Errata for PhD Thesis
Ecology and evolution of coastal Baltic Sea 'dead zone' sediments Linnaeus University press, ISBN: 978-91-88761-01-9
Elias Broman
Location Original text Correction
Page 17- 18 Such strategies consist of 1) biomanipulation by adding predators that feed on phytoplankton;
Such strategies consist of 1) biomanipulation by adding or removing predators that affect the amount of phytoplankton;
Page 25-26 Organic matter content (% wt) in the sediment was determined by loss on ignition of dry pre- weighed sediment at 550°C for 30 minutes in a muffle furnace (OWF 1200, Carbolite).
Organic matter content (% wt) in the sediment was determined by loss on ignition of dry pre- weighed sediment at 550°C for 4 hours in a muffle furnace (OWF 1200, Carbolite).
Page 46 Anoxic incubations after 15 and 21 days compared to the field showed no statistical
significance for diatoms (Kruskal Wallis test, p = 0.044).
Anoxic incubations after 15 days compared to the field showed no statistical significance for diatoms.