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Spectral method for the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic trap


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Spectral method for the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic trap

Claude M. Dion and Eric Cance`s

CERMICS, E´ cole Nationale des Ponts et Chausse´es, 6 & 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, Cite´ Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne, 77455 Marne-la-Valle´e, France

共Received 5 July 2002; published 15 April 2003兲

We study the numerical resolution of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, a nonlinear Schro¨dinger equation used to simulate the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates. Considering condensates trapped in harmonic potentials, we present an efficient algorithm by making use of a spectral-Galerkin method, using a basis set of harmonic-oscillator functions, and the Gauss-Hermite quadrature. We apply this algorithm to the simulation of condensate breathing and scissor modes.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.046706 PACS number共s兲: 02.70.Hm, 03.75.Kk, 31.15.⫺p I. INTRODUCTION

The experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensa- tion 关1–3兴 has prompted much work on the study of the dynamics of these condensates. From the theoretical side, many interesting results have been obtained using the Gross- Pitaevskii equation共GPE兲 关4–6兴,


t 2m2 2⫹Vext4m2aN兩⌿兩2⌿, 共1兲

with the normalization condition 储⌿(t)储L2⫽1᭙ t, to de- scribe the order parameter ⌿ 共also called the condensate wave function兲 of N condensed bosons of mass m, interacting via a contact potential described by the scattering length a, and eventually confined by an external potential Vext. Even though the Gross-Pitaevskii equation is based on the ap- proximation that all bosons are in the condensed phase (T

⫽0 K), direct comparison between theoretical and experi- mental results have shown that, in many cases, solutions of the GPE contain the essential physics of the underlying phe- nomena 关7–10兴. This nonlinear Schro¨dinger equation 共NLSE兲 has been used, in its time-dependent form, to inves- tigate many aspects of the dynamics of Bose-condensed gas, such as the formation of vortices 关11兴, the interference be- tween condensates 关12兴, of the possibility of creating atom lasers关13,14兴, to mention only a few.

Most of these and other numerical studies of the time- dependent GPE are based on grid methods, i.e., discretize the spatial coordinates on a grid of points, the resulting differen- tial equation being usually solved by Crank-Nicholson or split-operator Fourier methods共see, e.g., Refs. 关15–18兴兲. We must point out that, while much care must be taken in solv- ing Eq. 共1兲 because of the nonlinearity, we find, to our dis- may, that many authors give results calculated with the time- dependent GPE without even specifying what method they have used for their numerical simulation.

In this paper, we wish to focus our attention on the case where the Bose-Einstein condensate is in a 共possibly aniso- tropic兲 harmonic trap, i.e.,

Vext共X,Y,Z兲⫽1 2mx

2X2y 2Y2z

2Z2兲, 共2兲

which is the case for most experimental setups关19,20兴. The method we propose is based on the spectral decomposition of

⌿ on a basis of harmonic-oscillator wave functions. In such a representation, the kinetic ⫹ trapping potential part of the Hamiltonian is diagonal. The nonlinear part is computed by forward and backward transformations from the spectral to a grid representation. By judicious use of the Gauss-Hermite quadrature, this can lead to an algorithm that is more effi- cient than those based on grid methods. Although this is akin to discrete variable representation 共DVR兲 methods based on Hermite polynomials, which have been successfully used for the time-independent and time-dependent GPE 关21,22兴, our method is distinct, since our Hamiltonian is expressed in the spectral representation for both the kinetic and potential op- erators.

We expose in Sec. II our spectral method and the resulting algorithm. We then present different time-evolution schemes that can be used in combination with the spectral method. We finally give in Sec. IV some results that can be obtained from the numerical simulation of the time-dependent GPE, namely, the study of condensate breathing and scissor modes.


To simplify the calculation, we will first rescale Eq.共1兲 in the three spatial dimensions (X,Y ,Z) and in time,

Xmx1/2x, 共3a兲

Ymy1/2y , 共3b兲

Zmz1/2z, 共3c兲

t 1

z. 共3d兲

We also introduce a new wave function defined as

⌿共t,X,Y,Z兲⫽A,x, y ,z兲, and, considering the normalization condition


R3兩⌿共t,X,Y,Z兲兩2dXdY dZ⫽1᭙t, we choose


such that

R3,x,y ,z兲兩2dxdy dz⫽1.

