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Brief description of the Lilly-Copper King group


Academic year: 2022

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Bri f Deaaript1rn of tho

l.illy-\Jopper .•in, G:r(n,p.

The fiJ.ly-Cop!l0r Kini"gronp of lo(lfl !'linin elflims 1s 10c ted in the ,nterpri o , ,ko Mti PIe's nt VnJJ.o.r ,in1n8' Diatriets,

Gilpin county , ~l)lo1'!\ilo. .mil bout ono - no frOM tho ~it;1 of

Bl~ok .l!l.wk, ne r wl1.ter flnlt ' •• oOlpriaJne 24 lodo cl<\ims ~ll ~ollows:- J'ho H"'!'llmr(\"p.r. ii,.1 J.,1flK. Grooninh. Cl\nton, 'rnnk .0 'horson.

ellio." vrnnt, .'lowor, n )ti 101'0, Hfltri,lm, sz-own 'Goy: Oo Lumb t ne , Coyote, J.13 ly, (';OPI1I')1'in, Ct',stle tarn"n, ,onnta5n I.Hdy, "ioe Frcs- ident, -1'1d Cnlo7". 10 Ghallip' on, 11 of whioh arfl halo un do r pos,ossory title. mil t);!l ,,!lint "oj;o1', r ro n , aThIe " nd onnt.atn oy. nd wbich ,ro halil hy •. ,. nto11t.

T .i s proporty if! loc"to on tho oa,.tfl1') y end of Jobtail ill an d , bo111 tho e nf:f)rly on1 of +j e 11!\ 0 ntnornl belt with the

foll o'ing famous ro;11FlA' Tho ,~rogory-30bt,Ri1 (tne' f 'j' ), ihmnin .ode, Grat. rt- iZIIl' .Jnne,<lo)T'l(mt, il1j ir s , .111lltino, 'fiAt Iota .ny nd the

"1 tt80 rg !'lines, which h va pr.0dllcell :UIJ,onB of c101l!\TS in to Ld ,

The o,.·{'\n l conn; nt of n "'Til, t 111l!"lhf'r of 9 11 an ft8, opon

outs on H 0 '" r oe 1'~ '0"'0 t1nno18, I'\n<1 vory Ii Jtod '":ount of dovollHl!':cnt "ork has bOfln cknfl.

The hole Rill on },ioh this ",roup 111 locatod ,1" vO to s'

net-,,0rk of • incr I veins, nil jnil in' frOM thnse oponeil llP 1'0 11 truo fif,snre veinf'!, sTId'in S()I'!O ·ho fljlvc1' ; B 1"rf>nc"'in tin. in

otr:ors th£' rolil, 1'he "'l'ljnrity of "'hoso voiDa nro very etron" ",nd hcrever they )\fivP. boon Norkad J. vo proil',ceil n [;(1od 01. (d' oro, ho ;over, tho fltoir.~ of ore on .11 tl Po cl ,iT!'O h 0 boon 1'e rk bly

ood aonciderl~ the R~IIl.~onnt of 01'1 ~one, !n" vory little

(leo· h. ; 'lore I1re only t".o· or thl" 0 RI.r ::; over ono hmdl'cd fa t,

~rJ nonr 2~n foot ileop.

The Oon or .in 1.. r. olci-coppor vein md ono of the llrgcst

in tLo rrup, r:.11 0111d nn rlouht m(\}o f\ l'trr;a rrodonr alono if


vO"'O ('If t1:o ol:'!' . orJ ir."R fl ve not h0f111 to',o •• o 1 since in t e e rly d .yo, ,nit not In ;,h po ifr o7J"'in 1 'nn,


nd therefore. it .culd be impossible ";0


1;ni.1'J ti.I':O .ive a oorroct rlebori tjrn of s me.

In or~er to ke t,,'iD ,J:'O'lp " ho"v - pro<'!l1cer, nd ,itn loss rr,oncy I.)l n Y'.:/ ott.ar •. J, :I t lJhon1 d ho oVtll~pod by one rr in t'mnel 'an I lot.ld .dvinG .th t minn 1,mnol he ntar1.cil n '':'' tho' nreek on

tl'e i co 'robidnnt, n1. il"l. nd thnll 01"l1n up t.ho veinl; t t1:e rI' in portien of the ~J"(lnIl, '1il ,hioh ,Jo'I5.1 ~nt ~hfl rr~ncip 1 vein t 8-

depth rf 60n-RO~ fent.

