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David Wolter


Academic year: 2021

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Mobility For The Future of The Planet by


Acknowledgements 4

Abstract 6

Introduction 8

Process 12

Results 76

Conclusions & Reflections 96

References 100


Thanks to:

Demain Horst and Jonas Sandstöm, not only for their tutoring and support in this project, but also for their dedication and inspiration throughout my time at UID.

Lars Welten for his assistance

through the many valuable discussion and feedback opportunities we have shared throughout the project. Sarkis Benliyan for his incredible drive and enthusiasm, pushing me when needed and slowing me down whenthings were going to fast. My classmates and all other friends from UID for making my two years at the school so memorable.

My Family and friends, who through their support has kept me sane during the tough times.



The project is inspired by the idea of trying to simplify and create understanding on a broader level regarding the issues of climate change within the author’s field of design. How can design help us understand the relevance of acting now by visualizing how a potential future might look if action is not taken. Out of many issues that might arise due to climate change the project specifically targets that of desertification. The consequences global desertification already has on life and nature could potentially reach devastating levels in a not-so-distant future making it a highly important topic. Desertification if left uncontrolled is expected to force billions of people from the densest areas of the world on

the move by 2090. Driving densification of the last liveable land to reach unprecedented levels. This is a scenario that we want to stay clear of at all costs as it gambles our survival as a species on this planet. It would lead to the creation of vast unhabitable areas, potentially major conflicts, and large-scale segregation. Leaving little to no room for our ally nature to regenerate would mean the mass extinction of species and potentially life on our planet.

To enforce the urgency of action taking the project steps into the distant future of 2086 to portray how a growing desert would have affected the way we live, the struggles it has


brought, and how we are putting all efforts towards assisted regeneration of the planet. As much as the project is speculative the scenario builds from data and analytics mapped by scientists and research within the fields of eco-science. As the issue of desertification is an already existing problem today. Scientists and inventors are working on ways to counter its growth. Taking inspiration and learnings from biodiverse reforestation work done today and applying it to the potential scenario allowed the author to highlight issues in the current process. As the scenario was pushed to the extreme so were the problems within the current system. Scalability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility came up as some of the most prevalent issues. Mobility already plays a great role in distributing the efforts of today’s work and will come to play an even greater role in future reforestation efforts. With technological development and systematic

changes come new possibilities for innovation. The process behind the development consisted of exploring solutions that hinder desertification whilst simultaneously promoting and assisting in the regeneration of nature. This involved research into large-scale reforestation development and up-and-coming technologies. Through creative development and ideation grew potential scenarios that resulted in story-driven final visuals. The result is Terra Nova. A lighter than air propelled cocnept that allows long term cargo-mobility in barren areas with minimal impact to the environment. The vehicle is multifunctional in the sense that it carries the capabilities of both personal and cargo transport making it a great all-around vehicle.

Scenario Visual of Reforestation Efforts

Late Stage Ideation From the Developemnt Process

Keywords: Future Mobility, Lighter Than Air


Image 1: Greenland Ocean Sunset

Throughout history humans have travelled and explored as a way of moving forward. It has been a way to find better habitation, more nutrients, monetary riches, and later experiences. It is a way of life that humans have adopted, a way of life that has fuelled our development through encounters and integration. Time and energy consuming ways to traverse great distances developed along with society. (IOM, 2015).

In many ways human and societal

development has been possible thanks to mobility solutions such as horses, boats and later bicycles, cars, and airplanes. These refined ways of moving led to life changing improvement for millions of people worldwide. (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2021). However big role mobility has played in fuelling the development of humanity one cannot argue the gloomy side it has brought with it. Producing these large vessels requires tremendous amounts of energy and material resources, the product itself pollutes as it consumes energy to propel it forward. (National Geographic Staff, 2017)

Climate change stems as a result of this linear way of producing and consuming. The effects of climate change will only grow stronger the coming decade, forcing more than 1 billion people on the move by the year 2050. Even if we took drastic measurements to the way we live today, the current effects are a toll of previous generations. (The Independent, 2016)

Climate and human movement



As natural habitats become scarce the importance of regenerative effort will become increasingly sought after. With vast desertification along the equator we are facing unpresented lifestyle changes. (Harrabin, 2019). What challanges will these changes mean for mobility, and what role will mobility have in helping us overcome?

Image 2: This abstract in browns and grays from central Algeria shows that some parts of Africa’s Sahara Desert contain much more than dunes of wind-blown sand.


Image 3: Dark forest canopy

The global population will have grown significantly by 2090. (Population Pyramid, 2021). In combination with climate change impacting people to a much greater extent, displacing more than a billion people by the year 2050 already. Our old linear ways of producing and consuming will have been replaced by cyclic systems promoting a heathier symbiotic relationship between humans and earth. A second aspect of facing climate change will be adaptation. Finding creative and resilient solutions to problems such as extreme weather, drought, and resource scarcity.

