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The responsibility of Chemists for a better world : challenges and potentialities beyond the lab


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Wir bitten un aurstausch un publikationen. VOLUME 12 | NÚMERO 01 | JAN./JUN. 2017


QUÍMICA VERDE | VOL. 12 | NÚM. 01 | JAN./JUN. 2017 p. 97-106

The responsibility of

Chemists for a better world:

challenges and potentialities beyond the lab

A responsabilidade dos Químicos para um mundo melhor:

desafios e potencialidades para além do laboratório

Ingo Eilks


, Jesper Sjöström


and Vânia G. Zuin



There is no doubt that chemistry is in the heart of the economy of every developed or emerging country. Chemistry is necessary to make the world a better place in terms of prosperity and welfare. It is the ground for modern agriculture, pharmacy, and provides the basic materials for any other producing industries. However, not all developments in which chemistry was involved in the past were of benefit to the world in terms human health, raw materials consumption, and the environment. Green chemistry is suggested to provide a more responsible alternative of doing chemistry in research and industry – today and for the future. This article supports the view that the way towards more sustainability in this field needs a change in doing chemistry, but in the same time it argues that the responsibility of the chemists for sustainability goes much further. The stewardship of the chemists also covers responsibility to contribute to societal decisions and discourse about chemistry and, at the same time, to help developing a different, more balanced and contemporary view on chemistry in both society and chemistry education.

Key-words: Sustainability, green chemistry, scientific literacy.

1. Department of Biology and Chemistry, Institute for Science Education (IDN), University of Bremen.

2. Department of Science-Environment-Society, Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö University.





There is no doubt that chemistry is in the heart of the economy of every developed or emer-ging country all over the world (Bradley, 2005). Chemistry forms the ground for modern life, tech-nology, agriculture, pharmacy, and provides the basic materials for any other producing indus-tries. More efficient use of energy, new functional materials, or developments in nanotechnology are indispensable bound to the creative and innovative work of today’s chemists. However, many develop-ments in the past in which chemistry was involved were harmful to the world in terms human health, raw materials consumption, or the environment (Hicks et al., 2016). Quite often, chemistry neither concerned themselves with the preservation of natural resources, nor did they give much thou-ght to protecting the environment. Accidents and neglected risks both large and small significantly contributed to the negative public image of indus-trial chemistry undertakings and chemistry as a science in many countries (Hartings & Fahy, 2011;


Zuin, 2016). From local environmental impacts, via insensitive treatment of chemical waste, towards global challenges, like global warming or the depletion of the ozone layer, chemistry and chemical’s production were not in line with sus-tainable development as it is understood today (Burmeister, Rauch & Eilks, 2012).

Sustainable development became a central issue of international policy by the work of the Brundtland Commission. The Brundlandt report devised a definition of sustainable development which is still in use today: Sustainable develo-pment is development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (UN, 1987). With the Agenda 21 (UNCED, 1992) sustainable development became a world-wide acknowledged policy goal. Just recently this worldwide agenda of sustainability was put into 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) issued by the United Nations (2015) with the support by 193 nations (Figure 1).


Não há dúvidas de que a Química esteja no coração da economia de todo país desenvolvido e emergente. A Química é necessária para tornar o mundo melhor, promovendo prosperidade e bem-estar. Alicerça a agricultura moderna, farmácia e fornece materiais fundamentais para todas as demais indústrias. Entretanto, nem todo desenvolvi-mento no qual a Química esteve envolvida no passado foi benéfica em termos de saúde, consumo de recursos e ambiente. Neste sentido, a Química Verde é sugerida como uma alternativa mais responsável para possibilitar a prática da Química de forma mais sustentável, seja na pesquisa e indústria, nos dias atuais e futuros. Este artigo parte da visão de que o caminho em direção à sustentabilidade neste campo necessita de uma mudança no modo de realizar a Química, mas ao mesmo tempo argumenta que a responsabilidade dos químicos para tal vai além. Tal novo modus operandi também significa a responsabilidade em contribuir para a tomada de decisão e discurso sobre Química e, ao mesmo tempo, a contribuição para o desenvolvimento de uma diversa, mais balanceada e contemporânea visão sobre Química e Educação Química.



