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, Cyclamen persicum A, B. C. persicum. C. persicum +, +32* +1** C. persicum +, 30 +*,,** Cyclamen persicum C. persicum, Cyclamen persicum


Academic year: 2022

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(1)J. Japan Association on Odor Environment Vol. ., No. , ,*++. . 107. . ῌ . !"#$. )?@A"308%&'(= . . %&'( )* Cyclamen persicum 

(2) )  + ,-./012"3!4 ,5$67 C. persicum 4)" $8!*.,5$19:6 ;1< %&'(8!4 )-=>6 C. persicum  )2 C. purpurascens 8

(3) ))?@A"3! C. purpurascens 28!-B/08%&'( 8! 8! 3C DE8! -4 6 8%&'(8!* C. persicum  )"F$G.,567 ;5H  *9G9:6 15I<" 8%&'( -J/6K"LMNOPQR"3 0 S4)-TU$6. +.

(4) )* .2 $ %-[\)*%*+ < 23,7. . 4 , cm 567 -op07 +A, B ;. %&'(* +233 81 9qrstH:;"<. ="u& +C v +D w7 +E. >,5$b? 8@-AB/0C2$D :;. -op0x%]h0 C. persicum by ,+ )*. ,

(5) z"EGFG/03{"9:6 HI|}2$.  )".,5~ I64)J2$]KL,. * 0 €C C‚7 +2 cm <ƒM6. 5$19:6 %&'(NO C. persicum -„. )- "<†P/0‡Lˆ7‰Q<h! +, Š"‹R. ŒS$)*Ž-+/07 Ž*g"($. u&-_0 +32* 81 "TU6‘%&'(. V /012*9G )’< WV /0 +1** 8 “ C.. 2 X /0 Y , )* - € C C ‚7 3. persicum 

(6) )7”• Z H 9 qrst" <> ,. cm <ƒM/0–—%&'(2$D 8. 5$b? ƒM˜5<

(7) 6g S%[\. –—‘™Qš-›œ" p1_ HIž7'. 3C[\,56 S%?@A"3!. )&]- > k\C"1ƒ$†P/0. 5 ¡l3{9¢9 )74,56 I6. -j0^2$ I6 _£1ƒ^2$K. C. persicum 

(8) )* .2  $ % -[\ )*% <h. L,503{"9:6 –—%&'(TU"3. 07  )O"*)*%="ƒM˜5<g. !%&'(HI*¤6 ;¥ +, Š"¦. "

(9) 6 30 $ %-[\nd*%][\,56. S7Ÿ,. O$6‹R7 +* ŠI<Ÿ S§<8?4 ,,**.

(10) )*Y` k¨o<h07  )<*Y. C7

(11) •,503{"9:6. ` k¨o="O` ` a¨o 2©ª. 13{" %&'(7«6E1 2. ¬­ˆ¤ 2b ¤9f9+c7[\,5. $D6d®"4)79e¯-6$6 %. 6 by+n"fg62 C. persicum 

(12). &'(4)gh"*  + , i°j±. )*k)H=I<" ,

(13) - 8-R/07  ).  l² lm9f7h07 8!]4)gh 2$¨R<h02^_H50 11<* 4)2#n 6%&'(8!28³(-o´  2 J"\$]µ¶/0. ,.

(14)  Cyclamen persicum  . ¡l ·pq<¸¹0%&'(* º&'» ¼½ %&'(N ,, ) O Cyclamen persicum -./012"3!4,5$6 C. persicum      .

(15)  . ῍+ V!" DNA * + #$ % $ %*

(16) )&" 3:$'J,7S90 "(B 1 + #7WX O2YZ50 , #WXO-[\]*)*%2YZ 5 *'%-^_0+<`a"90 - #b+WXO -[\]**'% c*% d*% e*% *% 9f 2YZ50 *'% *g  "<012]h0 7 ,i-"j012]<0 k. + #WXO[\]*k*% /'% 2YZ5 g<*

(17) 0 97 ,i-"j0127<0 1 <* 9* '%70l )WXO<m,50n*'%2 , )b+S)WXO<m,50Sn*'%7h0. -.0ῌ**-1

(18)  3+.