As a response to these changes and for the sake of our survival as a species there will be a need to propose alternative solutions. Ways of adapting and helping nature to regenerate resulting in the reemergence of new lifestyles. Lifestyles that are naturally of a more

symbiotic character. Promoting and nurturing nature for it to regain its strength. Helping nature to help ourselves. (United Nations, 2020).

The author finds the future relationship between mobility and nature an interesting topic. Particularly as the need for symbiotic solution is the way forward if we want to maintain a comfortable lifestyle here on earth.

As creators of some of the biggest and more resource heavy synthetic artifacts the author reckons that we as transportation designers have a responsibility to inspire others by showing that it is possible to promote healthy and sustainable solutions on a larger scale. (National Geographic Staff, 2017)

It is a topic that aligns well with UN global development goals.

Earth 2.0


The importance of active measurements to nurture land masses with potential and help those areas regenerate will become increasingly important if we want to survive as a species. Reforestation efforts in

combination with the revival of ecosystems will rely heavy on mobility solution to ameliorate the work on a large scale. 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact.

By crafting visions and creating solution that take place under the worst-case scenarios, the author wants to highlight the urgence of direct climate action. At the same time portraying solutions that through mobility allow regenerative work to be done the author wants to encourage hope with the audience.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The author sees that mobility will have an important role in ameliorating future life for millions. As mobility offers unique possibilities to decrease the exposure to climate disasters. The mobility aspects allow future cities and the people within them to be more flexible in their positioning. The problem today is not that we cannot predict the disasters, its more often than so that we are stuck with stationary investments, infrastructures.

15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and loss of biodiversity.



- Speculative Design - Citizens Of Earth - Emerging Lifestyles

- Benchmarking - Robots & Humans - Research Conclusion - Framing & Design Brief

Creative Developement - Future Context - User Scenario - Stake Holders - Use Case - Functional Analysis - Early Ideation


To fully grasp the future of mobility and the value it could bring, we first need to build an understanding of the type of context the solution resides in. As the context resides quite far into the future the author needed a way of working with this without coming off as unrealistic. In comes, speculative design. As such the thesis starts by exploring speculative design thinking. The author strived to quickly create an understating of what the world might look like in 2086, what are the challenges we might be facing, and what are the potential solutions to these issues. Following this research segment and context creation is an investigation into the possible solution through benchmarking future technologies and complementary needs through functional

analysis. Regarding the research and process,


As the Author has had limited experience with speculative design processes before starting this project first thing that was needed was to research the area create a solid base for the author to work around. “What is Speculative Design?

Speculative design is a way of working with the bigger picture without getting lost in nitty gritty details. Using a design process/ system to address big societal problem. An example could be the complexity and problematics within a financial system, the climate crisis etc. Often proposing alternative ways of solving or tackling those issues without the restrictions of current society. It is important to note that as much as it is a way of proposing solutions to future problems it is doing so to one potential future and is not in any way trying to predict our future.”(Ho Tran, 2019)

“Speculative design thrives on imagination and aims to open up new perspectives on what are sometimes called wicked problems, to create spaces for discussion and debate about alternative ways of being, and to inspire and encourage people’s imaginations to flow freely. Design speculations can act as a catalyst for collectively redefining our relationship to reality.” (Dunne & Raby, December 2013)

Speculative Design


“Where typical design takes a

look at small issues, speculative

design broadens the scope


Image 6: Speculative Design Thinking

It is important to note that speculative design is not in any way trying to predict the future instead it is about trying to explore many potential futures where the designer is not limited by current cultural technological and societal development.

As much as future predictions might sound like fantasy the way of working with speculative design set some restrictions and is not to meant to be based upon nothing. The futures that are being explored must fall within one of the set speculative future categories.

Possible, Plausible, Probable or Preferable The result of a speculative design process varies, but normally it should be disruptive in the sense that it should either open up for questions or critizes current standards. This way of working with design allows us to influence the life and thoughts of people with visualized thinking making complex problems and issues, relatable and easier to grasp. In a way it could also be seen as a way to educate through design. (Dunne & Raby, December 2013)


“In comparison to traditional design thinking, speculative design has always been hard to sell. This normally boils down to three reasons:

• Market forces. Beginning in the 1980s, design began to become more and more commercialized. Speculative design and their designers were “seen as out of sync with design’s potential to generate wealth.” Design became a tool to make more money rather than an artform and means of social change. • Atomization. According to Speculative Everything, society has grown more

atomized, with a greater emphasis on individual accomplishments and actions rather than those for communities as a whole. There’s less of a demand for design that addresses bigger societal issues.

