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Expanding professionalism through social innovations: Towards wider participation in and through music schools in France, Sweden and Finland. : Music and Art schools in habitus crises: Breaking the taken for granteds within the praxis of El Sistema.


Academic year: 2021

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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00

Sæther, Eva


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Citation for published version (APA):

Sæther, E. (2018). Expanding professionalism through social innovations: Towards wider participation in and

through music schools in France, Sweden and Finland. Music and Art schools in habitus crises: Breaking the

taken for granteds within the praxis of El Sistema.. 247-247. Abstract from ISME 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan.

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July 15-20, 2018




Program at a Glance


Detailed Program


Poster Session List




Spoken Papers


Diverse Format Sessions


Demostrations & Workshops





July 15, 2018 - Sunday









Performance: The Listeners


Performance: Kaboom Percussion


Performance: Ann Singer Concert



July 15, 2018 - Sunday (3.30-5.00). President’s Welcome (Hilton 360 Bar)

As you arrive in Baku for the conference, get yourself registered and drop in to the President’s Welcome session. Members

of the ISME Board, Commission Chairs, Special Interest Group convenors and the ISME management team will be around

throughout the afternoon to answer any questions you might have about ISME. The President, Lee Higgins, will say a few

words around 4pm to welcome delegates to Baku and set the scene for the week ahead.

Monday – official opening ceremony.

July 17, 2018 - Tuesday (6.00 – 7.00) Commissions and Special Interest Group Introductions

(Hilton 360 Bar)

Do you have an interest in a particular aspect of music education? Have you ever wondered what the various groups focus on

and how they integrate with one another and with ISME as a whole? President Elect, Susan O’Neill, will host this session which

will examine the Commissions and Special Interest Groups and mark the 50th Anniversary of the first ever Commission –

Research. Come and meet the Commission Chairs and SIG convenors – what you hear might tempt you to schedule the rest

of your conference journey in a different way.

July 18, 2018 - Wednesday (6.00 – 7.00) It’s YOUR organisation – brainstorming

(Hilton 360 Bar)

ISME is your organisation. You - the member - have a vested interest in the operation of ISME. In short, you part own it. What

is it that you would like to see happen; what areas would you like to see developed? How would you action these? How would

you get involved? Come along to this session to start the discussions with the Presidents and the Board.

July 19, 2018 - Thursday (6.00 – 7.00) It’s YOUR organisation – action planning

(Hilton 360 Bar)

A follow-on from Wednesday (but don’t worry if you didn’t make Wednesday – your input is still valuable). Today will be

about taking the ideas from Wednesday and working out, with the newly elected President Elect and Board also present, what

can we reasonably do going forward? Who will lead the various actions? How do we communicate our actions? How will

the organisation benefit? How can we make the work we do as ISME members visible - locally/nationally, and importantly,



July 16, 2018 - Monday


W: Workshop / SP: Spoken Paper / S: Symposia / D: Diverse

TIME JAZZ JAZZ Musicians' Health Research 1 Music in Special Education PRIME 1: Practice & Research Community Music


Early Chil-dhood Muisc Education (ECME) (Commission) Spirituality

900 OPENINGJazz: Musicians' Health: OPENING

Research 1:


930 576: Edward Roy Orgill (W) 684: Brian Kaufman (SP) 68: Markus Cslovjecsek (SP) 342: Lee Willingham (SP) 930 528: Emily

Wilson (SP) 278: Bradley Merrick (SP) Rakena (SP)401: Te Oti

250: Patricia A St. John


57: Susan Quindag (SP)

1000 248: Joseph & Van

Nie-kerk (SP) 190: Andrea Creech (S) Music in Special Edu-cation: OPE-NING 156: Antony Hubmayer (SP) 743: Martin Urbach (W)

1000 65: Tadahiro Murao (SP) Harvey (SP)444: Ian

637: Sheila Catherine Woodward (SP) 42: June Boyce-Tillman (SP) 1030 MISTEC 2 233: Christine Jane Nicholas (W) 172: Leandro Ernesto Maia (SP) 299: Carina Joly (W) 120: Tatiana Lvova (SP) 663: Graça Boal-Palhei-ros (SP) 1030 128: Javier Duque Gutiérrez (SP) 262: Angie

Mullins (SP) 508: Alden Snell (SP)

46: Marilyn Brouette (W) 104: Debbie Lynn Wolf (SP) 1100 Mammadali-592: Turan yeva (SP) 397: Peter Moser (SP) 1100 158: Claudia Gluschankof (SP) 600: Bindu Subramaniam (SP) 398: Simone Avis Richardson (SP) 99: Roy Pa-ge-Shipp (SP) 1130 Break 1130 Break 1200 Ahmad Sarmast (Keynote Address)

Is Music a Luxury for a Post Conflict Nation Like Afghanistan?

1200 1230 1230 1300 Students, Early Career Professionals and ISME Awards Lunch Reception

Break 1300 Break Poster Session - 1

13:15 Performance: Vivian Fang Liu Piano Concert 1400 MISTEC3 18: Monika Herzig (W) 324: Christos I. Ioannou (SP) 69: Aaron Wacker (SP) 448: Kaarina

Marjanen (S) 127: Jennie Henley (S) 1400 Popular Music: OPENING MISTEC 4: OPENING 180: Sma-ragda Chrysosto-mou (S) El Sistema: OPENING 67: Margré van Gestel (SP) 85: June Boy-ce-Tillman (S) 1430 Altenmueller 606: Eckart (SP) 73: Gabriele Puffer (SP) 155: Thursa Sanderson (SP) 1430 280: Emily Wilson (SP) 129: Svetlana Megina (W) 644: Antonella Coppi (SP) 389: Lori F Gray (W) 1500 522: Peter Richard Webster (SP) 1500 466: Christine Maria Dalexande (SP) 1530 Break 1530 Break 1600 381: Robert Sabin (W) 177: Wendell

Hanna (SP) 100:Kathryn Ang (SP) 349: Linlin Chen (SP) 678: Magali Kleber (SP) 1600

472: Vyvienne Abla (S) 690: Anna (Elma) Britz (SP) 567:Teresa Leonhard (D) 747: Maiia Stepanova (SP) 525: Rachael Jacobs (W) 77: Sayuri Ihara (SP) 435: Katharina Loibner (D) 1630 616: Sarah Upjohn (W) 223: Hoo Cher Liek (SP) 596: Markku Kaikkonen (SP) 13: Peter Moser (W) 1630 Brand (SP)360: Eva 197: Ales-sandra Ma-riela Versola (SP) 41: June Boyce-Tillman (SP) 1700 271: Sergio Figueiredo (SP) 682: Amy Jo Wickstrom (SP) 1700 630: Anand Raj Sukuma-ran (SP) 579: Regina Murphy (SP) 1730


