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Academic year: 2021



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(28) To Petra, Adrian, Alvin and Didrik. .

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(40) /  "/&., #&.,.#)() ##(.  '(,.,#&*,--/,='' !  (#.,#)2#  )-,.#) )1 3,)-..#*,--/,#(."*-/&) )1'( !&)' 3,)-..#*,--/,#(."!&)',/&#   *,'#()"#**/,##  */&')(,3*#&&,31!*,--/,='' !   */&')(,30-/&,,-#-.(#(2=3(-a-F'WF'T M)1 -').#*,--/,#(."*-/&) )1'( M!&)' -').#*,--/,#(."!&)',/&#  ,(&&)) &)1='&F'#(   ,(&&)) &)1----3."#( /-#)(&,(."(#+/='&F'#(  ,(&&)) &)1----3.".",')#&/.#)(."(#+/='&F'#(  ,(&*&-' &)1='&F'#( T ,(&)23!()(-/'*.#)(='&F'#(  ,(&0-/&,,-#-.(='' !F'&F'#(  -.(,,,),) '(  -..#-.#&*%!- ),."-)#&-#(-   -.,)%1),%#(2='&F.F'T   -3-.'#0-/&,,-#-.(#(2=3(-a-F'WF'T . [.

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(44)  .,,#-/,A !,3 #- Y .) UR^ *(#(! )( .3* )  -/,!,3HU=VI=1"#&."#(#() #A &3-#- *((. 

(45)   ., ,# -/,A !,3#-)(.).",*,(.=1#."'),A .&#.3,.) XRAYR^HW=XI@ )10,=*A .#(.- 1#." *)-.)*,.#0 

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(47)  #.-&  .) '),.&#.3@",.)1.&#(0-.#!.."#-. Table 1. Classification/staging system for acute kidney injurya Stage. Serum creatinine criteria. Urine output criteria. 1. Increase in serum creatinine of ≥ 0.3 mg/dl (≥ 26.4 Lmol/l) or increase to ≥ 150% to 200% (1.5- to 2-fold) from baseline Increase in serum creatinine to > 200% to 300% (> 2- to 3-fold) from baseline. Less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour for more than 6 hours Less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour for more than 12 h. Increase in serum creatinine to > 300% (> 3-fold) from baseline (or serum creatinine ≥ 4.0 mg/dl [≥ 354 Lmol/l] with an acute increase of > 0.5 mg/dl [44 Lmol/l]). Less than 0.3 ml/kg per hour for 24 hours or anuria for 12 hours. 2b 3c. Modified from RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage kidney disease) criteria. The staging system proposed is a highly sensitive interim staging system and is based on recent data indicating that a small change in serum creatinine influences outcome. Only one criterion (creatinine or urine output) has to be fulfilled to qualify for a stage. b 200% to 300% increase = 2- to 3-fold increase. c Given wide variation in indications and timing of initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT), individuals who receive RRT are considered to have met the criteria for stage 3 irrespective of the stage they are in at the time of RRT. Mehta et al.,Critical Care 2007, 11:R31 (1) a. SS.

(48) (.,)/.#)( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( )/(=#('/&.#0,#.(&3-) VU RRR ,# -/,!,3 *.#(.-= .". *A .#(.-1#."#&3-#-*((.

(49) "( /($/-. )- ,.#) HI ), ." )  U[ )'*, .) *.#(.- 1#.")/. 

(50) @ "( ." '.,#& 1- $/-. ), &0( *,)*,.#0 ( -0( *)-.A )*,.#0 .),-= ."  ), ." 1- -.#&&Y@[.#'-"#!",#(."

(51) !,)/*HWI@ ',!#(! 0#(= 3.= -/!!-.- .". 0('#(),"(!-#(-,/',.#(#( , --)#. 1#." #(,- #(A*.#(. '),.&#.3HSI@),2'*&= --(#!!.& )/( .". ,# -/,!,3 *.#(.-= 1")-*)-.)*,.#0,.#(#(&0&1- RGVVf')&F&"#!",."(."#,*,)*,A .#0 0&/= " .", .#'- "#!", '),A .&#.3."(*.#(.-1#."-'&&,- #(-,/',.#(#( .,,#-/,!,3 HYI@ /,.",'),=  &,!, #(,- #( -,/',.#(#(1---)#.1#."( d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

(52) / II(." #&.,.#)( *,--/,HZI@"#- #&.,.#)(*,--/,#-#( ./,(*((.)(.""3,)-..#*,-A -/, #( ." !&)',/&, *#&&,3 H!&)'I= *,)').#(! #&.,.#)(> ." "3,)-..# *,--/, #( )1'(9- *-/& H)1I= )**)-#(! #&.,.#)(>(."'()&&)# )-').#*,--/,#(."!&)',/&,*#&A &,3 HM!&)'I= )**)-#(! #&.,.#)(@ " )-A ').# *,--/, #( )1'(C- *-/& HM)1I#-(,&3-(.#(."(),'&%#A (3@ (=." ),'/&.,'#(#(! #-? b

(53) / H!&)'G)1GM!&)'_M)1I. ( ,(& .,(-*&(. )(),-= !&)' G )1.