(19)  ῌ 

(20) . 108. ., ,  ,- .    


(22)      !" # $% & '(   )* +,-./01 / mm 2, 3245678 9: ;< =( & ,+ 67#   67#> & ., !? @9: !? "#ABC#D E$F# @GHIJ  @ 

(23)  1%&K'(!L)* MS )*MN+ -* gῌL, OP,/QR - gῌL ST pH /.2 ,-  Q,2U/V. W& ,2  + Cyclamen persicum . (/X0Y""1Z2345 )*67. A : 

(24)  B :   C :   D : .  E : .  ,/ῌ[\)'])' Q,2U/ )*8$9 : ,/ῌ^_;<=)']. >%F? + @`a bcA# ". d Be Be9 Q,2U/%F5.  fg C  D h E  F i jk G . #l)HF#ITJe8J .  @hEm;<KL# n8. o]p) @Gi`aq:

(25) r-. b C. persicum GMs3 3  N;<tiV5# + ,. . -. -,.  

(26) . uEvO;<wx= yP. . Cyclamen persicum   Cyclamen purpurascens   !.  #z# .2 G -. QR: {ST:|  ;<=E }UVi~ ;<WUXY ,. QR:G=. Y€ZM,‚/tƒ„ +32* @ . WUXY +1 QR:†‡r .+ QR:. ;< ˆ‰;<Š‹aRN. 

(27)  ŒST:GD#  ŒST:QR:Ž.  F[\‘’“.”ῌ+‘•–”N.  ,.+1.+ Gi :yP]^yPV. =i| —_ M,‚/`a. iq:˜   ayP ,. QR:G. b aU™cJ1;<šdeJ f. +1  QR:  ›   e J1 ^ } UV œ@. #-”,žN=i { C. purpurascens GJb. i 9:GŸ[g\aGhyP #gi. j‰ , C. purpurascens  -. QR:. Gi k.  {ST:|  C. purpurascens  ¡¢i. =£i cl#@G%F ŒS. r% ŒST:=iŒ. ¤mp)#J  C. persicum b;<. T:no)'ipa K'¥GqO. cA# @G% " C. purpuras-. _r™|  @_rFts1 @G. cens  t^  _r  C. persicum   wx;. ¦u|  @ i§v ¥t. <GuEJ1 t(¨G™v. ©w. +. ‡#@%  @ +32/ @ %Fno)'. i§vGQR:TS1)* MS. ªxvJ ;< C. persicum G=. )*MN+ -* gῌL, «ž¬­/ /** mgῌL, OP,/Q. C. purpurascens ®uE =it`¯. R - gῌL ST pH /.2 ,- Q,2U/.  °&, H. V. ;<= ±²³”´µ. -+. ,+ (/X0Y1Z45 )*8. 3¶ PurWF M²¶,‘2 PurWF &    . ;< M²¶,‘2 aRy G ±²³”. 67 67( ,/ῌ[\)'] +* . ´µ3¶ aRz{ | = C.. ®)'«ž¬­/!"J)*d). purpurascens PurWF, aR· a|GuE. '¸} Q,2U/)*$9. 8 & — ¹º»~F¼½. : ,/ῌ^_;<=)']dBe Be.  .

(28) J. Japan Association on Odor Environment Vol. ., No. , ,*++. 109. ,  Cyclamen persicum

(29)  Cyclamen purpurascens . . 

(30) .  ,.  ,.  +1  +1 . ()*+ῌ ,-ῌ ./0123 45678. +9:8&;<=12>?@"ABCD&E. FGHI῍ ,JKῌ 5678L MNO. 34ῌ JK?@"6PQ&RFHSῌ T%. P 4UV)W2T%XY78&ZS῍ T%XY. )XYῌ [\-])^13&_2 !"`. 78abcd8efSῌ abgd8 .+ 9:8. ῍ PPa+  ῎hijklmno῏  PurWF pq . .ῑ. !"#$%&'.  , drs12 2, 9:8)t`+ ῍ abcd. ZSabcd8u4ῌ PPa-  ῎vio w ῏ . 89:8xF ,.ῒ,.ῒ+1ῒ+1ΐ2, "4ῌ 8. PurWF pq ZSabcd8u2 ῐ,ῑ῍. ?@"CD 478)yt_῍ zῌ {.

