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EUROPEISKA UNIONENS RÅD Bryssel den 10 juni 1999 (10.9) (OR. en)


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9016/99 tf/BL/ik S


EUROPEISKA UNIONENS RÅD Bryssel den 10 juni 1999 (10.9) (OR. en)





från: Den franska, tyska, italienska och brittiska delegationen samt Europeiska kommissionen

till: Arbetsgruppen för ekonomiska frågor (tullunion)

Ärende: G-7-initiativet om standardisering och förenkling av tullförfaranden


Vid sina möten den 9 och 16 mars 1999 välkomnade och stödde arbetsgruppen G-7-initiativet om standardisering och förenkling av tullförfaranden samt noterade det dittills uppnådda resultaten vid förhandlingarna.


Den franska, tyska, italienska och brittiska delegationen samt Europeiska kommissionen uppmanar Arbetsgruppen för ekonomiska frågor (tullunion) att uttrycka sitt stöd för de framsteg som sedan dess uppnåtts på G-7-nivå (se bilagorna 1 −3).


Bilagorna kommer att tillhandahållas endast på engelska.


9016/99 tf/BL/ik S



Bilaga 1 (spalt IM) innehåller den maximalt tillåtna omfattningen av den lista över uppgifter som kan krävas för "vanliga" varor som importeras för inhemskt bruk. En del av denna (bilaga 1, spalt CR) innehåller de uppgifter som anses vara nödvändiga för beslut om huruvida varorna bör frigöras enligt ett förenklat tvåstegsförfarande.

De uppgifter som bör ingå i en sammanfattande importdeklaration visas i bilaga 2.

För att utvärderingen av dessa uppgiftsförteckningar (bilagorna 1 och 2) skall underlättas, innehåller bilaga 3 en sammanställning av alla uppgifter som för närvarande får/skall krävas (i form av antingen enkelt administrativt dokument eller tullvärdesdeklaration DV 1) vid import för inhemskt bruk enligt nu gällande tullagstiftning i gemenskapen (normalt förfarande), men som inte ingår i G-7: s importuppgiftsförteckningar. En förklaring av listorna finns i bilaga 4.


G-7:s tekniska arbetsgrupp , Technical Working Group (TWG), avser att ta fram elektroniska meddelanden med hjälp av FN:s Edifact-standard på grundval av de uppgifter som avses i bilagorna 1 och 2. Arbetet, som inletts genom mötet i den tekniska arbetsgruppen

den 17 −21 maj 1999, kommer att ges prioritet. Överläggningarna fortsätter i fråga om

exportuppgiftsförteckningarna och den uppgiftsförteckning som avser transiteringsförfarandet.

Rådets arbetsgrupp ges övergripande information om den fortsatta utvecklingen.


Resultaten på G-7-nivå utgår från följande överväganden:

1. Uppgiftsförteckningarna kommer endast att användas i samband med en ny kategori av

förenklade förfaranden för vars användning de behöriga myndigheter får utfärda ett



9016/99 tf/BL/ik S


2. Dessa förfaranden är endast tillämpliga på "vanliga" varor, "ordinary" goods, ett begrepp som ännu inte fått sin slutgiltiga definition. Det har hittills allmänt ansetts att begreppet avser varor för vilka det saknas särskilda krav om rapportering (till skillnad från till exempel vissa varor som omfattas av förbud och restriktioner), inte finns någon särskild risk för bedrägerier och inte skall tillämpas någon särskild övervakning (av till exempel handelspolitiska skäl).

3. Det är tänkt att det skall utarbetas uppgiftsförteckningar för elektroniska tulldeklarationer som tullförvaltningarna skall behandla elektroniskt.

4. Syftet är att näringsidkare endast en gång skall rapportera uppgifterna till förvaltningen.

Administrationen skulle kunna utnyttja elektronisk databehandling vid användningen av de uppgifter som lämnats vid en summarisk tulldeklaration för att klarera varorna för inhemskt bruk.

5. Varje uppgiftsförteckning (bilagorna 1 och 2) skall omvandlas till ett standardiserat elektroniskt meddelande som används av alla G-7-stater.

6. Varje G-7-stat skall själv bestämma huruvida och i vilken omfattning antalet faktiskt krävda uppgifter kan minskas ytterligare. De uppgiftsförteckningar som det träffats

överenskommelse om utgör den maximalt tillåtna listan. Färre uppgifter kan alltid tillåtas.

