2014). For example, BIM and CAD formats don’t necessarily have a geographic coordinate and if they do, the coordinate is often just applied to a few points in the models as a result of the complexity of the models.

Additionally, the geographic position often has low accuracy and precision. Another difficulty in the integration between GIS-formats and BIM is the use of different coordinate systems. BIM uses a Cartesian coordinate system that considers the earth as a flat surface, whereas GIS uses projected reference systems or a geographical coordinate system based on a defined ellipsoid. The different



system also has different levels of detail, where BIM models can contain large quantities of objects and contain measurements in millimetres (Isikdag & Zlatanova, 2009).

4.2 Application and Suitability for This Study

4.2.1 GIS in Urban Development

GIS has been used as a planning tool for ecological aspects at the Environment Administration (EA) since 1998 in Stockholm Municipality (I23, 2017). During the last decades, GIS has more and more been incorporated in the urban planning process internationally, and can have several applications in a DP process. However, even if GIS is widely used, there are both constraints and possibilities. General Application and Possibilities

Geospatial data and GIS play an important role in developing smart cities by transferring the physical world into a virtual environment. This provides a referencing framework for intelligent planning and managing of urban environments (Wang, 2013; Malczewski & Rinner, 2015;

Drummond & French, 2008). GIS-tools have been integrated in the realm of urban development during several decades. It was originally developed for mapping Canada’s natural resources in the 1960’s (Norzailawati Mohd, et al., 2014). In the 1970’s its first implementations for planning were demonstrated, even if landscape architects at that time were more prone to using CAD. However, in the 1980’s the GIS software was incorporated in the municipal and county administrations in the United States to be used by city planners and engineers within those governments. Since then, the GIS software has been incorporated in business markets as well as mass-consumer markets and the systems can be used on personal laptops, tablets and cell phones (Drummond & French, 2008;

Norzailawati Mohd, et al., 2014). The use of GIS in urban planning continued to evolve after that (Norzailawati Mohd, et al., 2014).

The GIS tool is capable of integrating scientific knowledge with gathered and specific data. Where the data can be obtained using digital instruments such as the GPS or remote sensing as well as manually gathered through for example field surveys. This results in added value to the information and has practical use in geographical problem solving. One important ability of GIS is spatial analysis, which is the analysis of spatial relationships between different geographic features in an environment. This ability enables its users and end-users to gather, transform, combine and shape spatial data as to clarify any patterns, anomalies and important information within data sets. These functions provide support for decision making processes. Spatial Analysis is based on a combination of examining, interpreting and modeling processes. These processes produce information that can be used for evaluating, interpreting and understanding these spatial relationships (Ozbakir Aysegul, 2012).

Within GIS, two main types of modeling exist; Representation modeling and Process modeling.

Both models are useful in urban planning. Representation modeling focuses on displaying and establishing spatial relationships within and between objects in an environment, such as the shapes and distribution of different objects. Representation models are a form of descriptive models (Ozbakir Aysegul, 2012) and can for example be used to visualise buildings and other objects in an urban environment or area. The second form of modeling is the process modeling. Process modeling takes the spatial relationships established in the representation model and analyses the

relationships and interactions between the objects using spatial analysis tools. Process modeling can also be referred to as cartography modeling (Ozbakir Aysegul, 2012).

Process modeling can be used for several types of problem solving aimed at different issues. It includes for example suitability-, distance-, hydrologic- and surface modeling. The analyses and modeling possibilities range from simulation models to prediction and monitoring applications (Ying & Zhenjiang, 2015). For environmental aspects, process modeling can for example be used to analyse risks and hazards in an area, biodiversity, soil-, water and air pollution and much more (Ozbakir Aysegul, 2012; Ying & Zhenjiang, 2015). It can also be used to perform network analyses, that can calculate the ideal paths within a real-world network, which is useful in infrastructure planning (Sadegh-Niaraki, et al., 2011). GIS can also be used to monitor change over time, which



can be applied to urban environments and help label and sustain resources and urban activities (Ozbakir Aysegul, 2012).

According to Deruyter (2012), another important aspect of GIS is its role as a visual mediator that can communicate spatial knowledge to strengthen conventional methods of assessment (Deruyter, 2012). For example, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) can be integrated in GIS, thereby providing a means to incorporate judgements, preferences, priorities, and so on, into the spatial analysis. GIS-based MCDA combines spatial data with the decision maker’s preferences in order to produce priority based output maps. Thereby GIS augments the conventional MCDA procedure by enabling data from different sectors and viewpoints to be combined and evaluated (Malczewski &

Rinner, 2015).