The Gross-Pitaevskii equation therefore becomes



12z2z22⫹␭兩2, 共4兲


␭⫽4aNm xzy1/2. 共5兲

Coordinate z should be chosen such thatzis the greatest of the three frequencies关this is related to the arbitrary choice of the scaling factor in Eq.共3d兲兴.

As all the physical parameters have been absorbed in the nonlinear parameter␭, calculations with the same ␭ can cor- respond to results for different species, but in diverse experi- mental conditions. We can define acceptable lower and upper bounds for ␭ by considering the effective range of the dif- ferent physical parameters. Considering only cases where the interparticle interaction is repulsive, i.e., a⬎0 and therefore

␭⬎0, at the lower end we can consider a small 4He* con- densate (m⫽4.0 amu, a⫽302 a.u. 关23兴兲 of N⫽103 atoms in a highly anisotropic xy/z⫽2⫻10⫺1Hz trap, giving

␭⬇1.3, while for a bigger N⬃106 condensate of heavy at- oms such as 87Rb (m⫽86.9 amu, a⫽106 a.u. 关24兴兲, ␭ can reach 105 for isotropic traps. In the following, we will re- strict our study to␭ in the range 1 –103, considering that the Thomas-Fermi approximation can be used for greater values of ␭ 关21兴.

A. The spectral-Galerkin method in 1D

For pedagogical purposes, we first explain our numerical method on the simple case of the one-dimensional 共1D兲 NLSE


t 共t,x兲⫽H0共t,x兲⫹␭兩共t,x兲兩2共t,x兲, 共6兲 with

H0⫽⫺1 2


x2 1 2x2.

Extensions to the three-dimensional case will be detailed in the following section.

Denoting by (t) the function x(t,x), it can be proven关25兴 that if

0苸Xª苸L2共R兲, R⳵␹x2⬍⫹⬁,


Eq. 共6兲 with initial condition 0 has a unique solution in C0(关0,⫹⬁关,X)艚C1„关0,⫹⬁关,L2(R)… and that both the L2 norm


and the energy



are conserved by the dynamics. A variational formulation of Eq. 共6兲, supplemented by the initial condition (t⫽0)

0, where0苸X reads

Search 苸C0共关0,T兴,X兲艚C1„关0,T兴,L2R兲… such that 苸X, i d

dt „共t兲,…⫽„H0共t兲,…⫹␭„兩共t兲兩2共t兲,…, 共7兲


Numerical solutions can then be obtained by approximating problem 共7兲 with a Galerkin method: a finite-dimensional subspaceXNof the infinite-dimensional vector spaceX being given, we consider

Search N苸C1共关0,T兴,XN兲 such that N苸XN,

i d

dt „N共t兲,N…⫽„H0N共t兲,N…⫹␭„兩N共t兲兩2N共t兲,N…, 共8兲


Denoting by (0, . . . ,N) an orthonormal basis of XN for the L2 scalar product and by C(t)⫽关cn(t)0⭐n⭐N the vector of CN⫹1 collecting the coefficients of N(t) in the basis (0, . . . ,N), i.e.,

N共t,x兲⫽n⫽0N cn共t兲n共x兲,

problem共8兲 can be reformulated as

Search C苸C1共关0,T兴,CN⫹1兲 such that




dt 共t兲⫽hC共t兲⫹␭F„C共t兲…, C共0兲⫽C0, 共9兲

where C0are the coefficients of0and h the matrix of H0in the basis (0, . . . ,N)

关C0n⫽共0,nL2, hnm⫽共H0m,n兲, and where the function F is defined by

F共C兲nk,l,mN⫽0Iklmnck*clcm, 共10兲



The efficiency of a direct implementation 关26,27兴 of the Galerkin method described above is very poor: the calcula- tion of the integrals Iklmn 共which can be precomputed if the basis is small enough that the integrals can be stored in memory兲 scales as O(N4Np), where Np is the number of grid points of the quadrature method, and the computation cost for one evaluation of the function F scales as N4 关for each of the N coefficients, O(N3) operations are needed兴.

Our aim is to show that the Galerkin method becomes very efficient if (0, . . . ,N) are the N⫹1 lowest eigen- modes of the harmonic oscillator H0. In this case, indeed, the vector F(C) can be computed exactly 共up to round-off er- rors兲 in O(N2) operations. Let us recall that the eigenmodes (n)n苸Nof H0 read


where Hn(x) is the nth Hermite polynomial 关28兴, and that they satisfy

H0n⫽Enn with En⫽n⫹1 2.

