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Use of BIM in Building Operations and Maintenance: An Approach to Identifying Sustainable Value


Academic year: 2022

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Real Estate and Construction Management

Building and Real Estate Economics, and Architectural Design and Construction Project Management


Use of BIM in Building

Operations and Maintenance:

An Approach to Identifying Sustainable Value

Jenny Du

Madeleine Hoeft









Master of Science Thesis




Master Thesis Number:



Use of BIM in Building Operations and Maintenance:

An Approach to Identifying Sustainable Value Jenny Du and Madeleine Hoeft

Real Estate and Construction Management TRITA-ABE-MBT-20506

Henry Muyingo and Tina Karrbom Gustavsson

Building Information Modeling, Facility Management, Real Estate Management, Social Sustainability, Economic Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Business Value


While the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) has been increasing over the last decade and enabled a more integrated collaboration of different disciplines in the construction industry, its implementation in the operation phase of a building is still in its infancy in Sweden.

Studies have been conducted to identify barriers and opportunities associated with the use of BIM in building operations and maintenance. There is a lack of research proposing a holistic approach to the evaluation of the value of BIM in operation and maintenance from the perspective of economic, ecological, and social sustainability. Therefore, this paper aims to follow up on the identified research gap by investigating: How sustainable value is created using BIM in operation and maintenance from an owner’s perspective?

A sustainable value framework is applied to the findings of an extensive literature review and compared to the reflections of Swedish industry professionals in semi-structured interviews.

Based on the value destroyed or missed for key stakeholders by current O&M practices, the opportunities created with the use of BIM are highlighted. It was found that the most added value is expected from an economic and social perspective, reducing current inefficiencies in the integration of databases and documents, process structures, and knowledge management.

More efficient information management and improved data accuracy is expected to enable better services, increase employee motivation, and optimize space management. Major struggles highlighted by the industry representatives are costs and a very fragmented work towards the implementation, often limited to internal efforts or small national initiatives. Based on the findings, further research will be needed to test and validate quantitative metrics in case studies, assess to what extent standards can promote the faster and more predictable implementation of BIM in O&M. In addition, the social value implications of using BIM in O&M should be evaluated more in detail.






After two years of studies in the master programme Real Estate and Construction Management at KTH Royal Institute of Technology we are ending this chapter with a master thesis that comprises 30 hp. During these 20 weeks we have been facing ups and downs and have gained a lot of insights and knowledge about the use of BIM for Building Operations and Maintenance.

First of all, we would like to thank our supervisors at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Tina Karrbom Gustavsson and Henry Muyingo, for supporting us and being there for us not only during this period, but also during the entire two years of master studies.

We would also like to thank the professionals who dedicated their time to an interview, showed interest in our research topic and shared their knowledge, which was essential for writing this paper.

Last but not least, we thank everyone who supported us during our master studies. Without you we would not have come to where we are today.

Stockholm, 2020

Jenny Du and Madeleine Hoeft









Examensarbete Master Nivå:


Användningen av BIM under Drift och Förvaltning Jenny Du and Madeleine Hoeft

Fastigheter och Byggande TRITA-ABE-MBT-20506

Henry Mutingo and Tina Karrbom Gustavsson

Nyckelord: Byggnadsinformationsmodeller, Facility Management, Fastighetsförvaltning, Social Hållbarhet, Ekonomisk Hållbarhet, Ekologisk Hållbarhet, Affärsvärde


Medan användningen av BIM (Byggnadsinformationsmodeller) under projekteringen och produktionen av byggnader har ökat under de senaste årtionde och möjliggjorde ett mer integrerat samarbete mellan olika discipliner inom byggindustrin, är implementeringen i driftsfasen fortfarande ovanligt i Sverige. Studier har genomförts för att identifiera hinder och möjligheter som är förknippade med användningen av BIM inom förvaltningen. Det är brist på forskning som föreslår en helhetssyn på utvärderingen av BIM:s värde i drift och underhåll ur perspektivet av ekonomisk, ekologisk och social hållbarhet. Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera forskningsluckan genom att undersöka frågan: Hur skapas hållbart värde med hjälp av BIM i drift och underhåll ur en ägarens perspektiv?

En modell för hållbart värde appliceras på resultaten som omfattas av litteraturöversikt och som jämförs med reflektionerna från svenskt branschrepresentanter i semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Baserat på värdet som förstörs eller saknas för de viktiga intressenterna i nuvarande praxis i förvaltningen, diskuteras möjligheter som skapas med användning av BIM. Mest mervärde förväntas utifrån ett ekonomiskt och socialt perspektiv, vilket minskar den nuvarande ineffektivitet i integrationen av databaser och dokument, process strukturer och kunskapshantering. Mer effektiv informationshantering och förbättrad datasäkerhet förväntas möjliggöra bättre tjänster, öka medarbetarnas motivation och optimera utrymmeshantering.

Stora frågetecken som branschrepresentanterna framhäver är kostnader och ett mycket fragmenterat arbete mot implementering, ofta begränsat till interna ansträngningar eller små nationella initiativ. Baserat på resultaten kommer ytterligare undersökningar behövas för att testa och validera kvantitativa mätvärden i fallstudier, för att bedöma i vilken utsträckning standarder kan främja en snabbare och mer förutsägbar implementering av BIM i drift och underhåll. Dessutom bör det sociala värdet av att använda BIM i förvaltning utvärderas mer detaljerat.






