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Material flow An analysis of a production area for improved material flow


Academic year: 2021

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Material flow

An analysis of a production area for improved material flow

Madeleine Stridh

Industrial Design Engineering, master's level 2020

Luleå University of Technology

Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences



Master of Science Thesis in Industrial Design Engineering Material flow

An analysis of a production area for improved material flow

© Madeleine Stridh

Published and distributed by Luleå University of Technology SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden Telephone: + 46 (0) 920 49 00 00 Printed in Luleå Sweden by

Luleå University of Technology Reproservice Luleå, 2020



I would firstly like to express my sincere gratitude to my two supervisors at ABB, Karl Williams and Ken Huynh. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to conduct my master thesis at your organization, as well as for valuable input and guidance. I would also like to warmly thank everyone at ABB who has been involved in this project. Thank you for your participation, input and engagement.

Secondly, I would like to thank my supervisor, Magnus Stenberg, lecturer at Luleå University of Technology. I appreciate your feedback and guidance throughout the entire project.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my family and friends who have supported and encouraged me along the way.

Madeleine Stridh June, 2020



Focus in the world today is quality and customer orientation. An organization needs to understand the concept of value from the perspective of a customer in order to keep up with expectations on quality, and the turbulent and global environment of today characterized by rapidly changing conditions. This master thesis project was conducted at ABB in Sweden during spring 2020. It is essential for ABB to have an ongoing focus on improvement to maintain a successful organization and enable a competitive future of quality and innovation.

The aim of this project was to identify ways to improve material flow and reduce the amount of non-value-added activities that exist in a particular assembly process today. The objective of the project was to conduct proposals on realistic actions for improvement for implementation.

Initially in the project a current state was performed and compiled into a specification of requirements and visualized through overall mapping of the material and communication flow. Two of the requirements were reducing the total lead time and ensure the same, or improved, physical and psychosocial work environment. The result of the current state showed that material is not available when needed, material shelves are not structured, and material flow is not optimal.

Analysis methods used for analyzing the current state were material flow charts, value stream mapping and spaghetti diagrams. The outcome of the performed analyzes were then used as the foundation for a compiled list of problem areas.

All previous performed work was then summarized, discussed and developed into a list of actions for improvement. This phase was performed by initially generating a great amount of ideas, which were then reviewed and evaluated in consideration of the specification of requirements. In addition to the final list of actions, a mapping of the future state was conducted to support the actions and visualize what a future state could look like if the actions are implemented. Lastly, the final list of actions was complemented with another list – a living document of the actions. This document gives the opportunity on a regular basis to monitor progress and should be regularly reviewed and updated.

To ensure a successful implementation of improvement work based on the conducted action list, it is recommended to define and clarify responsibility for each action as well as target date and end date. Furthermore, the list should be continuously modified to ensure implementation. It is as well recommended to acknowledge implemented improvements in parallel with performing actions to maintain motivation. Additionally, participation in implementation and promoting dialogue, transparency and respect are valuable factors reducing the negative effects of the implementation of improvement concepts and contributes to a sustainable development of the improvement work.

Keywords: Production development, material flow, value-adding activities, waste, mapping



Fokus i världen idag är kvalitet och kundnöjdhet. Det är avgörande för en organisation att förstå konceptet av värde ur kundens perspektiv för att kunna möta kraven på kvalitet. Dagens turbulenta och globala miljö kännetecknad av snabbt föränderliga förhållanden ställer även det krav på organisationer. Detta examensarbete utfördes på ABB i Sverige under våren 2020. Det är av stor betydelse för ABB att ha ett löpande fokus på förbättringar för att upprätthålla en framgångsrik organisation och möjliggöra en konkurrenskraftig framtid av kvalitet och innovation.

Syftet med projektet var att identifiera sätt att förbättra materialflödet samt reducera antal icke värdeskapande aktiviteter som idag existerar i en specifik produktionsprocess. Målet var att ta fram förslag på realistiska och implementerbara aktiviteter för förbättring.

Inledningsvis i projektet sammanställdes nuläget i form av en kravspecifikation och överskådlig kartläggning av material- och kommunikationsflödet. Ett krav var att reducera den totala ledtiden. Ett annat krav var att garantera den samma, eller en förbättring av, fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Resultatet av nuläget visade att material inte alltid är tillgängligt vid behov, att materialhyllor inte är strukturerade samt att materialflödet inte är optimalt. Analysmetoder som användes för att analysera nuläget var materialflödeskartor, värdeflödesanalyser och spagettidiagram.

Utfallet av analyserna utgjorde grunden för en sammanställd problemlista.

Allt tidigare utfört arbete summerades, diskuterades och utvecklades till en lista av aktiviteter för förbättring. Denna fas av projektet utfördes genom att initialt generera en mängd idéer som sedan utvärderades med hänsyn till kravspecifikationen. Utöver den slutliga aktivitetslistan genomfördes även en kartläggning av ett potentiellt framtida läge i syfte att stödja aktiviteterna och visualisera hur ett framtida tillstånd skulle kunna se ut om aktiviteterna genomförs. Slutligen kompletterades aktivitetslistan med ytterligare en lista - ett levande aktivitetsdokument. Detta dokument möjliggör kontinuerlig styrning av processen och bör regelbundet ses över och uppdateras.

För att säkerställa ett framgångsrikt genomförande av förbättringsarbete baserat på den framtagna aktivitetslistan rekommenderas det att definiera och klargöra ansvaret, samt start- och slutdatum, för varje aktivitet. Dessutom bör listan uppdateras kontinuerligt för att säkerställa ett genomförande. Vidare rekommenderas det att uppmärksamma genomförda förbättringar parallellt med utförande av aktiviteter för att upprätthålla motivation till förbättringsarbetet.