(54) (.,)/.#)( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "- ( -.#'. .) WR '' != 1"#& M!&)' "- ( &/&. .) TV '' ! (

(55) /  .) U@T '&F'' !F'#(= !#0#(!  ) ZU'&F'#(H[I@ ,/!- ), #(.,0(.#)(- ( ,- ."!&)',/&,"3,)-..#*,--/,(= ."/-=3)(-.,#.#(!." ,(.,A .,#)&-@ /-.(.#& )(-.,#.#)( )  ."  ,(.,.,#)&-=)(.").","(=#(A ,--."!&)',/&,"3,)-..#*,-A -/,=/.().(--,#&3@ "%-&$$/%8,-#(  /-- ." *&-' .) ,'#( ),  &)(!, .#' #( ." !&)',/&/-@ "#- 1#&&. #(,-."*,)*),.#)() *&-'.".#- #&.,= ."/- #(,-#(! '( )&&)# !&)',/&, *,--/, HM!&)'I ( /-  ,-#(@)(-.,#.#)() ." A ,(.,.,#)&(=#(.".13=/- *,)2#& ,- #(  -*#. ( #(,- #( !&)',/&, "3,)-..# *,-A -/, H!&)'I@ )(0,-&3= ( #(.,0(.#)( .". #(,--  1#&& ,- '( )&&)#!&)',/&,*,--/,(#'*,)0 = 0( #  ." !&)',/&, "3,)-..# *,--/,#-/("(!@ $" +*%(+"*%$8 " *,)..#0 '"(#-' )  /.),!/&.#)( (),'&&3. . !"!#.

(56)  #.  #. !. ". .

(57) %.   . ! !.   . " !!.  !.

(58) %. !!. !!. !. " !!. !. !!. Fi h ti drawing d i off the th tubules. t b l O l th t d ll h h l l Figure 11. S Schematic Only the jjuxtamedullary nephrons have long loops off Henley. The medullary thick ascending limb (mTAL) and the S3 part (or the straight part) of the proximal tubuli are booth situated in the outer medulla and are susceptible of ischemia.. SU.

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

(60) _A- )/. )  ." /.),!/&.),3.",-")& ),1-#( ." -' -./#- )/( .)  SR G SW -)&.,&'',(.)."#(.,-.#.#/' '' ! "#!",= ."( ." .",-")& ), ,)' 1", #. #- -), #(.) ." =)."1#."(1#.")/.-3'*.".# *,#.//&,*#&&,#-H#!/,TIHSXI@  -.#'/&.#)(@ )10,=."/.),!/&.),3 #(.,-.#-.".."*,)2#'&.//&-,A &#'#.- ),"/'(-,().%()1(@ -),**,)2#'.&3.1)."#,-) ." #&A &)1."&)1,/.),!/&.),3.",-A ., -)#/'= 1"#& ." ."#% -(#(! ")&=)."(, *,--/,A*((.= #@@ - &)) *,--/, ,--=      

(61)      &)) &)1 ,-- #( (

(62)   &')-. &#(, -"#)( HSWI  # (  -- .  "#!", #    *,--/,."(HST=SUI@  # #. #. **!(#'($'%)$#  " (.)'3 )  ." (*",)(-#--")1(#(#!/, S@ "#& ." ),.#& (*"A ,)(- "0 -"),. ."#( -!A '(.- )  (&3 .". )(&3 *(.,. #(.) ." )/., '/&&=."$/2.'/&&,3 (*",)(- , &). A *, #( ." ),.2 ( "0 &)(! &))*- )  (&3 .". *(.,. * #(.) ." '/&& HZI@ .1( )(. SV.  .  #.  #. # #.  #          . 


(64)     .        . Figure 22. Sodium passively diffuses through the apical mem membrane in to the tubuli cells. It is then actively pumped by Na+/K+ATPase through the basolateral membrane to the interstitium. From there it diffuses to the peritubular capillaries, drawn by the intra-vascular colloid osmotic pressure. The tight junctions hinder sodium leakage back to the tubuli, although some leakage occurs..