Efter två år på mastersprogrammet Fastigheter och Byggande på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan avslutar vi detta kapitlet med ett examensarbete som omfattar 30 hp. Under dessa 20 veckor har vi stött på både upp- och nedgångar med glädje och tårar samt lärt oss mycket om användningen av BIM inom förvaltning.

Först skulle vi vilja tacka vår handledare på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Tina Karrbom Gustavsson och Henry Muyingo, för att de har stöttat och funnits där för oss under denna period, men också funnits med oss under hela studietiden.

Sen skulle vi även vilja tacka de personer som har ställt upp på en intervju, visat intresse och delat sina kunskaper, utan dem hade vi inte kunnat slutföra detta arbete.

Sist men inte minst vill vi tacka alla personer som har stöttat oss under denna period. Utan er hade vi inte kommit dit vi är idag.

Stockholm, 2020

Jenny Du and Madeleine Hoeft





List of Abbreviations

3D Model Three-Dimensional Model

AEC Architecture, Engineering and Construction

AECO Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations

BIM Building Information Modelling

CAD Computer-Aided Design

CIFM Computer Integrated Facility Management

DT Digital Twin

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IoT Internet of Things

IPD Integrated Project Delivery

KPA Key Performance Area

KPI Key Performance Indicator

LCC Life Cycle Costs

LOD Level Of Detail

O&M Operation and Maintenance

PDCD Plan, Do, Check, Act

PEST Political, Economic, Social, and Technological

PLC Project Life Cycle

ROI Return on Investment

SFM Sustainable Facility Management

SLA Service Level Agreement

SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats TPP Technology, Process, and Policy

VDC Virtual Design and Construction





List of Figures

Figure 4-1: BIM Framework (based on Succar, 2009) ... 14

Figure 4-2: Stages of Sustainable Value Creation (adapted from Bocken et al., 2013) ... 22

Figure 4-3: PDCA-Cycle (adapted from Garza-Reyes et al., 2018) ... 24

Figure 5-1: SWOT Analysis ... 26





List of Tables

Table 2-1: Interview Responses ... 5

Table 2-2: Interview Participants ... 5

Table 4-1: Key Performance Areas in the Production Life Cycle of Facilities ... 17

Table 4-2: Management Levels and Processes in Building Operations & Maintenance ... 19

Table 4-3: Factors of Social Sustainability (adapted from Ajmal et al., 2017) ... 21

Table 4-4: Value Types (adapted from Bocken et al., 2013) ... 23

Table 5-1: Value Missed and Destroyed in Current O&M Practices ... 28

Table 5-2: New Value Opportunities Through Using BIM in O&M Practices ... 30

Table 6-1: Suggestions for Evaluation Metrics ... 45





Table of Content

1. Introduction ... 1

1.1. Background ... 1

1.2. Research Question ... 2

1.3. Structure ... 3

1.4. Limitations ... 3

2. Methodology ... 4

2.1. Choice of Research Method ... 4

2.2. Research Design ... 4

3. Literature Review... 6

3.1. Building Operations and Maintenance ... 6

3.2. Use of BIM in Operations and Maintenance ... 7

3.3. Creation of Business Value with BIM ... 9

3.4. Evaluation of the Business Value of BIM ... 11

4. Theoretical Framework ... 13

4.1. Building Information Modeling (BIM) ... 13

4.1.1. Definition ... 13

4.1.2. BIM Stages and Evolution ... 14

4.1.3. Digital Twin ... 15

4.2. Building Operation and Maintenance (O&M)... 16

4.2.1. Definition ... 16

4.2.2. Key Processes ... 17

4.3. Sustainable Business Value ... 20

4.3.1. Pillars of Sustainability ... 20

4.3.2. Creation of Sustainable Value ... 22

4.3.3. Evaluation of Sustainable Value ... 23

5. Findings... 25

5.1. Model Application ... 25

5.1.1. Purpose of O&M and Value Captured ... 26

5.1.2. Value Missed or Value Destroyed ... 27

5.1.3. New Value Opportunities ... 29



5.2. Industry Reflections ... 31

5.2.1. Purpose of O&M and Value Captured ... 31

5.2.2. Value Missed or Value Destroyed ... 32

5.2.3. New Value Opportunities ... 35

5.2.4. Value Evaluation ... 37

6. Analysis and Discussion ... 39

6.1. Creation of Sustainable Value ... 39

6.1.1. Purpose of O&M and Value Captured ... 39

6.1.2. Value Missed or Value Destroyed ... 40

6.1.3. Value Opportunities ... 41

6.2. Evaluation of Sustainable Value... 44

7. Conclusion ... 46

7.1. Findings ... 46

7.2. Implications ... 47

7.3. Limitations ... 48

7.4. Suggestions for Future Research ... 48

Reference List ... 49

Appendix ... 55



1. Introduction

This chapter gives a general overview of the research topic based on identified gaps in existing research. It also outlines the report structure and highlights limitations of the study.

1.1. Background

Despite often being regarded as one of the slow adopters of new technologies, the construction industry has started exploring new ways of designing and building to exploit the possibilities that come with a shift in mindset and technological opportunities (Lindblad & Guerrero, 2020).

