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Some Finiteness Issues in Dierential Algebraic Systems Theory


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Some Finiteness Issues in Dierential Algebraic Systems Theory

Krister Forsman and Mats Jirstrand Department of Electrical Engineering

Linkoping University S-581 83 Linkoping


email: {krister,matsj}@isy.liu.se





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Some Finiteness Issues in Dierential Algebraic Systems Theory

Krister Forsman and Mats Jirstrand

Department of Electrical Engineering, Linkoping University S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden

email: fkrister,matsjg@isy.liu.se

Abstract. The elimination problem in dierential algebraic systems theory is discussed. The focus is on

niteness questions, such as conditions for the elimination ideal to be nitely generated.

Keywords: nonlinear systems, dierential algebra, elimination

1 Introduction

In this paper a few algorithmic problems relating to di erential algebraic systems theory are addressed. We will point out some problems arising as one treats systems of polynomial di erential equations using the language of di erential algebra. In particular we will see what happens when we search for the input-output equations, which are possible to derive from the original system. Most of the problems are related to computational diculties, e.g. the existence of a nite set of di erential equations describing the system.

Di erential algebra made its way into systems theory via the discoveries of Michel Fliess in the mid 80's and has now grown quite extensive. A very good survey is given in 3]. Several authors have studied how the algorithms of di erential algebra, mostly elimination theory, can be used in systems theory. Let us here mention 1, 7, 8, 14, 19].

The paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents an example which serves as a back- ground for later sections. Sections 3 and 4 display some properties of this example, which are probably rather surprising and counter-intuitive to the non-expert. Section 5, 6 and 7 explain how most of the problems that arose can be resolved. Section 8 describes some problems that are still open, and section 9 summarizes the results of the paper.

1.1 Basic Denitions and Notation

We suppose that the reader is familiar with some basic concepts from commutative and di erential algebra, such as ring, ideal, prime ideal and characteristic sets. Some references are 11, 12, 21, 22]. Here follow a few denitions and theorems we use.

k denotes an arbitrary eld of characteristic zero.

The ring of polynomials in the variables x1 ::: xn with coecients from k is written kx1 ::: xn].

The ideal generated by a set P of polynomials is denotedhPi.

The ring of di erential polynomials in the di erential indeterminatesx1 ::: xnis denoted kfx1 ::: xng.


We will consider variables which are time dependent and denote derivation with respect to time with a dot or ddt. Higher order derivatives is denoted with superscripts within parentheses in the usual way, i.e.

xx_ x x (3) x(4) :::

The leader of a di erential polynomial is the highest ranked derivative that appears in the di erential polynomial. The initial Ig of a di erential polynomial g is the (polynomial) coecient of the highest power of the leader and theseparantSg of a di erential polynomial g is the partial derivative ofg w.r.t. the leader.

If HA is a di erential polynomial the ideal 


] :HA1 is dened by


] :HA1 = ff : HAr f 2


]for some r 2Ng: (1) This notation, which is rather unfortunate from commutative algebraic point of view, stems from di erential algebra 11, 21].

Consider the class of systems that can be represented by a classical state space description:

x_1=f1(xu) _ ...

xn=fn(xu) y=h(xu)


where x= (x1 ::: xn) andf1 ::: fnh2kx1 ::: xnu], i.e. all nonlinearities are polyno- mial. If we allow derivatives of the input in the right hand sides, as is often done in di erential algebraic systems theory, nothing will change for the issues discussed in this paper.

To a given state space description (2) we associate a di erential ideal

 := _x1;f1 ::: x_n;fn y;h] (3) called the state space dierential idealof system (2).

Our main question is: which di erential equations in y and u only that belong to ?

I.e. which input-output equations can we derive from the state space description (2). Math- ematically speaking this means that we look for the di erential ideal

c := \kfuyg (4)

2 An Interesting Example

We now consider an example of a system whose input-output ideal c has some interesting properties. The system is:

x_1 =x1x2 x_2= 0 y=x1 (5) The equations can be seen as a state space description of all systems, which is described by a linear, rst order di erential equation with constant coecient.

