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Refinements of the Elbow Joint for Improved Biofidelity


Academic year: 2021

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Improvements and Validation of THUMS Upper Extremity

Refinements of the Elbow Joint for Improved Biofidelity






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Introduction One out of five reported motor vehicle collision injuries occur to the upper extremities. Certain parts of The Total HUman Model for Safety(THUMS) lack validation against experimental data, including the elbow. The aim of this project is to refine and validate the elbow joint of THUMS, with focus on anatomical response of the elbow during axial impact applied to the wrist.

Methods Internal contacts in the elbow were modified and new contacts assigned between bones and ligaments of the elbow. The posterior part of the radial- and ulnar collateral ligaments, and joint capsule was implemented to the model. Elastic modulus of the cortical bones of the elbow was increased as well as the shell thickness of the humeral cortical bone. The updated model was validated against an experiment where an axial load was applied to the wrist of a female cadaver.

The experimental resultant force in the wrist was then compared with the wrist force obtained from the simulations.

Results The correlation between the experimental and simulation resultant wrist force for the updated model resulted in a CORA score of 0.882. This gave a 6.7% higher CORA score compared with the original model. Hourglass energy was reduced from 63.52% of internal energy to 0.78%. Energy ratio and contact energies indicated that the simulation was stable.

Discussion Movement of elbow bones was assessed to be more anatomically correct, by accounting for the posterior ligament and elbow capsule support. The contact peak force in the humerus was lower and occurred earlier in the simulation in the updated model compared to the original. This is believed to be due to the reduced gap between the elbow bones after increasing the shell thickness of the humeral cortical bone. The model setup resembled the experiment in a good manner.

Conclusion The upper extremity of THUMS was refined for improved biofidelity, with focus on the anatomical response of the elbow joint under an axial impact. However, further model improvements are suggested as well as extended validated against other experimental impact results.


Upper extremity, elbow, biofidelity, validation, Total HUman Model for Safety

(THUMS), Finite Element Modeling (FEM)


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Introduktion En av fem rapporterade krockskador med motorfordon förekommer i de övre extremiteterna. Vissa strukturer hos Total HUman Model for Safety (THUMS) saknar validering gentemot experimentell data, där armbågen är ett av dem. Syftet med detta projekt är att förfina och validera armbågsleden hos THUMS, med fokus på dess anatomiska respons under axiellt islag applicerad på handleden.

Metod Interna kontakter i armbågen modifierades och nya kontakter tilldelades mellan ben och ligament. De posteriora delarna av kollateralligament hos radius och ulna implementerades i modellen, så även armbågens ledkapseln.

Elasticitetsmodulen hos de kortikala benen i armbågen höjdes och skalets tjocklek i det humerala kortikala benet utökades. Den uppdaterade modellen validerades mot ett experiment där en axiell belastning hade applicerats mot en kvinnlig kadavers handled. Den resulterande kraften i handleden från experimentet jämfördes sedan med erhållen kraft i handleden från simuleringarna.

Resultat Korrelationen mellan den experimentella kraften och simulerade kraften hos den uppdaterade modellen resulterade i ett CORA-poäng på 0,882. Detta är en ökning med 6,7% jämfört med den ursprungliga modellen. Hourglassenergin reducerades från 63,52% av inre energi till 0,78%. Energiförhållandet och kontaktenergier indikerade stabil simulering.

Diskussion Rörelsen av armbågens ben bedömdes vara mer anatomiskt korrekt, med hänsyn till stödet från de posteriora ligamentet och armbågens ledkapsel. Den maximala islagskraften i humerus minskade och uppträdde tidigare i simuleringen hos den uppdaterade modellen jämfört med originalet. Detta tros bero på reducerat avstånd mellan armbågens ben genom ökandet av skaltjockleken hos det humerala kortikala benet. Modelluppställningen motsvarade experimentets uppställning.

Konklusion De övre extremiteterna av THUMS förfinades i syfte att förbättra biofideliteten. Fokus låg på armbågens anatomiska respons under ett axiellt islag. Både ytterligare förbättringar av modellen och utökad validering mot andra experimentella islag rekommenderas.


Övre extremitet, armbåge, biofidelitet, validering, Total HUman Model for Safety

(THUMS), Finite Element Modellering (FEM)


| iii


First and foremost, I would like express my gratitude to my supervisor, Madelen Fahlstedt for giving me the opportunity to work on this interesting and challenging project. Thank you for exceptional instruction and support through the course of my thesis work, for reviewing my texts, and for always keeping your door open for my questions.

I want to thank Pooya Sahandifar and Victor Alvarez who also supervised me on this project. Thank you Pooya for your time spent teaching me and providing valuable suggestions towards the progress of this project; and thank you Victor for your inputs and support on the project.

I also want to recognize my fellow master students within the Neuronics Department, Steinunn, Jia Cheng, Ekant, Sina, Nicole, and Beatrice, who provided a positive work environment. Particularly I would like to thank my group mates, Jiota, Aðalheiður, Rebekka, Cristina, and Simon, for valuable feedback and discussions. Special thanks to Jiota for helping me with translating my abstract to Swedish.

As this thesis marks my last work within my six years of engineering studies, I want to acknowledge my family. Mamma, pabbi, Vigdís, and Kristjón, thank you for being my closest support and motivation.

Stockholm, June 2019

Kristín Sverrisdóttir


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Kristín Sverrisdóttir, sverris@kth.se Medical Engineering

KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Madelen Fahlstedt, Neuronic Engineering, KTH Pooya Sahandifar, Neuronic Engineering, KTH Victor Alvarez, Autoliv


Svein Kleiven

Hälsovägen 11, 141 52 Huddinge Stockholm, Sweden

KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Mats Nilsson

Hälsovägen 11, 141 52 Huddinge Stockholm, Sweden

KTH Royal Institute of Technology




1 Introduction 1

2 Methods 3

2.1 Model Improvements . . . . 4

2.1.1 Internal Contacts . . . . 4

2.1.2 Modelling of Elbow Joint . . . . 5

2.1.3 Material Improvements . . . . 7

2.1.4 Element Quality . . . . 7

2.2 Validation of UE of THUMS . . . . 8

2.2.1 Experiment . . . . 8

2.2.2 THUMS Setup . . . . 9

2.3 Data Analysis . . . . 12

2.3.1 CORA . . . . 12

3 Results 13 3.1 Biofidelity of Model . . . . 13

3.2 Stability of Model . . . . 15

4 Discussion 16 4.1 Model Improvements . . . . 16

4.2 Experiment . . . . 17

4.3 Future Work . . . . 18

5 Conclusion 20

References 21

Appendix A - Literature Study 26

Appendix B 27



1 Introduction

Upper Extremity (UE) injuries resulting from motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) have received limited attention within traffic research [1]. More efforts have been put into investigating injuries with higher fatality, such as serious spinal cord injuries and brain injuries [2, 3]. Although UE injuries are usually not fatal, studies have shown that they can impact daily life with long-term impairment, which is associated with significant societal cost [4–8]. With improved occupant restraint systems in cars, especially airbags, number of fatal injuries has decreased.

