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Delegating Compiler Objects: An Object-Oriented Approach to Crafting Compilers


Academic year: 2021

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An Object-OrientedApproachto Crafting Compilers

Jan Bosch


Department ofComputer ScienceandBusinessAdministrati on,

UniversityofKarlskrona/Ro nneb y,



URL:http://www.pt.hk-r.se/~b osch

Abstract. Conventionalcompilersoftenarelargeentitiesthatarehighly

complex, dicult to maintain and hard to reuse. In this article it is

argued that this is due to the inherently functionalapproach to com-

piler construction . An alternativ e approachto compiler construction is

prop osed, based on object-oriented princip les ,which solves(oratleast

lessens) the problems of compiler construction. Theapproach is based

on delegating compilerobjects(dcos) thatprovide a structuraldecom-

p osition ofcompilers inadditio n to theconventionalfunctional decom-

p osition.Thedcoapproachmakesuseoftheparserdelegationandlexer

delegationtechniques,thatprovidereuseandmo dulari sati on ofsyntac-

tical,resp ectively,lexical sp eci cati ons.

1 Introduction

Traditionally, compiler constructors have taken a functional approach to the

pro cess of compiling program text. In its simplest form, the pro cess consists

of a lexical analyser, converting program text into a token stream, a parser,

convertingthetokenstreamintoaparsetree andaco de generator,converting

the parse tree into output co de. Both the lexical analyser and the parser are


The monolithicapproachto compilerconstruction isb ecoming increasingly


Whereaspreviouslyapplicationswerebuiltusingoneofthefewgeneralpurp ose

languages,nowadayoftena sp ecialised, applicationdomain languages is used.

Examplescanb efoundinthefourthgenerationdevelopmentenvironments,e.g.

Paradox 2

,andformalsp eci cationenvironments,e.g.SDL. Anotherexampleis


e.g.mo dernphones.Inamo dernphoneexchange, theuser canrequest services

bydialingthedigits asso ciated witha service.Exampleservices are follow-me


Thisworkhasb eensupp ortedbytheBlekingeForskningsstiftels e.



is activated for the user. The available services inmost systems, however,are

subject toregularchange.Athird examplearetheextensiblelanguagemo dels.

An extensiblelanguagecanb eextendedwithnewconstructsandthesemantics

of existing language constructs can b e changed. In this article, an extensible

object-orientedlanguage,L ay

OM,is usedasanexample.

Thechangingrequirementsdescrib edab ovecallformo dularisationandreuse

ofcompilersp eci cations.Thesenewrequirementswouldb ene tfrommeansto

mo dularise and reuse compiler sp eci cations as it would reduce the required

e ort intheconstruction ofcompilers.

Inthisarticledelegatingcompilerobjects(dcos)areprop osedasanapproach

to compiler construction that supp orts mo dularisation and reuse of compiler

sp eci cations. Thedcoapproachto compilerdevelopmentallowsone torecur-

sively decomp ose a compiler intostructuralcomponents, i.e. nested compilers.

Thedcoconcept providesastructuraldecomp ositionofacompilerinaddition

tothetraditionalfunctionalcompilerdecomp osition.Whenusingdcos,aninput

program text isnotcompiledby asinglecompiler, but byaset ofco op erating

compiler objects. Acompiler object can delegate parts of thecompilationpro-

cess toothercompilerobjects.Theadvantageofthisapproachisthatreusability

and maintainabilityareincreased considerablyduetothemo dularapproach.

Toevaluatethemechanism,ato ol,phest, hasb een implementedthat im-

plementsthedcoconcept.Usingthisto ol,compilershaveb eenconstructedthat

convertL ay

OMco de intoc++andcco de.

Theremainderofthisarticleisorganisedasfollows.Inthenext section,the

problems of traditionalcompilerconstruction techniquesthat weidenti ed are

describ ed. Section3describ es thelayeredobject mo delthatwillb eusedas the

running example throughout the pap er. Section4describ es thedco approach

to compilerconstruction,whereassections 4.2,4.3and4.4resp ec tivelydescrib e

the parser delegation, lexer delegation and parse graph node object techniques

employedbythedcoapproach.Section5describ es thephest to olsupp orting

thetechniquesdiscussed inthispap er.Section6describ esrelatedworkand the

pap er isconcludedinsection7.

