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The Private Collector


Academic year: 2021

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The Private Collector

Jan Bäcklund


Otto: Reol. København: Borgen 2001, 102–108, trans.

Jesper Grube Overgaard.


 Bruce Chatwin’s le ok of t same tle, Ka Utz, t aniac, t swindl

and coeor of ien porcein, in an cle entled ‘e Pvate Coeor’, is - counted to ha wen:

“An ob in a muum hibion ca […] mu  as uatal an ience as an anil in t o. e ob dies in t muum –  suffocaon and t g of t

c – while t ivate peion gis t own t  and need to tou. Like t le ild who aes o t t thing it mes, t nt coeor tns to t

ob, in a hnic intaion ten hand and eye, t fe ging tou of its cator.

e enemy of t coeor is t muum keer. e ial thing would  r muums to  loed ery fieen yes and r tir coeions to  thwn o onto t rket ai..”

My   wi  an aempt to evaluate this dialeic of clely olent a 

e Chatwin t ten ivate coeor and muum keer, along with what es

hind this con, in on to t accumuon of ule obs, whi one mu

cogni kes up a coeion and t iologies that coe to it.

’s  known that t muums of o me e built upon a gdual subsumpon of t ieval ‘c’ coeions -usuay es, abandoned ies and t ke.

Awene of t ‘c’ coeions only sfaced at t end of t ehteenth centy, and it was only ding t nineteenth centy that t muum, as  now know it, could

 said to ha ken sha. e ieval coeion cid of, r ample, cs, painngs and r obs of cioty that  coeed in ies and es


within a  or le eficay ituay ediing rpo and thus n to ash any

‘coeion’, in a  mple unanding.

On t cony, one could say that  t fieenth centy one didn’t find any dis- co concning ‘t ivate’, as  would unand it today. e ivate coeion (and y along with this t ivate, as su) lod pael to and as a sult of t

banking syem and t econic gwth in iance Flonce and nice, and it was also  in t gions that t fir ivate coeions ha tir he. e fir two

ivate coeors  know a aeed in nice at t end of t teenth centy.

 t giing of t fieenth centy t  at lea x nean coeors, two of whi d on Cte. At that me, this mr was only ceed in Eo by Flonce w  now know that elen coeors had d. e was tn a shp  in t mr of ivate coeors in aly and t  of Eo, and t iocc, t

eccleal as  as t ois world in Eo came to  eled with t ‘cu-

osos’, ‘anquios’ or ‘coaies’, as t coeions  caed ding t xteenth,

nteenth and ehteenth centy.

e ivate coeions  fir caed scoo, stuo or stuo, and in  with tir diffuon ding t nteenth centy, t ‘udies’, located in or clo to t ivate aptments,  rd r pieces, and t ‘y’ (gia) came t , whi would hou t bac coeion or subanang tial. Aund t le of t

ehteenth centy, t nean c ad that t painngs in tir peion, whi  ad ily ten ious initions, had thugh t centies en sub to du, ske  candles, thugh me, en damp, and  always hung in

aces with ac temte ans and  en sub to aempts at oon, whi in t  cas  clumsy, b   en than n dily daging.

inngs  quite en pced by rs that   in hny with t es of t me. ey also n t  of ing olen, only to end up ing sold aoad.  t

giing this was n only coned an inescapae fa b cpletely norl.  was only t a ce on t 3rd Septemr 1778 that painngs came a concn of t ate (and one can with se juificaon e that this date has f  impornce than t

aual lopment of t vious muums that came into ing, whi fir and 

 conrted  ‘ivate’ to ‘c’). us, conrvaon, oon and t dis- pying of painngs r s n to ce a  r t ate. One can also obr

a  tenn emging at this point in coeions of tal emens. Within t

fir half of t nteenth centy, nody would ha anpated that t ate would

ce t own of any tal hiory coeion, en though this ty of coeion had

ied nce t xteenth centy.  t same way, nody  t le of t eh- teenth centy would ha nd that t ate ke onbity r t rvaon of painngs and sculpte, or, r that , t unding of a c y.


e   known was of co t yal (and t iocc) coeions, as ty usuay had f gat means at tir diosal; b, cau t coeions  oan- id un t same inples as tho in ivate coeions, ty  eenay en as ivate coeions, a condion that ld, on t whole, up unl t aice and iol- ogy of t en Revolion, wn t atus of t uv dy alted  ing a r’s ivate y to t c y of t Rec (t uv was oned in 1793), whi, ing tay incorpoted within t thinking of Enhtenment, tby

came a acon to a r ons of that me, wtr can or n. Becau of pocal and econic diffences, t Anglo-Saxon l lod in a tr diffent

 (e.g. t Bsh Muum was und alady in 1753 on a coeion longing to t orty of Sir ns Sloane, whi was ught r £,, t gornmenl intnon) b iology it ely rrs t same thoughts rding t nal

c and ee cmunon (as an tenon of t of t ron of t yal So-

ety se centies e in 1662, as a aion to t ‘rmec’ i.e. t lf-enclod sences).


