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FiskeristyreIsens biståndsavdelning vid havs­

fiskelaboratoriet i Lysekil ger härmed ut del 3 av "Fiske i u-land : förteckning över litteratur på biståndsavdelningen".

■'Fiske i u-land 3" är en fortsättning på "Fiske i u-land 1" och "2", som gavs ut som nummer 242 resp. 258 i serien Meddelande från havsfiske­


"Fiske i u-land 3" omfattar publikationer, som anskaffats till biståndsavdelningens bibliotek under perioden juli 1979 - juni 1980.

All litteratur, som är upptagen i förteckningen, lånas ut, och vi står också gärna till tjänst med kopior av artiklar mm.

Lysekil, november 1980 Britta Strannberg


The Department of Development Cooperation, National Swedish Board of Fisheries, hereby issues the 3rd part of "Fiske i u-land".

"Fiske i u-land 3" is a catalogue containing publications which have been included in the department's library July 1979 - June 1980.

All literature can be lent. Also, copies of articles can be ordered.

Lysekil, November 1980 Britta Strannberg



allmänt 1

beskrivningar av u-länder 1

Afrika T

Syd- oeh Mellanamerika 1

livsmedelsproduktion och nutrition utvecklingssamarbete

bibliografier kartböcker

förteckningar över institutioner och forskare

övrigt 8

fiske 10

allmänt 10

Europa 11

Afrika 11

Asien 13

Australien och Nya Guinea 15

Syd- och Mellanamerika 15

administration och lagstiftning 16

kooperation 17

organisationer och institutioner 18

FN-organisationer 18

övriga organisationer och institu- 21 tioner

projekt 23

biståndsprojekt 23

utbildning 24

socio-ekonomi 30

sociologi 30

socio-ekonomi 35

ekonomi 3g

båtar, redskap och metoder 37

båtar 38

redskap 40

metoder 40

hantering, bearbetning, distribution 41 och marknadsföring

allmänt 41

hantering av färsk fisk 43

frysning 43

konservering 43

fiskmjöl och fiskproteinkoncentrat (FPC) 44

distribution 44

kvalitet och hygien 44

marknadsföring, smakpreferenser 44

akvakultur 4g

allmänt 4g

Europa 47

Afrika 47

Asien 48

Syd- och Mellanamerika 49



resurser 50

allmänt 50

havsresurser 50

Atlanten 50

Indiska oceanen 5T

Stilla havet 53

inlandsresurser 55

beståndsuppskattningsmetodik 55

statistisk metodik 56

statistik 58

biologi 59

bestämningslitteratur 59

ekologi 60

allmän biologi 61

marina däggdjur 61

fiskar 64

rygg.rads lösa djur 65

plankton 68

kryptogamer 69

oceanografi, meteorologi och geologi 69

föroreningar 70

alfabetiskt register 73

geografiskt register 78


CONTENTS general

descriptions of developing countries Africa

South and Latin America food production and nutrition development cooperation

bibliographies maps

catalogues of institutions and scientists

others fishing

general Europe Africa Asia

Australia and New Guinea South and Latin America

administration and legislation cooperatives

organizations and institutions organizations of UN

others projects

development projects training

socio-economy sociology socio-economy economy

boats, gear and methods boats

gear methods

handling, processing, distribution and marketing


handling of fresh fish freezing


fish meal and fish protein concentrate (PPC)


quality and hygiene

marketing, preferences of taste aquaculture

general Europe Africa A,sia

South and Latin America

1 1 1 1

8 10 10 11 11 13 15 15 16 17 18 18 21 23 23 24 30 30 35 36 37 38 40 40 41 41 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 46 46 47 47 48 49



resources 50

general 50

marine resources 50

the Atlantic 50

the Indian Ocean 51

the Pacific 53

inland resources 55

methods of population analysis 55

statistical methods 56

statistics 53

biology 59

taxonomy 59

ecology 60

general biology 61

marine mammals 61

fishes 64

invertebrates 65

plankton 68

cryptogams 69

oceanography, meteorology and geoloqy 69

pollution 70

author index 73

geographical index 73



Ejdemark, Anders: Swaziland : landanalys. - Stock­

holm : SIDA, 1979. - 101, E83 s.

Norwegian agency for intérnational development:

Mosambik : et av Norges samarbeidsland i Afrika / NORAD, direktoratet for utviklingshjelp. - Oslo : NORAD, [19793. - 36 s. : ill.

ISBN 82-7123-067-0

Norwegian agency for international development:

Zambia : et av Norges samarbeidsland i Afrika / NORAD, direktoratet for utviklingshjelp. - Oslo : NORAD, [19793. - 45 s. : ill.

ISBN 82-7123-072-7

Simson, Howard: Zimbabwe : a country study. - Upp­

sala : The Scandinavian institute of African studies, 1979. - 91, L413 s. : ill. - (Research report / The Scandinavian institute of African studies, ISSN 0080- 6714 ; 53}

ISBN 91-7106-160-6

Somalia. Ministry of planning & coordination. Central statistical department: Somalia in figures. - 5. ed.

- Mogadishu, 1976. - 8 s.

Styrelsen för internationell utveckling: Nordisk press­

resa jan 1978 : Guinea-Bissau & Kap Verde / SIDAs presstjänst. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1978. - 289 s. : ill.

Wilkens, Ann: Kampen i södra Afrika : svenskt stöd till befrielserörelserna. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1978. - 34 s. : ill. - (Svenskt u-samarbete)

Syd- och Mellanamerika

Latinamerika-institutet: Vill du veta mer om Latin­

amerika? / Eutarb. avi Latinamerika-institutet ;

Cred.3 Weine Karlsson. - 4. revid. uppl. - Stockholm : Latinamerika-institutet ; SIDA, 1979. - 52 s. : ill.