Dessutom är deltagande i implementeringsprocessen samt främjande av dialog, öppenhet och respekt värdefulla faktorer som minskar de negativa effekterna av implementering av förbättringskoncept samt bidrar till en hållbar utveckling av förbättringsarbetet.

Nyckelord: Produktionsutveckling, materialflöde, kartläggning, värdeskapande aktiviteter




1.1 Background 1

1.2 Stakeholders 2

1.3 Objective and aims 2

1.4 Project scope 2

1.5 Thesis outline 2


2.1 Industrial design engineering 4

2.2 Lean 4

2.2.1 5S 5

2.2.2 Wastes 6

2.3 Systematic work environment management 6 2.4 Seven principles of quality management 7

2.5 Flow Analysis 8

2.6 Production Ergonomics 9


3.1 Project process 10

3.2 Project planning 11

3.3 Mapping of current and future state 12

3.4 literature review 13

3.5 Analyzes 14

3.5.1 Material flow chart 14

3.5.2 Value stream mapping 14

3.5.3 Spaghetti diagrams 15

3.5.4 List of problems 16

3.6 Development of ideas 17

3.7 Action list 18

3.8 Method discussion 18


4.1 Current state 21

4.1.1 Overall flow chart 21

4.1.2 Map of production building 23

4.2 Future state 24


5.1 Material and communication flow 25

5.2 Value stream mapping 26

5.3 Spaghetti diagram 28

5.4 List of problem areas 30


7.1 Generation of ideas 34

7.2 Evaluation of ideas 36

7.3 Implementation 39

7.4 Action list 41


8.1 The result 44

8.2 Relevance 45

8.3 Conclusions 46

8.3.1 Objectives and aim 46

8.3.2 Research questions 46

8.4 Recommendations 47



List of appendices

Appendix A. Spaghetti diagrams of current state 1 page Appendix B. Spaghetti diagrams of future state 1 page

Appendix C. Gantt scheme 1 page

List of figures

Figure 1. Illustration of 5S 6

Figure 2. Illustration of iteration 10

Figure 3. Project circle 10

Figure 4. Methods for collecting information, analyzing and developing ideas 11 Figure 5. Symbols used for current and future state charts 13

Figure 6. Kaizen symbol 14

Figure 7. Symbols used for value stream mapping 15

Figure 8. Performed spaghetti diagram for one of the process steps 16

Figure 9. Overall flow chart of current state 22

Figure 10. Map of production building 23

Figure 11. Overall flow chart with Kaizen symbols 26 Figure 12. Value stream map of assembly process of Product A 26

Figure 13. Segment of value stream map in detail 27

Figure 14. Spaghetti diagram for one of the production steps 28 Figure 15. Spaghetti diagram showing picking of material 29 Figure 16. Spaghetti diagram of the whole assembly process 29 Figure 17. The currently used cart for material picking 32 Figure 18. Shelf not able to be pulled out from that position 33

Figure 19. Black barrel with sticks 33

Figure 20. Material placed along passage 33

Figure 21. Illustration of development of ideas 36

Figure 22. Overall flow chart of future state 42

Figure 23. Total future state spaghetti diagram 43

Figure 24. Future state value stream map 43

Figure 25. Reduced times and percentages in detail 44




Activities that does not add value add to the cost of doing business. This is a thesis project focusing on improving material flow by reducing non-value-added activities. It focuses on the process of producing a product designed to ensure effective and reliable utilization of the capacity of a robot. The thesis project is performed in Sweden for the quality department at the power and automation technology company ABB. It is the final course of the Master of Science program Industrial Design at Luleå University of Technology performed during spring of 2020.


Focus in the world today is quality and customer orientation Meland (2017). An organization needs to understand the concept of value from the perspective of a customer in order to keep up with expectations on quality, and the turbulent and global environment of today characterized by rapidly changing conditions (Czifra et al., 2019). It is essential for organizations to have an ongoing focus on improvement to maintain a successful organization and enable a competitive future of quality and innovation (ISO, 2015).

Today’s manufacturing environment is highly dynamic and uncertain. It is characterized by shorter delivery times, shorter life cycles of technologies and products, increased product variety, increased levels of customization at the price of standard products, quality as well as demand variability, and intense global competition. These changing requirements demand rapidly and adaptive responding production systems that are able to adjust to the required changes in the distribution of the orders, production capacity and processing functions (Kaasinen et al., 2020).

ABB is a pioneering leader of technology and digital transformation of industries operating globally with more than 100 000 employees. It is a global company with local appearance founded more than 100 years ago. The company has four businesses and all of them are among the forefront of their area. This project will focus on the production department for Product A - the product in question will throughout this thesis be referred to as Product A. The production process for Product A is performed at the same station during the whole process and it takes about one to four days to complete a Product A depending on size and characteristics.

The process for producing Product A currently has several possible areas for improvement. The production workers as well as other involved people at the organization have expressed a need for improvement work. Analysis and development work performed during last year as well confirms that. One example of areas in need for improvement is material flow which is what this project will be focusing on. Previously performed analysis also show that work involves a lot of non-value-added time. It is believed that there are possibilities to reduce the amount of non- value-adding activities and through that improve the material flow and reduce the total lead time. Further investigations in this area have not been conducted and so it remains to identify possible areas for improvement and actions for improvement. It is therefore of relevance to continue the work on these areas to develop possible proposals on realistic actions for reducing non-value-added time and improve material flow. Additionally, this project is relevant since the production department for Product A recently moved to a new location in the same industrial area.



Stakeholders of this project are mainly the operators and other people working in the production, and the support organization responsible for the production producing Product A.

Support organization are responsible for production quality, production technique, planning, ordering of material etc. Management will be affected as they will be involved in decision making on how to proceed with the outcome of the project and possible implementations. They will also have to make other decisions, such as economical decisions. Other departments like purchase, logistics and packaging of incoming material might as well be affected. Another group of people that will be affected and of great interest for the project is the project group responsible for the move of the production department.


