Search for Scalar Diphoton Resonances in the Mass Range 65–600 GeV with the ATLAS
Detector in pp Collision Data at
¼ 8 TeV
G. Aad et al.* (ATLAS Collaboration)
(Received 25 July 2014; published 20 October 2014)
A search for scalar particles decaying via narrow resonances into two photons in the mass range 65–600 GeV is performed using 20.3 fb−1ofpffiffiffis¼ 8 TeV pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The recently discovered Higgs boson is treated as a background. No significant evidence for an additional signal is observed. The results are presented as limits at the 95% confidence level on the production cross section of a scalar boson times branching ratio into two photons, in a fiducial volume where the reconstruction efficiency is approximately independent of the event topology. The upper limits set extend over a considerably wider mass range than previous searches.
DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.171801 PACS numbers: 14.80.Da, 13.85.Qk, 14.70.Bh, 14.80.Ec
In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations reported the discovery of a new particle [1,2] whose measured couplings and properties are compatible with the standard model Higgs boson (H) [3–6]. However, several extensions to the standard model—in particular, models featuring an extended Higgs sector[7–13]—predict
new scalar resonances below or above the H mass which may be narrow when their branching ratio to two photons is non-negligible.
This Letter presents a search for a scalar particle X of massmXdecaying via narrow resonances into two photons. It extends the method developed for the measurement of the H couplings in the H → γγ channel [3] to the range 65 < mX < 600 GeV. Analytical descriptions of the signal
and background distributions are fitted to the measured diphoton invariant mass spectrum mγγ to determine the signal and background yields. The result is presented as a limit on the production cross section times the branching ratioBRðX → γγÞ, restricted to a fiducial volume where the reconstruction efficiency is approximately independent of the event topology. The resonance with mass mX is considered narrow when its intrinsic width is smaller than 0.09 GeV þ 0.01mX. This upper limit is defined such that
the bias in the number of fitted signal events is kept below 10%. This ensures that the diphoton invariant mass width is dominated by the experimental resolution in the ATLAS detector. Model-dependent interference effects between the resonance and the continuum diphoton background are not considered.
The ATLAS detector [14] at the LHC [15] covers the pseudorapidity[16]rangejηj < 4.9 and the full azimuthal
angleϕ. It consists of an inner tracking detector covering the pseudorapidity rangejηj < 2.5, surrounded by electro-magnetic and hadronic calorimeters and an external muon spectrometer.
The search is carried out using the pffiffiffis¼ 8 TeV pp collision data set collected in 2012, with stable beam conditions and all ATLAS subsystems operational, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of L ¼ 20.3 0.6 fb−1 [17]. The data were recorded using a diphoton
trigger that required two electromagnetic clusters with transverse energies ET above 20 GeV, both fulfilling identification criteria based on shower shapes in the electromagnetic calorimeter. The efficiency of the diphoton trigger[18]isð98.7 0.5Þ% for signal events passing the analysis selection.
The event selection requires at least one reconstructed primary vertex with two or more tracks with transverse momenta pT> 0.4 GeV, and at least two photon
candi-dates with ET> 22 GeV and jηj < 2.37, excluding the
barrel and end cap transition region of the calorim-eter, 1.37 < jηj < 1.56.
Photon reconstruction is seeded by clusters of electro-magnetic calorimeter cells. Clusters without matching tracks are classified as unconverted photons. Clusters with matched tracks are considered as electron candidates but are classified as converted photons if they are associated with two tracks consistent with a γ → eþe− conversion process, or a single track leaving no hit in the innermost layer of the inner tracking detector. The photon energy calibration procedure is the same as in Ref.[3].
Photon candidates are required to fulfill identification criteria based on shower shapes in the electromagnetic calorimeter, and on energy leakage into the hadronic calorimeter[19]. Identification efficiencies, averaged over η, range from 70% to above 99% for the ET range under
consideration. To further reduce the background from jets, the calorimeter isolation transverse energyEiso
T is required
* Full author list given at the end of the article.
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distri-bution of this work must maintain attridistri-bution to the author(s) and the published articles title, journal citation, and DOI.
to be smaller than 6 GeV, where Eiso
T is defined as the
sum of transverse energies of the positive-energy topological clustersffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi [20] within a cone of size ΔR ¼
ðΔϕÞ2þ ðΔηÞ2
¼ 0.4 around the photon candidate. The core of the photon shower is excluded, andEisoT is corrected for the leakage of the photon shower into the isolation cone. The contributions from the underlying event and pileup are subtracted using the technique proposed in Ref.[21] and implemented as described in Ref. [22]. In addition, the track isolation—defined as the scalar sum of the pTof the primary vertex tracks with pT> 1 GeV in a ΔR ¼ 0.2 cone around the photon candidate, excluding the conver-sion tracks—is required to be smaller than 2.6 GeV.
The mγγ invariant mass is evaluated using the leading photon (γ1) and subleading photon (γ2) energies measured in the calorimeter, the azimuthal angle Δϕ and the pseudorapidityΔη separations between the photons deter-mined from their positions in the calorimeter, and the position of the reconstructed diphoton vertex [3].
After selection, the data sample consists of a continuum background with dominantlyγγ, γ-jet, and jet-jet events and Drell–Yan (DY) production of electron pairs where both electrons are misidentified as photons. Two peaking back-grounds arise from theZ boson component of the DY and from H → γγ.
To increase the sensitivity, the search is split into two analyses: a categorized low-mass analysis covering the range 65 < mX < 110 GeV and an inclusive high-mass analysis covering110 < mX < 600 GeV. To provide side-bands on both sides of the tested mass point mX, the mγγ ranges are wider than themXranges probed and overlap at the transition between the two analyses.
The low-mass analysis requires a precise modeling of the DY background, dominated by the Z boson resonance, where both electrons are misidentified as photons, mostly classified as converted photons. The loss of signal sensi-tivity is mitigated by separating the events into three categories with different signal-to-background ratios, according to the conversion status of the photon pair: two unconverted (UU), one converted and one unconverted (CU), or two converted (CC) photons. Table I shows the fractions of signal and DY events expected in each category.
In each category, theZ resonance shape is described by a double-sided Crystal Ball function [23]. Because of the limited size of the fully simulatedZ → ee sample[25,26]
where both electrons are misidentified as photons, the shape parameters are determined by a fit to a dielectron data sample, where both electrons are required to fulfill shower shape identification criteria and the sameETthresholds as
the photons.
Since most of the electrons misidentified as photons underwent large bremsstrahlung, the invariant mass dis-tribution of theZ boson reconstructed as a photon pair is wider and shifted to lower masses by up to 2 GeV with respect to theZ boson mass reconstructed as an electron pair. The Z → ee invariant mass distributions extracted from data in each category are transformed by applyingET
-dependent shifts and smearing factors to the electronET
andϕ, to match the kinematics of the electrons misidenti-fied as photons. Two sets of transformations are derived for γ1 and γ2 depending on their conversion status, using a
Z → ee sample generated withPOWHEG[27,28], interfaced
with PYTHIA8 [29] for showering and hadronization.
Figure1illustrates the effect of the electrons’ transforma-tions on the invariant mass shapes in the fully simulated Z → ee sample. Systematic uncertainties on the template shapes and theZ peak position are evaluated by varying the parameters of the electrons’ transformations by 1σ.
The DY normalization is computed from thee → γ fake rates, defined as the ratios of eγ to ee pairs measured in Z → ee data, separately for γ1andγ2and each conversion
status. A correction factor obtained from fully simulated Z → ee events is applied to account for additional effects, mainly the differences in isolation efficiencies and vertex reconstruction efficiency between γγ and ee events. The associated uncertainties (9% to 25%) are dominated by the
TABLE I. Number of diphoton events in data (Ndata), number of
expected Drell–Yan events (NDY), fractions of expected signal
(fX), and Drell–Yan (fDY) in each conversion category for the
low-mass analysis. The signal fraction is given formX¼ 90 GeV but the mass dependence is negligible.
γγ category UU CU CC
Ndata 272184 253804 63224
NDY 1080 260 3400 600 2700 250
fDY 15.0% 47.3% 37.7%
fX 48.7% 42.5% 8.8%
Invariant Mass [GeV]
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 Arbitrary Units 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 ee POWHEG → Z ee γ γ γ γ) → transf. ee (ee CC category ATLAS Simulation
FIG. 1 (color online). Invariant mass distributions in the CC category for fully simulatedZ → ee events reconstructed as ee (dotted lines), reconstructed asγγ (squares), and reconstructed as ee after transforming the electrons to match the kinematics of the electrons misidentified as converted photons (circles).
subtraction of the continuum background and the detector material description.
The determination of the analytical form of the con-tinuum background and the corresponding uncertainties follow the method detailed in Ref.[1]. The sum of a Landau distribution and an exponential distribution is used over the fullmγγ range. The bias on the signal yield induced by the analytical shape function is required to be lower than 20% of the statistical uncertainty on the fitted signal yield for the background-only spectrum. This bias is measured from a large sample generated from a parametrized detector response and is accounted for by a mass-dependent uncertainty. Figure 2 shows background-only fits to the data in the low-mass analysis for the three conversion categories.
In the high-mass analysis, relative cuts Eγ1
T=mγγ > 0.4
T=mγγ > 0.3 are added to the selection requirements
to reduce the continuum backgrounds and thereby increase the signal sensitivity. In total, 108 654 events with 100 < mγγ < 800 GeV are selected.
To determine the continuum background shape over this large mass range, an exponential of a second-order polynomial is fitted inside a slidingmγγ window of width 80 · ðmX− 110 GeVÞ=110 þ 20 GeV, centered on the
mass point mX. The analytical shape and the fit window width are chosen to fulfill the signal yield bias criterion, as defined for the low-mass analysis, to minimize the statistical uncertainty on the background.
TheH background shape is modeled by a double-sided Crystal Ball function and normalized formH¼ 125.9 GeV
[30,31] using the most up-to-date standard model
cross-section calculations and corrections[34] of the five main production modes: gluon fusion (ggF), vector-boson fusion (VBF), Higgsstrahlung (WH, ZH), and associated produc-tion with a top quark pair (t¯tH). The ggF and VBF samples
[3] are simulated with the POWHEG generator interfaced
with PYTHIA8. The WH, ZH, and t¯tH samples [3] are simulated withPYTHIA8. Figure3shows background-only fits to the data in the high-mass analysis.
The expected invariant mass distribution of the narrow resonance signal X is also modeled with a double-sided Crystal Ball function in the mass range 65 ≤ mX≤ 600 GeV, using fully simulated ggFðXÞ samples generated as for H, where H is replaced by a scalar boson with a constant width of 4 MeV. Polynomial parametrizations of the signal shape parameters as a function of mX are obtained from a simultaneous fit to all the generated mass points mX, separately for the high-mass analysis and the three low-mass analysis categories. The signal shape parameters extracted from ggFðXÞ are compared to the other production modes: VBFðXÞ, WX, ZX, and t¯tX; the bias on the signal yield due to the choice of ggFðXÞ shape is negligible. The systematic uncertainty on the signal shape due to the photon energy resolution uncertainty ranges from 10% to 40% as a function ofmX [3]. The systematic uncertainty on theX peak position due to the photon energy scale uncertainty is 0.6%[3].