A lot of stakeholders with different needs and specializations are part of the projects and want their demands for information and integration to be fulfilled as the construction of buildings becomes more difficult and complex to manage (Lindblad & Guerrero, 2020).

The concept of Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been adopted into the design, planning, and construction of buildings and the interest in BIM has been growing continuously (Brooks & Lucas, 2014). Through this development, the collaboration with models from different disciplines in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) is constantly improving and shifts towards the integration into a digital environment including data about e.g. floor spaces, building systems, material details and consumption characteristics (Matarneh et al., 2019; Skripac, 2013). Even if there are still challenges, it allowed to reduce schedule and budget overruns, enabled the exploration of design options before starting construction and increased safety on site (Brooks & Lucas, 2014).

Research also suggests that implementing BIM in the operation phase supports the creation of value and is beneficial for building maintenance (Cavka et al., 2017). Yet the integration is lagging here and the needs of owners and facility managers are often neglected in the creation of the model during the design and construction phase (Matarneh et al., 2019). This leads to the potential of BIM being nowhere near fully exploited even though in a facility life-cycle the major expenses are occurring during the operation phase, accumulating about 60 percent of the total cost of a project (Akcamete, Akinci & Garrett, 2010). In this context, the idea of a “Digital Twin”, an exact digital representation of the physical property that can ultimately exchange information with its real world gemini, gives rise to several opportunities for more efficient building operations (Brooks & Lucas, 2014).


2 From a management perspective in research, business support functions like facility management (FM) are often seen as cost centers only. However, by aligning the operation and maintenance solutions with the needs of the owner’s or tenant’s core business needs, the value can be contributed beyond the sheer reduction of costs, and entirely new value propositions can be created to support an optimal organizational performance (Katchamart, 2013).

Often, owners are however not aware of the whole set of FM information needed and managed in operations and how to determine the amount of information that could be exchanged and managed with BIM. They do not have experience in how to leverage the models for FM and hence do not request specific information (Cavka et al., 2017). Moreover, they lack measurable indicators to assess the business value of BIM (Vass & Gustavsson, 2014).

Previous papers have either looked into ways to assess the value of BIM in design and construction and or into sustainable facility management (SFM) (Alfalah & Zayed, 2020), but there is a lack of research proposing a holistic approach to evaluating the value of BIM in operation and maintenance from the perspective of economic, ecological and social sustainability.

1.2. Research Question

This paper aims to follow up on the research gap identified above by answering the main question: How is sustainable value created using BIM in operation and maintenance from an owner’s perspective? It will be evaluated by addressing the following sub-questions:

A. How can the concept of sustainable value be applied to the use of BIM in operation and management?

B. Where could sustainable value be created from an owner’s perspective by using BIM in operation and maintenance?

C. How does the industry perceive the value propositions of using BIM in operation and management?

Sub-questions A and B will be answered based on literature, sub-question C will use additional material such as interviews with industry representatives and reports of BIM working initiatives.


3 1.3. Structure

To find answers, this paper will first discuss the methodology in order to motivate the choice of research methods. Afterwards, an in-depth review of previous research is conducted, which focuses on the added value for operation and maintenance (O&M) tasks that is created by implementing BIM. Based on this, existing theoretical concepts applicable to the research topic are presented and discussed. A conceptual framework is applied to provide a theoretical guideline for the sustainable value assessment of using BIM in O&M. Reflections of industry actors are taken into consideration to discuss the practical relevance of the identified value propositions. The paper concludes with an outline of future research possibilities.

1.4. Limitations

There are limitations to the presented findings due to the scope of this study and the lack of widespread implementation of BIM in operation practices. The proposed mapping is based on literature and needs to be validated in case studies. By comparing the theoretical findings with the feedback from industry stakeholders, areas for improvement are highlighted. They are, however, representing individual opinions and focus on the owner’s perspective. Only five interviews were conducted for this study, which do not allow for generalizations.



2. Methodology

This chapter will motivate the choice of research methods to answer the proposed questions and thereafter outlines the research design more in detail describing the single steps of the investigation.

2.1. Choice of Research Method

In scientific research, a distinction is made between quantitative and qualitative methods. In contrast to quantitative approaches that employ statistical analysis of random samples from a population to investigate a topic, qualitative research uses purposive sampling and semi- structured, open-ended interviews to explore meanings in a given situation and generate new concepts and theories (Mohajan, 2018). For doing so, researchers are using reduction to condense the key abstract aspects of events or phenomena, that are characteristic or causal to all of them (Perri, 2012).

For this paper, a general business value framework is selected and applied to the assessment of the sustainable value of BIM in O&M based on an extensive literature review. Statements are inferred from different sources in a structured way to be applied to the research topic at hand (Perri, 2012). As common for such frameworks, the proposed structure shall provide guidance to decision-makers in the industry. They “make explicit the theories on which practical decisions are based, partly so these theories can be clearly stated and tested, but also to capture more systematically the tacit knowledge on which these decisions are based” (Perri, 2012, page 11).

2.2. Research Design

The research process starts with an extensive literature review to identify earlier research on the topic. Different perspectives will be adopted looking into 1) the use of BIM in O&M to show costs and benefits associated with the implementation and application, 2) the creation and evaluation of value using BIM to identify processes, and 3) the notion of sustainable value and its use in other industries.

