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Spetsenheter inom forskningen


Academic year: 2022

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Spetsenheter inom forskningen 2015-2018

Sammanfattning på basis av enheternas

rapportering om verksamheten 1.1.2015-30.6.2016

Hanna Lindqvist och Ole Karlsson


Om sammanfattningen

 Sammanfattningen baserar sig enbart på det enheterna rapporterat, någon form av verifiering av resultaten har inte gjorts

 En noggrann utvärdering mot forskningsplanen kräver mera tid och personer med sakkunskap i vetenskapsområdet

 Trots begäran om kompletteringar finns fyra olika modeller för rapporteringen av resultat, medelanvändning och genomslagskraft

 En jämförelse mellan enheterna är inte ändamålsenlig

 Betydande skillnader i storlek

 Betydande skillnader i möjlighet att få annan finansiering

 Olika angreppssätt på forskning

 Enheterna i olika fas i forskningsprojekten



De viktigaste resultaten hittills:

 Det går att predicera arbetsminnesträningens effekter

 Förstärkt dopaminutsöndring i striatum ligger bakom träningsrelaterad förbättring i uppdatering av


 Omfattande internetbaserad testning av exekutiva funktioner i stor skala ger resultat

 Nyckeln till sambandet mellan tvåspråkighet och

exekutiva funktioner kan ligga i vardagligt beteende



Löner -183 753,87

Arvoden -9 030,00

Lönebikostnader -54 913,46

Maskiner och anläggningar (inkl. Avskrivningar) -2 383,28

Material och förnödenheter -2 646,61

Köpta tjänster* -24 546,08

Hyror -1 888,52

Resekostnader -13 624,13

Övriga kostnader** -36 561,99

Interna kostnader -94,70


Användningen av medel:

Anställning av personal (1 postdoc., 2 doktorander, forskningsassistenter)

* Hjärnavbildning med fMRI

** Stipendier till personal och arvoden till försökspersoner utomlands




 Teoribildningen stärks om hur arbetsminnet fungerar och stöds av olika träningsmetoder

 Via PET-skanningen tas empirisk evidens fram inom ett område där sådan är svår att ta fram

 Internetbaserad testning ger nya möjligheter, bl.a. påbörjas en nätbaserad arbetsminnesträningsstudie med finska

Parkinsonpatienter i samarbete med patientförbundet.

 Tvåspråkighetsforskningen med mobil teknik är helt ny,

vilket förväntas väcka intresse bland sektorforskare



 11 sakkunniggranskade artiklar

 Fick 2 doktorandbefattningar i ÅA:s interna ansökningsrunda för doktorandnätverk 2015

 Projektfinansiering från Finlands Akademi 2014-2017, Sundells stiftelse 2013-2015

 Akademiforskarbefattning för viceledaren, postdoktoral befattning i Turku Institute for Advanced Studies

 Samarbetspartnern vid Univ. of California fått

betydande projektfinansiering av National Institute of

Health, USA



De viktigaste resultaten hittills:

 Of particular relevance is the methodological development that was completed during the first part of the project, i.e. the new Faith Q-Sort (FQS), a new instrument and method in our field.

 Training seminar and manual for the Mixed-method approach

 At this point the total data collection in all countries has been successfully completed and closed. This includes the

collection of a total of appr. 5000 survey answers, 600

responses from the FQS-part and the same amount (600) of

in-depth interviews.



Användningen av medel:

 Appr. 70 % has been used for researchers in the main team at Åbo Akademi University consisting of altogether 5 researchers, mainly on post-doctoral level.

 In addition, the network of local assistants in all countries have required funding for the data collection

 Extensive resources have been allocated to translation of all our instruments and conducted interviews and to and from all target languages (Finnish, Swedish, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Chinese,

Japanese, Bengali, Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish and French). The double and back translation process meets the highest scientific criteria.

 An extension of the original plan in terms of its scope has been secured and made possible through the additional funding received for a sub- project from the Academy of Finland.




 41 peer reviewed articles/book chapters, 27 lectures (2015-2016)

 The unique scope and relevance of the project has interested international publishers. Four volumes/books have initially been preliminary agreed on with renowned international publishers

(Routledge and Equinox) and one edited number for the one of the most important journals in our field (Religion).