7. En i högre grad datorbaserad riskanalys, åtföljd och/eller kompletterad av snabb, selektiv revision skall användas för att minska omfattningen av den rapportering som regelmässigt krävs företag i fråga om tulldeklarationer.

8. Vid kontroller (antingen slumpvis eller när oegentligheter misstänks) får förvaltningarna när som helst begära ytterligare upplysningar (även utöver den största tillåtna omfattningen av förteckningen över uppgifter).

9. Övriga tullförfaranden, även förenklade sådana, påverkas inte heller i fortsättningen utan

kan fortsätta att användas.


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 1 D G C II 4

Annex 1 S ec C ode Na m e De fi n it io n C R

IM Co mme n ts ( U NT DE D)

(U NT DED,.. .) da ta elem en ts a

1496Goods item numberSerial [sequential] number differentiating each separate goods item entry of a consignment as contained in one document/declaration




6048Net net weight Weight (mass) of the goods themselves without any packing




6102Supplementary quantity [Tariff quantity]

Number of units of measurement of the goods as required by costums to be expressed for tariff, statistical or fiscal purposes. This element may include a weight (mass), if different to that already specified elsewhere


6292Gross weightWeight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment




6411Measure unit qualifierIndication of the unit of measurement in which weight (mass), capacity, length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed


SAD47/2 p/o


7002Description of goodsPlain language description of the nature of goods sufficient to identify them at the level required for banking, Costums, statistical or transport purposes, avoiding unnecessary detail (Generic term)[goods declaration]


7065Type of packages identification Description of the form in which goods are presented, identification


SAD31 p/o


7102Shipping marks Marks and numbers identifying individual packages


SAD31 p/o


7124UNDG Number [Dangerous Goods Code] Unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried


SAD44 p/o


7224Number of packagesNumber of [packages per commodity code packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. where the goods are unpacked, enter the number of such goods covered by the Goods declaration, or the word bulk, as the... sgd33


7282Tariff code number (Customs)Code number of the goods in accordance with the tariff nomenclature system of classification in use whre the Customs declaration is made




9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 1 D G C II 5 a

7370Total number of packages Total number of packages of the entire [declaration]/consingment




9805Additional tariff code numbersTariff line item beyond 10 digits




1168[deferred] payment reference Reference or indication of the [deferred] payment[/guarantee reference] of duty /tax [e.g. under a transit procedure]


SAD48/52 p/o


4391Duty/tax payment method, coded Method by which a duty or tax is paid to the relevant administration, coded




5153Duty/tax/fee type, codedType of duty or tax or fee applicable to commodities or of tax applicable to services, coded




5278Duty/tax/fee rate Rate of duty or tax or fee applicable to commodities or of tax applicable to services




5286Duty/tax/fee assessment basisValue or quantity on which a duty or tax will be assessed


SAD47/2 p/o


9213Type of duty regime, coded A statement of the full/preferential regime according to which duty is assessed, coded




9807Duty/tax/fee assessed Amount of duty/tax/fee (includes all types of charges and duties) due [and amount of reduction (if applicable)] -assessed per duty/tax/fee type by item and/or declaration


1001Document/message name, coded Document/message identifier expressed in code




1004Document/message numberReference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer




1426Goods declaration number (Customs) Number, assigned or accepted by Customs, to identify a goods declaration


SADA p/o


2007Document date, coded Date when the document is issued and-when appropriate-signed or otherwise authenticated (generic term), coded


SAD54 p/o


2037Goods declaration acceptance date (Customs), coded

Date on which a goods declaration is accepted by Customs in accordance with Customs legislation [or intended date of goods declaration (in case of pre-filing)], coded


4423Nature of transaction, coded An indication for Customs of the type of contract under which goods are supplied, coded




4426Authentication Proof that a document has been signed or otherwise authenticated, indicating-when approoriate-the status of the party signing or authenticating it


SAD50 p/o SAD54 p/o SAD D p/o


9033Previous customs procedure, codedCustoms procedure, if any, which has been applied to the goods prior to the application of a different Customs procedure, coded


9381Customs procedure, codedTreatment applied by the Customs to the goods which are subject top Customs control, coded


SAD37/1 p/o SAD37/2


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 1 D G C II 6 c

9810Error condition override Request and coded reason to override automatic system edits. Explains data that the system might otherwise reject

C C c

9812Exit dateDate the goods depart last port, airport, or border post of country whence consigned (country of export).