However, number of injuries to the upper- and lower extremities has increased, and is predicted to continue raising in the future [4, 5, 9–11].

Several attributes of human surrogates are used within injury biomechanics research for accident reconstruction [12]. Examples include: human cadavers, human volunteers, animals, anthropomorphic test devices, and computational models. The surrogates have different advantages when approximating for response of a living human, and the injuries that various impacts can lead to. Simulating real-life crashes using computational models allows for analysis of factors which are considered too costly to investigate by conventional experimental approaches [12].

Human body model (HBM) constructed using finite element (FE) method is a computational model. HBMs provide information about both global- and local injury criteria, including injury prediction based on obtained stress and strain values [12]. Depending on model quality, HBMs can be computationally expensive, but can also provide the most accurate results of all computer models used in injury biomechanics. The accuracy of simulation results depends significantly on the quality of the model, meaning its biofidelity in terms of anatomy and material properties.

Total Human Body Model for Safety (THUMS) is a numerical HBM developed by Toyota Corporation and Toyota R&D Lab. THUMS is widely used in industry for car crash simulations, and is available for both pedestrian and vehicle occupant.

The original model represents a 50th percentile American adult male of 175 cm and 77 kg, height and weight respectively [13].

Validating FE HBMs is important to ensure that the model response shows

a reliable representation of a human body response. HBMs are generally

validated against data from cadaveric experiments, or from human volunteers

for pre-crash scenarios [14]. Certain body regions of the THUMS model have

been validated against experimental data, such as the thorax, abdomen, head,



neck, and lower extremities [15]. Some validation work of the UE has been carried out, including a single bone validation of the radius, ulna and humerus and a validation of the forearm as a biomechanical system [16]. However, the impact response of the elbow joint of the UE has not been validated, to the best of the author’s knowledge.

Other limitations of the UE of the THUMS include extensive anatomical simplifications. Certain tissues are excluded which affects biofidelity of the model. Examples of those tissues include: soft tissues in hands, elbow joint capsule, and articular cartilage in joints. Additionally, mechanical properties assigned to biological tissues of THUMS are simplifications of real human properties. This leaves many aspects remaining for investigation, and can therefore be improved with more reliable values from published literature.

The aim of this project is to refine and validate the elbow joint of THUMS, with focus on anatomical response of the elbow during an axial impact loading applied to the wrist.

This will be achieved by investigating biofidelity of the model’s elbow joint, and

adapt the model for improvements. The UE model will then be validated against

data from a frontal impact applied on the wrist in a cadaveric experiment obtained

by Duma et al. [17].


2. METHODS | 3

2 Methods

Literature study was conducted to gain background knowledge of the thesis topic, covering the following topics: anatomy of the UE focusing on the elbow, mechanical properties of biological tissues, UE injuries from MVCs, experiments of UE impacts, FE method, and validation of simulations to experiments.

Summary of the literature study can be found in Appendix A.

Evaluation and updates were performed to the UE of THUMS AM50 Occupant SAFER v9.0.1, hereafter referred to as THUMS SAFER. The model consists of bones, ligaments, soft tissues, skin and muscles. For this study, only the passive contribution of the muscles of the forearm was included. Muscles of the upper arm were excluded from the model. Further information on the model can be found in section E.2 under Appendix A.

LS-PrePost v4.6 (Livermore Software Technology Corporation, Livermore, USA) was used for pre- and post processing, and an explicit dynamic solver in LS- Dyna v.9.7.1 (Livermore Software Technology Corporation, Livermore, USA) was used for running simulations [18].

(a) Complete UE (b) Flesh and skin of UE removed

Figure 2.1: UE of THUMS AM50 Occupant SAFER v9.0.1 (THUMS SAFER)


4 | 2. METHODS

2.1 Model Improvements

This section aims to describe modifications that were made to the UE of THUMS SAFER to gain improved biofidelity and model robustness. Focus was on the elbow joint, but several modifications were made to other parts of the UE.

2.1.1 Internal Contacts

Prior to model updates, there was extensive penetration between ligaments and bones in the elbow during an impact situation, see Figure 2.2. The model had two surface to surface contacts assigned for the elbow: one contact between the distal humerus and the proximal radius and ulna, and one contact between the annular ligament (AL), radial collateral ligament (RCL) and the distal humerus.

The contact between the bones was kept but the contact between the ligaments and the humerus was modified.

Figure 2.2: Lateral view of the radius (red) penetrating through AL (green) and RCL (blue).

Automatic surface to surface contact was generated between the cortical bones and ligaments in the elbow, in order to eliminate penetration. Distal end of the humerus and proximal ends of the ulna and radius acted as a slave with the four ligaments of the elbow, AL, RCL, quadrate ligament (QL), and ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) as master (Figure 2.3 (a)).

Tied contact was added between nodes on the AL and a segment set of the

radial neck (Figure 2.3 (b)). This was required as there was connection defined


2. METHODS | 5

between movement of the two in the model, although they are connected in the human elbow. The anatomical purpose of the AL is to restrain rotations of the radial head and to keep it in place adjacent to the ulna.

(a) Bones (yellow) and ligaments (red)

(b) AL (green nodes) and segment of radius (black boxes below)

Figure 2.3: Contacts added to the elbow joint of THUMS SAFER, (a) surface to surface contact, and (b) tied nodes to surface offset contact.

Existing contacts of the UE, as well as the surface to surface contact generated, were assigned soft constraint, segment-based contact option and search depth in automatic contact within the automatic surface to surface contact card. This was done to comply with the model requirements of THUMS SAFER [19]. See Table 2.1 for assigned contact setting.

Table 2.1: Updated contact card (card 9) for contacts of the UE in THUMS.

