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From Stockholm Arlanda Airport


Academic year: 2021

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From Stockholm Arlanda Airport

By train

The Arlanda Express train takes you to the central railway station, Centralstation/T-centralen, in Stockholm in about 20 minutes. A one-way ticket costs SEK 240. During rush hour the train departs every 15 minutes. To continue from the Stockholm Central Station, see the instructions below By buss

Take the Airport Coaches (Flygbussarna) to Centralstation/T-centralen in Stockholm, the trip takes approximately 45 minutes and costs about SEK 120 (one way ticket). Tickets can be purchased on the bus. To continue from the Stockholm Central Station, see the instructions below.

By taxi

The cost of a taxi from Stockholm Arlanda Airport to Hotel Terminus is approximately SEK 450-500 (50- 58 EUR). Most Taxi companies, for example Taxi Stockholm and Taxi Kurir, have a flat rate for traveling from Stockholm Arlanda Airport to central Stockholm but prices may vary between companies so be sure to ask for the price in advance. During rush hour, the journey is approximately 1.0 - 1.5 hours. To continue from the Stockholm Central Station, see the instructions below.

From Bromma Stockholm Airport

By buss

Take the Airport Coaches (Flygbussarna) to Centralstation/T-centralen (The Central Railway Station) in Stockholm, the trip takes approximately 20 minutes and costs about SEK 80 (one way ticket). Tickets can be purchased on the bus. To continue from the Stockholm Central Station, see the instructions below.

By taxi

The cost of a taxi from Bromma Stockholm Airport to Hotel Terminus is approximately SEK 200-250 (22- 27 EUR). Prices may vary between companies so be sure to ask for the price in advance. The journey takes approximately 20-30 minutes. To continue from the Stockholm Central Station, see the instructions below.

From Stockholm Skavsta Airport

By buss

Take the Airport Coaches (Flygbussarna) to Centralstation/T-centralen in Stockholm, the trip takes approximately 80 minutes and costs about SEK 140 (one way ticket). Tickets can be purchased on the bus. To continue from the Stockholm Central Station, see the instructions below.

By taxi


The cost of a taxi from Stockholm Skavsta airport to Hotel Terminus is approximately SEK 1400 (150 EUR). Most Taxi companies have a flat rate for traveling to central Stockholm but prices may vary between companies so be sure to ask for the price in advance. The journey takes approximately 70 minutes hours.

Hotel Terminus

The hotel witch you will be staying at (Hotel Terminus) is located on Vasagatan, opposite to the Central railway station (“Centralstation”). You can find Hotel Terminus webpage here.

From Hotel Terminus and the Central railway station to Södertörn University

Take the commuter train from the Central Railway Station heading south, direction Södertälje or Tumba.

The train usually leaves from platform 14. Get off at Flemingsberg Station. The journey takes less than twenty minutes. Exit the platform in the train’s forward direction. Follow the signs towards Södertörn University, which Is located about 150 meters from the station

From Hotel Terminus to Stockholm School of Economics

Take the Metro’s green line westbound towards Hässelby strand/Vällingby/Åkeshov/Alvik to station Rådmansgatan. Exit the station towards Sveavägen. Follow the signs towards the Stockholm School of Economics.

If you prefer to walk, the Stockholm School of Economics is located 1.5 km north of the hotel.


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