ISBN 91-85894-00-1 (Latinamerika-institutet) ISBN 91-586-2006-0 (SIDA)




9* Berg, Lasse: Mat och makt / Lasse och Lisa Berg. - 4. uppl. - Stockholm : Gidlunds, 1980. - 214 s.

ISBN 91-7021-249-X

1®* FäO/NöRäD round table discussion on expanding the utilization of marine fishery resources for human consumption, 1975 (Svan^y)

Report of the FAO/NORAD round table discussion on expanding the utilization of marine fishery resources for human consumption : held in SvançSy, Norway, 25 August to 4 September 1975. - Rome : FAO, 1975. -

47 s. - (FAO fisheries reports ? 175)

Omslagstitel: Expanding the utilization of marine fishery resources for human consumption

11* Bish nutrition and diet development : international seminary on fish nutrition and diet development, 19-24. September, 1977, Szarvas, Hungary / publ.:

Ferenc Muller ; ed.: JSnos OlSh, Istvân Csengeri ; technical ed.: Märia Turi. - Szarvas, 1977. - 203 s.

* x 1X •

12« Hartog, A.P. den: List of major foods consumed in selected countries : provisional version / Cprep. by A.P. den Hartogl. - Rome : FAO, 1976. - 36 s.

13. Jonsson, Urban: Food aid : does it aid or hinder de­

velopment? - Dar es Salaam : Tanzania food & nutri­

tion centre, C19773. - 19 bl.

14. Nicolson, James: Pood from the sea. - London : Cassell, 1979. - 205 s. : ill.

ISBN 0-304-30315-1


13. Alexander, Paul; Do fishery experts aid fisheries development? : the case of Sri Lanka. - (Maritime studies management ; 3, 1975, s. 5-11)

16 * Brante, Thomas: Opinionen i u-hjälpsfrågor : en utvärdering av teorier och dataundersökningar om det svenska folkets attityder till u-länder och u- hjälp. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1976. - 53 s. - (Med­

delande från utredningsbyrån / SIDA)

17. Bdquist, Charles: Social carriers of techniques for development : a comparative economic systems app­

roach : "appropriate technology"; myths versus rea­

lity / Charles Edquist and Olle Edqvist. - Stock­

holm : SAREC, 1979. - 59 s. - (SAREC report, ISSN 0348-2626 ; 1979:3)



18‘ Emerging trends in development theory : report from a SAREC workshop on development theory, Väs­

terhaninge, August 8-12, 1977 / ed.: Björn Hettne and Peter Wallensteen : language consultant: Charly Hultén. - Stockholm : SAREC, 1978. - 77 s. - (SAREC report, ISSN 0348-2626 ; 1978:3)

19- Coppers, Karlis : Varubistånöets effekt på syssel­

sättning, betalningsbalans och industristruktur i Sverige budgetåren 1972/73 och 1973/74 : undersök­

ning utförd på uppdrag av SIDA. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1974. - 156 s. - (Meddelande från utredningsbyrån / SIDA)

20. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien: Sveriges tekniskt in­

dustriella kompetens och framtida konkurrenskraft : arbetsrapporter : Latinamerika : en sammanställning över arbetsrapporter baserade på studieresor och seminarier i Latinamerika / Ingenjörsvetenskapsaka- demien ,* sekr. Folke Hjalmers. - Stockholm : Ingen- jörsvetens.kapsakademien, 1979. - C123□ s. - (IVA- rapport ; 163)

ISBN 91-7082-223-9

21 * iQggnjörsvetenskapsakademien: Sveriges tekniskt in­

dustriella kompetens och framtida konkurrenskraft : arbetsrapporter : Sydostasien : en sammanställning över arbetsrapporter baserade på studieresor och seminarier i Sydostasien / Ingenjörsvetenskapsaka­

demien ; sekr. Folke Hjalmers. — Stockholm : Ingen­

jör svetenskapsakademien , 1979. - C2423 s. - (IVA- rapport ; 162)

ISBN 91-7082-222-0

22• Jordbrukets högskolor och SVA. U-landsavdelningen:

Den svenska resursbasen inom lantbruksområdet : en inventering / Jordbrukets högskolor och SVA, U-lands­

avdelningen ; i samarb. med Fiskeristyrelsens havs­

fiskelaboratorium, Biståndsavdelningen .... - Upp­

sala, 1976. - 96 bl.

22* Knudtzon, Jörgen: Svenska icke statliga organisatio­

ners u-hjälp 1976 : redovisning och länderfördelning : undersökning / utförd av Jörgen och Miriam Knudt­

zon. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1977. - 87 bl.

24 * kewisi John P.; Development co-operation : efforts and policies of the members of the Development assis­

tance committee : 1979 review : report. - Paris * OECD, 1979. - 290 s.

ISBN 92-64-12019-X

28 * ^°3-ander, Cecilia: Development research in Sweden 1978 : research register with a general survey. - Stockholm : SAREC, 1978. - 159 s. - (SAREC report, ISSN 0348-2626 ; 1978:4)



26 * Prospects for fisheries development assistance / Harlan C. Lampe ... . - Kingston, R.I. : University of Rhode Island, 1974. - 41 s. : ill. - (Marine technical report series ; 19}

27• Regeringens proposition 1977/78:135 om riktlinjer för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete m.m.; be­

slutad den 30 mars 1978. - [Stockholm], 1978. - 126 s. - (Prop. 1977/78 ,* 135)

28. Roberts, Glyn: Handbook for development workers

overseas : some questions to consider before, during and after a period of employment in the Third World.

- Alverstoke : The Alver press, 1979. - 48 s. : ill.

ISBN 0-906415-09-8

29• Rydën, Per: Rural development in Guinea-Bissau :

preparatory mission / CPer Rydén, Eidi Johansson!. - [Stockholm?!, 1979. - [563 s. (var. pag.)