2 The Problems of onventional ompilers

Traditionally,thecompilationpro cess isdecomp osedtowardsthedi erentfunc-

tions that convert program co de into a description in another language, e.g.

lexing, parsingand co de generation. We haveidenti ed three problems of this


{ Complexity:A traditional,monolithiccompiler tries to dealwith the com-

plexityofacompilerapplicationthroughdecomp osingthecompilationpro-

cessintoanumb erofsubsequentphases.Althoughthisindeeddecreases the

complexity,this approach is notscaleableb ecause a large problemcannot


lexing,parsing,semanticanalysisandco degenerationphaseswehaveexp e-

rienced tob einsu cient.

{ aintainability: Althoughthecompilationpro cess isdecomp osed intomul-

tiplephases, eachphase itselfcanb e alargeand complexentitywithmany

interdep endencies. Maintaining the parser, for example, can b e a di cult

task when thesyntax description is largeand hasmanyinterdep endencies

b etweenthepro ductionrules.Inthetraditionalapproaches,thesyntaxde-

scription of thelanguagecannot b e decomp osed intosmaller, indep endent

comp onents.

{ Reuseability:Although thedomainofcompilershasarichtheoreticalbase,

building a compiler often means starting from scratch, even when similar

applicationsareavailable.Thenotionofreusabilityhasnosupp ortingmech-

anismincompilerconstruction. Nevertheless, craftinga compilergenerally

is alarge and exp ensive undertaking and reuse, when available,would b e

highlyb ene cial.

Summarising,theconventionalapproachto compilerconstruction results in

large,complexmo dulesthatresultintheaforementionedproblems.Thisisdueto

theone-levelfunctionaldecomp osition.Weconsideranobject-orientedapproach

to compiler construction that supp orts reuse and mo dularisation of compiler

sp eci cationsprovidesasolutiontheaforementionedproblems.

3 xample: a ered bject odel

The layered object mo del (L ay

OM)[6] is an extensible object mo del that ex-

tends the conventionalobject mo del to improve expressiveness. An object in

L ay

OM(see gure1)consistsof vemajorcomp onents,i.e.variables(nestedob-

jects), methods, states, categories and layers. The L ay

OMobject mo delcan b e

furtherextendedbyaddingnewtyp esoflayersornewobjectmo delcomp onents.

Thevariablesandmetho dsofaL ay

OMobjectarede nedasinmostobject-

orientedlanguages.A state,as de nedinL ay


object state[5].Thenotionofabstractobjectstateprovidesanasystematicand

structured approach to make the conceptual state of the object accessible at

theinterface.Acategoryisusedtode neaclientcategory,i.e.adistinguishing

characteristicofagroup ofclientsthataretob etreated similar.

The layersencapsulate the object suchthat messages sent to theobject or

sent by the object itself have to pass all layers. Each layer can change, delay,

redirect or resp ond to a message or just let is pass. Layers are, among oth-



4 elegating ompiler bjects

Thedelegatingcompilerobject(dco)approachaimsatmo dular,extensibleand


Fig.1.L object

traditionalapproachestocompilercompilationhaddi cultyprovidingrequired

features due to thelackof mo dularisationand reuse. Theunderlying rationale

of dcos is that next to the functional decomp osition into alexer, parser and

co de generator, we o er another structural decomp osition dimensionthat can

b eusedtodecomp oseacompilerintoasetofsub compilers. atherthanhaving

asinglecompilerconsistingofalexer,parserand co degenerator,aninputtext

can b e compiledbyagroup ofcompilerobjectsthat co op eratetoachievetheir

task. Each compilerobject consistsof one or morelexers, one or moreparsers

and aparsegraph.Acompilerobject,whendetecting thataparticular partof

thesyntaxistob ecompiled,caninstantiateanewcompilerobjectanddelegate

thecompilationofthatparticularpart tothenewcompilerobject.

Thedelegatingcompiler object concept makes useof parser delegationand

lexer delegationforachievingthestructuraldecomp ositionof grammar,resp ec-

tively,lexersp eci cation.Thesetechniqueswillb edescrib edinsection4.2and4.3.