VOLUME 12 | NÚMERO 01 | JAN./JUN. 2017

In 1998, Anastas and Warner in the US sugges-ted the idea of green chemistry as a change in prac-tice in chemistry laboratories and industry. Green chemistry was suggested as being chemistry’s res-ponse to the challenge of sustainability. From an approach of changed lab practices green chemis-try turned over into a movement or philosophy permeating most fields of chemistry (Sjöström, 2006; Bodner, 2014). However, original idea of green chemistry focused only a part of chemistry’s responsibility for sustainability as it was descri-bed in the Agenda 21 or the SDGs (Sjöström, Eilks & Zuin, 2016). This view was recently also ackno-wledged from within chemistry. Referring to the SDGs, Matlin et al. argued in 2015 how central chemistry is to achieve the SDGs. However, they also mentioned that there is little evidence so far to which extend different nations are able and willing to implement the SDG’s in general and in their academic and industrial chemistry practices in particular. For the case of chemistry Matlin et al. (2015) even stated:

Sadly there is little evidence of awareness of the SDG’s, and their central importance, among the majority of chemists or their professional bodies. […] Chemists too often busy themselves with compartmentalized, short­term problems and research and fall to see the bigger picture.

To activate chemistry’s potential to contribute to the SDG’s, Matlin et al. (2015) state further ”there cannot be business as usual” since:

Education in chemistry at all levels needs reforms that will place its past achievements and current capacities in the context of the wider picture of global development. Such a change will not only motivate those who study chemistry in order to practice it, but also help to develop better chemistry literacy among the population as a whole […]. Importantly, many of the contributions that chemistry can make towards the SDGs require working in close concert with other disciplines to identify solutions that are practical, affordable and sustainable. Chemistry should not be taught or practiced without an in­built consideration of

1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well­being for all at all ages.

4. Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning. 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

6. Ensure access to water and sanitation for all.

7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

8. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.

11. Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

15. Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss. 16. Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies.

17. Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. Figura 1. Sustainable development goals.




these wider relationships – that is, education and practice in chemistry must be re­oriented so that it inculcates skills in inter­disciplinary and trans­ disciplinary approaches informed by systems thinking and by concerns for the principles of sustainability and responsibility (p. 942).

Actually, embedding concepts as sustainabi-lity, well-being and inequality in chemistry edu-cation is an urgent matter all over the world, but especially important for emerging and developing countries (Zuin & Pacca, 2012). The main ques-tion about what vision of chemistry (or science) literacy should be the aim for chemistry educa-tion both at the schooling and academic levels remains open at this place. It might be allowed to ask whether a traditional, pure academic, struc-ture-of-the-discipline oriented approach in the chemistry curriculum will be enough to make the “population as a whole“ skillful and motivated to engage in societal discussions about modern developments in chemistry related areas? (see e.g. Sjöström, 2013; Eilks et al., 2013; Sjöström & Talanquer, 2014; Sjöström et al., 2016).



In 2007, Doug Roberts suggested to unders-tand science learning by two different visions of scientific literacy. In the more traditional Vision I, science learning in general and chemistry edu-cation in particular focuses mainly on learning chemistry content for later application and fur-ther education. This approach is often driven by the inner structure of the academic discipline and mirrors traditional academic chemistry textbooks – both on the secondary schooling and tertiary academic level. Roberts suggested that science learning should be driven by a more student--oriented Vision II. Vision II should focus on pro-viding the learner understanding about the use-fulness of scientific (chemistry) knowledge in life


and society by starting science learning from mea-ningful contexts. Aikenhead described the tension between the two approaches as being related to the tension between “pipeline science – preparing future scientists” and “science for all” (Aikenhead, 2006).

Recently many scholars suggested some of them inspired by the idea of education for more sustainability, that there should be a third vision (as discussed by Sjöström and Eilks, 2017). It emphasizes science learning for scientific enga-gement (Liu, 2013; Yore, 2012) and ‘knowing--in-action’ (Aikenhead, 2007). This point of view wants to strengthen the learning beyond the kno-wledge of chemistry content, contexts and pro-cesses. It argues for general skill development via contention with issues of chemistry that is rele-vant for a sustainable development of our society and global world. Figure 2 provides an organizer to understand the difference of Vision III from Visions I and II. Where Visions I and II focus on individual content knowledge development and how it is applied in everyday life and Science-Technology-Society contexts, Vision III aims on critical skills development for actively shaping the future society in a sustainable fashion.