The aim of the project is to identify ways to improve material flow and reduce the amount of non-value-added activities that exist in the assembly process for Product A today. Expected objectives of the project are proposals on realistic actions for improvement for implementation.

Four research questions have been developed. The project will be performed in accordance to these questions and the final result of the project will answer them. The research questions are:

- Which non-value-added activities connected to material flow exist today?

- What other problems associated with material flow exist today?

- How can these non-value-added activities be reduced?

- In what other ways can the material flow be improved?


The project comprises 800 hours of work distributed on 20 weeks during spring of 2020. As this project is a comprehensive survey of work tasks involving a great amount of possible areas of interest it is a presumption to limit the project in order to reach the expected goal within the time limit.

The current process, which the company has requested an analysis on, cover the whole process from incoming order of a Product A to delivery to end customer. In order to perform a detailed and accurate result the current process is divided into two projects. This specific project will focus on the part of the process performed in the production and more specifically on the material flow. Potential financial decisions or suggestions concerning solutions will not be performed. Though, it is possible for additional areas to be added and changes to be made throughout the project process.


This thesis consists of nine chapters starting with an introduction to the thesis in chapter one. The second chapter contains the theoretical framework, which is the scientific foundation of this thesis. Initially, a short description of industrial design engineering is presented followed by relevant theory to this thesis.

The third chapter describes the process and planning of the project. The chapter also describes methodology used for gathering information, mapping and analyzing the current state as well as developing and evaluating ideas. Lastly, a method discussion is presented.

The fourth chapter presents the current state including specification of requirements and a vision of the future state.



The fifth chapter includes the different analyzes performed in order to compile a list of concerns.

The chapter ends with a presentation of the final list of concerns.

The sixth chapter describes the generation and evaluation of ideas for improvement followed by an action plan consisting of actions for improvement.

The seventh chapter presents the final result of the thesis.

The eighth chapter includes a discussion of the result and the relevance of the project, along with recommendations and a conclusion on how well the project reached the stated objective and aims.

The ninth and final chapter covers a complete list of the references used throughout the project.



Literature review

This chapter consist of the theory and literature that was researched and gathered through a literature review. The gathered literature was used as a basis of knowledge and information for supporting the continuing work of the project. The areas of literature is based on areas of relevance for the project and in the field of industrial design engineering.


According to Colledani et al. (2014) a continuous challenge for all producing companies is to use their processes and systems in the most efficient way to deliver the required product quality with minimum use of resources. Key factors for reaching these goals are product quality and delivery reliability. Additionally, the increasing focus on sustainability sets pressure on sustainable production, efficiency along the entire value flow and correct use of resources. Product quality, production planning and maintenance are significant factors for achieving these goals. It is as well a complex issue to manage and improve.

Even if low price production can cause quality problems and outsourcing can lead to variations in knowledge regarding crucial competence, failures are more likely to happen when communication fails between parties in the value chain and through unclear definitions of technical interfaces. Most failures that occur are caused in the production phase, which indicates that identifying the root causes can save cost and image for the companies.

To identify root causes different parts of the organization need to be involved and cooperate, though it needs to be considered that the parties involved can have conflicting goals. Finding a balance and cooperation between stakeholders is therefore seen as a key factor for success. The complexity of processes and systems today will be a challenge to reach the target.

The main target is to reach maximum production quality, i.e. the company's ability to deliver the requested products according to customer expectations on time, while minimizing the resource utilization. To do that one main factor is production system architecture, since many aspects show that it does affects the production quality performance. In machining and assembly production, it has been found that decisions regarding the design of the operating speed of the system are strongly related to the product quality (Colledani et al., 2014).

2.2 LEAN

Lean is a globally practiced and powerful concept focusing on minimizing waste of resources and activities that does not add value, and maximizing customer benefit. Non-value-added activities refers to work that consumes resources, but does not add value to the product. It started as Toyotas development strategy, Toyota Production System, in the 1990´s and has spread throughout the world. (Liker, 2004).

Achieving the goal of eliminating all waste that does not add value and making incremental improvements is called kaizen. It is a Japanese term for continuous improvement. Ultimately, the core of kaizen is a way of thinking and associates an attitude of self-criticism and self-reflection - a burning desire to improve (Liker, 2004).



Meland (2017) describes how changes and trends today promote Lean as a strategy. It is of importance to work in a way that can handle challenges and enables innovation. In order to create quality, effectiveness and satisfy the needs of the customers it is important to not organize by resources but instead use flow and processes. Focus in the world today is moving from production orientation towards quality and customer orientation and delayed deliveries can be devastating. Companies need to have a comprehensive view, customer focus and updated strategies. It is also of importance to take advantage of the motivation of the employees through participation and reliance, and improve the company’s effectiveness through measuring, following up and continuous improvement work.

A literature review by Westgaard & Winkel (2011) identifies mental and physical health effects and risk factors of production system rationalization. Mechanical risk factors at individual level are for example mechanical variation, muscle load and movement pattern. Psychosocial risk factors are for example role overload, mental variation and emotional demands. Risk factors that has an impact both mechanically and psychosocially are for example stress, workload, time pressure and job demands. These risk factors have various effects on the health, such as musculoskeletal disorders, pain, exhaustion, anxiety and burnout. Contextual factors and measures in lean practice rationalizations vary much between different studies. About half the lean practice studies show negative outcome for risk factors. Negative outcomes in lean practice in particular are, for example, increased workload and job demands, reduced job satisfaction, high work pace and more repetitive tasks. These outcomes can be reduced by favorable modifiers, such as worker participation, information, support and procedural justice.