SOFT (constraint option) SBOPT (segment-based contact option) DEPTH (search depth in automatic contact)

2 (pinball segment based) 3 (warped segment check) 5 (checked for surface and edge-to-edge penetration)

2.1.2 Modelling of Elbow Joint

To reduce the gap between the elbow bones which is present in the model, shell

thickness was added to the cortical bones in the elbow. A parametric study was

performed to understand the influence on the model response. Resultant force

in the wrist, and the contact force in the cortical bone of the humerus varying shell

thicknesses were analyzed. Thickness values investigated were 1mm (original

thickness), 2mm, and 3mm. Shell thickness of 3mm was chosen. Dynamic


6 | 2. METHODS

and static friction coefficients were set to 0.1 as friction of articular cartilage in human synovial joints is reported to be very low under dynamic loading [20]. In order to account for shell reference surface offset in the contact treatment of the humerus, as the thickness was altered, offsets were set to be treated using shell thickness (CNTCO = 1). Reference surface of cortical bones of the elbow and the elbow ligaments was set to the bottom surface (NLOC = -1).

Elbow ligaments were remodelled to improve element quality. Attachment points of ligaments with surrounding bones were adjusted for improved stability. See Figures F.3 - F.6 under Appendix B for changes. The RCL and UCL are simplified in the model, resulting in lack of support for stability on the posterior side of the elbow [21]. Additionally, the elbow joint capsule is not modelled, but the capsule plays a role in stabilizing and strengthening the joint [22, 23]. The ligaments on the posterior side of the elbow were modeled with beam elements (Figure 2.4), and material properties found in Table 2.2. Same material properties were chosen as are assigned to the existing elbow ligaments, but limited studies have been published reporting mechanical properties of the elbow ligaments.

Although Smith et al. [24] reported elastic moduli for the anterior and posterior bundles of the UCL to be 13.77 MPa and 1.96 MPa respectively, the values currently used in the model for the elbow ligaments were kept to avoid inducing model instabilities.

Table 2.2: Material model and properties of beam elements with a combined function of elbow ligaments on the posterior side and the elbow capsule.

Part Material Model Young’s Modulus, E [GPa] Density, 𝜌 [kg/m


] Poisson’s Ratio

Elbow Capsule ELASTIC 82.65 1000 0.22

Figure 2.4: Beam elements (pink) in the posterior side of the elbow joint representing

the function of the posterior aspects of RCL and UCL which is missing and the elbow

capsule. Beam elements thickened for better illustration.


2. METHODS | 7

2.1.3 Material Improvements

Mechanical properties of trabecular bone has been shown to vary greatly between anatomical regions [25], with most previous studies focusing on the femur and the tibia [26, 27]. However, Dunham et al. [28] conducted an experiment of mechanical properties of trabecular bone of the distal humerus and showed the elastic modulus to vary from 2.9 MPa to 1041.7 MPa with mean of 309.8 MPa. Elastic modulus of trabecular bone of humerus was changed from 40 MPa to 310 MPa. Due to lack of published experimental data, same values were chosen for the trabecular bone of the radius and ulna.

2.1.4 Element Quality

The following modifications were performed due to hourglass energy being outside of acceptable range. Element formulation of the flesh of the lower arm, and the spongy parts of the proximal and center ulna and radius, and distal humerus were changed from constant stress solid element (ELFORM 1) to fully integrated solid (ELFORM 2).

Element formulation of ligaments in hand and wrist was changed from Belytschko-Tsay shells (ELFORM 2) to fully interated Belytschko-Tsay membranes (ELFORM 9). Elbow ligaments and the interosseous membrane were changed from Belytschko-Tsay membranes (ELFROM 5) to the same as the hand and wrist ligaments (ELFORM 9).

Hourglass control type of all solids and shells was changed from Flanagan- Belytschko viscous form (IHQ 2) to the same control type with with exact volume integration for solid elements (IHQ 3), and to a configuration which activates the full projection warping stiffness for shell elements (IHQ 8).

The model checker tool within the student edition of HyperWorks v.2017.2 (Altair

Engineering Inc, Troy, USA) was used to check for element quality both before

and after model improvements.


8 | 2. METHODS

2.2 Validation of UE of THUMS

2.2.1 Experiment

To validate the UE of THUMS, experiment by Duma et al. [17] was replicated.

Axial load was applied across the wrist joint using a pneumatic impactor, and the resultant force in the wrist was measured. The test was configured in a way to resemble a loading situation of a side airbag deployment, see Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: Lateral view of the test configuration. Wrist and elbow joints are forced into compression by axial load applied when a pneumatic impactor (not shown) strikes the transfer piston. Published from Duma et al. [1] with permission from authors.

The UE was dissected at the mid-shaft of the humerus and supported by two cables which held the elbow in 90° flexion. The forearm was kept intact to preserve the load distribution provided by the interosseous ligament which connects the ulna and the radius longitudinally. The handgrip assembly was constructed of aluminum in a manner to provide a narrow and rigid contact surface with the wrist only. This position was chosen to minimize applied moment, and to resemble what was considered the most vulnerable position of the wrist in a side airbag deployment situation. No pre-load was applied to the wrist, and the wrist was lightly fixed to the handgrip assembly, allowing it to translate away from it after impact. Data was filtered using channel frequency class (CFC) 180 filter.

The experiment was performed on 19 female cadavers. The experimental

results (Figure 2.6) used in this study were from a UE of a female cadaver of

weight 55 kg [17]. Section 2.2.2 explains how the load curve was used in the


2. METHODS | 9

simulation and correlation analysis. See section D under Appendix A for further information on the experiment.

Figure 2.6: Axial force measured in wrist of female cadaver, used in this study for comparison of simulated results [17].

2.2.2 THUMS Setup

First, the UE of the THUMS was isolated from the full-body model. Positioning was performed to attain a 90° flexion of the elbow (see Figure 2.7). This was achieved by simulating a pull onto the hand outwards which aligned the radius in 90° with the humerus.

(a) Angle: 98.5° (b) Angle: 90°

Figure 2.7: Angle between humerus and radius before and after positioning of model.

All other parts of the model are hidden for better visualization of the angle between the



10 | 2. METHODS

Hand was positioned by applying a load to the palm and fingers to allow for a direct impact to the wrist. All parts besides the hand were kept rigid to avoid any distortion of the arm. Nodal position of the hand and wrist which corresponded to the experimental setup were then used for the validation simulations.