(65) (.,)/.#)( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  &#',-),TR^@  ')# # *),.#)( )  ." ,&3 #-.& (*",)(#-..".)."!&)',/&#=A .1(." ,(.( ,(.,.,#)&- ( )(.#(- '/& (- &&-@ "'),*.),-= )  ."- '/& (- &&-= -(- ." )((.,.#)( )  -)#/' #(."(*",)(@"(.")((.,.#)( )  -)#/' #( ." .//&# #(,--= @!@ 1"( .//&, -)#/' ,-),*.#)( #- #'*#,=  ,(. ,.,#)&, )(-.,#.#)( #- .,#!!, /-#(!  ,- #(  (@(.")(.,,3=#(-#./.#)()  ,-#(#-.&.//&,-)#/')(A (.,.#)(= ."#- .//&)!&)',/&, A %.-.)#(,-@"/-=.".//A &)!&)',/&, %,!/&.-.",(& #&.,.#)((#,/&.#)(HSRI@ #!$-.#(*%%!.3"# (& )23!( )(-/'*.#)( #- "#!" #( .",(&),.2=/.)."-)#/',A -),*.#)( )  ." *,)2#'& .//&-@ )1A 0,= ,(& ),.2 #- !(,&&3 1&& )23A !(.1#.""#!".#--/*THXGZ%I /.)."'*&&))-/**&3HSYI@" '/&&= )( ." ).", "(= "-  0,3 &#'#.&)) &)1(#-=/,#(!(),'& )(#.#)(-= )( ." ),, )  "3*)2#@ "#& ." #((, '/&& &(- ."#- 1#."'#(#'&&0&) '.)&#.#0#.3= ." )/., '/&& "-  "#!" '.)&# .#0#.3 / .) ." -)#/' ,-),*.#)( ) ."U-!'(.) ."*,)2#'&.//& ( ." '/&&,3 ."#% -(#(! &#' HSZ=S[I@)(-+/(.&3=.".#--/)23!( .(-#)() .")/.,'/&&#-)(&3S@WG T@W%/,#(!(),'&)(#.#)(-=(." )'#(.#)() &)1&)) &)1("#!" '.)&#'('%#.-/-*.#&.) #-"'#HSYI@. )10,=().)(&3"3*)2#(#($/, ."%#(3@ 3*,)2#"-(-")1(.) #(,- , )23!( ,#& *,)/.#)( ( ."#- )/& /- %#(3 #($/,3 HTR= TSI@ (& ,.,#)A0()/- -"/(.#(! )  )23!(= -  -.,/./,& (.#)2#(. '"(#-'="-(-/!!-.-A ('"(#-'!#(-.."#-"3*,)2#@ ,.,#)A0()/--"/(.#(!"-=)(.").", "(=&-)(*,)*)-.)&#'#.)23!( &#0,3.)."'/&&@(,)(#.#)(- )  ,/ '/&&,3 *, /-#)( ), (A "( .//&, )23!( )(-/'*.#)(= )23!(-"/(.#(!'32,..//&, "3*)2# 1#."#( ." )/., '/&&,3 ,A !#)(=-*#&&3#(('#HTT=TUI@ " ,. )  )23!( /.#&#4.#)( 3 ." %#(3)(-#-.-) ()23!()-.) .#0 -)#/',-),*.#)(*&/--'&&,*,. ) -&)23!()(-/'*.#)(@")23!( /.#&#4.#)( ), ,-),#(! -)#/' "- ( &/&. .) R@ZGS@R '& TF'')& _A,-),= #( )!- HTV= TWI@ "/-= ." %#(3 "- ( -")1( .) ,-), TR G TW ')&/&- )  -)#/' ), " ')&/& )  T )(-/'= #( (#'& 2A *,#'(.-@"-&'.)&#-'=)(." ).", "(= "- ( &/&. .) SR G SWf&TF!%#(3=#()!-HTWI@ )10,= (#.", -& )23!( )(-/'*.#)( (), )23!( )(-/'*.#)( /- 3 -)#/' ,-),*.#)( "- ( -./# #( "/A '(-@ (&-)#/',-),*.#)(#-=."/-=." '#( .,'#((. )  ,(& )23!( )(A -/'*.#)(HTV=TXI(-[[^) ." #&A ., -)#/' #- ,-),=  .)  &,!2.(..,'#(-.",(&)23!( )(-/'*.#)(HTIHTXI@"/-=&&"(A !-.".#(,-#(,-T( 0# 0,-@ )(-+/(.&3= #  ( #(.,0(A. SW.

(66) (.,)/.#)( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .#)(#(,--=.",(&)23!(-/*A *&3=#@@='/-.#(,-#(*,)*),.#)( .) '#(.#( ." )23!( -/**&3F'( ,&.#)(-"#*@ " ,(& )23!( -/**&3F'( ,A &.#)(-"#*H.",(&)23!(.#)(I( #,.&3 '-/, 3 ." ,(& ,.,#)A 0()/- )23!( 2.,.#)(@ "( ." ,A (& )23!( -/**&3F'( #- #'*#,= .",(&)23!(2.,.#)(#(,--( 0#0,-@.