According to Meland (2017) some people have a good experience from practicing Lean while other have a less good experience. There are different reasons to why the Lean concept has not worked out for some. One common reason is that employers do not explain to the employees why they are going to be practicing Lean and if it is explained then it is usually only explained to the people in the higher levels of the hierarchy. Another reason can be that the company sees the implementation of Lean as a project and not as a concept. It also happens that the concept of Lean is perceived as overwhelming when implemented in a too large scale too quickly, or the opposite that the efforts are too weak and too slow. It is important to have a vision and a forward-looking investment in order to reach success with the use of Lean. It is also of importance to define why and how one is going to be working with Lean, and to motivate all levels and functions through education and participation. In order to motivate to continuous work it is of relevance to verify reached goals and acknowledge improvements (Meland, 2017).

2.2.1 5S

A well-known and frequently used tool within Lean is 5S, illustrated in figure 1. 5S is a method aiming to create a functional and well-organized workplace. This leads to increased employee productivity and commitment, shorter lead time, better flow in processes and decreased risks of accidents. The use of the method helps making sure that problems are not being covered and that wastes are not accumulated over time leading to a wrong way of working (Alsterman et al., 2015).



Figure 1: Illustration of 5S

5S consist of five phases: Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. Sort refers to removing all tools and parts not needed for an operation and only keep what is necessary. Straighten means that all tools needed shall have a fixed place and a fixed quantity. Shine means to clean the workplace according to standards following an on-going routine. Standardize refers to an agreement that procedures are being performed the same way and the new created setup in the working area is being followed. Lastly, sustain implies to making sure all involved follow the agreed routines and standards (Alsterman et al., 2015).

2.2.2 Wastes

According to Liker (2004) Toyota has acknowledged seven major types of wastes as non-value- added activities. One of the types is over-production, which means producing more than needed. This, for example, leads to decreasing profitability due to poor inventory management, unnecessary costs and hidden product defects until the products leave storage. Over-production is said to be the “mother of wastes”. Another type among the worst wastes is waiting, which refers to workers having to stand around and wait for supply, tool, the next processing step etc., or having to wait because of, for example, delays, capacity bottlenecks, concerns or defects.

Unnecessary conveyance or transport is a third type of waste. It means creation of inefficient transport, carrying work in process or moving parts, materials, or finished goods between processes or into or out of storage. Another waste is unnecessary movement, which refers to any wasted motion workers have to perform during their work, such as reaching for, looking for, or stacking tool, parts etc. A fifth type of waste is defects, which involves correction or production of defective parts. Inspection, repair, replacement production and rework mean wasteful time, handling, and effort. Additionally, unused employee creativity, involving losing ideas, skills etc.

by not listening or engaging employees is another type of waste. (Liker, 2004).


As explained by Ståhl and Ekberg (2016) some studies show that the concept of Lean contributes to an interesting and varying work while other studies show that the implementation of Lean leads to increasing demands and intensive working speed. A production governed by needs can increase work intensity and demands on pressure of time. 5S and participation can result in a better overview, order and structure, and a safer work environment.



Standardization can increase demands on routines and documentation, limit possibilities to own responsibility and create new demands. On the other hand, it can lead to employees needing to put less effort on simpler routine tasks and through that have time to perform more complex and interesting tasks. It can as well encourage participation in creating standards and analyzing work for improvement. It is of importance to be aware that there are variations in how the same tool in Lean is perceived (Ståhl and Ekberg, 2016).

As mentioned by Ståhl and Ekberg (2016) systematic work environment intends to promote a satisfying work environment and prevent and investigate work related ill-health. A satisfying work environment refers to, for example, liberty of action, collaboration, variation, possibilities to influence and development. Ill-health includes diseases according to medical and objective criteria as well as various physical and mental disorders that are not diseases in objective sense like musculoskeletal disorders and reaction to stress. The systematic work environment management is supposed to methodically counteract and follow up risk for ill-health and accidents.

It is of importance that the employers have knowledge about the opportunities and effects of organizing work in new ways. It is also important to consider the fact that groups of workers are affected in different ways by the implementation of new ways of working. The knowledge needs to be integrated within the whole organization and involve everyone concerned (Ståhl and Ekberg, 2016).

The systematic work environment management should include resources and requirements in social and physical work environment as well as an analysis of how Lean tools are practiced combined with the organization’s requisites. This is something that can not be done without the employees’ participation. Organizational fairness, participation in implementation and a supporting leadership promoting dialogue, transparency and respect is valuable factors moderating and reducing the negative effects of the implementation of Lean tools. It as well contributes to a sustainable development of the tools (Ståhl and Ekberg, 2016).


Principles are basic beliefs, rules or theories majorly influencing the way something is done. The seven principles of quality management are a set of fundamental norms, beliefs, values and rules that have been accepted as true and are used as a basis for quality management. These principles are developed and updated by international experts and can be used as a foundation in guiding an organization’s performance improvement. The relative importance of each principle varies from organization to organization (ISO, 2015).

One of the principles is engagement of people. It is essential to have competent and engaged people at all levels throughout the organization to manage an organization efficiently and effectively. It is also essential in order to enhance its capability of creating and delivering value.

Actions that an organization can take are communicating with people to promote understanding, promote collaboration and facilitate open discussion and sharing of knowledge. Along with that an organization should acknowledge and recognize people’s improvement, contribution and learning. One of the principles, process approach, means that consistent results are achieved more efficiently and effectively when activities are managed and understood as interrelated processes functioning as one coherent system. Two key benefits are predictable and consistent outcomes through a system of aligned processes and enhanced ability to focus on key processes. It as well leads to reduced barriers and efficient use of resources (ISO, 2015).