“e enemy of t coeor is t muum keer”

By no means do ivate coeors disae  t scene t t ashment of

ol muums b now  is in pael and, owing o suoons, in oo-

on to this porful initio Let us t ke a clor look at how this pouted ooon could  thought to  itlf, and what, in su a et of t con, can

 said a t atus of t n t muum.

As r n, t e ivate coeions  quite en nd in a cu 

by o andds, so that it od en difficult to pate a coeion of tal ec- imens  t coeor in quion’s ok, anque and  coeion, or en t

fnite includ in t coeio For t ivate coeor, a coeion of fnite and

 adorned with aiful is kes up an inpae whole. is ate of fairs is suy diated by t fa that t coeor s and works within his coeio

En though  ivate coeors e  or le ead within a ngle or a couple of cloly eas, t ivate coeor in inple is always on to unted aions

 whatsoer diion, a nding on t coeor’s ints and e -that is to say in accordance with t xonic inples of t coeor. As t c aho-

es came to incangly incorpote ivate coeions into ate muums (a doons,

ra or oiaon), t ivate coeions came died into diffent tys of


coeion (se towd tal hiory, rs towd t hiory and a third gup to- wd t hiory of engineing or l sence etc, while a fil gup  dised as ing witho mit) and ions of e ivate coeions  aed to ions of r coeions so as to ash t giings of t new c coeions, bad on t undaon asd un t f-aing volion within disco ding t cond half of t ehteenth centy (in r words, t lopment of t fine ts, acs, cque and t hiory, senfic padms and tby n senfic dis-

pnes etc.)

e t muum had a eal atus ght  t t, in as mu as t, whi at that

me would  to say t fine ts  t ely iance and t,  ion to t h ge of finement within culte, to whi a leion of anque sculpte

 includ (fay  t Atns of Pies and also n bus), and now and ain, alit with se doubt, Egypan sculpte, b t yles, e.g. coco, also had oue ing tmls into this cpany.

Cruly t, this is t cl t muum, and thugho hiory this has shown itlf to  ae to do nhing whatsoer r than firm it’s own hiory – y cau no

uis Seize fnite, ss or etely coted Tors of l in ivory now had t pibity to fe t leed painngs and sculpte (as ty  ju as r- nently tuated elw) – suy cau this hiory has shown itlf to  t

 apt at sval.

A con o un nism ten ‘cl’ and ‘new’ t, a con  di- cay cuted in t Fi’s  to y erhing t muum ood r. 

t encounts with t avant-r, muums took a tr diffent sha un hh

nism. B wn t building of muums n in en t t Second World W, wn nism had long nce iumpd in this die, t n t muum was i eenay built upon t same  as that of t cl muum, b mply un an alted i. e muum was i t iologl tool thugh whi one could

tend t cultal aitu of t ate or t c, a ss cmunis as f as good

e was concned.  is nertle semes king how le ‘cmunis’ t is in ‘nsus’; if you con, r ample, t fa that t Muum of Mon Art was

 or le rsoy und by t n t al Aled rr, who in t 19’s

asd a e crusa r t dieon of n t, and ud t Muum of Mon Art as adquts r his iologl campa One didn’t, t, con- cenate on t indiual  – whi gnified t paon – nor did one pay aenon to t iologl and idiic dies ten vious gupings. e ction r rr’s and t Muum of Mon Art’s int y solely within t aei ‘n’. is

tegy r t dsaon of t ely (en) nism thus came to also ash t gund r ’s fe dince and keor of t n t scene.  t

Muum of Mon Art, one mply  se to t one’s hands on t  (or 


n) work  ery camp or  ery , to pce tm  by  within t

avant-r itee. is ‘one of ea’ tegy has feed t muums t world or and has came en cle t t ashment of t Msha pn in t rm

W Gny, w one muum t anr of this ty was und as a nk in t

eon of a eficay n iology, w rty of oice and dirty (one of ea), nity and t sonty of t indiual and t ght to ‘occupy ace’

runs ke a cn thad thugho subquent muums.

