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Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor i vården


Academic year: 2021

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Watt M H, Bobrow A E, Moracco K E. 2008. Providing Support to IPV Victims in the Emergency

department. Vignette-Based Interviews With IPV Survivors and Emergency Department Nurses.

Sage Publications. USA.

The aim of this research was to describe the

potential for social support for IPV victims in health care settings, according to a woman’s stages of readiness to disclose and take action to address her safety. Emergency department. Qualitative study based on one-on-one semi structured interviews. Certified nurses working in a large hospital ED. 10 ED nurses. 16 victims of IPV. Sample through flyers and spreading the word. Content analysis was summarized and comparisons were made.

Results are presented in main categories based on different outcomes of a meeting with an IPV victim. No disclosure and No action- obvious injuries related to IPV but refusal from the woman. Disclosure and No action- woman disclose abuse but refuse help. Disclosure and Action- woman disclose abuse and want help.

Middle high quality do to not very detailed description of analysis process.




Author Year Title Journal Country Aim Context

Method Analys Main results Study quality Häggblom A M E, Möller A R. 2006. On a Life-Saving Mission: Nurses’ Willingness to Encounter With Intimate Partner Abuse. Qualitative Health Research. Finland/Sweden.

The aim of the study was to explore in depth nurses known as supportive to battered women, the phenomenon of violence against women in nursing situations, and the nurses’ roles as health care providers to those women. Government health organisation in a local community in Finland. Different units. Qualitative interview study based on grounded theory. Diploma nurses who work within a government health organisation in Finland. 10 nurses. Purposive sample for rich data providing.

Content analysis was based on Grounded Theory, techniques described by Charmaz.

Including constant comparison data analysis, theoretical sensitivity, memo writing and theoretical saturation. Coding was made until descriptive categories were formed. Aims included finding hypotheses, models or preliminary theories about revelations in a social situation.

Results are presented from the core concept ”On a life saving mission: Nurses willingness to encounter with battered

women”. The core category was then summarized in a more abstract way through two descriptive categories. A) Nurses’ personal perceptions toward IPV- describes acts guided through personal emotional responses. B) Nurses’ feeling equipped to intervene- describes acts guided by professional roles, feeling skilled, and feeling supported. High quality.




Author Year Title Journal Country Aim Context Method Implementation Analysis

Main results Study quality Inoue K, Armitage S. 2006. Nurses’ understanding of domestic violence. Contemporary Nurse. Austarlien/Japan.

Aim was to explore how nurses construct their understanding towards domestic violence issues and abused women in relation to their nursing practice. Accident and emergency department. Qualitative method based on Grounded theory methodology. Registered nurses and some practical nurses from the Japanese population were included. Male nurses were excluded. Theoretical sampling. 41 nurses. Face to face unstructured interviews using open-ended questions.

Content analysis based on GT. Theoretical sampling and

theoretical data analysis occurred simultaneously. Search was made to find primary phenomena. Codes derived to the text and saturation was determined when no more categories emerged. Open coding followed by selective coding. The core category was then linked to six different types of understanding.

Results are presented in a theory built on Nurses understanding of domestic violence with six different categories of understanding. For example some nurses were affected by traditional belief systems and stereotypical images of domestic violence. Others had more awareness of the issue of abuse which were more connected to both understanding and empathy.

High quality.




Author Year Title Journal Country Aim Context

Method Analysis Main results Study quality

Robinson R. 2009. Myths and stereotypes: How Registered Nurses Screen for Intimate Partner Violence. Emergency nursing advocacy. USA.

The aim was to identify how registered nurses screen for intimate partner violence in the emergency department. Emergency department setting. Qualitative method based on phenomenological approach. Nurses working in emergency departments were included. 13 nurses participated, 8 female and 5 male nurses. Structured open-ended interview technique consisting 10 primary questions.

Content analysis was conducted simultaneously with data

collection/implementation. Data were coded and themes were derived from groups of data to gain an in-depth understanding of the interview data. The 7-step method by Colazzi was used. Meanings were categorized into themes.

Four major themes are presented. 1) Myths, stereotypes and fear. Can prevent nurses from screening. Fear is also described. 2) Demeanour. Most nurses relied on the woman to suggest intimate partner violence. 3)

Frustrations. IPV is a complex issue. Frustration in women not leaving partner. Helplessness. 4) Safety benefits. Helping the woman, hope for the future. Middle high quality. Could describe the characteristics of the population more thorough.




Author Year Title Journal Country Aim Context

Method Analysis Main results Study quality

Evanson T A. 2006. Intimate partner Violence and Rural Public Health Nursing Practice: Challenges and opportunities. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care. USA.

The aim was to describe the unique challenges and opportunities

experienced by rural home visiting public health nurses when working with families where IPV was occurring. Rural areas in a Midwestern state. Qualitative descriptive phenomenology method. Included where nurses with experience and knowledge within the phenomenon of interest. 7 nurses participated from four rural areas. Purposive sample. Two

semi-structured interviews with each participant.

Content analysis was made using a structure, which involves a fluid movement from whole to parts to whole. The whole were divided into meaning units, which were organised into clusters. And a model was formed containing themes and subthemes.

Results are presented in seven categories. Establishing and maintaining relationship with families, identification of IPV, confidentiality, community recourses, personal-professional boundaries, having a balanced workload to keep perspective and getting support. Categories include professional roles and the lived experience of the meeting containing emotions.