Titelrubrik: Government of the Republic of Guinea- Bissau, .Swedish international development authority 30• Styrelsen för internationell utveckling: Bistånd

genom SIDA : anslagsframställning, verksamhetsplan, verksamhetsberättelse // / Styrelsen för internatio­

nell utveckling. - Stockholm, 1977-.


31• Styrelsen för internationell utveckling: Bistånd genom SIDA : verksamhetsberättelse // / Styrelsen för internationell utveckling. - Stockholm, C197-73-.


32* Styrelsen för internationell utveckling: Samarbete för utveckling : om u-land och svenskt bistånd / SIDAs informationsbyrå ; red. Peter Gumbel. - Stock­

holm : SIDA, 1972. - 128 s. : ill.

33* Styrelsen för internationell utveckling: SIDA om u-samarbetet : anslagsframställning, verksamhetsbe­

rättelse // / Styrelsen för internationell utveckling.

- Stockholm, 1975-.


34* Styrelsen för internationell utveckling: Statistik över fältpersonal budgetåret 78/79 / utarb. av Per­

sonalarkivet, rekryteringssektionen, SIDA. - Stock­

holm : SIDA, 1979. - C233 bl.

Styrelsen för internationell utveckling: Svenskt utvecklingssamarbete : rapport Över statlig bistånds­

verksamhet 1969/70 / sammanst. av SIDAs informations­

byrå. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1970. - 79 s. : ill.




Ardizzone, G.D.: A bibliography of African freshwater fish = Bibliographie des poissons d'eau douce de

l'Afrique : supplement 1 (1968-1975). - Rome : FAO, 1976. - 40 s. - (CIFA occasional paper ; 5)

ISBN 92-5-000092-8

Coche, André G.: Aquaculture in freshwaters : a list of reference books, 1953-78. - Rome : FAO, 1979. -

11 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 724)

Coche, André G.: Aquaculture in marine waters : a list of reference books 1967-78. - Rome : FAO, 1979.

- 10 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 723)

Food and agriculture organization of the United nations A bibliography of West African marine fisheries and

fishery oceanography : supplement 1 / prep, by Research information unit, Fishery resources and environment division, PAO. - Rome : FAO, 1976. - 73 s. - (CECAF/

ECAF series ; 75/1, suppl. 1)

Food and agriculture organization of the United nations FAO fisheries department list of publications and docu­

ments 1948-1978 / Fishery information, data and sta­

tistics service, Fisheries branch library, FAO. - Rome : FAO, 1979. - 241 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 100, rev. 3)

Fransk, spansk o. engelsk parallelltext

Food and agriculture organization of the United nations A selected bibliography on the economic aspects of

aquaculture, 1969 to 1979 / prep, by the FAO fisheries department, Fishery information, data and statistics service. - Rome : FAO, 1979. - 39 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 702, rev. 1)

Food and agriculture organization of the United nations Selected publications on the technology of fish uti­

lization and marketing / comp, by Fish production and marketing service ... , FAO. - Rome : FAO, 1977. - 57

s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 136, rev. 1) Fransk, spansk o. engelsk parallelltext

Little, E.C.S.: Handbook of utilization of aquatic plants : a review of world literature. - Rome : FAO,

1979. - 176 s. : ill. - (FAO fisheries technical paper ; 187)

ISBN 92-5-100825-6

Rufli, Hans: Bibliography of fisheries and limnology for Lake Tanganyika = Bibliographie sur les pêches et la limnologie du lac Tanganyika. - Rome : FAO, 1978.

- 12 s. - (CIFA occasional paper ; 6)



45* Rylander, Kristina: Böcker om Afrika : litteratur på svenska : ett urval : en förteckning / sammanst. av Kristina Rylander ; Cunder medverkan av] Tore Linné Eriksen och Birgitta Fahlander. - Uppsala : Nordiska afrikainstitutet, 1978. - 18 s.

46 * Sea grant newsletters index 1976 / ed. Parmula K.

Weedman. - Narragansett : University of Rhode Island, National sea grant depository, 1977. - 156 s.

47* Sea grant publications index 1976 / ed. Parmula K.

Weedman. - Narragansett : University of Rhode Island, National sea grant depository, 1977. - 2 vol.

Vol. 2. - 310 s.

48. Sea grant publications index 1977 / comp, by Betty Edel, Catherine Roques. - Narragansett : University of Rhode Island, National sea grant depository, 1978.

- 337 s.

49. Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademien: Forsknings- och försöksmeddelanden 1976 från institutioner på jord­

brukets, trädgårdsodlingens, skogens m.fl. områden / sammanst, av M. Cavalli och U. Lenskog ; utg. av K.

Skogs- och lantbruksakademien. - Stockholm, 1977. - S. 201-273.

Även engelsk titel. - Särtr. ur: Skogs- och lant­

bruksakademiens tidskrift ; 116, 1977

50. Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademien: Forsknings- och försöksmeddelanden 1977 från institutioner på jord­

brukets, trädgårdsodlingens, skogens m.fl. områden / sammanst. av Marianne Cavalli och Yvonne Olrog Hedvall

; utg. av K. Skogs- och lantbruksakademien. - Stock­

holm, 1978. - S. 139-211.