Venue: Haydar Aliyev Palace


1930 1930


July 16, 2018 - Monday

TIME JAZZ JAZZ Musicians' Health Research 1 Music in Special

Education PRIME 1: Practice & Research Community Music


Early Chil-dhood Muisc Education (ECME) (Commission) Spirituality

900 OPENINGJazz: Musicians' Health: OPENING

Research 1:


930 576: Edward Roy Orgill (W) 684: Brian Kaufman (SP) 68: Markus Cslovjecsek (SP) 342: Lee Willingham (SP) 930 528: Emily

Wilson (SP) 278: Bradley Merrick (SP) Rakena (SP)401: Te Oti

250: Patricia A St. John


57: Susan Quindag (SP)

1000 248: Joseph & Van

Nie-kerk (SP) 190: Andrea Creech (S) Music in Special Edu-cation: OPE-NING 156: Antony Hubmayer (SP) 743: Martin Urbach (W)

1000 65: Tadahiro Murao (SP) Harvey (SP)444: Ian

637: Sheila Catherine Woodward (SP) 42: June Boyce-Tillman (SP) 1030 MISTEC 2 233: Christine Jane Nicholas (W) 172: Leandro Ernesto Maia (SP) 299: Carina Joly (W) 120: Tatiana Lvova (SP) 663: Graça Boal-Palhei-ros (SP) 1030 128: Javier Duque Gutiérrez (SP) 262: Angie

Mullins (SP) 508: Alden Snell (SP)

46: Marilyn Brouette (W) 104: Debbie Lynn Wolf (SP) 1100 Mammadali-592: Turan yeva (SP) 397: Peter Moser (SP) 1100 158: Claudia Gluschankof (SP) 600: Bindu Subramaniam (SP) 398: Simone Avis Richardson (SP) 99: Roy Pa-ge-Shipp (SP) 1130 Break 1130 Break 1200 Ahmad Sarmast (Keynote Address)

Is Music a Luxury for a Post Conflict Nation Like Afghanistan?

1200 1230 1230 1300 Students, Early Career Professionals and ISME Awards Lunch Reception

Break 1300 Break Poster Session - 1

13:15 Performance: Vivian Fang Liu Piano Concert 1400 MISTEC3 18: Monika Herzig (W) 324: Christos I. Ioannou (SP) 69: Aaron Wacker (SP) 448: Kaarina

Marjanen (S) 127: Jennie Henley (S) 1400 Popular Music: OPENING MISTEC 4: OPENING 180: Sma-ragda Chrysosto-mou (S) El Sistema: OPENING 67: Margré van Gestel (SP) 85: June Boy-ce-Tillman (S) 1430 Altenmueller 606: Eckart (SP) 73: Gabriele Puffer (SP) 155: Thursa Sanderson (SP) 1430 280: Emily Wilson (SP) 129: Svetlana Megina (W) 644: Antonella Coppi (SP) 389: Lori F Gray (W) 1500 522: Peter Richard Webster (SP) 1500 466: Christine Maria Dalexande (SP) 1530 Break 1530 Break 1600 381: Robert Sabin (W) 177: Wendell

Hanna (SP) 100:Kathryn Ang (SP) 349: Linlin Chen (SP) 678: Magali Kleber (SP) 1600

472: Vyvienne Abla (S) 690: Anna (Elma) Britz (SP) 567:Teresa Leonhard (D) 747: Maiia Stepanova (SP) 525: Rachael Jacobs (W) 77: Sayuri Ihara (SP) 435: Katharina Loibner (D) 1630 616: Sarah Upjohn (W) 223: Hoo Cher Liek (SP) 596: Markku Kaikkonen (SP) 13: Peter Moser (W) 1630 Brand (SP)360: Eva 197: Ales-sandra Ma-riela Versola (SP) 41: June Boyce-Tillman (SP) 1700 271: Sergio Figueiredo (SP) 682: Amy Jo Wickstrom (SP) 1700 630: Anand Raj Sukuma-ran (SP) 579: Regina Murphy (SP) 1730


Venue: Haydar Aliyev Palace


1930 1930


July 17, 2018 - Tuesday


W: Workshop / SP: Spoken Paper / S: Symposia / D: Diverse TIME Early Childhood Muisc Education (ECME) (Commission) Research 1 Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM) (Commission) Forum 1 for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy PRIME 1: Practice & Research TIME Popular Music Music Technology




Mlynek-Kalman (W) Advocacy ISME Committee Meeting 276: Sigrid Jordal Havre (SP) CEPROM:


334: David Hebert (D) 900 199: Celeste Manrique Romulo (SP) Music Technology: OPENING 32: Gregory Xavier Whitmore (SP) 222: Syed Ibrahim (W) 301: Roy Page-Shipp (SP) 300: Mary Cohen (W) 930 305: John Charles Varney (SP) 62: Janis

Weller (SP) 169: Pamela D. Pike (SP) 930 Weston (SP)331: Donna

173: Adam Patrick Bell


514: Amira Ehrlich (SP)

1000 Sulkin (SP)144: Idit Vakeva411: Lauri (SP) Mitchell (SP)691: Annie 131: Pirjo Ne-nonen (SP) 1000 607: Martina Vasil (SP) Cheng (SP)555: Lee Elkoshi (SP)50: Rivka 750: Rusudan Takaishvili (SP) 1030 Break 1030 Break 1045 National / Regional ISME Meeting /US Regional ISME Meeting / Scandinavia Regional ISME Meeting / AUSTRALIA Regional ISME Meeting / Latin America Regional ISME Meeting / SOUTH ASIA Regional ISME Meeting /UK Regional ISME Meeting /JAPAN 1045 Regional ISME Meeting /CANADA Regional ISME Meeting / South East & East Asia

Regional ISME Meeting / Asia Pacific Regional ISME Meeting / Eastern Europe Regional ISME / TURKIC Regional ISME Meeting /AFRICA Regional ISME Meeting / EUROPE 1115

1145 Mammedov The Paradigm of modern music education at the Baku Music AcademyTariel 1145 1200

Dusen Kaseinov

(Keynote Address)

Traditional Music Culture and Music Education in Turkic Countries: Present Status and Problems 1200 1300 Performance:

