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Si- aQLy EX.,X::G .£D U I


Academic year: 2021

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Si- aQLy EX.,X::G .£D U I






2b© A lma-lettf ttold Mining property consists of a number of vld and well known, forasrly produotive,mialng claims at Perk City,ne&r J4ma, Colorado.

these properties are located on tHe lice of and between other mines that hare bean productive in years past and we see no reason why this property cannot again be made to pay.

this examination was made under adverse weather conditions,snow and wind made any extended surface work Impossible. Snow,badly drifted, covered the ground. Bamf of the workings were inaccessible, being drifted full of

snow ana would require time and expense to open Item.

W# we nt through the Keeley and Evening Star tunnels. Eh- "ealey tunnel, according to map submitted to us by Mr. Boss is on the Mauser lode. A crosscut approximately seventy five feet in length.run southeasterly from face of this tunnel should out the supposed extension of the SoeSt- lodking vein. At the present time there does not appear to be any ore In quantity in this tunnel for shipping or mill ope ret Ion. Cample #1, white quarts from fsoe of keeley tunnel,shows by assay for gold and silver,®

v a l u e o f $ t s r e

the Evening Star tunnel is located on the Sveniag Star and langhorn elaias.

Assay sample #2 is from a point about thirty feet from face of this tunnel, a slab of ore on tn# hanging wall which may carry to the surface,shows a




value In gold and silver of |36.i«. Assay sample #S is from face of Evening Star tunnel ami shore in gold and silver ® va lue of $6 a > • At thie point the ore seems to be coming in.

Practically,from the portal of this tunnel to the northeast end line of tlae Evening Star claim ore has been extracted and sloping done# The ore appears in all places to be of a refractory nature. It



to sample dumps at * ny place,on account cf snow.

The Alm-Betts mill seems to be a reconstruction of the old Bromlow mill which was placed there many y ears ago. I first saw this mill about 1912, at which time it had been abandoned for many years, This new mill is fairly wall equipped for ore concent rati on,containing, roe3c crusher - ore bin -

ore feeder - ball rail! - classifier - concentrating tables and flotation, having a probable fifty ton capacity. She owners contemplate numerous mill changes to bring the capacity up to one hundred tons in twenty four hours.

Examination cf records in office of County Clerk and Recorder at Fairplay,Colorado,discloses that this mill, its contents and also mining claims held by the Alma—Betts Gold Mining Company, are plastered with chattel mortgages, labor liens ect, to the amount of several thousand dollars, we saw records of #6220.00 which is not the full ©mount of claims on file. Any profits from the operation of this property would,no doubt, b© a bsorbed for many mo nths of woric before these claims would be satisfied and,until satisfied, they would be a constant source of annoyance to


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We consider that this property,liberally financed and properly managed, has a good chance to pay out and that it may, eventually, prove to be a pay mine* We advise tnat a years development work, searching for and when disclosed, blocking out ore, be done before milling work be considered#

as we did not at any point or points that we inspected find ore in suffi­

cient quantity to keep a mill in steady operation*

Assay certificate and two photographs and map furnished by Mr. Boss are hereby delivered*

Hespeotfully submitted

504 Bank Bloc!;*

Denver, Colorado#

April 18,1939*

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