Även engelsk titel. - Särtr. ur: Skogs- och lant­

bruksakademiens tidskrift ; 117, 1978

5"* * Smith, Paul E. : Selected bibliography on pelagic fish egg and larva surveys / prep, by Paul E. Smith and Sally L. Richardson. - Rome : FAO, 1979. - 97 s. -

(FAO fisheries circular ; 706)

Fransk, spansk o. engelsk parallelltext

52 * Strannberq, Britta: Fiske i u-land 2 : förteckning Över litteratur på biståndsavdelningen. - Lysekil : Havsfiskelaboratoriet, biståndsavdelningen/ 1979. - 47 bl. - (Meddelande / från Havsfiskelaboratoriet, ISSN 0460-0789 ; 258) (Fisheries development series



53. Thomas, S.J.: Bibliography on aquatic pollution in Africa / comp, by S.J. Thomas, D.S. Moulder and A.

Varley. - Rome : FAO, 1978. - 55 s. - (FIR:TPLR/78/

Inf. ; 9)

Titelrubrik: Sixth FAO/SIDA workshop on aquatic pollution in relation to protection of living resources ... Kenya, 1978

54. University of Rhode Island. Marine advisory service:

URI sea grant program : publications catalogue / Uni­

versity of Rhode Island, Division of marine resources, Marine advisory service. - CNarragansett Bay Campus?,

1978?!. - 50 s. - (Marine memorandum ; 49)

55. Ziesler, R.: Bibliografîa sobre los peces de agua dulce de Amërica Latina = Bibliography of Latin American freshwater fish. - Roma : FAO, 1979. - 187 s. - (COPESCAL technical paper ; 2)

ISBN 92-5-000781-7


56 * Catalogue of admiralty charts and other hydrographic

publications 1980 / publ. by Hydrographer of the navy. - Taunton : Hydrographic department, Ministry of defence,

1980. - 158 s. : ill.

57. Central intelligence agency: Indian Ocean atlas. - CNytr.1. - Washington, D.C. : CIA, 1976, repr. 1979.

- 80 s. : ill.

FÖRTECKNINGAR ÖVER INSTITUTIONER OCH FORSKARE 58* Biologiska, ekologiska, och miijövårdsinriktade

forskningsinstitutioner i Sverige : en sammanställ­

ning av forskningsinriktning och undervisning / Cred.

avi Majda Zumer-Linder & Jeannette Lindström. - Rev.

uPPl* “ Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet,

1978. - 80 s. - (Ecological studies, ISSN 0348-4165 ; 1) ISBN 91-576-0063-5

59* Cuerden, Clare: Library services for the South China

Sea fisheries programme and its participating countries.

- Manila : South China Sea fisheries development and coordinating programme, 1976. - 48, 10 bl. - (SCS/75/


Informationskällor inom miljövården / [red.: Peter Wilhelml. - CStockholml : Tekniska litteratursällska­

pet, 1974. - 40 s. - (Meddelande / Tekniska litteratur­

sällskapet, ISSN 0347-3929 ; 11) 60.



61. Landi, Gianna: Initials and acronyms of bodies,

activities and projects concerned with fisheries and aquatic sciences. - Rome : PAO, 1979. - 111 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 110, rev, 3}

Fransk, spansk o. engelsk parallelltext

62. Pedini, Mario: Lista provisional de acuicultores lati- noamericanos = A provisional list of Latin American aquaculturists. - Rome : FAO, 1979. - 38 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 323, rev. 1)

63. Statskontoret : Förteckning över förvaltningsbibliotek 7~upphovsman“Statskontoret ; utarb. av Berith Eider- vinge ... . - Stockholm : Statskontoret, 1978. - 174

s. - (Rapport / Statskontoret ; 1978:7)

64. Statskontoret : Förteckning över förvaltningsbibliotek.

- Stockholm : Statskontoret, 1979. - 177 s. - (Rapport / Statskontoret ; 1979:2)

65. Styrelsen för internationell utveckling. Informations- bvran: Vägvisare till u-landsdokumentation : förteck­

ning över nordiska bibliotek, arkiv och dokumentations­

centraler med material om u-länder och utvecklings­

frågor / SIDAs informationsbyrå ; sammanst.: Niels Halkjær. - Stockholm : SIDA, '1979. - 24 s.

ISBN 91-586-6003-8

66. Who's who in ocean and freshwater science / ed.:

Allen Varley. - 1. ed. - Harlow : Francis Hodgson, 1978. - 336 s.


67. Bengtsson, Bo: Strengthening national agricultural research : report from a SÄREC workshop : part 2:

summary and conclusions. - Stockholm : SAREC, 1980.

- 54 s. - (SAREC report, ISSN 0348-2626 ; 1980:2)

Dahl, Gudrun: Pastoral change and the role of drought 7 Gudrun Dahl and Anders Hjort. - Stockholm : SAREC,

1979. - 50 s. : ill. - (SÄREC report, ISSN 0348-2626 ,* 1979:2)

69. Fornaeus, Ulla: Hassina och andra barn i Bangladesh / Ulla Fornaeus, Johan Sanne. - Stockholm : SIDAs in­

formationsbyrå, 1976. - 39 s, : ill. - (Barn i u-land) ISBN 91-586-3004-X

70. Fröberg, Per: Maria flyttar till Lima ; en berättelse fränPeru. - 4. uppl. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1978. -

29 s. : ill. - (Barn i u-land)

71. Lovén, Ulla: Carlos i Colombia / fulla Lovén, Erik Fagerholml. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1977. - 28 s. : ill.

- (Barn i u-land)



72. Riksrevisionsverket ; Handledning i verksamhetsplanering för statsförvaltningen : en introduktion. ~ Stockholm : LiberFörlag, 1974. - 134 s. : ill.

ISBN 91-38-01582-X

73. Riksrevisionsverket: Mål och program i verksamhets­

planering. - Stockholm : LiberFörlag, 1976. - 109 s. : ill. - {SEA skrifter)

ISBN 91-38-02585-X

74. Southern Africa development coordination conference, 1979 (Arusha)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries : sectoral paper.

- CArusha?, 19791. - 61 bl.

75. Statskontoret ; Om planering vid statliga myndigheter : metoder, organisation, erfarenheter, synpunkter. - Stockholm : LiberFörlag / Allmänna förlaget, 1978. - 266 s. : ill.