II bis

“e ial thing would  r muums to  loed ery fieen yes and r tir coec-

ons to  thwn o onto t rket ai..”

e d acceibity or unirsasaon one wiss  c muums is aied by fixing t ob in its ace, ng it  its obsce rcuo e rcuon of items in t ivate, i.e. obsce, rket nts a faiisaon with t twork, whi wi ner  aed by a c.

is a ts its a in t muum’s ‘rnent coeion’. B a ‘r- nent coeion’ is at t same me a rnent hiory: thus t cl muum wi

always count t hiory of Winel or that of Aled rr’s n muum or that of t Msha p Auay, t same Winel of wh o Chatwin ci

(p. 16): “As a nineteen ye old [Ka Utz] had sd an impaioned fence of t

coco yle in t jol Nunc – an t of pyful cs  an a w wen 

idod- ain t contempe rks of t a Winel: ‘Porcein is al-

 always ud r idiic dos.’” e muum aempts, and has atedly aempted, to  itlf  t hioc lopments with -known conquences.

is is coeed to t fa that t mr of muum diors and r accoune

ople within a rnent muum wi gduay inca and that t ivate element ul-

tely aes n too dii  t  n Skovrd’s on of t same muum, b whoy in hny with t ia of t muum as su.  this, ivate coec- tors ha conclud that only t ivate coeion or a rcuon of t now id muum coeions would  ae to te a new ory. En though t ivate coeor

‘ms’ t obs in t obscity of his he, ty e sed in a new rm wn ty rcute into new coeions and contts.



“ed hind t g, ty em to ile him into tir ct Liian world – and also to sho of eed” (p. 16).

At t same me as t n po-w muum on a cin lel eaks  t ci- cal, it has nonetle tned o to  ealy adopted un t same xonic inple, in as mu as ty th rte t same ory (why one is always tempted into awing

aly upon a adion , r ample, to to Ys Klein, b ner  to to Funkis fnite – and why on eth one would want to do su a thing at a, I in ue to ansr.) B t quion that ought to  aed in this contt is as ows:

should to, a a suiy biz and imrnent  indiual,  inaed in a he fied with Funkis fnite, mply cau this hypcal indiual haens to  of t opinion that a fin coil couldn’t  und and was t ped to end t

necey ney to , rhaps en to eep, work and eat in this ennment; should this coeion on t ngth of t ivate inment and t idiosyncc inence it rrs ha any effe on hiory and its obs than a suodly inn muum keer with t same e r to and Funkis?

One can t ke this quion to its logl concluon: is it pie that a 

Johns, r ample, or a Tian e cpletely diffent obs in muums than wn in a

ivate coeion? Or ftr, is it pie that ni t can’t  coned o

of an ulte c nifaon in t rm of t muum? Bes, this is what o

Ka Utz ci: “… in a hnic intaion ten hand and eye, t nt coeor tns to t ob t fe-ging tou of its cator.”

B this “fe-ging tou” also impes that t coeion isn’t on to t c: in-

ed, it is unthine that Mr Utz’s coeion of ien porcein would  on to t

c’s fumng …, and ju as it is n avaie to t c neitr is it on to any

c ineion, t t ivate coeion has no oning hos.

A muum usuay tns on its hts and ons to t c  Tuesday to Sunday

ten ten and x. For tho who work, t e in aion te oning hos, usuay on sdays unl eht o’clo.

As if t ivate coeor avoid t ht and oning hos,  is en also a clu-

 rson who, en if , whi en is t ca with coeors of t, int, 

oks and incubu, nonetle s a long dk coat or ca, or worn cls, as if  was a amp.

Art and ok als e  awe of thi ty ha en en a myious rson nvouy look ound in tir shop or hibion ace, as if it was a shady  of


iol diions and tir ences al that it is in no way unkely that t

rsons ha g poets or a pic bag fu of bank nes.  t same way, ty’ lent that wn a engly inteent rson with a look of t cooie a him udies pies and tns t pas of a ok r too long, tn ’ only ly er buy anhing.

e fa that coeors show up badly equied at ok and t als has suy g

to do with t fa that ty buy cau ty ha to (i.e. cau of an i neceity), while muums ra cau ty ha to do so within a fined sum of ney, with whi ty ha en enued by t c ahoes, t funding d or cee (i.e. cau of tl neceies).

e ivate coeion is t in its rue and funioning uncc and hs up badly to o ia of how  rwi ght igine a n soety ought to  oan- id. B t ivate coeor is also uncc in anr  ous n, in that 

ands up r w, bry and volion, mply cau su soal un funions in a po  on t rcuon of items: “e ial thing would  r muums to  loed ery fieen yes and r tir coeions to  thwn o onto t rket ai..”