,-,nch !\ tnnnoJ. . odn not only koop tho n (J¥' 1'tJ ra1nod ir ter ind i tho t My oxt r expon. {J, In t {\; J L n, onen 'll n

imonl1o boety 0'1' at.npin:; 6romrl .}, i.Ol1 ."lil inrnr'f) 1 r/7,o n .~te dy prod ot.ion for very Jon",; 'Pc1.'i(1rl, ~ .. eJJ ;, ny o+hcr thjn~f' of

1"'rnnt ~~ n'" ;0. 11: at ,tl 0 ) o. 00',1; of inin nd tr nsnortin, tho

orC! fro 1] p rt5 of t,. p,'no 1,0 tho ollih or tl.o t· Dnol ~d· eliv- orod diroot1: to !'JUl, if il) O1'('ot"iI. thoro, 'nil tl.c c~nco"tr tea

n "oltin 0"0 In-doil ilirco lyon tftfl


l";- of t ,() C•. S, ' .• md shipper} to t· fl o"oltP.r t _ cn'\'or, , 1J fit, nOfl (If "he 1t Sf "'il s,

ito illy' 01.1 do '\ nod vp.i n n ,:, 'Proil. ceil !lOMe

e.rei1f)t ion lly hi , ~r' de 114 1 (,(' ('1.'0. n1 if t 0 Vic'a resi len t

t 'nnel 110 not dr'von' . .,'g~. to . nbove, t e shaft on the rilly s.o ld be sllnK d"opor n 1 i'P't oxtC)l" 11' \ on t1. t voin '1 tbe junc"'iou of tlo C DQ - tr' boe u.o, t th t jrnntlon I~ pt ~o be fOll'1d ono ('\"' tho l\1'"I: .. t, ,d 1'·c[.1'6t r1.'o-n •• 1tca in tho c ~n, B both of thore voln, r. vo Ire <19 I' 011 He Tlrr- or or:n t10n n \ uelli:1es rf oro Bell . othaT Ltcn 1n"jn tion. t rIch n or'-rhllte

"ill bo i'c" 1 toro,



The "8.1'y Uller rr,'tno ( 1. o known .'l the Dra~'e .l.unnol) adjoining

on the westorly s1 ile of this grr; ,Po proilllood in, the early-day sUver exe t t,ement several hl1n11'oil. thollo nd iloJ.lnrR. roll this whole soct ion i B n<!'ted 1'01' 1'1 ch si1vo~ depos5 tao

In conclusi~n . 111 only any that, I fnil to see any re~oon why

this group should not llltlke a ~re'\t p1'o!ll1rlin,; and pnyin" 1'11ne if properly doveloped.

ospeet'f"nlly Bllh!'littod.

(Signa") ". • RolnT,ldor.

P"'scticnl .1n0r and ine dViser.


~".s. 4any ye'1r.s <1'''0., ann \.h11o the old Man "T. :'11css was alive,

I o xar.t ned a bunch 01' B!"'elters returns to the amoun t of 68,000.00.

""}. • Be •



Austrian Lode Crown Lo(\e

Saint Peter Lo de Marble La de

Colorado Champion Lode Ba1 timore Lode

Coyote I,ode Flower I,ode

Mountain Lady Lode Mountain Boy Lod~

Castle Garden Lode Brown Boy Lode ColumbuB Lode Lilly r,ode Madamoisello Cleveland ]few York Hamburgor Bad Luok

Greenwioh Grant

Copper King Vioe President cant.on

Frank MoPherson Nellie L.

Part of Morgan Placor ::>tar

Russell Hill Snow Ranoh

Recorded in Book 85, Page 176 U. S. Survey No.

U. S. Survey No.

U. S. Survey No.

RecoPded in Book 85, Page 341 Recorded in Book 85, Page 573 Reoorded in Book 118, Page 163 Recorded in Book 128, Page 184 Recorded in Book 85, Page 573 U. S. Snrvey No.

Recorded :inBook 85, Page 223 Recorded in Book 85, Page 342

• Recorded in Book 85, ~age 207 Recordod in Book 8 118, Page 154

~ecorded in BooK 85, Page 380 ,Recorded in Book 85, Page 485 Recorded in Book 85, Page 485 Recorded in Book 97, ~age $66 Reco rded:in Book' 144, Page 361 Recorded in Book 144, Page 362 Recorded in Book 144, Pa~e 265 Recorded in Book 165, Page 236 Recorded in,Book 85, Page 563 Recorded in Book 154, Page 450 Recorded in Book 154, Page 450

~ecorded in nook 154, PaBe 451 Recorded in.Book 154, Page 452 Recordod :inBook 126, Page 294





Below is a copy of the smaller shipments mentioned.

Gold 07..Si1ver07.. Va1ne Per Ton.

No~ 1 .. ., 3 2 - - - - - - - 0.10 0.00 - 0.10 135.80 - 410.00 72.00 - - - $65.00 220.70 32.30 dOBt of these lots

" 4 - 0.09 - 623.06 - - 325.88 came from the

" 5 - - - 0.14 - 206.80 99.22 Lilly Mine.