In such a basis, the matrix h is therefore diagonal: h

⫽diag(E0, . . . ,En). In addition, for any C苸CN⫹1, one has

F共C兲nR共x兲兩2共x兲n共x兲dx, 共11兲 where (x)⫽兺nN⫽0

cnn(x). The key point is now that for any n⭐N the integrand in Eq. 共11兲 is of the form Q(x)e⫺2x2, where Q(x) is a polynomial of degree lower or equal to 4N; each of the N⫹1 integrals can therefore be computed exactly with a Gauss-Hermite quadrature formula involving 2N Gauss points 关29兴. More precisely, we have, for any polynomial Q of degree lower or equal to 4N,



Q共x兲e⫺x2dx2Nk⫽1⫹1 wkQ共xk兲,

wherexk are the roots of the Hermite polynomial H2N⫹1

and wherewk are convenient weights关30兴. By a change of variable in integral共11兲, it follows that


Spectral-Galerkin methods are usually not very efficient 关31兴; but they can be in the specific case of the NLSE, we are interested in because of the special form of the nonlinearity.

Let us now denote by P苸M(N⫹1,2N⫹1) the matrix collecting the values of the basis functions (n)0⭐n⭐Nat the Gauss points (xk)1⭐k⭐2N⫹1:


and by w˜k⫽wkexk2/2. An efficient algorithm for the com- putation of F(C) for a given C苸CN⫹1 reads the following.

共1兲 Compute the vector ⌿苸C2N⫹1 defined by


共2兲 Compute the vector ⌶苸C2N⫹1 coefficient by coeffi- cient along formula

k⫽w˜k兩⌿k2k. 共3兲 Compute


The vectors C and ⌿ are the representation of the wave functionin the spectral basis兵␾n0⭐n⭐N and in real space 共at the 2N⫹1 Gauss pointsxk/2), respectively. Steps共1兲 and共3兲 of the above algorithm scale quadratically in N 共these are matrix-vector products兲, and step 共2兲 scales linearly in N.

We therefore end up with an algorithmic complexity in O(N2).

In practice, the function C哫F(C) is called one or several times at each time step; of course, the matrix P as well as the weights w˜

k can be precomputed once and for all and stored in memory.

B. The spectral-Galerkin method in 3D

Let us now turn to the 3D setting and consider the res- caled equation


t 共t,x,y,z兲⫽xzH0共x兲⫹yzH0共y兲⫹H0共z兲共t,x,y,z兲

⫹␭兩共t,x,y,z兲兩2共t,x,y,z兲, 共12兲 with

H0共x兲⫽⫺1 2


x2 1

2x2, H0共y兲⫽⫺1 2


y2 1 2y2,

H0共z兲⫽⫺1 2


z2 1 2z2.


For␭⭓0, a global-in-time existence and uniqueness result is available for Eq.共12兲 with initial condition(t⫽0)⫽0and

0苸X⫽兵␹苸L2共R3兲, 苸关L2R3兲兴3, 共x2⫹y2⫹z21/2苸L2共R3.

On the other hand, it is well known that finite-time blow up may be observed for ␭⬍0 and for some initial conditions 关25兴. As stated above, we focus here on the case where ␭


Following the same lines as in the Sec. II A, the approxi- mated wave functionN(t) is expended on the spectral ten- sor basis set


One therefore has


nx⫽0 Nx

ny⫽0 Ny

nz⫽0 Nz



共13兲 The equation satisfied by the three index tensor C

⫽关cnxnynz兴 in the Galerkin approximation formally has the same expression as in 1D,


dt 共t兲⫽hC共t兲⫹␭F„C共t兲…, the linear operator h now being defined by


xnynz, with




and the nonlinear function F(C) by



where(x, y ,z) is given by Eq.共13兲.

Let us denote by xk1⭐k⭐2Nx⫹1, yk1⭐k⭐2Ny⫹1, zk1⭐k⭐2Nz⫹1 the roots of the Hermite polynomials H2Nx⫹1, H2Ny⫹1, H2Nz⫹1 and wk

x1⭐k⭐2Nx⫹1, wk

y1⭐k⭐2Ny⫹1, wk

z1⭐k⭐2Nz⫹1 the associated summation weights. Let us also introduce the matrices Px苸M(Nx

⫹1,2Nx⫹1), Py苸M(Ny⫹1,2Ny⫹1), Pz苸M(Nz⫹1,2Nz

⫹1) defined by

关Pxnxkxnx共xkx/2兲, 关Pynykyny共yky/2兲, 关Pznzkznz共zkz/2兲,

and the weights

kx xwk

x xexkx


2 , w˜kyz


y yeyky


2 , w˜kzz


z z ezkz


2 .