The fiducial cross section σfidBRðX → γγÞ includes an
efficiency correction factorCX through
σfidBRðX → γγÞ ¼ Ndata CXL with CX¼ Nreco MC Nfid MC ; Events / 2 GeV 5000 10000 15000 20000 UU category Data Continuum+DY fit
Continuum component of the fit
5000 10000 15000 CU category Data Continuum+DY fit
Continuum component of the fit
[GeV] γ γ m 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1000 2000 3000 4000 CC category Data Continuum+DY fit
Continuum component of the fit
-1 Ldt = 20.3 fb ∫ = 8 TeV, sFIG. 2 (color online). Background-only fits to the data (black dots) as functions of the diphoton invariant massmγγfor the three conversion categories in the low-mass range. The solid lines show the sum of the Drell–Yan and the continuum background components. The dashed lines show the continuum background component only. [GeV] γ γ m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 ] -1 [GeV γγ dN / dm -1 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 Data = 125 GeV) X m Continuum+H fit ( = 250 GeV) X m Continuum+H fit ( = 500 GeV) X m Continuum+H fit ( -1 Ldt = 20.3 fb
= 8 TeV, s ATLAS 115 120 125 130 135 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Data = 125 GeV) X m Continuum+H fit ( Continuum component of the fitFIG. 3 (color online). Background-only fits to the data (black dots) as functions of the diphoton invariant mass mγγ for the inclusive high-mass analysis. The solid line shows the sum of the Higgs boson and the continuum background components. The dashed line shows the continuum background component only.
where Ndata is the number of fitted signal events in data,
MC the number of simulated signal events passing the
selection criteria andNfid
MC the number of simulated signal
events generated within the fiducial volume. The fiducial volume, defined from geometrical and kinematical con-straints at the generated particle level, is optimized to reduce the model dependence ofCX using fully simulated samples of the five X production modes to cover a large variety of topologies. The photon selection at generation level is similar to the selection applied to the data: two photons withET> 22 GeV and jηj < 2.37 are required; for mX greater than 110 GeV, the relative cutsEγT1=mγγ > 0.4
and Eγ2
T=mγγ > 0.3 are imposed. The particle isolation,
defined as the scalar sum of pT of all the stable particles
(except neutrinos) found within a ΔR ¼ 0.4 cone around the photon direction, is required to be less than 12 GeV. The CX factor is parametrized from the ggFðXÞ samples and
ranges from 0.56 to 0.71 as a function ofmX. Systematic uncertainties include the maximum difference between the
CX of the five production modes, the effect of the
under-lying event (U.E.) and pileup.
The statistical analysis of the data uses unbinned maximum likelihood fits. The DY and H shapes and normalizations are allowed to float within the uncertainties. In the low-mass analysis, a simultaneous fit to the three conversion categories is performed. Only two excesses with 2.1σ and 2.2 σ local significances above the background are observed over the full mass range 65–600 GeV, for mX¼ 201 GeV and mX ¼ 530 GeV, respectively. This
corresponds to a deviation of less than 0.5 σ from the background-only hypothesis. Consequently, a 95% limit on σfidBRðX → γγÞ is computed using the procedure of
Ref. [1]. The systematic uncertainties listed in Table II
are accounted for by nuisance parameters in the likelihood function. In the low-mass analysis, the dominant uncer-tainties are the DY normalization and the residual topology dependence ofCX. In the high-mass analysis, the largest uncertainties arise from the energy resolution and the TABLE II. Summary of the systematic uncertainties.
Signal and Higgs boson yield Z component of Drell–Yan
Luminosity 2.8% Normalizationb 9%–25%
Trigger 0.5% Peak positionb 1.5%–3.5%
γ identificationa
1.6%–2.7% Template shapeb 1.5%–3%
γ isolationa 1%–6% Higgs boson background
Energy resolutiona,b 10%–40% Cross sectionc 9.6%
Signal and Higgs boson peak position Branching ratio 4.8%
Energy scale 0.6% CX factor
Continuumγγ, γj, jj, DY Topologya 3%–15%
Signal biasa 1–67 events Pileup and U.E.a 1.4%–3.2%
aMass dependent. b
Category dependent.
Factorization scale plus parton density function uncertainties[34].
[GeV] X m 100 200 300 400 500 600 BR [fb] ⋅ fid σ 95% CL limit on -1 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 ATLAS -1 Ldt = 20.3 fb
= 8 TeV, s Observed Expected σ 1 ± σ 2 ± 60 80 100 120 140 160 50 100FIG. 4 (color online). Observed and expected 95% C.L. limit on the fiducial cross section times branching ratio BRðX → γγÞ as a function ofmXin the range65 < mX< 600 GeV. The discontinuity in the limit at mX¼ 110 GeV (vertical dashed line) is due to the transition between the low-mass and high-mass analyses. The green and yellow bands show the1σ and 2σ uncertainties on the expected limit. The inset shows a zoom around the transition point.
theoretical uncertainty on the production rate of the standard model Higgs boson around 126 GeV.
The observed and expected limits, shown in Fig.4, are in good agreement, consistent with the absence of a signal. The limits on σfidBRðX → γγÞ for an additional scalar
resonance range from 90 fb formX ¼ 65 GeV to 1 fb for mX ¼ 600 GeV. These results extend over a considerably
wider mass range than the previous searches by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations[1,35], are complementary to spin-2 particles searches [36,37], and are the first such limits independent of the event topology.
We thank CERN for the very successful operation of the LHC, as well as the support staff from our institutions, without whom ATLAS could not be operated efficiently. We acknowledge the support of ANPCyT, Argentina; YerPhI, Armenia; ARC, Australia; BMWF and FWF, Austria; ANAS, Azerbaijan; SSTC, Belarus; CNPq and FAPESP, Brazil; NSERC, NRC, and CFI, Canada; CERN; CONICYT, Chile; CAS, MOST, and NSFC, China; COLCIENCIAS, Colombia; MSMT CR, MPO CR, and VSC CR, Czech Republic; DNRF, DNSRC, and Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark; EPLANET, ERC, and NSRF, European Union; IN2P3-CNRS and CEA-DSM/IRFU, France; GNSF, Georgia; BMBF, DFG, HGF, MPG, and AvH Foundation, Germany; GSRT and NSRF, Greece; ISF, MINERVA, GIF, I-CORE, and Benoziyo Center, Israel; INFN, Italy; MEXT and JSPS, Japan; CNRST, Morocco; FOM and NWO, Netherlands; BRF and RCN, Norway; MNiSW and NCN, Poland; GRICES and FCT, Portugal; MNE/IFA, Romania; MES of Russia and ROSATOM, Russian Federation; JINR; MSTD, Serbia; MSSR, Slovakia; ARRS and MIZŠ, Slovenia; DST/NRF, South Africa; MINECO, Spain; SRC and Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden; SER, SNSF, and Cantons of Bern and Geneva, Switzerland; NSC, Taiwan; TAEK, Turkey; STFC, the Royal Society, and Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom; DOE and NSF, U.S. The crucial computing support from all WLCG partners is acknowl-edged gratefully, in particular from CERN and the ATLAS Tier-1 facilities at TRIUMF (Canada), NDGF (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden), CC-IN2P3 (France), KIT/GridKA (Germany), INFN-CNAF (Italy), NL-T1 (Netherlands), PIC (Spain), ASGC (Taiwan), RAL (United Kingdom) and BNL (U.S.), and in the Tier-2 facilities worldwide.
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G. Aad,84B. Abbott,112 J. Abdallah,152 S. Abdel Khalek,116O. Abdinov,11R. Aben,106 B. Abi,113M. Abolins,89 O. S. AbouZeid,159H. Abramowicz,154 H. Abreu,153 R. Abreu,30 Y. Abulaiti,147a,147bB. S. Acharya,165a,165b,b
L. Adamczyk,38a D. L. Adams,25J. Adelman,177S. Adomeit,99T. Adye,130T. Agatonovic-Jovin,13a
J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra,125a,125f M. Agustoni,17S. P. Ahlen,22F. Ahmadov,64,c G. Aielli,134a,134bH. Akerstedt,147a,147b T. P. A. Åkesson,80 G. Akimoto,156A. V. Akimov,95 G. L. Alberghi,20a,20bJ. Albert,170 S. Albrand,55