The equations generate the following di erential ideal

 = _x1;x1x2x_2y;x1] (6) which we now will study more in detail.


In the ideal  we are especially interested in the equations that only involve y and its derivatives, since these describe the output behaviour of the system. In other words: what does clook like? If we denote y=y0y_ =y1y=y2 ,etc.we get

y0 =x1 y1 = _x1=x1x2 y2 = _x1x2+x1x_2=x1x22: Eliminatingx1 and x2 from these gives

p := y2y0;y12 = 0 (7)

Clearly it is not possible to construct a di erential polynomial in the variableyof lower order than this from the above equations. This means that there are no di erential polynomials of lower order than pin c.

We can now pose a variety of interesting questions concerning the di erential ideal de- scription of the above system, such as

 Is p] = c? In that case we have a simple description of the system, namely one di erential equation p= 0.

 How is c generated? We will see that c in this example is not even (di erentially)

nitely generated despite the fact that  is generated by a nite set.

We will also see that cis a prime ideal. Naturally one may ask the question:

 Is p] prime? The answer is negative and hence c 6= p], which answers the rst question.

3 The Dierential Ideal


is Not Prime

In section 6 we show that the di erential ideal  can be considered as a non-di erential graph ideal. This implies that  is prime and hence c is prime too.

We use the convenient notation yi := y(i). Let p:= y0y2;y21 as in the previous section and consider the di erential ideal P := p].

The polynomial p has a special property that we are going to exploit. The following denitions come from 11].

Denition 3.1

LetM 2kfygbe a di erential monomial.Then,M =y11y22:::ymm is said

to have weight wt(M) =Pmi=1ii. 2

Denition 3.2

A di erential polynomial p in one variable is said to beisobaric of weight w if all its monomials have the same weightw. We then use the notationwt(p) =w. 2

Lemma 3.1

The derivativep_of an isobaric polynomial p is isobaric and wt( _p) =wt(p) + 1


See 9]. 2

Lemma 3.2

Let f and g be isobaric polynomials, then fg is isobaric with weight wt(f) + wt(g).



See 9]. 2 The di erential ideal y0y2;y21] is generated by the isobaric polynomial p:= y0y2;y21. The isobaric property ofp can help us solve the membership problem for such an ideal.

LetPj =hpp:::p_ (j)i inky0:::ywt(p)+j].

Theorem 3.1

Let P = p]kfyg, where p is isobaric of weight wt(p) and f 2kfyg. If the monomials of f have weight less than or equal tow then

f 2P , f 2Pw;wt(p):


See 9]. 2

Let f :=y1y3;y22 g:= y1 and p:=y0y2;y12. With aid of the above theorem we can show thatfg=y12y3;y1y222P butf 62P and g62P. HenceP = p] is not prime!

We know that cis prime but p] is not and hence c6= p].



Does Not Have to Be Finitely Generated

In this section we will show the somewhat surprising result that there are systems described by the nitely generated di erential ideal  that have a cwhich is not (di erentially) nitely generated. The combinatorial techniques employed in this section are not entirely di erent from those in 15, 16].

As before we consider the di erential ideal

 := _x1;x1x2x_2y0;x1]:

If we di erentiate the last generator w.r.t. time and substitute _x1 and _x2 by the rst two equations or equivalently use the Lie-derivative we get y1 =x1x2. Repeating this a number of times results in the expressionyk:=x1xk2. This expression can now be used to determine if a polynomialf 2kfyg is a member of c. Since the elements in c is formed by elimination in the di erential ideal , which includes the elementsyk;x1xk2 the substitutionyk=x1xk2 in an element of cmust yield zero.

We will now study how an arbitrary element of c can be constructed.

Denition 4.1

A monomialM 2ky0y1:::] is said to be oftype(ij), wherei= tdeg (M)

is the total degree andj =wt(M) is the weight ofM. 2

By the notation tdeg (M) we here mean the sum of the powers of all variables inM.

Lemma 4.1

Let M 2 ky0y1:::] be a monomial and type(M) = (ij). Then M = xi1xj2 under the substitution ruleyk =x1xk2.


