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iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


Academic year: 2022

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In this session, you will learn to:

Use Servlet Event Listeners


iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


Servlet Event Listeners

A servlet event listener is a Java program that listens for events associated with a servlet.

A listener can be used to monitor and react to events on a servlet life cycle by defining listener objects.

The methods of these listener objects are invoked when life cycle events occur.

To use these listener objects, you must define and specify the listener class.

The servlet container generates events that cause the event listener classes to do something.

iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


Application event listeners are classes that implements one or more of the servlet event listener interfaces.

You can have multiple listener classes listening to each event type and specify the order in which the container invokes the listener beans for each event type.

The various listener interfaces are:

ServletContextAttributeListener HttpSessionListener


ServletRequestAttributeListener HttpSessionBindingListener

HttpSessionAttributeListener ServletContextListener


Types of Event Listeners

iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


You need to perform the following tasks to track the number of concurrent users:

Create a listener class.

Put a <listener> element in the web.xml deployment descriptor.

Create a servlet.

Deploy the servlet

Creating a Event Listener

iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course



Which of the following listener interfaces will you use if you want to know if an attribute in a web app context has been added, removed, or replaced?

a. ServletContextAttributeListener b. ServletRequestAttributeListener c. HttpSessionListener

d. HttpSessionBindingListener


a. ServletContextAttributeListener

iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


Challenge (Contd.)

Which of the following listener interfaces will you use if you want to know about the number of concurrent users?

a. ServletRequestAttributeListener b. HttpSessionListener

c. ServletRequestListener

d. HttpSessionBindingListener


b. HttpSessionListener

iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


Challenge (Contd.)

Which of the following listener interfaces will you use if you want to know each time a request comes in, so that you can log it?

a. ServletRequestAttributeListener b. HttpSessionBindingListener

c. ServletRequestListener d. HttpSessionListener


c. ServletRequestListener

iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


Challenge (Contd.)

Which of the following listener interfaces will you use if you want to know when a request attribute has been added, removed, or replaced ?

a. ServletRequestAttributeListener b. HttpSessionBindingListener

c. HttpSessionListener d. ServletRequestListener


c. ServletRequestAttributeListener

iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


Challenge (Contd.)

Which of the following listener interfaces will you use if you want to know when a session attribute has been added, removed, or replaced?

a. ServletRequestAttributeListener b. HttpSessionBindingListener

c. HttpSessionAttributeListener d. ServletRequestListener


c. HttpSessionAttributeListener

iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


In this session, you learned to:

Use Servlet Event Listeners


iNET Java/JSP/Servlet Course


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