Classical Turkish Music


INA Council -

Buffet lunch 1300 Break Poster

Session 2


1330 INA Council - Meeting Break 1330 Break Break

1400 Constitution + Bylaws Drop In Session Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM) (Commission) 533: Jennifer Snow (W) 386: Marco Antonio Toledo Nasci-mento (SP) Policy: OPENING 293: Heidi Maria Westerlund (S) SIG: Applied Pedagogies: Opening Session 631: Andrade de Freitas Martins (SP) 1400 503: Marina Gall (SP) 572: Van Der Sandt Johannes (SP) 242: Thade Buchborn (SP) 399: Bridget Chinouriri (SP) 430: Kevin Shorner-Joh-nson (SP) 134: Glen Carruthers (SP) 1430 Welzel (SP)35: Kertz 439: Cathy Benedict (W) 86: Ethan Andrew Shirley (SP) 1430 612: Matt-hew Clauhs (W) 455: Matti Ruippo (W) 70: Eirimas Velicka (SP) 249: Baisheng Dai (SP) 542: Sean Thomas Scanlen (SP) 313: Franklin Arthur Lewis (SP) 112: Adam Janusz Świ-tała (SP) 1500 28: Joy Ha (SP) 429: Tamya De Oliveira Ramos More-ira (SP) 51: Estelle R. Jorgensen (SP) 391: Sabine

Chatelain (SP) 1500 Gocsál (SP)84: Ákos

380: Cathe-rine Bennett Walling (SP) 632: Dorette Vermeulen (SP) 1530 Break 1530 Break 1600 151: Liza Lee (SP) ISME History Committee Meeting 371: Susan Wheatley (W) JAZZ 696: Annie Mitchell (W) 524: Peter Richard Webster (SP) 20: Ilkay Ebru Tuncer Boon(SP) 639: Nikki-Kate Heyes (SP) 1600 715: Scott

Burstein (W) M Chong (W)598: Eddy K

97: Rivka Elkoshi (SP) 203: Yuanping SHI (SP) 744: Bassarima Kone (SP) 38: Bienvenido Batallones Constantino Jr (D) 368: Beate Hennenberg (SP)

1630 110: Kunyu Yan (SP) 116: Adriana Di Lorenzo

Tillborg (SP) 111: S. Rebeqa Rivers (W) 204: Lam Gigi Chiying (W) 675: Stephanie

Standerfer (SP) 1630 Mullins (SP)98: Angie

635: Carlos Poblete Lagos (SP)

312: Bo-Wah Leung (SP)

1700 Brainin (SP)152: Valeri 193: Amanda Watson (SP) 711: Jongmo Yang (SP) 1700 Bozkurt (SP)254: Baris James Siebe-108: Dennis naler (SP) 623: Ana Francisca Schneider Grings (SP) 1730 1730 Break 1800 1800 Open Session 18:00 Performance: The Canterbury Voices 1830 1830 18:30 Performance: Gozdem Ilkay Piano Concert

21:00 - 23:00 President’s Extended Reception / PASSAGE 1901


July 17, 2018 - Tuesday

TIME Early Childhood Muisc Education (ECME) (Commission) Research 1 Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM) (Commission) Forum 1 for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy PRIME 1: Practice & Research TIME Popular Music Music Technology




Mlynek-Kalman (W) Advocacy ISME Committee Meeting 276: Sigrid Jordal Havre (SP) CEPROM:


334: David Hebert (D) 900 199: Celeste Manrique Romulo (SP) Music Technology: OPENING 32: Gregory Xavier Whitmore (SP) 222: Syed Ibrahim (W) 301: Roy Page-Shipp (SP) 300: Mary Cohen (W) 930 305: John Charles Varney (SP) 62: Janis

Weller (SP) 169: Pamela D. Pike (SP) 930 Weston (SP)331: Donna

173: Adam Patrick Bell


514: Amira Ehrlich (SP)

1000 Sulkin (SP)144: Idit Vakeva411: Lauri (SP) Mitchell (SP)691: Annie 131: Pirjo Ne-nonen (SP) 1000 607: Martina Vasil (SP) Cheng (SP)555: Lee Elkoshi (SP)50: Rivka 750: Rusudan Takaishvili (SP) 1030 Break 1030 Break 1045 National / Regional ISME Meeting /US Regional ISME Meeting / Scandinavia Regional ISME Meeting / AUSTRALIA Regional ISME Meeting / Latin America Regional ISME Meeting / SOUTH ASIA Regional ISME Meeting /UK Regional ISME Meeting /JAPAN 1045 Regional ISME Meeting /CANADA Regional ISME Meeting / South East & East Asia

Regional ISME Meeting / Asia Pacific Regional ISME Meeting / Eastern Europe Regional ISME / TURKIC Regional ISME Meeting /AFRICA Regional ISME Meeting / EUROPE 1115

1145 Mammedov The Paradigm of modern music education at the Baku Music AcademyTariel 1145 1200

Dusen Kaseinov

(Keynote Address)

Traditional Music Culture and Music Education in Turkic Countries: Present Status and Problems 1200 1300 Performance:

Classical Turkish Music


INA Council -

Buffet lunch 1300 Break Poster

Session 2


1330 INA Council - Meeting Break 1330 Break Break

1400 Constitution + Bylaws Drop In Session Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM) (Commission) 533: Jennifer Snow (W) 386: Marco Antonio Toledo Nasci-mento (SP) Policy: OPENING 293: Heidi Maria Westerlund (S) SIG: Applied Pedagogies: Opening Session 631: Andrade de Freitas Martins (SP) 1400 503: Marina Gall (SP) 572: Van Der Sandt Johannes (SP) 242: Thade Buchborn (SP) 399: Bridget Chinouriri (SP) 430: Kevin Shorner-Joh-nson (SP) 134: Glen Carruthers (SP) 1430 Welzel (SP)35: Kertz 439: Cathy Benedict (W) 86: Ethan Andrew Shirley (SP) 1430 612: Matt-hew Clauhs (W) 455: Matti Ruippo (W) 70: Eirimas Velicka (SP) 249: Baisheng Dai (SP) 542: Sean Thomas Scanlen (SP) 313: Franklin Arthur Lewis (SP) 112: Adam Janusz Świ-tała (SP) 1500 28: Joy Ha (SP) 429: Tamya De Oliveira Ramos More-ira (SP) 51: Estelle R. Jorgensen (SP) 391: Sabine