See 9]. 2

The lemma tells us that monomials of the same type in ky0y1:::] will be reduced to the same monomial in kx1x2] under the substitutionyk=x1xk2.

Let f 2c. A consequence of the discussion just before denition 4.1 and of lemma 4.1 is that the coecients of monomials of same type inf have to sum up to zero.


We now generalize these thoughts. Every polynomial in ky0y1:::] can be written as a sum of homogeneous polynomials, i.e. polynomials the monomials of which are of the same total degree. Further, every polynomial can be divided into isobaric polynomials. These two observations implies that we always have the following composition of a polynomial P 2ky0y1:::]

P = XN

i=0 Li


j=0Pij (8)

where N is the largest total degree of a monomial in P and Li is the highest weight of any of the monomials in Pij. Further, tdeg (Pij) = i, Pij are isobaric of weight j and Pij =PSk=1ij ijkMkij ,where Mkijk= 1:::Sij are monomials of type (ij) andijk 2k.

From the above discussion we know that P 2cif and only if PSkij=1ijk = 0.

We now concentrate on the pieces Pij in which we can divide P if P 2 c. Which monomials can thenPij be built of? The following theorem gives us the answer:

Theorem 4.1

P 2c () P =XN

i=2 L


j=2Pij where Pij is a linear combination of the isobaric polynomials qkij=y0:::y0yj;yl1yl2:::yli

where Pir=1lr =j and N is the largest total degree of any monomial in P. The index k is an enumeration of the possible li-tuples (l1:::li), where l1 ::: li.

The polynomialsqkijcan be considered as base vectors in a vector space and the coecients

ijk as coordinates.

Lemma 4.2

Let S =fp2ky0y1:::] :p=PNi=1ifi i 2k fi2ky0y1:::]g. Then,



See 9]. 2

If we allow derivation of the elements in S as well one can show that S] = f1:::fN] in a similar way.

We can now attack the original question: Is c (di erentially) nitely generated? The answer is negative despite the fact that  is!

Theorem 4.2

Let  = _x1 ;x1x2x_2y ;x1]. The ideal c = \kfyg is not nitely generated.


We introduce the notation

cwtL=fP 2c:The monomials M of P have wt(M) Lg: (9)


Suppose that cis nitely generated. This means that there are polynomialsg1:::gK 2c such that c = g1:::gK]. Since K is nite there is a monomial in one of the generators which has higher or equal weight as all the other monomials of the generators.This means thatfg1:::gKg2cwtL ifLis chosen big enough.

We have that cwtL c which implies cwtL] c. If we for every xedL are able to construct a polynomial g with the propertiesg 2 c but g 62 cwtL] then c has to be non nitely generated. We claim that







 L odd 2c but fL+1 62cwtL] (10) i.e.fL+1 is the kind of polynomial we are searching for.

By theorem 4.1 we know that an element in cwtL always can be written on the form P =PMr=1rfr since


i=2 L


j=2Pij =XN

i=2 L


j=2 Sij



r=1rfr (11)

wherer are all theijk and fr are all the qkij.

By the di erential variant of lemma 4.2 we have that cwtL] = f1:::fN], i.e. cwtL] is nitely generated of the isobaric polynomialsfr:=qijk of weight equal to or less than L.

We now know that

cwtL= y0y2;y12:::y0yL;y1yL;1:::y0yL;yL;1




y0y0y2;y0y12:::] (12) where the last dots denote a nite number of generators of total degree higher than or equal to three. This di erential ideal can be viewed as an non nitely generated ideal where the generators are the above generators and their derivatives.

We observe that the total degree of a generator remains constant as one di erentiate it.

This means that iffL+12cwtL] then it has to be constructed of generators of total degree two and their derivatives.