GIS can produce information sets that visually enhance the aspects that needs to be communicated (Ozbakir Aysegul, 2012). As the urban environment consists of a complex set of information, the possibility of visualising central aspects is important. Qualitative GIS

In the 1990’s, whilst GIS was being introduced in new markets, critique was raised on its quantitative nature and the difficulties connected to incorporating qualitative spatial knowledge into conventional GIS. Qualitative data is non-numerical data or data that has strong contextual detail regarding social and material situations. As a response to the critique, several approaches were developed to address incorporation of non-cartographic spatial data in GIS (Cope & Elwood, 2009). During the beginning of the 21st century, more and more studies have been conducted concerning the use of qualitative data in GIS, which has contributed to new methods and

approaches and shown its possibilities. Since then, researches have continued to evaluate existing qualitative research methods and their suitability and usability in GIS (Curtis, et al., 2014).

Qualitative data can provide a deeper knowledge on the individual’s experiences and perceptions of their surroundings, compared to quantitative data. However, qualitative data is not always

georeferenced and provided in formats that can be combined with GIS (Mennis, et al., 2012). By georeferencing such data and integrating it in GIS new possibilities in visualising and spatially analysing the lived experiences and perceptions of individuals can be created (Curtis, et al., 2014;

Mennis, et al., 2012). For example, qualitative GIS has been used to map and investigate

neighbourhood characteristic’s connections to health and social well-being as well as to understand the relationships between spatial objects and individual perceptions in an urban context (Curtis, et al., 2014). Another example of the mixed method approach of qualitative GIS is studies focusing on children’s perceptions and use of their environment (Haifa, et al., 2016; Loebach & Gilliland, 2016) In 1996, the first Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) method was designed in order to describe how GIS can support public participation. PPGIS was then aimed at including and empowering marginalised populations and the tool has since then been developed to support spatial attributes for data collection, web-applications and much more. The tool can be valuable for collecting qualitative data concerning human activities, preferences, perceptions and other values (Brown, 2014). Constraint to Implementation and Use

As previously presented, there are many functions and capabilities of GIS that can be valuable in urban development and planning. However, studies have shown that there are issues connected to GIS and its spatial data infrastructure (SDI) that still needs resolving (Deruyter, 2012; Harvey &

Tulloch, 2006; Zwirowicz-Rutkowska & Michalik, 2016). Deruyter (2012) mentions three main constraints to the successful implementation of GIS in urban planning practices; the lack of functional SDIs, the lack of trained GIS-personnel within the planning institutions and issues concerning the spatial data that is produced. Spatial data issues that occur revolve around several aspects connected to data acquisition, availability and standards.

According to Deruyter (2012) data is often constructed as an ad-hoc product for a specific project or problem. This results in data sets that are incompatible with standard data and that are difficult to reuse and update. Furthermore, these ad-hoc constructed data can lead to duplication of data



acquisition efforts instead of producing one data set in a standardised way, which can be used in multiple projects and easily be updated when needed. These ad-hoc data sets are often constructed with a level of detail needed for a specific project and as result not compatible to general problem solving data-needs. Additionally, data acquired from different sources can refer to different reference systems, making it difficult to combine with other data sets, hence creating overlaps or holes in the general knowledge bank. Another aspect of data issues that Deruyter (2012) mentions is the unawareness of what data that is available, where it can be found and how it should be used.

A study performed by the European Commission on identifying obstacles for the use of spatial data in environmental policies, also identified difficulties in the spatial data sets available as well as the data systems available. According to the European Commission (2016), 97% of the study

participants found that spatial data, on local as well as European level; often was incomplete, that the description of available data often was incomplete, spatial data sets from different sources was difficult to combine, systems for accessing and using spatial data were not inter-compatible with other systems, and cultural/institutional/financial/legal barriers often delayed or prevented access and sharing of existing data (European Commission , 2016).