Chatelain (SP) 1500 Gocsál (SP)84: Ákos

380: Cathe-rine Bennett Walling (SP) 632: Dorette Vermeulen (SP) 1530 Break 1530 Break 1600 151: Liza Lee (SP) ISME History Committee Meeting 371: Susan Wheatley (W) JAZZ 696: Annie Mitchell (W) 524: Peter Richard Webster (SP) 20: Ilkay Ebru Tuncer Boon(SP) 639: Nikki-Kate Heyes (SP) 1600 715: Scott

Burstein (W) M Chong (W)598: Eddy K

97: Rivka Elkoshi (SP) 203: Yuanping SHI (SP) 744: Bassarima Kone (SP) 38: Bienvenido Batallones Constantino Jr (D) 368: Beate Hennenberg (SP)

1630 110: Kunyu Yan (SP) 116: Adriana Di Lorenzo

Tillborg (SP) 111: S. Rebeqa Rivers (W) 204: Lam Gigi Chiying (W) 675: Stephanie

Standerfer (SP) 1630 Mullins (SP)98: Angie

635: Carlos Poblete Lagos (SP)

312: Bo-Wah Leung (SP)

1700 Brainin (SP)152: Valeri 193: Amanda Watson (SP) 711: Jongmo Yang (SP) 1700 Bozkurt (SP)254: Baris James Siebe-108: Dennis naler (SP) 623: Ana Francisca Schneider Grings (SP) 1730 1730 Break 1800 1800 Open Session 18:00 Performance: The Canterbury Voices 1830 1830 18:30 Performance: Gozdem Ilkay Piano Concert

21:00 - 23:00 President’s Extended Reception / PASSAGE 1901


July 18, 2018 - Wednesday


W: Workshop / SP: Spoken Paper / S: Symposia / D: Diverse TIME CEPROM: Education of the Professional Musician PRIME 1: Practice & Research SIG: Applied Pedagogies 1: Assessment, Measure-ment, and Evaluation Research 1 Forum 1 for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy Policy: Culture, Education and Media (Commission)

TIME Popular Music Technology Music


900 412: Daniel Perlongo (W) ISME Publications Committee Meeting 694: Magali

Kleber (SP) Assessment: OPENING

608: Melissa Eick (W) 407: Bo-Wah Leung (SP) 402: Peter Richard Webster (S) 900 295: Adam Patrick Bell (D) 333: David Hebert (D) 71: Catherine Betts (W) 245: Marianne Oevregaard (W) 306: John Charles Varney (W) 161: Leon R de Bruin (SP) 930 372: Denise Andrade de Freitas

Martins (SP) 113: Malina Sarnowska


462: Sandra

Oberoi (SP) 930 Morgan (SP)409: Jill


Johannella Tafuri (SP)

1000 166: Pamela D. Pike (SP) Hennenberg 283: Beate



Stefanovych Roberts (SP)

489: Erkki

Huovinen (SP) 153: Corlia Fourie (SP) 1000 252: Amanda

Christina Soto (W) 499: Adriana Rodrigues Didier (W) 667: Eva

Kwan (SP) 289: Gillian Howell (SP)

1030 Mary Blom 36: Diana

(SP) Conference ISME Committee Meeting 133: Eric Shieh (W) 465: Nikolaos Theodoridis (W) 304: Kevin

Hanrahan SP) Churchill (SP)352: Warren 326: Leonid Sprikut (SP) 189: Giuseppe Faraone (W) 1030 81: Alex Ruthmann (W) 188: Joshua Paul Emanuel (W) 474: Ho Yan Tang (SP) 384: John Douglas Perkins (SP)

1100 183: Benjamin Bolden (SP) 511: Bo Ro-senkull (SP) 1100 Hentschke (SP)109: Liane 589: Sevan Nart (SP) Lamela (SP)568: Ines 681: Anibal Martel

Andrade (SP)

519: Andreas

Lehmann-Wer-mser (SP)

1130 Break 1130 Break

1200 Kathryn Dean On Building a Potting Shed 1200

1300 13:00-13:15 Alexandria Sultan-zade von Bruseldorff SIG convenors

- Buffet lunch Break 1300 Break Poster

Session 3


13:30 SIG convenors - Meeting Break 13:30 Break Break

TIME CEPROM: Education of the Professional Musician SIG: Applied

Pedagogies 1: Popular Music

Forum 1 for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy Assessment, Measure-ment, and Evaluation Research 1 Policy: Culture, Education and Media (Commission)

TIME Practice & PRIME 1: Research

Music Technology


1400 545: Nancy J. Uscher (D) 160: Leon R de Bruin (SP) 383: Kat

Reinhert (W) Nenonen (W)130: Pirjo

221: Stefanovych Roberts(SP) 515: Amanda Christina C. Soto (SP) 303: Tuulikki Elisa Laes (S) 1400 584: Markus Cslovjecsek (D) 58: Mina Sano (SP) 141: María-Cecilia Jorquera-Jaramillo (SP) 420: Riju Tuladhar (SP) 270: Albi Odendaal (SP) 1430 377: Eva Nivbrant Wedin (W) 552: Graham Charles Sattler (SP) 531: Laura Elizabeth Gutiérrez (SP) 1430 170: Johan-nes Treß (SP) 143: Emily Good-Perkins (SP) 671: Ilza Zenker Leme Joly (W) 510: Jamie Arrowsmith (SP) 570: Lan Dong (SP)

1500 658: Pedro S. Boia (SP) 599: Solveig Korum (SP) 547: Daniel Fiedler (SP) 1500 De Bruin (SP) 162: Leon R 320: Linda Webb (SP)

341: Janeli-ze van der Merwe (SP) 617: Kristin Coen-Mishlan (SP)

1530 Break Forrest (SP)734: David 1530 Break

1600 266: Marissa Honda (SP) 603: Eddy K M Chong (SP)

PRIME 1: Practice & Research 634: Akosua Obuo Addo (SP) 571: Ines Lamela (SP) 520: Andreas Lehmann-Wermser (SP) 622: Houw

Ping Lau (SP) MISTEC1

123: Svetlana Megina (W) 205: Yuri Ishii (SP) 1600 Popular Music: 115: Martina Vasil (SP) 34: Alex Ruthmann (D) 281: Melissa J Eick (SP) 529: Denese Odegaard (W) 695: Magali

Kleber (SP) Lynn Wolf (SP)415: Debbie

1630 Boyle (SP)43: Kerry 449:Catherine Elizabeth Birch (W) 171: Mariette Beyers (W) 707: Ceren Doğan (SP) 653: Martin Frederick Gardiner (SP) 749: Safaa