ISBN 91-38-03310-0

76. Strengthening national agricultural research : report from a SAREC workshop, September 10-17, 1979 : part 1:

background documents / ed.: Bo Bengtsson and Getachew Tedia. - Stockholm : SAREC, 1980. - 222 s. - (SAREC report, ISSN 0348-2626 ; 1980:1}

77. Tekniska litteratursällskapet: Universella decimal- klassifikationen (UDK) : med danskt-norskt-svenskt alfabetiskt register. - Sv. förkortad uppl., 3. revid.

utg. - Stockholm : Tekniska litteratursällskapet, 1977. - 329 s. - (Publikation / Internationella fede­

rationen för dokumentation ; 556)





78. Campleman, Gordon: Manual on the identification and preparation of fishery investment projects. - Rome : PAO, 1976. - 86 s. - {FAO fisheries technical paper ;


ISBN 92-5-100096-4

79. Dawson, Christine L.: A comparison of national re­

sources available for fishery research. - Rome : FAO, 1977. -18s.- (FAO fisheries circular ? 348)

80. Fisheries research planning workshop, 1977 (Denver) Proceedings of the fisheries research planning work­

shop (the title XII program) / Kenneth B. Craib and Warren R. Ketler, ed. - Los Altos : Resources develop­

ment associates, C1977P3. - 122 s.

81* Food and agriculture organization of the United Na­

tions: The potential of the fisheries to provide in­

creased food supplies for the developing countries and the requirements for investment. - Rome : FAO, 1977. - 21 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 343, rev. 1) 82. Gulland, J.A.: Problems and priorities in providing

research input to fishery decisions. - (Ocean develop­

ment and international law journal ; 4, 1977, nr 1, s. 27-37)

83. Larsson, Ö.: Small-scale fishery development model : brief description of input/output and model configu­

ration. - Rome : FAO, 1975. - E23, 2, 6, 2, 13 bl. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 337)

84. Meidell Gerhardsen, G.: Strategies for development projects in small-scale fisheries : a contribution to policy formulation. - Rome : FAO, 1977. - 30 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 713)

Nordel1, Ebbe: Fångst av bläckfisk och krill samt odling av fisk, alger och musslor : fem pusselbitar i vår kommande försörjning : examensarbete. - Uppsala

: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, inst. för ekonomi och statistik, 1977. - 43 s. : ill.

ISBN 91-7088-797-7

86. Robinson, M.A.: Prospects for world fisheries to 2000. - Rome : FAO, 1979. - 12 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ; 722)


Seminar on the role of small-scale fisheries and coastal aquaculture in integrated rural development,

1978 (Madras)

Programme : seminar on the role of small-scale fisheries and coastal aquaculture in integrated rural development, 6-9 December 1978, Madras. -

Cochin : Central marine fisheries research institute,

£197811. - 16 s.

Titelrubrik: Indian council of agricultural re­


Stevenson, D.K.: Yield models and tropical artisanal fishery development / D.K. Stevenson and S.B. Saila.

- Kingston, R.I. : University of Rhode Island, C19771.

- 28, C4D bl. - (State-of-the-art paper)


United States department of commerce. National oceanic and atmospheric administration. Foreign fisheries analysis division: Fisheries development in Ireland. - Washington, 1979. - 10, 3 bl.

United States department of commerce. National technical information service: Industrial outlook report: fishing industry : CERP 0404. - Springfield, 1976. -3s.- (DIB ; 76-02-002)


United States department of commerce. National technical information service: Industrial outlook report: fishing industry : CERP 0404 (Sweden). - Springfield, 1976. -7s.- (DIB ; 76-09-017)


Ackefors, Hans: Fisket utanför Västafrika. - 111. - (Svenska västkustfiskaren ,* 1974 , nr 1, s. 10-12) Ben-Yami, M.: Report of travel to participate in fisheries mission to Cape Verde and Portugal (3-13 December 1976). - Rome : FAO, 1977. - 6 s. - (FAO fisheries travel report and aide mémoire ; 1283)

Chapman, D.W.: Fishery development in Lake Tanganyika.

- Rome : FAO, Cl 9751. - 8 bl. - (Working paper /

Lake Tanganyika fishery research and development pro­

ject ; 6)

Chapman, D.W.: Preliminary appraisal of the canoe fishery of Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania) / by D.W. Chap­

man and G.P. Bazigos. - Rome : FAO, [19751. - 26 bl.

: ill. - (Working paper / Lake Tanganyika fishery re­

search and development project ; 7)



96. Portont, Marcel: Pêche maritime au Congo : possibili­

tés de développement. - Paris : Mouton, cop. 1970. - 282 s. : ill. - {Recherches Africaines ; 10)

Titelrubrik: Institut de recherches économiques et sociales, Université lovanium de Kinshasa

97* Everett, G.V.: The fisheries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia: observations on their management and development. - Dakar : CECAF, 1978. - 33 s. - (CECAF/

TECH ; 78/10)

98. Kollberg, Sven: East African marine research and ma­

rine resources. - Stockholm : SAREC, 197S. - 82 s. : ill. - {SAREC report, ISSN 0348-2626 ; 1979:1)

99« Larsson, S. Örjan R.: A study on the artisanal fishery of Mozambique : prepared in Maputo 2-15 December 1979.

- Maputo, 1979. - C133 s. (var. pag.)

100. MacAlister Elliott & partners ltd: Visit to the Repub­

lic of Cape Verde : 24th - 28th April 1979. - CLyming- ton, 19793. - 6 bl.

101. Mathisen, Ole A.: Preliminary report on a mission for the Lake Tanganyika fisheries project April 19 - May 23, 1975. - Rome : FAO, 1975. - 15 s., 4 pl.-bl. : ill.

- {Working paper / Lake Tanganyika fishery research and development project ; 28)

102. Reis, Luis: Santo Antônio do Zaire ; projecto de desenvolvimento local : sector da pesca. - tLuanda, 197273. - 67, 7 bl. : ill.