C c

9815Previous customs document numberThe serial number or authentication number of a previous customs document


SAD40 p/o


9816Unique consignment reference numberUnique number assigned by the trader to consignment to control the movement/transaction of goods, both for import and export

CC c

9817Additional Document Reference (licences, certificates etc.), coded

Name and number of document referred to such as a licence or certificate


SAD44 p/o


9819Declaration line number previously recorded Item number pertaining to the previous customs filing

C c

9838Date and time of arrival at first port of arrival in customs territory

Date and time of arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port

CC c

9839Date and time of arrival at place of discharge

Date and time of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload

C c

9902Trader reference numberFor reference by trader

OO c

Estimated date of arrival at place of presentation Estimated date when goods arrive at the customs office or other place where they have to be presented to customs

? ? d

3088Customs office of entry?Customs office at which goods enter the customs territory of destination




3097Customs office of exit, coded Customs office [by which the goods leave or are intended to leave the customs territory] at which the goods leave the country of dispatch/export, coded


3157Warehouse, coded Identification and location of warehouse where a particular consingment has been stored, coded




3221Country whence consigned, coded Country from which the goods were intially despatched to the importing country without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries, coded




3239Country of origin, coded Country in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the purposes of application of the Customs tariff, of quantitative restrictions, or of any other measure related to trade, coded


3334Place of loading Name of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods (cargo) are loaded on to the means of transport being used for their carraige [from the customs territory]


3335Place of loading, coded Name of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods (cargo) are loaded on to the means of transport being used for their carriage [from the customs territory]




9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 1 D G C II 7


3384Location of goodsIndication of the place where goods are located and where they are available for examination




3392Place of discharge Name of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods (cargo) are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage


3393Place of discharge, codedName of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods (cargo) are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage, coded




9846Location of goods, coded Indication of the place where goods are located and where they are available for examination, coded




9851Customs clearance office Customs office to which the goods declaration is addressed

CC d

9853Destination of goods, Place (address), region or country (coded) of ultimate destination of goods


SAD17, 17b, 27


9855Region of origin Region in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the purposes of application of the cusoms tarif, or quantitative restrictions, or of any other measure related to trade


9860First port of arrival ?(for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port

CC d

9906Place of physical examination #C:Place where goods are to be examined, if different from Location of Goods




3002BuyerName, address [and telephone number] of the party to which merchandise is sold


DV 1 02a


3003Buyer, coded [Reference number for the ...]


DV 1 02a


3020Importer Name, address [and telephone number] of party who makes-or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes- an import declaration. This may include a person who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned...


3021Importer, coded [Reference number for the ...]


SAD14 DV 1 02b


3030Exporter Name, address [and telephone number] of the person who makes -or on whose behalf- the export declaration -is made- and who is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted


3031Exporter, codedName, address [and telephone number] of the person who makes -or on whose behalf- the export declaration -is made- and who is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted, coded


3127Carrier identification Identification of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points


coded 9938


3132Consignee Name, address [and telephone number] of party to which goods are consigned




9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 1 D G C II 8 e

3133Consignee, coded[Reference number for the ...]




3196Agent Name[,address and telephone number] of a person authorized to act on behalf of another party




3336ConsignorName, address [and telephone number] of party which, by contract with a carrier, consigns or sends goods with the carrier, or has them conveyed by him


SAD02 p/o


3337Consignor, coded [Reference number for the ...]


SAD02 p/o


3346SellerName, address [and telephone number] of party selling merchandise to a buyer


SAD02 DV 1 01


3347Seller, coded [Reference number for the ...]


SAD02 DV 1 01


9867Agent, coded Reference number for the person authorised to act on behalf of another party, coded




9868Agent, statusThe capacity in which the agent is acting, i.e. direct or indirect representative




9869Manufacturer Name, address and telephone number of party which manufactures goods


coded 9930


9870Surety/guarantor Surety/guarantor other than deferred payment guarantor

C e

9907Goods declaration notify partyName and address of party to be notified of arrival of goods


coded 9932


9930Manufacturer, coded Name, address and telephone number of party which manufactures goods, coded


uncoded 9869


9932Goods declaration notify party, coded Name and address of party to be notified of arrival of goods, coded


uncoded 9907


9938Carrier identification, coded Identification of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points, coded


uncoded 3127


1188Transport document number Reference assigned by the carriere or his agent to the transport document




8250Identification of means of transport at departure/arrival Identification of the means of transport used at the time of presentation of the consignment to a Customs office in the context of a goods declaration