Alzaabi (SP) 1630 Hartwig (SP)297: Kay

230: Kyna Nokomis Elliott (W) 618: Kristin Coen-Mishlan (SP) 1700 226: Louise Frances Godwin (SP) 574: Rachel

Drury (SP) Eisinger (SP)556: Miriam 31: Craig M Resta (SP) 1700 479: Ting-Yu Huang (SP)

310: Stephanie Grenning (SP) 638: Maria Cristina De Carvalho Cascelli de Carvalho (SP) 1730 1730 Break 1800 1800 Open Session 18:00 Performance: Imbroglio Sextet 1830 1830 18:30 Performance: UITM Chamber Choir


July 18, 2018 - Wednesday

TIME CEPROM: Education of the Professional Musician PRIME 1: Practice & Research SIG: Applied Pedagogies 1: Assessment, Measure-ment, and Evaluation Research 1 Forum 1 for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy Policy: Culture, Education and Media (Commission)

TIME Popular Music Technology Music


900 412: Daniel Perlongo (W) ISME Publications Committee Meeting 694: Magali

Kleber (SP) Assessment: OPENING

608: Melissa Eick (W) 407: Bo-Wah Leung (SP) 402: Peter Richard Webster (S) 900 295: Adam Patrick Bell (D) 333: David Hebert (D) 71: Catherine Betts (W) 245: Marianne Oevregaard (W) 306: John Charles Varney (W) 161: Leon R de Bruin (SP) 930 372: Denise Andrade de Freitas

Martins (SP) 113: Malina Sarnowska


462: Sandra

Oberoi (SP) 930 Morgan (SP)409: Jill


Johannella Tafuri (SP)

1000 166: Pamela D. Pike (SP) Hennenberg 283: Beate



Stefanovych Roberts (SP)

489: Erkki

Huovinen (SP) 153: Corlia Fourie (SP) 1000 252: Amanda

Christina Soto (W) 499: Adriana Rodrigues Didier (W) 667: Eva

Kwan (SP) 289: Gillian Howell (SP)

1030 Mary Blom 36: Diana

(SP) Conference ISME Committee Meeting 133: Eric Shieh (W) 465: Nikolaos Theodoridis (W) 304: Kevin

Hanrahan SP) Churchill (SP)352: Warren 326: Leonid Sprikut (SP) 189: Giuseppe Faraone (W) 1030 81: Alex Ruthmann (W) 188: Joshua Paul Emanuel (W) 474: Ho Yan Tang (SP) 384: John Douglas Perkins (SP)

1100 183: Benjamin Bolden (SP) 511: Bo Ro-senkull (SP) 1100 Hentschke (SP)109: Liane 589: Sevan Nart (SP) Lamela (SP)568: Ines 681: Anibal Martel

Andrade (SP)

519: Andreas

Lehmann-Wer-mser (SP)

1130 Break 1130 Break

1200 Kathryn Dean On Building a Potting Shed 1200

1300 13:00-13:15 Alexandria Sultan-zade von Bruseldorff SIG convenors

- Buffet lunch Break 1300 Break Poster

Session 3


13:30 SIG convenors - Meeting Break 13:30 Break Break

TIME CEPROM: Education of the Professional Musician SIG: Applied

Pedagogies 1: Popular Music

Forum 1 for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy Assessment, Measure-ment, and Evaluation Research 1 Policy: Culture, Education and Media (Commission)

TIME Practice & PRIME 1: Research

Music Technology


1400 545: Nancy J. Uscher (D) 160: Leon R de Bruin (SP) 383: Kat

Reinhert (W) Nenonen (W)130: Pirjo

221: Stefanovych Roberts(SP) 515: Amanda Christina C. Soto (SP) 303: Tuulikki Elisa Laes (S) 1400 584: Markus Cslovjecsek (D) 58: Mina Sano (SP) 141: María-Cecilia Jorquera-Jaramillo (SP) 420: Riju Tuladhar (SP) 270: Albi Odendaal (SP) 1430 377: Eva Nivbrant Wedin (W) 552: Graham Charles Sattler (SP) 531: Laura Elizabeth Gutiérrez (SP) 1430 170: Johan-nes Treß (SP) 143: Emily Good-Perkins (SP) 671: Ilza Zenker Leme Joly (W) 510: Jamie Arrowsmith (SP) 570: Lan Dong (SP)

1500 658: Pedro S. Boia (SP) 599: Solveig Korum (SP) 547: Daniel Fiedler (SP) 1500 De Bruin (SP) 162: Leon R 320: Linda Webb (SP)

341: Janeli-ze van der Merwe (SP) 617: Kristin Coen-Mishlan (SP)

1530 Break Forrest (SP)734: David 1530 Break

1600 266: Marissa Honda (SP) 603: Eddy K M Chong (SP)

PRIME 1: Practice & Research 634: Akosua Obuo Addo (SP) 571: Ines Lamela (SP) 520: Andreas Lehmann-Wermser (SP) 622: Houw

Ping Lau (SP) MISTEC1

123: Svetlana Megina (W) 205: Yuri Ishii (SP) 1600 Popular Music: 115: Martina Vasil (SP) 34: Alex Ruthmann (D) 281: Melissa J Eick (SP) 529: Denese Odegaard (W) 695: Magali

Kleber (SP) Lynn Wolf (SP)415: Debbie

1630 Boyle (SP)43: Kerry 449:Catherine Elizabeth Birch (W) 171: Mariette Beyers (W) 707: Ceren Doğan (SP) 653: Martin Frederick Gardiner (SP) 749: Safaa

Alzaabi (SP) 1630 Hartwig (SP)297: Kay

230: Kyna Nokomis Elliott (W) 618: Kristin Coen-Mishlan (SP) 1700 226: Louise Frances Godwin (SP) 574: Rachel

Drury (SP) 556: Miriam Eisinger (SP) 31: Craig M Resta (SP) 1700 479: Ting-Yu Huang (SP)

310: Stephanie Grenning (SP) 638: Maria Cristina De Carvalho Cascelli de Carvalho (SP) 1730 1730 Break 1800 1800 Open Session 18:00 Performance: Imbroglio Sextet 1830 1830 18:30 Performance: UITM Chamber Choir


July 19, 2018 - Thursday


W: Workshop / SP: Spoken Paper / S: Symposia / D: Diverse

TIME Practice & PRIME 1: Research Forum 1 for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy MISTEC1 CEPROM: Education of the Pro-fessional Musician Policy: Culture, Education and Media SIG: Applied