103. Sasidharan, V.K.: Frame survey at Lake Tanganyika (Tan­

zania) : August 1975. - Rome : FAO, 1975. - 26 bl. - (Working paper / Lake Tanganyika fishery research and development project ; 27)

104. Sasidharan, V.K.: Lusenga and kipe fishery of Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania). - Rome : FAO, 1976. - 10 bl. :

ill. - (Working paper / Lake Tanganyika fishery re­

search and development project ; 43)

105‘ Symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa, 1977 (Bujumbura)

Review and experience papers : symposium on river and floodplain fisheries in Africa, Bujumbura, Burundi, 21 November - 23 November 1977 / ed. by Robin L.

Weicomme. - Rome : FAO, 1978. - 378 s. : ill. - (CIFA technical paper ; 5)

Fransk o. engelsk parallelltext ISBN 92-5-000674-8



106. Talarczak, K.: Industrial marine fisheries in the CECAF area : part II: Ivory Coast to Zaïre / by K.

Talarczak ,* with the collab. of I. Mizuishi. - Dakar : CECAF, 1977. - 71, E83 bl. : ill. - (CECAF/TECH ; 77/5)

107. United States department of commerce. National tech­

nical information service: CERP 009 : the fishing industry in Burundi. - Springfield, 1977. -3s.-

(DIB ; 77-02-025)

108. Weidner, Dennis M. : Fisheries of Angola, 1974-76 / Dennis M. Weidner, Susan’ D. Foster. - Washington, D.C.

: Office of international fisheries, U.S. department of commerce, 1977. -14s. : ill. - (Foreign fishe­

ries leaflet ; 77-6)


109. Burney, Masood A.: Country report of Pakistan on the present status of fisheries, its development and management. - ES.1.3 : Deutsche Stiftung für inter­

nationale Entwicklung, Zentralstelle für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, 1974. - 23 s.

Titelrubrik: International seminar on fisheries resources and their management in Southeast Asia,

1974 (West Berlin)

110. Christensen, Gert: [Fisheries development in Bangladeshi.

- [Dacca, 19723. - ECa 703 bl.

Titel saknas. - Report of the FAQ/DANIDA agricultural mission to Bangladesh, September/December 1972

111. Committee for coordination of investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin: Fisheries and integrated Mekong River Basin development : terminal report of the Mekong Basinwide Fishery Studies : executive volume.

- [Ann Arbor! : University of Michigan, School of natural resources, 1976. - 367 s. : ill.

Titelrubrik: Democratic Kampuchea, Lao P.D.R., Thai­

land, Viet-Nam

112. Engvall, L-O.: Republic of Vietnam : pre-feasibility study of a purse seine fishery : a report prepared for the offshore fishery development project / by L-0. Engvall, E. van Noort, C. Larsson. - Rome : FAO,

1974. - 30 s. : ill.

113. Fisheries in Asia : people, problems and recommenda­

tions / by Okada Osamu ... . - (IFDA dossier ; 14, 1979, s. 31-46)

Food and agriculture organization of the United na­

tions: Off-shore fishery development : Republic of South-Vietnam : project findings and recommendations

: report. - Rome : FAO, 1975. - 36 s.




115* F(Pod and agriculture organization of the United na­

tions: Report to the Government of Pakistan by the fisheries policy study mission. - Rome : FAO, 1974.

- 67 s, - (FAO/UNDP {technical assistance) reports on fisheries ; 3296)

General description of marine fisheries : Goa, Daman ana Diu, India. - Colombo : Small-scale fisheries promotion in South Asia, 1979. - 46 s. : ill. - (FAO/

UNDP project ; RAS/77/044) {Working paper ; 23)

117‘ General description of marine small scale fisheries : Gujarat, India. - Colombo : Small scale fisheries promotion in South Asia, 1979. - 67 s. : ill. - (FAO/

UNDP project ; RAS/77/044) {Working paper ; 29) 118. Khoo Khay Huat: The introduction of technology into

the fisheries sector : an analysis of Penang fisheries.

- Kuala Lumpur, 1978. - 5, C43 s.

Titelrubrik: Regional conference technology for rural development, 1978 (Kuala Lumpur)

119* ^g..r.y.an~pang: Country report of Vietnam. - CS.1.3 : Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung, Zentralstelle für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, 1974.


Titelrubrik: International seminar on fisheries resources and their management in Southeast Asia, 1974 (West Berlin)

^20* Marine products export development authority, India:

Guidelines for investment in fishing in India (joint ventures-import). - Cochin, C197-73. - 49 s.

121 * Naylor, J.: Country perspective study : Bangladesh : fisheries sector brief : for FAO inter-disciplinary team visiting Bangladesh, September 1973. - [Rome : FA01, 1973. - 9 bl.

122* Pajot, G.: Demersal fishing : project description : Sri Lanka. ~ Madras : Development of small-scale fisheries in the Bay of Bengal, 1979. - 20 s. -

{RAS/40/SWE project report ; SRL/DEF/1)

123* Silas, E.G.: Pelagic oceanic fisheries of the Indian Ocean. - 111. - (Indian farming ; December 1969, 4 s.)


124* Simpson, A.C.: Progress report on fishing for tuna in Philippine waters by FAO chartered purse seiners : work plan implementation (working paper) / A.C. Simp­

son and S. Chikuni. - Manila : South China Sea fishe­

ries development and coordinating programme, 1976. - 35 bl. - (SCS/77/WP/35)

United States department of commerce. National tech­

nical information service: Philippine fishing industry developments. - Springfield, 1976. - 5 s. - (DIB •

77-03-002) ' '



Australien och Nya Guinea

126. Kearney, R.E.: Skipjack tuna fishing in Papua New Guinea, 1970-73. - 111. - (Marine fisheries review ; 37, 1975, nr 2, s. 5-8) (MFR paper ; 1120)


127. Lewis, A.D.: The skipjack tuna fishery in Papua New Guinea, 1976 / A.D. Lewis and B.R. Smith. - CS.l.,

197671 . - S. 3-6.