M. J. Alconada Verzini,70M. Aleksa,30I. N. Aleksandrov,64C. Alexa,26aG. Alexander,154G. Alexandre,49T. Alexopoulos,10 M. Alhroob,165a,165cG. Alimonti,90aL. Alio,84J. Alison,31B. M. M. Allbrooke,18L. J. Allison,71P. P. Allport,73J. Almond,83 A. Aloisio,103a,103bA. Alonso,36F. Alonso,70C. Alpigiani,75A. Altheimer,35B. Alvarez Gonzalez,89M. G. Alviggi,103a,103b K. Amako,65Y. Amaral Coutinho,24a C. Amelung,23D. Amidei,88S. P. Amor Dos Santos,125a,125cA. Amorim,125a,125b S. Amoroso,48N. Amram,154G. Amundsen,23C. Anastopoulos,140L. S. Ancu,49N. Andari,30T. Andeen,35C. F. Anders,58b
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A. Antonov,97J. Antos,145b F. Anulli,133aM. Aoki,65L. Aperio Bella,18R. Apolle,119,dG. Arabidze,89I. Aracena,144 Y. Arai,65J. P. Araque,125aA. T. H. Arce,45J-F. Arguin,94S. Argyropoulos,42M. Arik,19aA. J. Armbruster,30O. Arnaez,30 V. Arnal,81H. Arnold,48M. Arratia,28O. Arslan,21A. Artamonov,96G. Artoni,23S. Asai,156N. Asbah,42A. Ashkenazi,154
B. Åsman,147a,147bL. Asquith,6 K. Assamagan,25R. Astalos,145aM. Atkinson,166 N. B. Atlay,142B. Auerbach,6 K. Augsten,127M. Aurousseau,146b G. Avolio,30G. Azuelos,94,eY. Azuma,156M. A. Baak,30A. Baas,58aC. Bacci,135a,135b
H. Bachacou,137K. Bachas,155M. Backes,30M. Backhaus,30J. Backus Mayes,144 E. Badescu,26a P. Bagiacchi,133a,133b P. Bagnaia,133a,133bY. Bai,33aT. Bain,35J. T. Baines,130O. K. Baker,177P. Balek,128F. Balli,137E. Banas,39Sw. Banerjee,174
A. A. E. Bannoura,176V. Bansal,170 H. S. Bansil,18L. Barak,173 S. P. Baranov,95 E. L. Barberio,87D. Barberis,50a,50b M. Barbero,84T. Barillari,100M. Barisonzi,176T. Barklow,144N. Barlow,28B. M. Barnett,130R. M. Barnett,15Z. Barnovska,5 A. Baroncelli,135aG. Barone,49A. J. Barr,119F. Barreiro,81J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa,57R. Bartoldus,144A. E. Barton,71 P. Bartos,145aV. Bartsch,150 A. Bassalat,116 A. Basye,166R. L. Bates,53J. R. Batley,28M. Battaglia,138M. Battistin,30
F. Bauer,137 H. S. Bawa,144,fM. D. Beattie,71T. Beau,79P. H. Beauchemin,162 R. Beccherle,123a,123bP. Bechtle,21 H. P. Beck,17K. Becker,176S. Becker,99M. Beckingham,171 C. Becot,116A. J. Beddall,19c A. Beddall,19c S. Bedikian,177 V. A. Bednyakov,64C. P. Bee,149L. J. Beemster,106T. A. Beermann,176M. Begel,25K. Behr,119C. Belanger-Champagne,86 P. J. Bell,49W. H. Bell,49G. Bella,154 L. Bellagamba,20a A. Bellerive,29M. Bellomo,85K. Belotskiy,97 O. Beltramello,30
O. Benary,154 D. Benchekroun,136aK. Bendtz,147a,147bN. Benekos,166 Y. Benhammou,154 E. Benhar Noccioli,49 J. A. Benitez Garcia,160b D. P. Benjamin,45J. R. Bensinger,23K. Benslama,131 S. Bentvelsen,106D. Berge,106 E. Bergeaas Kuutmann,16N. Berger,5F. Berghaus,170 J. Beringer,15C. Bernard,22P. Bernat,77C. Bernius,78 F. U. Bernlochner,170T. Berry,76P. Berta,128C. Bertella,84G. Bertoli,147a,147bF. Bertolucci,123a,123b C. Bertsche,112 D. Bertsche,112M. I. Besana,90a G. J. Besjes,105 O. Bessidskaia,147a,147bM. Bessner,42N. Besson,137C. Betancourt,48 S. Bethke,100W. Bhimji,46 R. M. Bianchi,124L. Bianchini,23M. Bianco,30 O. Biebel,99S. P. Bieniek,77K. Bierwagen,54
J. Biesiada,15M. Biglietti,135aJ. Bilbao De Mendizabal,49H. Bilokon,47M. Bindi,54S. Binet,116 A. Bingul,19c C. Bini,133a,133bC. W. Black,151J. E. Black,144K. M. Black,22D. Blackburn,139R. E. Blair,6J.-B. Blanchard,137T. Blazek,145a
I. Bloch,42 C. Blocker,23W. Blum,82,a U. Blumenschein,54G. J. Bobbink,106 V. S. Bobrovnikov,108 S. S. Bocchetta,80 A. Bocci,45C. Bock,99C. R. Boddy,119 M. Boehler,48T. T. Boek,176 J. A. Bogaerts,30A. G. Bogdanchikov,108 A. Bogouch,91,a C. Bohm,147aJ. Bohm,126V. Boisvert,76T. Bold,38aV. Boldea,26a A. S. Boldyrev,98M. Bomben,79 M. Bona,75M. Boonekamp,137A. Borisov,129G. Borissov,71M. Borri,83S. Borroni,42J. Bortfeldt,99V. Bortolotto,135a,135b K. Bos,106 D. Boscherini,20a M. Bosman,12 H. Boterenbrood,106J. Boudreau,124J. Bouffard,2 E. V. Bouhova-Thacker,71 D. Boumediene,34C. Bourdarios,116N. Bousson,113S. Boutouil,136d A. Boveia,31J. Boyd,30I. R. Boyko,64J. Bracinik,18 A. Brandt,8 G. Brandt,15O. Brandt,58a U. Bratzler,157 B. Brau,85J. E. Brau,115 H. M. Braun,176,a S. F. Brazzale,165a,165c B. Brelier,159K. Brendlinger,121A. J. Brennan,87R. Brenner,167S. Bressler,173K. Bristow,146cT. M. Bristow,46D. Britton,53
F. M. Brochu,28I. Brock,21R. Brock,89C. Bromberg,89J. Bronner,100G. Brooijmans,35T. Brooks,76W. K. Brooks,32b J. Brosamer,15E. Brost,115 J. Brown,55P. A. Bruckman de Renstrom,39D. Bruncko,145b R. Bruneliere,48S. Brunet,60
A. Bruni,20a G. Bruni,20a M. Bruschi,20a L. Bryngemark,80T. Buanes,14Q. Buat,143 F. Bucci,49P. Buchholz,142 R. M. Buckingham,119 A. G. Buckley,53S. I. Buda,26a I. A. Budagov,64F. Buehrer,48L. Bugge,118M. K. Bugge,118 O. Bulekov,97A. C. Bundock,73H. Burckhart,30S. Burdin,73B. Burghgrave,107S. Burke,130I. Burmeister,43E. Busato,34
J. M. Butterworth,77P. Butti,106W. Buttinger,28 A. Buzatu,53 M. Byszewski,10S. Cabrera Urbán,168D. Caforio,20a,20b O. Cakir,4aP. Calafiura,15A. Calandri,137 G. Calderini,79P. Calfayan,99R. Calkins,107L. P. Caloba,24a D. Calvet,34 S. Calvet,34R. Camacho Toro,49S. Camarda,42D. Cameron,118L. M. Caminada,15R. Caminal Armadans,12S. Campana,30
M. Campanelli,77A. Campoverde,149 V. Canale,103a,103bA. Canepa,160aM. Cano Bret,75J. Cantero,81R. Cantrill,125a T. Cao,40M. D. M. Capeans Garrido,30I. Caprini,26a M. Caprini,26a M. Capua,37a,37bR. Caputo,82R. Cardarelli,134a T. Carli,30 G. Carlino,103aL. Carminati,90a,90bS. Caron,105E. Carquin,32a G. D. Carrillo-Montoya,146cJ. R. Carter,28
J. Carvalho,125a,125c D. Casadei,77M. P. Casado,12M. Casolino,12E. Castaneda-Miranda,146b A. Castelli,106 V. Castillo Gimenez,168N. F. Castro,125aP. Catastini,57A. Catinaccio,30 J. R. Catmore,118A. Cattai,30G. Cattani,134a,134b
S. Caughron,89V. Cavaliere,166 D. Cavalli,90a M. Cavalli-Sforza,12V. Cavasinni,123a,123bF. Ceradini,135a,135bB. Cerio,45 K. Cerny,128A. S. Cerqueira,24bA. Cerri,150L. Cerrito,75F. Cerutti,15M. Cerv,30A. Cervelli,17S. A. Cetin,19bA. Chafaq,136a D. Chakraborty,107 I. Chalupkova,128P. Chang,166 B. Chapleau,86J. D. Chapman,28D. Charfeddine,116D. G. Charlton,18
C. C. Chau,159C. A. Chavez Barajas,150 S. Cheatham,86A. Chegwidden,89S. Chekanov,6 S. V. Chekulaev,160a G. A. Chelkov,64,gM. A. Chelstowska,88C. Chen,63H. Chen,25K. Chen,149L. Chen,33d,hS. Chen,33cX. Chen,146cY. Chen,66
Y. Chen,35H. C. Cheng,88Y. Cheng,31A. Cheplakov,64R. Cherkaoui El Moursli,136e V. Chernyatin,25,a E. Cheu,7 L. Chevalier,137V. Chiarella,47G. Chiefari,103a,103bJ. T. Childers,6 A. Chilingarov,71G. Chiodini,72a A. S. Chisholm,18 R. T. Chislett,77A. Chitan,26aM. V. Chizhov,64S. Chouridou,9 B. K. B. Chow,99D. Chromek-Burckhart,30M. L. Chu,152 J. Chudoba,126J. J. Chwastowski,39L. Chytka,114G. Ciapetti,133a,133bA. K. Ciftci,4aR. Ciftci,4aD. Cinca,53V. Cindro,74 A. Ciocio,15P. Cirkovic,13bZ. H. Citron,173 M. Citterio,90a M. Ciubancan,26a A. Clark,49P. J. Clark,46R. N. Clarke,15 W. Cleland,124J. C. Clemens,84C. Clement,147a,147bY. Coadou,84M. Cobal,165a,165cA. Coccaro,139J. Cochran,63L. Coffey,23
J. G. Cogan,144J. Coggeshall,166B. Cole,35S. Cole,107 A. P. Colijn,106J. Collot,55 T. Colombo,58cG. Colon,85 G. Compostella,100 P. Conde Muiño,125a,125bE. Coniavitis,48M. C. Conidi,12S. H. Connell,146bI. A. Connelly,76 S. M. Consonni,90a,90b V. Consorti,48S. Constantinescu,26a C. Conta,120a,120b G. Conti,57F. Conventi,103a,iM. Cooke,15
B. D. Cooper,77 A. M. Cooper-Sarkar,119N. J. Cooper-Smith,76K. Copic,15 T. Cornelissen,176M. Corradi,20a F. Corriveau,86,jA. Corso-Radu,164 A. Cortes-Gonzalez,12G. Cortiana,100 G. Costa,90a M. J. Costa,168D. Costanzo,140
D. Côté,8 G. Cottin,28 G. Cowan,76B. E. Cox,83K. Cranmer,109G. Cree,29S. Crépé-Renaudin,55F. Crescioli,79 W. A. Cribbs,147a,147bM. Crispin Ortuzar,119 M. Cristinziani,21 V. Croft,105 G. Crosetti,37a,37b C.-M. Cuciuc,26a T. Cuhadar Donszelmann,140J. Cummings,177M. Curatolo,47C. Cuthbert,151H. Czirr,142P. Czodrowski,3Z. Czyczula,177 S. D’Auria,53M. D’Onofrio,73M. J. Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa,125a,125bC. Da Via,83W. Dabrowski,38aA. Dafinca,119