Two tension-only cables of length two meters each and properties of steel, were attached to the forearm and the upper arm [29]. The cable that supported the lower arm was constrained to a node on the surface of the lower-arm band which was made from a set of nodes on the lower arm replicating the cuff from the experiment, see Figure 2.5. The cable supporting the upper arm was constrained to a node in the center of the humerus, but the whole upper arm was made rigid, as the upper arm had been dissected in the experiment at the mid-shaft of the humerus. Both cables were constrained using a rigid body constraint.

The impactor was modeled as a rigid rectangular plate with material properties of aluminum. The impactor was constrained to only allow for translational movement in the negative x-direction. Material properties of impactor and cables can be seen in Table 2.3 and the replicated experimental setup can be seen in Figure 2.8.

Table 2.3: Material model and properties of impactor and cables used in simulation.

Part Material Model Young’s Modulus, E [GPa] Density, 𝜌 [kg/m


] Poisson’s Ratio

Impactor RIGID 69 2700 0.22



2. METHODS | 11

Figure 2.8: Medial view of the replicated experimental setup. Green arrow indicates applied axial rigid body load applied in negative x-direction. Cables are shortened and thickened for illustration.

The load curve (Figure 2.6) was applied as a rigid body load to the wrist and

the impactor was put in contact with the cortical part of the wrist bones (Figure

2.9) only using automatic surface to surface contact. The resultant force in

the wrist was measured in a cross-section in the distal ulna and radius, see

Figure 2.9. Contact force in the distal humerus with the proximal ulna and radius

was also analysed in conjunction with the wrist force, to investigate difference

between the response of the original and the updated model. Data obtained

from simulations was filtered with channel frequency class (CFC) 180 filter using

Matlab (MathWorks, Natick, USA).


12 | 2. METHODS

Figure 2.9: Cross section of distal ulna and radius (black arrows) where resultant wrist force is measured from simulations. Wrist bones are shown as well (red arrows), where the load is applied.

2.3 Data Analysis

2.3.1 CORA

CORrelation and Analysis (CORA) is a method which provides an objective overall evaluation of correlation between whole response curves obtained from experiments and simulations [30]. CORA consists of set of algorithms which combine two independent sub-methods: a corridor rating and a cross-correlation rating. The corridor rating evaluates the fitting of a curve into user-defined or automatically calculated corridors, and the cross-correlation rating evaluates phase-shift, shape and area below curves. Rating of results ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 shows no correlation and 1 indicates a perfect match. See Section F.2 for further information on CORA.

For this thesis, CORA v4.0.4 (PBD - Partnership for Dummy Technology and

Biomechanics, Gaimersheim, Germany) was used to compare the simulation

results for resultant force in the wrist to the experimental results. The cross-

correlation method was used, meaning that the phase-shift, shape, and area

below curves was evaluated. The parameteres were evaluated with set weight

factors of 0.5 for the shape of the curve, and 0.25 for both phase-shift and area

below the curve.


3. RESULTS | 13

3 Results

3.1 Biofidelity of Model

Difference in peak of resultant force measured in the wrist in the simulation of the updated model compared with the original was 280 N. Difference between the updated model and the results from the cadaveric experiment was 290 N. The load curves obtained from simulations and experiment can be seen in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Experimental results of resultant force at the wrist compared to simulated results using original model and updated model.

CORA rating of the curves of wrist axial force of the experiment and the simulation before and after model updates can be found in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: CORA rating of the resultant wrist force obtained from experiment and simulations, using the cross-correlation method.

Original Model Updated Model Improvement

CORA Rating 0.827 0.882 6.7%


14 | 3. RESULTS

Biofidelic assessment of the response of the elbow bones under impact was performed by analysing the movement of the bones in relation to one another.

The medial view of the elbow bones of the original and updated model 20 ms after initial impact can be seen in Figure 3.2. The posterior ligament support which has been modeled as beam elements can be seen in Figure 3.2 (b).

(a) Original model. (b) Updated model.

Figure 3.2: Position of elbow bones, ulna (purple), radius (red), and humerus (grey) 20 ms after initial impact. Elbow ligaments, flesh and skin are hidden in the images.

Resultant force of the humerus generated in the contact with the proximal ulna and radius from simulations is presented in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3: Resultant force in cortical bone of humerus before and after model



3. RESULTS | 15

3.2 Stability of Model

Positioning of the model showed more stable results after performing the model updates. That can be seen by comparing the penetrations of ligaments and bones in the elbow in the last state of the positioning simulation, see Figure 3.4.

(a) Original model. (b) Updated model.

Figure 3.4: Position of the elbow after positioning of the arm. Yellow circle marks penetration and the red circles mark loose nodes.

Simulation the experiment for both original and updated model model had no negative hourglass energy. Maximum hourglass- versus internal energy ratio, as well as minimum and maximum values for energy ratio, sliding energy (total contact energy) and total mass can be seen in Table 3.2. Requirements are stated according to the THUMS SAFER requirement document [19]. The total contact energy in defined contacts for ligament versus bone was positive.

Table 3.2: Stability and computational parameters before and after model updates.

Requirements are according to reported values for THUMS SAFER [19].

Parameter Requirement Original Model Updated Model

Energy ratio (min) 0.95 0.987 0.987

Energy ratio (max) 1.05 1 1

HG energy/Int energy <10 % 63.52 % 0.78 %

Total sliding energy N/A 1.21 0.90

Added mass <5 % 1.56 ⋅ 10 −4 % 1.67 ⋅ 10 −4 %

Smallest timestep N/A 1.06 ⋅ 10 −3 ms 5.79 ⋅ 10 −4 ms

Computational time N/A 68 sec (1 min, 8 sec) 116 sec (1 min, 58 sec)



4 Discussion

4.1 Model Improvements

Penetrations in elbow were eliminated by applying contact between bones and ligaments and modifying existing contacts, explained in Chapter 2.1.1. This was evident in both positioning of the UE and in the simulated experiment.

Although number of internal contact definitions should be kept to minimum, it was necessary to increase the number of contacts by one. This was due to the ignored relationship between the annular ligament and the radial head. The function of this ligament is to limit dislocations of the radial head but still allow for rotation of the radius during pronation and supination [31], and therefore an offset contact was defined.