In addition, existing frameworks are presented to clearly define the scope of this work and avoid ambiguity or vagueness of the key concepts used, namely 1) Building Information Modeling, 2) Building Operation and Maintenance as well as, 3) Sustainable Value. These frameworks will serve as a starting point for the assessment of the sustainable value of using BIM in O&M.


5 By combining the key processes in O&M and the perspective of value creation based on the benefits and barriers pointed out in the literature review, it shall be highlighted, where value is already created and where opportunities are currently missed or not accessible without the use of BIM. In interviews with real estate professionals in Sweden, the theoretical perception is compared to the industry perspective. Table 2-1 structures the responses of companies contacted for an interview.

Table 2-1: Interview Responses

Type of Company

Contacted Interviewed Using BIM in O&M

Starting to Use BIM in O&M (Pilot)

Not Using BIM in O&M



Owner 18 4 0 5 4 9

Consultant / Start-Up

5 1 1 0 1 3

Total 23 5 1 5 5 12

As indicated, five interviews were conducted for this thesis with both start-ups and property owners in different asset classes.

Table 2-2: Interview Participants

Company Participant Position Interview Details

A Technology Start-Up CEO April 22; 30 minutes; Zoom

B Owner Commercial Real Estate Manager April 27; 45 minutes; Teams C Owner Residential Property Developer April 29; 1 hour; Zoom D Owner Commercial IT-Chef & Developer May 11; 45 minutes; Teams

E Owner Commercial

and Special

BIM/CAD-Responsible May 12; 1 hour; Teams

As shown in Table 2-2, the five companies that were interviewed will be called Company A, Company B, Company C, Company D and Company E to ensure anonymity.

In addition, a suggestion for the evaluation of value is made based on a theoretical framework and interview findings.



3. Literature Review

The literature review presents the current research status in (1) BIM usage in building operations and management, (2) the creation of business value with BIM, and (3) potential ways to evaluate the business value of BIM from a sustainability perspective. It gives an understanding of the existing findings and discussions on the topic and serves as a knowledge basis for the later selection of feasible concepts to answer the proposed research question.

3.1. Building Operations and Maintenance

Upon completion of building constructions, properties are entering the operations and maintenance phase with the aim of guaranteeing a safe and functioning building for its occupants by coordinating the physical space with the people and processes of an organization (Parsanezhad, 2019). However, beyond that purpose, there is no single, clear definition of the detailed services included in this phase (Parsanezhad, 2019). Previous literature reviews found the value of facility management to mainly include the provision of a high-quality workspace, reduction of life cycle costs, support of the organization’s core functions and development strategy as well as to ensure business continuity in emergencies (Li et al., 2019).

Nevertheless, factors like lack of communication, inadequate information tools, reliance on manual steps and information silos have an impact on the efficient delivery of such services.

Out of 68 tasks evaluated by industry experts in the UK, Carbonari et al. (2018) find the perceived inefficiencies to be the highest in the following processes: Asset records, Post- occupancy evaluation, Satisfaction surveys, Analysis of maintenance data, Whole life costs, Space management, Information management, Evaluation of business performance, Evaluation of maintenance strategy and Market intelligence. In contrast, tasks with a lot of regulatory backgrounds such as building certifications, emergency procedures, and risk management were ranked as rather efficient in the same survey (Carbonari, 2018). In an attempt to tackle the challenges listed above in the context of increasing globalization, environmental changes, the amount of data generated in buildings, and a higher demand for occupant-well-being, the management of properties has received more attention in the last years. The industry practices are changing in the face of an “increased use of outsourcing, moving from operational to strategic level, early involvement of FM in design and the culture of innovation” (Li et al., 2019, page 360). The intentions to improve operational efficiency and to meet social needs are two drivers of recent developments in this sector (Li et al., 2019).


7 Those developments can be observed in several trends (Li et al., 2019), namely

a) Enhancing IT: efficiency and value added

b) All-round facility manager: excellent ability and life cycle participation c) Strategic performance management: user-centric and benchmarking d) Sustainable FM: strategy and tactics

e) Innovative FM practice: research-practice transformation and standardization.

3.2. Use of BIM in Operations and Maintenance

From the technological perspective of developments in building operation and maintenance, BIM is one of the key technologies expected to impact the sector (Li et al., 2019). In contrast to the design and construction phase, where the use of BIM has become more and more common, using BIM for FM has been found to happen a lot less up to date (Oti et al., 2016).

That leaves a lot of potentials to exploit in the owners’ business models as the operation and maintenance phase is one of the “key stages where all the outputs of the concerted efforts of planning, design and construction of the building [are] put to test by use.” (Oti et al., 2016, page 208).

To optimize the O&M processes, a detailed overview of existing structures and the status of already built buildings (Faltejsek & Chudikova, 2019). Well-arranged O&M processes, that are using effective and efficient methods, can extend the life of a building and slow down the degradation. Using BIM is one method to have a well-set up O&M process (Faltejsek &

Chudikova, 2019). In the AEC industry, information is created throughout the whole life cycle of a building. To use the information that is created during the design and construction phase computer integrated facility management (CIFM) can be used. It can be integrated into various FM applications where different disciplines can share and exchange information in the project (Yu, Froesea, & Grobler, 2000).