Section4.4discusses theparsegraphno deobjects

4.1 elegating o piler bjects


inthattheconventionalcompilerisused asacomp onentinthedcoapproach.

Inthis approach,acompilerobject consists ofone ormorelexers,one or more

parsers andaparsegraph.

Aconsequence ofdecomp osingacompilerintosub compilersisthatthesyn-

tax of the compiledlanguage should b e decomp osed intothe main constructs

of the language.Each construct is thencompiled byadco. Eachdco can in-


dcosanddelegatespartsof thecompilationtothesedcos.Thesedcoscan,in

turn,instantiateother compilerobjectsanddelegatethecompilationtothem.

Asanexample,thestructureofthecompilerforL ay

OMisshownin gure2.

Asmentioned,L ay

OMisanextensiblelanguage,requiringitscompilertob eex-

tensible.Inaddition,thelayertyp espartofL ay


andsemantics,butwithconsiderableoverlap.TheL ay


usingdcos since mo dularisationand reuseof thecompilersp eci cation ispro-

vided.Theinitialcompiler object of theL ay

OMcompileristhe classdco.The

parser ofthe class dcoinstantiatesthe other dcos and delegates controlover

partsofthecompilationpro cess totheinstantiateddcos.

ig.2. dco-basedL ay


Adco-basedcompilerconsists,asdescrib ed,ofasetofdcos thatco op erate

tocompileaninputtext. Eachdcoconsistsofoneor morelexers,one ormore

parsersandaparsegraph,consistingofno deobjects.Whenadcohasmultiple

parsersorlexersthiscanb etomo dularisetheparserorlexersp eci cationforthe

dcoorto reuseexisting parserorlexer sp eci cations. Theinteractionb etween

di erentparsers orlexers is achievedthrough parser delegation andlexer dele-

gation,resp ectively.In gure3,anoverviewof adco-basedcompilerisshown.

Each dco has a parse graph consisting of no de objects. The classes of the

no de objects are inthenode spaceandthe dcosp eci es which no declasses it



lexer delegation and parse graphnode objects[6].These techniques willb e dis-


4.2 arser elegation

arser delegation is a mechanismthat allows one to mo dularise and to reuse


parsers and redirect the input token stream to the instantiated parser. The


its syntax sp eci cation.It willsubsequentlyreturn tothe instantiatingparser,

whichwillcontinuetoparsefromthep ointwherethesubparserstopp ed.Incase

of reuse,thedesignercansp ecify foranewgrammarsp eci cationthenamesof

oneormoreexistinggrammarsp eci cations.Thenewgrammarisextendedwith

thepro ductionrulesandthesemanticactionsofthereusedgrammar(s),buthas

thep ossibilitytooverrideand extendreused pro ductionrulesandactions.

Wede neamonolithicgrammaras =( ; ; ; ),where isthename

of the grammar, is the set of nonterminals, is the set of terminals and

is the set of pro duction rules. The set = is thevo cabulary of the

grammar.Eachpro ductionrule isde nedas =(q ; ),whereqisde ned

as q : where and


and is the set of semanticactions

asso ciated with thepro duction ruleq .Di erent frommost yacc-likegrammar

sp eci cations (e.g.[1, 1 ]), agrammar in this de nition has aname, and the

startsymb olissimplydenotedbythepro ductioncalled start.

Parser delegation extends the monolithic grammar sp eci cation in several

waysto achievereuse andmo dularisation. irst,one can sp ecify inagrammar

that other grammarsare reused. Insituationswhere adesignerhas tode ne a

grammarandarelatedgrammarsp eci cationexists,onewouldliketoreusethe

existing grammarand extend andrede ne parts of it. Ifa grammar isreused,

all the pro duction rulesand semanticactions b ecome available to the reusing

grammarsp eci cation.Inourapproach,reuseofanexistinggrammarisachieved

bycreatinganinstanceofaparserforthereusedgrammarup oninstantiationof

the parser forthe reusinggrammar.Thereusing parser uses the reused parser

bydelegatingpartsoftheparsingpro cess tothereusedparser.

When mo dularising a grammar sp eci cation, the grammar sp eci cation is

divided intoacollectionofgrammarmo duleclasses. Whenaparser object de-



parses the input token stream until it is nished and subsequently it returns


Insteadofdelegatingtoadi erentparser,theparsercanalsodelegatecontrol

toanewcompilerobject.Anewdcoisinstantiatedand theactivedcoleaves


Whenitis nisheditreturns controltothedelegatingcompilerobject.