SAD18id p/o


8260Equipment identification numberMarks (letters and/or numbers) which identify equipment e.g. unit load device


SAD31 p/o


8262Container identifier qualifier Code indicating whether a container is marked (letters and/or numbers) in accordance with ISO 6346 or some other system, to enable the correct validation routine to be operated


SAD31 p/o


8270Identification of active means of transport crossing the border [of the customs territory]

Identification of the active means of transport used in crossing the border [of the customs territory] of the country of dispatch/export or the country of final destination


SAD21id p/o


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 1 D G C II 9

customs territory]


8453Nationality of [arriving] means of transport, coded

Name of the country in which a means of transport is registered, coded


SAD18 nat


9874Nationality of means of transport crossing the border of customs territory, coded

Name of the country in which a means of transport crossing the border of customs territory is registered, coded


SAD21 nat


9877Mode/type of means of transport at departure Means and method of transport used for the carriage of the goods at departure


SAD26 SAD18 id p/o


9878Mode/type of means of transport at arrival Means and method of transport used for the carriage of the goods at arrival


SAD26 SAD18 id p/o


9880Nationality of means of transport at arrival,coded Nationality of the active means of transport used at place of arrival, coded


SAD18 nat


9943Transponder Number The number of a transponder for a radio identification of the means of transport

OO f

9945Mode/type of means of transport crossing the border of customs territory, coded

Means and method of transport used for the carriage of the goods, coded


SAD25 SAD21 id p/o


1156[Invoice] Line numberNumber of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference number

CC g

1334Invoice number Reference number assigned by the seller to a commercial invoice


DV 1 04 p/o


2376Invoice dateDate when a commercial invoice is issued


DV 1 04 p/o


3019Incoterms place, coded Name of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable Incoterm, coded


SAD 20/2


4111Incoterms code Code to indicate applicable Incoterm under which seller undertakes to deliver merchandise to buyer


SAD 20/1 DV 1 03


4432Acceptance of goodsDeclaration by the carrier that the goods have been recieved for shipment, or loaded on board, or taken in charge

C g

5032Customs value Value declared for Customs purposes of those goods in a consignment which are subject to the same Customs procedure, an have the same tariff/statistical heading, country and duty regime


SAD47/2 p/o


5114Freight Total amount of freight for whole declared goods



9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 1 D G C II 10


5116Item amount Amount due for each chargeable item of goods or services


SAD 42


5218Statistical value Value declared for statistical purposes of those goods in a consignment which have the same statistical heading




5292Freight cost (Customs) Costs incurred by the shipper in moving the goods, by whatever means, to the port or place of importation. Besides transport costs, this element may include sub-elements such as documentation, loading, unloading an insurance...


5402Rate of exchange The rate at which one specified currency is expressed in another specified currency




5444Total invoice amountTotal amount of invoice price for the goods declared in one declaration




5486Insurance cost Total amount of insurance premium for whole declared goods.

O g

6345Currency, codedThe name or symbol of the monetary unit [associated with an amount] involved in the transaction, coded


SAD22/1 SAD44 p/o


9808Invoice/other value #F




9891ChargesAggregate cost of freight, insurance and all other costs and expenses from foreign port of export to port of entry


DV 1 17a-b-c


9893Price influence Indicator that a relationship influenced the price (Art. 1, 2, a of WTO valuation agreement)


DV1 07b


9894Royalties and licence feesIndicator of amounts that the buyer must pay as a condition of sale to the extent that they are not included in the price (Art. 8,1,c of WTO valuation agreement)


9895Assists Indicator of the existence of specified goods and services supplied by the buyer free of charge or at reduced cost (Art. 8,1,b of WTO valuation agreement)


9896ProceedsIndicator of amounts that would accrue to the seller for any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the goods (Art. 8,1,d of WTO valuation agreement)


9897CommissionsIndivator of amounts paid to intermediaries for their participation in the conclusion of a sale. This excludes buying commissions. (Art. 8,1,a, i of WTO valuation agreement)


9898Valuation methodIndicates the basis on which the customs value is determined


SAD 43


9908Nature of invoice price A:Commercial value, B:No commercial value, C:Commercial value + No Commercial value, etc.