(67) &!#+%!!+!  /.,(& #&/,"-&--#&&3( #0# #(.) .", # ,(. .3*-= A *(#(! )( .#)&)!3? #-"'#= (*",)A .)2# ( '#2 ),'-@ )10,= ." *.")*"3-#)&)!3) 

(68) #(0)&0-'/&.#*& *."13-HXI(#-.)&,!2.(./(A %()1( HTYI@ "#& #-"'# #- )(A -#, ." ')-. )'')( /- )  

(69)  HTZI=."*.")*"3-#)&)!3) #-"'#

(70)  #-.")/!"..)#(0)&0)'*&2#(.,*&3 .1( ,(& "')3('#-= .//&, #($/,3 ( #( &''.),3 *,)--- HT[= URI@  ( #.#)(= #(,-#(! 0#( -/**),.-."0#1.".,!#)(&,(&"3A *)2# )/,- #( 

(71)  #,,-*.#0 )  ." /(,&3#(! )(#.#)(= 0( /(, #,A /'-.(- -#&&3 &#0 .) , &. D#,.E.//&).)2#.3=@!@-*-#-),,#)A )(.,-.!(.-HUSI@

(72) #-=."/-='/&.#A .),#&(."# ,(.'"(#-'-)  #($/,3 , &#%&3 .)  .#0 . # ,(. .#'- 1#." # ,(. #(.(-#.3 ( *,)A &3.-3(,!#-.#&&3HUTI@)-,# ."#-D.#'A .),E=

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

(74)  HUSI@ /,.",'),= ." **,)*,#.(-- )  -)' )  ." (#'& ')&- /- ), ." -#'/&.#)( )  ." "/'(#--#-+/-.#)(&=)(-#,A #(! -*#-A,&. '),*")&)!#& ( /(.#)(&# ,(-HUSI@),2'*&= ." ')-. /- (#'& ')&= * -(# )#:("%- #%" G 1#." .).& ,(& ,.,3)-.,/.#)( ),TR.)YW'#(/.-G /--2.(-#0(,)-#--.,)3#(!.".

(75) (.,)/.#)( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *,)2#'&.//&-) .")/.,-.,#*) ." )/.,'/&&@(.").","(=*%" )##%"G1#."ST.)SX")/,-)  )&#-"'#G/--2.(-#0(,).# ,-#(."&))*-)  (&3()&&.#(! /.-@ #(&&3= ." $(/=%./$ &": *%$ #%" /-- 2.(-#0 '/&&,3 ."#%-(#(!&#''!HUUI@"/-= .",) ."')-. ,+/(.&3/-'."A )- #( ,(. 3,- !#0 .).&&3 # ,(. '),*")&)!#& #(#(!-(.",&0( ),"/'(

(76) (+/-.#)(HUUI@ "#& (#'& ')&- )  

(77)  !#0 2A .(-#0.//&,(,)-#-=#-.#(.# ,A (#-.".)(&30,3&#'#.(,)-#-#- *,-(.#(#)*-#-) "/'(-1#." 

(78) = #( -*#. )  -0, ),!( #&/, HUU= UVI@ ().", # ,( #- .". .//&, -.-= 1"#",)() ."')-.#'*),.(. #(A #(!-#((#'&')&-=,&')-.-(. #(.",,"/'(#)*-3..".2#-. HUVI@ &-( . & -./# #)*-#- ,)' .1&0 *.#(.- 1#." #-"'# 

(79)  ( )'*, .")- 1#." #)*-#- ,)' *A .#(.- 1#.")/. ,(& #--= /-#(! &A .,)( '#,)-)*3@ "3 )/( .". )." ." -.,#!". *,. )  ." *,)2#'& .//& HUI(."."#%-(#(!&#'"-#!A (# #(. ,/.#)( )  ." ,/-" ),,= -)&.,& #( )&#(!- )  ." && -/,  ("#!",(/',) '#--#(!.//&, &&- H#(#.#(! -#.- )  &&/&, -+/A '.#)(I@ " )(0)&/. .//&- )  ." ),.2 1,= )( ." ).", "(= &--  A .HUWI@ "/-= 

(80)  #( "/'(-  .- *,#',#&3 ." )/., '/&&,3 ,!#)( 1#."&#'#.(,)-#-@ "%()1&!) .",(&*"3-#)&)!3 #(&#(#&

(81) #-0,3-,@3 #(#.#)(=  ,--@ )10,= . )(  /,#(! 