Todescrib etherequiredb ehaviour,thepro ductionruleofamonolithicparser

has b een replaced with a set of pro duction rule typ es. These pro duction rule

typ escontrolthereuseofpro ductionrulesfromreusedgrammarsandthedele-

gationtoparserandcompilerobjects. Thefollowingpro ductionruletyp eshave

b eende ned:

{ :


... ,where and


Allpro ductions



r e e

areexcludedfromthegrammarsp ec-

i cationandonlythepro ductions from

r e i


overridingpro ductionruletyp esinceitoverridesallpro ductions fromthe

reused grammars.

{ :


... ,where and


Thepro ductionrule


... ,ifexistingin

r e e


sp eci ed pro duction rule . Theextending pro duction rule typ e facilitates

thede nitionofnewalternativerighthandsidesforapro duction .

{ [ ]:


... ,where and


Theelement mustcontainthenameofaparserclasswhichwillb einstan-

tiatedandparsingwillb edelegated tothisnewparser.Whenthedelegated

parser is nished parsing, it returns control to the delegatingparser. The

results of the delegated parser are stored in the parse graph. When is

usedasanidenti er,



delegatingpro ductionruletyp einitiatesdelegationtoanotherparserobject.

{ [[ ]]:


::: ,where , thesetofall nonterminalsand

i ,

thevo cabularyofthegrammar.

Theelement mustcontainthenameofadelegatingcompilerobject typ e

whichwillb e instantiatedandthepro cess ofcompilationwillb e delegated

tothisnewcompilerobject.Whenthedelegatedcompilerobject is nished


pro cess tothe originatingcompilerobject. Theoriginatingcompilerobject

receives,asaresult,areferencetothedelegatedcompilerobject whichcon-


the delegated dcoin theparse graph using adco-no de. Next to using an

explicitnameforthe ,onecanalsouse asanidenti er,inwhichcase


musthaveavalidcompilerobject classnameasitsvalue.Thedcopro duc-

tion rule typ e causes the delegation of the compilationpro cess to another


In gure4the pro cess of parser delegationfor mo dularisingpurp oses is il-



token streamhasb een delegated to thenewparser, whichparses itssectionof

thetokenstream.In(4)thenewparserhas nishedparsingandithasreturned

the controlto theoriginatingparser.This parserstores areference to theded-

icated parser as it contains the parsing results. Note that the lexer and parse

graph arenotshownforspacereasons.


4. e er elegation

The lexer delegation concept providessupp ort for modularisation and reuseof

lexical analysis sp eci cations.Esp eciallyindomainswhereapplications change

regularly and new applications areoften de ned mo dularisationand reuse are

very imp ortantfeatures. Lexerdelegationcan b eseen asan object-orientedap-


Amonolithiclexercanb ede nedas =( ; ; ; ),where istheidenti er

ofthelexersp eci cation, isthesetofde nitions, isthesetofrulesand is

thesetofprogrammersubroutines.Eachde nition isde nedas =( ; ),

where isaname, ,thesetofallidenti ers,and isatranslation, ,

the set of all translations. Each rule is de ned as = ( ; ), where

is a regular expression, , the set of all regular expressions, and is an

action, ,the set ofall actions.Each subroutine isaroutine in the

output languagewhich willb e incorp oratedinthelexer generatedbythelexer

generator. Di erentfrommostlexical analysis sp eci cationslanguages,alexer

sp eci cationinourde nitionhasaidenti erwhichwillb eusedinlatersections

to referto di erentlexicalsp eci cations.


sp eci cation to achievemo dularisationand reuse. Thedesigner, when de ning

a new lexer sp eci cation, can sp ecify the lexer sp eci cations that should b e


the reusing lexer sp eci cation. In a lexical sp eci cation, the designer is able

to exclude or override de nitions, rules and subroutines. Overriding a reused

de nition =( ; )issimplydonebyprovidingade nitionfor inthereusing

lexerde nition.One can,however,alsoextendthetranslation for byadding

a b ehind thename of .Extendingade nitionisrepresentedas:

e e e

Theresult ofextending thisde nitionisthefollowing:

e e e r e e

Areusedrule =( ; )canalsob eoverriddenbyde ningarule 0

=( ; 0


i.e.arulewiththesameregularexpression .Onecaninterpretextendingarule

intwoways.The rstwayisto interpretit as extending theactionasso ciated

with the rule. The second wayis to extend the regular expression asso ciated

withanaction.Bothtyp esofruleextensionsaresupp ortedbylexerdelegation.