O g

9911Nature of freightA:Total freight without adjustment, B:Part of freight in accordance with single invoice (in case that more than one invoice goods are carried by single B/L), etc


9914Nature of insurance A:Individual insurance, B:Comprehensive insurance



9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 1 D G C II 11 g

9917Register number of comprehensive insurance

If comprehensive insurance premium rate are registered in the system, system automatically calculates premiums in accordance with invoice value


9920Additional information for valuation adjustment formula (incoterms prices):(*3)

For example, EXW(*1)=USD(*2)=5000(*3) If adjustement formula uses other than Incoterms which is used on invioce, declarant uses this element


9921Valuation formulaIn case that valuation adjustment formula is not registered in the system, declarant may use this element


SAD 45 p/o


9922Total sum of parameter for proportional distribution (Header level)

Usually, system automatically calcultes this parameter. If declarants wish to use another parameter, they can use this element


9923Parameter for propotional distribution (Item level) Usually, system automatically calcultes this parameter. If declarants wish to use another parameter, they can use this element


9924Qualifier for proportional distribution method of freightDeclarant may choose proportional distribution method of freight by inputting this element; eg A:Proportional distribution by weight, B:Proportional distribution by volume


9925Other charges/deductions#J

O g

9927VAT valuation adjustmentA formula to allow for reduction of value for UK VAT where goods have already crossed the Community frontier.

O g

9940Type of invoice, codedReference to the type of invoice attached to declaration eg commercial, pro-forma, photocopy, etc., coded

C g

9941Parties' relationship, coded Indication as to whether or not there are financial or other relationships between the parties to a transaction, coded

C g

9944Additional information for valuation adjustment formula (incoterms):(*1), coded This element is used in associate with "Additional information for valuation adjustment (Incoterms prices)", coded



9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 2 D G C II 12

Annex 2 Sec Co d e N ame Definition CR I

Co mme nt s ( U NT DE D)

(U NT DED,.. .) da ta elem en ts a

1496Goods item numberSerial [sequential] number differentiating each separate goods item entry of a consignment as contained in one document/declaration




6292Gross weightWeight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment




6411Measure unit qualifierIndication of the unit of measurement in which weight (mass), capacity, length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed


SAD47/2 p/o


7004Brief cargo description Plain language description of the cargo of a means of transport, in general terms only


SAD31 p/o


7065Type of packages identification Description of the form in which goods are presented, identification


SAD31 p/o


7102Shipping marks Marks and numbers identifying individual packages


SAD31 p/o


7124UNDG Number [Dangerous Goods Code]Unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried


SAD44 p/o


7282Tariff code number (Customs)Code number of the goods in accordance with the tariff nomenclature system of classification in use whre the Customs declaration is made




7370Total number of packages Total number of packages of the entire [declaration]/consingment




7402Identity number Unique number affixed by the manufacturer to individual pieces of products for identification purposes [e.g. VIN]


SAD31 p/o


1001Document/message name, coded Document/message identifier expressed in code




1004Document/message numberReference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer




9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 2 D G C II 13 c

2007Document date, coded Date when the document is issued and-when appropriate-signed or otherwise authenticated (generic term), coded


SAD54 p/o


2281Departure date (and time), coded Date [on which the goods began their direct and uninterrupted journey from exporters premises or other locations to the country of destination] (and time) of departure of means of transport, coded

C c

4426Authentication Proof that a document has been signed or otherwise authenticated, indicating-when approoriate-the status of the party signing or authenticating it


SAD50 p/o SAD54 p/o SAD D p/o


9815Previous customs document numberThe serial number or authentication number of a previous customs document


SAD40 p/o


9816Unique consignment reference numberUnique number assigned by the trader to consignment to control the movement/transaction of goods, both for import and export

C c

9838Date and time of arrival at first port of arrival in customs territory

Date and time of arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port

C c

9839Date and time of arrival at place of dischargeDate and time of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload

C c

9902Trader reference numberFor reference by trader

O c

Estimated date of arrival at place of presentation

Estimated date when goods arrive at the customs office or other place where they have to be presented to customs

? d

3221Country whence consigned, coded Country from which the goods were intially despatched to the importing country without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries, coded




3335Place of loading, coded Name of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or otherplace at which the goods (cargo) are loaded on to the means of transport being used for their carriage [from the customs territory]


SAD 27


3393Place of discharge, codedName of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods (cargo) are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage, coded


SAD 27


9847Country(ies) of transit The country(ies) through which the goods were shipped in transit under customs control to the destination country

C d

9851Customs clearance office Customs office to which the goods declaration is addressed

C d

9860First port of arrival ?(for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port

C e

3127Carrier identification Identification of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points


coded 9938


3132Consignee Name, address [and telephone number] of party to which goods are consigned




9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 2 D G C II 14 e

3133Consignee, coded[Reference number for the ...]