Since fL+1 is an isobaric polynomial of weight L+ 1 and all the generators are isobaric, fL+1 has to be constructed of generators of weight L+ 1. The only polynomials which can be used to construct fL+1 is the rst derivative of the generators of weight L, i.e.

dtd(y0yL;yjyL;j) =y0yL+1+y1yL;yjyL;j+1;yj+1yL;j (13) where j = 12::: L;12 and L is odd. The polynomial fL+1 has to be a linear combination over k of these derivatives since this is the only construction that keeps the weight and total degree constant. It is easy to show that this is not the case and thusfL+1 62cwtL], which

completes the proof. 2

5 Chains of Graph Ideals

When we want to apply some non-di erential algebraic results, such as Grobner bases to state space di erential ideals in di erential rings, we have to develop some preliminary results concerning rings of innitely many variables.


Denition 5.1

A graph ideal is an ideal of the form


wherezi are variables and fi2kx1:::xn]. 2

The usefulness of graph-ideals is to study relations of dependency between f1:::fs, which are supposed to be known. By dependency we mean algebraic dependency. The polynomialsf1:::fm 2kx1:::xn] is said to be algebraically dependent if there is a non- zero P 2 kz1:::zm] such that P(f1:::fm) = 0. The relations can be found by using e.g. Grobner bases and elimination theory. An alternative to this appraoch is suggested in


We will now consider chains of graph ideals and will therefore need a notation for rings of variable size. Let

Rj :=kx1 ::: xn z1 ::: zj] (14) (where nis xed) and

Gj :=fz1;f1:::zj ;fjg (15) where as before zi are variables andf1 ::: fj 2kx1 ::: xn].

Denition 5.2

Let IjN be the graph ideal generated by Gj inRN, i.e.

IjN := ff 2RN :f = X



Lemma 5.1

Let p=p(x1 ::: xn z1 ::: zN)2RN, then

p2IjN () p(x1 ::: xn f1 ::: fj zj+1:::zN) = 0:


There is a special representation of polynomials in RN, from which the lemma immediately follows.

Consider the polynomial h(x) = amxm+am;1xm;1+:::+a1x+a0 and make the sub- stitution x!x+cinh. We get

h(x+c) = (x)x+h(c): (16) This is easily generalized to polynomials in several variables, i.e. ifh2kx1 ::: xn] then

h(x1+c1:::xn+cn) =1(x1:::xn)x1+:::+n(xn)xn+h(x1 ::: xn) (17) or in a slightly more compact form:

h(x1+c1:::xn+cn) =q(x1 ::: xn) +h(c1 ::: cn) (18) whereq 2hx1 ::: xni.

Take a polynomialp2RN and observe that the identityzi = (zi;fi)+fiis a composition of the above form. If we now use what we just have shown we can rewrite pin the following manner

p(x :::xnz :::zN) =p(x :::xn(z f ) +f :::(zj fj) +fjzj :::zN) =


q(x1:::xnz1:::zN) +p(x1 ::: xn f1 ::: fj zj+1:::zN)

whereq2IjN =hz1;f1:::zj;fji. From this representation it immediately follows that p2IjN , p(x1:::xnf1:::fjzj+1:::zN) = 0:


Lemma 5.2

Let IjN be the graph ideal dened in denition 5.2, then i) IjN is a prime ideal.

ii) IjN\kx1:::xn] = 0.

iii) For all jsN where j s N we have that

INN \kz1 ::: zj] = IsN\kz1 ::: zj]:


We start by showing that IjN is a prime ideal.

Suppose that fg2IjN. We know, by lemma 5.1 that this is equivalent to

f(x1 ::: xn f1 ::: fjzj+1:::zN)g(x1 ::: xnf1 ::: fjzj+1:::zN) = 0: (19) Now bothf(x1:::xnf1:::fjzj+1:::zN) andg(x1:::xnf1:::fjzj+1:::zN) are polynomials in the ring kx1:::xnzj+1:::zN], since fi 2 kx1:::xn]. The product of two polynomials cannot be zero unless one of them are zero. This forces at least one of f(x1:::xnf1:::fjzj+1:::zN) or g(x1:::xnf1:::fjzj+1:::zN) to be zero, i.e. at least one of f or g belongs to IjN according to lemma 5.1. This shows that IjN is prime.