e ivate coeor ploits su ods and ths on t ry of rs. e good

rtune of ing rn into su an ep, and to  suiy ioy diod, is

scd by Ejr Munksd, in t word to Chles Nodi’s n Boe (“e

okworm”) (Conhan, Cit Ann, 1946, p. VI–VIII): “ugho his yoh, Chles Nodi had plenty of oortunity to ke acquainnce with t world’s  - cepol ok coeors. e succei volions  one r an incdie

mr of  oks finding tir way onto t rket, whi had ouy en hien in t ies of t ioc. A l has en said a how t banks of t Seine and t shops of anquians  fied with ty es that ordiry ok keers ner had eamt would ce avaie ai  e mrs, oks  egnts

 ized and confiscated and t 1792 one es t ies ing sold totr with painngs, fnite and t obs of diffent kind. Becau of t hd mes, t

n’t ny buys. A aempts to hold t  valuae oks at a asoe ice failed. Ogil scpts,  volumes could  und on t banks of t Seine ke

is wn upon a a t t shipw of t ry. He one could buy incubu r 2-3 ancs and  oks aux armes  Frce, und by ance’s 

faus okbins, ing sold r nt to nhing.  was mply n pie to 

t colal mr of oks […] inngs by Waeau co 5 to 6 ancs and Guze was valued at  ancs.”  le tbulent mes t ivate coeor ploits t soal caes ty can uneth, ly rced sales, ople who e econy hd up and t ke, w items can nay  g hold of at discount ices.  aual fa, t

ivate coeing of cultay gnificant cles ins rd r t althy; it is t eenal r t ivate coeor that ol ju as  as global c diinc-

ons e inined as mu as pie. e ivate coeor owns upon his culte’s

naon of its imaic ism in on to t ocement of items  ,


usual and ic locaons.

 has t en ci with se juificaon that t ivate coeor should tr

 cped to t swindl or thief, or en a thief who only wants things r himlf or

r a rw rcle of acquainnces, and who unwiingly shes his plenitu of o- ac eats and cultal capil with rs. For t same ason, t ivate coeor buys (or altly eals) only in accordance with his own e, paying no aenon to how mu levance this ght ha r t c at e.

“… ivate ownship gis t own t ght and need to tou. Like t le ild who aes o t t thing it mes […], in a hnic intaion ten hand and eye…” e ivate coeor buys, or acquis by r means, that whi  s,

en as a rm of lf-firo is a of lf-firon, yes, this rron whi,

nce eud, has en ae to sc a xual pathologl tnology su as rs-

sm, al gion, feshism an t ke, ems to alt t contt of t ob  a

c concn to a ivate batory splus ten sub and t lod ob, as if items in a coeion within a ivate nce  ted  tir t contt.

And ftr, it is as if this ry ivate element in this ty of aoaon, this feed

‘touing’ as  obr in Ka Utz, goes ain contt and en ens t ng

t contt.

“… mu  as uatal an ience as an anil in t o. e ob dies in t mu-

um –  suffocaon and t g of t c.” e ivate coeor would obay

e that t ason t ob of t c muum was eficay inaed on a nel (white) wa and in a nel ( t) ace, was to avoid an a too inte cmunion with t ob, that is to say a kind of apc eion, whi nts t lors hap-

ning to file c obs with tir ivate paions, tir ‘fe-ging tou’.

e ivate coeor is n concned a any dagogic io Pvate coeions

e in fa en so badly documented that  i know ry le a what t hior-

y fa coeions auay con of, and ju as le, if n le, a t te of what sort of ivate coeion vails in o me. is is due to t fa that t ivate coeor usuay acquis items that  igines could  integted within his he.

e ivate coeor gdly hunts t new items. To  his ances of a succeful hunt, t ivate coeor ner aes r c funds (gnts, subdies and so rth),

suy cau this could penay on t way r c scriny. On t con-

y, ivate coeors with  of means and low l atus – whi isn’t as  as one ght igine – would tr eal  t poor or eat t x

On t 23rd Oor 36, one could ad in Gazee s Tbuux a a Spanish i,


ncente, who had oned a s b  oed anquian okshop in rcelo, - t his y, whi had en fu of  oks, nt up in ske. En though

ncente didn’t wiingly pt with his lod es,   so ny good als that his ctors conid ain him, king it al impie r him to obin any new oks. e came a day wn one of Lamrt lrt’s Spanish incubu (1482),

fd to as a unique emen in t auion caloe, nt un t ha. n- cente, as usual, was obid, en though  od t biing up to a fanic sum. One nht, shortly t t auion, t hay own of this  ok died wn his hou bnt dow Ding t owing eks, rcelo was im to a e wa of tr: on a daily bas, m ims  und in nehhood paas, on ets and in t

r; neitr ney nor y had en toued while t poce ined lple.