128. MacFarlane, J.W.: Aspects of a lobster trawl fishery in the Gulf of Papua : prepared for a meeting of the Northern fisheries committee (Brisbane 12-14th July

1977) / J.W. MacFarlane and R. Moore. - CS.l., 197773 - C143 bl.

Syd- och Mellanamerika

129. Conference on the development of small-scale fishe­

ries in the Caribbean region, 1977 (Cartagena) Conference on the development of small-scale fishe­

ries in the Caribbean region, Cartagena, Colombia, November 16-17, 1977 / ed. by James B. Higman ... . - Miami : US department of state, Agency for interna­

tional development, 1978. - S. 119-242 : ill.

Särtr. ur: Annual proceedings 30th Gulf and Carib­

bean fisheries institute

130. Hughes, David G.: Progress report on fisheries deve­

lopment in El Salvador : August 1974 - May 1976. - Auburn, Ala. : International center for aquaculture,

1977. - 16 s. : ill. - (Research and development series ; 15)

131. Luna, Julio: Development potential for the fisheries of Latin America. - 111. - (Fishing news internatio­

nal ; 13, 1974, nr. 11, s. 19-29)

132. Luna, Julio: Fishery progress in Latin America : the contribution of the Inter-American development bank.

- CWashington, D.C.71 , 1979. - 5 bl.

133. Technical consultation on the Latin American hake industry, 1977 (Montevideo)

Supplement 1 to the report of the technical consulta­

tion on the Latin American hake industry, Montevideo, Uruguay, 24-28 October 1977 : selected papers pre­

sented at the consultation. - Rome : FAO, 1978*. - 266 s. : ill. - (FAO fisheries report ; 203, suppl. 1) ISBN 92-5-100643-1

134. United States department of commerce. National tech­

nical information service: Annual fisheries report (Ecuador). - Springfield, 1976. - 14 s. - (DIB ; 76-11-014)


135. United States department of commerce. National tech­

nical information service: Brasil's fishing industry.

- Springfield, 1977. - 16 s. - (DIB ; 77-03-004) 136, United States department of commerce. National tech­

nical information service: Industrial outlook report:

fishing industry (Panama). - Springfield, 1976. - 26 s. - (DIB j 76-09-027)


137. Abecassis, David William: The law and practice rela­

ting to oil pollution from ships. - London : Butter- worths, 1978. - 275 s.

ISBN 0-406-10105-1

138. Australian fisheries council. Working group: The 200 mile Australian fishing zone : a report. - CS.1.1 : Australian fisheries council, 1977. - 76, C611 bl. :


139* Brander, K.M.: The effect of 200 mile limits on fisheries management in the Northeast Atlantic. - Rome : FAO, 1978. - 19 s. - (FAO fisheries technical paper ; 183)

ISBN 92-5-100592-3

140. Carroz, J.E.: Bilateral fishery agreements : a review of bilateral fishery agreements concluded as a result of the new regime of the oceans / by J.E. Carroz and M.J. Savini. - Rome : FAO, 1978. - 65 s. - (FAO fishe­

ries circular ; 709)

141. Charney, Jonathan I.: Law of the sea: breaking the dead­

lock. - (Foreign affairs ; 55, 1977, s. 598-629)

142. CIDA/FAO/CECAF seminar on the changing law of the sea and the fisheries of West Africa, 1977 (Banjul)

Report on the CIDA/FAO/CECAF seminar on the changing law of the sea and the fisheries of West Africa, Ban­

jul, the Gambia, 19-27 September 1977. - Rome : FAO, 1978. - 147 s. - (Canada funds-in-trust. FAO/TF/INT ; 180(a) (CAN))

ISBN 92-5-100634-2

143. Cram, David L.: Research and management in southeast Atlantic pelagic fisheries. - 111. - (California co­

operative oceanic fisheries investigations reports ; 19, 1976, s. 33-56)

144. Dupuy, René-Jean: The law of the sea : current prob­

lems. - Dobbs Ferry : Oceana publ. inc. ; Leiden : A.W. Sijthoff, 1974. - 210 s.

ISBN 0-379-00217-5 (Oceana) ISBN 90-286-0354-9 (Sijthoff)



1 7

Food and agriculture organization of the United na­

tions: World fisheries and the law of the sea : the challenge to fisheries development and management under the new legal regime : the FAO EEZ programme.

- Rome : FAO, 1979. - 30 s. : ill.

146. General fisheries council for the Mediterranean.

Working party on resource evaluation and fishery statistics. Technical consultation on the assessment and management of the Black Sea turbot, 1979 (Istan­


Report of the technical consultation on the assessment and management of the Black Sea turbot, Istanbul, Tur­

key, 11—15 June 1979. - Rome : FAO, 1979. - 19 s, - (FAO fisheries report ; 226)

ISBN 92-5-100879-5

147. Gulland, J.A.: Towards the management of the resour­

ces of the CECAF region : an outline programme for the CECAF project. - Rome : FAO, 1979. - 19 s. -

(CECAF/ECAF series ; 79/12)

Titelrubrik: Project for the development of fishe­

ries in the eastern central Atlantic

148. Island. Ministry for foreign affairs: The fishery limits off Iceland : 200 nautical miles. - Reykjavik, 1976. - 67 s. : ill.