Another principle is improvement, which refers to having an ongoing focus on improvement to maintain a successful organization. This is essential to create new opportunities and to react to changes in its external and internal conditions. Actions that an organization can take is promoting establishment of improvement objectives and integrate improvement considerations into the development of modified or new processes, services and goods. It is also essential to audit, review and track the results, implementation and planning of improvement projects. As for the other principle an organization should as well acknowledge and recognize improvement (ISO, 2015).

Evidence-based decision making is another of the principles. Decisions are more likely to produce desired results if they are based on analyzes and evaluation of information and data.

Actions to take are to monitor and measure key indicators to demonstrate performance, analyze and evaluate information and data using suitable methods and to make decisions based on evidence, balanced with intuition and experience (ISO, 2015).


According to Czifra et al. (2019) the turbulent and global environment of today is characterized by rapidly changing conditions. Businesses want to innovate their production and are looking for more quality and efficiency. One of the possibilities is strategies aiming at reducing cost by removing non-value-added (NVA) activities. A widely used strategy tool focusing on value flow and reducing waste is value stream mapping. An organization need to understand the concept of value from the perspective of a customer and know what the value for the final customer really is. It is also important to correctly define the value flows in the process of the production and determine the value-added (VA) steps. That is required in order to eliminate or reduce wastage and create a smooth flow of material (Czifra et al., 2019).

As mentioned by Liker (2004) value-added activities in a process are those in which something is added to the product for which the customer is willing to pay. Non-value-added activities, on the other hand, are those that does not increase the worth of the product delivered to the customer. All processes include activities that do not add value, though some of the non-value- added activities are necessary to make the product happen. An example of a non-value-added but necessary activity is when an operator has to reach to get a tool. The idea is to minimize the time spent on non-value-added activities by positioning the material and tools as close as possible, and eliminate the non-value-added activities that are not necessary. In order to identify value-added time, measure the lead time, which is the time between initiation and completion of a process, per operation, and the value-added time per operation and add them up (Liker, 2004).

AR & al-Ashraf (2012) describe value stream mapping as an effective three-step method for approaching the entire process flow. The method begins with producing a diagram of the current state showing how the actual process operates. Secondly, a map showing the future state is produced to identify root causes of waste and define improvements. These defined improvements are then carried out and translated into detailed and actual actions compiled into an action plan (AR & al-Ashraf, 2012).

Layout of production and processes is an important task. Things that need to be taken into consideration when forming a layout is to logically place tools and material in the working area of the worker and to make sure the heaviest and most used objects are placed at a reasonable height. It is important to secure processes that are potentially dangerous and make sure the length of the flow of information and material is proportionate. It is also important to enable flow transparency meaning that every flow should be well marked and obvious to everyone involved and use space appropriately (Czifra et al., 2019).



Communicating and conducting analyzes in a visual way is universal and decreases waste caused by misunderstandings. Liker (2004) highlights the importance of visual management and that is must allow for sharing and communication and therefore involve everyone concerned.

Designing simple visual systems and analysis supports flow and understanding (Liker, 2004).

Ismail et al. (2019) describes how lean tools, such as 5S and value stream mapping, are capable to be used for analysis on its own, though it is preferable to use several tools together to create a more detailed and wholesome analysis result. In order to anticipate future change in customer needs and demands organizations can use tools to analyze its capacity to react productively and efficiently against challenges, without suffering additional waste.


According to Berlin & Adams (2017) ergonomics can signify physical activities and demands of a job, as well as how the human mind understands interfaces and instructions. It can also signify how teamwork, work organization and motivation influences efficiency and human well-being.

How an organization chooses to handle production ergonomics varies from organization to organization.

A proactive approach is characterized by seeing production ergonomics as a high regard for keeping workforce healthy and as a source of long-term cost savings and getting knowledge about production ergonomics into early planning stages. A reactive approach though usually leaves risks and issues unaddressed until problems start showing, such as injuries, worker pain and sick leave. Engineers who has knowledge of ergonomics can have a positive long-term impact on business since their knowledge about human capabilities and needs can be translated into system design changes that in turn can avert ill-health and safety risks (Berlin & Adams, 2017).

Unnecessary physical disabilities are terrible wastes that should be avoided. It can be avoided in two steps: designing work environments that lessen the strain on the human body and evaluating ergonomic risks. This will minimize the adverse risks of load weight, forced working postures, static work, repetitive working tasks, time pressure, working technique and stress (Berlin &

Adams, 2017).

Two factors that may influence body posture is space and stress. Space refers to determining how much space around a task that is enough to avoid unnecessary loading and how to design with safety margins. Another aspect to consider is whether the available space suits all sizes and body types. Stress refers to reducing high mental load or high pace of work. Tension from stress can lead to discomfort and pain. Stress can result from demands, psychosocial environment or task speed. There are several production ergonomics pitfalls that may lead to an increased risk for injuries. These pitfalls include repeated heavy lifting, stretching to reach, and lifting large and bulky shaped objects (Berlin & Adams, 2017).



Method and implementation

This chapter presents the planning and chosen work processes for the project. It also includes methods used for literature review, analyzes and development of ideas for improvement. Lastly, this chapter includes a method discussion.


An iterative process according to Wikberg Nilsson, Ericson, & Törlind (2015) means continuously returning to the cause of the problem throughout the project, which is visualized in figure 2. Through this process one will gradually develop an understanding for the situation and ensure that the requirements are being met and the goals are being reached. This project is performed on a complex and comprehensive system and involves a great amount of information and empirical data. It is therefore valuable to use an iterative process to ensure everything is covered and considered when developing possible improvements.

