Erythrocyte amino acids in health and renal failure and their association to the IGF-I/IGFBP-1 axis
Pain related aspects of neck muscle performance, functioning and psychosocial factors in individuals with cervical radiculopathy
Tillæg til Nordisk Samarbejdsprogram for Ligestilling 2019 – 2022 : Lige rettigheder, behandling og muligheder for LGBTI-personer i Norden
The Nordics, together : Finland’s Presidency 2021
The Nordic Adaptation of Classification of OccupationallyRelated Disorders (Diseases and Symptoms) to ICD-10
The Future Nordic Co-operation on Health
The emergence of a new nordic food culture : Final report from the program New Nordic Food II, 2010–2014
Terveysalan pohjoismainen yhteistyö tulevaisuudessa
Sustainable Nordic Welfare : - a programme for new welfare solutions for people in the Nordic region
Supplement to Nordic Co-operation Programme on Gender Equality 2019-2022 : Equal rights, treatment and opportunities for LGBTI people in the Nordic region
Stem Cell Research in the Nordic Countries : Science, Ethics, Public Debate and Law
State of the Nordic Region 2018 : Theme 4: Focus chapters
Sektorprogram Social- og sundhedspolitik : Danmarks formandsskab i Nordisk Ministerråd 2015
Sektorprogram Social- och hälsoområdet : Finlands ordförandeskap i Nordiska ministerrådet 2016
Sektorprogram Jämställdhet : Finlands ordförandeskap i Nordiska ministerrådet 2016
Sektoriohjelma Tasa-arvo : Suomen puheenjohtajakausi Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvostossa 2016
Sektoriohjelma Sosiaali- ja terveyspolitiikan ministerineuvosto : Suomen Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvoston puheenjohtajuus 2016
Saman í þágu jafnréttis – öflugri Norðurlönd : Norræn samstarfsáætlun um jafnréttismál 2015–2018
Reducing maritime emissions : Policy recommendations for the future of Nordic green marine transport
Recruitment and Retention of Health Care Professionals in the Nordic Countries : A Cross-national Analysis
Pohjoismaat, yhdessä : Suomen puheenjohtajakauden ohjelma 2021
Manipulation of potassium ion fluxes to induce apoptosis in lung cancer cells
Du är ingen riktig man: En studie om socialarbetares arbete med män som utsatts för relationsvåld ur genus-, maskulinitets- och hegemoniperspektiv