The SDGs ask for active citizens that take res-ponsibility and act accordingly. It asks for them in both fields among the scientists and the non--scientists. Content knowledge of chemistry and contextual understanding about chemistry might be considered being necessary pre-requisites to participate informed in scientific and societal dis-courses on the technological applications of che-mistry and its corresponding effects on the envi-ronment and society. However, this is not enough. A critical stance is also needed that promotes understanding of the responsibility of any indivi-dual and in the same time directs the indiviindivi-dual to act accordingly.

For preparing the young generation to acti-vely participate in societal discourse and



VOLUME 12 | NÚMERO 01 | JAN./JUN. 2017

Scientific lireracy vision Goals Curriculum types (examples) VISION I: Conceptual scientific literacy VISION II: Contextual scientific literacy VISION III: Critical scientific literacy

Learning for individual skill development, personal growth, and further academic education

Learning for individual and societal participation by

understanding science and its applications

Science education for values-driven transformation of both individual learners and society Traditional

structure-of-the-discipline and history-of-science driven curricula

Context-based science education and classical

Science-Technology-Society curricula

Focus on general educational skill development (education through science) Focus on traditional science content learning (science through education)

Socioscientific issues-based science education (”hot” type)

and curricula oriented towards critical sustainability

Figura 2. Visions of scientific literacy.

sion making, teaching about those socio-scientific issues (SSIs) is needed that is relevant for sustai-nable development of our society today and in the future. Teaching chemistry needs to take into account a broad perspective on chemistry related issues including their ecological, economic, and societal impacts (Sjöström, Rauch & Eilks, 2015). Especially so called “hot-type” SSIs are of potential to provoke a critical view towards development in science and technology (Simonneaux, 2014). Hot-type SSIs can be characterized by their authen-ticity and controversial perception in society. Examples are alternative materials, renewable energy supply, nanotechnology, or use of new dyes, cosmetics, biopesticides or pharmaceuticals which all can provide chances, but also can cause risks. Pedagogies are needed in chemistry educa-tion where students learn how to argue, how to use scientific evidences to inform the public, and how corresponding information can be obtained, and also how careful respective information needs to be evaluated and used (Sjöström et al., 2015; Sjöström et al., 2016). This is the case for school education for all learners, but it should be also the case for the next generation chemists educated in our universities.



To better understand the argument for a more societal embedded chemistry education Eilks, Nielsen and Hofstein in 2013 suggested a model on the linkage of science to society based on the philoso-phical works of the Polish philosopher Ludwik Fleck. In 1935 he wrote his famous book “The Development and Genesis of a Scientific Fact” that for the first time was translated into English only in 1979. Fleck deve-loped a first sociological theory of science within society. In 2015, Stuckey, Heering, Mamlok-Naaman, Hofstein and Eilks (2015) provided a review on Fleck’s works from the perspective of science educa-tion and identified potential meanings of his works for the learning of and about science.

One of the central ideas of Fleck is that a community of scientists in a certain field forms a thought collective; Kuhn has later called his similar ideas the scientific community. The com-mon issues of a thought collective is a joint thou-ght style that provides the group with a common understanding, acceptance of certain theories, a joint language, and a set of beliefs. He called this the esoteric core of a certain domain of science.




Society Politics Economy Advertising Consumer tests ... Newspapers Magazines TV ... Formal and informal education ... Selection Simplyfication Interpretation ... Science-related media for the public

Handbooks, academic textbooks


and non-academic hand and textbooks

Figura 3. An interpretation of Ludwik Fleck’s understanding of the science-to-society link (from Stuckey et al.,

2015; based on Bauer, 2009).

This domain is characterized by the “journal science”, the information and discussion in the corresponding scientific journals. He described that this esoteric core is surrounded by several exoteric spheres. The first exoteric sphere he called handbook science, followed by the science for the educated amateur. All this is science, however, the more we move away from the esoteric core, the more the information gets selected, simplified and interpreted (Figure 3). Fleck further outlined that any individual can be a member in different thou-ght collectives, but everyone is only a member in one professional thought collective. You are either a synthetic organic chemist or an astrophysicist.

