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Övrig medverkan och finansiering

Tack till Emanuele Valenti, European University of Madrid, och Stefan Priebe, Queen Mary University of London, som designade den internationella studien, samt Anna Rosén, som var bisittare vid intervjuer och skrev ut dem. Studien finansierades av Region Örebro län.


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Katsakou, C., Marougka, S., Garabette, J., Rost, F., Yeeles K. & Priebe, S. (2011) Why do some vol-untary patients feel coerced into hospitalisation? A mixed-methods study. Psychiatry Research, 187(1–2): 275–282.

Katsakou, C. & Priebe, S. (2007) Patient’s experiences of involuntary hospital admission and treat-ment. Review of qualitative studies. Epidemiologia e psichiatria sociale, 16(2): 172–178.

Kjellin, L., Andersson, K., Bartholdson, E., Candefjord, I. L., Holmstrom, H., Jacobsson, L., Sandlund, M., Wallsten, T. & Östman, M. (2004 ) Coercion in psychiatric care. Patients’ and relatives’ experiences from four Swedish psychiatric services. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 58(2):


Kjellin, L. & Pelto-Piri, V. (2014) Community treatment orders in a Swedish county – applied as intended? BMC Research Notes, 7: 879.

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