• Pessimism. The dreams of the 20th century have been “downgraded” to hopes, according to Raby and Dunne. With broader issues such as climate change and financial disaster coming into focus, younger generations have adopted a more pessimistic attitude about the future. After all, why plan for something that might not happen?” (Ho Tran, 2019)

“Why should we be working with sepculative Design, what can it bring that traditional design thinking can’t?

As much as it might come off as “in the cloud” thinking, speculative design has proven itself not only as a disruptive force of social change, but also as a solid tool to create ground-breaking ideas for the current market.

A great example of this is Star Trek, a sci fi tv show that aired in the 1980’s had


The burden of climate change and migration is too heavy to carry on the shoulders of individual countries. Handling these issues will require joint efforts from countries without the restriction of borders and individual regulations.

As described in the novel “The Shape of Things to Come” by H. G. Wells,

“spirit of international cooperation prevails. Initiatives are implemented to optimize the benefits of migration, socio-economic migrants’ inclusion and improvement of migrant’s perception into the countries of destination. Recognition in the value of collaboration, respect for the rule of law and human rights and its potential accelerating effect by meeting the development

objectives is recognized worldwide.”

With the world map being dramatically redrawn by nature in combination with the displacement of billions of people. Countries and borders as we know them today will most likely have to disappear, merge and transition into greater joint governing powers. “Opening borders would expand the scope of freedom, strengthen respect for rights, and widen the realm of actions that governments, including democratic ones, are not allowed to take.” (Smith, 2017)

Citizens of Earth

Image 9: Lloyd’s building, London, UK (2019)


Image 10: Col de Lautaret, Col, France

“Nature is critical to our survival: nature provides us with our oxygen, regulates our weather patterns, pollinates our crops, produces our food, feed and fibre.” (Martin, 2021)

With compact high-rises dressing the horizon in the north and vast desert around the equator that leaves little to no room for nature to regenerate. Nurturing and fostering possibilities for nature to regenerate is a process that will play a particularly important role for the future health of the planet and our survival. As a result, movements driving the restoration of our ecosystem will rise as people will want to partake in the ethical aspect of sustaining our future. (Martin, 2021)

With soil in the transitional areas between the habitable land in the north and the unhabitable

land in and around the equator still carrying enough capacity for reforestation efforts, regeneration work will automatically be focused to this region. Creating a natural wall to defend the northern settlements from the growing desertification. “Not all geoengineering is the stuff of Hollywood fantasy. Planting billions of trees from Canada and Russia to Brazil and China is an obvious example of building carbon sinks and refortifying habitats at the same time.” (Khanna, 2020)

“However, reforestation efforts are a slow and delicate procedure that requires human presence under a longer period of time. The future eco system or lack thereof, makes the process a particularly demanding one. With little to no room for error. Large scale reforestation requires intensive monitoring for months on end.”(Raz, 2019)


The individuals tasked with this job will need to adhere to a simpler life, to achieve minimum impact on the fragile areas they are traversing and cultivating.

Progressing slowly along hostile

environments, caring and fostering the earth they walk on. (Tamang, 1993)

It is an ethical driven lifestyle, as such the individuals choosing to adhere to such a life fully understands the importance of the work and the impact it has on the greater human population. Thus, sacrificing comfort over functionality. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2016)

There is no economic incentive behind these project groups, however their work is completely compensated and financed by the northern settlements. The drive to do this will most likely stem from having experienced the consequences of extreme climate change themselves and having seen how it affects us on a physical and mental level. (Leonard, 2020)

Emerging Lifestyles




Image 12: Newly discovered planet

Reforestation and aforestation are recognized as an effective means of

halting biodiversity loss and increasing the performance of ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and the protection and maintenance of water resources.”(Nunes et al., 2020)

Challenges and opportunities for large-scale reforestation in the Eastern Amazon using native species. When reforestation is done correctly it allows nature to naturally hinder erosion and desertification.

The work of restoring nature will be conducted in particularly hostile

environments with high temperature and difficult terrain. Pushing the utilitarian values of a solution towards the extreme.


To create diverse and long-lasting ecosystem there needs to be a good diversity in the seedlings planted. The seedlings are planted with an 8x8 pattern spacing. Holes are dug, infused with nutrient, then the seedlings are placed.

Newly planted seedlings require care and supervision in the way of steady streams of nutrients and water to survive the first months, especially important in areas where erosion and desertification is prominent. Ones the seedling have acclimatized to the environment and gotten a strong enough root network the work can proceed to a new area where the process will restart.

To allow healthy growth cycles for the seedling, weed dispersion cycles need to be incorporated. This means backtracking to previous plantation areas to remove weed growth between the seedlings. (Elbein, 2019).