The absence of the posterior part of UCL and RCL in THUMS, in combination with exclusion of the elbow joint capsule caused an unrealistic gap between the elbow bones under impact (see Figure 3.2. Beam elements representing the posterior parts of the RCL and UCL as well as the elbow capsule were added for posterior elbow stability. The elbow capsule has been reported to have similar mechanical structure to the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder, apart of the elbow joint having less capability to stretch [32]. The elastic modulus of the glenohumeral joint has been shown to vary from 28.4 MPa to 56.8 MPa depending on region [33]. Therefore the currently assigned properties for the elbow ligaments which have an elastic modulus of 82.65 MPa was chosen also for the beam elements.

Remodeling of ligaments was required due to their unstable response. The ligaments had nodes which were not connected to nodes of the surrounding tissue, leading to behavior of the ligaments which is anatomically incorrect.

Increased shell thickness of the cortical bone of the distal humerus from 1mm to 3mm served as a compensation to some extent to the absence of cartilage in the elbow joint of the THUMS.

Large difference in stiffness of cortical and trabecular bone of the of the proximal

ulna and radius, and distal humerus, as well as their poor element quality (see

warpage and aspect ratio values under Table F.2 under Appendix B caused

instability in the model. Elastic modulus of cortical parts of the same bones

is assigned with 17.6 GPa, and that difference resulted in negative volumes of

the trabecular bone under large deformations. THUMS SAFER has advantage

of being low in computational cost and is therefore a desired option to use in



industry, although there are FE HBMs including THUMS v4 and GHBMC, used in research with finer mesh [14].

The element formulation of the flesh of the lower arm was changed from constant stress solid element to a fully integrated solid. This along with exact volume integration hourglass control type eliminated hourglass energy issues with the model. However, the computational time of the simulation was increased from 68 seconds to 116 seconds, or 70.6%.

4.2 Experiment

The experiment by Duma et al. [17] was replicated to validate the model response and to compare the response of the THUMS SAFER before and after modifications were implemented.

According to the information provided about the experiment, the simulation set- up resembled the experiment in a good manner. During the simulation, the impactor did not lose contact with the wrist until at the very end of the simulation, around 25 ms after impact. This corresponds well with the experiment where the handgrip held until the end of the impact. This indicates that the force and momentum were transferred from the wrist trough the radius, interosseous membrane, and ulna in the forearm, as intended. This was confirmed by measuring the force at the impact location and at the distal end of the forearm, but the same tendency of the resultant force was observed.

The resultant force measured in the wrist in the updated THUMS SAFER compared with the original model showed improvement in correlation with the simulated results, or a CORA rating of 0.882 compared to 0.827. This showed an improvement of 6.7%, although both correlations were within the limits of the biofidelity loadcase requirements for the THUMS SAFER of normal termination and CORA rating of 0.7 [19].

When comparing the tendencies of the resultant wrist force curves of the original

and updated models, a few interpretations can be made. The wrist force (Figure

3.1) was analyzed state by state in conjunction with the contact force of the

distal humerus with the proximal ulna and radius (Figure 3.3). A correlation was

observed between the contact force in the elbow and the resultant force in the

wrist. The force in the humerus of the original model showed one distinct peak of

around 1250 N at 12 ms, while the updated model showed two peaks, first one

at 630 N and the second one at 800 N. Another major difference between the

original and updated model is the trend from 20-25 ms. This difference can be



explained by looking at Figure 3.2. The implemented posterior constraint forces the humerus to stay in contact with the ulna as the joint is moving as a unit, as if it would be encapsulated. However, in the original model the humerus separated from the ulna under the impact loading. By understanding the behavior of the elbow joint under the impact, the resultant force in the wrist can be explained having the direct load translation from the wrist through the longitudinal section of radius and ulna towards the elbow joint. The original wrist force curve showed two peaks close to each other in magnitude, but they occurred directly following to the peak force in the humerus. Same accounts for the two peaks of the wrist force for the updated model. The contact in the elbow is also showed to occur around 3 ms earlier compared to original model which is anticipated to be due to the increased shell thickness of the bone. The response of the updated model is claimed to be more biofidelic as the elbow joint is enclosed within a capsule.

The experiment used has its limitations. The load curve used was chosen due to the peak force of the resultant force in the wrist being within the range of likely resulting in a fracture of the wrist. Duma et al. [28] reported 50% chance of a wrist fracture at an axial load of 1700 N. This is a limitation to this validation, but only three resultant wrist curves were presented from the experiment and the peak force values of the other two were considered too low severity or too high severity for an impact of interest to analyze. In addition, the velocity of the impact was not identified. Therefore, the load curve measured in the wrist, reported in the experiment was implemented as a rigid body load in the simulation.

The experiment was performed on 5th percentile female, using results from a 55kg female while THUMS SAFER represents a 50th percentile male of 76 kg.

By scaling the load curve applied by a factor of 1.2, equivalent peak force to the experiment was obtained. By using anthropometric data, the mass of the UE was estimated and turned out to be close to the THUMS SAFER UE, or both around 3.2 kg.

4.3 Future Work

The shell thickness implemented closes the open spaces in the elbow and

compensates for the absence of cartilage to a certain degree. However, it does

not account for mechanical properties of cartilage. By accounting for damping,

contact mechanics of the elbow joint is anticipated to be improved, resulting in

a more biofidelic impact response.



Nevertheless, by adding detailed modelling to THUMS SAFER which is modelled with a fairly course mesh, the computational time would be expected to increase. Therefore, the trade-off between biofidelity versus computational time and stability has to be evaluated for each model adjustment.

The wrist of the THUMS SAFER requires modelling improvements and contact definitions, as it currently has penetrations and low stability of ligaments.

Element quality of trabecular bones of the UE was observed to have low quality index values which did not meet the criteria for the model, see Table F.2 under Appendix B.

More comprehensive study is required to confirm the biofidelity of the elbow

joint of THUMS SAFER. But as mentioned prior in this report, only axial load

applied directly to the wrist and reported in the study used. The study aimed to

apply a load across the wrist joint similar to what occurred in the side airbag

test deployment performed. However, a car crash situation could result in

different kinds of impacts than the one studied. Duma et al. [34] performed

a drop test impacting the elbow, forcing it into hyperextension. This study is

suggested to further investigate the response of the elbow and the UE of THUMS

SAFER. The study reports the peak elbow moment for the test population of

24 cadaveric arms, and plots for the moment measured over 60 ms for two

cadaveric specimen. Dynamic hyperextension injury criteria for the female

elbow joint was developed.