Karlsson et al. (2011) describes the project circle as a process including eight steps, from identification of needs and requirements and planning to evaluation and development. A visualization of the project circle is seen below in figure 3. Another method used for development processes is one described by Ulrick and Eppinger (2012) which includes six phases including for example planning, detail design and testing and refinement. The project circle is more useful and relatable for this specific project and has therefore been chosen as the one to work in accordance to. As seen in figure 3 the last two steps of the project cycle are grey and are not included in this project, mainly due to time limit. In accordance to the iterative process the project circle will be repeatedly performed three times during the process. Every phase of the iterative process includes three phases. These three different phases include collect, analyze and develop and are visualized in figure 4 below.

Figure 2: Illustration of iteration Figure 3: Project circle



Figure 4: Methods for collecting information, analyzing and developing ideas


First step of a project process after getting the project initiated and approved by stakeholders is planning the project. According to ProjectManager (2020) planning is invaluable and streamlines the doing. In order to manage a project successfully one need a bigger picture view of what needs to happen and how it is going to be performed. Project plans are also useful for monitoring progress. You can go back to them and get a reality check, which enables you to change course if needed and bring the project back on track.

According to Wikberg Nilsson, Ericson and Törnlind (2013) a project plan is continuously updated throughout the project process. After deciding more specifically on project scope, aim and objectives a meeting was scheduled with the supervisor at the company to ensure he agreed.

It was as well decided that a follow up-meeting was going be held at ABB every two weeks. The supervisor, another responsible person working for the same department and the production leader for the current production line were invited. The project owner was responsible for scheduling the meeting. Apart from the follow-up meeting the project owner worked independently and contacted the supervisor or other people of interest when needed through face to face meetings, phone call or email. A weekly email with updates on the work and process was sent to the supervisor at Luleå University of Technology. Additional communication was held through phone calls, Skype and email depending on needs and occasion. Feedback was also given in connection to the presentations.

A Gantt scheme visualizing the time period of the project was established. The scheme gave a valuable overview of the process and made it possible to structure activities and get a sense of how they relate, which made the project seem less overwhelming. The Gantt scheme visualizing the time frame including phases and deadlines is seen in Appendix C. Grey represents general deadlines given by the university and red represents phases and parts of the project concerning this specific project. As mentioned, this project uses an iterative process divided into three greater phases. Two main presentations will be performed in connection to the first and the third phase.

This scheme is a flexible plan and changes might occur throughout the process.



The project’s first stage comprised of integrating with the people at the organization and gaining knowledge and understanding for the production and the processes within the production.

Initially for this phase, a meeting with the supervisors was held to confirm that everyone involved are on the same page concerning goals and, through that, knowing what information that is relevant to gather. During the first few weeks of the project a great amount of time was spent in the production observing and talking to the workers to get an understanding in practice and integrate with them. During the time in production observations were performed, notes were written down and pictures were taken. The notes were written down on paper and later transferred to a document on the computer.

Furthermore, about ten interviews were held with people of interest from other departments, such as logistics, production technicians, quality management team and purchasing, in order to get their perspective on the situation and integrate with them. The production department for Product A recently moved to a new location in the same industrial area and it was therefore also of interest to meet with the people in the project group responsible for the move of the department. Some questions and topics were decided on before the interviews and the supplementary questions then differed depending on what was said during each interview. These meetings were documented directly on a computer. The information gathered from production workers and people outside of the production, along with the more practical understanding through observations, was then summarized.

The summarized current state was then compiled into a specification of requirements described in chapter 6 and visualized through mapping of the material and communication flow showed in chapter 4.1. The list of requirements was compiled based on the goals set in the beginning of the project along with the summarized current state. It was then discussed and confirmed by people of interest at the organization, which involves people in and outside of the production. Worth mentioning is that requirements and needs were adjusted and supplemented throughout the project as information was added and changes occurred. As the requirements where adjusted throughout the process the adjustments where discussed and followed up with the people at the organization. It as well happened that people at the organization returned with additional insights and information along the way.

Two different visualizations, a map and a chart, of the current state were performed. According to Bicheno & Holweg (2013) the purpose of an overall flow chart is to clarify the superior logic of the production. It is performed by drawing arrows between squares symbolizing actions or departments. Various standard symbols exist, though it is possible to create own symbols. It is also mentioned how the flow chart can be supplemented with a main plan of actions for reaching a future state. The people working with the project concerning the flow chart should meet around the chart to check and monitor the work throughout the process (Bicheno & Holweg, 2013).

The map described in chapter 4.1.2, showing exclusively current material flow in the production building, was conducted based on a layout provided from an employee at ABB. The chart described in chapter 4.1.1 was conducted using the diagramming and vector graphics application Microsoft Visio. In this chart the production building as well as external storages and/or distribution centers was added. Furthermore, both material and communication flow were added.



Mapping of the future state was performed throughout the project process as new ideas and information was identified. It was initiated using the information and knowledge gathered through mapping the current state along with the specification of requirements. The future state flow chart is a developed version of the current state flow chart and the final version can be seen in chapter 7.3. It was as well conducted in Microsoft Visio and various standard symbols have been used for the current and future state charts, though some own ones were created. All symbols used to conduct the charts can be seen in figure 5. Both the current state and future state was considered and discussed with people of interest at the organization continually throughout the project process.

Figure 5: Symbols used for current and future state charts


In addition to the more specific and practical information gathered through meetings with people in the organization and observations in the production, theoretical and general information was gathered through conducting a literature review. This theoretical framework has been used as a scientific foundation to support the results of the project. Since this project is performed using an iterative process model literature have been read throughout the process.

Literature was initially read in the beginning of the project and then continuously supplemented with new details and areas of interest as new areas became relevant as the project proceeded.

The literature review was conducted using books, and articles and research papers on the internet. Several sources of theory were gathered from previous used literature in the program.

Regarding literature that was new to the project owner, books were provided from the supervisors at ABB and searches on different databases with keywords related to the topics in question were performed. When searching for areas or topics, Web of Science, Scopus and Google Search were preferred.