Image 14: El Capitain In Smoke

The way these groups of people will need to move, and work has certain similarities to the life of nomadic tribes, and to a certain extent the ideology behind nomadism as well. With the difference that it is not done to foster economic growth within the group. These groups will traverse clearly defined routes and destinations where they will spend equally clearly defined periods of time with the goal of pursuing natural regeneration through reforestation work. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2016)

This way of living and working will require flexible solutions that can be deconstructed and repurposed to house changing needs from location to location. (Carlisle, 2012)

Modularity will be a requirement. The capabilities to maintain and repair the mobility solution on the spot will be a vital aspect as the teams will be working remotely far away from the safety net of society.

As a lot of the work is conducted in high temperature regions will little to no natural shadow the need for adaptive climate protection is a necessity.

The lack of proper infrastructure in

combination with fragile and harsh terrain requires a mobility solution that can traverse these environments whilst housing both workers and seedlings.

The movement pattern is slow as the


Image 15: Siguniang Mountain, Aba, China

Image 16: Desert Storm

Airborne movement solutions would simplify moving the necessary amount of people and seedling across harsh terrain as there would be limited interactions with surface declines and elevations, further allowing limited physical interaction between the work itself and fragile landmasses and reducing the risk of destroying invaluable growth areas.

Blimps are interesting, but its major issue has always been the speed. However as there is no need for the solution to be moving fast it could rely on such technology to suspend itself in air. Lowering the noise and environmental pollution.

The sheer volumetric consumption of a blimp is also something which would normally speak against the technology. But in this case, the movement is not obstructed by anything as such the size of the solution wouldnt be a problem. (Bikos, 2019) As the concept have limited access to refueling infrastructure, lighter than air technology is a great option as it could stay afloat for days without the need for either refueling nor maintenance.

The technology is particularly well suited for heavy cargo transportation as it can carry much higher loads than other air-based technologies. There is no need for specific infrastructure for it to land which allows a great flexibility and access to normally hard to reach areas. (Grace Morris, 2016)


Land based movement has the advantage of being less affected by weather changes such extreme winds. It would naturally be anchored to the ground. In comparison to airborne solutions this anchoring also means that the weight of the solution would impact the areas it traverses. This could potentially be countered with complex suspension systems and tire solutions.

Another way of solving it would be through dedicated infrastructure. Infrastructure might however reduce the flexibility of the solution and would automatically interfere with the fragile ground. As the solution would need access to remote hard to reach places the alternative of building infrastructure makes little to no sense. If taking into consideration that the solution should have little impact in the area of operation it has no place in said context.

To house individuals, storage of seedlings and the technology to distribute the seeds the solution needs to grow quite dramatically becoming either a large entity or consists of several modules to contain everything, making it a rather complex solutions, which naturally would drive up the price.

As the settlement does not need to travel at high speeds the energy consumption could be decreased quite drastically through decreased drag. Further enhanced by

technical development within the solar panel and battery sector would make for renewable and sustainable solution.(Kashyap Vyas, 2019)


Image 17: Algae

Image 18: Sandia National Laboratories, L’Enfant Plaza Southwest, Washington, DC, USA

Today most of the reforestation efforts

around the world are done manually by hand. This is a time consuming and expensive endeavour. Gradually the industry has started to shift into reforestation work conducted by drones. In comparison to their human counterpart, they are cheaper, more efficient, and as they are airborne a completely

different flexibility in their reach as they are not limited by harsh terrain. Today’s drones are working 10 times as fast as their human counterpart. This efficiency difference means more trees gets planted at a lower price per tree.

Another glaring improvement over human worker are heir limited contact with the plantation environment. As the drones are doing all the work from the air, they have no direct contact with soil. This reduces the risk of pest contamination through movement. (Conca, 2020)


Image 19: As air flows over and around objects in its path, spiraling eddies, known as Von Karman vortices, may form.

Below is a summary of the research and conclusion derived from it by the author As the population growth combined with the effects of climate change has led to a drastic shortage of habitable land. Governments have had to find new solutions for sustainable growth. The need to regenerate large areas that have been lost through erosion and desertification will be necessary. Part of these regenerative efforts will be large-scale biodiverse reforestation. Biodiverse reforestation is a tactic that we are using today already, as a means of hindering both erosion and desertification, however, the scale of the current action is limited to a smaller area.

In the future these efforts might come to stretch the length of countries, forcing us to rethink the way we distribute and target these efforts. Scaling the system that is used today is not an alternative as it is highly intrusive and times consuming. To transport today’s systems to areas that need reforestation land-based mobility solutions are used. These solutions are very limited in the sense of their accessibility.

The urgency of this problem will force us to look for solutions that can give us the needed accessibility, that faster and less intrusive.

An airborne solution that is often overlooked, is lighter than air solutions. This technique offers good cargo capabilities requires very infrastructure and due to its airborne movement has very little impact on the areas it operates in. Combined with smaller drones such a solution would have much-improved efficiency as well.