e ims  of a as and had d iroaae s. e was only one thing – one could conclu – that ty had in cn: ty  a ok coeors. Ding t owing inaons t unique emen, whi should ha gone up in ske, was

und in Don ncente’s shop. e myy of t ny med biophiles was tn

mulneouy sold: ty  a coeors who had rad oks that  couldn’t be to pt with and t t ra  had tn abd tm. is unediing ory conited Gua Furt’s point of pte r his le Bibie  36.

I mylf met an an biophile  su, who scd t ty of t fir

edion of sephin Muba or Jugdgesite eir wiis De, von ihr selbst geseb (ivate int, e itz eund, 1906), vol.8, [II] 382 pas (‘332’

is a inng r), mply by ang that you ‘could  med cau of it’.

A c muum could ner eam of thieng, n en eang t x On t

cony, t muum eoys ng up to its ctments: it pays t h rket

ice, rhaps en cei ices, r t works it oos to buy. Psuy, this is coeed to t fa that t t muum doesn’t pay with its own, i.e. ivate, ney, b us ney  soety, r t nefit of soety, in as mu as soety also wiss to  enhtened.

is has meant that ‘rket ice’ has ce a ly igined mease within t world of muums. is has en to t iment of ivate coeors of t (unke ies, whi ly ra ol inted ) who ha en t ices of tir items mul-

ply and ny ha gin up in favo of anques, whi few muums ha an int

in, as is also t ca r ieval items  t nteenth and ehteenth centy.

While muums took sha, two ools of anquianism ied  by ; one oke in favo of t anque  a  onounced ethl and ac rei, whi

n only  t anque tefas (including inscpons and coi) a value id 

a hiocay documented rei, b also an ic and l value innnt of its hioc udio e r ool ed t Mile As  a  diinly


hioc rei, whi, at that me, meant that it, as t fir, didn’t conmn t

Mile As as bbic, as it nertle hed an hioc int. Advocates of t fir ool of thought would t pce items, if t items n’t cs  t

nd’s gloous pa, at t lel of Chine and r ic obs and mply as ent-

inment. En though advocates of t r tenn inted tmls in t Mile As  a hioc rei, ty i coned t anque to  f suor as f

as ac and ethl quaes  concned. th t tennes sulted in ate acaes and muums iing or t Mile As and handing this od or to t

ivate coeors.


A ivate coeion has only its own and y his or r clo rcle of iends to ke please in it. e muum, on t r hand, is a te  whi  a can eoy and




e fir ion builds upon vious soces, an ula-short suy (and tby gly

mpfied) of quite bac fas, whi one would find in any ok with t words ‘muum’

or ‘coeion’ in t tle.  this contt, I ha ily  u of Kryzysztof Po-

an’s ceent and ry though ectionurs, eurs et cueux (s: Gaird, 17), with r udies in nd su as Joan Evans’ A history of e ciety of Antiquar- ies (Oxrd 1956), R.J.W. Evans’ Rudf II d his Time (Oxrd 1973) and us von Sl’s Die Kunst‑ und Wunrmmn r Spätisnce (Leipz 1908).  should

 ed that this anon  ivate to c coeions of tal emens, te- fas, cioes and anques is a ry cpcated and inte ment, nnt on a multu of unae hioc pamets, e.g. t hioc shi that o ten ‘i- vate’ and ‘c’ t t Mile As (cf. e.g. Phii Aes’ udies within t hiory of ath and t fay); and tms su as ‘muum’, ‘udy’, ‘y’ and ‘y’

could en gni an enld (e.g. a ok) and an unld ace, or sew in-

ten (e.g. a cupd), and  can discn a fluid r ten aors su as

‘philosopr’, ‘or’, ‘anquian’, ‘cioso’, ‘coeor’, ‘ate’, ‘cooie’ and

‘dilante’, and, to sh this en ftr, t obs of a coeion e ner absole, b cme, inty as  as ty, ten ivate and c in on to vious pamets of int and e.

e  of this tt is of co loo ecuon, b as f as n daes r

ivate coeors e concned, one can consult, r inance, t anthology e Cultus of ecting (ndon, 1994, ed. John Elsn and r Cdil).


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