The following algorithm for the computation of F(C) scales in O(NNxNyNz) where N⫽max(Nx,Ny,Nz).

共1兲 Set ⌿SSS⫽C.

共2兲 Compute ⌿nxnykz SSR nz⫽0


关Pznzkznxnynz SSS ,

O共NxNyNz2兲 operations.

共3兲 Compute ⌿nxkykz SRR n

y⫽0 Ny

关Pynykynxnykz SSR ,

O共NxN2yNz兲 operations.

共4兲 Compute ⌿kxkykz RRR n

x⫽0 Nx

关Pxnxkxnxkykz SRR ,



共5兲 Compute ⌶kxkykz RRR ⫽w˜kx


ky y

kz z兩⌿kxkykz

RRR 2kxkykz RRR ,

O共NxNyNz兲 operations.

共6兲 Compute ⌶kxkynz RRS k

z⫽1 2Nz⫹1

关Pznzkzkxkykz RRR ,

O共NxNyNz2兲 operations.

共7兲 Compute ⌶kxnynz RSS ky⫽1


关Pynykykxkynz RRS ,

O共NxN2yNz兲 operations.

共8兲 Compute ⌶nxnynz SSS k

x⫽1 2Nx⫹1

关Pxnxkxkxnynz RSS ,


2NyNz兲 operations.

共9兲 Set F共C兲⫽⌶SSS.

In the above formulation, the superscripts S and R stand for spectral and real space representations, respectively. In other words, steps共2兲–共4兲 constitute the successive transformation of the wave function from the spectral basis to a spatial rep- resentation on the series of points of the Gauss-Hermite 共2003兲


quadrature. The nonlinear term of the Hamiltonian is then calculated in this spatial representation关step 共5兲兴, while steps 共6兲–共8兲 correspond to the inverse transform back to the spec- tral basis. It is this procedure of forward and backward trans- formation that allows us to obtain a much better scaling than the implementation of Eq.共10兲.

The scaling of the above algorithm 关O(N4) if Nx⫽Ny

⫽Nz] has to be compared with the scaling of fast Fourier transform based algorithms which scale in O„Np

3log2(Np)…, where Np is the number of grid points per direction. The main interest of the spectral method is that for a similar accuracy, the number of spectral basis functions per direction 共here denoted by N) can usually be chosen much smaller than the number Np of grid points per direction. This is es- pecially true when the problem considered displays a sym- metry in one or more of the directions, in which case the basis set used in the Galerkin approximation Eq.共13兲 can be restricted to even harmonic-oscillator functions共in the corre- sponding direction兲. We will come back on this important feature of the spectral method in Sec. IV.

C. Exploiting spherical or cylindrical symmetry When xyz the one-particle Hamiltonian pos- sesses spherical symmetry. If the initial condition 0(t

⫽0) has the same symmetry, then the wave function(t) is spherical symmetric for any t⬎0: (t,x, y ,z)(t,r), where r⫽(x2⫹y2⫹z2)1/2 is the radial coordinate. Equation 共4兲 leads to the effective 1D dynamics


t 2r12 rr2rr22⫹␭兩2. 共14兲

Let us now define the function

共t,r兲⫽22rr共t,r兲共t,⫺r兲 if r⬍0.if r⬎0 It is easy to check that actually satisfies the 1D NLSE


t ⫽H0⫹␭ 2 2r2.

Besides, for any t⬎0 the function (t): r(t,r) is odd and belongs to L2(R) since



It can thus be expanded on the odd modes of the harmonic oscillator:

共t,r兲⫽n⫹⬁⫽0 cn共t兲2n⫹1共r兲.