(31)  ῌ 

(32) . 110. ., ,  ,- . - 

(33). - -.  1ῒ῍  ῌ

(34) .  .  PPa+  PPa-   (

(35) ) ῌ !*+ , -./ 0+ῌ. ῌ ῌ. !" #!$ ῌ %&%'. ." #!$1, 20ῌ 1$*34. PPa +  PPa - 56+7 -.8  ῍ 19.  , ῍ :1ῌ %

(36) +;. <ῌ 2, =>?@56) 0ῌ. A " , B*Aῌ

(37) -34. C F+ D 1. ῌ F+ EFG+7. +H ῌ %34IJKL῍ 34M.  F, -./ 1 ῍ :Nῌ OPQ. RS C. persicum T+? :%. U/1+7V ῏WX%ῐ ῑ11Y. 1Zῌ [\]^_`aῌb]cda.  Hῒῌ  V ῏%. ῐ ῑ He. %fgah%) 1!* ,2. ῒῌ i  ῏"%ῐ ῑY j Hῒ. ῍ :1ῌ T ῑPerWF.  PerWF/ῒ kN /῎. -.ῌ  #$ ῑ-ῒ῍ lmῌ 1$. 1 %%'. ,*ΐῌEnopqr ++ s. * &%

(38) 'tuvw()F+7. * + x@ῌ y^z{|a{  +7 Tenax }+ * S. T~ῌ+,!$ /ῒ῍. ῌ GCῌMS +7€2῍ ‚ῌ 11ƒ„/. .. %'.*S1+7 p) ῍ ,. . -T * Alpha terpineol, Linalool, Geraniol, Nerol, Citronellol , †‡ˆh|‰hŠa. . + Cyclamen persicum 


(40) C. persicum T.ῌ / ῑ+A, Bῒῌ i. hH7‹ Caryophyllene , Œ{ˆh| 0 Ž. ῑ+Cῒῌ V ῑ+Dῒ  *B‰

(41). B‘ %'.8’!$῍ PerWF. fga. ‰“+-!$ Malvidin -, /-diglucoside 8’!. h%>?”)ῌ Caryophyllene •,. $ῌ –/ ῑ+Eῒ  *‰

(42) ‰“8’. [ῌ Geraniolῌ Nerol  [—e$ ῍ PerWF/ . !$˜f™‡ah+-!$ šhŒ›šfœ. ]^_`aῌb]cda%)ῌ †‡ˆh|. gah8’!$῍ ž /ῌ i ῌ Vῌ –/. ‰hŠah•,[ῌ Caryophyllene  [—e$. B+? pT1Ÿ +) ῌ ¡V.  ῑ+ῒ2ῒ῍ 1$*¢£ῌ C. persicum T+. ž  *‰

(43) ‰“ Mal-. H ῌ ¤\,[%+? p(Ž¥ . vidin --glucoside 8’!$῍ ¦ῌ ž . 1§¨ ῍. +i ῌ Vῌ /ῌ –/2+¡)ῌ 1$* . C. persicum ž +? p©3%'.. *ªh«¬, T<.­4D*$ Peo-. €2῍ [ž ]^_`aῌ. nidin - -glucoside  Peonidin - -neohesperidoside . b]cda%) ῌ ®5ῌ fgah%. 8’!$῍ !*+ῌ ž +¯ ). >? pl$῍ ῏

(44) °]{ῐ  ῏i°‰a±. ῌ 1 *‰

(45) ‰“H7‹f™‡ah. ²³ῐ %%'.  ´. PerWF / +® 2. rµ) Chalcone ,-glucoside 8’!$. ,ῒῌ0ῒ. ῍. ῌ ῏Y/¶+ Hῐ %%'.´.. %34·, ¸¹6e%7º7. PerWF. +® 2 ῑ+ῒ2ῒ῍ º~8 *»¼ag^. " ,½9+H ῌ %'.ῌ %. b+:;!$ C. persicum T, + PerWF..

