(Simplified version v3.2)
SKB & Ergodata AB 2016
File Identity Created By Created
Activity Type Project
Activity Information Additional Activity Data
P501 P502 P503 C10 P200
Idcode Start Date Stop Date Secup (m) Seclow (m) Section No Compiled by Reviewed by
Approved by
(contractor) Company Field crew
SICADA Data Import Template (simplified version)
This template should be used to supply information for the creation of new activities of a certain type (activity type), along with associated measurement data, in the SICADA database.
Information about the selected activity type that this template is intended for is included at the top of this worksheet.
Cells that have a red marker in its upper right corner have a description associated with it. Either select or move the mouse over the cell to see the text.
The Activity Data Sheet
For each activity to be created, supply information in the columns Idcode, Start Date, Stop Date, Secup, Seclow and Section No.
Additional activity attributes should be provided for each created activity. Please enter the appropriate activity attributes for each activity with appropriate information. Note that the 'Compiled by', 'Reviewed by' and 'Approved by (contractor)' labels are mandatory.
The selected set of additional activity attributes included in this file is choosen when this file is generated from SICADA.
The Data Table Sheet(s)
Measurement data associated to each created activity can be supplied. Each data table has its own worksheet in this Excel workbook.
The selected set of tables (and columns) included in this file is choosen when this file is generated from SICADA. The pre-filled set of tables (worksheets) and columns should not be altered to guarantee that this file can be imported to SICADA when completed.
Each entered data row must be connected to an activity. The connection is done by supplying values for idcode, start_date, stop_date, secup, seclow and section_no on each data row. It is convenient to copy these values from the corresponding activity row in the Activity Data worksheet.
Information about each table and its columns can be found in the respective worksheet.
idcode time_system_c.time_zone time_system_c.time_zone_desc Local time (current session settings) EUROPE-CENTRALSwedish LOCAL time
GMT GMT/UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT-3 WGT, West Greenland. No summer time GMT1 GMT+1 (Swedish winter time)
SICADA/Data Import Template
File Time Zone
List of idcodes and possibly other check values follows below - please do NOT edit.
MA024 - Gravimetric corrosion