" 6 - - - - - 0"14 _. 97.06 44.75

" 7 - - - - - 0.12 41.00 Q - 21.20.

" 8 - - - 0.10 75.00 - - 32.36

" 9 - - - 0.10 21.10 - 10.00

10 - - - - - 0.12 35.00 - 17.18

",i' 11 - 0.10 - 35.00 - - .12.2~


1'10. 1 - - - 0.12 519.00 - $333.34 Lilly

'f 2 - - - 0.08 - 73.00 - - 41.75 Flower

" 3 - 0.16 19.70 13~03 Copper King

" 4 - - - 0.04 - 4.00 - - 3.05 - Crown

" 5 - - - - - 0.18 59.90 36.49 llt.Boy

" 6 - 0.04 4.40 3.32 Crown

" 7 - 0.07 7.10 5.30 - Crown

" 8 - 0.39 - 8.00 - - 12.20 Copper King

" 9 - - - 0.10 3.90,- - 4114 - n. Boy

" 10 - - - 0.37 3.50 9.93 Copper King

" 11 - 0.22 - 2.70 5.88 :1arble

" 12 - - - - - - 0.17 65.80 39.59 Baltimore

"13 - - - 0.07 - 47.00 - - 27.25 - Flower

" 14 - - - 0.11 - 1193.90 - - 656.84 Lilly

" 15 - - - 0.08 61.90 35.64 Eal timore

" 16 - - - 0.08 66.00 37.90 Crown

" 17 - - - 0.06 - 380.00 210.20 - Crown

" 18 - - - 0.34 9.80 Lead 21%. J:t.Lady

" 19 - 0.21 - 6.20 - Lead 53% - at. Lady

" 20 - -..-r- 2.45 - 43.00 - Copper 12%'- Copper King

"21 - - - 1.20 - 12.00 - Coppor 7" Jo - Copper King

You wIll note th t the above shipments and samples were made and taken OUTing the low silver market, and that now, would

be nearly donble the above amoufltB. r

G .. E.3.



Supp1amentFry to the Lilly Copper Kin~ Group.

Pursuant to your r equea t , I have just 10 ked over the ground of the additional properties to the Lilly-Copper King group and of \Wlioh no mentionin;r, W!Hl made in my brief report e,t i,he time when only 24 claims were ~noluded in the group.

The properties aitjoining this group on st'vera1 sides wh i ch you now own, is in my judgment a very valuable addition, not only becauso this makes a much 1 ~ger vein-footage and mineral assets, but also because

it absolutely prevent.s any possihle liti~ation in the future, no matter how extensively this whole group would be wo:rk<ld,or how much rioh ore may be diso1osed, and furthermore, it makes it a lareer territory and more faoi1ities in every way in oonnecta n« the nnder!)rOlmd workings with all the different ore-veins, and trn18 fflaYing it posaib1e to work all these veins within a lar3e scope from one ~ain ~urking whether sueh be a tunnel or shaft, re,luoin~ the cost of min~ng to the minimum.

This group is showing a most perfeot vein-system, an~as it is a ell known feet, thnt all thin~s ha.ve an or:! >in or mother, and the mother of all these veins sprp.ndin~ out in every direotion will (aooord- in"g to the many irnport,mt jlmotions l be fOlmd in the he-rrth or central portion of the hill in the shape of a tremendous large ore-depositofo

still hi ghor class than the". t taken out from the various 1i ttl e surface "

workings of the8e veins.

This "mother deposit has so to say. throu;~h the at one time vo1canio disturbance thro7Jn out its branohes in various forma and directions

caus t n what we now term fissllre veins, .7ith ernaLLe.r ehut eu or pockets of ore, and Which are gettin~ smaller and more irre3ular the further

~ff they are from the mother deposits or main-ohutes.

In order to be able to form a true" opinion as to the size and richness of these veins in depth, it is nece.sary to 0"ref1111y study all these oondi tions ro1~ti vo to how the or e has b een formed, how far below the surfaoe the main-bodies of ore e. t.c., beoause, such is one of the most important factors in deterrlinin? the future of a mf ne ,

As a whole. I will again Sfl.y th!'tt • ,the high olasso! or e mined from these shallow surf~oe vor kf.n ~B. though in small quant f t t ee , is a s'lffioient evidenoe thHt the ore is there in large quantities at some depth below beoause. all of this ore haa come from no other place but the mother deposits below.

Attached hereto yO'1will fi.nd the cop~r of a few small shipments re1;lrns, and which show thAt the ore f rom the Dllblingroup is nlso of a hip:h olass.

Respeotfully aubmitted,

(Signed) G. E. Bo1Rnder.

Praotio'11 ;.l.iner Mil. wine Adviser.




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