T. Dai,88O. Dale,14F. Dallaire,94C. Dallapiccola,85M. Dam,36A. C. Daniells,18M. Dano Hoffmann,137 V. Dao,48 G. Darbo,50aS. Darmora,8 J. A. Dassoulas,42A. Dattagupta,60W. Davey,21C. David,170T. Davidek,128E. Davies,119,d
M. Davies,154 O. Davignon,79A. R. Davison,77 P. Davison,77Y. Davygora,58a E. Dawe,143I. Dawson,140 R. K. Daya-Ishmukhametova,85K. De,8 R. de Asmundis,103a S. De Castro,20a,20bS. De Cecco,79N. De Groot,105 P. de Jong,106H. De la Torre,81F. De Lorenzi,63L. De Nooij,106D. De Pedis,133aA. De Salvo,133aU. De Sanctis,165a,165b
A. De Santo,150 J. B. De Vivie De Regie,116 W. J. Dearnaley,71 R. Debbe,25C. Debenedetti,138 B. Dechenaux,55 D. V. Dedovich,64I. Deigaard,106 J. Del Peso,81T. Del Prete,123a,123bF. Deliot,137 C. M. Delitzsch,49M. Deliyergiyev,74 A. Dell’Acqua,30L. Dell’Asta,22M. Dell’Orso,123a,123b
M. Della Pietra,103a,iD. della Volpe,49M. Delmastro,5P. A. Delsart,55 C. Deluca,106S. Demers,177M. Demichev,64A. Demilly,79S. P. Denisov,129D. Derendarz,39J. E. Derkaoui,136dF. Derue,79
P. Dervan,73K. Desch,21 C. Deterre,42P. O. Deviveiros,106 A. Dewhurst,130S. Dhaliwal,106 A. Di Ciaccio,134a,134b L. Di Ciaccio,5 A. Di Domenico,133a,133bC. Di Donato,103a,103bA. Di Girolamo,30B. Di Girolamo,30A. Di Mattia,153 B. Di Micco,135a,135bR. Di Nardo,47A. Di Simone,48R. Di Sipio,20a,20b D. Di Valentino,29 F. A. Dias,46M. A. Diaz,32a E. B. Diehl,88J. Dietrich,42T. A. Dietzsch,58aS. Diglio,84A. Dimitrievska,13aJ. Dingfelder,21C. Dionisi,133a,133bP. Dita,26a
S. Dita,26a F. Dittus,30F. Djama,84T. Djobava,51bM. A. B. do Vale,24c A. Do Valle Wemans,125a,125gT. K. O. Doan,5 D. Dobos,30C. Doglioni,49T. Doherty,53T. Dohmae,156J. Dolejsi,128Z. Dolezal,128B. A. Dolgoshein,97,aM. Donadelli,24d
S. Donati,123a,123bP. Dondero,120a,120bJ. Donini,34J. Dopke,130A. Doria,103aM. T. Dova,70A. T. Doyle,53M. Dris,10 J. Dubbert,88S. Dube,15E. Dubreuil,34E. Duchovni,173 G. Duckeck,99O. A. Ducu,26a D. Duda,176 A. Dudarev,30 F. Dudziak,63L. Duflot,116L. Duguid,76M. Dührssen,30M. Dunford,58aH. Duran Yildiz,4aM. Düren,52A. Durglishvili,51b
M. Dwuznik,38a M. Dyndal,38a J. Ebke,99W. Edson,2 N. C. Edwards,46W. Ehrenfeld,21 T. Eifert,144 G. Eigen,14 K. Einsweiler,15T. Ekelof,167 M. El Kacimi,136cM. Ellert,167 S. Elles,5 F. Ellinghaus,82N. Ellis,30 J. Elmsheuser,99 M. Elsing,30D. Emeliyanov,130Y. Enari,156O. C. Endner,82M. Endo,117R. Engelmann,149J. Erdmann,177A. Ereditato,17
D. Eriksson,147aG. Ernis,176 J. Ernst,2 M. Ernst,25J. Ernwein,137 D. Errede,166S. Errede,166 E. Ertel,82M. Escalier,116 H. Esch,43C. Escobar,124 B. Esposito,47 A. I. Etienvre,137 E. Etzion,154 H. Evans,60A. Ezhilov,122L. Fabbri,20a,20b G. Facini,31R. M. Fakhrutdinov,129S. Falciano,133aR. J. Falla,77J. Faltova,128 Y. Fang,33aM. Fanti,90a,90b A. Farbin,8 A. Farilla,135aT. Farooque,12S. Farrell,15S. M. Farrington,171P. Farthouat,30F. Fassi,136eP. Fassnacht,30D. Fassouliotis,9
A. Favareto,50a,50bL. Fayard,116 P. Federic,145aO. L. Fedin,122,k W. Fedorko,169M. Fehling-Kaschek,48S. Feigl,30 L. Feligioni,84C. Feng,33d E. J. Feng,6 H. Feng,88A. B. Fenyuk,129S. Fernandez Perez,30S. Ferrag,53J. Ferrando,53
A. Ferrari,167 P. Ferrari,106R. Ferrari,120aD. E. Ferreira de Lima,53A. Ferrer,168D. Ferrere,49 C. Ferretti,88 A. Ferretto Parodi,50a,50b M. Fiascaris,31F. Fiedler,82A. Filipčič,74M. Filipuzzi,42F. Filthaut,105M. Fincke-Keeler,170
K. D. Finelli,151M. C. N. Fiolhais,125a,125c L. Fiorini,168A. Firan,40A. Fischer,2 J. Fischer,176 W. C. Fisher,89 E. A. Fitzgerald,23M. Flechl,48I. Fleck,142P. Fleischmann,88S. Fleischmann,176G. T. Fletcher,140G. Fletcher,75T. Flick,176 A. Floderus,80L. R. Flores Castillo,174,lA. C. Florez Bustos,160bM. J. Flowerdew,100A. Formica,137A. Forti,83D. Fortin,160a D. Fournier,116H. Fox,71S. Fracchia,12P. Francavilla,79M. Franchini,20a,20bS. Franchino,30D. Francis,30L. Franconi,118 M. Franklin,57S. Franz,61M. Fraternali,120a,120bS. T. French,28C. Friedrich,42F. Friedrich,44D. Froidevaux,30J. A. Frost,28 C. Fukunaga,157E. Fullana Torregrosa,82B. G. Fulsom,144 J. Fuster,168C. Gabaldon,55O. Gabizon,173A. Gabrielli,20a,20b A. Gabrielli,133a,133bS. Gadatsch,106S. Gadomski,49G. Gagliardi,50a,50b P. Gagnon,60 C. Galea,105B. Galhardo,125a,125c
E. J. Gallas,119 V. Gallo,17B. J. Gallop,130 P. Gallus,127G. Galster,36 K. K. Gan,110 J. Gao,33b,h Y. S. Gao,144,f F. M. Garay Walls,46 F. Garberson,177 C. García,168J. E. García Navarro,168 M. Garcia-Sciveres,15R. W. Gardner,31 N. Garelli,144 V. Garonne,30 C. Gatti,47G. Gaudio,120aB. Gaur,142L. Gauthier,94P. Gauzzi,133a,133bI. L. Gavrilenko,95 C. Gay,169 G. Gaycken,21E. N. Gazis,10P. Ge,33d Z. Gecse,169C. N. P. Gee,130D. A. A. Geerts,106Ch. Geich-Gimbel,21
K. Gellerstedt,147a,147bC. Gemme,50a A. Gemmell,53M. H. Genest,55 S. Gentile,133a,133bM. George,54S. George,76 D. Gerbaudo,164A. Gershon,154H. Ghazlane,136b N. Ghodbane,34 B. Giacobbe,20a S. Giagu,133a,133bV. Giangiobbe,12 P. Giannetti,123a,123bF. Gianotti,30B. Gibbard,25S. M. Gibson,76M. Gilchriese,15T. P. S. Gillam,28D. Gillberg,30G. Gilles,34 D. M. Gingrich,3,eN. Giokaris,9M. P. Giordani,165a,165cR. Giordano,103a,103bF. M. Giorgi,20aF. M. Giorgi,16P. F. Giraud,137 D. Giugni,90aC. Giuliani,48M. Giulini,58bB. K. Gjelsten,118S. Gkaitatzis,155I. Gkialas,155,mL. K. Gladilin,98C. Glasman,81
J. Glatzer,30P. C. F. Glaysher,46 A. Glazov,42G. L. Glonti,64M. Goblirsch-Kolb,100J. R. Goddard,75J. Godfrey,143 J. Godlewski,30C. Goeringer,82S. Goldfarb,88T. Golling,177D. Golubkov,129A. Gomes,125a,125b,125dL. S. Gomez Fajardo,42 R. Gonçalo,125aJ. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa,137 L. Gonella,21S. González de la Hoz,168 G. Gonzalez Parra,12 S. Gonzalez-Sevilla,49L. Goossens,30P. A. Gorbounov,96H. A. Gordon,25I. Gorelov,104 B. Gorini,30E. Gorini,72a,72b
A. Gorišek,74E. Gornicki,39A. T. Goshaw,6 C. Gössling,43M. I. Gostkin,64M. Gouighri,136aD. Goujdami,136c M. P. Goulette,49A. G. Goussiou,139 C. Goy,5S. Gozpinar,23H. M. X. Grabas,137L. Graber,54I. Grabowska-Bold,38a
P. Grafström,20a,20bK-J. Grahn,42J. Gramling,49E. Gramstad,118 S. Grancagnolo,16 V. Grassi,149V. Gratchev,122 H. M. Gray,30 E. Graziani,135aO. G. Grebenyuk,122 Z. D. Greenwood,78,n K. Gregersen,77I. M. Gregor,42P. Grenier,144 J. Griffiths,8A. A. Grillo,138 K. Grimm,71 S. Grinstein,12,o Ph. Gris,34Y. V. Grishkevich,98J.-F. Grivaz,116J. P. Grohs,44
A. Grohsjean,42 E. Gross,173J. Grosse-Knetter,54G. C. Grossi,134a,134bJ. Groth-Jensen,173 Z. J. Grout,150 L. Guan,33b F. Guescini,49D. Guest,177 O. Gueta,154 C. Guicheney,34E. Guido,50a,50b T. Guillemin,116 S. Guindon,2 U. Gul,53 C. Gumpert,44J. Gunther,127J. Guo,35S. Gupta,119P. Gutierrez,112N. G. Gutierrez Ortiz,53C. Gutschow,77N. Guttman,154
C. Guyot,137 C. Gwenlan,119C. B. Gwilliam,73A. Haas,109 C. Haber,15H. K. Hadavand,8 N. Haddad,136eP. Haefner,21 S. Hageböck,21Z. Hajduk,39H. Hakobyan,178 M. Haleem,42 D. Hall,119G. Halladjian,89K. Hamacher,176P. Hamal,114 K. Hamano,170M. Hamer,54A. Hamilton,146aS. Hamilton,162G. N. Hamity,146cP. G. Hamnett,42L. Han,33bK. Hanagaki,117
K. Hanawa,156M. Hance,15 P. Hanke,58a R. Hanna,137 J. B. Hansen,36 J. D. Hansen,36P. H. Hansen,36K. Hara,161 A. S. Hard,174T. Harenberg,176F. Hariri,116S. Harkusha,91D. Harper,88R. D. Harrington,46O. M. Harris,139 P. F. Harrison,171 F. Hartjes,106M. Hasegawa,66S. Hasegawa,102Y. Hasegawa,141A. Hasib,112 S. Hassani,137S. Haug,17
M. Hauschild,30R. Hauser,89M. Havranek,126C. M. Hawkes,18R. J. Hawkings,30A. D. Hawkins,80T. Hayashi,161 D. Hayden,89C. P. Hays,119H. S. Hayward,73S. J. Haywood,130S. J. Head,18T. Heck,82V. Hedberg,80L. Heelan,8