High/middle high quality do to small population.




Author Year Title Journal Country Aim Context

Method Analysis Main results Study quality D’Avolio D A. 2011. System Issues: Challenges to Intimate Partner Violence Screening and Intervention. Clinical Nursing Research. USA.

The aim was to explore the experiences of health care providers (HCP),

administrators, and advocates who provide care for survivors of IPV and to understand what organisational influences shaped this care, including resources, challenges and opportunities.

One emergency unit and one surgical speciality clinic.

Qualitative method based on ethnography. Including observations and follow-up interviews. 23 participants (18 nurses, two physicians, three social workers). Purposive sample. Field observations, field notes, reflective notes, a demographic form, in-depth interviews and informal discussions.

Content analysis was made using

ethnographic methods. All data including the transcribed interviews were read and reread before coding. Codes were clustered into themes.

Four major themes are presented. Race against time, fragmentation of care, struggling to care in under resourced environments and fear and worry about patient safety. Care was changed do to time limits, trust establishing was hard to get, there was lack of

organisational support and feelings of worry occurred when not able to care for patient.

High quality.




Författare År Titel Journal Land Syfte Kontext

Metod Analys Övergripande resultat Kvalitet

Häggblom A, Dreyer Fredriksen S-T. 2011. ’Often it becomes quiet’ – nurses meeting with abused women. Klinisk Sygeplejer. Finland.

Syftet är att beskriva, undersöka och tolka sjuksköterskans upplevelser av ingivelser i mötet med våldsutsatta kvinnor.

Offentlig hälso- och sjukvård.

Kvalitativ fenomenologisk intervju studie.

Sjuksköterskor med känd erfarenhet från att arbeta med våldsutsatta kvinnor inkluderades.

10 erfarna sjuksköterskor med vana av att arbeta med våldsutsatta kvinnor. Medvetet urval.

Studien genomfördes som en intervjuundersökning med semistrukturerade frågor. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades sedan. Innehållsanalys med hjälp av en fenomenologisk metodansats enligt Kvale. Analysen består av tre delar som innebär att bedöma informanternas egen förståelse, koppla ihop forskarna och informanternas förståelser och slutligen tredje delen som handlar om att skapa en djupare förståelse.

Tre kategorier redovisas i resultatet som handlar om att fånga det specifika i situationen genom att utgå från vad man hör, ser och känner, att handla och våga fråga den utsatta kvinnan och slutligen att vara uppmärksam. Hög kvalitet.




Author Year Title Journal Country Aim Context

Method Analysis Main results Study quality Webster F, Sangster Bouck M, Wright B L, Dietrich P. 2006.

Nursing the Social Wound: Public Health Nurses’ Experiences of Screening for Woman Abuse. Canada.

The aim was to describe the

experiences of public health nurses (PHN) who screen for woman abuse within the clinical practice. An Ontario health unit.

Qualitative Grounded Theory method.

Public health registered nurses were included. 11 nurses participated. Snowball

sampling/purposive sampling for maximum variation.


semi-structured interviews.

Content analysis was made using Grounded Theory. The authors did a categorization and comparative analysis and written a summary of what had been discussed after each interview.

Coming to terms with the concept of abuse itself was a challenging. The nurses also describes that it was

important to dare ask questions to the abused woman and that it was important to work person-cantered. High quality.




Author Year Title Journal Country Aim Study design Context

Method Analysis Main results Study quality Goldblatt H. 2009. Caring for abused women: impact on nurse’s professional and personal life experiences. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Israel.

The aim of this study was to explore the impact of caring for abused women on nurses’ professional and personal life. Healthcare settings. Qualitative Phenomenological method. Included in the study were female nurses who had worked with at least one abused woman in the past year. Male nurses were excluded to prevent potential gender differences.

22 female nurses.

Sample was determined by saturation principles. In-depth interviews.

Content analysis was performed in line with the phenomenological paradigm with open coding, to identify themes. Step 2 was axial coding to identify the

relationships between the themes. Step 3 was integration to present the results of the themes.

The nurses describes that it was important to separating between work and home. The nurses used to empathize with the abused women and the results shows that they need to protect themselves against emotions. High quality.




Author Year Title Journal Country Aim Context

Method Analysis Main results Study quality

Jack S M, Ford-Gilboe M, Wathen C N, Davidov D M, McNaughthton D B, Coben J H, Olds D L, MachMillan H L. 2012. Development of a nurse home visitation intervention for intimate partner violence. BMC Health Services Research. USA.

The aim was to develop an

intervention model and modification process to address intimate partner violence within the context of the Nurse- Family Partnership (NFP). Qualitative interview study. A purposive sample. Total 69 participators: 27 nurses, 20 clients (victims), 22 community stakeholders including NFP supervisors. In-depth face to face interviews and focus-groups based on semi-structured interviews.

Content analysis was conducted concurrently with data collection to identify themes requiring further exploration.

Convectional content analysis and constant comparison guided all coding and synthesis of data.

Clients highly valued the relationship with the nurse home visitor. A relationship, once established could facilitate IPV closure. Nurses explained that dealing with IPV is very time- and recourse intensive, they expressed concern about the women, trust establishment was very important and that frustration about the situation was common. They also

expressed how important it was with personal skill

development. Stakeholders meant that many abused women have limited access to

community services and that nurses need support in their work. High to middle high quality do to not very detailed description of data analysis.


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