Extendingtheregularexpression isrepresentedasfollows:


When a lexer sp eci cation is mo dularised, it is decomp osed into smaller

mo dules that contain parts of the lexer sp eci cation. One of the mo dules is

the initial lexer which is instantiated at the start of the lexing pro cess. The

extensionsforlexermo dularisationconsistoftwonewactionsthat canb eused

in the action part of rules in the lexer sp eci cations. Lexer delegationo ccurs

in the action part of the lexing rules. The semantics of these actions are the


{ elegate le er class :Thisactionispartoftheactionpartofalexing

ruleandisgenerallyfollowedbyareturn to en statement.Thedelegate

actioninstantiatesanewlexerobject ofclass lexer-class andinstallsthe

lexerobject suchthatanyfollowingtokenrequestsaredelegatedtothenew

lexerobject.Thedelegateactionisnow nished andthenext actioninthe

actionblo ckisexecuted.

{ n elegate:Theundelegate action isalsocontainedintheaction partof

alexingrule.Theundelegateaction,asthenameimplies,do es theopp osite

of thedelegate action.It changes thedelegatinglexer object such that the

next tokenrequest ishandledbythedelegatinglexerobject anddelegation

isterminated.Thelexerobject do es notcontainanystatethat needs tob e

stored for future referenc e, so the object is simplyremovedafter nishing

theactionblo ck.


In the delegatingcompiler object approach, an object-oriented, rather than a

functionalapproach,istakentoparsetree andco degeneration.Insteadofusing

passive data structures as theno des in theparse tree as wasdone inthe con-

ventional approach,the dco approachuses objectsas no des. A no de object is

instantiatedbyapro ductionruleoftheparser.Up oninstantiation,theno deob-

jectalsoreceivesanumb erofargumentswhichitusestoinitialiseitself.Another

di erence from traditional approaches is that, rather than havingan separate

co de generation functionusing theparse tree as data, the no de objects them-

selves containsknowledgeforgeneratingthe outputco de asso ciated with their


A parse graph no de object, or simplyno de object, containsthree parts of

functionality. The rst is the constructor metho d, which instantiates and ini-

tialisesanewinstanceoftheno deobject class.Theconstructor metho disused

by the pro duction rules of theparser to create new no desin theparse graph.

The second part is the code generation metho d, which is invoked during the

generation ofoutputco de. Thethird partconsists ofaset ofmetho ds thatare

used to access the state of theno de object, e.g.thename of anidenti er or a

reference toanotherno deobject.

Thegrammarhasfacilitiesfor parse graphno de instantiation.An example

pro duction rulecouldb e thefollowing:


Theparsegraph,generally,consistsofalargenumb erofno deobjects.There

isaro otobjectthatrepresen tsthep ointofaccesstotheparsegraph.Whenthe

compilerdecidestogenerateco defromtheparsegraph,itsendsa

messagetothero otno deobject.Thero otno deobjectwillgenerate someco de

andsubsequentlyinvokeitschildrenparseno deswitha message.

Thechildrenparseno deswillgeneratetheirco de andinvokealltheirchildren.

Tool et

In order to b e able to exp eriment with the concepts describ ed in this pap er,

an integrated to ol, phest, has b een develop ed. The phest to ol provides the

functionalityof dcoapproach. Itincorp orates twopreviously develop ed to ols,

i.e. yaccand e , thatimplementparserdelegationandlexerdelegation.

Another to olpart ofphestsupp ortsthede nitionofparsegraphno declasses.

The phest to ol itself facilitates the de nition of a compiler by comp osing a

co op eratingsetofdcosthat,whencombined,providetherequiredfunctionality.

A secondasp ectofthephest to olisthecomp ositionofcompilerobjects based

ontheavailablelexers, parsers andparsegraphno declasses.