S. Heim,121 T. Heim,176B. Heinemann,15L. Heinrich,109 J. Hejbal,126L. Helary,22C. Heller,99 M. Heller,30 S. Hellman,147a,147bD. Hellmich,21C. Helsens,30J. Henderson,119R. C. W. Henderson,71Y. Heng,174 C. Hengler,42 A. Henrichs,177A. M. Henriques Correia,30S. Henrot-Versille,116C. Hensel,54G. H. Herbert,16Y. Hernández Jiménez,168
R. Herrberg-Schubert,16G. Herten,48R. Hertenberger,99L. Hervas,30G. G. Hesketh,77N. P. Hessey,106R. Hickling,75 E. Higón-Rodriguez,168E. Hill,170 J. C. Hill,28K. H. Hiller,42 S. Hillert,21S. J. Hillier,18I. Hinchliffe,15E. Hines,121
M. Hirose,158D. Hirschbuehl,176J. Hobbs,149N. Hod,106M. C. Hodgkinson,140P. Hodgson,140 A. Hoecker,30 M. R. Hoeferkamp,104F. Hoenig,99J. Hoffman,40D. Hoffmann,84J. I. Hofmann,58a M. Hohlfeld,82T. R. Holmes,15 T. M. Hong,121L. Hooft van Huysduynen,109J-Y. Hostachy,55S. Hou,152A. Hoummada,136aJ. Howard,119J. Howarth,42
M. Hrabovsky,114 I. Hristova,16J. Hrivnac,116T. Hryn’ova,5 C. Hsu,146cP. J. Hsu,82S.-C. Hsu,139D. Hu,35X. Hu,25 Y. Huang,42Z. Hubacek,30F. Hubaut,84F. Huegging,21T. B. Huffman,119E. W. Hughes,35G. Hughes,71M. Huhtinen,30
T. A. Hülsing,82M. Hurwitz,15N. Huseynov,64,c J. Huston,89J. Huth,57G. Iacobucci,49G. Iakovidis,10I. Ibragimov,142 L. Iconomidou-Fayard,116E. Ideal,177P. Iengo,103aO. Igonkina,106T. Iizawa,172Y. Ikegami,65K. Ikematsu,142M. Ikeno,65 Y. Ilchenko,31,pD. Iliadis,155N. Ilic,159Y. Inamaru,66T. Ince,100P. Ioannou,9M. Iodice,135aK. Iordanidou,9V. Ippolito,57
A. Irles Quiles,168 C. Isaksson,167 M. Ishino,67M. Ishitsuka,158R. Ishmukhametov,110 C. Issever,119S. Istin,19a J. M. Iturbe Ponce,83R. Iuppa,134a,134bJ. Ivarsson,80W. Iwanski,39H. Iwasaki,65J. M. Izen,41V. Izzo,103aB. Jackson,121 M. Jackson,73P. Jackson,1M. R. Jaekel,30V. Jain,2K. Jakobs,48S. Jakobsen,30T. Jakoubek,126J. Jakubek,127D. O. Jamin,152 D. K. Jana,78E. Jansen,77H. Jansen,30J. Janssen,21M. Janus,171 G. Jarlskog,80N. Javadov,64,cT. Javůrek,48L. Jeanty,15 J. Jejelava,51a,qG.-Y. Jeng,151D. Jennens,87P. Jenni,48,rJ. Jentzsch,43C. Jeske,171S. Jézéquel,5H. Ji,174J. Jia,149Y. Jiang,33b
M. Jimenez Belenguer,42 S. Jin,33a A. Jinaru,26a O. Jinnouchi,158 M. D. Joergensen,36K. E. Johansson,147a,147b P. Johansson,140K. A. Johns,7 K. Jon-And,147a,147b G. Jones,171R. W. L. Jones,71T. J. Jones,73J. Jongmanns,58a P. M. Jorge,125a,125bK. D. Joshi,83J. Jovicevic,148X. Ju,174C. A. Jung,43R. M. Jungst,30P. Jussel,61A. Juste Rozas,12,o M. Kaci,168 A. Kaczmarska,39M. Kado,116H. Kagan,110 M. Kagan,144E. Kajomovitz,45C. W. Kalderon,119 S. Kama,40 A. Kamenshchikov,129N. Kanaya,156M. Kaneda,30S. Kaneti,28V. A. Kantserov,97J. Kanzaki,65B. Kaplan,109A. Kapliy,31
D. Kar,53K. Karakostas,10N. Karastathis,10M. Karnevskiy,82S. N. Karpov,64 Z. M. Karpova,64K. Karthik,109 V. Kartvelishvili,71A. N. Karyukhin,129L. Kashif,174 G. Kasieczka,58b R. D. Kass,110 A. Kastanas,14Y. Kataoka,156 A. Katre,49J. Katzy,42V. Kaushik,7 K. Kawagoe,69T. Kawamoto,156 G. Kawamura,54S. Kazama,156 V. F. Kazanin,108 M. Y. Kazarinov,64 R. Keeler,170R. Kehoe,40M. Keil,54 J. S. Keller,42J. J. Kempster,76H. Keoshkerian,5 O. Kepka,126
B. P. Kerševan,74
S. Kersten,176 K. Kessoku,156J. Keung,159 F. Khalil-zada,11H. Khandanyan,147a,147bA. Khanov,113 A. Khodinov,97 A. Khomich,58a T. J. Khoo,28G. Khoriauli,21A. Khoroshilov,176 V. Khovanskiy,96 E. Khramov,64 J. Khubua,51bH. Y. Kim,8H. Kim,147a,147bS. H. Kim,161N. Kimura,172O. Kind,16B. T. King,73M. King,168R. S. B. King,119 S. B. King,169J. Kirk,130 A. E. Kiryunin,100T. Kishimoto,66D. Kisielewska,38a F. Kiss,48T. Kittelmann,124K. Kiuchi,161
E. Kladiva,145b M. Klein,73U. Klein,73 K. Kleinknecht,82P. Klimek,147a,147bA. Klimentov,25R. Klingenberg,43 J. A. Klinger,83T. Klioutchnikova,30P. F. Klok,105E.-E. Kluge,58a P. Kluit,106S. Kluth,100E. Kneringer,61 E. B. F. G. Knoops,84A. Knue,53D. Kobayashi,158T. Kobayashi,156M. Kobel,44M. Kocian,144P. Kodys,128P. Koevesarki,21
T. Koffas,29E. Koffeman,106 L. A. Kogan,119 S. Kohlmann,176 Z. Kohout,127T. Kohriki,65T. Koi,144H. Kolanoski,16 I. Koletsou,5 J. Koll,89 A. A. Komar,95,a Y. Komori,156T. Kondo,65N. Kondrashova,42K. Köneke,48A. C. König,105 S. König,82T. Kono,65,sR. Konoplich,109,tN. Konstantinidis,77R. Kopeliansky,153S. Koperny,38aL. Köpke,82A. K. Kopp,48 K. Korcyl,39K. Kordas,155A. Korn,77A. A. Korol,108,uI. Korolkov,12E. V. Korolkova,140V. A. Korotkov,129O. Kortner,100 S. Kortner,100 V. V. Kostyukhin,21V. M. Kotov,64 A. Kotwal,45C. Kourkoumelis,9 V. Kouskoura,155A. Koutsman,160a R. Kowalewski,170T. Z. Kowalski,38aW. Kozanecki,137A. S. Kozhin,129V. Kral,127V. A. Kramarenko,98G. Kramberger,74
D. Krasnopevtsev,97M. W. Krasny,79A. Krasznahorkay,30J. K. Kraus,21A. Kravchenko,25S. Kreiss,109M. Kretz,58c J. Kretzschmar,73K. Kreutzfeldt,52P. Krieger,159 K. Kroeninger,54H. Kroha,100J. Kroll,121 J. Kroseberg,21J. Krstic,13a U. Kruchonak,64H. Krüger,21T. Kruker,17N. Krumnack,63Z. V. Krumshteyn,64A. Kruse,174M. C. Kruse,45M. Kruskal,22 T. Kubota,87S. Kuday,4aS. Kuehn,48A. Kugel,58cA. Kuhl,138T. Kuhl,42V. Kukhtin,64Y. Kulchitsky,91S. Kuleshov,32b M. Kuna,133a,133bJ. Kunkle,121A. Kupco,126H. Kurashige,66Y. A. Kurochkin,91R. Kurumida,66V. Kus,126E. S. Kuwertz,148 M. Kuze,158J. Kvita,114 A. La Rosa,49L. La Rotonda,37a,37bC. Lacasta,168 F. Lacava,133a,133bJ. Lacey,29H. Lacker,16 D. Lacour,79V. R. Lacuesta,168E. Ladygin,64R. Lafaye,5B. Laforge,79T. Lagouri,177S. Lai,48H. Laier,58aL. Lambourne,77 S. Lammers,60C. L. Lampen,7W. Lampl,7E. Lançon,137U. Landgraf,48M. P. J. Landon,75V. S. Lang,58aA. J. Lankford,164 F. Lanni,25K. Lantzsch,30S. Laplace,79C. Lapoire,21J. F. Laporte,137T. Lari,90aM. Lassnig,30P. Laurelli,47W. Lavrijsen,15
A. T. Law,138P. Laycock,73O. Le Dortz,79E. Le Guirriec,84E. Le Menedeu,12T. LeCompte,6 F. Ledroit-Guillon,55 C. A. Lee,152H. Lee,106J. S. H. Lee,117S. C. Lee,152L. Lee,177G. Lefebvre,79M. Lefebvre,170F. Legger,99C. Leggett,15
A. Lehan,73 M. Lehmacher,21G. Lehmann Miotto,30X. Lei,7 W. A. Leight,29A. Leisos,155 A. G. Leister,177 M. A. L. Leite,24dR. Leitner,128 D. Lellouch,173B. Lemmer,54K. J. C. Leney,77T. Lenz,21G. Lenzen,176B. Lenzi,30
C. M. Lester,121M. Levchenko,122J. Levêque,5 D. Levin,88 L. J. Levinson,173 M. Levy,18A. Lewis,119 G. H. Lewis,109 A. M. Leyko,21M. Leyton,41B. Li,33b,vB. Li,84H. Li,149 H. L. Li,31L. Li,45L. Li,33e S. Li,45Y. Li,33c,w Z. Liang,138 H. Liao,34B. Liberti,134aP. Lichard,30K. Lie,166J. Liebal,21W. Liebig,14C. Limbach,21A. Limosani,87S. C. Lin,152,x T. H. Lin,82F. Linde,106B. E. Lindquist,149J. T. Linnemann,89E. Lipeles,121A. Lipniacka,14M. Lisovyi,42T. M. Liss,166
D. Lissauer,25A. Lister,169 A. M. Litke,138 B. Liu,152 D. Liu,152J. B. Liu,33bK. Liu,33b,yL. Liu,88M. Liu,45M. Liu,33b Y. Liu,33bM. Livan,120a,120bS. S. A. Livermore,119 A. Lleres,55J. Llorente Merino,81 S. L. Lloyd,75 F. Lo Sterzo,152
E. Lobodzinska,42P. Loch,7W. S. Lockman,138T. Loddenkoetter,21F. K. Loebinger,83A. E. Loevschall-Jensen,36 A. Loginov,177T. Lohse,16K. Lohwasser,42M. Lokajicek,126V. P. Lombardo,5 B. A. Long,22J. D. Long,88R. E. Long,71 L. Lopes,125aD. Lopez Mateos,57B. Lopez Paredes,140I. Lopez Paz,12J. Lorenz,99N. Lorenzo Martinez,60M. Losada,163
P. Loscutoff,15X. Lou,41A. Lounis,116 J. Love,6 P. A. Love,71A. J. Lowe,144,f F. Lu,33a N. Lu,88H. J. Lubatti,139 C. Luci,133a,133bA. Lucotte,55F. Luehring,60W. Lukas,61L. Luminari,133aO. Lundberg,147a,147bB. Lund-Jensen,148
M. Lungwitz,82D. Lynn,25R. Lysak,126 E. Lytken,80H. Ma,25 L. L. Ma,33dG. Maccarrone,47A. Macchiolo,100 J. Machado Miguens,125a,125bD. Macina,30D. Madaffari,84R. Madar,48H. J. Maddocks,71W. F. Mader,44A. Madsen,167 M. Maeno,8T. Maeno,25E. Magradze,54K. Mahboubi,48J. Mahlstedt,106S. Mahmoud,73C. Maiani,137C. Maidantchik,24a A. A. Maier,100A. Maio,125a,125b,125dS. Majewski,115Y. Makida,65N. Makovec,116P. Mal,137,zB. Malaescu,79Pa. Malecki,39 V. P. Maleev,122F. Malek,55U. Mallik,62 D. Malon,6 C. Malone,144 S. Maltezos,10V. M. Malyshev,108S. Malyukov,30
J. Mamuzic,13b B. Mandelli,30L. Mandelli,90a I. Mandić,74R. Mandrysch,62J. Maneira,125a,125bA. Manfredini,100 L. Manhaes de Andrade Filho,24bJ. A. Manjarres Ramos,160bA. Mann,99P. M. Manning,138A. Manousakis-Katsikakis,9
