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Soheil Samii


Academic year: 2021

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Quality-Driven Synt

hesis and Optimization of

Embedded Cont

rol Systems

Soheil Samii

Linköping Studies in Science and Technology

Dissertation No. 1386

Department of Computer and Information Science Linköpings universitet, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Linköping 2011


y-Driven Synt

hesis and Opt


ion of Embedded Cont

rol Syst ems Soheil Samii Linköping 2011 � 0 � 5 � 2�5 � 7�5 � 9�5 � 1�0�0


Quality-Driven Synt

hesis and Optimization of

Embedded Cont

rol Systems

Soheil Samii

Linköping Studies in Science and Technology

Dissertation No. 1386

Department of Computer and Information Science Linköpings universitet, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Linköping 2011


y-Driven Synt

hesis and Opt


ion of Embedded Cont

rol Syst ems Soheil Samii Linköping 2011 � 0 � 5 � 2�5 � 7�5 � 9�5 � 1�0�0


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