One of the ambitions of this project is to achieve an visionary scenario that questions and lifts our current realtionship with the enviroment. Further envisioning anticipated technologies and societal advancements through encouraging and hopeful settings. To make the vision relatable and easier to grasp the author wants to portray the functionality of the solution in a day-to-day setting connected to the imagined lifestyle. The author hopes that the vision created grants the reader/observer a feeling of wanting to take action right now.

The mobility solution should be functional and symbiotic in its nature. The storyboard will have to have a strong connection to the obstacles and adventures the given personas are encountering, describing the journeys and experiences throughout.

Working with the year 2086 is a difficult task, as the author needs to base solutions made on assumptions established on and around the research, anticipated trends and innovations. Creating a new type of vehicle of such a scale necessary to solve the tasks at hand, is a tremendously big task. Hard to accommodate within the appointed time of this thesis, however still justifiable. For this reason, the author will have a more holistic focus using visionary settings to support the concept and story.

The solution might end up being a part of a bigger more intricate system involving different mobility modules to solve all the needs of the users. However, the focus will be put on the main module handling the seed storage and distribution to be able to finish the project wihtin the allocated time.

Design brief



Design brief :

The project sets out to portray how desertification as a result of climate change and thereoff ethical lifestyles changes could come to create a new era of airial transportation.


Having experienced the true effects of climate change, with vast desertification along the equator. Leading to the

displacements of billions of people gathering in the habitual lands of the northern


These massive migration waves eventually lead to the complete disbandment of nations creating one co joint governing power. The change of power brings simplification to decision making allowing the construction of massive solar and geothermal farms along the entirety of the equator providing the settlements with an endless supply of clean energy. As circular economy has finally been adopted throughout society the environmental impact is now close to zero. To secure space for nature to regenerate and to stop the desertification from creeping closer to the north, mobile settlements will be sent out to assist natural regeneration through reforestation.

Scenario Building Based On A Speculative Design Approach


The settlement relies on mobility to support the necessary work of reforesting these regions. It is a slow-moving process that requires a good volumetric capacity. As these efforts find themselves far away from society the need for multifunctional vehicles is must, carrying both cargo and personel if needed Traversing harsh terrain without impact to the fragile soil will be highly important to not destroy or interfere with the reforestation process.

Exposure to hard weather and heat will be a problem that needs to be taken into consideration.

Modularity is an aspect that will have to be incorporated into much of the solutions as the operational distance from the


The author created this future context premises based on the conducted research and took inspiration from the french artist Fabian Barrau’s art piece “Cities after the climate apocalypse”, portraying previously famous areas such as Paris, Rome, New York etc. “I try to imagine what would happen in the event of desertification, the rise of the oceans or the tropicalization of a region,” Barrau told Dezeen. These visions align well with the results from the author’s research. Slow action taking has resulted in the world going through a major transformation.

Future Context

With desertification taking over and growing throughout most of South Europe, Africa, Asia, South & North America, people has fled to the habitual lands of northern Europe, US and Russia where they have settled in compact high rises. The world population has managed to solve their climate impact by using the large deserts around the equator to harvest geothermal and sun energy, sustaining the settlements need. However, this will not hinder the desertification and if left uncared for the result will be dangerous temperature increase and further reduction of the habitable land due to erosion and desertification.


As a response to this, teams of motivated individuals from the settlements in the north have been sent to the frontlines to fend off desertification. As the area where the work will be conducted stretches along the entirety of the equator the author has chosen southern Europe as the area of focus. Besides being a location that the author can relate to and have spent time in, this will be a particular important region to cater to as desertification needs to be stopped before surpassing the alps. The mountains in this area would create a natural resistance level that would be hard to best later. It’s also interesting in the sense of mobility solutions. As the terrain is all but leveled, the teams working there would need flexibility of movement from the solution.

Image 21: An abandoned Chicago overtaken by trees



Investors & Backers


Who would fund such an endeavor? Most of the funding would likely be subsidized on a macro level. Assuming that the dramatic changes the author is predicting would have affected borders thus nations’ existence, large governing instances as the European Union would most likely continue to exist or new but similar ones would arise whilst smaller countries would perish. To assist with the necessary knowledge regarding agricultural tech and aeronautics it’s safe

to assume that bigger companies and their competence would persist even during these changing times. A company like Space X would likely maintain the competence and the necessary drive to be in charge of the aeronautic parts whilst a company like Drone seed, which’s is the current market leader, holds both the necessary knowledge to complement Space X in these efforts.




Analysis of Scenario

Reforestation Today

Understanding Reforesting

To understand what was needed to take into consideration before designing the reforestation process of the future the author researched and reached out to reforestation companies to create a good base. The

authors own research aligned quite well with what the reforestation companies’ stories were telling.