B. Mansoulie,137R. Mantifel,86L. Mapelli,30L. March,168J. F. Marchand,29G. Marchiori,79M. Marcisovsky,126 C. P. Marino,170M. Marjanovic,13a C. N. Marques,125aF. Marroquim,24aS. P. Marsden,83Z. Marshall,15L. F. Marti,17
S. Marti-Garcia,168B. Martin,30 B. Martin,89T. A. Martin,171 V. J. Martin,46B. Martin dit Latour,14H. Martinez,137 M. Martinez,12,oS. Martin-Haugh,130 A. C. Martyniuk,77M. Marx,139F. Marzano,133aA. Marzin,30L. Masetti,82
T. Mashimo,156 R. Mashinistov,95J. Masik,83A. L. Maslennikov,108I. Massa,20a,20bL. Massa,20a,20bN. Massol,5 P. Mastrandrea,149A. Mastroberardino,37a,37bT. Masubuchi,156P. Mättig,176J. Mattmann,82J. Maurer,26aS. J. Maxfield,73
D. A. Maximov,108,u R. Mazini,152 L. Mazzaferro,134a,134bG. Mc Goldrick,159 S. P. Mc Kee,88A. McCarn,88 R. L. McCarthy,149T. G. McCarthy,29N. A. McCubbin,130K. W. McFarlane,56,a J. A. Mcfayden,77G. Mchedlidze,54
S. J. McMahon,130 R. A. McPherson,170,jA. Meade,85J. Mechnich,106M. Medinnis,42S. Meehan,31S. Mehlhase,99 A. Mehta,73K. Meier,58aC. Meineck,99B. Meirose,80C. Melachrinos,31 B. R. Mellado Garcia,146cF. Meloni,17 A. Mengarelli,20a,20bS. Menke,100 E. Meoni,162 K. M. Mercurio,57S. Mergelmeyer,21N. Meric,137 P. Mermod,49 L. Merola,103a,103bC. Meroni,90a F. S. Merritt,31H. Merritt,110 A. Messina,30,aaJ. Metcalfe,25A. S. Mete,164 C. Meyer,82 C. Meyer,121J-P. Meyer,137J. Meyer,30R. P. Middleton,130S. Migas,73L. Mijović,21G. Mikenberg,173M. Mikestikova,126 M. Mikuž,74A. Milic,30D. W. Miller,31C. Mills,46A. Milov,173D. A. Milstead,147a,147bD. Milstein,173A. A. Minaenko,129 I. A. Minashvili,64A. I. Mincer,109B. Mindur,38a M. Mineev,64Y. Ming,174 L. M. Mir,12 G. Mirabelli,133aT. Mitani,172
J. Mitrevski,99V. A. Mitsou,168 S. Mitsui,65A. Miucci,49 P. S. Miyagawa,140 J. U. Mjörnmark,80 T. Moa,147a,147b K. Mochizuki,84S. Mohapatra,35W. Mohr,48S. Molander,147a,147bR. Moles-Valls,168K. Mönig,42C. Monini,55J. Monk,36
E. Monnier,84J. Montejo Berlingen,12F. Monticelli,70S. Monzani,133a,133bR. W. Moore,3 A. Moraes,53N. Morange,62 D. Moreno,82M. Moreno Llácer,54P. Morettini,50a M. Morgenstern,44M. Morii,57 S. Moritz,82A. K. Morley,148 G. Mornacchi,30J. D. Morris,75L. Morvaj,102H. G. Moser,100M. Mosidze,51bJ. Moss,110K. Motohashi,158R. Mount,144
E. Mountricha,25 S. V. Mouraviev,95,aE. J. W. Moyse,85 S. Muanza,84R. D. Mudd,18F. Mueller,58a J. Mueller,124 K. Mueller,21T. Mueller,28T. Mueller,82D. Muenstermann,49Y. Munwes,154J. A. Murillo Quijada,18W. J. Murray,171,130 H. Musheghyan,54E. Musto,153A. G. Myagkov,129,bbM. Myska,127O. Nackenhorst,54J. Nadal,54K. Nagai,61R. Nagai,158 Y. Nagai,84K. Nagano,65 A. Nagarkar,110 Y. Nagasaka,59M. Nagel,100A. M. Nairz,30Y. Nakahama,30K. Nakamura,65
T. Nakamura,156I. Nakano,111 H. Namasivayam,41G. Nanava,21R. Narayan,58b T. Nattermann,21T. Naumann,42 G. Navarro,163R. Nayyar,7 H. A. Neal,88P. Yu. Nechaeva,95 T. J. Neep,83P. D. Nef,144 A. Negri,120a,120bG. Negri,30 M. Negrini,20aS. Nektarijevic,49A. Nelson,164T. K. Nelson,144S. Nemecek,126P. Nemethy,109A. A. Nepomuceno,24a
M. Nessi,30,ccM. S. Neubauer,166 M. Neumann,176R. M. Neves,109P. Nevski,25 P. R. Newman,18D. H. Nguyen,6 R. B. Nickerson,119R. Nicolaidou,137B. Nicquevert,30J. Nielsen,138N. Nikiforou,35A. Nikiforov,16V. Nikolaenko,129,bb I. Nikolic-Audit,79K. Nikolics,49K. Nikolopoulos,18P. Nilsson,8Y. Ninomiya,156A. Nisati,133aR. Nisius,100T. Nobe,158 L. Nodulman,6M. Nomachi,117I. Nomidis,29S. Norberg,112M. Nordberg,30O. Novgorodova,44S. Nowak,100M. Nozaki,65
L. Nozka,114 K. Ntekas,10G. Nunes Hanninger,87T. Nunnemann,99 E. Nurse,77F. Nuti,87B. J. O’Brien,46F. O’grady,7 D. C. O’Neil,143V. O’Shea,53
F. G. Oakham,29,e H. Oberlack,100T. Obermann,21J. Ocariz,79A. Ochi,66M. I. Ochoa,77 S. Oda,69S. Odaka,65 H. Ogren,60A. Oh,83S. H. Oh,45C. C. Ohm,15H. Ohman,167W. Okamura,117H. Okawa,25
Y. Okumura,31T. Okuyama,156A. Olariu,26a A. G. Olchevski,64 S. A. Olivares Pino,46D. Oliveira Damazio,25 E. Oliver Garcia,168A. Olszewski,39J. Olszowska,39A. Onofre,125a,125eP. U. E. Onyisi,31,pC. J. Oram,160aM. J. Oreglia,31
Y. Oren,154 D. Orestano,135a,135b N. Orlando,72a,72b C. Oropeza Barrera,53R. S. Orr,159B. Osculati,50a,50bR. Ospanov,121 G. Otero y Garzon,27H. Otono,69M. Ouchrif,136d E. A. Ouellette,170 F. Ould-Saada,118A. Ouraou,137 K. P. Oussoren,106
Q. Ouyang,33aA. Ovcharova,15M. Owen,83V. E. Ozcan,19a N. Ozturk,8 K. Pachal,119A. Pacheco Pages,12 C. Padilla Aranda,12M. Pagáčová,48S. Pagan Griso,15E. Paganis,140 C. Pahl,100 F. Paige,25P. Pais,85K. Pajchel,118 G. Palacino,160bS. Palestini,30M. Palka,38bD. Pallin,34A. Palma,125a,125bJ. D. Palmer,18Y. B. Pan,174E. Panagiotopoulou,10
J. G. Panduro Vazquez,76P. Pani,106N. Panikashvili,88S. Panitkin,25D. Pantea,26a L. Paolozzi,134a,134b
Th. D. Papadopoulou,10K. Papageorgiou,155,m A. Paramonov,6 D. Paredes Hernandez,34M. A. Parker,28F. Parodi,50a,50b J. A. Parsons,35U. Parzefall,48E. Pasqualucci,133a S. Passaggio,50a A. Passeri,135aF. Pastore,135a,135b,a Fr. Pastore,76 G. Pásztor,29S. Pataraia,176N. D. Patel,151J. R. Pater,83 S. Patricelli,103a,103bT. Pauly,30J. Pearce,170 M. Pedersen,118
S. Pedraza Lopez,168 R. Pedro,125a,125bS. V. Peleganchuk,108 D. Pelikan,167H. Peng,33b B. Penning,31J. Penwell,60 D. V. Perepelitsa,25 E. Perez Codina,160a M. T. Pérez García-Estañ,168 V. Perez Reale,35L. Perini,90a,90bH. Pernegger,30 R. Perrino,72aR. Peschke,42V. D. Peshekhonov,64K. Peters,30R. F. Y. Peters,83B. A. Petersen,30T. C. Petersen,36E. Petit,42
A. Petridis,147a,147bC. Petridou,155 E. Petrolo,133aF. Petrucci,135a,135bN. E. Pettersson,158 R. Pezoa,32bP. W. Phillips,130 G. Piacquadio,144E. Pianori,171A. Picazio,49E. Piccaro,75M. Piccinini,20a,20bR. Piegaia,27D. T. Pignotti,110J. E. Pilcher,31
A. D. Pilkington,77J. Pina,125a,125b,125d M. Pinamonti,165a,165c,dd A. Pinder,119J. L. Pinfold,3 A. Pingel,36B. Pinto,125a S. Pires,79 M. Pitt,173 C. Pizio,90a,90bL. Plazak,145aM.-A. Pleier,25 V. Pleskot,128 E. Plotnikova,64P. Plucinski,147a,147b S. Poddar,58a F. Podlyski,34R. Poettgen,82L. Poggioli,116D. Pohl,21 M. Pohl,49G. Polesello,120aA. Policicchio,37a,37b
R. Polifka,159A. Polini,20a C. S. Pollard,45 V. Polychronakos,25K. Pommès,30L. Pontecorvo,133aB. G. Pope,89 G. A. Popeneciu,26bD. S. Popovic,13aA. Poppleton,30X. Portell Bueso,12S. Pospisil,127 K. Potamianos,15I. N. Potrap,64
C. J. Potter,150C. T. Potter,115G. Poulard,30 J. Poveda,60V. Pozdnyakov,64P. Pralavorio,84A. Pranko,15S. Prasad,30 R. Pravahan,8 S. Prell,63D. Price,83 J. Price,73L. E. Price,6 D. Prieur,124M. Primavera,72a M. Proissl,46K. Prokofiev,47 F. Prokoshin,32bE. Protopapadaki,137S. Protopopescu,25J. Proudfoot,6 M. Przybycien,38a H. Przysiezniak,5E. Ptacek,115 D. Puddu,135a,135bE. Pueschel,85D. Puldon,149 M. Purohit,25,eeP. Puzo,116J. Qian,88G. Qin,53Y. Qin,83 A. Quadt,54 D. R. Quarrie,15W. B. Quayle,165a,165bM. Queitsch-Maitland,83D. Quilty,53A. Qureshi,160b V. Radeka,25V. Radescu,42
S. K. Radhakrishnan,149 P. Radloff,115P. Rados,87 F. Ragusa,90a,90bG. Rahal,179 S. Rajagopalan,25 M. Rammensee,30 A. S. Randle-Conde,40C. Rangel-Smith,167K. Rao,164F. Rauscher,99T. C. Rave,48T. Ravenscroft,53M. Raymond,30 A. L. Read,118N. P. Readioff,73D. M. Rebuzzi,120a,120bA. Redelbach,175 G. Redlinger,25R. Reece,138 K. Reeves,41
L. Rehnisch,16H. Reisin,27M. Relich,164 C. Rembser,30H. Ren,33aZ. L. Ren,152A. Renaud,116M. Rescigno,133a S. Resconi,90a O. L. Rezanova,108,uP. Reznicek,128R. Rezvani,94R. Richter,100 M. Ridel,79P. Rieck,16J. Rieger,54 M. Rijssenbeek,149A. Rimoldi,120a,120bL. Rinaldi,20aE. Ritsch,61I. Riu,12F. Rizatdinova,113E. Rizvi,75S. H. Robertson,86,j A. Robichaud-Veronneau,86D. Robinson,28J. E. M. Robinson,83A. Robson,53C. Roda,123a,123bL. Rodrigues,30S. Roe,30