In gure5,theuser interfaceof thephest to olis shown.A designer using


can b e op en and worked on using the to ol.In the left subwindow, the list of

dcos contained inthecurrent project (orcompiler)is shown. The dco

isselected and b elowtheaforementioned window,informationonthe nameof

the grammar and lexer used inby the dco. In this case, the grammar

andthelexer alsohave thename .Intheupp er rightwindow,thelistof

grammarscontainedintheprojectisshown.Notethatthenumb erofgrammars

islargerthanthenumb erofdcos.Thereasonforthat isthatsomegrammars,

e.g. ,are usedto as abstract classes, i.e. only used forreuse, but never

instantiated inadco.Thelowerrightwindowshowsthelexersde nedwithin


When satis ed with the con guration, thedesigner can request the phest

to oltogenerateanexecutablecompiler. orpragmaticreasons,phestmakesuse

ofyaccfortheactualparsergeneration.Thisisdoneby rstconvertingagram-

mar expresse d in yacc,the extended grammar de nition syntax forparser

delegation,to an equivalentyaccsp eci cation. This sp eci cation is converted


treatedinananalogousfashion. ortheimplementationdetailsofphestto ol,we

refer to[6,1 ].

Thephestto olhasb eenusedtoconstructtwocompilersfortheL ay


mo deldiscussed insection3.One compilergeneratesc++ outputco de forthe

SunSolarisenvironment.Thesecondcompilergenerates euroncoutputco de


the mo dularisation and reusabilityprovided bythe dcoapproach indeed sim-

pli edcompilerdevelopment.

elated or

In[1 , 11] a di erent approach to language engineering, TaLE, is presented.

atherthanusingameta-languagelike e oryaccforsp ecifyingalanguage,

the user editsthe classes that makeupthe implementationusinga sp ecialised

editor. TaLE not immediately intended for the implementation of traditional



one of the key requirements in TaLE and it is supp orted in three ways: rst,

language structures are implementedby indep endent classes, leading to a dis-

tributed implementationmo del second, general languageconcepts can b e sp e-

cialisedforparticularlanguages third,thesystemsupp ortsalibraryofstandard

languagecomp onents.

TheTaLE approachis di erent fromthedelegating compiler object (dco)

approach in,at least, twoasp ects. irst, TaLEdo es notmake useof metalan-

guageslike e andyacc,whereasthedcoapproachto okthesemetalanguages

as abasisandextendedonthem.Thisprop ertymakesitmoredi cultto com-

pare thetwoapproaches.Second,theclasses inTaLEusedforlanguageimple-

mentation seem only to b e used for language parts at the levelof individual

pro duction rules, whereas dcos are particularly intended for, p ossibly small,

groups ofpro ductionrulesreprese ntingamajorconcept inthelanguage.

In[2]amechanismforreuseofgrammarsp eci cations,grammarinheritance

is describ ed.It allowsagrammarto inheritpro duction rulesfromone or more

prede nedgrammars.Inheritedpro ductionrulescanb eoverriddenintheinherit-

inggrammar,butexclusionofrulesisnotsupp orted.Althoughinheritanceo ers

amechanismtoreuseexistinggrammarsp eci cations,nosupp ortformo dularis-

ingagrammarsp eci cationiso ered.Therefore,forpurp osesofmo dularisinga

largegrammarsp eci cation,weareconvincedthatdelegationisab etter mech-

anism than inheritance. The rational for this is that delegationallowsone to

separateagrammarsp eci cationat theobjectlevel,whereas inheritancewould

still require the de nitionof a monolithic parser, althoughb eing comp osed of

inherited grammarsp eci cations. Also, delegationo ers auniform mechanism

forb oth reuseand mo dularisationofgrammarsp eci cations.

In[ ], a p ersistent system for compiler construction is prop osed. The ap-


mo duleshaveatyp edescriptionwhichisusedtodeterminewhethercomp onents

canb ecombined.

Theapproachprop osed in[ ] isdi erentfromthedcoapproachinthefol-

lowingasp ects. irst,althoughtheapproachenhancesthetraditional compiler

mo dularisation,mo dularisationand reuseofindividualmo dules,e.g.thegram-

mar sp eci cation, is not supp orted. Secondly, judging fromthe pap er, it do es

notseemfeasibletohavemultiplecompilersco op eratingonasingleinputsp ec-

i cation,asinthedcoapproach.