A spectral-Galerkin approximation can now be used. The vector C(t)苸CN⫹1 collecting the coefficients „ck(t)0⭐k⭐N

of the approximated wave function

N共t,r兲⫽n⫽0 N


obeys once again a dynamics of the form


dt 共t兲⫽hC共t兲⫹␭F„C共t兲….


h⫽diag共E2n⫹1兲 with E2n⫹1⫽2n⫹3 2 and



2r2 共r兲2n⫹1共r兲dr, where (r)⫽兺nN⫽0

cn2n⫹1(r). As for any 0⭐n⭐N,

2n⫹1(r)⫽rP2n(r)e⫺r2/2 where P2n is a polynomial of de- gree equal to 2n, it follows that the above integrals can be computed exactly with 4N Gauss points.

Let us now turn to the cylindrical symmetry when 共for instancexy and when the initial data reads0(x, y ,z)

0(r,z) with r⫽(x2⫹y2)1/2. In this case, the cylindrical symmetry is preserved by the dynamics so that for any t

⬎0, (t,x, y ,z)(t,r,z) and the time evolution of

(t,r,z) is then governed by the 2D equation


t xz2r1 rrrr2212 z22z22

⫹␭兩2, 共15兲

set on the spatial domain R⫻R. Defining a new function

(t,r,z) on the space domainR2 by

共t,r,z兲⫽共t,r,z兲共t,⫺r,z兲 if r⬍0,if r⬎0 it occurs that satisfies


t xz12 r22r2212 z22z22xz 2r1 r

⫹␭兩2 共16兲

on the space domainR2, and that, by construction, the func- tion r(t,r,z) is even. A spectral-Galerkin approximation is obtained by expanding the wave function on the spectral tensor basis set



The coefficients (cn


r⭐Nr,0⭐nz⭐Nz of the expansion are solution of an equation of the same form as above,


dt 共t兲⫽hC共t兲⫹␭F„C共t兲….

The main difference is that in this case, the linear map h takes into account the operator⫺(1/2r)(/r):


1 2


z m

r⫽0 Nr

1r ddr2mr,2nrL2



Let us remark that the scalar product

„(1/r)(d2mr/dr),nrL2 is well defined since the first de- rivative of2nris of the form r P2n

r(r)e⫺r2/2where P2n

ris a polynomial of degree 2nr; in addition, it can be computed exactly by numerical integration with 2nrGauss points. It is worth pointing out that the ‘‘Hamiltonian’’ in Eq.共16兲 is not self-adjoint because of the term ⫺(1/2r)(/r) and that the L2 norm of (t) is not a conserved quantity; on the other hand, the L2 norm of (t) for the measure r dr dz is con- served.


When a spectral-Galerkin method is used to discretize the space variables, one ends up with a finite-dimensional dy- namical system of the form


dt 共t兲⫽hC共t兲⫹␭F„C共t兲…, 共17兲 with initial condition C(t⫽0)⫽C0. We then use a basic fourth-order Runge-Kutta method关32兴 to solve Eq. 共17兲. Let us mention that, as the Hamiltonian character of the NLSE is preserved by the spectral-Galerkin discretization, it would be possible to resort to symplectic methods 关33兴; such algo- rithms, which are particularly advised for long time evolu- tion, are, however, not tested in the present work.

We will also use a grid method, based on the split- operator method, to serve as a benchmark for the spectral algorithm we have just detailed. We recall below the main features of this approach.

The wave function at time ⫹⌬ can be obtained from the wave function at according to

⫹⌬兲⫽Uˆ共,⫹⌬兲, 共18兲 with the propagator Uˆ (,⫹⌬) being expressed, for suffi- ciently small intervals, as

,⫹⌬兲⫽exp关⫺iH共兲⌬兴, 共19兲 where H() is the Hamiltonian of Eq.共4兲. As the potential and nonlinear components of the Gross-Pitaevskii Hamil- tonian do not commute with the kinetic operator, we apply the split-operator method关34兴 to obtain


⫻exp⫺iT2⫹O共⌬3兲, 共20兲

with T the kinetic operator and V the trapping potential. The middle term is diagonal in position space, while the kinetic part is diagonal in momentum space. A fast Fourier trans- form is thus used before application of the kinetic operator, followed by the inverse transform. Note that if the interme- diate wave function at time ⫹⌬ is not needed, the two successive kinetic operators half steps can be combined.

From a previous study关35兴, it appears that the split-operator method is the fastest algorithm for solving a NLSE on a grid.