O. Røhne,118 S. Rolli,162 A. Romaniouk,97M. Romano,20a,20bE. Romero Adam,168N. Rompotis,139M. Ronzani,48 L. Roos,79E. Ros,168 S. Rosati,133aK. Rosbach,49M. Rose,76P. Rose,138P. L. Rosendahl,14O. Rosenthal,142 V. Rossetti,147a,147bE. Rossi,103a,103bL. P. Rossi,50aR. Rosten,139M. Rotaru,26a I. Roth,173J. Rothberg,139D. Rousseau,116
C. R. Royon,137A. Rozanov,84Y. Rozen,153 X. Ruan,146cF. Rubbo,12I. Rubinskiy,42V. I. Rud,98C. Rudolph,44 M. S. Rudolph,159F. Rühr,48A. Ruiz-Martinez,30Z. Rurikova,48N. A. Rusakovich,64A. Ruschke,99J. P. Rutherfoord,7 N. Ruthmann,48Y. F. Ryabov,122M. Rybar,128G. Rybkin,116N. C. Ryder,119A. F. Saavedra,151S. Sacerdoti,27A. Saddique,3 I. Sadeh,154H. F-W. Sadrozinski,138R. Sadykov,64F. Safai Tehrani,133aH. Sakamoto,156Y. Sakurai,172G. Salamanna,135a,135b
A. Salamon,134aM. Saleem,112 D. Salek,106P. H. Sales De Bruin,139D. Salihagic,100A. Salnikov,144 J. Salt,168 D. Salvatore,37a,37bF. Salvatore,150A. Salvucci,105A. Salzburger,30D. Sampsonidis,155A. Sanchez,103a,103bJ. Sánchez,168 V. Sanchez Martinez,168H. Sandaker,14R. L. Sandbach,75H. G. Sander,82M. P. Sanders,99M. Sandhoff,176T. Sandoval,28 C. Sandoval,163R. Sandstroem,100D. P. C. Sankey,130 A. Sansoni,47C. Santoni,34 R. Santonico,134a,134bH. Santos,125a
I. Santoyo Castillo,150K. Sapp,124A. Sapronov,64J. G. Saraiva,125a,125dB. Sarrazin,21G. Sartisohn,176O. Sasaki,65 Y. Sasaki,156G. Sauvage,5,aE. Sauvan,5P. Savard,159,eD. O. Savu,30C. Sawyer,119L. Sawyer,78,nD. H. Saxon,53J. Saxon,121
C. Sbarra,20a A. Sbrizzi,3 T. Scanlon,77D. A. Scannicchio,164 M. Scarcella,151V. Scarfone,37a,37b J. Schaarschmidt,173 P. Schacht,100D. Schaefer,30 R. Schaefer,42S. Schaepe,21S. Schaetzel,58bU. Schäfer,82A. C. Schaffer,116D. Schaile,99 R. D. Schamberger,149V. Scharf,58aV. A. Schegelsky,122D. Scheirich,128M. Schernau,164M. I. Scherzer,35C. Schiavi,50a,50b J. Schieck,99C. Schillo,48M. Schioppa,37a,37bS. Schlenker,30E. Schmidt,48K. Schmieden,30C. Schmitt,82S. Schmitt,58b
B. Schneider,17Y. J. Schnellbach,73U. Schnoor,44L. Schoeffel,137 A. Schoening,58b B. D. Schoenrock,89 A. L. S. Schorlemmer,54M. Schott,82D. Schouten,160aJ. Schovancova,25S. Schramm,159M. Schreyer,175C. Schroeder,82 N. Schuh,82M. J. Schultens,21H.-C. Schultz-Coulon,58aH. Schulz,16M. Schumacher,48B. A. Schumm,138Ph. Schune,137 C. Schwanenberger,83A. Schwartzman,144 Ph. Schwegler,100 Ph. Schwemling,137R. Schwienhorst,89J. Schwindling,137
T. Schwindt,21 M. Schwoerer,5 F. G. Sciacca,17E. Scifo,116G. Sciolla,23W. G. Scott,130 F. Scuri,123a,123bF. Scutti,21 J. Searcy,88G. Sedov,42 E. Sedykh,122 S. C. Seidel,104 A. Seiden,138F. Seifert,127 J. M. Seixas,24a G. Sekhniaidze,103a S. J. Sekula,40K. E. Selbach,46D. M. Seliverstov,122,a G. Sellers,73 N. Semprini-Cesari,20a,20bC. Serfon,30L. Serin,116 L. Serkin,54T. Serre,84R. Seuster,160aH. Severini,112T. Sfiligoj,74F. Sforza,100A. Sfyrla,30E. Shabalina,54M. Shamim,115 L. Y. Shan,33aR. Shang,166J. T. Shank,22M. Shapiro,15P. B. Shatalov,96K. Shaw,165a,165bC. Y. Shehu,150P. Sherwood,77 L. Shi,152,ffS. Shimizu,66C. O. Shimmin,164M. Shimojima,101M. Shiyakova,64A. Shmeleva,95M. J. Shochet,31D. Short,119 S. Shrestha,63E. Shulga,97M. A. Shupe,7 S. Shushkevich,42P. Sicho,126O. Sidiropoulou,155D. Sidorov,113A. Sidoti,133a F. Siegert,44Dj. Sijacki,13a J. Silva,125a,125dY. Silver,154D. Silverstein,144S. B. Silverstein,147aV. Simak,127O. Simard,5 Lj. Simic,13aS. Simion,116E. Simioni,82B. Simmons,77R. Simoniello,90a,90bM. Simonyan,36P. Sinervo,159N. B. Sinev,115
V. Sipica,142 G. Siragusa,175A. Sircar,78A. N. Sisakyan,64,a S. Yu. Sivoklokov,98J. Sjölin,147a,147bT. B. Sjursen,14 H. P. Skottowe,57K. Yu. Skovpen,108P. Skubic,112M. Slater,18T. Slavicek,127K. Sliwa,162V. Smakhtin,173B. H. Smart,46
L. Smestad,14 S. Yu. Smirnov,97Y. Smirnov,97L. N. Smirnova,98,gg O. Smirnova,80K. M. Smith,53M. Smizanska,71 K. Smolek,127A. A. Snesarev,95G. Snidero,75S. Snyder,25R. Sobie,170,jF. Socher,44A. Soffer,154D. A. Soh,152,ff
C. A. Solans,30M. Solar,127J. Solc,127 E. Yu. Soldatov,97 U. Soldevila,168A. A. Solodkov,129 A. Soloshenko,64 O. V. Solovyanov,129V. Solovyev,122P. Sommer,48H. Y. Song,33b N. Soni,1 A. Sood,15A. Sopczak,127 B. Sopko,127 V. Sopko,127V. Sorin,12M. Sosebee,8R. Soualah,165a,165cP. Soueid,94A. M. Soukharev,108D. South,42S. Spagnolo,72a,72b
F. Spanò,76W. R. Spearman,57F. Spettel,100R. Spighi,20a G. Spigo,30L. A. Spiller,87M. Spousta,128T. Spreitzer,159 B. Spurlock,8 R. D. St. Denis,53,a S. Staerz,44J. Stahlman,121 R. Stamen,58a S. Stamm,16E. Stanecka,39R. W. Stanek,6
C. Stanescu,135aM. Stanescu-Bellu,42M. M. Stanitzki,42S. Stapnes,118 E. A. Starchenko,129 J. Stark,55P. Staroba,126 P. Starovoitov,42R. Staszewski,39P. Stavina,145a,a P. Steinberg,25 B. Stelzer,143H. J. Stelzer,30 O. Stelzer-Chilton,160a H. Stenzel,52S. Stern,100G. A. Stewart,53J. A. Stillings,21M. C. Stockton,86M. Stoebe,86G. Stoicea,26aP. Stolte,54 S. Stonjek,100A. R. Stradling,8A. Straessner,44M. E. Stramaglia,17J. Strandberg,148S. Strandberg,147a,147bA. Strandlie,118 E. Strauss,144M. Strauss,112P. Strizenec,145bR. Ströhmer,175D. M. Strom,115R. Stroynowski,40S. A. Stucci,17B. Stugu,14 N. A. Styles,42D. Su,144J. Su,124 R. Subramaniam,78A. Succurro,12Y. Sugaya,117C. Suhr,107 M. Suk,127 V. V. Sulin,95 S. Sultansoy,4cT. Sumida,67 S. Sun,57X. Sun,33a J. E. Sundermann,48K. Suruliz,140G. Susinno,37a,37b M. R. Sutton,150
Y. Suzuki,65M. Svatos,126S. Swedish,169 M. Swiatlowski,144I. Sykora,145aT. Sykora,128D. Ta,89C. Taccini,135a,135b K. Tackmann,42J. Taenzer,159A. Taffard,164R. Tafirout,160aN. Taiblum,154H. Takai,25R. Takashima,68H. Takeda,66 T. Takeshita,141 Y. Takubo,65M. Talby,84A. A. Talyshev,108,uJ. Y. C. Tam,175K. G. Tan,87 J. Tanaka,156R. Tanaka,116 S. Tanaka,132S. Tanaka,65A. J. Tanasijczuk,143B. B. Tannenwald,110 N. Tannoury,21S. Tapprogge,82S. Tarem,153 F. Tarrade,29G. F. Tartarelli,90aP. Tas,128 M. Tasevsky,126 T. Tashiro,67E. Tassi,37a,37b A. Tavares Delgado,125a,125b Y. Tayalati,136d F. E. Taylor,93G. N. Taylor,87W. Taylor,160b F. A. Teischinger,30M. Teixeira Dias Castanheira,75 P. Teixeira-Dias,76K. K. Temming,48H. Ten Kate,30P. K. Teng,152 J. J. Teoh,117 S. Terada,65K. Terashi,156 J. Terron,81 S. Terzo,100M. Testa,47R. J. Teuscher,159,jJ. Therhaag,21T. Theveneaux-Pelzer,34J. P. Thomas,18J. Thomas-Wilsker,76
E. N. Thompson,35P. D. Thompson,18P. D. Thompson,159 R. J. Thompson,83A. S. Thompson,53 L. A. Thomsen,36 E. Thomson,121 M. Thomson,28 W. M. Thong,87R. P. Thun,88,a F. Tian,35M. J. Tibbetts,15V. O. Tikhomirov,95,hh Yu. A. Tikhonov,108,uS. Timoshenko,97E. Tiouchichine,84P. Tipton,177S. Tisserant,84T. Todorov,5S. Todorova-Nova,128
B. Toggerson,7 J. Tojo,69S. Tokár,145aK. Tokushuku,65K. Tollefson,89 L. Tomlinson,83M. Tomoto,102L. Tompkins,31 K. Toms,104N. D. Topilin,64E. Torrence,115H. Torres,143 E. Torró Pastor,168 J. Toth,84,ii F. Touchard,84D. R. Tovey,140
H. L. Tran,116T. Trefzger,175L. Tremblet,30A. Tricoli,30I. M. Trigger,160aS. Trincaz-Duvoid,79M. F. Tripiana,12 W. Trischuk,159B. Trocmé,55C. Troncon,90a M. Trottier-McDonald,143M. Trovatelli,135a,135bP. True,89M. Trzebinski,39
S. Tsiskaridze,12V. Tsiskaridze,48 E. G. Tskhadadze,51a I. I. Tsukerman,96V. Tsulaia,15S. Tsuno,65D. Tsybychev,149 A. Tudorache,26aV. Tudorache,26a A. N. Tuna,121 S. A. Tupputi,20a,20bS. Turchikhin,98,gg D. Turecek,127 I. Turk Cakir,4d
R. Turra,90a,90bP. M. Tuts,35 A. Tykhonov,49 M. Tylmad,147a,147bM. Tyndel,130K. Uchida,21I. Ueda,156 R. Ueno,29 M. Ughetto,84M. Ugland,14M. Uhlenbrock,21 F. Ukegawa,161 G. Unal,30A. Undrus,25 G. Unel,164 F. C. Ungaro,48 Y. Unno,65C. Unverdorben,99D. Urbaniec,35P. Urquijo,87G. Usai,8A. Usanova,61L. Vacavant,84V. Vacek,127B. Vachon,86
N. Valencic,106 S. Valentinetti,20a,20b A. Valero,168L. Valery,34S. Valkar,128 E. Valladolid Gallego,168 S. Vallecorsa,49 J. A. Valls Ferrer,168 W. Van Den Wollenberg,106 P. C. Van Der Deijl,106 R. van der Geer,106 H. van der Graaf,106 R. Van Der Leeuw,106 D. van der Ster,30N. van Eldik,30 P. van Gemmeren,6 J. Van Nieuwkoop,143 I. van Vulpen,106