3141Declarant, codedName and address of party which makes a declaration to an offcial body or -where legally permitted- in whose name, or on whose behalf, a declaration to an official body is made, coded

C e

3180[Cargo] notify party Name and address of party to be notified of arrival of goods

O e

3181Notify party, coded Name and address of party to be notified of arrival of goods, coded

O e

3336ConsignorName, address [and telephone number] of party which, by contract with a carrier, consigns or sends goods with the carrier, or has them conveyed by him


SAD02 p/o


3337Consignor, coded [Reference number for the ...]


SAD02 p/o


5498Number of crewTotal number of the members of the crew, including the captain/master, of a means of transport

C e

9865Master/operatorMaste(of Vessel), or operator of other mode of transport e.g., pilot, or driver


coded 9929


9866Names of crewNames of crew

O e

9929Master/operator, coded Maste(of Vessel), or operator of other mode of transport e.g., pilot, or driver, coded


uncoded 9865


9938Carrier identification, coded Identification of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points, coded


uncoded 3127


1188Transport document number Reference assigned by the carriere or his agent to the transport document




8028Conveyance reference number Unique reference given by the carrier to a certain journey or departure of a means of transport (generic term)

C f

8130Container statusIndication whether containers and other similar unit load devices are empty or carry one or more consignments

C f

8250Identification of means of transport at departure/arrival Identification of the means of transport used at the time of presentation of the consignment to a Customs office in the context of a goods declaration


SAD18 id p/o


8260Equipment identification numberMarks (letters and/or numbers) which identify equipment e.g. unit load device


SAD31 p/o


8262Container identifier qualifier Code indicating whether a container is marked (letters and/or numbers) in accordance with ISO 6346 or some other system, to enable the correct validation routine to be operated


SAD31 p/o


8270Identification of active means of transport crossing the border [of the customs territory]

Identification of the active means of transport used in crossing the border [of the customs territory] of the country of dispatch/export or the country of final destination


SAD21 id p/o


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 2 D G C II 15 f

8453Nationality of [arriving] means of transport, coded

Name of the country in which a means of transport is registered, coded


SAD18 nat


9308Seal number The number of a custom seal or another seal affixed to the containers or other transport unit


SAD31 p/o SAD D p/o


9874Nationality of means of transport crossing the border of customs territory, coded

Name of the country in which a means of transport crossing the border of customs territory is registered, coded


SAD21 nat


9943Transponder Number The number of a transponder for a radio identification of the means of transport

O f

9945Mode/type of means of transport crossing the border of customs territory, coded Means and method of transport used for the carriage of the goods, coded


SAD25 SAD21 id p/o


5032Customs value Value declared for Customs purposes of those goods in a consignment which are subject to the same Customs procedure, an have the same tariff/statistical heading, country and duty regime


SAD47/2 p/o


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 3 D G C II 16

Annex 3 BOX Refer en ces in t h e S A D

DA TA E L E M ENTS COMM ENTS UNTDE D Nr 3 Form s T his is a da ta elem ent w hich is not rele vant in a com put erised environm ent . 4 Loading list T his is a da ta elem ent w hich is not rele vant in a com put erised environm ent . 9801 5 Nr of it em s T his el em ent can be derived autom at ic al ly by the co m puter sy st em . 9802 9 Pe rs on res pons ib le f or financial s ettlem ent T his el em ent is not m entioned in t he datas et; It is considered f or abolition in t he cont ext of t he S A D ref orm .

10 Count ry of last cons ignm en t

T his el em ent is not m entioned as such i n the da ta set but can be d educ ted fr om t he dat a in box 29 ; T he Com m ission proposed to abolish it in t he cont ext of the SA D ref orm .

3331 11 T rading count ry T his el em ent is not m entioned in t he datas et; T he Com m iss io n proposed t o abolish it in the context of the S A D ref orm .


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 3 D G C II 17 12 Va lue de ta ils T his el em ent is not m entioned in t he datas et; It s us e varies considerably on the S A D ; I t m ay contain t he ref er en ce t o the authorisation link ed w ith t he appli cation of A rt icle 179,3 of Reg 24 54/ 93. (W aiver of the use of the DV1 in c ase of continued t raf fic in goods betw een sam e sell er and buy er under t he sam e conditions).

13 PA C T his el em ent is not m entioned in t he datas et; T he S A D com m ittee is c ons idering the c ol lect io n of t his inf orm ation in anot he r box of t he S A D (Box 33) .