BIM can be applied in two different ways, either in an already constructed project or in new constructions. It is easier to implement BIM in new projects due to the higher control of information and documentation. For existing buildings, the implementation of BIM can be difficult due to the lack of documentation, information and level of details (Faltejsek &

Chudikova, 2019). Faltejsek and Chudikova (2019) state that “most of the companies that have launched BIM are still focused on implementing this concept in designing and constructing new buildings” (Faltejsek & Chudikova, 2019; page 2).


8 There are several studies exploring the chances and barriers to the implementation of BIM in the phase of operations and maintenance (Munir et al., 2019a; Oti et al., 2016; Kivits &

Furneaux, 2013). One of the main barriers to adopting BIM in management turns out to be a misconception of the concept, which is often seen as a 3D-model instead of an information management tool. Additionally, it is broadly assumed that all asset data needs to be in one single model in order to work. In reality the information can however exist in several systems that are connected to each other (Munir et al., 2019b). Here, research results are emphasizing the need for asset owners to understand the BIM process and are in a second step aiming to realize business value from the implementation of the model data in O&M processes (Munir et al., 2019a).

Terreno et al. (2019) state that the use of BIM in FM can increase the efficiency of facility management processes. As examples, existing research in this area has focused a lot on the use of BIM for energy management and more recently researchers have been studying the potential for emergency management as well as maintenance and repair tasks. In contrast, linking a model to FM systems for security management or the optimization of relocation projects is less common and has not been focused on yet. Other research fields as scarcely investigated are the exploration of BIM integration into hazardous waste management, and information and communication technology (ICT) asset management (Gao & Pishdad-Bozorgi, 2019). The benefits of using BIM beyond construction are seen for instance in faster and more effective processes enabled by easier sharing of information, more predictable building performances, and a better understanding of life cycle costs (LCC). Additionally, the scheduling and historic tracking of maintenance works are improved to allow proactive rather than reactive facilities management and more accurate prevention of equipment failure (Kivits & Furneaux, 2013).

Nevertheless, using BIM in the operation and maintenance phase has also shown to come with a number of disadvantages that need to be minimized through research or mitigated with a well- designed corporate strategy. Those include e.g. the size and complexity of BIM demanding a respective IT infrastructure, limits to the interoperability of different software solutions and lack of mandated BIM use in several countries by public authorities. Next to these disadvantages of BIM, reasons for the lagging implementation of BIM in the management and operation of a building are often stated to be considerations of intellectual property, liability for model errors and associated risks as well as the contractual management and legal status of the models.


9 Moreover, developing and updating BIM models is a cost- and time-intensive task, which is not necessarily performed by those benefiting from later savings: while most of the work is done upfront by architects and engineers, it is usually the owner who saves time and money in the long run during the operation phase (Kivits & Furneaux, 2013). According to (Terreno et al., 2019) using BIM can increase the quality of processes and products, and save time and cost.

Additionally, sociotechnical issues like organizational changes and lack of adequate skill sets to handle model information in combination with FM systems are named to prevent the use of BIM in operations and maintenance (Kivits & Furneaux, 2013).

3.3. Creation of Business Value with BIM

Research about the business value of BIM in operations and maintenance has for now mostly focused on a descriptive and rather qualitative approach, since case studies are rare given the slow implementation in practice even though results both in terms of savings and improved quality due to more precise outputs can be expected (Cecconi et al., 2017). Companies consider the implementation of BIM for creating value by becoming one of the leading companies on the market in digitalization, but are often unsure about the impact the implementation will have on the company’s existing processes and structures. The construction and the design industry has started to harvest the value of BIM, while the O&M phase is still lagging behind (Hoffer, 2016) even though from a life cycle perspective, there is evidence that the most value for owners from using BIM is derived during the management of the building (Cavka et al., 2017). It has further been indicated that sustainable facility management (SFM) has a positive effect on the economic, environmental and social benefits and hence creates value for companies and operations following this vision (Alfalah & Zayed, 2020). An evaluation of existing research in this field (Matarneh et al., 2019) shows that several factors are needed to achieve a successful implementation and hence create value using BIM beyond the construction phase, which amongst others include:

a) Seamless information exchange processes between BIM and FM systems as well as guidance to include all information required in FM for efficient operations across different asset classes and IT systems

b) Information quality process to ensure the consideration of owner/ FM needs in models as well as constant feedback loops between design and operation teams for a more efficient building design


10 c) Integration of different information sources related to maintenance tasks as well

as health & safety tasks to provide a rich semantic database supporting FM systems.

It is however important to note that the value of BIM is not inherent from the beginning, but needs supportive processes and a well-planned strategy to deliver value to an owner organization (Munir et al., 2019b). In this context, it is seldomly the lack of information, but rather the abundance of it together with an absence of established processes and protocols for data management, that put a barrier to the effective use of building data from BIM in combination with Building Management Systems (BMS) (Munir et al., 2019). In order to create business value, the organizational prerequisites and surrounding conditions must not be neglected (Vass & Gustavsson, 2014).

To categorize where the implementation of BIM could be the most helpful to reduce inefficiencies, Carbonari et al. (2018) have assessed the number of data entities potentially available in digital building models for the performance of operation and maintenance tasks.

This has later allowed them to cluster the tasks and recommend priorities to structure the particular BIM implementation.