Pedagogies PRIME 2: Practi-ce & Research TIME Popular Music

Music Technology

(SIG) Research 1 MISTEC2 MISTEC3 CMA 1 Research 2

900 General Assembly 900 1000 1000 1030 Break 1030 Break 1045 537: Ramona Mohd Tahir (W) 376: Eva Nivbrant Wedin (W) 148: Nicho-las Bannan (W) 39: Marga-rita Lorenzo De Reizabal (SP) 106: Debbie Lynn Wolf (W) 633:Yiannis

Miralis (SP) 1045 Reinhert (SP)382: Kat 538: Jukka Ilmari Louhivuori (W) 654: Regina Antunes Teixeira Dos Santos (SP) 346: Eva-Maria Tralle (SP) 403: Ana Luísa Veloso (SP) 717: Jo

Gibson (SP) 290: Ambigay Yudkoff (SP)

1115 1115 566: Roberto Caterina (SP) 359: Andreas Bernhofer

(SP) 580: Maria Leilani Carter (SP) 265: Marco Antonio Toledo Nasci-mento (SP) 1145 Break 1145 Break 1200 Gary McPherson (Keynote Address)

A life’s journey through music

1200 1230 1230 1300 New com-mission chairs - Buf-fet lunch 1300 Poster Session 4 Qanun and Tanbur Concert 1330 New com-mission chairs - Me-eting 1330 1400 437: Cathy Benedict (SP) SIG: Applied Pedagogies 400: Beatrice Siew Yong Cheah (SP) 167: Carol Timson (SP) 418: Katja Thomson (SP) 185: Roger Mantie (S) 665: Sarah Ellen Dunne (SP) 1400 29: Mikko Ketovuori (SP) 393: Anouk Diepenbroek (SP) 702: Ilkay Ebru Tuncer Boon (SP) 434: Masafumi Ogawa (SP) 578: Simone Richardson (S) 535: Chinami Sugiura (SP) 701: Ilkay Ebru Tuncer

Boon (SP) Turkic Session:

Reporting Back Meeting Siyavus Kerimi Ali Ucan Ugur Alpagut Lala Huseynova Suna Cevik Basak Gorgoretti Refik Saydam 1430 302: Kevin Hanrahan (W) 481: Shin-Chu Kuo(SP) 184: Benjamin Bolden (SP) 344: Guro Gravem Johansen (SP) 47: Jui-Ching Wang (SP) 1430 264: Aleksi Sakari Ojala (SP) 614: Matthew Clauhs (SP) 741: Monika Oebelsberger (SP) 452: Patrick

Allen (SP) 609: Lori Gray (SP) Currie (SP)355: Ruth 408: Amanda Bayley (SP)

1500 Huseynova 588: Aida (SP) 705: Khatira Hasanzade (SP) 1500 142: Marco Antonio Toledo Nascimento (SP) 611: Marci Malone DeAmbrose (SP) 379: Catherine Bennett Walling (SP) 1530 Break 1530 Break 1600 196: Susan-ne Burgess (W) 708: Aytach Rahimova (SP) 374: Marco Antonio Toledo Nas-cimento (SP) 40: Marga-rita Lorenzo De Reizabal (SP) 17: Ana Mercedes Vernia Carrasco (SP) 392: Inge

Raudsepp (SP) 1600 Burstein (SP)714: Scott

467: Camille N. Sava-ge-Kroll (D) 656: Regina Antunes Teixeira Dos Santos (SP) 558: Stephanie Grenning (SP) 583: Marcelo Giglio (W) 662: Heloise Gomes Ferreira (SP) 745: Imina Aliyeva (SP) 1630 263: Angie Mullins (W) 19: Peter Christopher Douskalis (SP) 338: Susan Narelle Chapman (SP) 1630 117: Chad

West (SP) Gocsal (SP)83: Akos Summers (SP)450: Michael 234: M José Mira (SP) 700: Zuleykha Abdulla (SP)

1700 500: Noriko Tokie (SP) Annamaria 63:

Minafra (SP) 1700 507: Minja Anna Marin-ka Koskela (SP) 554: Lee

Cheng (SP) 643: Gerhard Sammer (SP)

679: Luis Ricardo Silva Queiroz (SP) 1730 Break 1730 Break 1800 18:00 Performan-ce: Shahri-yar Jamshidi 1800 Open Session 1830 18:30 Performan-ce: Coral Allegro Valencia 1830 2100 2100 Performance: 21:00 Time Flies 2215 Performance: Orgill-Rydin-Sabin Collective


July 19, 2018 - Thursday

TIME Practice & PRIME 1: Research Forum 1 for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy MISTEC1 CEPROM: Education of the Pro-fessional Musician Policy: Culture, Education and Media SIG: Applied

Pedagogies PRIME 2: Practi-ce & Research TIME Popular Music

Music Technology

(SIG) Research 1 MISTEC2 MISTEC3 CMA 1 Research 2

900 General Assembly 900 1000 1000 1030 Break 1030 Break 1045 537: Ramona Mohd Tahir (W) 376: Eva Nivbrant Wedin (W) 148: Nicho-las Bannan (W) 39: Marga-rita Lorenzo De Reizabal (SP) 106: Debbie Lynn Wolf (W) 633:Yiannis

Miralis (SP) 1045 Reinhert (SP)382: Kat 538: Jukka Ilmari Louhivuori (W) 654: Regina Antunes Teixeira Dos Santos (SP) 346: Eva-Maria Tralle (SP) 403: Ana Luísa Veloso (SP) 717: Jo

Gibson (SP) 290: Ambigay Yudkoff (SP)

1115 1115 566: Roberto Caterina (SP) 359: Andreas Bernhofer

(SP) 580: Maria Leilani Carter (SP) 265: Marco Antonio Toledo Nasci-mento (SP) 1145 Break 1145 Break 1200 Gary McPherson (Keynote Address)

A life’s journey through music

1200 1230 1230 1300 New com-mission chairs - Buf-fet lunch 1300 Poster Session 4 Qanun and Tanbur Concert 1330 New com-mission chairs - Me-eting 1330 1400 437: Cathy Benedict (SP) SIG: Applied Pedagogies 400: Beatrice Siew Yong Cheah (SP) 167: Carol Timson (SP) 418: Katja Thomson (SP) 185: Roger Mantie (S) 665: Sarah Ellen Dunne (SP) 1400 29: Mikko Ketovuori (SP) 393: Anouk Diepenbroek (SP) 702: Ilkay Ebru Tuncer Boon (SP) 434: Masafumi Ogawa (SP) 578: Simone Richardson (S) 535: Chinami Sugiura (SP) 701: Ilkay Ebru Tuncer