Most reforestation work today is done in areas that are hard to reach. Limited or no infrastucutres makes the process very time consuming, hench the solutions need to be able to access hard-to-reach areas.

It requires moving large amounts of cargo close to the target areas for the efforts to reach maximum efficiency. This means that the solutions need to have a safe way to carry heavy weight over a long distance Reforestation used to be done completely manual. This way of working is, however, gradually being phased out, and drone planting is taking over as a more efficient, cheaper, and less intrusive way of reforesting large areas.


Use Case

Macro Level

Systematic Redesign

Applying previous learnings to redesign the way reforestation coulde be done in future mainly consists of trying to understand where technology could replace manual or time-consuming task to speed up the pace. 1. As a start most analytic capabilities and work would most likely be done remotely. Letting satellites or similar tech observe and analyse large areas to figure out the best way to approach reforestation in that specific region.

2. This means that the data collected from those analytics could be directly transferred to create seed capsules consisting of the necessary nutrients, pest control and growth hormones. Tailoring the seeds for plantation so that we get the best possible outcome with the least setbacks.

3. Once enough seeds are created, and we have made sure that there is good diversity within the seed collection, they are transported to the analysed location.

4. Once on site, the seeds are then distributed through low flying drones, the drones are equipped with dispersion tool that shoots the seed capsules into the ground. A drone can carry 1000 seeds per round which gives the drone about 1 hour of operational time before it needs to return for refuelling and restocking of seeds. In total there are 4 drones attached to each seed bank.


Reworked Reforestation System









Use Case Scenario

Who Will Use This

The vehicle is fully automated; and its main function will be transporting cargo to target locations. However, the solution is built in such way that it can carry up to 2 passengers if needed. It is also equipped with observational technology so that scientist and workers on ground can interact with the environment in which the drone finds itself. Scientist and workers will have a daily interaction with the drone when cargo is being loaded.

Scenario Building


How Is the Vehicle Configured

The worker units move from a forward operating base. These thinner than air carriers move drone batteries to the areas that needs reforestation. The batteries are of a modular nature which allow them to take different roles upon what is needed. Acting as a seed storage, pest control or water management these units can operate for up Where Does It Travel


Functional Analysis

Process Tree

The functional analysis is based on simplified day of the concept, which consists of setting up the unit for work, travelling, offloading cargo, Returning and additional actions such a personal transport and observational work. A functional analysis was done to help

determine the needed attributes of the concept.


Function Mapping

Functionality Hirarchy


The wanted attributes from the functional analysis were later recategorized.

Based on their role they created a hierarchy of package defining features and wanted functional aspects.


Hybrid Airship

The early ideation was done without a predetermined package. The author wanted to make sure that this phase could be kept unrestricted. No ideas were too silly at this point. There were of course certain functions the author had thought to incorporate in this early ideation. Ideas that had come up during the functional analysis.

Concept 1 built upon combining properties from both an airplane and airship the idea was that you would end up with vehicle that could offer both slow and high-speed travel. With lightweight frame and turnable engines, the craft could transition from moving

forward to a hoovering state allowing for improved observational capabilities. As the envelope of the lift balloon would be using a smart metallic construction the shape of the envelope could alternate from that of an ellipsoid to a wing thus decreasing the aerodynamical drag. Allowing for smoother travel.

Early Ideation


Concept 2 was based on maintaining one ground-based alternative to keep some width at the early stage of the ideation process. Using lightweight materials and constructions creating a highly mobile platform that would not require any movement in the z-direction to take off. This concept had a magnetic storage for the reforestation drones on the back of the vehicle. The thrust was given through the top mounted rotary engine. To counter the forces from the engine the interior capsule acted as a gyroscope hindering the unit from tipping over.

Early Ideation


Early Ideation

Concept 3


Early Ideation

Concept 4



Preliminary Package & Configuration

Preliminary Package


Chosen Configuration

The chosen configuration is the one that gives the craft the most stable lifting capability. The decision was done in collaboration with an aerodynamic and mechanical engineer from Audi. The chosen configuration is the layout





The type of vehicle depicted in this project was meant to fill a highly functional purpose delivering intelligent autonomous mobility to barren desert landscapes. The Author wanted the humans that interacted with the vehicle to perceive trust and hope, both in the vehicle itself and in its actions. Dressing the functional internals with stark planar surface. Creating an outer shell that represents both intelligence and protection in all its simplicity. To balance the seriousness of its simple monolithic form expression the outer



Initial Ideation

Initial Ideation

One of the earlier ideas regarding the aesthetics of the vehicle was to create a shelling that was sculptural in its presence, large segments that through additive manufacturing were produced as one. Encapsulating the technical aspects, thus creating an aerodynamically sleek body. The author imagined that the shelling would have a transparent/translucent character to show


Workspace & Ergonomics

An Issue that was early highlighted was the lack of analytic capabilities on site, this often resulted in decreased biodiversity. As one of the prerequisites of the project were biodiverse reforestation. The idea of creating a platform that could carry these necessary analytic features were realized. A lot of the design at this stage was configured around the idea of a portable lab, creating quite a large vehicle, that was able to carry a scientist and the necessary tools for an entire day of work. However, adding a user to craft created the need for an interior with necessities such as a toilet, kitchen etc. To realize the size of such a vehicle, ideation was done through body mapping.