Suppose that p2IjN. According to lemma 5.1 this is equivalent to

p(x1 ::: xn f1 ::: fj zj+1:::zN) = 0 (20) If in additionp2kx1:::xn] thenp=q(x1:::xn) and

0 =p(x1 ::: xn f1:::fjzj+1:::zN) =q(x1:::xn) (21) This shows that phas to be the zeropolynomial. Thus we have shown

IjN \kx1:::xn] = 0 We have thatIsN INN and hence

IsN\kz1:::zj] INN \kz1:::zj] (22) Now supposep2INN \kz1:::zj] butp62IsN\kz1:::zj].

The assumptions give

p2kz1 ::: zj] ) p(x1 ::: xn z1 ::: zN) =q(z1 ::: zj) (23)


and p2INN () p(x1 ::: xn f1:::fj:::fN) = 0: (24) Together this leads to p(x1 ::: xnf1:::fj:::fN) =q(f1 ::: fj) = 0.

Next we notice that

p62IsN () 06=p(x1 ::: xnf1:::fj:::fszs+1:::zN) =q(f1:::fj): (25) This is a contradiction and hence the last part of the lemma follows. 2


Parti)andii)of the above lemma can be proved very elegantly using a little more abstract reasoning: Consider the quotient ring RN=IjN. Obviously we have that

RN=IjN ' kx1 ::: xn zj+1 ::: zN] (26) i.e. the quotient ring is thefree polynomial ring in the variables

x1 ::: xn zj+1 ::: zN (27) So in particular it is an integral domain, soIjN is prime. Since the quotient ring is free claim ii)follows. The authors have not found an equally elegant proof of claim iii).

The concept of graph ideals is very useful when considering di erential ideals as (3), i.e. di erential ideals generated by the state equations. These di erential ideals can be con- sidered as graph ideals in innitely many variables.

6 Truncations of Graph Ideals

The question now is if we can get a grip on di erential ideals with non di erential tools? One way is to consider only the elements of a di erential ideal up to a certain order, which we will call the truncation of that di erential ideal.

Our main interest will be in di erential ideals of one variable y and truncations of those di erential ideals, i.e. subsets of elements up to a certain order. We will use the notation yi

for the variable representing theith derivative ofy andy0 =y.

Denition 6.1

The Lie-derivative operator is dened by Lf =Xn

i=1fi @

@xi +X1

i=1u(i) @



All derivatives of y can be obtained by repeated use of the Lie-derivative operator and the result is a function of the state variables and uand its derivatives.

Denition 6.2

Let hj = Ljfh(xu), where x = (x1 ::: xn) and u = (u0:::uN), i.e. u and its N rst derivatives. We dene the graph ideal

Oj :=hy0;h0(xu):::yj;hj(xu)i ky0:::yjx u]


Theorem 6.1

On\ky0 ::: ynu]contains an input-output equation for (2).


See 4] or 5]. 2

The input-output equation is easily found by using Grobner bases and elimination theory.

How much information does one get about the truncated di erential ideal c\ky0 ::: yju] by considering truncations of the graph idealOj?

Theorem 6.2

We have that c\ky0 ::: yj] =Oj\ky0 ::: yj].


By changing point of view we can consider a di erential ring as a ring of innitely many variables, i.e.

kfx1 ::: xnyg!kx1 ::: xnyx_1 ::: x_ny:::_ ]

where the superscripts together with the subscripts are now nothing more than labels for the variables. A nitely generated di erential ideal as ABC] then becomes

hAA:::B_ B:::C_ C:::_ i (28) i.e. an innitely generated ideal.

Consider the di erential ideal  = _x1 ;f1:::x_n;fny;h]. If we now rename the variables according to

z0=y0 ::: zj =yj (29)

zj+1 = _x1:::zj+n= _xn zj+1+n=yj+1 (30) zj+2+n= x1 ::: zj+1+2n= xn zj+2+2n=yj+2::: (31) we get the ideal

hz0;h0:::zj;hjzj+1;f1:::zj+n;fn:::i (32) This is a graph ideal of innitely many zi. Since the proofs in section 5 are completely independent of the number N of the variables zi, lemma 5.1 and 5.2 are true even when N =1.