The first test we perform is the propagation of the ground stationary state 共obtained from the time-independent GPE solved by a method based on the optimal damping al- gorithm 关36–38兴兲, while monitoring the value of the coeffi- cients c() of the expansion 共13兲. For the spherically sym- metric case, we require that the relative error on the c0 coefficient 共which has the largest absolute value兲 be inferior to 10⫺8, i.e.,兩兩c0()2⫺兩c0(⫽0)兩2兩/兩c0(⫽0)兩2⭐10⫺8 苸关0,100兴. This criterion also results in an absolute error of all coefficients 兩cn()2⫺兩cn(⫽0)兩2⭐10⫺8. We have also checked that the phase of the coefficients is correct, by cal- culating 兩cn()⫺cn(⫽0)e⫺i␮␶2/兩cn()2, where is the chemical potential of the ground stationary state of the GPE 关6兴, and this value indeed is less than 10⫺12.

In this 1D case, we need N⫽20 basis functions for ␭

⫽100, and the resulting time step for the Runge-Kutta propagator is ⫽0.005. If ␭⫽1000, the basis set used should be slightly larger, N⫽26, with a smaller time step

⫽0.0025 to insure that the above error criteria are met.

The resulting propagation time up to ⫽100 is 8.9 s for ␭

⫽100 共calculated on an Athlon 1.2 GHz processor running under Linux, using the NAG Fortran 95 compiler at the⫺O2 level of optimization兲 and 28.3 s for ␭⫽1000. If we double the size of the basis set, we get a CPU time of 32.9 s for

⫽100, showing the expected O(N2) scaling of the algorithm in 1D.

Comparing now with the grid method described in Sec.

III, we use Np⫽64 grid points in the range ⫺8⭐r⭐8. The time step used is ⫽0.000 25, resulting in a propagation time of 10.3 s, which is slightly longer than what we obtain using the Runge-Kutta method.

We now apply our algorithm to study the dynamics of trapped condensates. Referring again to the spherically sym- metric case, we start with the stationary ground state for an isotropic trap frequency . We then let this initial state0

evolve in a trap of frequency /2, as illustrated in Fig. 1, corresponding to an experiment where the frequency of the potential trapping the condensate would be instantaneously reduced by a factor of 2. The corresponding time-evolving wave function (t,r)2 is shown in Fig. 2, for ␭⫽10. We must note that the values of ␭ we give correspond to the 共2003兲


condensate in the initial-frequency trap, the effective value being used for the time evolution is thus scaled by 1/2 关see Eq. 共5兲兴, while is rescaled with respect to the final trap frequency /2. We can see the ‘‘breathing’’ of the conden- sate as it expands and recontracts in the trap.

It is also interesting to look at the effect of the value of the nonlinear parameter on the breathing frequency of the con- densate, as seen in Fig. 3. First, we note that the initial den- sity at the center of the trap is lower for bigger values of␭, which is expected because of the corresponding higher inter-

particle repulsion. Starting from an unperturbed harmonic oscillator (␭⫽0), for which the complete cycle time is

⫽4 with recurrences every, we observe that the os- cillation frequency of the condensate in the trap increases with a greater value of␭.

For the 3D case, we will study the scissor mode关39,40兴 of a trapped condensate. We consider a pancake-shaped con- densate, formed in an anisotropic trap withxyz, see Fig. 4. The y and z axes of the trap are instantaneously ro- tated, at t⫽0, by an angle around the x axis. The conden- sate then starts to oscillate in the trap, leading to the so- called scissor mode.

FIG. 1. Trapping potentials␻ 共solid line兲 and ␻/2 共dashed line兲 used to simulate the breathing modes of a condensate. The wave function ␺(r)兩2 of the stationary state for potential ␻ with ␭

⫽100 is also given 共dotted line兲.

FIG. 2. ‘‘Breathing’’ of the condensate after expansion from a trap of frequency␻ to ␻/2. The density profile 兩␺(r)兩2is given as a function of time␶ 共scaled with respect to the final trap frequency

␻/2) for an initial ␭⫽10 ground stationary state.

FIG. 3. ‘‘Breathing’’ of the condensate after expansion from a trap of frequency␻ to ␻/2. The value of the wave function in the center of the trap, ␺(r⫽0)兩2, is given as a function of time 共scaled with respect to the final trap frequency␻/2) for ␭ equal to 0 共solid line兲, 10 共dotted line兲, 100 共dashed line兲, and 1000 共dot- dashed line兲.

FIG. 4. Representation of the study a condensate’s scissor mode.

The condensate is initially tilted with respect to the trap’s y and z axes by an angle␪.


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