Boon (SP) Turkic Session:

Reporting Back Meeting Siyavus Kerimi Ali Ucan Ugur Alpagut Lala Huseynova Suna Cevik Basak Gorgoretti Refik Saydam 1430 302: Kevin Hanrahan (W) 481: Shin-Chu Kuo(SP) 184: Benjamin Bolden (SP) 344: Guro Gravem Johansen (SP) 47: Jui-Ching Wang (SP) 1430 264: Aleksi Sakari Ojala (SP) 614: Matthew Clauhs (SP) 741: Monika Oebelsberger (SP) 452: Patrick

Allen (SP) 609: Lori Gray (SP) Currie (SP)355: Ruth 408: Amanda Bayley (SP)

1500 Huseynova 588: Aida (SP) 705: Khatira Hasanzade (SP) 1500 142: Marco Antonio Toledo Nascimento (SP) 611: Marci Malone DeAmbrose (SP) 379: Catherine Bennett Walling (SP) 1530 Break 1530 Break 1600 196: Susan-ne Burgess (W) 708: Aytach Rahimova (SP) 374: Marco Antonio Toledo Nas-cimento (SP) 40: Marga-rita Lorenzo De Reizabal (SP) 17: Ana Mercedes Vernia Carrasco (SP) 392: Inge

Raudsepp (SP) 1600 Burstein (SP)714: Scott

467: Camille N. Sava-ge-Kroll (D) 656: Regina Antunes Teixeira Dos Santos (SP) 558: Stephanie Grenning (SP) 583: Marcelo Giglio (W) 662: Heloise Gomes Ferreira (SP) 745: Imina Aliyeva (SP) 1630 263: Angie Mullins (W) 19: Peter Christopher Douskalis (SP) 338: Susan Narelle Chapman (SP) 1630 117: Chad

West (SP) Gocsal (SP)83: Akos Summers (SP)450: Michael 234: M José Mira (SP) 700: Zuleykha Abdulla (SP)

1700 500: Noriko Tokie (SP) Annamaria 63:

Minafra (SP) 1700 507: Minja Anna Marin-ka Koskela (SP) 554: Lee

Cheng (SP) 643: Gerhard Sammer (SP)

679: Luis Ricardo Silva Queiroz (SP) 1730 Break 1730 Break 1800 18:00 Performan-ce: Shahri-yar Jamshidi 1800 Open Session 1830 18:30 Performan-ce: Coral Allegro Valencia 1830 2100 2100 Performance: 21:00 Time Flies 2215 Performance: Orgill-Rydin-Sabin Collective


July 20, 2018 - Friday


W: Workshop / SP: Spoken Paper / S: Symposia / D: Diverse

900 475: Magali Oliveira Kleber (S) 512: Bo Rosenkull (W) 345: Una Macglone (SP) 164: Susan Narelle Chapman (W) 340: Wendy Brooks (SP) 405: Lisa M Burrell (W) 900 553: Iman Bikram

Shah (SP) Gorgoretti (SP)590: Basak Bernhofer (SP)627: Andreas Shiobara (SP) 530: Mari

930 Calissendorff (SP)718: Maria 471: Rita Stirn ( SP) 930

390: Hongky Cho

(W) 513: Suzanne L. Burton (W)

369: Elizabeth Achieng Andango

(SP) 1000 693: Vilma Elina Timonen (SP) Sampath (SP)716: Vikram Sevindj Sultan von 447: Alexandria

Bruseldorff (SP) 676: Stephanie Standerfer (SP) 1000 1030 Break 1030 Break 1100 MISTEC1 235: Christine Jane Nicholas (W) Research 1 101: Szabolcs Bandi (SP) 677: Yuki Kono (SP) 534: Jennifer Snow (W) 275: Mary Stakelum (SP) 1100 PRIME 1: Practice & Research 159: Susan Narelle Chapman (W) 168: Cecilia Ferm Almqvist (SP) 373: Sonja

Cruywagen (SP) 442: Craig Resta (SP) 498: Carlos Poblete Lagos (W)

441: Nikki-Kate Heyes (SP)

1130 563: Xing Sun (SP) 604: William M Perrine (SP) McLoughlin (SP)559: Avril 1130 Hogenes (SP)431: Michel 698: Jasmin Tan

(SP) 706: Masafumi Ogawa (SP) 585: Ruth Currie (SP) 1200 738: Helena Caspurro (W) Music Technology (SIG) 243: Lauma Kazaka (W) 90: Margaret

Mary Young (SP) 92: Cheng Xie (SP)

27: Dale Wheeler (W)


419: Markus

Cslovjecsek (W) 240: Yuanping Shi (W) 725: Francis Ward (W) Gergely Gal (W)645: Agnes

569: Turkan Aksoy (SP) 1230 Reifinger Jr. (SP) 659: James L. 1230 Research 2 685: Kristin Koterba (SP) 422: Iman Bikram Shah (SP) 1300 Break 1300 Break 1330 Break 1330 Break

TIME Music Technology (SIG) on of the Professi-CEPROM:

Educati-onal Musician Research 1

Policy: Culture, Education and


SIG: Applied

Pedagogies TIME PRIME 1: Practice & Research CMA 2 MISTEC1 MISTEC2 MISTEC3 CMA 1

1400 526: Alexander

Hew Dale Crooke

(W) 506: Patrick Schmidt (S) 703: Khatira Khatira Hasanzade (S) 102: Iris M. Yob (S) Stakelum (S)417: Mary

1400 470: Wenzhuo Zhang (SP) Senyshyn (SP)413: Yaroslav

232: David Thorarinn Johnson


268: Emmanuel S

Kaghondi (SP) 723: Sheerin Berte

(W) 521: Peter Moser (D)

1430 1430 468: Wenzhuo

Zhang (W)

425: Kushal Karki

(SP) Sukumaran (SP)641: Anand Raj

1500 1500 692: Donna Han Ruochen (SP) Koterba (SP)683: Kristin

1530 1530





July 20, 2018 - Friday

900 475: Magali Oliveira Kleber (S) 512: Bo Rosenkull (W) 345: Una Macglone (SP) 164: Susan Narelle Chapman (W) 340: Wendy Brooks (SP) 405: Lisa M Burrell (W) 900 553: Iman Bikram