15 Count ry wh enc e cons igned

T his el em ent ex is ts in coded fo rm (und er UNT DE D Nr 3221); T he rem ov al of n on- coded ref erences f or countries is co ns is tent w ith the re fo rm of t he S A D.

3220 16 Count ry of origin T his el em ent is not m entioned as such i n the da ta set but exists in coded f orm (under UNT DE D Nr 3239); T he rem ov al of non-c oded ref erenc es f or count rie s is consistent w ith the ref orm of the SAD.

17 Count ry of dest ina tion T he content of this el em en t c an be f ou nd elsew here in t he datas et in a coded f orm (as part of UNT DED Nr 9853 (dest in at ion of goods)); T he rem oval of non-c od ed ref erences f or countr ies is consistent w ith the ref orm of the SA D.



9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 3 D G C II 18 19 Cont ai ner In a com put er environm ent , t his elem ent can be derived by the sy st em f rom S A D box 31 (UNT DE D Nr 8260 (Equi pm en t identif ic ation num ber)) .

4140 20/ 3 Delivery term s - Others (Pl ac es s ituated out side the Com m unit y)

T his el em ent is not m entioned in t he datas et; It is current ly under s crutiny in t he cont ex t of t he S A D ref orm exercis e. I t can be a rgue d that it const itu tes a repet ition of the dat a already coll ec ted in t he 2nd subdi vi si on of b ox 20 ( Incot er m place, under UNT DED Nr 301 9) , wh ic h com pletes UNT DE D Nr 4111 (1s t s ubd iv is ion of box 20).

23 Exchange rat e T his el em ent is st ill under di sc ussion; It is al so under s crutiny in t he f ram ew ork of t he S A D ref orm exercise. I n a c om puter environm ent, it can be argued that t his elem ent can be ge nerat ed aut om atically by t he sy stem that can store the ex change rat es cent rall y.

5402 28 Finan ci al and bank ing dat a

T his el em ent is not m entioned in t he datas et; T he Com m iss io n proposed t o abolish t hi s elem ent in the context of the S A D ref orm . Di sc ussions i n the S A D com m itt ee hav e already s how n that this box does no long er cont ai n the dat a w hich it w as origina lly designed to accom m odate.

31 (P ar t of)

Pa rt o f box 31 w here part ic ul ar s are requi re d by spec ific legislations ( V A T , exc is e .. . ) T his el em ent is not m entioned as such i n the da ta set. How ev er, the su bs tance of t he m ent ion s concerned is lik ely t o be largely coded in box 33, 5t h s ubdivision of t he S A D (Nat ion al tarif f ad dit ional codes), present in the dataset under UN T D ED Nr 9805 (A ddit ional ta rif f code nu m bers).


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 3 D G C II 19 39 Quotas T his el em ent is not m entioned as such i n the da ta set; T he Com m ission proposed to ab olish i t in the co nt ext of the SA D ref orm because i t can general ly be derived f rom other data elem ent s of the declarat io n.

44 Ad dit ional i nf orm ation T he on ly m ent ion in that respec t in the dat aset ref ers to the Uni ted Nat ions dangerous goods code; How ever, it is lik el y t hat m ost of the ca ses whe re that inf or m ation w ould b e required w ould feature non-ordin ar y goods, w hich fa ll outs ide the s cope of the G 7 exercise.

45 Ad ju st m ent T his valuation data elem ent i s not m entioned in the dat aset be cause it is deem ed to be ob ta inab le via subsequent audits. How ever , t his iss ue is s till under discus sion.

54 Pl ac e of is sue T his el em ent is not i nc luded per se in the dataset because, in an e lect ronic env ironm en t, this in fo rm ation can be aut om atically gene ra ted by the sy st em , as part of t he m es sage. How ever, this iss ue is still under disc ussion.

3410 54 Nam e of de cl ar an t or of his representat iv e

T his el em ent is not specif ically in cl uded i n the dat aset because, in an elect ronic environm ent , this inf orm ation c an be aut om atically ge nerat ed by the sy st em , as part of t he m es sage.


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 3 D G C II 20

BOX re fer en ces in the DV1

DA T A EL EMENT COMM ENTS UNTDED Nr 5 Num ber and date of contrac t T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts 6 Num ber and date of any prev ious Cust om s decision c oncerning boxes 7 t o 9 (relat ions hi p, res tric tions , roy al ties . .. )

T his el em ent is availab le i n cust om s records 7b Pri ce inf luence T his el em ent wi ll be i nc luded i n a later version of t he datas ets and w ould suf fice to initiat e audit c ontrols, if necessary .