(82)  #( ." ,#.#&&3 #&& #- &#'#.. (#."-(0)..".'-/,A '(.- #( )(.'*),,3 *.#(.- , ,A +/#, .) /,.", )/, /(,-.(#(! )  ."#-)(#.#)(HUXI@. (#.#)(=.",#-()%()1&!)( ")1,(&)23!(.#)(#- .#("/A '( 

(83) @ ( "3*)."-#- .". "- ,A +/(.&3(*/. ),1,#-."..",A /.#)( #(  #( 

(84)  -")/& & .)  ,/.#)( #( ,-),*.#0 1),%&) ( )(-+/(.&3.),/.#)(#(T@"#- 1#&& #( ./,( *,-,0 ,(& )23!(.#)( 1#.",/,#-%)  /,.",!!,0.#)( )  #-"'#@ (= ." %#(3 *,)..- #.-&  /,#(! 

(85) = ( #. "- ),#(!&3= (,.",*,)0).#0&3=(-...". D/.,(& #&/,#-(/.,(&-/A --EHTZ=US=UYAVRI@. %&!$%!$  $ %'$$+ && 0&#. ,#-% .),- --)#. 1#." ." 0&)*'(. )  

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

(87) (.,)/.#)( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .),- )/(. ), &-- ."( SR^ )  ." 0,#.#)(#(*)-.)*,.#0,.#(#(&0A &-)'*,.)-&#(HVSI@.

(88) $!#+*%/&$& &! &$ $%'$$+   $ ",')&)!#& #(.,0(.#)(- "0 ( ..'*. )&&)1#(! ,# -/,A !,3=1#."#()(-#-.(.,-/&.-=(.."#- .#'.",,(),/!-."."0)(&/A -#0&3 ')(-.,.  ,(& *,)..#)( HXI@"#-(2*&#()."3." . .".."*.#(.*)*/&.#)(--./#"0 ( . &)1 ,#-% ), 

(89) = ( .". ')-. &#(#&.,#&-"0(,)&&-'&&(/'A ,) *.#(.-=1"#"#()."--'% ."-./#-#(+/.&3*)1,.)A .. '#(), ( #.- HVTI@ )10,= #. )/&&-)/.).")'*&2*.")A !(-#-) 

(90) =1","')3('#=#(A &''.),3().",'"(#-'-#(.,A .@ 0,."&--= ,(& *,("3'& "3A *)2#*&3-*#0).&,)&/(,0,#.3 ) &#(#&)(#.#)(-&#(!.)

(91) =( ." %()1&! )  ")1 ." ')-. )'A ')(&3/-,(&,/!- .,(&)23A !(-/**&3('(#("/'(-,.)  &,! 2.(. &%#(! HUSI@ "#- %()1A &!= ")10,= #- )  /('(.& #'A *),.(#  /./,-.,.!#--"&&-/A -- /& #( ." *,0(.#)(F.,.'(. )  

(92) @ ##)$! ((#.)&#-#/,.#!(.=)'')(&3 /-#(*.#(.-1#."/.,(&3- /(A .#)(-1&&-#(."*/'**,#') ." ",. &/(! '"#(= #( ." &#  .". #. 2,.- ,()*,)..#0 *,)*,.#-@ . #- . SZ. -#2A,)( ()(A'.)&#4& *)&3&)A ")&1#."')&/&,1#!".) SZTH#!A /, UI@ ((#.)& #- ,&3 #&.,& ( "-0,3&#'#.,-),*.#)(=."/-,A .#(!()-').# ),#(.".//&, &/# -/ ##(. .) ,., ." ,-),*.#)( )  &/#- ( -)&/.- H().&3 &I &)(!. Figure 3. The molecular structure of mannitol.. . ."(*",)(HVUI@. ."-(-")1(=#(,(&.,(-*&(. *.#(.-= .". '((#.)& !#0( .)  "3A ,. ,#*#(. $/-.  ), ,(& ,.,3 ,)--A&'* ,')0&= ,/- ." #(#A ( )  

(93)   ., 0,# %#(3 .,(-*&(..#)(HVVI@/,.",'),='(A (#.)& #(,-  #( *.#(.-  ., -A 0,.,/'HVWI@ )10,=()&,/. ( #.) '((#.)&"-( )/(#(." *,0(.#)( )  

(94)  HVU= VXI= ( #. "- (-/!!-.."."#!")--) '((#A .)& '3 0( /- /. ,(& #&/, HVYI@ (#.#)(=#."-(-")1(.". '((#.)& ,-- ." )/., '/&&,3 )23!(.(-#)(#(,.-HVZI@. .#-=."/-=/(&,# '((#.)&,&&3"- ." *).(.#& .) 2,.  *,)..#0 ,(&  .=(.)(." .-) '((#.)& )(==,(&-)#/'"(&#(!( ,(& )23!(.#)( #( "/'(- #- 0,3 -,@ $%"# )*'#( #-  '', )  ." .A.