Shah (SP) Gorgoretti (SP)590: Basak Bernhofer (SP)627: Andreas Shiobara (SP) 530: Mari

930 Calissendorff (SP)718: Maria 471: Rita Stirn ( SP) 930

390: Hongky Cho

(W) 513: Suzanne L. Burton (W)

369: Elizabeth Achieng Andango

(SP) 1000 693: Vilma Elina Timonen (SP) Sampath (SP)716: Vikram Sevindj Sultan von 447: Alexandria

Bruseldorff (SP) 676: Stephanie Standerfer (SP) 1000 1030 Break 1030 Break 1100 MISTEC1 235: Christine Jane Nicholas (W) Research 1 101: Szabolcs Bandi (SP) 677: Yuki Kono (SP) 534: Jennifer Snow (W) 275: Mary Stakelum (SP) 1100 PRIME 1: Practice & Research 159: Susan Narelle Chapman (W) 168: Cecilia Ferm Almqvist (SP) 373: Sonja

Cruywagen (SP) 442: Craig Resta (SP) 498: Carlos Poblete Lagos (W)

441: Nikki-Kate Heyes (SP)

1130 563: Xing Sun (SP) 604: William M Perrine (SP) McLoughlin (SP)559: Avril 1130 Hogenes (SP)431: Michel 698: Jasmin Tan

(SP) 706: Masafumi Ogawa (SP) 585: Ruth Currie (SP) 1200 738: Helena Caspurro (W) Music Technology (SIG) 243: Lauma Kazaka (W) 90: Margaret

Mary Young (SP) 92: Cheng Xie (SP)

27: Dale Wheeler (W)


419: Markus

Cslovjecsek (W) 240: Yuanping Shi (W) 725: Francis Ward (W) Gergely Gal (W)645: Agnes

569: Turkan Aksoy (SP) 1230 Reifinger Jr. (SP) 659: James L. 1230 Research 2 685: Kristin Koterba (SP) 422: Iman Bikram Shah (SP) 1300 Break 1300 Break 1330 Break 1330 Break

TIME Music Technology (SIG) on of the Professi-CEPROM:

Educati-onal Musician Research 1

Policy: Culture, Education and


SIG: Applied

Pedagogies TIME PRIME 1: Practice & Research CMA 2 MISTEC1 MISTEC2 MISTEC3 CMA 1

1400 526: Alexander

Hew Dale Crooke

(W) 506: Patrick Schmidt (S) 703: Khatira Khatira Hasanzade (S) 102: Iris M. Yob (S) Stakelum (S)417: Mary

1400 470: Wenzhuo Zhang (SP) Senyshyn (SP)413: Yaroslav

232: David Thorarinn Johnson


268: Emmanuel S

Kaghondi (SP) 723: Sheerin Berte

(W) 521: Peter Moser (D)

1430 1430 468: Wenzhuo

Zhang (W)

425: Kushal Karki

(SP) Sukumaran (SP)641: Anand Raj

1500 1500 692: Donna Han Ruochen (SP) Koterba (SP)683: Kristin

1530 1530





July 15, 2018 - Sunday

16:00 - 17:30



18:00 - 18:30


Performance: The Listeners

18.30 - 19:00


Performance: Kaboom Percussion

19:00 - 19:30


Performance: Ann Singer Concert


July 16, 2018 - Monday


09:00-09:30 Opening

09:30-10:30 576: Improvising Improvisation / Edward Roy Orgill (W)


10:30-11:30 233: An Exploration of First Nations Music of Australia and Orff Schulwerk – Developing Musical Understanding Through Culturally Sensitive Activities / Christine Jane Nicholas (W)



10:30-11:00 172: Identifying a Brazilian songwriting habitus in ‘Madalena’, by Ivan Lins / Leandro Ernesto Maia (SP) 11:00-11:30 592: The probleme of jazz education in Azerbaijan / Turan Mammadaliyeva (SP)


Musicians’ Health

09:00-09:30 Opening

10:00-10:30 248: Quality of life and artistic senior citizenship: a case study of the helderberg village choir, south africa / Dawn Joseph,

Caroline Van Niekerk (SP)

10:30-11:30 299: Beyond your hands: a whole body approach to piano playing / Carina Joly (W)


Research 1

09:00-09:30 Opening

09:30-10:00 684: Music Learning as Youth Development / Brian Kaufman (SP)

10:00-11:30 190: Mapping the Musical Lifecourse: affordances, constraints, and challenges relating to musical pathways across the lifecourse / Andrea Creech, Lee Higgins, Lee Willingham, Margaret Barrett, Susan O’neill, Valerie Peters, Roger Mantie (S)


Music in Special Education

10:00-10:30 Opening

10:30-11:00 120: Functional Expansion of Music Education Technologies (through the example of music rehabilitation therapy of neurology ward patients) / Alla Toropova, Tatiana Lvova (SP)


PRIME 1: Practice & Research

09:00-09:30 Opening

09:30-10:00 68: “Why music at school?”: exploring the basic ideas of young learners to justify compulsory music lessons in public schools / Markus Cslovjecsek, Stefanie Portner (SP)

10:00-10:30 156: Student choice and the pathway towards secondary school elective music classes / Antony Hubmayer (SP) 10:30-11:00 663: The role of singing in adolescents’ everyday life / Graça Boal-Palheiros (SP)


Community Music Activity (CMA)

09:00-09:30 Opening

09:30-10:00 342: Community Music as Social Intervention: Case Studies from Canada / Lee Willingham (SP)

10:00-11:00 743: Liberation Drum Circles: Engaging social justice activism though body percussion cyphers, social emotional poetry and critical pedagogy / Martin Urbach (W)

11:00-11:30 397: The Big Show / Peter Moser (SP)



09:00-09:30 Opening

09:30-10:00 528: Musical Futures and culturally relevant pedagogy / Emily Wilson, Neryl Jeanneret (SP)

10:00-10:30 65: Upgrading Traditional Nursery Rhymes for use as Singing Materials in Music Classrooms / Tadahiro Murao, Chie

Miyata (SP)

10:30-11:00 128: Direct Declarations: an articulating element for Teacher Professional Identity from the complexity perspective /

María-Cecilia Jorquera-Jaramillo, Javier Duque Gutiérrez (SP)


Figure 3. Tentative timetable
Table 2  The main effect / interaction in the test of the with- with-in-subject effect
Figure 2. Sample interface to facilitate assessment of a student’s per- per-formance and provide feedback for Hindustani music education use  case
Figure 1. Co-occurrence Network Derived from the Evaluation  Reports of Students


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