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Build a sentence This is a fun and easy-to-understand game that you could play with your friends. You can find more instructions below.


Academic year: 2021

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Build a sentence

This is a fun and easy-to-understand game that you could play with your friends. You can find more instructions below.


This game is really easy to play. Use a scissor to cut out the three different card types below. Put them in stacks based on their card type. Then, you put one of each card in the middle. The players should ”build” a sentence using the cards. The person who first comes up with a correct sentence earns the cards and one point. If no sentences can be built, the person who first says ”You can´t do anything with the cards” or something similar, gets one point and all the cards, but only if it´s true that you can´t make a sentence with the cards. Have fun playing!

Person cards ”Middle of the sentence”-cards ”Last word in the sentence”-cards

I have go to a café.

You are going to singing.

We am happy.

They doing something.

Them did from a country.

Us to a lot.

She goes travel somewhere.

He does playing a game.

The pencil is having fun.

Him are great.

Gratis läromedel från KlassKlur – KlassKlur.weebly.com – Kolla in vår hemsida för fler gratis läromedel – 2018-02-06 14:44


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