Aslıgül Göçmen & Ventura (2010) also studied the barriers to GIS in municipal planning. They found that lack of training of the planners on the potentials of GIS and the development of the GIS skills was one of the major barriers to GIS-use in Wisconsin, US. This was also reported by Olafsson

& Skov-Petersen (2014) who also found that lack of funding and time were barriers to GIS-use in recreational planning in Denmark. However, Olafsson & Skov-Petersen (2014) found that a majority of the trail planners in the study were in fact using GIS and performed complex spatial analysis in their work. Other GIS barriers were related to accessing and maintaining geospatial data (Aslıgül Göçmen & Ventura, 2010).

5 Sustainable Development

In 1987 the Brundtland report or “Our Common Future” was published. The document became a corner stone in the concept of sustainable development. The report defines sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. The definition sheds light on the 20th century economic activity that neither worked to meet everyone’s needs nor preserve environmental resources for future generations. The report presents a new approach, where economic activities progress in such a way that it tackles poverty and respects the environmental capacities and qualities (Rydin, 2010).

The ambiguity of the term “sustainable development” has led to it being described in several different types of graphical representations as seen in figure 1. The most commonly used graphical representation is the Venn diagram, where sustainable development is divided in to three themes;

Social, Environmental and Economical. The social aspect concerns aspects of for example equity, quality of life, wellbeing and elimination of poverty. The environmental aspect concern nature’s resources and services that we depend on. The economical aspect concern how economic dynamics can be used to tackle poverty, respect nature and provide resources and material that provides quality of life. When all three themes or aspects are met, sustainable development is achieved.

Similarly, this can be represented as a stacked Venn diagram, where economic development must occur within the limits of social and environmental sustainability, and social sustainability must occur within the limits of environmental sustainability. Another graphical representation is that of sustainable development relying on four pillars; Social, Environmental, Economical and

Institutional. The institutional aspect is connected to how governments work in order to achieve sustainable development. Participatory approaches are part of the institutional dimension.



Figure 1. Three different graphical representations of sustainable development. From the left;

the Venn diagram, the stacked Venn and the four pillars.

5.1 Urban Sustainability and Sustainable Urban Development

According to Rydin (2010) there has been large debates on whether or not a city can ever be

considered sustainable. This is due to its quality of always depending on surrounding environments to provide the services it depends on. A city that aims to be self-sustainable will always be

dependent on some resources being imported from outside the city boundaries. Hence urban sustainability is not about creating a self-sustainable urban system where no inputs or outputs are needed, but rather about minimising unsustainable activities, promoting sustainable economic and social activities and creating sustainable governance on an urban level (Rydin, 2010).

Urban sustainability concerns the city as a system whereas sustainable urban development concerns the physical process of developing and producing the built environment within the urban system.

Urban development is about changing the pre-existing conditions of an area. It concerns housing stock, infrastructure, services and green space planning and all aspects connected to the built environment. The urban development process involves both public and private actors and is a complex process involving many actors and investigations, some of which are imposed by laws and regulations in Sweden (Rydin, 2010).

Sustainable Urban Development is about managing the development so that the process provides economic, environmental and social sustainability. This can be done on several scales; building scale, area scale and urban scale, as seen in figure 2. At building scale, it concerns both what material that are used in the construction but also to create resilient houses that use the best practice technology available for energy efficiency and other aspects, thereby reducing the carbon load of the building. There is also an economic and social dimension to building sustainability, involving several aspects such as the need to build for different needs both economical and spatial (Rydin, 2010).

In DP processes, the sustainability scope is however most often wider and the process focuses on sustainability on the development site scale and to some extent on an urban scale. At the

development scale, the same aspects as for the building can be handled but with different

approaches. At this scale, system solutions can be evaluated and implemented for several different aspects, as for example energy, water, infrastructure and green spaces (Rydin, 2010).


Economical Social






5.2 Sustainable Development Goals and Habitat III

In 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. The agenda aims to set out a universal action plan for sustainable development with the focus on eradicating poverty and hunger, protecting the planet, ensure wellbeing and social equity, peace and universal participation and cooperation between societies. Connected to the agenda are 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), each with individual targets to stimulate action within the focus areas of the agenda (United Nations, 2015). SDG 11 is called sustainable cities and

communities and aims at making “cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. The goal has ten targets connected to it concerning different dimensions of sustainability (United Nations, 2017).

The Habitat conferences are arranged by the United Nations concerning housing and sustainable development. These conferences occur every twenty years and the third one, Habitat III, took place in Quito, Ecuador 17-20 October 2016. In order to help end poverty, promote economic

sustainability, achieve gender equality, improve human health, protect the environment and address many other problems, the mission of the Habitat III was to create a New Urban Agenda.