9893 9941 7c Com parat ive v alue test T his optional elem ent on the DV 1 can current ly be provided by the trader but m erely indicat es t hat he w ants to file additional inf orm at ion to cust om s.

8a Existence of restrict ions T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts 8b Existence of a condition that w oul d af fe ct value

T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 3 D G C II 21 8 Nat ure of the condi tions or rest rictions T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts 9a Roy alt ie s and license fees T his el em ent wi ll be i nc luded i n a later version of t he datas ets and w ould suf fice to initiat e audit c ontrols, if necessary .

9894 9b Proceeds T his el em ent wi ll be i nc luded i n a later version of t he datas ets and w ould suf fice to initiat e audit c ontrols, if necessary .

9896 9 Sp ec ification of conditions to roy alties and proceeds

T his el em ent wo uld ha ve t o be obt ai ned via subsequent audits/ controls on th e ba si s of the in fo rm at ion coll ec ted in bo xe s 9a and 9b of the DV 1

10 a Num ber of continuation shee ts T his is a da ta elem ent w hich is not rele vant in a com put erised environm ent . 10b Pl ac e and date of establishm ent, and signat ur e

T his el em ent is not i nc luded per se in the dataset because, in an e lect ronic en vi ronm ent, this inf orm at ion can be autom at ic al ly generated by t he sy stem , as pa rt of t he m ess age.

3410 11b Indi rec t p ay m ents T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts 12 T otal D V 1 A sect ion T his el em ent is m erely an addition of other elem ents.


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 3 D G C II 22 13 a Com m issions T his el em ent wi ll be i nc luded i n a later version of t he datas ets and w ould suf fice to initiat e audit c ontrols, if necessary .

9897 13b Brok erage T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts 13 c Cont ai ners and pack ing T his el em ent c oul d be obtained v ia subsequent controls/ audi ts 14 Assist s T his el em ent wi ll be i nc luded i n a later version of t he datas ets and w ould suf fice to initiat e audit c ontrols, if necessary .

9895 15 Roy alt ie s and license f ees T he da ta set contains an indicator (9894) of this elem ent w hi ch should su ff ice to in iti at e audit controls, if necessary .

16 Proceeds of subsequent resale, disposal or use

T he da ta set contains an indicator (9896) of this elem ent w hi ch should su ff ice to in iti at e audit controls, if necessary .

18 T otal D V 1 B sect ion T his el em ent is m erely an addition of other elem ents. 19 Cost s o f tr ansport af te r arrival at place of intr oduc tion

T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts


9016/ 99 RG/ma b S BIL AGA 3 D G C II 23 20 Charges f or const ruction, erect ion, ass em bly , .. . (P ost im port )

T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts 21 Other charges T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts 22 Cust om s duties and taxes pay able in t he Com m uni ty by r eas on of im portat ion or sale

T his el em ent coul d be obtained vi a subsequent controls/ audi ts 23 T otal D V 1 C sect ion T his el em ent is m erely an addition of other elem ents.


9016/99 RG/mab S


Annex 4 G7 data base legend

Legend for all documents „G7 data base ...“.

All Excel-documents are written in Excel Version 7.0.

The understructure of the G7 data base is the United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory 1993. Adjustments to younger versions of the UNTDED are not intended.

Sec - section of data elements

a - commodity/shipment identifiers b - duty/tax calculation

c - general

d - country/place/location e - persons parties f - transport information

g - value/commercial transaction information G7 data base X.X:

C - core data element in use O optional data element in use

? - use of this data element is still to be discussed (former „bracketed“) Code - Code for used data elements, usually UNTDED

Name - Name of used data elements, usually UNTDED (Amendments bracketed „ [ ] “)

Definition - Definition of used data element, usually UNTDED

(Amendments bracketed „ [ ] “, eventually original UNTDED underlined, underlined passages not valid any more)

CRI - cargo report import CR - cargo release import IM - import

TR - transit CRE - cargo report export EX - export

UK - United Kingdom

F - France

I - Italy

G - Germany

C - Canada

J - Japan

US - United States of America

Comments in G7 data base X.X:

# Definition required from the named country(ies) SAD Single Administrative Document

Q to be discussed because of questions of the named country(ies) coded refers to a coded version

uncoded refers to an uncoded version

AP refers to an Action Point


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