With the non-di erential description of  it now follows from iii) of lemma 5.2 that

hz0;h0:::zj;hjzj+1;f1:::i\kz0 ::: zj] =

hz0;h0:::zj ;hji\kz0 ::: zj] (33) or in the old names of the variables

\ky0 ::: yj] = hy0;h0 ::: yj;hji\ky0 ::: yj] (34) that is

c\ky0 ::: yj] =Oj\ky0 ::: yj]

which completes the proof. 2

Note that the input u does not appear anywhere in the proof. The theorem holds equally well if we adjoinuand its derivatives tok, i.e. if we letkhuibe the eld of coecients instead of k.

Another way of computing c ky  ::: yj] is provided by theorem 7.3.


7 Description of


with Characteristic Sets

In section 3 we showed that ifpis a polynomial of lowest order in cthen in general c6= p].

An interesting question now is: Are there cases when we have equality and in that case which conditions do we then have to pose on p?

Consider a system described by state space equations of the form (2) but without an input, i.e. u= 0. This equations corresponds to the di erential ideal

 := _x1;f1(x) ::: x_n;fn(x) y;h(x)] kfx1 ::: xnyg (35) We now want to know which di erential equations the outputysatises, i.e. we are interested in c := \kfyg. We are especially interested in the di erential equation of lowest order p= 0 thaty satises.

The di erential polynomial p can be found using a method built on Grobner bases pre- sented in 4]. It can also be showed that when the process stops we get one polynomial, which is unique.

This polynomial p has some interesting properties. Since p 2  is the polynomial of lowest order in the single variable y in  it is also of lowest order in c. Now c is a set of di erential ideals in one variable and because p is a polynomial of lowest order it has to be a characteristic set of c(two di erential polynomials in one variable cannot be reduced w.r.t. each other so the characteristic set has only one element).

Theorem 7.1



is a characteristic set of a prime dierential ideal I then I = 


] :HA1.


See 11]. 2

From the preceding chapters we now that  can be interpreted as a graph ideal and hence is a prime di erential ideal. That  is prime implies that cis prime. We have the characteristic setfpg of the prime di erential ideal cand consequently the theorem gives

c = p] :Hp1 (36)

We notice that sincep2c we have that

p] c (37)

and from the expressions (36) and (37) we get the following limits on c:

p] c = p] :Hp1 (38)

We will now examine the relationship between p] and the di erential ideal p] :Hp1. If f 2p] then f =fHp0 2p] which shows that

p] p] :Hp1 (39)

Suppose that p] is prime and that fpg is a characteristic set of p]. Let f 2 p] : Hp1, then fHrp 2p] for somer. Since p] is prime either f or Hrp has to be in p]. According to the denition ofHp it has lower order thanp. Sincefpgis a characteristic set of p] there are no element of lower order thanpin p], hence Hp p]. The productHp =HpHp p], since


p] is prime and none of the factors ofHp2 are in p]. By induction one realizes thatHrp 62p].

Thus we have a productfHrp 2p], where the factor Hrp 62p]. Since p] is prime then f has to be in p]. Thus we have showed that ifp is the characteristic set of the prime di erential ideal p] then

p] :Hp1 p] (40)

Combining the inclusions (39) and (40) gives the equality

p] = p] :Hp1 (41)

when p is the characteristic set of the prime di erential ideal p]. This discussion is in fact the proof of theorem 7.1 in the case when the characteristic set consist of only one element.

We now observe the fact that sincefpgis a characteristic set of cit is also a characteristic set of p], since p] c.

Notice that if c= p] then p] have to be prime since c is prime. The discussion above is summed up in the following theorem:

Theorem 7.2

If p2kfyg is the polynomial of lowest order in c then

p]is prime () c= p]

Despite this characterization of cit can be of limited use, since it can be a very dicult task to decide if p] is prime or not. There is one case when it is easy, namely if the initialIp

and separant Sp ofp belong tok. Then Hp 2k and p] = p] :Hp, which is prime.

We also note that ccan be nitely generated without being equal to p]. An example is provided by

y21;y0] :y1 = y12;y02y2;1] (42) The ideal y21 ;y0] has a simple interpretation in mechanics and it has also been discussed by Pommaret 20].