(46) J. Japan Association on Odor Environment Vol. ., No. , ,*++. 111. + 


(48) ῌ  -./0 Limonene Myrcene Alpha terpineol Linalool Geraniol Nerol Citronellol Citronellal Methyl citronellate Rose oxide Caryophyllene Humulene Farnesene Farnesol ,, --Dihydrofarnesol Nerolidol Cinnamic alcohol Cinnamic aldehyde Phenylpropyl alcohol Benzyl alcohol Methyl benzoate ,-Ethyl hexanol Methyl nonyl ketone. PerWF .. PerWF /. *.,+ *.,. -./3 *.** ,-.+/ 3.+3 *.0+ *.** *.** *.** ..., *.** *.** -.11 +.*1 *.** *.** *.** *.** *.0, *.** *.** *.**. *.+. *.+/ +..+ *.0+ +.-3 *.1* *.** *.** *.** *.** 1.*2 +.+, *.** *.,0 *.** *.** *.** *.** *.** *.+, *.** *.++ +3.-1. ῎ ῏ *.++ *.*0 *./*.*0 *.**.** *.** *.** *.** *.** +1.*. ,.+3 -.+/ *.** *.** *.** *.** *.** *.** *.*1 *.** *.*2 *.**. !"#

(49) $ %&'() *

(50) +, ῐῌῑ. ῎ ῎

(51) PurWF ῏ ῏ *./+ *.-0 +.22 *..+ *.** *.** *.** *.** *.** *.** 2.2+ +./-0.-0 *.., *.,*.** *.** *.** *.** *.+2 *.** ..00 *.**. *.,. *.,. ..0* *..0 ,-.+3 ++.22 ,.+. *.** *.** *.*+.-. *.+, *.3. -..+ +.2, *.+* *.** *.** *.** *.** *.** *.,0 *.**. PPa+. *.13 *.+* *.,*.*1 ../3 -.*2.*/ *.+0 ,.+/ *.+. *.-1 *.** +.*1 ++.12.-. *.,3 +/.1/ -.*2 ..+2 ,./+.11 +.01 *.**. +.-, +.2. +,.+0 +.0. *.** *.+. .*.+, *.+. 3.21 *.0+.10 *.** *.** *.+/ *.,, *.*2 *.+/ *.** *.** *.2, *..1 *.+*.**. PPa*.** *.** *.** *.+3 *.-*.** ++.-1 *.** +..* *.*3 *.** *.** +.03 /.-. 0.+*.** ,.-. *.32 +.32 ,.-1 *.** *.*0 *..0. ῎-

(52) 56῏. ῎12

(53) -῏. ῎34

(54) -῏. *.++ *.** *.** *.12 *.31 *.** +0.13 *.+/ +.10 *.-, *.** *.** ..2* -.-, ,,.,2 *.+0 +-.** +.2* +.., -.2* *.** +.-1 +.-1. *.*2 *.** *.** *.-1 *..3 *.** ++./3 *.,* +.13 *.11 *.** *.** +./3 -.2* 1.-. *.** +*.03 +.2/ 0.2, -.*2 *.** *.2* +.*3. *.+1 *.** *.** *.03 +../ *.+1 ++.+/ *.-*.** *.*0 ,.22 *.-/..* ..1, +,..* *.++ -./*.23 *.1* ,.-. *.0../* +./+. PerWF .ῌ PerWF / : Cyclamen persicum