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(99) (.,)/.#)( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Figure 5. The molecular structure of norepinephrine.. !,0.,(&#-"'#(.",3.A ,#),. ,(& /(.#)( /,.",@ (= #(.,,(& #( /-#)( )  (),*#(*",#( #- ((#'&')&) 

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(107)  #( *,.  ( > .", ),= (2. .) %#( 1- #( ),'= #( ),( .) ."#-#)() ."."#-)''#..@ #$"%!)%$()$%')+ %)#)( ),.3)(*.#(.-1#."(),'& *,)*,.#0-,/',.#(#(cSSW f')&F  (  & . 0(.,#/&, $A .#)( ,.#)(eVW^1,#(&/#( *,  HSR *.#(.-I= *,.  HSV *.#(.-I(#(.")(.,)&!,)/*)  *,. H&&VS*.#(.-IH&TI@ "3 1, -./# #( ." #(.(-#0 , /(#.  ., &.#0 /()'A *&#.,#-/,!,3=-.( '"(#&&30(.#&.@ 2&/-#)( ,#.,# 1,? ( ), #().,)*# ), 0-).#0 -/**),.= ), -#!(# #(. *)-.)*,.#0 &#(!@ (= .", )  ." *.#(.- 1, 2&/ /- )  *)-.)*,.#0 &#(! ( )( 1- 2&/ /- )  /(-/-- /& *&'(.. )  ." ,(& 0#( ."., H*,.  (. I@ Table 2. Patient characteristics.. Preoperative characteristics Gender, n (% men) Age (year) BSA (m2) Preop LVEF (%) Diabetes, type 1/ type 2 Hypertension, n (%) Preop s-creatinine (μmol/L) Preop treatement: ACE inhibitor, n (%) ß-blocker, n (%) Ca2+- antag, n (%) Euroscore. Post op (n=37). AKI (n=12). 34 (92) 64.7 ± 1.8 2.0 ± 0.03 58.7 ± 1.2 0/6 19 (51) 83.2 ± 1.8. 9 (75) 68.8 ± 1.3 2.1 ± 0.07 43.1 ± 6.3 0/2 9 (75) 90.5 ± 3.9. 18 (49) 28 (76) 6 (16) 2.8 ± 0.3. 8 (67) 10 (83) 1 (8) 7.6 ± 0.9. Perioperative characteristics Type of surgery: CABG, n (%) 32 (86) 5 (42) Valve, n (%) 4 (11) 2 (17) Combined, n (%) 1 (3) 5 (42) Other, n (%) 0 0 Non-elective, n (%) 0 3 (25) CPB time (min) 75.3 ± 5.5 183 ± 24 Aortic cross-clamp time (min) 45.3 ± 3.1 104 ± 17 ICU Higgins 1.4 ± 0.2 12.3 ± 1.3 Preop, preoperative; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; s-creatinine, serum creatinine; ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; CABG, coronary artery bypass surgery; Non-elective, surgery performed within 24 hours after referral; CPB, cardiopulmonary by pass; ICU, intensive care unit. Data are presented as mean ± SEM@. TU.

(108) .#(.-('.")- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  %)#)( )/,.(*.#(.-1#."(),'&*,A )*,.#0-,/',.#(#(HcSSWf')&A F I=1") .,)'*&#.),)(,3,A .,3(F),0&0-/,!,30&)*

(109) = 1,#(&/#(."

(110) !,)/*) *,. (#(*, H&T(UI@"#, #(&/-#)(,#.,#1,?I*)-.)*,.#0 

(111) =-.!S),T),#(!.)."/.