TheMj lnerOrmsystem[13,14,15]isanapproachtoobject-orientedcom-

pilerdevelopmentthat ispurelygrammar-driven.Di erentfromthetraditional

grammar-drivensystemsthat generate alanguagecompilerfromthegrammar,

Orm uses grammarinterpretation.The advantageof theinterpretiveapproach

isthat changes to thegrammar immediatelyare incorp orated inthelanguage.


stractgrammarde ningthestructureofthelanguage aconcretegrammarthat

de nesthetextualpresentationofthelanguageconstructs asemanticgrammar

thatde nesthestaticsemanticsandacode-generationgrammarthattranslates

the language into an intermediate language. Orm may b e used to implement

an existing language or for language prototyping, e.g. for application-domain

sp eci c languages.

Although the researchers b ehind the Orm system do recognise the imp or-

tanceof grammar andco de reuse, see e.g.[16],this isdeferred to future work.


among others, the decomp osition of a grammar sp eci cation into an abstract

and concrete grammar.Extensibility and reusabilityare not addressed. Thus,

thereareseveraldi erences b etweentheOrmapproachand thedcoapproach.

irst,Ormtakesthegrammar-interpretiveapproach,whereas dcos extend the

conventionalgenerativeapproach.Second,alanguageimplementationcanb ede-

comp osedintomultipledcos,whereasanequivalentOrmimplementationwould

consist of asingle abstract, concrete, etc. grammar,even when the si e of the

languageimplementationwouldjustifyastructuraldecomp osition. urthermore,

thegoalsoftheOrmsystemandthedcoapproacharequitedi erent.TheOrm

system aims at an interactive, incrementally compiling environment, whereas

dcos aimat improvingthemo dularityand reusabilityofthe traditional com-

pilerconstructiontechniques. Itisthusdi culttocomparetheseapproaches.


Therequirements oncompilerconstruction techniquesarechangingdueto cer-

tain trends that one can recognise, e.g. applicationdomain languages, fourth

generation languages and extensible language mo dels. Due to this, the tradi-

tional,functionalapproachtocompilerconstructionhasb eenproveninsu cient


sub compilers,inadditiontothetraditionalfunctionaldecomp ositionintoalexer,

parser and co de generator,is required. In this article, thenotionof delegating

compiler objects(dco) is prop osed as asolution. The major di erence with a


co op erating group ofcompilerobjects ratherthanb e asingle,monolithiccom-

piler.Theresultisacompilerthatismuchmoremo dular, exibleandextensible

than theconventional,monolithiccompiler. Thedcoapproachis basedon the

abilityofcompilerobjectstoinstantiatenewcompilerobjectsanddelegate the

compilationofpiecesoftheinputsyntaxtothesesp ecialised compilerobjects.


lexerdelegationtechniques.Traditionalparsingapproachessu erfromproblems

related to complexity, extensibility and reusability.Parser delegationo ers an

object-oriented approachtoparsingwhichdo esnotsu erfromtheseproblems.

Theparsersp eci cationsyntaxhasb eenextendedtosupp ortreuseandmo dular-

isation.Eachgrammarhasanameandp ossiblyalistofgrammarsitreuses.The

pro ductionrulessyntaxhasb eenextended tosupp ortextensionandoverriding

of reusedpro ductionrules.


su er fromproblemsrelatedtocomplexity, exibility,extensibilityandreusabil-

ity.Lexerdelegationisprop osedasanobject-orientedsolutiontotheseproblems

that facilitates mo dularisationand reuse of lexical analysis sp eci cations. The

syntaxforlexicalanalysissp eci cationshasb eenextendedwithelementsforthe

sp eci cation of mo dularisationand reuse and for theextension and overriding

of reusedsp eci cations.

Thecontributionof delegating compiler objects,parser delegation and lexer

delegation isthat these techniques compriseanovelapproachto compilercon-

struction which supp orts structural decomp osition and reuse of existing sp ec-

i cations. The complexity,maintainability, extensibility and reusabilityof the

resulting compiler is signi cantly b etter than the conventionalapproaches to


c no le ge ents


yaccand e to ols.


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