5 Conclusion

The aim of this study was to assess the UE of the THUMS SAFER and update

the model according to its weaknesses in terms of biofidelity and stability. This

was achieved with modelling adjustments to the ligaments of the elbow joint, by

adjusting contact parameters and other model parameters such as hourglass

control, element formulation and shell thickness. The ratio of hourglass energy

compared with internal energy was significantly improved, however the energy

ratio remained the same. Implementing model changes which resulted in both

biofidelic improvements without sacrificing the intented function and stability

measures of the model was a challenge. The wrist resultant force measured

in the simulations compared to the experiment used showed better correlation

after implementing model changes and gave a CORA rating of 0.884 compared

to 0.838 using the original model. To conclude, the biofidelity of the elbow

joint of THUMS SAFER has been improved, although there are yet further

improvements that can be made to the model, as suggested in Section 4.3.




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Appendix A - Literature Study



Contents - Literature Study

A Biomechanically Relevant Anatomy 28

A.1 Upper Extremity (UE) . . . . 28 A.2 Elbow Joint . . . . 29 A.2.1 Bones and Articulations of the Elbow . . . . 29 A.2.2 Ligaments and Stabilizers of the Elbow . . . . 30 B Mechanical Properties of Biological Tissues 32 B.1 Cartilage . . . . 32 B.2 Ligament . . . . 33 B.3 Bone . . . . 35

C UE Injuries from MVCs 37

C.1 Injury Trend . . . . 37 C.2 Prevalence and Types of Injuries . . . . 37

D Experiments of UE Impacts in MVCs 39

E Finite Element Method (FEM) 41

E.1 FEM in Traffic Safety Research . . . . 41 E.2 Total Human Model of Safety (THUMS) . . . . 41

F Validation of Simulations to Experiments 46

F.1 Previous Validation of THUMS SAFER UE . . . . 46 F.1.1 Forearm . . . . 46 F.1.2 Humerus . . . . 47 F.1.3 Clavicle . . . . 48 F.2 Correlation and Analysis (CORA) . . . . 48

References 49

Appendix B 57




A Biomechanically Relevant Anatomy

A.1 Upper Extremity (UE)

The upper extremity (UE) is a linked system consisting of: the shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand [2]. The bony structure of the UE can be seen in Figure A.1. The clavicle, scapula, and the proximal end of the humerus make up the shoulder girdle along with the three articulations in place [3]. The humerus which is the longest and largest bone of the UE, is located in the upper arm [4]. The proximal end of the humerus contains the humerus head and is connected to the scapula, forming the shoulder joint. The humerus head forms a ball-socket joint where the cavity of the scapula serves as a socket.

The distal end of the humerus connects with the proximal ends of the two long bones of the forearm, the ulna and the radius, forming the elbow joint [5]. The distal ends of the radius and ulna are attached with the carpal bones, forming the wrist joint. The carpal bones constitute the bony structure of the hand along with the metacarpals and phalanges.

Figure A.1: Anterior view of a right UE showing main bones in black and main joints in

blue. Modified from Human Anatomy Library [6].



A.2 Elbow Joint

A.2.1 Bones and Articulations of the Elbow

(a) Humerus.

(b) Ulna and Radius

Figure A.2: Bones of the elbow joint: (a) anterior view of the left humerus, and (b) posterior view of the left ulna and radius.

Navy colored labels belong to the humerus, green to the ulna and purple to the radius. Modified from Gray’s Anatomy [7].

The distal end of the humerus connects with the proximal ends of the ulna and the radius, forming the elbow joint (Figure A.1). The elbow joint consists of three articulations:

humeroradial, humeroulnar, and proximal radioulnar joints [8]. All three articulations are located within the elbow joint capsule. The three articulations of the elbow allow for range of motion by acting with extensor and flexor muscles of the joint, and ligament constraints which connect the bony structures.

The capitulum of the humerus articulates with the concave radial head forming the humeroradial joint (Figure A.2) [5]. The trochlear of the humerus articulates with the trochlear notch which sits within the olecranon of the ulna forming the humeroulnar joint. The proximal radioulnar joint articulates between the radial head, the ring formed by the radial notch of the ulna, and the annular ligament [9]. Together the articulations of the elbow are described as a trochoginglymoid joint, which is a combination of a hinge and a pivot joint.

The elbow joint is a compound joint as it

has two degrees of freedom and more than

two bones take part in forming it [5]. The

humeroulnar and the humeroradial joints allow

for flexion and extension of the elbow (function

of a hinge joint), and the proximal radioulnar

joints allow for pronation and supination of the

forearm (function of a pivot joint) [10].



A.2.2 Ligaments and Stabilizers of the Elbow

The elbow has three main ligaments: ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), radial collateral ligament (RCL), and annular ligament (AL) (Figure A.3) [10].

The UCL is located on the medial side of the elbow and connects the ulna to the humerus. The UCL plays an important role in resisting valgus stresses to the elbow, which is vital to elbow stability as most forces are applied medially to the elbow joint. The anterior part of the UCL is the strongest part of the UCL which contributes most towards stability, compared to other parts of the UCL [11]. Mean load failure of the anterior part of the UCL has been calculated to be 260N [12].

The RCL refers to a bundle of collateral ligaments which are located on the lateral side of the elbow, and attaches from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the AL [13]. RCL plays a smaller role in elbow stability compared to UCL due to rarity of varus forces to the elbow.

The AL is wrapped around the radius and attached to the radial notch of the ulna. AL supports stability of the elbow by keeping the radius in place as it turns for pronation and supination of the forearm.

Figure A.3: Anterior (left) and posterior (right) views of a left elbow. Ligaments written in blue and bony structures in red. (a): anterior, (p): posterior. Modified from Gray’s Anatomy [7].

The most important elbow stabilizer is the humeroulnar joint [14]. The olecranon

and the coronoid process play important roles in stabilizing the elbow, as these

structures prevent anterior and posterior shearing. The coronoid also acts



as a buttress against axial loading, rotation, and posterior displacement of

the ulna [15]. The UCL and RCL stabilize the elbow laterally and medially,




B Mechanical Properties of Biological Tissues

Stress-strain behavior of solid biological tissue is generally non-linear, anisotropic, and viscoelastic [16]. Large deformations, which are common in biomechanics, are the cause of the non-linear behavior while the anisotropy is due to the fibrous nature of biological tissues. Viscoelasticity is due to internal friction in the extracellular matrix which is composed of mostly elastin and collagen [16].