According to Carbonari et al. (2018), satisfaction surveys, post-occupancy evaluation and business performance evaluation should be addressed first as they are highly inefficient, but only require a limited amount of information from the BIM model. In contrast, tasks like information management, space management and maintenance strategy evaluation are perceived as more efficient and at the same time need to be connected to a lot of information in the models. They are hence recommended to be addressed at a later stage. Tasks like asset records, analysis of maintenance data, whole life costs (high inefficiency and large amount of model information required) as well as market intelligence (low inefficiency and little amount of model information required) are ranked as medium priorities (Carbonari et al., 2018).

Irrespective of the task it is crucial for asset owners to thoroughly identify their organization’s information requirements in order to incorporate relevant data in the model from an early stage, which later facilitates data management and hence value generation in the phase of O&M. For all these tasks to turn out valuable, the organization first needs to understand their organizational business objectives and assess their processes to define and clearly communicate BIM requirements.


11 For each organization, the data requirements will therefore differ and need to be assessed up- front. From there, data and information repositories can be created with the help of BIM data and managed throughout the building lifetime. It is the link between business objectives and the quality of the management of data that ultimately creates value for businesses from several perspectives (Munir et al., 2019a).

3.4. Evaluation of the Business Value of BIM

When it comes to measuring the value contribution of BIM, earlier research has primarily dealt with business value in the design and construction phase. Whereas many companies see a desirable effect of BIM in the future, few are found to measure e.g. the economic effects of BIM (Vass & Gustavsson, 2014). Value parameters of facility management that are positively impacted by the use of BIM have been identified to be culture, satisfaction, image, productivity, innovation, flexibility, quality, collaboration, cost reduction, risk control and asset value (Terreno et al., 2016). It has been found that value can be realized on different levels in an organization: for individuals, systems and the entire business (Munir et al., 2018).

For the design and construction phase, a project-based VDC Scorecard has been developed to assess the maturity of VDC implementation with a total of 57 quantitative measures in four areas (planning, adoption, technology and performance) summarizing ten divisions (objective, standard, preparation - organization, process - maturity, coverage, integration - quantity, quality) (Kam et al., 2017). The prime objectives of this framework were to create a holistic, practical, quantifiable and adaptive tool. It should remain relevant and useful, irrespective of the project nature and asset class in times of rapid technological changes (Kam et al., 2017).

In order to realize value from employing BIM in O&M, a similar strategy has been suggested:

Identifying intangible value expectations (e.g. better decision-making, streamlined processes or better asset information) and translating these into semi-tangible (e.g. fewer errors, reduced budget/schedule overrunning or improved accuracy on forecasts) and then tangible factors (e.g.

reduced effort, cost and time of operations), which can be measured in various ways depending on the organizational capabilities and needs (e.g. as ROI, savings to investment ratio, KPIs or with process mapping). However, for an ROI analysis it is hard to take into account intangible factors that are equally crucial for a firm or a project as tangible metrics. Another problem is that it might be costly and time-consuming and there is no model or standard for calculating ROI for BIM (Hoffer, 2016).


12 In an iterative process, the measured values should then be compared to the initially defined business goals to identify benefits and determine areas of future action (Munir et al., 2018). The appropriate choice of metrics in this process is heavily influenced by the level of operation, i.e.

strategic, tactical and operational building management (Parsanezhad & Song, 2018).



4. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework intends to achieve a better understanding of the research topic by clearly defining the key concepts used in the thesis to avoid ambiguity or vagueness. It will provide a basis for the analysis, discussion and conclusion later in the report to show how the concept of sustainable value can be applied to the use of BIM in Maintenance and Operations.

For this reason, the following chapter focuses on introducing the theoretical concepts of (1) BIM, (2) building operations and maintenance and (3) sustainable business value.

4.1. Building Information Modeling (BIM)

The following chapter will point out how the concept of BIM has evolved and which perspectives it includes until today to give an understanding of where potential use cases in building maintenance and operations exist.

4.1.1. Definition

An example of researchers that have been defining BIM are Singh et al. (2011) who state that

“BIM is an advanced approach object-oriented CAD (Computer-Aided Design), which extends the capability of traditional CAD approach by defining and applying intelligent relationships between the elements in the building model”. Another statement is that BIM is a ”methodology to manage the essential building design and project data in digital format throughout the building’s life-cycle” (Penttilä 2007, page 403). Other definitions or names for BIM are “new CAD paradigm” (Ibrahim, Krawczyk, & Schipporeit, 2004; page 1), “Building Product Models” (Eastman, 1999), and “Building data modelling” (Penttilä, 2007). Tchana et al., (2019) state that “BIM is the expression of the digital model” (page 547).

As stated earlier there are many definitions of BIM and with the examples above prove that the definition of BIM varies and that the term has a different definition to different people. The term BIM has been investigated by researchers before it emerged as a new term (Succar, 2009).


14 4.1.2. BIM Stages and Evolution

The BIM framework proposed by Succar (2009) is tri-axial (xyz-axial) with the different dimensions of BIM fields (x-axis), BIM stages (y-axis) and BIM lenses (z-axis). Figure 4-1 shows the different dimensions of BIM.