(55) ῍ ῎ ῏ῌ ῎῏ῌ ῎

(56) ῏ : Cyclamen persicum

(57) ῍ PurWF : Cyclamen purpurascens

(58) ῍ PPa+ : ῎῏ῒPurWF

(59) $῍ PPa- : ῎ ῏ῒPurWF

(60) $῍ ῎-

(61) 56῏ῌ ῎12

(62) -῏ῌ ῎34

(63) -῏ : PPa+ 7 PPa-

(64) 8$ 9/῍. 7 PerWF /

(65) :;:&-7-./0<=>?@. -./072Aῌ Cinnamic alcohol BCD

(66). EFG2ῌ H"#


(68) IJKE ῎ ῏. -./072AL#"A6&῍ MN

(69)  ῌ PerWF.. 7 ῎

(70) ῏

(71) :-

(72) ;:&. 7 ῎

(73) ῏ BO' PD

(74) -QRST῍.

(75) /U VW2T7XY#"&῍ ZTῌ 

(76) [. \-]^O' PD

(77) -QR&Eῌ PerWF..  B_G2:6`a7`b<=>E_G. 7 ῎

(78) ῏ 7B-

(79) cE;:&῍ H

(80) d. &῍ H

(81) H7B9

(82) efQghT`a Vi &jk. 6Bῌ Citronellol, Rose oxide, ,, --Dihydrofarnesol,. lkm;QR&H7<nopq &῍ H"#

(83) H7. Cinnamic alcohol Erhost2A6&7XY#"&῍. #ῌ -7-./0 >6A^9

(84) efQ`a7uD. v wῌ \ - ]    B x y - . / 0

(85)  zῌ ,, - -. jklkm;EghA6&H7EXY#"ῌ {|

(86) }. Dihydrofarnesol ZTB Cinnamic alcohol E~€".  &‚ƒE„ €"&῍. :6?@ER&H7E†‡€"A6&H7#ῌ \-]  6A^-

(87) ˆ0‰EghA6&H7Ep. .,.  Cyclamen purpurascens. q€"&3ῑ, +*ῑ῍. \-] ῐC. purpurascensῑ

(88) Š`B‹QR. \-] ŒŽ:-./072A Cinnamic. ῐ!,ῑῌ `a72A Malvidin -, /-diglucoside E~. alcohol, Methyl benzoate, Phenylpropyl alcohol :. 0ῑ. €"T ῍.

(89) \-ERῌ H"#

(90) -./0B‘’. \-]

(91) -./0

(92) “/B+ p 7. / Vi &O”‘P•'–—˜’/™š

(93) [›œ. Qῌ Caryophyllene :

(94) žŸ P¡¢‰£aB¤. ¥¦#’/€"&H7E†‡€"A6&++ῑ῍ \-]. :oῌ §— P¡P¨Pῌ žŸ P¡P. 

(95) O”‘P•'–—˜’/™š %&. ¨Pῌ \-ῌ Rose oxide Exy-./072A©o. ‘7\--./0

(96) ’/

(97) bª«“ >6AB{. ~€"T῍ Citronellol . |

(98) }­®QR&῍. Rose oxide B¬ D

(99). -./072Aῌ ,, --Dihydrofarnesol B¯ D


(101)  ῌ 

(102) . 112. .-. 

(103) . ., ,  ,- . persicumῒ  2) ῑC. purpurascensῒ 4,&5. PPa + 6 ῏789:;<=>ῐΐPurWF ??@A. -B

(104) " C

(105) DEF@AG HI ῌ J . KLMῌ PPa- 6 ῏8>NOῐΐPurWF ??.  !6P

(106) QRKS-῍   !6. @AKLMHI-῍ PPa + 1T6!7!HI. U)40VWX?YZ ,/ "#$W[\WXS῍. ῌ PPa- 1T6%7!HI]A῍ PPa+  PPa -. ^_ U)

(107) "   ! &)`'aWῌ. 1(?b)T*WXῌ Cyanidin -, /-diglucoside,. Scd:e

(108) +,5-B4f-WX-῍. Q. Peonidin -, /-diglucoside, Malvidin -, /-diglucoside ` gEF@A῍ PPa+ΐPPa- ,&4hῌ ij../. .