B.1 Cartilage

Cartilage is a dense and fibrous connective tissue which is found in joints, rib cage, ear, nose, throat and between the intervertebral discs [17]. There are different kinds of cartilage such as elastic cartilage and fibrocartilage, but this text will focus on articular cartilage (also known as hyaline cartilage). Articular cartilage is most prominently found in synovial joints where it covers the surfaces of long bones and acts as a shock absorber. Cellular density of cartilage is the lowest of all biological tissue and it has an extremely low coefficient of friction allowing for smooth motion at the joints. Articular cartilage consists of about 60-85% water and its viscosity is estimated to be the same as viscosity of water.

Schenck et al. [18] performed an indentation creep test of articular cartilage from capitellum and radial head areas of the human elbow. Linear biphasic theroy was used yielding in an aggregate modulus of 𝐻 𝐴 = 0.8 MPa. Average thickness of elbow cartilage was reported to be 1.14mm with 0.29mm standard deviation. Material properties and thickness of cartilage between the capitellum and the radial head showed significant differences.

Articular cartilage of the elbow joint has been computationally modeled using finite element (FE) modelling [19] (B.1). Material properties assigned to cartilage play an important role in biomechanical outputs such as contact area, contact pressure and range of motion. Eghan-Acquah et al. [19] investigated the effect of cartilage material properties on the prediction of radiocapitellar contact mechanics using a three-dimensional FE model of the elbow joint. Material properties selected based on existing literature can be found in Table B.1.

Merz et al. [20] constructed a 2-dimensional FE model to determine joint

contact area, and stress at the humeroulnar joint in flexion of 90°. Material



properties used were based on studies by Kim et al. [21] and only account the instantaneous response of the cartilage, excluding the time-dependent behavior.

Material properties can be seen in Table B.1.

Willing et al. [22] were the first to present a 3-dimensional FE model of articular cartilage mechanics in an intact elbow. Average aggregate modulus and poisson’s ratio of cartilage (𝐻 𝐴 = 0.8 MPa, 𝜌 = 0.07) obtained from studies by Schenck et al. [18] were used to calculate shear modulus (G) and bulk modulus (K) (Table B.1).

Table B.1: Material models and elbow cartilage properties used for several FE based studies. PR: Poisson’s Ratio, E: Young’s Modulus, K: Bulk Modulus, G: Shear Modulus.

Material Model E [MPa] PR K [MPa] G [MPa] Reference Linear elastic compressible 10 0.4 N/A N/A [19, 23]

Linear elastic compressible 1000 0.07 N/A N/A [24]

Less compressible 12 0.45 N/A N/A [19, 22]

Elastic nearly incompressible 15 0.495 N/A N/A [20]

Moony-Rivlin hyperelastic 0.7 0.47 N/A N/A [25]

Neo-Hookean hyperelastic N/A N/A 0.31 0.37 [19]

Willing et al. [22] showed that mean contact cartilage stress increased with greater cartilage thickness. Stiffness of the cartilage and bone also effected resulting mean contact stresses, while friction showed little effect. Same study stated that cartilage demonstrates depth-dependant material properties, and collagen fibrils can cause non-homogeneous and anisotropic material properties. A parameter study emphasized importance of accurately selecting thickness distribution of cartilage, and material properties of cartilage bones for reliable modelling results.

B.2 Ligament

Ligaments are dense connective tissues which connect bones to bones and

serve as joint stabilizers [26]. Mechanical properties of ligaments are derived

from its structure which contains mostly type 1 collagen fibers which are

arranged in dense, parallel arrays. Ligaments are resilient tissues with high

tensile stiffness in the direction of the fiber orientation [27]. Ligaments have



a nonlinear, strain-rate dependent, viscoelastic properties [17] with both creep and stress relaxation behavior observed. Loading and unloading of ligaments generally does not follow the same path, showing hysteresis.

Smith et al. [11] performed tensile tests to describe the microstructural collagen changes in the anterior- and posterior bundles of the UCL. Results of elastic moduli can be seen in Table B.2.

Table B.2: Elastic moduli of anterior bundle (AB) and posterior bundle (PB) of the UCL [11].

UCL - AB UCL - PB Elastic Moduli Mean Range Mean Range Toe region [MPa] 2.73 1.1 - 5.6 0.65 0.44 - 1.5 Linear region [MPa] 13.77 4.8 - 40.7 1.96 0.58 - 9.3

Stabile et al. [28] documented bi-directional (longitudinal and transverse) properties of the interosseous ligament (IOL) of the forearm (Table B.3).

Studies have shown the IOL to be the most important structural element in the interosseous membrane. When compression is applied to the forearm, tensile load is applied to the IOL which reduces load on the radial head by shifting the load towards the ulna, and stabilizes the distal radioulnar joint.

Table B.3: Mechanical properties of the IOL from 20 cadaveric human forearms.

Mean values are shown with standard deviation in parenthesis [28].

Longitudinal Transverse Tangent Modulus (𝐸 𝑡 ) [MPa] 515.1 (277) 1.82 (2.93) Tensile strength [MPa] 54.1 (25.2) 0.18 (0.2) Ultimate strain (%) 16 (5) 34 (32)

Fisk and Wayne [29] constructed and validated a musculoskeletal model of

the elbow and forearm where ligaments were modeled as a single or multiple

linear tension-only springs. Ligament stiffness values were selected based

on published findings (Table B.4). AL was an exception, but its stiffness was

estimated as a mean of the UCL and RCL.



Table B.4: Stiffness of elbow and forearm ligament bundles [29].

A: anterior, P: posterior, C: central, D: dorsal, Pa: palmar, N/A: not applicable.

Ligament Bundle Stiffness [N/mm]

AL All 28.5

UCL (lateral) N/A 57.0

UCL A, P 72.3, 52.2

RCL A, C, P 15.5

Radioulnar (distal) D, Pa 13.2, 11.0 Interosseous membrane A, C 18.9, 65.0

B.3 Bone

The main functions of bones is to provide mechanical support for the whole body as well as protection of inner organs [30]. Bone differs greatly from other biological tissues due to its stiffness and strength, making it a hard tissue.