In recognizing Figure 3, it is clear that all of us are only experts in one certain domain of exper-tise. Among the chemists we might be able to communicate with each other on the level of the handbook science. With physicists and biologists in certain areas we might be able to talk to each

other just on the level of the educated amateurs. The further, most people in society come into con-tact with science just only on the base of science related media for the public if at all. In Stuckey et al. (2015) interpretation of Fleck the authors argued that for the normal citizen aside unders-tanding some basics of the different fields of science it might be also important to understand the filtering mechanism how scientific informa-tion is filtered step by step until it reaches us in the news media, popular magazines, TV, Internet or social media. This should be the case at least for the non-scientist. However, what is about the (future) scientist/chemist? It can be argued that also the future chemist needs to learn about what happens to his findings on the way into public debate. One can claim that it should become also an issue for future chemists to learn how ‘their’ chemistry is communicated and used in the public. This is especially the case when now important



VOLUME 12 | NÚMERO 01 | JAN./JUN. 2017

decisions are pending about the future of doing chemistry under recognition of the need for more sustainability and respecting the SDGs.


So far most chemists leave it to politicians, stakeholder groups and the media to inform and influence the public about what chemistry did in the past and is doing today in terms of a greener and more sustainable chemistry (Matlin et al., 2015). Academic and school curricula in many cases do not cover sections about green chemis-try and sustainability in chemischemis-try related areas or lack even in references to corresponding deve-lopments (Vilches & Gil-Pérez, 2013). Curriculum materials are often rare and if reference is made to green chemistry it is often fringed to specia-lized courses instead of permeating the whole curriculum.

In 2012, Burmeister et al. described different potential roles green chemistry can play in the chemistry curriculum. They described that just applying green chemistry principles in lab-work in schools and the academia has some potential to contribute to sustainability in chemistry, but this approach is limited in making the learner skillful for a thorough reflection on chemistry in terms of sustainability. They suggested that chemistry edu-cation in terms of Roberts‘ Visions I and II of scien-tific literacy is very limited in understanding the change in chemistry that is happening these days and should happen more intensified in the future. In line with Vision III, as outlined above, they sug-gested starting chemistry learning from authentic and not yet decided developments to allow skill’s development beyond the learning of chemistry. This will lead to both the learning of chemistry and about chemistry and should start latest at the secondary schooling level and continue in university studies. For instance, some contem-porary pedagogical strategies based on Critical


Theory aiming at promoting experiences in and beyond our universities have been applied, taking into account SSIs on green technologies (Zuin & Borgonovi, 2016). In Brazil, for instance, the deve-lopment and application of bio-formulations to control plagues towards sustainable agriculture and processing systems is gaining momentum, representing also an opportunity to contextua-lize and bring together fundamental conceptual, procedural and attitudinal educational contents (Zandonai et al., 2016). Such approaches can help students in terms of the use of contexts from everyday life problems and solutions, bringing awareness to the green chemistry movement and sustainability in a deeper sense (Sjöström et al., 2016).

Learning about chemistry by socio-scientific issues is suggested to contribute to general skill development due to reflecting scientific and tech-nological developments against the background of a sustainable development. This perspective on chemistry is important for all learners and it is something that especially future chemists should not abstain from. From our point of view che-mists should personally – not only via their pro-fessional organizations – play a more active role in informing the public discourse about current developments in their domain, transcending the laboratory walls. More non-formal and informal channels are needed from chemistry to society to give the young generation a more accurate picture of contemporary chemistry as chemistry did not only cause many problems in the past – chemistry is a central part of science that can help solving certain challenges and within the same time avoi-ding to create new ones.

We see a responsibility of us chemists and science educators to more thoroughly help the young generation becoming chemically literate in the means of Vision III of scientific literacy as described above. We have responsibility to con-nect our knowledge to society, e.g. supporting




education in schools by informal learning oppor-tunities, networking of schools with the academia and chemistry-related businesses, TEDx talks, social media, etc. It is also our responsibility to, together with professional organizations, start influencing a change in the chemistry curricula both for the academia and the schooling level in terms of incorporating sustainability and green chemistry thoroughly. It is about 20 years ago that the ideas of a green chemistry were suggested by Anastas and Warner (1998) in the USA. Together with the change in international policy towards more sustainability it is still a pity that sustainabi-lity thinking and green chemistry found so limited recognition by chemistry curricula in many coun-tries. This should be discussed collectively, in a transfrontier and transdisciplinary manner.


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Figura 1.  Sustainable development goals.
Figura 2.  Visions of scientific literacy.
Figura 3.  An interpretation of Ludwik Fleck’s understanding of the science-to-society link (from Stuckey et al.,  2015; based on Bauer, 2009).


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