(112) #(3 ($/,3 .1),%A&--# #.#)(= .".#-WRATRR^*)-.)*,.#0#(,- #(-,/',.#(#( ,)'-&#(HSI=I #,/&.),3 -")% ,+/#,#(! -#!(# #(. 0-).#0 ), #().,)*# -/**),. 1#." ), 1#.")/.#(.,A),.#&&))(*/'*=(I ,# #(2 e T@S &F'#(F'T@ .#(.- 1,().#(&/ .,",..,(-*&(A. ..#)(-= ."),)A)'#(& ),.# -/,A !,3),-/,!,3 ),),.##--.#)(@1) *.#(.-1,2&/=)(/.)0(A .,#/&, #,#&&.#)( /,#(! ." +/#&#,A .#)(*,#)=1"#"1--/-- /&&3)(A 0,.= ( )( / .) /(-/-- /& *&'(.) .",(&0#(.".,@.  %&%/  & #$"%!)%$()$%')+%)#)( -.(,#-(-.".#*,)/,= )&&)1#(! &#(#& *,2#-= 1- /- #( && UY D/()'*&#. *)-.)*,.#0 *A .#(.-E@"*.#(.-1,*,'#. 1#."#(.,'/-/&,'),*"#(HWASR'!I= -)*)&'#(HR@TAR@V'!I(),& &/(#A. Table 3. Patient characteristics at inclusion for patients in Paper IV and the AKI group in Paper III. Pat nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. Study entry Day 5 2 3 4 4 6 6 2 3 6 5 2. Serum creatinine (µmol/L) Pre-op Inclusion % increase µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L 65 107 112 91 102 78 101 90 81 93 84 82. 136 209 200 151 170 145 194 146 230 210 217 135. 109 95 79 66 67 86 92 62 184 126 158 65. SOFA score 9 10 9 12 7 9 7 10 10 7 9 10. IABP. No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No. Norepinephrine µg/kg/min. Milrinone µg/kg/min. Furosemide µg/kg/min. 0.25 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.09 0.43 0.22 0.33 0.11 0.32 0.27 0.33. 0 0.24 0.13 0.18 0 0.43 0 0.44 0.52 0.25 0 0.26. 2.53 1.02 0.80 0 0.99 0 2.22 3.70 3.06 1.05 0.95 3.21. Mean 3.9 90.5 178.6 99.1 9.1 25% 0.23 0.31+ 1.95+ SEM 0.5 3.9 10.1 11.3 0.4 0.03 0.05+ 0.35+ Pre-op, preoperative; IABP, intra aortic balloon pump; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment; +, mean and SEM among patients treated with the drug@. TV.

(113) .#(.-('.")- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN .,4*' HS'!I@ (-."-# 1- #(A /1#."."#)*(.)(TAV'!F%!= (A .(3& WAY μ!F%!= )&&)1 3 *(/A ,)(#/' R@S '!F%! ( '#(.#( 3 -0) &/,(@ /,#(! ,#)*/&')(,3 3*--= (-."-# 1- '#(.#( 3 *,)*) )& #( /-#)( ( () '((#.)& 1- !#0( #( ." ",. &/(! '"#(@ ( ." #(.(-#0 , /(#. H I= ." *.#(.- 1, -. 1#." *,)*) )& ( 'A "(#&&30(.#&..)(),')*(#@&& *.#(.- ,#0  )(.#(/)/- #( /-#)( ) '),*"#(HR@WAS@R'!F"I1#."()A #.#)( )  ()(A-.,)# (.#A#( &''.),3 ,/!-@ )-.)*,.#0 "3*)0)&'# 1- .,.),#(!.),)/.#(&#(#&*,A .#1#.""3,)2."3&-.,"H() /(#(= ,/(=,'(3I(,3-.&&)# &/#-@  %)#)(. (."#(.(-#0,/(#.=."*.#(.- 1, -. 1#." *,)*) )& ( 'A "(#&&30(.#&..)(),')*(#@&& *.#(.- ,#0 #( #.#)(  )(.#(/A )/- #( /-#)( )  '),*"#( ), (.(3&= 1#." () #.#)( )  ()(A-.,)# (.#A #( &''.),3 ,/!-@ " "')3('# ( ,(& '(!'(. )  ." )'*&#A .*.#(.-1#."

(114) 1,.."#-A ,.#)( )  ." ..(#(! #(.(-#0 , *"3-##(-@"&#(#&.,.'(.*,).)A )& #(&/- #().,)*# -/**),. 1#." '#&A ,#()( (F), (),*#(*",#( .) '#(A .#(,##(2eT@S&F'#(F'T=1")&A )3 )23!( 2.,.#)( c VR ^ (  '(,.,#&*,--/,.YRAYW'' ! 1#." ), 1#.")/. ( #(.,A),.# &&))( */'*@)*,)').#/,-#-=)(.#(/)/- #( /-#)( )  /,)-'# HWAVR '!F",I #- /-@. %'$ &%!%+%& !+ %. ( && *.#(.-  */&')(,3 ,.,3 .",')#&/.#)( ."., H2., &."A , ),*),.#)(= ,0#(= I 1- #(A -,. .",)/!" ." & . -/&0#( 0#( ( !/# #(.) ." */&')(,3 ,.,3@ "'(,.,#&&))*,--/,HI= ",. ,.= */&')(,3 ,.,#& *,--/, ((.,&0()/-*,--/,HI1, )(.#(/)/-&3 '-/,@ -/,'(.- )  .",')#&/.#)( ,# )/.*/. 1, *, ),' #( .,#*&#.= ( #(2 .) )3-/, ,.)!..",##(2 H I@"*/&')(,3,.,31!*,-A -/, HI 1- '-/, #(.,'#.A .(.&3@3-.'#0-/&,,-#-.(#(2 H I 1- &/&. - H G IF  2ZR=1"#&*/&')(,30-/&,,-#-.A ( #(2 H I 1- &/&. - '(*/&')(,3,.,3*,--/,H GIF 2ZRH*, I=(."& . 0(.,#/&, -.,)% 0)&/' #(2 H I 1-&/&.- F @. %'$ &%!$ ($% && ,(& . 1, (),'&#- .)  )3-/, ,) S@YU'T@ #!+#))'%!"#). ( && *.#(.-=  &&A( ZA , .1)A .",'#-.),,.,)!,0()/-.",')#A &/.#)( ."., H-., ),.),#-= &1#( ,%= I= ),#!#(&&3 -#!( ), ),)(,3 -#(/- .".,#-.#)(= 1- /-@ .1-#(.,)/#(.)."& .,(& 0#(= 0# ." ,#!". '),& 0#( /(, &/),)-)*# !/#( ( *& #( ." (.,&*),.#)() .",(&0#(H#!/,. TW.