149. Moore, Gerald: A new fisheries bill : Malaysia : work plan implementation (working paper). - Manila : South China Sea fisheries development and coodinating programme, 1977. - 56, 12 s. - (SCS/77/WP/67)

150. Treholt, Arne: FN's havrettskonferanse : den sjuende arbeidssesjon. - (Internasjonal politikk ; 4, 1978, s. 587-604)

151. Wells, R.J.G.: Marine fisheries management strategies for Peninsular Malaysia. - Kuala Lumpur, 1978. - 20 s.

Titelrubrik: Regional conference technology for rural development, 1978 (Kuala Lumpur)

152. Yap Chan Ling: The diseconomy of technological pro­

gress: a note on fishery regulations. - Kuala Lumpur, 1978. - 9, C33 s.

Titelrubrik: Regional conference technology for rural development, 1978 (Kuala Lumpur)


153. FAQ/SIDA course on the management of fishermen's co­

operatives, 1973 (Bombay)

FAO/SIDA course on the management of fishermen's co­

operatives in collaboration with the Government of India and the International cooperative alliance, Central institute of fisheries education, Bombay, 1-26 March 1973. - CS.l.D, 1973. - Cl 83 s.



154- FAO/SIDä course on the management of fishermen's co-operatives (TF-IND 110/SWE), 1973 (Bombay)

Report of preparatory mission to SIDA, India, 7-26 February 1972 and of subsequent discussion with Mr.

K.H. Alikunhi, director, CIFE, Rome, 29 March, 1972.

- CS.l. , 1973?]. - C22j bl.

"*55. Pollnac, Richard B.: Attitudes toward cooperation

among small-scale fishermen and farmers in the Azores

* paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for applied anthropology, Philadelphia, Pa., March 14-17, 1979 / by Richard B. Pollnac and Francisco Carmo. - Kingston, R.I. : University of Rhode Island,

1979. - 14 bl. - (Anthropology working paper ; 32)

"*56. Pollnac, Richard B. : Correlates of fishermen's co­

operative membership in the Republic of Panama / by Richard B. Pollnac and Roberto Ruiz-Stout. - Kingston, R.I. : University of Rhode Island, 1976. - 24 s. -

(Anthropology working paper ; 8)

^57. Pollnac, Richard B.: Perceptions of fishermen's co­

operatives by small-scale fishermen in the Republic of Panama / by Richard B. Pollnac and Roberto Ruiz- Stout. - Kingston, R.I. : University of Rhode Island, 1976. - 27 s. - (Anthropology working paper ; 7)

"*58* Pun;..a ael Diablo: an artisanal fishermen's cooperative in Uruguay : an unforgettable visit. - 111. - (Ideas and action ; 125, 1978, nr 6, s. 6-12)

"*55- Robbins, Michael C.: Cooperative membership and opti­

mism among small scale fishermen in Panama / by

Michael C. Robbins, Linda Coffman Robbins and Richard B. Pollnac. - Kingston, R.I. ; University of Rhode Island, 1977. - 20 s. : ill, - (Anthropology working paper ; 16)

"*°®* Séminaire FAO/SIDA sur les méthodes de formation des pêcheurs, 1975 (Kêlibia)

Rapport sur le Séminaire FAO/SIDA sur les méthodes

de formation des pêcheurs, Kêlibia, Tunisie, 21 juillet au 15 août 1975. - Rome : FAO, 1976. - 66 s. : ill. -

(Swedish funds-in-trust. FAO/SWE/TF ; 68)


"*6"*- ËËX °- Bengal programme. Advisory committee. Meeting, 4 (Phuket 1979)

Report of the fourth meeting of the advisory committee, Pnuket, Thailand, November 27-30, 1979. - Madras : De­

velopment of small-scale fisheries in the Bay of Ben­

gal, 1980. - 56 s. - (GCP/RAS/040/SWE) (BOBP/REP ; 7)



162. Committee for inland fisheries of Africa. Session, 3 (Bujumbura 1977}

Report of the third session of the Committee for in­

land fisheries of Africa, Bujumbura, Burundi, 21-26 November 1977. - Rome : FAO, 1978. - 28 s. - (FAO fisheries reports ; 210)

ISBN 92-5-100662-8

163. Committee on fisheries. Session, 13 (Rome 1979) Report of the thirteenth session of the Committee on fisheries, Rome, 8-12 October 1979. - Rome : FAO,

1979. - 44 s. - (FAO fisheries reports ; 228) ISBN 92-5-100877-9

164. Development of small-scale fisheries in the Bay of Bengal. Advisory committee meeting, 3 (Chittaqong

1978) y

Report of the third meeting of the advisory committee, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 7-10 November 1978. - Colombo

: International Indian Ocean fishery survey and deve­

lopment programme, 1978. - 28 s. - (TF-RAS/40(SWE).

Rep. ; 3)

165. FA0/ICES/ICNAF/ICCAT/ICSBAF coordinating working party on Atlantic fishery statistics. Session, 9

(Dartmouth 1977)

Report of the ninth session : Coordinating working party ... Dartmouth, Canada, 17-23 August 1977. - Rome

: FAO, 1977. - 40 s. - (FAO fisheries reports ; 197) ISBN 92-5-100421-8

166. FAQ/Norway expert consultation on international co­

operation in fishery development in developing count­

ries, 1977 (Svan^y)

Report of the FAO/Norway expert consultation on in­

ternational cooperation in fishery development in de­

veloping countries, Svan<2$y, Norway, 1-6 August 1977.

Rome : FAO, 1977. - 47 s. - (FAO fisheries reports

; 201)

ISBN 92-5-100482-X

167. Food and agriculture organization of the United na­

tions: The director-general1s programme of work and budget for 1978-79. - Rome : FAO, 1977. - 308 s.

168. General fisheries council for the Mediterranean (GFCM).

Committee on resource management. Session, 2 (Rome 1978)

Report of the second session of the Committee on resource management, Rome, 19-21 June 1978. - Rome : FAO, 1978. “ 31 s. - (FAO fisheries reports ; 207) ISBN 92-5-100632-6


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