Figure 4-1: BIM Framework (based on Succar, 2009)

BIM fields are divided into three activities (Technology, Process, and Policy (TPP)) with two subfields deliverables and players. The technology field is a group of players that are developing equipment, hardware, software and networking systems to increase productivity, profitability and efficiency in the AECO industry. The process field includes players that design, procure, construct, maintain, structure, manufacture and manage buildings. Examples are e.g. architects, engineers, facility owners and other stakeholders that involve delivery, ownership and operations of structures or buildings. Players in the policy field (e.g. insurance companies and educational institutions) focus on allocating risks, distributing benefits, preparing practitioners and decreasing conflicts within the AECO sector (Succar, 2009).


15 BIM stages are divided into three stages: object-based modelling (stage 1), model-based collaboration (stage 2), and network-based integration (stage 3). Before BIM was developed, the AEC industry used computer-aided design (CAD). The use of CAD started in the 1970s (Eastman et al., 2010) and became an acceptable tool for design in the 1980s (Penttilä, 2007).

However, a common problem of using CAD was the limited interoperability between different software systems (Eastman et al., 2010). Initially, a fixed starting point needs to be identified to indicate where the AEC industry is before implementing BIM. In the starting point the collaboration between stakeholders and the investment in technology are low and there is a lack of interoperability. In the first stage each discipline generates a single-disciplinary model and the collaboration in this stage between the stakeholders are not prioritized. Therefore the data exchange is unidirectional and the communication is asynchronous. In stage 2, the collaboration between the stakeholders increases, for example through the exchange of models between the architecture and structural engineering planning. Even if the collaboration has been increasing, the communication does not change in the second stage. In stage three, integrated models are generated and shared in an integrated project delivery (IPD) approach. The collaboration is spanning the whole project life cycle (design, construction and operations phase) and can be supported by model server technologies (Succar, 2009).

BIM lenses are divided into three levels: disciplinary lenses, scoping lenses, and conceptual lenses (Succar, 2009). BIM lenses are “distinctive layers of analysis applied to BIM fields and stages to generate a “knowledge view” (Succar, 2009, page 367). When the domain researcher uses the lenses, they can focus on any aspect of the AECO market and create a knowledge view that can either match the researcher criteria or not fit in the criteria. Disciplinary lenses create BIM views by application of fields of knowledge. Scoping lenses variate vertical and horizontal abstraction of the intended view. To abstract the knowledge view in scoping lenses can be achieved by changing the granularity and filter out unwanted information. Conceptual lenses create knowledge views by using conceptual filters from BIM ontology (Succar, 2009).

4.1.3. Digital Twin

Closely linked to the discussions about using BIM in O&M is the notion of a digital twin. The first time the word Digital Twin was used was in 2002 by Michael Grieves (Grieves, 2014).

The implementation of Digital Twins started around 2010 (Rubén et al., 2019). Like BIM, the concept of a Digital Twin (DT) has many definitions varying between different industries but also between academic and industry (Tchana, Ducellier, & Remy, 2019; Tao et al., 2019).


16 Grieves (2014) created a concept model for the implementation of a Digital Twin, which consists of three parts. The first part is to have a physical product. The second part is to have a virtual product and the third part is to connect both parts to exchange data and information (Grieves, 2014). According to Tchana, Ducellier, & Remy (2019), the Digital Twin gives the user the opportunity to test new ideas and concepts in simulations. The user or owner and building designer can communicate (Tao et al., 2019) to give feedback straight away and evaluate options before they are implemented in real life. Performance monitoring and simulations are other key fields for using the Digital Twin with a major impact on maintenance (Tchana, Ducellier & Remy, 2019).

A Digital Twin is not only a tool, but it is also a process, according to Kaewunruen and Xu (2018) and the Digital Twin is not only used in the built environment industry (Tchana, Ducellier, & Remy, 2019). It is also used in the aeronautics and defense sector for example.

However, there are some challenges to implement the Digital Twin, e.g. the need for new technologies (Tchana, Ducellier, & Remy, 2019).

4.2. Building Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

Following the design and construction phase, Building Operation and Maintenance is the longest and most capital-intensive phase of the building life cycle. The following section provides a definition of the associated tasks and draws a line to the other services and between management levels.

4.2.1. Definition

Based on a literature review in the fields of portfolio, program and project standards and IT management standards, Ebinger and Madritsch (2012) developed a holistic, industry-neutral Facility and Real Estate Management framework spanning across all phases from planning and construction to the maintenance of a building. They distinguish between three management levels as well as four key performance areas (KPA). The framework is deemed suitable for this thesis as literature has found the creation of value to happen on all three levels, especially the strategic one (Vass & Gustavsson, 2014). In addition, it provides an overview of relevant processes that can be used irrespective of the ownership and service structures of individual firms. As indicated in Table 4-1, this thesis will focus on all management levels of KPA 4 since this area covers the operational phase of the building life cycle.


17 Table 4-1: Key Performance Areas in the Production Life Cycle of Facilities

KPA 1:

Strategic Planning

KPA 2:

Portfolio Management

KPA 3:

Project &

Transaction Management

KPA 4:

Operation &

Maintenance Management

> > > > Production Life Cycle of Facilities > > > >

Strategic Level

Strategic Planning

Optimized Investment Decisions

Optimal Capital Project Results

Optimal Enterprise Performance

Portfolio Level

Facilities Planning

Project Portfolio Management

Facilities Portfolio Management Operational


Project Transaction Management

Operations, Maintenance &

Service Management

While KPA 1 (Strategic Planning) rarely involves building management staff when determining the organizational goals and objectives, it does however have a direct impact on the assessment of value in operation and maintenance (Ebinger & Madritsch, 2012). As research has suggested, value creation happens where the building maintenance and operation practices support the overall organizational strategy for the core businesses in the most efficient way possible (Vass

& Gustavsson, 2014).