The Agenda will readdress how cities and urban development is designed, planned, financed and managed (United Nations, 2017). The Agenda provides guidance in how to achieve the SDGs.

Additionally, the countries and world leaders who committed to the agenda are obliged to, for example; Provide basic services for all citizens, promote safe and accessible and green public spaces, improve connectivity and support green initiatives (United Nations, 2016).

6 The DP Process in Sweden

The responsibilities for, and the form of, the DP process in Sweden is regulated in the Swedish Planning and Building Act (PBA). According to the PBA, it is the municipalities’ responsibility to decide on if, how and where an urban development project should be performed. Since the PBA regulates all planning processes in Sweden, where the circumstances for a planning process differ depending on where in Sweden it is prepared, the law enables a large flexibility for the

municipalities to decide the content and method for a planning process. The PBA is interconnected with the Swedish Environmental Act (SEA) which it refers to in some sections, for example when it comes to national interests, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), the national environmental quality goals and areas of cultural and ecological interest (2010, p. kap. 4).

According to the PBA, the planning process must include several planning tools and steps, each of which relate to each other in a hierarchal order. In the municipal planning process the instruments are: Municipal Comprehensive Plan (MCP), DP, area regulations and building permissions. The region of Stockholm has furthermore prepared a regional plan that covers the whole region of Stockholm and not only the Municipality (Karlbro, 2013).

Figure 2. Sustainable urban development at three different scales; Building scale, Area scale and City scale. Each scale can handle different aspects of sustainability, from building materials to networks, and so forth.



The MCP covers the whole Municipality and its main function is to describe and visualise the general goals and visions for the different areas within the Municipality boarder. The MCP is not bound by law, instead it is used as a guidance tool for the everyday decisions that are taken by the Municipality with regards to planning and building issues. Through the MCP, the Municipality can make sure that their daily work and decisions are in line with their overall vision and that the Municipality as a whole is taken into account. The MCP is updated and renewed every four years in order to keep its goals and vision up to date (Karlbro, 2013).

Contrary to the MCP, the DP is legally enforced and covers a specific development area within the Municipality that faces a development project of a small or large scale. The DP must describe where, how and why an area should be developed in a certain way and state an approximate

implementation time. It must also delineate between three types of land use; public space, block land and water areas. A DP can be prepared for several different types of development projects such as the development of the built environment or the development of a nature area for recreation (Karlbro, 2013).

The preparation of the DP gives the Municipality the possibility to evaluate whether or not a development project is in accordance with, or even possible, for a given development area. The DP describes several regulations regarding which practises and properties that shall be allowed in the proposed area. Examples on properties are for example the accepted height of buildings and the existence of walking paths whilst practises describes what sort of activities, such as industries, nature areas, residential areas, that are allowed within the planned area. A finished DP consists of a map showing all the regulations, a plan description, an implementation description and a list of all property owners within the planned area (Karlbro, 2013).

6.1 The Planning Process & Information Flows in Stockholm Municipality

There are several administrations within the organisation of the Municipality of Stockholm that are involved in the DP process. The main municipal actors are the Development Administration (DA), the Traffic Administration (TA), the Environment Administration (EA) and the City Planning Administration (CPA). Other involved actors in the DP process are developers and consultants.

According to the PBA, the DP process must include several planning stages in order to assure that the planning process is transparent and democratic. These stages are plan confirmation, planning stage, exposition, and planning adoption. In the following sections, each phase in the DP process is described as well as the information flows connected to the phases. A general process description of the information flows and data sharing activities, which occur before, and during, the early stages of the planning process, is shown in figure 5.

6.1.1 Initiation Formulation of an Idea

A DP project on the Municipality’s land can commence when the Municipality sees a need for a development project and investigates whether the development project is appropriate or needed.

This can occur when larger areas in a Municipality is to be developed. In such scenarios, the Municipality itself prepares an area program and investigates the area’s suitability for the

development. In the Municipality of Stockholm, it’s however common that the developers take the first initiative to start a new development project at a specific location. In such cases, the developer contacts the DA and hands in a formal application for land allocation (Stockholms Stad, 2016). The project proposal can be supported with consultant-performed investigations, ordered by the developer (I15, 2017).


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