Calcium is the most abundant bone mineral material, and lack of calcium in bone increases the risk of bone fracture and lowers injury tolerance [16]. Bone mineral density (BMD) also plays an important role in determining fracture risk [30].

Typical mechanical properties of cortical bone for poisson’s ratio, shear- and elastic moduli and compressive yield stress in the longitudinal direction are:

0.39, 3.51 GPa, 17.4 GPa, and 182 MPa, respectively. [31].

Bone is highly strain-rate dependent, which showed in a study conducted by McElhaney [32] where human femur were tested from quasi-static to 1500 𝑠 −1 . Results showed increased elastic modulus with increasing strain rate.

Bass et al. [33] studied interaction of air bags with upper extremities by doing

cadaveric testing. Ultimate strength of human ulna and radius from 3-pt and 4-pt

quasistatic bending were presented from literature (Table B.5).



Table B.5: Ultimate strength of human radius and ulna in bending from several studies.

Presented by Bass et al. [33]. F: female, M: male, *: gender unknown.

Subjects Radius [N⋅m] Ulna [N⋅m] Reference

5F N/A 35 [34]

6F 23 28 [35]

6M 48 49 [35]

35* 37 45 [36]

45* N/A 38 [37]

10* 31 N/A [38]

4F 40 36 Unpublished

Numerous studies have used FE modelling to investigate behavior of long

bones. Merz et al. [20] studied the mechanical implications of incongruity of

the ulnohumeral joint. Stiffness values for cortical- and trabecular bone for the

ulna and humerus were selected as 8000 MPa and 500 MPa respectively. The

subchondral bone was modelled with a Young’s modulus of 1800 MPa.



C UE Injuries from MVCs

C.1 Injury Trend

UE injuries resulting from motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) have received limited attention within traffic research. More effort has been invested into investigating injuries with higher fatality, such as serious spinal cord injuries and brain injuries.

Although UE injuries are usually not fatal, studies have shown that they can impact daily life with long-term impairment, associated with significant societal cost including extensive treatment and hospitalization [3, 16, 39–41].

Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between occupant restraint systems and injuries resulting from MVCs. Martin et al. [42], identified past, present, and future injury trends of car drivers in the United States, using data from the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS). The results showed that with increased seat belt use and air bag availability, number of fatalities from MVCs has gone down. Effectiveness of air bags in saving lives is estimated to be around 30%. However, car restraint systems are not as effective in preventing injuries to the upper- and lower extremities. Goldman et al. [43] investigated the relationship between UE injuries and occupant restraint systems among front seat occupants. Results supported the injury trend of the extremities reported by Martin et al. [42]. Injuries to the upper- and lower extremities are predicted to become more prevalent in the future [16, 39, 42–44].

C.2 Prevalence and Types of Injuries

Chong et al. [45] reported statistics on severe UE injuries in frontal collision using the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) database, which is commonly used in crash investigations. 68% of severe UE injuries turned out to be soft tissue injures compared to 32% fractures. 75% of the fractures occurred distal to the elbow, whereas most of the soft tissue injuries occurred in the humerus. The study showed weight of the occupant playing a role in injury type, where occupants sustaining fractures were on average 6.7kg lighter than those who sustained soft tissue injuries. Results from the same study showed instrument panel, airbag and seat belts to be the main source of injury.

Several studies have reported statistics on UE fractures resulting from MVCs.



Results from studies performed by Conroy et al. [39] and Rubin et al. [46] are presented in Table C.1.

Table C.1: Fracture distribution of UE bones from car occupants in MVCs. ITR: Israel National Trauma Registry, (d): drivers, (p): passengers.

Database Period UE Injuries Cases Radius Ulna Humerus Clavicle Hand bones Reference ITR 1997-2012 17.9% 12,754 21.2% 15.7% 19.1% 18.0% 14.6% [46]

CIREN (d) 1997-2004 28.8% 439 25.4% 26.7% 13.4% 17.1% 12.6% [39]

CIREN (p) 1997-2004 21.7% 145 20.3% 18.1% 15.2% 29.5% 15.4% [39]

It shall be noted that CIREN database generally reports injuries classified of

Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) level 3 and higher, or two combined injuries that

are of AIS level 2 or higher [45]. This means that the crash must be rather severe

to be present in that database. AIS is an anatomical scale which classifies

injuries by severity depending on the threat to life associated with them [47]. AIS

is commonly used for ranking of injuries resulted from MVCs. A nondisplaced

long-bone fractures (bone keeps its alignment and does not move out of place)

are classified as AIS 2, while a displaced long-bone fracture is classified as AIS

3 [3].



D Experiments of UE Impacts in MVCs

Several experiments have been conducted where the UE has been impacted using human cadavers, for the purpose of studying injury mechanics in road accidents. This text will discuss one previous experiment performed by Duma et al. [1], due to interest of using experimental data for validation of an FE model of the UE.

Duma et al. [1] conducted an experiment on small female cadavers, where an impact was applied to the wrist using a pneumatic impactor. Axial compressive force was selected of interest to replicate impact to the hand getting entrapped in the grip during side airbag deployment, which had been determined using video analysis. The axial loading was ensured by the placement of the palm on the handgrip (Figure D.1).

Figure D.1: Top view of the test configuration. Published from [1] with permission from authors.

The UE was disarticulated at the mid-shaft of the humerus and supported by

two cables that held the elbow flexed at 90°(Figure D.2). The forearm was kept

in its original shape to preserve the load distribution allowed by the IOL [48]. A

modified handgrip was used in order to provide a narrow but rigid contact surface

so the impact would be directly applied to the wrist. The wrist was held in place

with a tape that broke during the impact.



Figure D.2: Lateral view of the test configuration. A pneumatic impactor (not shown) strikes the transfer piston causing compression of the wrist and the elbow joints.

Published from [1] with permission from authors.

Small female cadavers were used to generate a wrist tolerance for the most

vulnerable part of the driving population [49]. An injury risk function was

generated with a 50% risk of injury at a wrist load of 1700 N. Nine of seventeen

tests resulted in a wrist injury, including fractures of: the scaphoid, lunate,

distal radius, and distal ulna. Data from this study was used to develop a

50% probability of injury for the 5th percentile dummy by using mass scaling

[50]. Limitation of this study include that axial load is not the only mechanism

producing wrist injuries with side airbags. To generate a predictive function for

wrist fractures, additional research is required including an applied moment to

the wrist in an impact with a deployed side airbag.


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