Self Sustaining

Energy Extraction



Change of Direction

Change of Direction

By utilizing a tripod structure, the design was able to get the stability needed with little intrusion to the aerodynamics of the craft. The Cargo was centralized below the lifting capabilities further enhancing the stability both in air and when the vehicle was going down for landing. Unfortunately, this track and design were discontinued due to the issue of motivating an occupant in such a future context. It was hard to see how there would not be technological development

that would allow for these analytic

capabilities to take place without a human. On top of that, the occupant and their


The Turn

Going back to drawing board with the learnings from previous ideation material allowed the author to quite quickly come up with a new design. Focusing on a solution that would be scalable, easy to produce and covey both professionalism and confidence in its appearance. The author reworked the ideas with those prerequisites in mind. As this was at a rather late stage of the process the following ideation is a combination of basic CAD underlays and paint overs.



Final Direction

The main thought was to focus on the modular cargo unit and its distributional capabilities. The shape is derived from the idea of less is more. A simple monolithic shape makes up the entirety of the body, sporting a triangular base shape that offers great stability for the cargo unit. The cargo unit is centralized under the lifting envelope as in previously perceived configurations. The triangular shape allows for good

aerodynamic property and can be adjusted like a rudder to defend the vehicle from strong cast winds. With a focus on simplicity, the housing contains fully integrated landing gear, seed battery, and drones. Using the shape of the housing to create spoilers to hinder extruding function such as the drones from catching drag. It gives us a simple assertive design where form follows functions.



The Modelling Process

The 3D development throughout the

project was all done in blender, a competent polygonal modelling software that is

becoming increasingly popular in the

industry. The author started learning blender at his internships and one of his personal goals was to stick to the software during thesis. Blender as is with similar polygonal modelling software’s allowed the author freedom in the sense of modelling speed. Allowing the author to create everything from quick volume models to a refined final model. Early in the process the main objective was to find the correct proportions and technique expression this was done by creating simpler block models. These were gradually refined to become the final direction and model. In comparison to Maya blender sports a competent built in rendering software. This allowed the author to create everything from model to final renders within the same software pipeline. Limiting the conversion and export times thus streamlining the end process of the project.



Package Drawings

The picture above is a package drawing of the Terra Nova. Derived from the chosen configuration it creates a capable lifting construction with great stability properties. The cargo unit is carrying a triangular shape that creates a relatively slim expression and offers a stable base. With its slim character the vehicle still has room for up to two passengers on top. The seperation between ballon and cargo adds a feeling of lightness to the vehicle. Its stricter sharp lines are complemented by the smother rounder lifting envelope.







Constructions and Functions




Constructions and Functions


Image caption goes here.Uciusand ellaboreium as mos aut eos escia quostibus modio. Quiaepe non erorept amendam



Daily Activity

Daily Activity

With a large area to cover, several modular cargo units are flown out and placed at specific locations throughout the day. Once the cargo is detached the airship returns to base to repeat the process.

Safely placed on ground the cargo unit is activated and the 4 worker drones attached to it goes to work. Depending on the need of the location the drones can address everything from planting seeds, to pesticide control and water management.



Daily Activity

Daily Activity

Each drone has the capacity to stay operational for 1 hour. Planting up to 1000 seeds capsules which covers an area up to 1 ha. This quantity gives a good efficiency to diversity ratio and was ruled upon in collaboration with the involved eco scientist. To maintain a high efficiency of the work and not repeatedly having to go back to the base as soon as the drones run out of either cargo or battery. The cargo unit can house enough refuelling and storage capabilities to stay fully operational for up to 4 days before having to return to the base.

When the cargo of the drone is depleted, it returns to the modular storage unit.

Stocking up on seeds and occasionally charging its battery.


Image caption goes here.Uciusand ellaboreium as mos aut eos escia quostibus modio. Quiaepe non erorept amendam



The Worker

Constructions and Functions



Energy Supply

Self Sustaining Solution

The transportation from the base to the target locations can sometimes be quite long. With limited infrastructure it requires a self-sustaining energy supply.

Considering the area of operation, it was natural choice to utilizes the crafts large top facing surface to harvest solar power. The size of the solar panel allows for sustained flow of energy to keep the stabilizing engines and AI operational during longer travels. Providing a secondary way of harvesting energy in times when access to the sun is restricted the craft anchors to the ground and can utilize the movement energy created by the lift of the wind to recharge.