Literature was chosen by initially selecting reports and articles with relevant keywords and headings. Example of keywords used was Production ergonomics, Production flow analysis, Lean manufacturing, Material flow and Industry, and Value stream mapping. Subsequently, the abstract of the articles was read, and articles were chosen for further reading. The literature review was mainly focused on scientific articles that were not older than ten years.



Several different analysis methods were used for analyzing the current state. The used analysis methods are material flow chart, value stream mapping and spaghetti diagram. These three together were then used as the foundation for the compiled list of problem areas. As for the other phases of the project, analyses were as well performed and discussed with the people at the organization continually throughout the project.

3.5.1 Material flow chart

This analysis method is based on the material flow charts that were made for the current state and the future state. An analysis of the current state chart was performed in order to identify problem areas in need of improvement. Previous collected information and knowledge along with additional investigations and discussions with people were used to identify these problem areas.

Depending on area of concern different people were involved. It could, for example, be a question concerning delivery of supply from a specific external storage, or a question concerning forklift driving inside of the production building.

In order to visualize the identified areas of concern in the current state chart a symbol called kaizen was used and placed at the points on the chart where problems were identified. As described by Liker (2004) kaizen means continuous improvement. An example of the kaizen symbol used for this analysis method is the yellow symbol in figure 6. The kaizen symbols in the chart are seven in total and were organized as layers, which means they are able to keep visible or hide from the document depending on what is of relevance to show.

Figure 6: Kaizen symbol

3.5.2 Value stream mapping

Another analysis method used for this thesis is value stream mapping, which has become a popular and simple way of visualizing current and future state at an organization. A value stream map is a map covering all processes, both value-added and the ones causing waste, needed to produce a product from raw material to finished product delivered to customer. It is of importance to focus the mapping on a specific product or product family in order to simplify the visualization and understanding. There are several standard symbols used for the mapping, though it is possible to create own symbols as long as everyone involved agrees. Furthermore, colors can be used to symbolize different things or actions, such as red for problems and green for improvement ideas (Bicheno & Holweg, 2013). All symbols used to conduct the map can be seen in figure 7.



Figure 7: Symbols used for value stream mapping

The first step in performing a value stream map, after deciding a product to focus on, is to draw boxes horizontally and list the main steps of the process and place one step for each box. Fill in the boxes with relevant information, such as lead time, cycle time and number of workers. Draw a timeline under the boxes with value-added times written under the line and non-value-added times written above the line. Calculate the times and place the summary to the right in the map (Bicheno & Holweg, 2013).

In this thesis the value stream map is focused on the process of assembling Product A, from the starting point in the production to finished product ready to be transported to packing. Starting point, in this case, means the point when a worker orders material that will be delivered by a forklift driver from the supermarket (a predetermined standard inventory to supply downstream processes) to the production area. The process of producing Product A was divided into 14 different steps, which was decided based on observations and information gathered previously in the project. The process boxes include one step each, except one operation which was divided into two boxes on the map. Therefore, the map contains 15 process boxes.

Measured times and information about the different steps and actions were collected through observations in the production for one week. Paper and pen for documenting and a stopwatch for time measuring were used as equipment. Though some assembly steps are performed in parallel to each other, observations of the same product needed to be measured several times to ensure that every step of the process was included. In order to identify the value-added time, the lead time and the value-added time per operation was measured. Thereafter, the sum of all the VA times gave the total VA time. The total VA time divided by the total lead time gave the percentage of the total VA time.

Later in the project after developing ideas for improvement additional analyzing regarding value stream mapping was done. New lead times were measured based on the potential improvement ideas and the previous lead times were reduced. After adding the measured new times, a sum of total reduced time and a potential future total lead time was obtained. All calculations were as well summarized and kept in a sheet in Microsoft Excel.

3.5.3 Spaghetti diagrams

As stated by Bicheno & Holweg (2013) a spaghetti diagram is a well-known tool for creating more effective and efficient layouts. It is performed by following the chosen flow using a layout of the area as a map and drawing the length on it. Complete the spaghetti diagram by measuring the total length. The use of this tool shows waste regarding insufficient layout or unnecessary movements (Bicheno & Holweg, 2013).



A layout of the production area was provided from the production technique department. The chosen flow to perform the diagram on was the movements performed by the operators needed to produce Product A. It was the movements performed by the operators exclusively, and movements performed by forklift drivers etc. are not included. 13 of the 15 steps included in the value stream map were included in the performance of the spaghetti diagram. Four of those 13 steps were merged into two steps. The total number of steps included in the performance of the spaghetti diagram is therefore 11. A spaghetti diagram was conducted for each of the 11 steps and then merged into a total one showing all steps included in the whole process. Figure 8 below shows a performed spaghetti diagram for one of the process steps.

The spaghetti diagrams, one for each process step, were conducted observing the movements and by using pen and copies of the printed layouts. After the diagrams had been drawn by hand on paper sheets, they were drawn digitally. All diagrams were then put together in a separate document to enable viewing the whole process. The movement for material picking in particular was drawn in purple and the rest of the movements in blue. The spaghetti diagrams drawn on the computer were then used as maps for measuring the lengths. The lengths were measured twice, one time using a step counter and one time counted by head with help from an employee in the organization. These measurements were performed outside of the operators’ working hours when the production area was empty.

Figure 8: Performed spaghetti diagram for one of the process steps

Later in the project after developing ideas for improvement additional analyzing of the spaghetti diagrams was done. The previous obtained spaghetti diagrams were analyzed, and the lengths of the movements reduced, based on the potential improvement ideas. A new potential future state spaghetti diagram was drawn, and the total length measured one time with the use of a step counter. This measurement was performed outside of the operators’ working hours when the production areas was empty. Examples of performed spaghetti diagrams of current and future state can be seen in Appendix A and B.