According to Ebinger and Madritsch (2012, page 190), all business processes “generate strategic value even if they are implemented in an operational environment”. KPA 1 is therefore regarded as “top of the value stream” (Ebinger & Madritsch, 2012, page 190), where strategic objectives are derived from the organization’s mission, vision and business strategy (Madritsch

& Ebinger, 2011). KPA 2 and 3 provide the link between these two areas by translating the organizational strategy into real estate options, the selection and financing of the preferred option (KPA 2) and the actual acquisition or construction of physical facilities (KPA 3).

4.2.2. Key Processes

Starting from the three different management levels of KPA 4 presented in Table 4-1, several fields of operations and key processes are identified by Ebinger and Madritsch (2012). KPA 4 is dominated by operational functions, which are linked to a tactical function.


18 Those manage the work to ensure consistent and efficient operations to enable the optimal performance of the organization in an attractive physical environment (Ebinger & Madritsch, 2012). The list of processes in Table 4-2 is chosen to provide a cohesive perspective in line with the general definition of the KPAs in the previous chapter.

It is referred to and built upon in other research papers such as Parsanezhad (2015) and resonates with other process structures like the one suggested in the common national BIM requirements (COBIM) in Finland (Finne, 2012), that divides facility management processes into the areas of operative property management (Management, Finance, Maintenance, Repairs) and end-user services. At the same time, it does however provide a more holistic view and helps to stress the link between organizational strategy and building performance and services (Parsanezhad, 2015).


19 Table 4-2: Management Levels and Processes in Building Operations & Maintenance

Function Processes Description

Strategic Level (Steering)

Optimized enterprise performance in an environment for opt.

organizational functioning

Performance Analysis and Evaluation

Steering function to align tactical and operational

performance with

organizational goals in iterative process

Tactical Level (Co- ordination)

Optimized operational performance at low

cost through

establishment of service level agreements (SLA) with users to ensure the provision of right services at agreed level of costs


Resource Mgmt.

Ensure adequate staffing of all facilities functions

Facilities Risk/

Regulatory Management

Monitor and mitigate risks associated with existing facilities portfolio; ensure meeting of regulatory requirements

Facilities Client Management

Maintain close relationship with clients to ensure operational functions meet their expectations/ needs

Facilities Performance Management

Monitor operational level to ensure meeting of performance goals in SLAs

Facilities Audit Monitor condition of facility portfolio; identify needs for renewals/ replacements → feedback to KPA 1 & 2

Operational Level


Run and preserve existing facilities and provide facility- related services

Services Management

Property Management, Lease Administration, Space Management, Food/ Security/

Fleet Services, Office Support, Cleaning

Maintenance Management

Preventive and reactive maintenance of existing asset portfolio, repair work if needed Operations


Operation of facilities systems (HVAC, electrical, plumbing) to provide optimal work environment for core business functions; sub-processes for utility and energy management


20 The maintenance management can be split in preventive and corrective maintenance as suggested by Mangano and De Marco (2014). Downtime costs during corrective maintenance are often high due to damages to other components and a drop in the revenue stream. Therefore, preventive maintenance policies are adopted by a growing number of organizations in an attempt to minimize repair work. Preventive maintenance can be performed both in scheduled time intervals and based on the condition of a component. The latter one is the more resource- efficient strategy as it closely monitors the state of facility equipment (Parsanezhad, 2014).

4.3. Sustainable Business Value

“Value” as a term is not precisely defined or validated empirically (Windsor, 2017). Originally it focused on the perspective of economic shareholder value as a “surplus or gain in someone’s welfare relative to previous conditions”, occurring in any voluntary two-party exchange transaction as a Pareto improvement (Windsor, 2017, page 74). In the early 1990s, companies began to extend this view to environmental and social metrics.

4.3.1. Pillars of Sustainability

Considering a range of economic, environmental and social indicators in business value propositions is commonly known as the “triple bottom line” of economic well-being, environmental quality, and social justice (Arora et al., 2016). All three pillars are linked closely and interdependently. Social sustainability is studied least, but can drive the incorporation of economic and ecological sustainability (Ajmal et al., 2017). There is also a growing awareness of the existing social and environmental consequences of economic decisions (Arora et al., 2016). A holistic business strategy needs to address benefits and costs not only for customers, investors and shareholders, but also for employees, suppliers and partners, the society and the environment (Bocken et al., 2013). Sustainability balances the interests of all these stakeholders in a way that an increase in value for one party does not harm another. Economic Sustainability

To incorporate sustainability into the pursuit of economic value creation beyond the increase of consumer and producer surplus (Windsor, 2017), the thought of life cycle costs is prevailing in sustainable facility operations and project conceptions. Traditional economic cost accounting is still employed for monitoring KPIs like the return on investment (ROI) or internal rate of return (IRR) of an investment, but left alone they lead to decisions that negatively impact environmental costs (Zhong & Wu, 2015).


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