Temporary Functionality

The Interior

As the transportation of individuals is only designed as a temporary solution it requires some setting up when needed.

The possibility of the craft to act both as a cargo carrier and personnel transports weaves into the cyclic thinking of the current values of society at this time.

The simple yet functional interior consists of net construction inspired from that of a catamaran, this functions as a detachable seating element. Allowing for transportation of up to two passengers at the same time. A simple handlebar solution is fitted on the top and act as something to hold on to during flights.

The idea of prolonging the functionality and lifespan of the product through modularity of functions was also applied to parts of the craft that is expected to be replaced during its operational life.




Added Functions

This setup of the interior allows for both longer and shorter traveling within the area of work as a way for personnel to reach off-base locations where maintenance or visits could be needed.


This project has been the most educative one so far, it made the author not only grow as a designer, but also as a person. Difficulties and hardships throughout the process has made the author realize numerous insights and learnings not only regarding himself as a designer, but also as a human being. At the end of the day that is just what we are, human beings. Far from perfect. One such learning was realizing that his own urge to complete everything to perfection does seldomly correlate to that of what is required of him by others. This has always been a struggle of his, however it became glaringly obvious in this project. When the author was under the most pressure, it was pressure created by himself. Realizing that this was an issue created by himself and one that only himself could relieve him from became a great learning. As a result, the author started scheduling breaks and other activities. This created a healthier relationship to work. Looking at the overall project it has been a

rollercoaster of a journey. Coming from two internships with motivating mentors, the author was influenced to create something revolutionary and new with his thesis. This influence initially pushed him to think outside the realms of traditional transportation design. However, this idea of creating something revolutionary quite quickly grew out of control. The author had issues to know at what scale he should put the project and what to focus on. The theme of mobility’s role in relations to future climate change was just too big of a topic.

The author came to this realization rather early in the project, which he is happy for. As prolonged exposure to uncertainty would surely have had a bad influence on the process timeline. As a solution to this uncertainty the author quickly involved his mentor from AUDI who assisted him in restructuring the research, highlight where there was potential.

Project Reflection


The only way to improve one’s character and knowledge is through repetition and exposure. In many ways the project has pushed the author to go beyond, putting himself in uncomfortable situations. Learning how to overcome those hurdles through support, assistance and self-evaluation has been one of the greatest learning so far. A learning that is as important as the hard skills necessary to work in industry.

As much as the project has been a mental challenge, it has been an outlet to develop those hard skills that are needed to further progress into a full-time job as a creative. One such realization has been certain weaknesses in one’s design process. Projects like these are great at exposing flaws in ones character, but also way of carrying out work.

For example, the author posses a tendecy to overcomplicate things, thinking that he needs to completely educate the audience on a certain topic etc. This more than often creates unnecessary confusion not only for the audience, but for the author as well.

A great learning has been to run things through his sibling and friends who are not in the industry. The author has presented and then let them reiterate what he just told. This gives a pure simplified story that quickly shows if anything is missing or unclear.

Having realized the issue and problem

perfectionism causes in the process, the author has really tried to be a bit more “hang loose” showing dirty sketches, schematics graphics etc. This has been made easier by having a structured schedule to follow, in the sense that there has only been so much allocated time for a certain task. Then when the time is out so is the development on that certain task. This might come off as straight forward, however combined with scheduled breaks and activities, the author has improved the output without increasing the strain on himself.


By portraying the scale of the issues of climate changes, thus highlighting the need for everyone’s engagement the project could be seen as part of a toolkit to create understanding.

Through learnt methods the author aimed to achieve this through visualizing the problem and potential scenarios. Images has the capability to say more than a thousand words, making the message easier to spread and easier to understand for wider audience.

As much as the project was of a speculative nature the scenario built on data and could become reality if we are not careful in the way how we treat earth in the future.

As much as the author would love to see his project take shape, the author would prefer to avoid a situation like this all to begin with. Hopefully, this project can act as a step to

educate, inspire and instil hope in both laymen as well as future transportation designers.

The author cannot directly say whether he managed to create something fresh and

revolutionary. At the end of the day that is up to eye of the beholder.

The author however hopes that the idea of wanting to show that the transportation industry will have a great role to play in the future can attract interest and spark discussion within and outside the industry. Based on the initial goals and expectations from the author side the project manages to live up to those.

The author hopes that the result and visuals carry both a sense of urgency towards direct action taking, without excluding hope for the future and long-term thinking.

The author wanted the visuals to tell a story of how the lack of action taking towards climate change will bear dire consequences in the future. With the result the author wanted to show that even if we are put in such a situation where life here on earth changes dramatically due to climate change there is still hope.

With our ingenuity and drive we will find

solutions. The author also hopes that the project manages to educate and inspire people to act today already.



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