3.5.4 List of problems

A list of problems regarding material flow for Product A was initiated early in the project process and throughout the process problems were added to the list as they were identified. Information gathered previously in the project along with the results of the analyzes were then summarized into a presentation. The summarized material was presented during three different presentations during a period of one week to people in the organization, both the supervisors at the quality department as well as to six other people of interest involved in material flow for Product A.



The presentations gave additional perspectives and views on the gathered material, which were later included when the project owner independently went through the material and compiled a list of problems. The list of problems, seen in chapter 5.4, consists of two columns: Area/Process, and Problem. The first column, Area/Process, describes different areas and processes that in turn covers several specific problems. In the second column, Problem, is the specific problems listed.

There are ten areas and processes in total and 25 specific problems. This list of problems was supplemented with a folder of pictures of different processes, areas and things in the production building clarifying what each problem meant. The final list of problems was show to the people at the organization in order to ensure information had been correctly understood and considered.


During the phases of development of ideas focus was to come up with a great amount of ideas of actions for the listed problems and thereafter compile a final list of actions. During the first phase of development of ideas a brainstorming session was done independently by the project owner.

According to Wikberg Nilsson, Ericson and Törnlind (2013) brainstorming is a method for generating a great amount of ideas, usually performed in a smaller group of people. The fundamental rules of the method are: do not criticize, aim for crazy ideas, combine and improve ideas, and aim for quantity instead of quality. Initially when doing a brainstorming session, define a theme and decide on a question of issue. Then, with the use of post-it notes, sheets of paper and/or whiteboard, start brainstorming and come up with crazy ideas (Wikberg Nilsson, Ericson and Törnlind, 2013).

The brainstorming session led to several potential ideas, which were mentioned to the supervisors at the organization. The ideas were as well then told to, and discussed with, an employee at the organization who was doing a similar project but with focus on other parts of the process of Product A. This led to new and additional views, which were considered when continuing working on the ideas.

During the second phase of development of ideas another similar brainstorming session was performed by the project owner. Furthermore, three meetings with totally seven employees involved in the project participating in the meetings were held to discuss ideas and thoughts.

These meetings were performed during a period of two weeks. In parallel with these meetings both further observations and investigations in the production as well as dialogues with the production workers were performed.

During the third phase of development of ideas all ideas that had been developed previously in the process was reviewed and evaluated in consideration of the specification of requirements.

Furthermore, a final list of actions was compiled. This was performed by the project owner independently. The final list was subsequently conducted consisting of three columns:

Area/Process, Problem, and Action. The columns Area/Process and Problem are the same as described in chapter 3.5.4 and the column Action consist of the chosen final actions. In order to easily and clearly connect an action to its problem it was chosen to keep all three of the columns in the same list. The list was supplemented with a folder of pictures of different processes, areas and things in the production building clarifying what each problem and action meant. In connection to the final action list, future state spaghetti diagrams, a future state value stream map and a future state overall flow chart was established. These were conducted to support the actions and visualize what a future state could look like if the actions are implemented. The list as well as the folder of pictures and future state visualizations was presented to, and discussed with, the supervisors in the organization as well as to seven other people in the organization involved in the project.



The final list of problems and actions was then complemented with another list – a living document of the actions. The living document consist of four columns: Action, Owner, Target date, and End date. A meeting was arranged with the people outside of the production in charge of the implementation and continuous improvement process. During this meeting the actions and implementation of the actions were discussed. Another meeting was then arranged in order to continue the planning and discussion of the implementation. For each action it was decided how to continue the work, what is needed for the implementation, who is responsible and when it is expected to be started and finished. The list of problems and actions, together with the performed analyzes, was then presented to, and discussed with, the production workers.


Various methods for analyzing and measuring were chosen to complement each other and ensure that the project outcome was considered from different perspectives and angles. As mentioned by ISO (2015) decisions are more likely to produce desired results if they are based on analyzes and evaluation of information and data. Furthermore, using an iterative project process was beneficial though it encouraged to continuously return to the cause of the problem throughout the project.

This allowed to gradually develop an understanding for the situation and ensured that all information and material needed was covered and taken into account as well as not losing focus.

A challenge has been to find a balance between gathering all material and information needed without going outside the project boundaries. Therefore, it has been valuable to continuously return to previously performed parts of the project process as well as to the very beginning of the project in order to be reminded of what to focus on and ensure the project follows a common thread.

Focus during the initial phase of the project was to gain an understanding of the working area as well as connect with all people involved. The idea was to start off wide enough to not mistakenly exclude people, areas or information, and ensure everything and everyone of interest was included from the very beginning. A lot of time in the beginning was therefore spent meeting and interact with the production workers and people from all different relevant departments. It was beneficial for the continuous work to get everyone’s initiating perspective of the current state because it contributed to a qualitative foundation. Though an understanding for the production process was gained by observing and interacting with the people in the production, now in hindsight it is realized that it would have been beneficial to take some time to actually perform the work in the production. This could have given an even better picture of how the process of the material flow works in practice.

Furthermore, involving people from the beginning of the project was probably appreciated and made them more motivated to engage in the project, as these initial interactions contributed to continuing dialogues throughout the project. These continuing dialogues, in turn, gave to new insights and thoughts to the project. The people concerned was updated and involved during the whole project process. The idea was to stay transparent and accommodated throughout all phases of the project in order to gain their trust, which led to a result of relevance and quality.

Because of the situation with the Corona virus some parts of the project had to be adjusted. The number of face to face meetings were reduced and the majority of meetings were instead held as conference calls or video meetings on the communication and collaboration platforms Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams. It was only possible to be at the office and in the production when necessary. It was decided that the meetings for discussing the list of problems and actions would be held as few as possible and in a large conference room with as few people as possible.

It was also possible to participate in these meetings via digital link.


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