 The mixed-method approach has attracted new partners (Japan and Canada).

 Several researchers have been invited as keynotes to conferences or as lecturers to relevant universities, and sessions for the YARG project have been proposed and accepted at several major conferences in our field (European Association for the study of Religion, the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, International Society for the Sociology of Religion, International Society for the Psychology of Religion).



De viktigaste resultaten hittills:

WP1: Cell assay development and proof of cellular concept:

Cellular assays to clarify the effect of the physico-chemical surrounding has been developed, i.e. the composition of functionalized materials and interfaces on cellular responses and decision making has been identified. A quantitative pape- based metaboilic assay, the s.c. paper pipe-line for evaluation of the effect of different materials on cells has been developed and patented.

WP2: Passive regulation through materials and surface design WP2.1 Development of new materials:

The polymers have been blended with an antibiotic (erythromycin) and the antibacterial properties of the obtained films have been tested in cell culture.

WP2.2 Design of cell growth substrates

A tailored hierarchically structured latex-based surface for cell assays,

functionalization of the latex-coated surface with passive and active materials and fabrication of paper-based cell screening arrays has been done.



WP3: Active regulation through controlled stimulation:

 Designing and implementing an automated analysis program for the paper-pipeline cell culture assay has been done. The analysis program is ready for use, with only minor user-interface modifications to be done.

WP4: Integration

WP4.1. Large‐area multi‐parameter array development

 A library of very different materials have been

generated to study their interaction with cells.



Användningen av medel:

 Salaries to post docs and students (185k€)

 Stipends for research assistants and international exchange (40k€)

 Materials and laboratory costs (15k€)

 Travel costs (15k€)

 FunMat Winter School and FunMat Annual Meeting





WP4.2 Organization, dissemination, and commercialization

 43 peer reviewed articles (2015-2016)

 Advisory board with members from important biotech and paper companies has been appointed.

 FunMat Annual Meeting 2015 (special lecture and FunMat- members dissemination of main results)

 FunMat Winter School organized 2015 and 2016 (incl. special lectures, poster sessions and workshops)

 True collaboration with Prof. Xingyu Jiang (Justin) from The

National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) of




De viktigaste resultaten (exempel från varje Work Package):

WP1 – Fractionation of polysaccharides

 Hemicellulose-based hydrogels have been developed for the removal of meal cations

 The use of hemicellulose and cellulose in 3D printing has been investigated (invention disclosure submitted)

WP 2 – Conversion of Sugars to Chemicals

 Several new catalysts have successfully been developed, characterized and tested in different reactions yielding value-added products such as sugar alcohols, alkanes and furfural

 A highly potential immunostimulatory adjuvant lead molecule has been

designed and identified to be a potential inducer of immune responses



WP3 – Refining Options of Lignin

 Methods for fractionation and purification of BLN-lignin have been developed

 The use of BLN-lignin in 3D printing has been investigated (invention disclosure submitted)

WP4 – Trace Elements in Refining of Biomass

 Several new biomasses have been fractionated and have been or are being added to the publically available database

 Modelling work on the fate of the metals is in progress

focusing on testing existing databases against published

solubility data



Användningen av medel (1.1.2015-30.9.2016):

1) 3 postdocs (31 mån), 6 doktorander (43 mån), 2 admin (12 mån) 2) Årsseminarium

3) Inbjudna gäster

Löner + bikostnader 1 401 273,14

Material 97,45

Möteskostnader 2 5 009,50

Resekostnader 3 3 469,38

Årsbok: 1 893,00

Totalt: 411 742,47




 164 peer reviewed articles/conference proceedings (2015), 3 patents/innovation disclosures

 Newly established cooperation with UPM concerning the use of

cellulose nanofibres and nanocrystals in cell growth applications and lignin for plant growth acceleration, as well as cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin in 3D bioprinting.

 Newly started cooperation with Fortum, Bayer, Orion and a number of smaller companies from the Turku region concerning utilisation of

biomass in new, high-value applications.

 Strong international network, partners i.e. BOKU, Austria, NTNU and PFI, Norway, Chalmers and Lund University, Sweden, and DTU,


 Introduction of a BioCity Turku research programme entitled Advanced


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