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Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings


Academic year: 2021

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Gotland University Press 15

Energy Ef

ficiency in Historic Buildings

Gotland University Pr

ess 15

Energy efficiency is an issue that brings

the trade-off between aspects of use and preservation to a head. On the one hand, interventions for energy efficiency facilitate long-term use by reducing operating costs; on the other hand, the interventions may have both a physical and a visual impact on the cultural heritage value and the fabric of the building. In order to promote a sustainable use and preservation of historic buildings, The Swedish Energy Agency instituted a National Research Program for Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings. The first stage of the program ran from 2007 to 2010 with a total budget of around 4 million Euro. Additional funding was provided by the Church of Sweden and the National Heritage Board. There were fifteen projects involving some thirty researchers from different Swedish universities and research institutes. To mark the end of the first stage of the national research program the international conference Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings was held in Visby in February 2011. Most of the projects within the program were presented at the conference and international key-note speakers were invited to each session, giving a total of 24 papers. More than one hundred participants, representing ten countries, participated in the conference.

Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings

Gotland University Press 15

Gotland University Cramérgatan 3 Phone: +46(0)498-29 99 00 E-mail: [email protected] Address: S-621 67 Visby Fax: +46(0)498-29 99 62 Web: www.hgo.se

Postprints from the Conference

Energy Efficiency

in Historic Buildings

Visby, February 9–11, 2011


Tor Broström

Lisa Nilsen

This publication is available for download at www.sparaochbevara.se where you also can find the latest news concerning energy efficiency of our cultural heritage.


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