(109) "  k0?7!l&)WX ῏1W ῐῌ m. $ 2 3n6o 4pqrst. l&)WX ῏ 5ῐ  ῏uv ῐ 4UWA῍. c!O0+wxy z6wx

(110) "-G HI-῍ Y. ῏1W ῐ 1? Cyanidin -, /-diglucoside, Peo-. Aῌ T* 21T 3n6{7. nidin -, /-diglucoside, Malvidin -, /-diglucoside `gE. : "#;7h<89|ῌ}&~|€=wx‚. F@ῌ ῏ 5ῐ  ῏uv ῐ ?6 Malvidin -,. ƒ1Qwxy z6wx

(111) "-G HI-῍ >wx. +,ῒ. /-diglucoside `gEF@A ῍. 8 9. „:6ῌ 9? ~† @A€v$‡ˆ| ῑ,**, "$῎. PPa+  PPa- 1?  2  ) b ) $  HI- Citronellol, Rose oxide, ,, --Dihydrofarnesol,. ,**0 "$ῒ ‰Š4‹ŒXh@A῍ Ž‘

(112) ’“ ”•4B5-῍. Cinnamic alcohol `gEF@A῍ PPa+ H6–C Caryophyllene `gEF@A`ῌ PPa- H6gEF@S].  : Cyclamen persicum, C. purpurascens, ). A῍ B "—

(113) ῏789:;<=>ῐ  ῏8>NOῐ. +&)ῌ $ῌ T*.

(114)  2)4,&5-B

(115) " ῌ $ ƒ ` QRD‡Wῌ PPa+  PPa- 6 ῏789:;< =>ῐ  ῏8>NOῐ

(116) E˜WX. QR™FF@A῍. PPa +  PPa - ,&_  ?  ?@A - & )6ῌ @ š@ 2)

(117) › S]A`ῌ $4E ˜5- , œ cd:e

(118) Œ?@A῍ ῏1W ῐ  ῏ 5ῐ ?6 2) b) $`g EF@A`ῌ Caryophyllene 6gEF@S]A῍ ῏u v ῐ ?G 2) b) $`gEF @ῌ F?

(119) Caryophyllene GgEF@A῍ - &)G

(120) s:dG HI]A`ῌ ῏uv ῐ ?6 NžŸ :G G¡¢?@A+-ῒ῍. /. . £¤ "—

(121) ῌ %¥&) ῑC. persicumῒ  2 ) ῑC. purpurascensῒ )+,&

(122) " DEWA   !6ῌ L`. H

(123) ™FF@A`ῌ m7!. £¦ 1T6?@XS῍ &) 3L4. QR. D§¨

(124) I 3LZŒ4™J5-K8

(125) LMDKU) `I-῍ LMDK4©B5DKªWXb

(126) «!¬N` OPF@XQA`ῌ ›"ῌ =­!®:¯ OP

(127) " Q R °`R±F@X-+.ῒ῍ B@YH

(128) ῌ   !* =­!®:¯²³

(129) " 1T LMDK` ?@ῌ ´B LMDK4µ

(130) 1T4'¶5A· U )4h]X-+/ῒ῍ +1** " ¸ C. persicum  )` S ¹:žº

(131) T UF@X£ῌ J  !

(132) 6V -** " W»` I-῍ BBH¼½WA  !6ῌ %¥&) ῑC..  + ῒ Grey-Wilson, C. : Cyclamen (A guide for gardeners, horticulturists and botanists). B.T. Bastsford, England, (,**,). , ῒ Takamura, T., Cyclamen : Cyclamen persicum Mill. In : Anderson, N.O. (ed) Flower Breeding and Genetics. Springer, Netherlands, ./3ῌ.12, (,**1). - ῒ Ishizaka, H., and Uematsu, J. : Interspecific hybrids of Cyclamen persicum Mill. and C. purpurascens Mill. produced by ovule culture. Euphytica 2,, -+ῌ-1, (+33/a). . ῒ Ishizaka, H., and Uematsu, J. : Amphidiploids between Cyclamen persicum Mill. and C. purpurascens Mill. induced by treating ovules with colchicine in vitro and sesquidiploids between the amphidiploid and the parental species induced by conventional crosses. Euphytica 20, ,++ῌ,+2, (+33/b). / ῒ http://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/site/hokosikuramen/ 0 ῒ Takamura, T., Nakayama, M., and Ishizaka, H. : Inheritance of flower pigment in crosses between cyclamen cultivars and Cyclamen purpurascens. Acta Hort., 01-, .-1ῌ..+, (,**/). 1 ῒ ῌ  :  ῍