We conclude with an alternative theorem describing the structure of the ideal c. This theorem is merely a reformulation of a well known result by Ritt.

Theorem 7.3

Let p2Kfyg be a dierential polynomial of dierential order  in y and H the product of the separant and initial of p. Then for all iwe have that

c\Ky0 ::: yi] = hp @p :::@i;pi:H1 Here @= ddt.


Let f 2Kfyg. According to 21, p. 115] we have that

prem(fp) = 0 () f 2p] :H1 (43)

where prem(fp) denotes the pseudo-remainder of f w.r.t. p. Ritt and Kolchin use the term remainder, but this terminology seems a little old-fashioned cf. 10]. But the way the pseudo-remainder is constructed we realize that (43) is equivalent to

f 2p] :H1 () f 2hp @p :::@i;pi:H1 (44)

which proves the theorem. 2

To do calculations in ideals of the type I :H1 one uses the so called Rabinovich trick.

More about this can be found in e.g. 6].


8 Extensions

The results were obtained by examining a system written in polynomial state space form without an input. It would be interesting to examine the possibility to construct an example with nonzero input, which has similar consequences as the one treated. The input-output di erential ideal c2kfuyg is then a di erential ideal in two variables.

How \bad" can the ideal p] behave? Are there examples of systems, where p] is not even a radical di erential ideal? If this is the case, then there are elements in the ideal with the property f 62 p] but fr 2p] for some r. Translated into di erential equations this means that p] only contains the di erential equation fr= 0r >1 and not the simpler description f = 0. A candidate of a non-radical ideal is P := y21;y0]. It can be shown thaty322P. To show thatP is not radical, one have to show that y362P.

The di erential ideal y0y2;y1] considered as an ideal in innitely many variables has some similarities with a graph ideal. Is it prime? If this is the case we have an example of a prime di erential ideal generated by a single di erential polynomial whose initial and separant are nontrivial.

To use the method of Grobner bases in di erential algebraic calculations we had to inter- pret the di erential algebraic problem in algebraic terms. This interpretation is possible due to the fact that we found a restriction of the problem to a ring of nitely many variables. In the general case this is not trivial or even possible, since there are di erential ideals, which is not (di erential) nitely generated as in section 4. An interesting subject is the concept of di erential Grobner bases. Some references on this topic are 2],13] and 17].

9 Conclusions

We have considered systems described by polynomial di erential equations, i.e.

x_1;f1(xu) = 0 _ ...

xn;fn(xu) = 0 y;h(xu) = 0

(45) where x=x1 ::: xnare the state variables,uis the input,yis the output andf1 ::: fnare polynomials. In the language of di erential algebra we can formulate this system description as a di erential ideal generated by the left hand sides of (45), i.e.


We have studied the set c= \kfuyg, i.e. all input-output di erential equations that the systems input and output variables have to satisfy. In particular we have considered the case of no input, that is kfxy g and ckfyg, which corresponds to the transient behavior of the system.

There is a method for obtaining the unique input-output equation of lowest order of the system represented by (45). We call the left hand side of this di erential equation p. The results are

 c6= p] in general

cmight not even be generated by a nite number of di erential polynomials


 c= p] i p] is prime

 cis always prime but p] does not have to be prime

These results were obtained by the study of a parameterized version of a rst order system, namely

x_1;x1x2= 0 x_2= 0 y;x1= 0 (46) so they are not anomalies from some non physical system.

These results shows the fact that despite the structure of the original system of polynomial di erential equations is captured in the nitely generated di erential ideal  we do not have a simple di erential algebraic description of the input-output ideal c other than in special cases. This means that one has to be careful in the study of such ideals and that the ideal description problem for them is highly non-trivial. It is also an indication that it could be more convenient to consider a system as described by solutions (time-trajectories) rather than equations. This is also one of the ideas in the behavioral framework of Willems, see e.g. 23].

There is also a close analogy with the duality between algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, i.e. zero manifolds vs. equations, as in the spirit of 14].


This work was nancially supported by the Swedish Council for Technical Research (TFR).


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