(115) .#(.-('.")- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Renal vein catheter Figure 6. The renal vein catheter is guided via v cava inferior and positioned in the central portion of the renal vein. The position is verified with venography.. XI@"*)-#.#)(1-0,# #30()!,A *"31#."/&.,&)1)--) #)"2)&H'A (#*+/Q URR '! F'&=  &.",= .)%")&'= 1(I HX[I H/()'*&#A . *)-.)*,.#0 *.#(.-? URAXR '!. )#(F%!= 

(116)  *.#(.-? WASW '! )A #(F%!I@ #!!$$!$,.$#)#*$*( )'"$!*)$# ),'-/,'(.-) =(#-).)(# ,3-.&&)# -)&/.#)(= '#(.#( . ,))' .'*,./,=1-#( /- ),SWAUR-A )(-.)(-.(.,.) WU@Y'&F'#(@ .1)A"((& ".-.)( ,#! 1- )((. .) ." .".,= '-/,#(! "(!-#(,-#-.(/.).'*,./, 0,#.#)(- )  ." #(#.), ( 2.,(&. TX. .",'#-.),-@ " 2.,(& .",'#-.), #- &). T@W ' *,)2#'& .) ." ."., .#*@ "(&)!/-#!(&- ,)'."".A -.)(,#!=-1&&-,.,#&(0(A )/-*,--/,=1,-.),#()'*/.,= /-#(! . +/#-#.#)( -) .1, HA +

(117) ()1&! #)*= I@  " *,)*),A .#)( )  ))&#(! .1( ." #(#.),A .",'#-.), ( ." 2.,(&A.",'#-.), 1-."(/-.)&/&.."& .,(& 0#( &)) &)1= - -")1( 3 #!/, Y@ ).&,(&0#(&)) &)11---/' .).1#."& .,(&0#(&)) &)1= ( /,#( &)1 1-  .) !. ." .",')#&/.#)( '-/,'(. )  .).& ,.,#& ,(& &)) &)1 HI= - ),'/&S@() .",'-/,'(.-.




(121) . 

(122) . 




(126)        .      

(127) .     


(129) . Figure 7. A recording of a continuous renal vein thermodilution blood flow measurement in AcqKnowledge. The upper graph reflects the temperature of the indicator (internal thermistor), while the lower reflects the temperature of the renal blood (external thermistor). A decrease in temperature induces an elevation of the graph. Three different measurements of booth graphs were used to calculate the RBF: 1. Calibration signal strength 2. Basal blood temperature 3. Temperatures at infusion of crystalloid solution. The three different measurement periods were defined manually and the program then calculated the mean signal strength for each period and each channel separately..  1-/- ),-.#'.#)() @ " ),,. *)-#.#)( )  ." ."., 1-  #( - )( .". 3#&  0,#A. RBFTD. .#)(#(,(&0#(&)) &)1) ()'), ."( SR^ #( .", )(-/.#0 '-A /,'(.-@. ⎛ ⎛ ⎛1000 × ΔT reg ⎞ ind ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ cal ΔT × K 1.73 ⎜ ⎝ ind ind ⎠ ⎜ −1) + UF ) = 2 × 53.7 reg ⎞ ⎜ ⎛ 1000 × ΔTblood BSA ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ cal ΔT × K ⎝ ⎝ blood blood ⎠ ⎝. Formula 1. The formula to calculate RBFTD, corrected to body surface area (BSA). Subscript denotes internal thermistor (ind = indicator measurements) or external thermistor (blood = blood measurements). Superscript denotes calibration signal (cal) or registration signal (reg). ΔT, change in temperature; K, catheter constants; UF, urine flow.. . TY.

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× PAH amount / min × BSA [ PAH a ] − [ PAH rv ]. ERPF =. 1.73 0.85 × PAH amount / min × BSA [ PAH a] ×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