(133) ῌ ῌ .+ ῑ-ῒῌ +0.ῌ+1.ῌ ῑ,*+*ῒ῍ 2 ῒ ῌ  ῌ 

(134) ῌ  :  ! ῑCyclamen persicum "# C. purpurascensῒ $῍ % &ῌ 1- ῑ ,ῒῌ .2.ῌ ῑ,**.ῒ῍ 3 ῒ Ishizaka, H., Yamada, H., and Sasaki, K. : Volatile compounds in the flowers of Cyclamen persicum, C. purpurascens and their hybrids. Sci.Hort.3., +,/ῌ+-/, (,**,). +*ῒ  ' :  !(  )* Cyclamen purpurascens  )+,&

(135) "-./01  2 "#3  2.

(136) J. Japan Association on Odor Environment Vol. ., No. , ,*++. ῍ 

(137)  -+ῌ 01ῌ1/ῌ ῎,**-῏῍ ++῏ Knudsen, J.T., and Gershenzon, J. : The chemical diversity of floral scent, In : Dudareva, N., and Pichersky, E. (eds) Biology of floral scent. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, ,1ῌ/,, (,**0). +,῏ ῌ ῌ ῌ  : Cyclamen persicum C. purpurascens !" , #$%&'()*+ %,-./012!34῍ 56% 1- ῎7 ,῏ῌ ,++ῌ ῎,**.῏῍ +-῏ 89:ῌ ;<=ῌ >?@Aῌ  : "#$BCDE F ῎Cyclamen persicumῐC. purpurascens῏ !GHIJ῍ 56% 1- ῎7 ,῏ῌ ,+,ῌ ῎,**.῏῍. +.῏ Tanaka, A., Shikazono, N., and Hase,Y. : Studies on Biological E#ects of Ion Beams on Lethality, Molecular Nature of Mutation, Mutation Rate, and Spectrum of Mutation Phenotype for Mutation Breeding in Higher Plants. J. Radiat. Res., /+, ,,-ῌ,--, (,*+*). +/῏ Kondo, E., Nakayama, M., Kameari, N., Tanikawa, N., Morita, Y., Akita, Y., Hase, Y., Tanaka, A., and Ishizaka, H. : Red-purple flower due to delphinidin -,/-diglucosides, a novel pigment for Cyclamen spp., generated by ion-beam irradiation. Plant Biotechnology ,0, /0/ῌ/03, (,**3).. Development of fragrant cyclamen by interspecific hybridization Hiroshi ISHIZAKA. Horticultural Laboratory, Saitama Prefecture Agriculture and Forestry Research Center, 3+ Rokumanbu, Kuki, Saitama -.0ῌ**-1, Japan. Abstract Cyclamen cultivars have been bred from wild species of Cyclamen persicum by improving color, size and shape of the flowers, but the scent of the flowers has not been improved. So, we started on breeding to improve the scent of cyclamen. By interspecific hybridization between cultivars of C. persicum and fragrant wild species of C. purpurascens, we developed fragrant cyclamen cultivars, ‘Uruwashi-no-kaori’, ‘Kaori-no-mai’ and ‘Kokou-no-kaori’ that emitted fragrance similar to C. purpurascens. Although the aroma quality of these fragrant cyclamens was greatly improved, the coloration variety of them was decreased, compared with cultivars of C. persicum. So far, we have carried out mutation breeding using ion-beam irradiation technique to increase coloration variety of the fragrant cyclamen.. Key words : Cyclamen persicum, C. purpurascens, interspecific hybrid, aromatic compound, flower pigment. 113.



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