M. C. van Woerden,30M. Vanadia,133a,133b W. Vandelli,30R. Vanguri,121A. Vaniachine,6 P. Vankov,42F. Vannucci,79 G. Vardanyan,178R. Vari,133aE. W. Varnes,7T. Varol,85D. Varouchas,79A. Vartapetian,8 K. E. Varvell,151F. Vazeille,34
T. Vazquez Schroeder,54 J. Veatch,7 F. Veloso,125a,125cS. Veneziano,133aA. Ventura,72a,72b D. Ventura,85M. Venturi,170 N. Venturi,159 A. Venturini,23 V. Vercesi,120aM. Verducci,133a,133bW. Verkerke,106J. C. Vermeulen,106A. Vest,44 M. C. Vetterli,143,e O. Viazlo,80I. Vichou,166T. Vickey,146c,jj O. E. Vickey Boeriu,146cG. H. A. Viehhauser,119S. Viel,169
R. Vigne,30 M. Villa,20a,20b M. Villaplana Perez,90a,90bE. Vilucchi,47M. G. Vincter,29V. B. Vinogradov,64J. Virzi,15 I. Vivarelli,150 F. Vives Vaque,3 S. Vlachos,10D. Vladoiu,99M. Vlasak,127A. Vogel,21M. Vogel,32a P. Vokac,127 G. Volpi,123a,123bM. Volpi,87H. von der Schmitt,100H. von Radziewski,48E. von Toerne,21V. Vorobel,128 K. Vorobev,97
M. Vos,168 R. Voss,30J. H. Vossebeld,73N. Vranjes,137M. Vranjes Milosavljevic,106 V. Vrba,126M. Vreeswijk,106 T. Vu Anh,48R. Vuillermet,30I. Vukotic,31Z. Vykydal,127 P. Wagner,21W. Wagner,176 H. Wahlberg,70S. Wahrmund,44
J. Wakabayashi,102J. Walder,71R. Walker,99W. Walkowiak,142 R. Wall,177P. Waller,73B. Walsh,177C. Wang,152,kk C. Wang,45F. Wang,174H. Wang,15H. Wang,40J. Wang,42J. Wang,33aK. Wang,86R. Wang,104S. M. Wang,152T. Wang,21
X. Wang,177C. Wanotayaroj,115 A. Warburton,86 C. P. Ward,28D. R. Wardrope,77M. Warsinsky,48A. Washbrook,46 C. Wasicki,42P. M. Watkins,18A. T. Watson,18I. J. Watson,151M. F. Watson,18G. Watts,139 S. Watts,83B. M. Waugh,77 S. Webb,83M. S. Weber,17S. W. Weber,175J. S. Webster,31A. R. Weidberg,119P. Weigell,100B. Weinert,60J. Weingarten,54 C. Weiser,48H. Weits,106P. S. Wells,30T. Wenaus,25D. Wendland,16Z. Weng,152,ffT. Wengler,30S. Wenig,30N. Wermes,21 M. Werner,48P. Werner,30M. Wessels,58aJ. Wetter,162K. Whalen,29A. White,8M. J. White,1R. White,32bS. White,123a,123b D. Whiteson,164 D. Wicke,176 F. J. Wickens,130W. Wiedenmann,174M. Wielers,130 P. Wienemann,21C. Wiglesworth,36 L. A. M. Wiik-Fuchs,21P. A. Wijeratne,77A. Wildauer,100M. A. Wildt,42,llH. G. Wilkens,30J. Z. Will,99H. H. Williams,121 S. Williams,28C. Willis,89S. Willocq,85A. Wilson,88J. A. Wilson,18I. Wingerter-Seez,5F. Winklmeier,115B. T. Winter,21
M. Wittgen,144T. Wittig,43J. Wittkowski,99S. J. Wollstadt,82M. W. Wolter,39H. Wolters,125a,125c B. K. Wosiek,39 J. Wotschack,30M. J. Woudstra,83K. W. Wozniak,39 M. Wright,53M. Wu,55S. L. Wu,174X. Wu,49Y. Wu,88E. Wulf,35 T. R. Wyatt,83B. M. Wynne,46S. Xella,36M. Xiao,137D. Xu,33aL. Xu,33b,mmB. Yabsley,151S. Yacoob,146b,nnR. Yakabe,66 M. Yamada,65 H. Yamaguchi,156Y. Yamaguchi,117 A. Yamamoto,65K. Yamamoto,63S. Yamamoto,156T. Yamamura,156 T. Yamanaka,156K. Yamauchi,102Y. Yamazaki,66Z. Yan,22H. Yang,33eH. Yang,174U. K. Yang,83Y. Yang,110S. Yanush,92
L. Yao,33aW-M. Yao,15Y. Yasu,65E. Yatsenko,42K. H. Yau Wong,21J. Ye,40S. Ye,25I. Yeletskikh,64A. L. Yen,57 E. Yildirim,42M. Yilmaz,4bR. Yoosoofmiya,124K. Yorita,172R. Yoshida,6K. Yoshihara,156C. Young,144C. J. S. Young,30 S. Youssef,22D. R. Yu,15J. Yu,8J. M. Yu,88J. Yu,113L. Yuan,66A. Yurkewicz,107I. Yusuff,28,ooB. Zabinski,39R. Zaidan,62 A. M. Zaitsev,129,bbA. Zaman,149S. Zambito,23L. Zanello,133a,133bD. Zanzi,100C. Zeitnitz,176M. Zeman,127A. Zemla,38a K. Zengel,23O. Zenin,129T.Ženiš,145aD. Zerwas,116G. Zevi della Porta,57D. Zhang,88F. Zhang,174H. Zhang,89J. Zhang,6 L. Zhang,152X. Zhang,33dZ. Zhang,116 Z. Zhao,33bA. Zhemchugov,64J. Zhong,119B. Zhou,88L. Zhou,35N. Zhou,164 C. G. Zhu,33dH. Zhu,33a J. Zhu,88Y. Zhu,33bX. Zhuang,33aK. Zhukov,95A. Zibell,175D. Zieminska,60N. I. Zimine,64
C. Zimmermann,82R. Zimmermann,21S. Zimmermann,21 S. Zimmermann,48Z. Zinonos,54M. Ziolkowski,142 G. Zobernig,174A. Zoccoli,20a,20b M. zur Nedden,16G. Zurzolo,103a,103bV. Zutshi107and L. Zwalinski30
(ATLAS Collaboration)
1Department of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia 2
Physics Department, SUNY Albany, Albany, New York, USA
3Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 4a
Department of Physics, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
4cDivision of Physics, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey 4d
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Ankara, Turkey
5LAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, France 6
High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA
7Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA 8
Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA
9Physics Department, University of Athens, Athens, Greece 10
Physics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, Greece
11Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan 12
Institut de Física d’Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
13aInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 13b
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
14Department for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway 15
Physics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
16Department of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany 17
Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
18School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom 19a
Department of Physics, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
19bDepartment of Physics, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey 19c
Department of Physics Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey
20aINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy 20b
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
21Physikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany 22
Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
23Department of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA 24a
Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
24bFederal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora, Brazil 24c
Federal University of Sao Joao del Rei (UFSJ), Sao Joao del Rei, Brazil
24dInstituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil 25
Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA
26aNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania 26b
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Physics Department, Cluj Napoca, Romania
University Politehnica Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
26dWest University in Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania 27
Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
28Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom 29
Department of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
30CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 31
Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
32aDepartamento de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile 32b
Departamento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile
33aInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 33b
Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, China
33cDepartment of Physics, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, China 33d
School of Physics, Shandong University, Shandong, China
33ePhysics Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China 34
Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Nevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, New York, USA
36Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, Denmark 37a
INFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy
37bDipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy 38a
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, Poland
38bMarian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland 39
The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland
40Physics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA 41
Physics Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA
42DESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, Germany 43